MP :: Volume #17

#1680: White clothing Corpse General

On Monday, asked the recommendation ticket! 周一,求推荐票! ...... …… The strength of Yang Kai powerful Divine Soul makes the white clothing man change countenance, under becomes angry out of shame, he cried loud and long, the whole person had and obvious change suddenly. 杨开强大的神魂之力让白衣男子动容不已,恼羞成怒之下,他长啸一声,整个人忽然发生了及其明显的变化。 On such as was cut side Fengqi who kills to be the same by Yang Kai in Heavenly Fate City, his build rose suddenly suddenly, on the exposed flesh outside seeps out the white like the steel needle hair, near the corners of the mouth two fangs exposed, aura that spits continually is blue-green color Corpse Qi. 就如在天运城杨开斩杀的方风棋一样,他的体型骤然暴涨了一圈,裸露在外的肌肤上渗出白色如钢针般的毛发,嘴角边两颗獠牙裸露,连吐出来的气息都是碧绿色尸气 He jumps same place, such as the shell soars to the heavens on straight, dislodges a hole Palace, the eye full is the color of ruthless offense, aimed at Yang Kai the direction, two sharp claws palms wield again and again, the Tearing Space claw glow attacks one after another sufficiently toward Yang Kai. 他原地跃起,如炮弹般冲天直上,将宫殿撞出一个窟窿来,眼满是狠戾之色,瞅准了杨开袭来的方向,两只利爪般的手掌连连挥动,一道又一道足以撕裂空间的爪芒朝杨开攻去。 Rolls!” Yang Kai drinks severely, has not dodged has not evaded, on the fist wrapped the jet black flame, a front surface fist is rumbling in the past. “滚下去!”杨开厉喝,没闪没避,拳头上包裹着漆黑的火焰,迎面一拳轰了过去。 Everywhere claw glow disintegration, the strength bombardment of huge on this white clothing man, making him unable to bear snort/hum one stuffily, such as the meteor crashes toward under. 漫天爪芒崩碎,庞大的劲道轰击在这白衣男子身上,让他忍不住闷哼一声,如流星般朝下方坠落。 After the moment, along with bang one, in the ground pounds a human form pothole. 片刻后,伴随着轰隆一声,地面上砸出一个人形坑洞。 The white clothing man even more is angrily wild, withstood Yang Kai to strike, he has not received many injuries unexpectedly the appearances, rise with a jump from the pothole, the opens the mouth put out circular bead, thick deep green Corpse Qi gathered the arrow arrow, toward the Yang Kai concentrated fire. 白衣男子愈发狂暴恼怒,承受了杨开一击,他竟没受到多少伤害的样子,从坑洞里一跃而起,张口就吐出了一枚圆珠,浓浓的碧绿尸气汇聚成箭矢,朝杨开攒射。 Yang Kai hand wrist shakes gently, the Dragon Bone Verdant Sword ease appearance, pours into Saint Yuan, along with the sound of soaring Dragon Roar, Dragon Bone Sword in a flash, changes into Dark Green Huge Dragon slightly, Shaking its head and Wagging its tail throws toward under strikes. 杨开手腕轻轻一抖,龙骨剑滴翠悠然出现,灌入圣元,伴随着高昂的龙吟之声,龙骨剑微微一晃,化为一头碧绿巨龙,摇头摆尾地朝下方扑击。 Yang Kai stands on dragon head, overlook the white clothing man, the eye is completely being the meaning of disdaining. 杨开只身站在龙首上,俯瞰着白衣男子,眼尽是不屑之意。 That makes Corpse Qi that standing of Void Return Stage powerhouse moistening executes not have to the Dark Green Huge Dragon least bit function sufficiently, Corpse Qi is poisonous, Dark Green Huge Dragon is also virulent. It is not naturally able to do. 那足以让返虚镜强者沾之立毙的尸气碧绿巨龙半点作用也没有,尸气有毒,碧绿巨龙也有毒。自然无法奈何它。 Is Dark Green Huge Dragon opens the big mouth on the contrary, swallows from in Shizhu deep green Corpse Qi that bunch completely, making the white clothing man look flurried. 反倒是碧绿巨龙张开大口,将那一团团源自于尸珠的碧绿尸气吞噬殆尽,让白衣男子神色慌乱。 From pulled closer rapidly. 距离迅速被拉近。 Staring at that is getting bigger and bigger, opened huge mouth dragon head, the white clothing man is unable to be calm finally. Cries out strangely, from avoids hurriedly same place. 凝视着那越来越大,张开了巨口的龙首,白衣男子终于无法气定神闲。怪叫一声,匆忙从原地避开。 Dark Green Huge Dragon comes up empty-handed, Yang Kai actually jumps down from dragon head, puts out a hand a move, Dark Green Huge Dragon changes into Dragon Bone Sword again, was grasped by him in the hand. A sword chops ruthlessly. 碧绿巨龙扑了个空,杨开却从龙首上一跃而下,伸手一招,碧绿巨龙再次化为龙骨剑,被他握在手上。一剑狠狠劈下。 As if must cut to break this stretch of the world, does not have on the long sword of front no blade unconstrained selling person frightened aura. 似乎要斩破这片天地,无锋无刃的长剑上跌宕出让人惊悚的气息 The white clothing man has a big shock, holds up an arm to keep off hastily. 白衣男子大惊失色,连忙举起一只臂膀去挡。 , The green glow flashes through silently, the arm that was covered with the mildew cut off, falls on the ground. 无声无息地,绿芒闪过,一只长满了白毛的胳膊被斩断,掉落在地上。 The white clothing man was then really frightened. His didn't expect also has such terrifying character in Gloom Star radically unexpectedly, before he passed on a message Gloom Star first powerhouse Ye Xiyun to fight with that thought that the opponent is also mediocre, the youth but who presents now suddenly, unexpectedly is stronger than to plan Ye Xiyun incessantly, own unexpectedly is completely not an opponent. 白衣男子这下真的是被吓到了。他根本没想到幽暗星上居然还有如此恐怖的人物,之前他与那传言幽暗星第一强者叶惜筠交手过,觉得对手也不过如此而已,可现在忽然出现的这个青年,居然比叶惜筠强出不止一筹,自己竟完全不是对手。 The eye looks at opposite party is a sword chops, the white clothing man could ignore what face. Tumbles hurriedly, avoids this strikes at the same time takes advantage of opportunity to pick up the arm of own break, stands up the behind figure to explode draws back. 看着对方又是一剑劈来,白衣男子也顾不得什么脸面了。匆忙就地翻滚,避开这一击的同时顺势捡起自己断裂的臂膀,站起身后身形爆退。 Has left Yang Kai to have distance of thousand feet (333 m), he has a lingering fear stops the step, will break the arm to aim at the wound, while the complexion gloomy such as the water looks. 一直离开杨开百丈之距,他才心有余悸地停下步伐,一边将断臂对准伤口,一边脸色阴沉如水地看过来。 Is only broken the arm place by Yang Kai with that Dragon Bone Sword cuts, gave birth to many granulations unexpectedly, the granulation was wriggling, but the moment will break the arm to join. 杨开龙骨剑斩下的那只断臂处,竟生出了许多肉芽,肉芽蠕动着,不过片刻就将断臂重新接上。 The white clothing man makes all these times, Yang Kai watches critically. Has not prevented, when he meets the arm, Yang Kai cracks into a smile suddenly: Where have we seen?” 白衣男子做这一切的时候,杨开只是冷眼旁观。并没有阻止,等到他将胳膊接好,杨开才忽然咧嘴一笑:“我们是不是在哪里见过?” Listened to him saying that the white clothing man also frowns, at once is suddenly enlighted. The hand is pointing at Yang Kai, cannot believe shouts: Is you, unexpectedly is you!” 听他这么说,白衣男子也皱起眉头,旋即恍然大悟。手指着杨开,不可置信地喝道:“是你,居然是你!” We have really seen!” Yang Kai is smiling slightly, in that Corpse Cave, I remembered you.” “我们果然见过!”杨开微微地笑着,“是在那尸穴吧,我记得你了。” Time that first sees this white clothing man, Yang Kai feels somewhat looks familiar, now finally thinks, at that time he and Yang Yan two people thorough Buried Mighty Valley below Corpse Cave, had once met face to face with this white clothing man, the opposite party also acts attack he. 第一眼看到这个白衣男子的时候,杨开就觉得有些眼熟,现在终于想起来了,当时他与阳炎两人深入葬雄谷下方的尸穴,曾经与这个白衣男子打过照面,对方还出手攻击过他。 At that time this white clothing man was the powerhouse of Corpse General rank, intended to stroke Yang Kai that to flee at the mere distant sight, so many years passed by, his strength obviously was increased much. 当时这白衣男子就是尸将级别的强者了,出手一击打的杨开望风而逃,这么多年过去,他的实力明显又提升不少。 I also remembered you!” The white clothing man grins fiendishly, is you sneaks Corpse Cave, stole away many things, but this Protector must actually thank you!” “我也记得你了!”白衣男子狞笑一声,“是你潜入尸穴,偷走了许多东西,不过本护法倒是要谢谢你!” What thanked my?” Yang Kai knits the brows. “谢我什么?”杨开皱眉。 Thanked you to take that group of Sun's True Essence! If is not you, this Protector does not have the achievement of now saying!” The white clothing man laughs. “谢你取走了那一团太阳真精!若非是你,本护法也没有今曰的成就!”白衣男子哈哈大笑。 What relations has with Sun's True Essence?” Yang Kai is puzzled. “与太阳真精有什么关系?”杨开不解。 Said you are not clear!” The white clothing man sneers, this Protector is Corpse Spirit Religion, white clothing Corpse General Kang Feirao, the boy, in the report the name!” “说了你也不明白!”白衣男子冷笑一声,“本护法尸灵教,白衣尸将康飞饶,小子,报上你的名字!” White clothing Corpse General......” the Yang Kai brow selects, also has red clothed Corpse General, what azure clothes Corpse General?” “白衣尸将……”杨开眉头一挑,“是不是还有红衣尸将,青衣尸将什么的?” He remembers in that Corpse Cave, but also saw several other put on different Corpse General. 他想起在那尸穴,还见到了另外几位穿着不同的尸将 Good!” The meaning that Kang Feirao has not denied, boy, my Corpse Spirit Religion will take series Gloom Star sooner or later, your young cultivation level is good, how might as well turn to my Corpse Spirit Religion? This Protector must report bright Religion Master, gives you Deacon ding-dong!” “不错!”康飞饶并没有否认的意思,“小子,我尸灵教早晚要一统幽暗星,你年纪轻轻修为却不俗,不如投靠我尸灵教如何?本护法必会禀明教主,给你一个执事当当!” Has no interest!” Yang Kai curls the lip. “没兴趣!”杨开撇嘴。 Boy does not want to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, this Protector also got up loved heart, you think that I couldn't do to you?” “小子不要敬酒不吃吃罚酒,本护法也是起了爱才之心,你以为我奈何不了你么?” „Can you?” Yang Kai is smiling gently. “你可以嘛?”杨开轻轻地笑着。 The voice falls, Kang Feirao complexion big change, because he suddenly discovered, this about Yang Kai in own thousand feet (333 m), does not know unexpectedly with what means that the flash made a long-range raid in front of own, puts out a hand, huge Space Crack takes shape in front of own, such as the great blade cuts generally toward own! 话音落,康飞饶脸色大变,因为他忽然发现,本在自己百丈开外的杨开,竟不知道用了什么办法,一瞬间就奔袭到了自己面前,伸手一点,一道巨大的空间裂缝就在自己面前成型,如巨刃一般朝自己斩来! Space Force!” Kang Feirao the pale complexion even more did not have the blood-color, he remembers finally, said that Yang Kai can save skin from Corpse Cave, taken advantage is also Space Force. 空间之力!”康飞饶本就惨白的脸色愈发没了血色,他终于想起,当曰杨开之所以能够从尸穴安然逃脱,依仗的也是空间之力 But now sees him to display such a, obviously he is profound in the Space Force attainments. 而如今见他施展这么一手,可见他在空间之力的造诣上有多么高深。 An absolutely terrified feeling raises easely, Kang Feirao retreat, avoided swallowing of that Space Crack rapidly. 一股毛骨悚然的感觉悠然升起,康飞饶急速后退,堪堪避开了那空间裂缝的吞噬。 In the Yang Kai surface as if appears color of being annoyed, but is quick, he showed the cunning smile. 杨开面上似乎浮现出一丝懊恼之色,不过很快,他就露出了狡黠的微笑。 The Kang Feirao instinct detects improper, but where is not right, somewhat cannot say, doubt puzzled time, the back huge strength transmits, that feeling has ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) mountain pounded ruthlessly after own to conduct the back to be the same probably, within the body resounds the sound of innumerable bone sound break immediately. 康飞饶本能地察觉不妥,可到底哪里不对劲,又有些说不上来,正狐疑不解的时候,背后一股庞大的力道传来,那种感觉就好像是有万丈高山狠狠地砸在了自己的后背上一样,体内立刻响起了无数骨头声断裂的声响。 Was hit hard by this, a Kang Feirao opens the mouth, one group of deep green fresh blood emit, imposing manner of whole person becomes the dispirited to be many, falls toward Yang Kai under the function of surname. 受此重击,康飞饶一张口,一团碧绿的鲜血喷吐出来,整个人的气势都变得萎靡不少,在惯姓的作用下朝杨开跌去。 Wastes time it, he strives to turn head, who wants to have a look is can silently close to own, strikes to own layer on layer/heavily. 白忙之,他勉力回头,想看看到底是谁能无声无息地靠近自己,给自己重重一击。 Under looks, Kang Feirao was scared. 一望之下,康飞饶傻眼了。 Sneak attacks own, unexpectedly is a gruff gruff brain, grasps a stone giant of black stick! 偷袭自己的,居然是一个憨头憨脑,手持一根黑棍的石巨人! This stone giant not life aura, no wonder own is unable to discover. 这个石巨人没有一点生命气息,难怪自己无法发现。 Then looked how you hide!” Yang Kai grins to grin fiendishly, both hands fly upwards, Space Crack rapid formations, gather Heavenly Net place, covers toward Kang Feirao, closed off his all escape routes! “这下看你怎么躲!”杨开咧嘴狞笑,双手飞扬,一道道空间裂缝迅速成型,汇聚成一张天罗地,朝康飞饶覆盖过去,封锁了他所有退路! The Kang Feirao complexion big change, feels the treacherous strength that Space Crack transmits, took a deep breath, suddenly lives in the figure. 康飞饶脸色大变,感受到那空间裂缝传来的诡谲力量,深吸一口气,猛地顿住身形。 the next moment, his whole person as if turned into Nihility, sneaks toward the place under rapidly! 下一刻,他整个人似乎变成了虚无般,迅速朝地底下潜入! He as if can fuse together with the land! 他仿佛能与大地融为一体! Gathers Heavenly Net Space Crack to fly from his top of the head, cannot play many roles! 汇聚成天罗地般的空间裂缝从他的头顶处飞过去,没能起到多少作用! Blocks him!” The Yang Kai complexion sinks, knows that cannot make Kang Feirao escape absolutely into underground, otherwise, own does not have the means to look him. “拦住他!”杨开脸色一沉,知道绝对不能让康飞饶遁入地下,否则的话,自己也没办法将他找出来。 Stone Puppet resulted in the command, the body in a flash, from vanishes not to see same place, escapes into the bottom deep place. 石傀得令,身子一晃,就从原地消失不见,遁入了地底深处。 Land under transmits the remarkable fight fluctuation, ground concave-convex fluctuating, as if the wave spreads toward the distant place generally. 紧接着,大地下方传来惊人的战斗波动,地面凹凸起伏,仿佛波浪一般朝远方扩散。 After the moment, along with angry howling, Kang Feirao from underground fled, the face of whole person twists. 片刻后,伴随着一声愤怒的吼叫,康飞饶从地下窜了出来,整个人的脸庞都扭曲起来。 But Stone Puppet is in hot pursuit, Heaven Shaking Pillar in its hand light , if no thing, wields a stick shadow, Kang Feirao that only hits does not dare to stay. 石傀紧追不舍,一根撼天柱在它手上轻若无物,挥出一片棍影,只打的康飞饶根本不敢停留。 Plays the escaping place in front of Stone Puppet the acrobatics, can only say that Kang Feirao was extremely stupid! 石傀面前玩遁地的把戏,只能说康飞饶太过愚蠢了! Escapes, but one of the Stone Puppet natural talent divine ability. 遁地可是石傀天赋神通之一。 Yang Kai does not know when has arrived above the Kang Feirao top of the head high vacancy, the five fingers has shaken, more than ten Golden Blood Silk Thread fill the air, such as golden spirit snakes, toward the Kang Feirao winding in the past. 杨开不知何时已经来到了康飞饶头顶上方的高空处,五指一抖,十几道金血丝弥漫而出,如一条条金色的灵蛇,朝康飞饶缠绕过去。 Instantaneously bundles him solid. 瞬间就将他捆的严严实实。 Kang Feirao also wants to struggle the resistance, Stone Puppet Heaven Shaking Pillar has swept, under a stick, the Kang Feirao lower part was swept ashes, the huge strength drives his body, in the midair that he hits turns circle turning round. 康飞饶还想挣扎反抗,石傀撼天柱已经扫了过来,一棍之下,康飞饶下半身被扫成齑粉,庞大的力道带动他的身子,将他打的在半空滴溜溜转圈。 The misfortune had not ended, the beast mouth that Space Crack such as opens is ordinary, in his side formation, swallowed his certainly most parts Clone body. 厄运并没有就此结束,空间裂缝如张开的兽口一般,在他身边成型,吞噬了他绝大部分身体。 When Kang Feirao falls to the ground above, was only left over an incomplete body. 等到康飞饶落地之上,只剩下一具残缺的身躯了。 Trades to be the average person to cause heavy losses by this, only feared died cannot die again. 换做普通人遭此重创,只怕早就死的不能再死。 But the Corpse Spirit Race itself is born by the deceased person, vitality and tenaciousness, this kind of injury Kaname Nemoto his surname life. 尸灵族本就是由死人诞生出来的,生命力及其顽强,这样的伤势根本要不了他的姓命。 His abdomen place transmits the violent fluctuation of energy, the biography to all the limbs and bones, the wound place flesh wriggles, starts the body that restores to be damaged unexpectedly. 他腹部处传来剧烈的能量波动,传向四肢百骸,伤口处血肉蠕动,竟开始修复受损的身体。 Yang Kai went forward, puts out a hand to insert his abdomen, covered his corpse bead. 杨开上前,伸手插进了他的腹部,扣住了他的尸珠。 The flesh of that creeping motion stopped the sound finally, Kang Feirao motionlessly, was looking at close Yang Kai alarmed and afraid. 那蠕动的血肉终于停止了动静,康飞饶一动也不动,惊惧地望着近在咫尺的杨开 His eye full is the color of hatred, but becomes compromises finally, sighed saying: Said that you want anything to let off me!” 他眼满是怨毒之色,可最终还是变得妥协下来,叹气道:“说吧,你想要什么才能放过我!” „Are you discussing the condition with me?” Yang Kai contemptuously is smiling. “你在跟我谈条件?”杨开轻蔑地笑着。 Good!” “不错!” You thought that own does have this qualifications?” Yang Kai continues to sneer. “你觉得自己有这个资格?”杨开继续冷笑。 You do not kill me, has clearly striven to me, otherwise, do you keep me to be surnamed the life to do really?” Kang Feirao cold snort. “你不杀我,分明是对我有所求,否则的话,你留我姓命作甚?”康飞饶冷哼 You are actually intelligent.” Yang Kai nods, „ you still do not have the qualifications to discuss the condition with me, your this kind of has “你倒是聪明。”杨开点点头,“不过你依然没资格跟我谈条件,你这样的存在我一只手就可以捏死!” Kang Feirao complexion Yin clear uncertain, finally cannot refute. 康飞饶脸色阴晴不定,最终没能反驳。
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