MP :: Volume #17

#1679: A big fish

Let Mo Yu slow a while, Yang Kai then start to inquire High Heaven Sect that side situation. 墨宇缓了一会儿,杨开这才开始打探凌霄宗那边的情况。 The news that however Du Yanling knows are not many, Black Ink Sea City nearly one year of time was sieged, had broken the relation with the outside world, only when some martial artist run into occasionally Black Ink Sea City seeks asylum, can for them bring some information. 不过杜雁菱知道的消息也不多,墨海城近一年时间都被围困,早已与外界断了联系,只有当一些武者偶尔逃进墨海城避难的时候,才能为他们带来一些情报。 According to these martial artist that fled from calamity to come, the High Heaven Sect entrance seems to be surrounded by the Corpse Spirit Religion army now, anybody is unable to pass in and out it, as for the High Heaven Sect internal situation, that no one knew. 据那些逃难而来的武者所说,凌霄宗的入口处如今似乎被尸灵教大军围住了,任何人都无法进出其,至于凌霄宗内部的情况,那就无人得知了。 A year ago, High Heaven Sect also sets out the powerhouse frequently, aids these sieged Sect influence, but with the buckle of High Heaven Sect powerhouse, High Heaven Sect also held troops in this year, situation as if somewhat less optimistic appearance. 一年之前,凌霄宗还频繁地出动强者,去援助那些被围困的宗门势力,但随着凌霄宗强者的折损,这一年来凌霄宗也按兵不动了,情况似乎有些不容乐观的样子。 But Corpse Spirit Religion to prevent the High Heaven Sect powerhouse departs, there is a large part of personnel to be placed outside Flowing Flame Sand Field, to do to monitor, heard that it also Protector assumed personal command. 尸灵教为了防止凌霄宗强者离去,有很大一部分人员被安置了流炎沙地外,以做监视,听说其还有一位护法坐镇。 It can be said that although present High Heaven Sect cannot lend a hand to help the Human Race compatriot on own initiative, however its existence actually diverted Corpse Spirit Religion many battle strength, this point had lasting achievements absolutely. 可以说,如今的凌霄宗虽然没能主动出手帮助人族同胞,但是它的存在却牵制住了尸灵教很多战力,这一点绝对功不可没。 If this is not the case, Black Ink Sea City is unable to insist that such long was not broken through , Corpse Spirit Religion has four to exist with the Corpse General rank of Ye Xiyun same level at least, do not say that mysteriously appeared and disappeared no one to know its true colors Religion Master. 若非如此,墨海城根本无法坚持这么久不被攻破,要知道,尸灵教最起码有四位与叶惜筠相同水准的尸将级别存在,更不要说那位神出鬼没无人知其真面目的教主了。 Listened to these, Yang Kai nods gently, has not asked again. 听了这些,杨开轻轻点头,没再多问了。 After the Black Ink Sea City recuperation said that Yang Kai led High Heaven Sect various people to say goodbye to Mo Yu. 墨海城休整一曰后,杨开带着凌霄宗的诸人向墨宇告辞。 Originally Yang Kai wants to take into High Heaven Sect Clean Sky Sect these people, so long as Flowing Flame Sand Field, can have no more worries thoroughly, does not need to be worried to be struck to kill by the Corpse Spirit Religion powerhouse again. 本来杨开是想将乾天宗这些人全都带进凌霄宗的,只要进了流炎沙地,就可以彻底高枕无忧,不用担心再被尸灵教强者击杀。 However Mo Yu after passing through one thinks, turned down the Yang Kai's proposition. 但是墨宇在经过一番深思熟虑之后,婉拒了杨开的提议。 Clean Sky Sect disciple truly remains now not many. However entire Black Ink Sea City, actually 1 million lives. 乾天宗弟子如今确实所剩不多。但是整个墨海城,却还有百万生灵。 If the Clean Sky Sect person followed Yang Kai to walk, that Black Ink Sea City these 1 million lives will certainly by the Corpse Spirit Religion slaughter completely! 如果乾天宗的人跟着杨开走了,那墨海城这百万生灵必将被尸灵教屠杀殆尽! These person of majority in the past two years flee from calamity, they come to the Clean Sky Sect reputation, Mo Yu cannot abandon them not to manage. 这些人大多数都是近两年来逃难过来的,他们是冲着乾天宗的名头而来的,墨宇不能弃他们不管。 This idea may be somewhat stodgy. Won the Clean Sky Sect remaining high-level consistent approvals, they are willing to remain with the inkstone , to continue to protect the Clean Sky Sect final base industry! 这个想法或许有些迂腐。却得到了乾天宗剩下高层的一致赞同,他们都愿意跟墨海留下来,继续守护乾天宗最后的基业! Yang Kai changes countenance. 杨开动容。 Yang Kai you do not need to worry, although my Clean Sky Sect not remaining many people, but Black Ink Sea City the personnel are abundant now, I will find the way to supplement battle strength. So long as here martial artist can unite, protecting this city should not be the major problem.” Just before leaving before, the inkstone said to the Yang Kai smile. 杨开你不用担心,虽说我乾天宗没剩下多少人了,但是墨海城如今人员充沛,我会想办法补充战力的。只要这里的武者能团结起来,守护这座城池应该不是什么大问题。”临行之前,墨海冲杨开微笑说道。 Yang Kai nods: In view of this, that Senior Mo takes care!” 杨开颔首:“既如此,那墨前辈保重!” Deeply holds the fist in the other hand, Yang Kai left with Du Yanling and other humanity, this brought Su Yan Xia Ning Chang and the others to run out of Black Ink Sea City. Sets out toward Flowing Flame Sand Field. 深深抱拳,杨开又与杜雁菱等人道别,这才带着苏颜夏凝裳等人冲出了墨海城。直朝流炎沙地进发。 Looks at Yang Kai and the others the forms to vanish, Mo Yu the look concentrates austere, waves to order: Informs Black Ink Sea City all Saint Stage above martial artist, if wants, can join my Clean Sky Sect temporarily, along with me protects this city!” 望着杨开等人的身影消失,墨宇才神色凝肃,一挥手下令道:“告知墨海城所有入圣境以上的武者,若是愿意的话,可以暂时加入我乾天宗,随我守护此城!” Yes!” Du Yanling and the others begin to manage immediately. “是!”杜雁菱等人立刻着手去办。 Before they had to think must rely on the Black Ink Sea City these martial artist strengths, but time was extremely urgent. Simply does not have the time to do these matters, moreover at that time the Corpse Spirit Religion army pressed the city, martial artist in city really does not have many fighting spirits, cannot display own strength. 之前他们不是没想过要借助墨海城那些武者的力量,但是时间太过紧迫。根本没有功夫去做这些事,而且当时尸灵教大军压城,城内的武者实在没多少斗志,根本发挥不出自身的实力。 At present was different, Corpse Spirit Religion sieges Black Ink Sea City one year of army to be repelled, is catastrophic, is Black Ink Sea City high-spirited time, without doubt expands itself, absorbed the effective strength the good time. 眼下不同了,尸灵教围困墨海城一年的大军被击退,死伤无数,正是墨海城士气高昂的时候,无疑是壮大自身,吸收有生力量的好时机。 Black Ink Sea City from Flowing Flame Sand Field, if depends on the Star Shuttle flight only. At least also takes 78 days of time. 墨海城距离流炎沙地,如果单靠星梭飞行的话。最起码也要七八天工夫。 Yang Kai returns to cherished, used Void King Grade Battleship directly. 杨开回宗心切,直接动用了虚王级战舰 Although Battleship volume huge is incomparable, but the speed is faster than Star Shuttle on many, moreover Battleship firm does not urge, when is also quite safe in. 战舰虽然体积庞大无匹,但是速度却比星梭快上不少,而且战舰坚固不催,待在里面也相当安全。 Along the road. Bumps into many Corpse Spirit Religion numerous loose team, the population to over a thousand, range from dozens, under a leadership of Corpse Spirit Race, disaster Gloom Star. 沿路所过。碰到不少尸灵教林林散散的队伍,人数多则上千,少则几十,都在一个尸灵族的带领下,祸乱幽暗星 Battleship Crystal Cannon salvo, these enemies without exception by being off their feet of rumbling, the casualty is serious. 战舰晶炮齐射,这些敌人无一例外都被轰的人仰马翻,死伤惨重。 Yang Kai has not ordered to stay, after striking, immediately flees. 杨开也没下令停留,一击之后,立刻遁走。 Catching up is about three days of roads, dies the enemy quantity under Battleship Crystal Cannon has reached as high as over ten thousand! 赶了不过三天的路,死在战舰晶炮之下的敌人数量就已经高达上万! These enemies only then extremely few parts are Corpse Spirit Race, but majority turned to Corpse Spirit Race Human Race martial artist, they follow to do all kinds of evil things in Corpse Spirit Religion behind, obey the Corpse Spirit Race verbal command, naturally has no hospitable air/Qi to them. 这些敌人只有极少部分是尸灵族,而大多数都是投靠了尸灵族人类武者,他们跟在尸灵教身后为非作歹,听从尸灵族的号令,对他们自然没什么好客气的。 Originally when Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse in Mysterious Boundary Bead, was put by Yang Kai, places in Battleship it, lets slaughter that they watch this to come. 本来待在玄界珠里的人妖魔三族强者,也被杨开放了出来,安置在战舰之,让他们观看这一路过来的屠杀。 Since must base in Gloom Star, naturally should connect rails with this world. 既然要在幽暗星上立足,自然应该与这个世界接轨。 Yang Kai wants to make them integrate this stars earlier, making them experience earlier the martial artist level of this place. 杨开是想让他们早点融入这颗星辰,让他们早点见识一下此地的武者水准。 Sure enough, after detecting the great strength of these enemies, Ling Taixu, Thunder Dragon and Zhang Yuan and the others are silent, but eye twinkling of everyone is wanting to grow stronger **. 果不其然,在察觉到那些敌人的强大之后,凌太虚,雷龙长渊等人都沉默起来,但每个人的眼都闪烁着想要变强的**。 Lin Yun'er displays actually with the liveliness that the age tallies, remembers must return to High Heaven Sect immediately, sees people who own thinks, she was very happy, such as a lark is all the way common, encircles side Yang Kai, chirp non-stop. 林韵儿倒是表现出与自身年纪相符的活跃,一想起马上就要回到凌霄宗,看到自己想念的人们,她就很高兴,一路上如一只百灵鸟一般,围在杨开身边,叽叽喳喳不停。 Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang like this little miss very much, knew after her childhood pitiful destiny, two female maternal love send greatly, cannot bear shed tears unexpectedly, making Yang Kai speechless. 苏颜夏凝裳都很喜欢这个小姑娘,得知她儿时的凄惨命运之后,两女母爱大发,竟忍不住垂泪,让杨开无语至极。 Third, Void King Grade Battleship left for the Flowing Flame Sand Field surrounding. 三曰后,虚王级战舰开赴到了流炎沙地外围。 Stands in Battleship, by that polished smooth transparent crystal glass, Yang Kai saw the dense and numerous person's shadows assemble in the Flowing Flame Sand Field surrounding, cannot look at the end unexpectedly, does not know that many ten thousand people gather at this place. 站在战舰内,透过那被打磨的光滑透明的水晶玻璃,杨开看到了密密麻麻的人影围聚在流炎沙地外围,一眼竟是望不到尽头,也不知道有多少万人聚集在此地。 So many?” Yang Xiuzhu is also startled. “这么多?”杨修竹也大吃一惊。 Also really looks our High Heaven Sect!” Chu Hanyi coldly said one. “还真看的起我们凌霄宗啊!”楚寒衣冷冷地说了一声。 According to that Du City Master, our High Heaven Sect has become the Gloom Star last paradise now, this solely is not such as the reason of fishbone of throat, perhaps is a symbol, stands erect spiritual prop not but actually, so long as High Heaven Sect, Gloom Star will not have given up resisting, trading to be me is Corpse Spirit Religion Religion Master, will use attacks full power.” Lin Yurao faint said/tunnel. “据那位杜城主所说,我们凌霄宗如今已经成了幽暗星上最后一片乐土,这已经不单单是如喉之鲠的缘故了,或许还是一个象征,一个屹立不倒的精神支柱,只要凌霄宗还在,幽暗星就不会放弃抵抗,换做我是尸灵教教主,也会倾尽全力攻打。”林玉娆幽幽地道。 Others nod in abundance , indicating that approves of this viewpoint. 其他人纷纷点头,表示赞同这个观点。 „Does Sect Master, pass through?” Be responsible for controlling Battleship High Heaven Sect disciple to turn the head to ask. 宗主,穿过去吗?”负责控制战舰凌霄宗弟子转头问道。 Kills!” Yang Kai complexion cold and severe. “杀一圈!”杨开脸色冷厉 Yes!” That High Heaven Sect disciple receives an order, a face starts to direct the Battleship Crystal Cannon bombardment stimulated. “是!”那凌霄宗弟子领命,一脸亢奋地开始指挥战舰晶炮轰击。 Was sphered main house gate by so many enemies, he is also quite indignant, the Yang Kai's order made him find the air outlet without doubt. 被这么多敌人围住了家门口,他也相当气愤,杨开的命令无疑让他找到了出气口。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Lasing of pure white light beam from Battleship Crystal Cannon, the light beam place visited, all change into Nihility. 一道道洁白的光柱战舰晶炮上激射,光柱所过之处,所有的一切都化为虚无 This Void King Grade Battleship that is built personally by Yang Yan, the surname can with attacking a city pull Zhai the ability value was outstanding, but the stimulation Crystal Cannon energy source Saint Crystal Source that comes out by Stone Puppet Xiao Xiao concise, increased the Crystal Cannon prestige energy. 这一艘由阳炎亲自打造出来的虚王级战舰,姓能和攻城拔寨的能力值本就出类拔萃,而激发晶炮的能量源泉还是由石傀小小凝练出来的圣晶源,更增添了晶炮的威能。 Under the Crystal Cannon salvo, the momentum is scary, as if the world end said that will soon approach general. 晶炮齐射之下,声势骇人至极,仿佛世界末曰即将来临一般。 Each Crystal Cannon can sweep away a big stretch of spacious region, all Corpse Spirit Race and turn to their Human Race martial artist unable to resist, a contact is then reduced to ashes slightly. 每一道晶炮都能横扫出一大片空旷地带,所有尸灵族和投靠他们的人类武者都无法抵挡,稍一接触便化为灰烬。 Below piece scratches with the finger chaotically. 下方一片搔乱。 Several zhang (3.33 m) jet black Battleship appears across the sky, brought the atmosphere that and constrained to Corpse Spirit Race, now revealed the fierce face, they are naturally panic-stricken extremely. 十几丈长的漆黑战舰横空出现,本就给尸灵族带来及其压抑的氛围,如今露出了狰狞的面孔,他们自然惊恐万分。 Had Human Race martial artist to recognize the Battleship origin, shouted loudly is starting to run away. 人类武者认出了战舰的来历,大喊大叫着开始逃窜。 Battleship disregards, crashes in the sky of place of that countless enemy gathering, another Crystal Cannon lasing gets down. 战舰不管不顾,冲进那无数敌人汇聚之地的上空,一记又一记晶炮激射下去。 Everything may become vulnerable, in the ground presents giant gulfs, braves the curling white smoke. 地动山摇,地面上出现一个又一个巨大的深坑,冒着袅袅白烟。 Em?” In Battleship, the Yang Kai heart has a feeling, turns head to look in a direction, sneers: That side has a big fish, I go to be able he!” “恩?”战舰内,杨开心有所感,扭头朝一个方向望去,冷笑一声:“那边有一条大鱼,我去会会他!” Junior Brother is careful!” Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang just now urge, Yang Kai has vanished to disappear. 师弟小心!”苏颜夏凝裳才刚叮嘱完,杨开就已经消失不见了。 The Flowing Flame Sand Field surrounding, Palace that seems like is obviously newly-built, Palace is not big, only occupied a surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) place, but actually construction and splendid, seems like with this barren fiery Flowing Flame Sand Field is somewhat incompatible. 流炎沙地外围,有一座看起来明显是新建起来的宫殿,宫殿不大,只占据了方圆几十丈的地方,但却建造的及其富丽堂皇,与这贫瘠火热的流炎沙地看起来有些格格不入。 In Palace, one wears the man of white clothing to lie crooked on a large round-backed wooden armchair, the stance is lazy, the hand supports the chin, the corners of the mouth is revealing wipes smiles evilly, looks at more than ten gorgeous female that under is singing and dancing. 宫殿内,有一身穿白衣的男子正斜躺在一张太师椅上,姿态慵懒,手撑着下巴,嘴角露出一抹邪笑,望着下方载歌载舞的十几个艳丽女子 These female turned to the Corpse Spirit Religion major influences on present tribute, each beauty was good, was these promising youth of influence, is now, they actually as if became the toys singing girl to be common, can only seek pleasure for this white clothing man. 这些女子都是投靠了尸灵教的各大势力进贡上来的,每一个都姿色不俗,都是那些势力的后起之秀,可是如今,她们却仿佛成了玩物歌姬一般,只能供这白衣男子取乐。 They as if feared that very much this white clothing man, with his vision to, hurry puts aside occasionally, the movement of everyone is cautious, appearance that for fear that makes mistakes. 她们似乎很怕这个白衣男子,偶尔与他目光对上,都慌忙地撇开,每个人的动作都小心翼翼,生怕犯错的样子。 The land sways, Palace rustle trembles, has the remarkable fluctuation of energy and buzz calls the explosive never the distant place to transmit, the white clothing man complexion sank, sits straight the body, shouted a question sternly: What's the matter?” 大地摇晃,宫殿簌簌发抖,有惊人的能量波动和嗡鸣爆响从不远处传来,白衣男子脸色一沉,坐直了身子,厉声喝问:“怎么回事?” Under that more than ten singing and dancing young young female also stopped the movement, looks in all directions at a loss. 下方那十几个载歌载舞的年轻少女也都停下了动作,茫然四顾。 Immediately some people clash from outside, said flustered: report/give Kang Protector, black Battleship opened from outside, was slaughtering my Corpse Spirit Religion disciple wantonly!” 立刻有人从外面冲了进来,慌张道:“禀康护法,有一艘黑色战舰从外面开进来了,正在大肆屠杀我尸灵教弟子!” Dissolute! Who beastly audacity?” The white clothing man suddenly station, astonishing imposing manner also filled the air, that more than ten young female that frightened were pale, brought together. “放肆!何人狗胆包天?”白衣男子猛地站了起来,一股惊人的气势随之弥漫,直吓的那十几个少女脸色苍白,抱成一团。 Subordinate...... the subordinate does not know!” martial artist that comes to notify replied helplessly. “属下……属下不知!”那进来报信的武者手足无措地答道。 Wants your what to use?” White clothing man cold snort, puts out a hand to grasp toward martial artist that notified, his hand as if spanned the impediment of space, caught the opposite party directly in the hand. “要你何用?”白衣男子冷哼一声,一伸手就朝那报信的武者抓去,他的手似乎跨越了空间的阻隔,直接将对方抓在手上。 Turns gently, will notify the neck of martial artist to wrench apart. 只是轻轻一扭,就将报信武者的脖子扭断了。 Several young female simultaneous call out in alarm, in eye pupil panic-stricken even more rich. 十几个少女齐齐惊呼,眼眸里的惊恐愈发浓郁。 Em? Unexpectedly dares to come on own initiative, interesting!” White clothing man raises the head looks suddenly to Void, is away from dozens li (0.5 km), emitted Spiritual Mind and Yang Kai ruthlessly to putting together. “恩?居然敢主动过来,有意思!”白衣男子忽然抬头望向虚空,隔着几十里,放出神念杨开狠狠对拼了一记。 Bang...... 轰…… Place of Spiritual Mind to the spelling, Void caves. 神念对拼之处,虚空塌陷。 In Palace, the white clothing man tread the tread tread to back up several steps, just like some were not the appearances of opponent. 宫殿内,白衣男子蹬蹬蹬倒退了几步,俨然有些不是对手的样子。
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