MP :: Volume #17

#1678: Great strength of Tyrant Strength Body

Strikes the opponent who cannot solve the imagination, young female responded that is wonderful quick is also incomparable, body one short, simultaneously came one to fly high to turn kicks, on the tip of the toe twinkling had golden rays of light, such as sword glow of turnover. 一击没能解决掉想象的对手,少女反应也是奇快无比,身子一矮,同时来了一个凌空翻踢,脚尖上闪烁金色光芒,如吞吐的剑芒 Golden Sword of Five Elements Indestructible Sword! Destroying the hardest defenses. 不灭五行剑金剑!无坚不摧。 Her that small feet as if changed into the sharp long sword, pokes toward the Yang Kai chest place. 她的那一只小脚似乎化为了锋利的长剑,直朝杨开胸口处戳来。 Yang Kai shows a faint smile, put out a hand to grip the young female ankle area, simultaneously Saint Yuan urged, to reduce and solve her offensive, such as toys carried her her in the hand. 杨开微微一笑,一伸手就握住了少女的脚踝,同时圣元一催,化解了她的攻势,将她如一个玩物般将她提留在手上。 The young female skirt flies upwards, spring scenery divulging, is nearly good because of her is quick of eye and hand, skirt that pressed own. 少女裙角飞扬,险些春光泄露,好在她眼疾手快,一把摁住了自己的裙子。 Over the face annoyed time, suddenly under the head put one's foot down found Yang Kai face with a smile. 正满面恼火的时候,蓦然头下脚下地瞧见了杨开笑吟吟的脸庞。 Well...... Uncle Sect Master!” That young female recognized Yang Kai, on the elegant face shows the pleasantly surprised smiling face, is tenderly gruff shouting. “咦……宗主叔叔!”那少女一眼就认出了杨开,俏脸上露出惊喜的笑容,娇憨着呼喊。 Really is you!” Yang Kai nods gently, hand wrist makes an effort slightly, squared to put young female, is staring at her immature face, knit the brows: Yun'er, you how here?” “果然是你!”杨开轻轻颔首,手腕微微一用力,将少女摆正放了下来,凝视着她那稚嫩的脸庞,皱眉道:“韵儿,你怎么在这里?” This young female, impressively is that little miss who Huang Juan adopted in the past, Lin Yun'er! 少女,赫然就是黄娟当年收养的那个小姑娘,林韵儿 In the past Yang Kai returned from Emperor Garden, after by a Sorrowless Ocean city, met by chance Huang Juan, then brought back to High Heaven Sect her, brought, small girl. 当年杨开帝苑返回,经过无忧海旁的一座城池时,偶遇黄娟,便将她带回了凌霄宗,同时带回来的,还有一个小丫头 Lin Yun'er at that time 5 or 6-year-old, but has displayed the strength of astonishing flesh body. 林韵儿当时只有五六岁,但已表现出惊人的肉身之力。 Yang Kai detected that the unusuality of her body, once made Ye Xiyun nose carefully, afterward Ye Xiyun told Yang Kai, Lin Yun'er natural talent different reported, has the special physique, Tyrant Strength Body! 杨开察觉到她身体的异常,曾让叶惜筠仔细查探过,后来叶惜筠告诉杨开,林韵儿天赋异禀,身怀特殊体质,力之霸体 This is a very rare physique, perhaps is related with some sea beast of sea, after all according to Huang Juan, the Lin Yun'er mother has the bloodlines of sea beast. 这是一种很稀有的体质,或许跟海的某种海兽有关,毕竟据黄娟所说,林韵儿的母亲有海兽的血脉。 Has martial artist of this physique. Inborn supernatural power, moreover with increase of cultivation level, the strength grows can also more and more terrifying. 拥有这种体质的武者。天生神力,而且随着修为的增加,力量增长也会越来越恐怖 Before leaving Gloom Star, Yang Kai hands down Five Elements Indestructible Sword, in a flash 7-8 years time passed. In the past 5 or 6-year-old small girl also becomes the shy flower bud of being in bud now. 离开幽暗星之前,杨开不灭五行剑传下,一晃七八年时间过去了。当年五六岁的小丫头如今也成了含苞待放的青涩花蕾。 From her five colors multi-colored sunlight, Five Elements Indestructible Sword has small accomplishment, the strength that in the coordination her Tyrant Strength Body special physique, can display may be called terrifying. 从她身上的五彩霞光来看,不灭五行剑已经有所小成了,配合上她力之霸体的特殊体质,能发挥出来的实力堪称恐怖 Her cultivation level is not high, under Yang Kai's nosing, only has Saint 3-layer. 她的修为并不高,在杨开的查探下,也只有入圣三层境而已。 Even if High Heaven Sect does not lack the financial resource physical resource now. Lin Yun'er also has the Ye Xiyun this grade of powerhouse's personal guidance, can in 7-8 years time practice to Saint 3-layer, is the capital of having god-given wisdom. 即便凌霄宗如今不缺财力物力。林韵儿又有叶惜筠这等强者的亲自指导,能在七八年时间修炼入圣三层境,也是天纵之资。 This small girl absolutely is a future Star Territory dazzling nova! 这个小丫头绝对是未来星域的一颗耀眼新星! Yang Kai is looking at her, such as a looks at future supreme powerhouse. 杨开望着她,就如看着未来的一位至尊强者。 But Five Elements Indestructible Sword that own hands down, as if is also similar to for her is tailor, in coordination Tyrant Strength Body special physique. Let her unexpectedly in the cultivation level boundaries of Saint 2-3 boundaries, regrets Void Return 1-layer martial artist hardly! 自己传下的不灭五行剑,似乎也如同为她量身打造,配合上力之霸体的特殊体质。让她居然能在入圣2-3境的修为境界,硬憾返虚一层境武者 This jump over the ranks to fight degree, greatly surpassed the Yang Kai's expectation. 这种越阶作战的程度,大大地超过了杨开的预料。 Even he, in Saint 3-layer, is unable to resist attack of Void Return Stage powerhouse. 即便是他本人,在入圣三层境的时候,也无法抵挡返虚镜强者的攻击 Coming out that however can look, although Lin Yun'er is valiant exceptionally, but the strength in within the body has almost also been not much left. Moreover some body more or less injuries, obviously are the spent forces. 不过可以看的出来,虽然林韵儿彪悍异常,但体内的力量几乎也已经所剩无几了。而且身上或多或少都有一些伤势,显然已是强弩之末。 However her spirit but actually also good. 不过她的精神倒还不错。 Gloom Star chaos time, Yun'er happen to follows the life of Great Elder to come the Clean Sky Sect management, finally could not go back, has stayed here.” Some Lin Yun'er suffering tunnels. 幽暗星大乱的时候,韵儿正好遵循大长老之命来乾天宗办事,结果回不去了,就一直留在这里。”林韵儿有些委屈地道。 Two years ago, she 11 or 12-year-old, two years of time drift outside, she incomparably thought to High Heaven Sect, thought of taught devotedly her Ye Xiyun, thought has taken care of her like mother Huang Juan. Thinks of High Heaven Sect every bit of property and these fellow apprentices. 两年前,她才只有十一二岁而已,两年时间漂流在外,她对凌霄宗无比想念,想念悉心教导她的叶惜筠,想念一直照顾她如母亲般的黄娟。想念凌霄宗的一草一木和那些师兄师姐 Strength that very she has displayed perhaps, lost parents' bitter experience to be related with the childhood, but saw Yang Kai after at this moment, the big eye socket then filled the 1-layer mist, small mouth also jue. 她一直表现的很坚强,或许与儿时失去父母的遭遇有关,但此刻见到杨开之后,大大的眼眶便弥漫上了一层水雾,小嘴巴也噘了起来。 So that's how it is! How will you appear on this battlefield?” Yang Kai knits the brows. Who this Black Ink Sea City City Master does not know is, how to arrange to battle Lin Yun'er? “原来如此!那你怎么又会出现在这战场上?”杨开皱了皱眉。这墨海城城主不知道是谁,怎么会把林韵儿安排出来作战的? He also looked, these people who came out to meet almost held the determination that must die to delay time, how Lin Yun'er said again was also the High Heaven Sect person . Moreover the age was so also small, how regardless of this matter were not one's turn her to do. 他也看出来了,出来迎战的这些人几乎都是抱着必死的决心在拖延时间,林韵儿再怎么说也是凌霄宗的人,而且年纪又这么小,这种事无论如何也轮不到她来做。 My own comes out, I want to handle a matter in one's power.” Lin Yun'er attracted the nose. “我自己出来的,我想做点力所能及的事情。”林韵儿吸了吸鼻子。 Good!” Yang Kai nods layer on layer/heavily, feels the head of Lin Yun'er, thinks, takes out restores with Spirit Pill from Space Ring, gives Lin Yun'er: Under clothing/taking this.” “好!”杨开重重点头,摸着林韵儿的脑袋,想了想,从空间戒里取出一枚恢复用的灵丹,递给林韵儿:“服下这个。” Em.” Lin Yun'er does not have the vigilance to Yang Kai, even if 7-8 years has not seen, still swallows into the abdomen that Spirit Pill rashly. “恩。”林韵儿杨开毫无戒心,即便七八年没见,也不由分说地将那灵丹吞入腹。 Yang Kai raises the head, looks at Xia Ning Chang saying: Little Senior Sister, escorts them to return to the city!” 杨开抬头,望着夏凝裳道:“小师姐,护送他们回城!” Good!” Xia Ning Chang complied with one, element wielded raises, is tying the complicated mark. “好!”夏凝裳应了一声,素手挥扬,结着繁冗的印记。 world's spiritual energy was transferred, by Xia Ning Chang pulling, these world's spiritual energy as if had any strange transformation, changes into flowing light in abundance, entered these exhausted martial artist within the body. 天地灵气被调动起来,受夏凝裳牵引,那些天地灵气似乎发生了什么奇怪的转变,纷纷化为流光,钻进了那些筋疲力尽的武者体内。 the next moment, these Clean Sky Sect martial artist each bodies shake, becomes full of vigor gets up. 下一刻,那些乾天宗武者们每一个都身躯一震,变得精神饱满起来。 Is looking at the Xia Ning Chang vision, full is inconceivable! 望着夏凝裳的目光,满是不可思议! They do not know how Xia Ning Chang achieves, refining up world's spiritual energy unexpectedly, transports their within the body, moistens they almost dry meridians and Dantian. 他们根本不知道夏凝裳是如何做到的,竟将天地灵气炼化,输送进他们体内,滋润他们几乎干涸的经脉丹田 Follows me!” Xia Ning Chang greeted one, the blue gem on forehead sent out dazzlingly brilliance, making her seemingly just like the goddess to descend to earth the general, brilliance place visited, all enemies felt that an inexplicable strength swamped into the hearts, making them lose some fighting spirits. “跟我走!”夏凝裳招呼一声,额头上的淡蓝宝石散发出耀眼光辉,让她看起来犹如女神下凡一般,光辉所过之处,所有敌人都感觉一股莫名的力量涌入心间,让他们失去了一些斗志。 Xia Ning Chang brings that less than hundred people of teams, has a bloody road in the enemy group, converged toward Du Yanling et al . 夏凝裳带着那不到百人的队伍,在敌群杀出一条血路,朝杜雁菱等人汇合。 Yang Kai flies on the vertical upper air, Spiritual Mind emits, looks for the battlefield strength strong enemy, Golden Blood Silk Thread is moving as one desires, changes into golden light, is harvesting the Corpse Spirit Religion disciple surname life crazily! 杨开飞纵上高空,神念放出,寻找着战场实力较强的敌人,金血丝随心而动,化为一道道金光,疯狂地收割着尸灵教弟子的姓命! Yang Xiuzhu, Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao and other people become the triangle formation, has raised violent storms in the enemy group, three people of places visited, a piece of remnant corpse. 杨修竹,楚寒衣林玉娆等三人结为三角阵型,早已在敌群掀起一片狂风暴雨,三人所过之处,一片残尸。 But Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower under the control of Mo Yu, suddenly greatly suddenly is that small, cyan mysterious light sends out also keeps the enemy from approaching. 混天青阳塔墨宇的控制下,忽大忽小,散发出来的青色玄光也让敌人根本无法靠近。 One crowd of 78 people, confused the Corpse Spirit Religion army thoroughly. 一群七八人,彻底搅乱了尸灵教大军。 Quick, then some people realized is not wonderful. On battlefield, the Corpse Spirit Religion powerhouses were struck to kill one by one, unmanned dispatcher, remaining is also incoherent mass roaming Yong, has no way to prevent the effective resistance. 很快,便有人意识到了不妙。战场上,尸灵教的强者们逐个被击杀,无人调度,剩下的也是一片散沙游勇,根本没法阻止起有效的抵抗。 The this kind of situation after the Du Yanling belt/bring person kills becomes more serious. 这样的情况在杜雁菱带人杀出来之后变得更加严重。 Corpse Spirit Religion army total military defeat. These Corpse Spirit Race people called out pitifully to run away, turn to Corpse Spirit Religion these Sect families also to flee at the mere distant sight. 尸灵教大军兵败如山倒。那些尸灵族人纷纷惨叫逃遁,投靠了尸灵教的那些宗门家族也都望风而逃。 Du Yanling and the others both eyes are red, chased down tens of thousands li (0.5 km), killed Corpse Spirit Religion to be off their feet, this returned in triumph. 杜雁菱等人双目赤红,足足追杀了几万里,直杀了尸灵教人仰马翻,这才得胜归来。 At this moment, Black Ink Sea City sounds of people like tide. The entire city seems to be boiling. 此刻,墨海城人声如潮。整个城池似乎都在沸腾。 The Corpse Spirit Religion army surrounded Black Ink Sea City already enough one year of time, the Clean Sky Sect strength damaged damages again, eye looks at did not say that then wanted the city broken people to perish, actually does not want to kill across the sky in this critical moment some people, strove to turn the tide, not only saved Black Ink Sea City in water and fire it. Rubbed a Corpse Spirit Religion sharp qi ruthlessly. 尸灵教大军包围墨海城已经足足一年时间了,乾天宗的力量一损再损,眼看着不曰便要城破人亡,却不想在这紧要关头有人横空杀出,力挽狂澜,不但拯救墨海城于水火之。更狠狠地搓了一下尸灵教的锐气。 Everyone is inquiring the origin of reinforcements. 所有人都在打听援军的来历。 Finally, knew to them after the person unexpectedly is Clean Sky Sect Great Elder Mo Yu and High Heaven Sect Sect Master Elders, is suddenly enlighted. 最终,到他们得知来人居然是乾天宗大长老墨宇凌霄宗宗主长老们之后,才恍然大悟。 No wonder that several people can have so powerful battle strength, the crying father who no wonder they can kill the Corpse Spirit Religion army shouted mother, originally was these people! 怪不得那几个人能有如此强大的战力,怪不得他们能将尸灵教大军杀的哭爹喊娘,原来是这几个人! for a moment, in Black Ink Sea City, Clean Sky Sect and High Heaven Sect prestige such as said rises. 一时间,在墨海城,乾天宗凌霄宗的威名如曰升。 In City Lord's Mansion. 城主府内。 Some Clean Sky Sect only remaining high levels and Yang Kai and the others were placed to sit. 乾天宗仅剩下的一些高层与杨开等人分列而坐。 Black Ink Sea City City Master. Also is Clean Sky Sect Elder Du Yanling to/clashes Yang Kai and the others the deep ritual, said solemnly: This time many thanks Sect Master Yang and aid, if not there are you to act, now Black Ink Sea City only fears that is piece of loss of life, the this Mistress generation of Black Ink Sea City 1 million lives feels grateful Sect Master Yang and life-saving efforts.” 墨海城城主。同时也是乾天宗长老杜雁菱杨开等人深深一礼,沉声道:“此番多谢杨宗主和诸位的援手,若非有你们出手,如今墨海城只怕是一片生灵涂炭,妾身墨海城百万生灵感激杨宗主和诸位的救命之恩。” Du City Master was polite, Yang and Senior Mo are not bystanders, from, when lends a hand to assist!” The Yang Kai smile beckons with the hand. “杜城主客气了,杨某墨前辈也不是外人,自当出手相助!”杨开微笑摆手。 His amiable lets the Du Yanling greatly fresh favorable impression, sizes up Yang Kai carefully. 他的谦和让杜雁菱大生好感,不由地仔细打量起杨开来。 Then, in Gloom Star, Yang Kai is almost a legend. 说起来,在幽暗星上,杨开几乎是个传奇。 His famous time is very short. But has done the matter is actually Earthshaking. 他出名的时间很短。但所做过的事却是惊天动地 A Dragon Cave Mountain war, making him shine the brilliance greatly, later occupied Gloom Star restricted area Flowing Flame Sand Field, to establish School, by a strength. Extinguishes eliminates Battle Sky Union, Thunder Typhoon Sect, subdues Star Emperor Mountain. 龙穴山一战,让他大放光彩,随后占据了幽暗星的禁地流炎沙地,开宗立派,紧接着以一宗之力。灭除战天盟,雷台宗,收服星帝山 Yang Kai and High Heaven Sect, have almost become Gloom Star most well-known existence! 杨开凌霄宗,几乎已经成为了幽暗星上最知名的存在! But in these two years time of Gloom Star chaos, High Heaven Sect also does many things, Inner Sect has set out the powerhouse repeatedly, aids these sieged Sect and city, feels grateful for entire Human Race in the heart. 而在幽暗星大乱的这两年时间里,凌霄宗也做过很多事,宗内频频出动强者,去援助那些被围困的宗门和城池,为整个人族感恩在心。 Yang Kai as High Heaven Sect Sect Master, almost it can be said that the Gloom Star first person, stamps the feet Gloom Star to shake three to shake. 杨开身为凌霄宗宗主,几乎可以说是幽暗星上的第一人,跺跺脚幽暗星都要抖三抖。 Du Yanling this is the first time that saw Yang Kai, the nature is somewhat curious to him. 杜雁菱这是第一次见到杨开,自然对他有些好奇。 However under the observation of her Void Return 3-layer, actually still cannot look at the Yang Kai's depth, this seemingly young youth as if Sect Master that died in battle is more powerful than Great Elder. 不过在她返虚三层境的观察之下,却依然瞧不出杨开的深浅,这个看起来年纪不大的青年似乎比大长老和已经战死的宗主都还要强大。 Du Yanling heart startled! 杜雁菱心惊! Du Junior Sister, the Black Ink Sea City situation is so bad, Clean Sky Sect Headquarters?” Mo Yu nervously asked. “杜师妹,墨海城情况如此恶劣,乾天宗总舵呢?”墨宇紧张地问道。 Du Yanling and some knowing the circumstances of the matter Elders looks of one dark. 杜雁菱和一些知情的长老们神色一暗。 Mo Yu watches a person's every mood, has not a good feeling, urgently asked: could it be that Headquarters......” 墨宇察言观色,不由地生出一种不好的感觉,急问道:“难道总舵……” Du Yanling sorrowful nod: Headquarters had been broken through, Sect Master he...... also died in battle!” 杜雁菱悲恸点头:“总舵已经被攻破了,宗主他老人家……也战死!” What?” Mo Yu sets out suddenly, in a flash, does not seem able to accept the this kind of result slightly. “什么?”墨宇霍地起身,微微一晃,似乎无法接受这样的结局。 Yang Kai also sighed slightly. 杨开也微微叹息。 Clean Sky Sect Sect Master Gu Zhen, he has met several, the person is good, has Void Return 3-layer top cultivation level, actually does not think that has elapsed. 乾天宗宗主顾真,他是见过几面的,人不错,有返虚三层境的顶尖修为,却不想已经逝去了。 Great Elder restrains grief.” Du Yanling does not know that should say what good. 大长老节哀。”杜雁菱也不知道该说什么好。 How Headquarters will be broken through, why Headquarters was broken, has Black Ink Sea City actually been able to insist now?” Mo Yu complexion gloomy scary. 总舵怎么会被攻破,为何总舵被破,墨海城却一直能坚持到现在?”墨宇脸色阴沉的吓人。 Du Yanling said distressed: „Some person and Corpse Spirit Religion fly fly drifts along, collaborates from outside with the inside, therefore Headquarters cannot preserve!” 杜雁菱痛心道:“有一些人与尸灵教蝇蝇苟且,里应外合,所以总舵没能保住!” What person?” Mo Yu drinks severely. “什么人?”墨宇厉喝。 They had died, was drawn by Sect Master is perishing together.” Du Yanling is low-spirited. “他们已经死了,被宗主拉着同归于尽了。”杜雁菱黯然。 Mo Yu was startled for a long time, this as if lost all strengths general, fell on the chair, long time could not say a few words. 墨宇怔了许久,这才仿佛失去了所有力气一般,跌坐在椅子上,半晌也说不出一句话。
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