MP :: Volume #17

#1677: Breaking through

The Shen Shitao eye socket is red immediately: But Elder you......” 沈诗桃眼眶立刻红了起来:“可是长老你们……” Relax, we will strive for time to you. Remember, must go to High Heaven Sect, only then High Heaven Sect had the means of livelihood! This task is very arduous, you must find the opportunity, takes into High Heaven Sect disciples!” “放心,我们会给你们争取时间的。记住,要去凌霄宗,只有去了凌霄宗才有活路!这个任务很艰巨,你一定要找到机会,将弟子们带进凌霄宗!” Elder!” Shen Shitao shakes the head unceasingly. 长老!”沈诗桃不断地摇头。 Has not gone quickly!” The beautiful woman look is swift and fierce, looks angrily at Shen Shitao: „Do you want to make my Clean Sky Sect remove in Gloom Star? Do you want to make us not have the face to see the Clean Sky Sect generations?” “还不快去!”美妇神色凌厉,怒视沈诗桃:“你想让我乾天宗就此在幽暗星上除名吗?你想让我们无颜去见乾天宗的列祖列宗吗?” Shen Shitao one dull, sorrowful speechless. 沈诗桃一呆,悲恸无语。 Another Clean Sky Sect Elder vision looks at Shen Shitao gently, the smile was saying: Remember, must go on living, waits for Great Elder to return, so long as Great Elder returns, my Clean Sky Sect can promote again.” 另外一位乾天宗长老目光柔和地望着沈诗桃,微笑道:“记住,一定要活下去,等大长老归来,只要大长老归来,我乾天宗就能再次振兴。” Walks!” The beautiful women drink severely. “走!”美妇厉喝。 The Shen Shitao tears rain is as follows, the tender body is trembling lightly, kneels down on the ground, the respectful full bosom respect kotows three times to Elder, this suddenly sets out, prepares to depart. 沈诗桃泪雨如下,娇躯轻颤着,跪倒在地上,恭恭敬敬饱怀敬意地给诸位长辈们叩首三次,这才猛地起身,准备离去。 At this moment-- 就在这时—— Stood the beautiful woman and Clean Sky Sect in city wall remains not many powerhouses actually to discover probably any inconceivable matter, raised eyes to look toward very far place. 站在城墙上的美妇和乾天宗所剩不多的强者却像是发现了什么不可思议的事情,举目朝很远的地方望去。 The line of sight institute, Corpse Spirit Religion rear camp piece of chaos, the confusion and powerful fluctuation of energy explode in the world, dazzling radiance blooms, each breath has several hundred Corpse Spirit Religion enemies to be cut to kill. 视线所及,尸灵教后方阵营一片大乱,混乱而强大的能量波动在天地间爆开,耀眼的光华绽放出来,每一息都有数百尸灵教的敌人被斩杀。 Elder Du, some probably people hit from that side!” 杜长老,好像有人从那边打过来了!” I saw, who can be.” The beautiful women nod the head gently. “我看到了,会是谁呢。”美妇轻轻颔首。 Are not many, as if only then about 78 people, but very powerful......” the Void Return Stage powerhouse of speech holds breath cold air, he only sees that side rays of light twinkling, large expanse of Corpse Spirit Religion martial artist such as shears the straw to drop down generally. Shock at the scene. “不多,似乎只有七八人左右,不过好强……”说话的返虚镜强者倒吸一口凉气,他只看到那边光芒闪烁,成片成片的尸灵教武者如割稻草一般倒下。不由震惊当场。 Well, that is...... that is...... Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower! Is Great Elder! Great Elder came back!” Some person of mood call out in alarm again inspired. “咦,那是……那是……混天青阳塔!是大长老大长老回来了!”再次有人情绪振奋地惊呼起来。 Everyone's vision will focus attention on sky one shortly as high as several feets, sends out on cyan mysterious light tower-shaped Secret Treasure all over the body. 所有人的目光顷刻间都瞩目到天空一座高达十几丈,通体散发青色玄光的塔形秘宝上。 That tower-shaped Secret Treasure is revolving turning round, pounds to fall from the upper air, every falls one time. Will pound the meat patty innumerable Corpse Spirit Religion disciple, but also the lasing from the tower leaves unceasingly says cyan mysterious light innumerably, mysterious light seems like very sharp appearance, once were struck by mysterious light, Corpse Spirit Religion disciple and running dogs will vanish into thin air, vanishes in this world thoroughly. 那塔形秘宝滴溜溜旋转着,从高空砸落,每一次落下。都会将无数尸灵教弟子砸成肉饼,还不断地从塔上激射出无数道青色玄光,玄光看起来很锋利的样子,一旦被玄光击,尸灵教弟子和走狗们都会化为乌有,彻底消失在这个世界上。 Short moment time. Dies Corpse Spirit Religion disciple under this Secret Treasure reaches as high as 200 people. 短短片刻时间。死在这秘宝之下的尸灵教弟子就高达两百人之多。 Really is Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower!” A beautiful woman pair of beautiful pupil blooms the astonishing brilliance, just like saw the hope, the expression roused. “果然是混天青阳塔!”美妇一双美眸绽放出惊人的光彩,宛若重新看到了希望,表情振奋。 Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower, is Clean Sky Sect Sect Highest Treasure, situated in Void Grade existence between Secret Treasure and Void King Grade Secret Treasure, can say that it is accurate Void King Grade Secret Treasure. 混天青阳塔,是乾天宗镇宗之宝,是介于虚级秘宝虚王级秘宝之间的存在,可以说它已经算是一件准虚王级秘宝了。 But this powerful force Secret Treasure. Has run on Great Elder Mo Yu. 而这件威力强大的秘宝。一直掌管在大长老墨宇手上。 This moment Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower comes, obviously is the reason of Mo Yu stimulation of movement. 此刻混天青阳塔现身,显然是墨宇催动的缘故。 Even without seeing the Mo Yu form, the people can also feel Mo Yu that familiar fluctuation of energy from the remote place. 纵然没看到墨宇的身影,众人也能从遥远的地方感受到墨宇那熟悉的能量波动。 Right now we can be saved, Great Elder returned!” “这下子我们有救了,大长老归来了!” Haha, kills off Corpse Spirit Religion this group of brats!” “哈哈,杀光尸灵教这群兔崽子!” Asked them to come but not return!” “叫他们有来无回!” Revenges to the brothers and sisters who Sect Master and died!” “给宗主和死去的兄弟姐妹们报仇!” Shortly, in the city wall then resounded the frantic slogan, everyone is filled with righteous indignation. Is agitated, without the beautiful woman's order, only feared that they must rush ahead to aid Great Elder now. 顷刻间,城墙上便响起了疯狂的呐喊声,每一个人都义愤填膺。情绪激动,若非没有美妇的命令,只怕他们现在就要冲杀下去接应大长老了。 The crowd, the beautiful woman is the black eyebrow is actually wrinkling tightly, in the surface has an anxious look to surge. 人群,美妇却是黛眉紧皱着,面上有一丝不安的神色在涌动。 Great Elder suddenly appears in this time, does not know that is the luck is the calamity! 大长老这个时候突然出现,也不知道是福是祸啊! Although the Great Elder strength is immeasurably deep, there is Drifting Sky Azure Sun Tower this kind of Secret Treasure to assist, but...... the enemy number were too many, if Great Elder falls into the words that surrounding is unable to get out of trouble, that Clean Sky Sect last hope must annihilate. 虽然大长老的实力深不可测,又有混天青阳塔这样的秘宝相助,但是……敌人数量太多了,万一大长老陷入包围之无法脱困的话,那乾天宗最后一点希望恐怕都要湮灭。 Passes on my command. Clean Sky Sect also has the ability combat, along with this City Master aids Great Elder!” beautiful woman thoughts turns around quickly, then made the decision quickly. “传我令。乾天宗还有能力作战的,随本城主下去接应大长老!”美妇心思急转,很快便做出了决定。 Yes!” Immediately then some people reply, transmission of order. “是!”立刻便有人答道,将命令传达。 not much time, the Clean Sky Sect surplus strengths conform together. The beautiful women are looking at that less than 1000 people of quantities, the beautiful pupil deep place appears the sorrow. 不多时,乾天宗剩余的力量整合到一起。美妇望着那不到一千人的数量,美眸深处浮现出浓浓的悲哀。 Entire Clean Sky Sect , was only left over these people, was these people, was almost everyone is also wounded, and strength good and evil intermingled! 整个乾天宗,也只剩下这些人了,就是这些人,几乎也是人人带伤,而且实力良莠不齐! Although entire Black Ink Sea City has 1 million residents, but belongs to Clean Sky Sect, be only this quantity, the remaining majority do not have practice average person, or is the strength and low cannot display function martial artist. 虽然整个墨海城有百万居民,但是属于乾天宗的,也只有这点数量而已,剩下的大多数都是没有修炼过的普通人,又或者是实力及其低下根本发挥不出作用的武者 This time goes, has not fresh, only to aid Great Elder, you can prepare?” The beautiful women look all around, shouts a question sternly. “此番前去,有死无生,只为接应大长老,尔等可准备好了?”美妇环顾四周,厉声喝问。 1000 people look solemn, shout together: Prepared!” 一千人神情肃穆,齐喝道:“准备好了!” He said that on my Clean Sky Sect consoling tablet will have your names surely, set out!” The beautiful woman words are not wordy, is very vigorous and resolute, element wields, first ran out of Black Ink Sea City. “他曰我乾天宗慰灵碑上必定会有你们的名字,出发!”美妇话不啰嗦,很是雷厉风行,素手一挥,第一个冲出了墨海城 Others follow, on the face of everyone twinkling the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude, the eyes of everyone have one type to call to set at the deathtrap then fresh determination! 其他人紧随其后,每个人的脸上都闪烁着刻骨铭心的仇恨,每个人的眼都有一种叫置之死地而后生的决心! Thousand people gush out the city, some countless people follow. 千人涌出城池,又有无数人紧随其后。 These are the Black Ink Sea City resident and flee from calamity to this's martial artist! 那些是墨海城的居民和逃难到此的武者 How could it not be they know under the compound nest not to have the truth of egg, saw Clean Sky Sect to conform with the surplus all strengths to launch the attack, immediately then tags along after follows, Contribution own strength. 他们岂不知覆巢之下无完卵的道理,见乾天宗整合了剩余的所有力量发起进攻,立刻便尾随跟上,贡献自己的力量。 Under Black Ink Sea City, as if share of enormous and powerful armies send out! 墨海城下,似乎有一股浩浩荡荡的大军出动! Du Yanling that woman goes crazy, ha ha ha, bringing the trash that one crowd of Saint Stage have not even been arriving at also to break through the blockade of my Corpse Spirit Religion, kills off them to me, brings to me Du Yanling!” Corpse Spirit Religion army Yang locates, the tall and powerfully built men stand on a front of eight horse large carts, the hand refers to front big shout. 杜雁菱那女人发疯啊,哈哈哈,带着一群连入圣境都没到的垃圾也想冲破我尸灵教的封锁,给我杀光他们,把杜雁菱给我带来!”尸灵教大军央处,有一身材魁梧的男子站在一辆八马大车的车头上,手指前方大喝 He and that side Fengqi is the same, has Void Return 3-layer cultivation level, just aura of whole person a feeling of gloomy and cold . Moreover the body brings light rotten aura. 他与那方风棋一样,都有返虚三层境修为,只不过整个人的气息给人一种阴冷的感觉,而且身上带着一股淡淡的腐烂气息 Corpse Spirit Race! 尸灵族 Moreover is the powerhouse of top Corpse General rank! 而且是顶级尸将级别的强者! Finishes speaking, cyan tall tower then drops from the clouds suddenly, this tall and strong male cold snort, the figure raised suddenly, avoided this terrifying struck. 话音刚落,一座青色高塔便忽然从天而降,这魁梧男子冷哼一声,身形骤然拔高,避开了这恐怖的一击。 Bang. The cyan great tower falls, the eight steeds of Narac car(riage) will be pounded the meat patty shortly, red white dripped place. 轰隆。青色巨塔落下,那拉车的八匹骏马顷刻间被砸成肉饼,红的白的淌了一地。 Who is coming!” His whole body opened the red such as the needle-tip common burr, near the corners of the mouth two fang that infiltrated the person exposed to come out, turns head to look in a direction. Simultaneously the mouth drinks severely. “来着何人!”他浑身张出了红色如针尖一般的毛刺,嘴角边两颗渗人的獠牙裸露出来,扭头朝一个方向望去。同时口厉喝。 The pretty shadow appears side him together suddenly, that tall and pleasing to the eye form descends to earth on such as the day female, the back has a twin crystal to be bright and clean, such as ice sculpture Yu Zhuo Wing, her body is sending out the biting cold chill in the air, as if can make Divine Soul of person frozen stiff. 一道靓影忽然出现在他身边,那美轮美奂的身影就如天女下凡,背后有一双晶莹洁白,如冰雕玉琢翅膀,她身上散发着彻骨的寒意,似乎能让人的神魂冻僵。 In her hand holds a to send out the cold light long sword. 她手上持着一柄散发寒光的长剑。 The long sword wields. If the mercury flows swiftly. 长剑挥动。如水银泻地。 Tall and strong Corpse General strives to resist, the ice that but that seizes every opportunity actually froze the strength of his within the body coldly. 魁梧尸将勉力抵挡,但那无孔不入的冰寒却将他体内的力量都冻结了。 Has only supported three moves, was eliminated the head by a that female sword. 只撑过三招,便被那女子一剑消去了头颅。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… Ice cold Domain fills the air, the tall and strong male Corpse Spirit Race member, the vitality is even powerful, the flash still frozen lived in the body. vitality thorough annihilation. 冰寒的意境弥漫,魁梧男子即便是尸灵族的成员,生命力强大至极,一瞬间也被冰封住了身躯。生机彻底湮灭。 Su Yan! 苏颜 This is she comes out after Scarlet Billow Star first beginning, battle strength that intended then to show to be dumbfounded stunning, the eye that at least Mo Yu looked at hid jumps. 这是她从赤澜星出来之后第一次动手,一出手便展现出了让人瞠目结舌的战力,至少墨宇看的眼皮子直跳。 He can clearly feel the great strength of that Corpse General powerhouse, even if lets him and opposite party independent combat, at least still takes 2-3 double-hour to decide the victory and defeat, even if will win must pay some prices. 他能清楚地感受到那尸将强者的强大,即便让他与对方单打独斗,最起码也要2-3个时辰才能分出胜负,即便会赢也要付出一些代价。 But Yang Kai's this woman, 2-3 gave the solution this Corpse General unexpectedly. 杨开的这个女人,居然2-3就将这尸将给解决了。 Yang Kai already enough evildoer/monstrous talent. How with his woman also such evildoer/monstrous talent? A Mo Yu heart shock. 杨开已经够妖孽了。怎么跟着他的女人也这么妖孽?墨宇心一片震惊。 Struck to kill that Corpse General, Su Yan nonstop, grasped Profound Frost Divine Sword, displayed the monster to decide Secret Technique, borrowed the strength of Ice Phoenix source, by one's effort, crashed in Corpse Spirit Race army it, the place visited, a piece was off their feet, no one is gathering. 击杀了那个尸将,苏颜马不停蹄,手持玄霜神剑,施展了化妖决秘术,借用冰凤本源之力,以一己之力,冲进了尸灵族大军之,所过之处,一片人仰马翻,无人是一合之将。 As long as was struck the enemy who kills. All became the ice sculpture. 但凡被击杀的敌人。全都成了冰雕。 The battlefield frontline place, is one crowd of quantity many Clean Sky Sect disciple, they before Yang Kai and the others arrived has flushed, only to restore Black Ink Sea City restriction and Formation strives for time. 战场的最前方处,是一群数量不多的乾天宗弟子,他们早在杨开等人到来之前就已经冲出来了,只为修复墨海城禁制阵法争取时间 600 people, only have hundred people now. 六百人,如今只剩下百人不到。 At this moment is utterly isolated. Was surrounded by countless enemies, each breath some people drop down, fresh blood incarnadine land. 此刻更是四面楚歌。被无数敌人包围,每一息都有人倒下,鲜血染红了大地。 But in crowd it, young female that the long hair flies upwards, the figure vigorous such as fast, in enemy attempting to break through in all directions of formation, her twinkling the five colors multi-colored sunlight, the seemingly delicate body contains and terrifying strength, the small fist pounds, even the air was rumbled the demolition buzz cry. 而在人群之,有一个长发飞扬的少女,身形矫健如脱兔,在敌人的阵型之左冲右突,她身上闪烁五彩霞光,看起来柔柔弱弱的身子却蕴藏了及其恐怖的力量,小拳头砸出去,连空气都被轰出爆破的嗡鸣。 Enemy who as long as was pounded by her, without arriving at Void Return Stage, will then explode the body to perish immediately. 但凡被她砸的敌人,只要没到返虚镜,立刻便会爆体而亡。 Even if Void Return 1-layer martial artist is intimate, should still have a fracture, miserable howling unceasingly. 即便是返虚一层境武者挨上一下,也会伤筋动骨,惨嚎不断。 Innumerable attack hit toward her, accomplishing a task with ease that she gives way to traffic, some attack of avoidance hit occasionally on the body, she by the big injury, had not been instead stimulated the ominous surname of limpid eye pupil! 无数攻击朝她打来,她避让的游刃有余,偶尔有一些避不开的攻击打在身上,她也没受多大伤害,反而激发了清澈眼眸的凶姓! Body of this young female as if powerful somewhat inconceivable. 这个少女的身体似乎强悍的有些不可思议。 If not there is her strength protection, perhaps the Clean Sky Sect remaining hundred people have also been annihilated. 若非有她一力守护,乾天宗剩下的百人恐怕也早就全军覆没了。 Also living the companion, each is responding with the grateful look to young female. 还活着的同伴,每一个都对着少女报以感激的眼神。 Her liveliness brought to the Yang Kai's attention finally. 她的活跃终于引起了杨开的注意。 That covers in five colors multi-colored sunlight makes Yang Kai feel that very kind familiar, that clearly is Five Elements Indestructible Sword sword qi! 那覆盖在身上的五彩霞光让杨开感觉很亲切熟悉,那分明是不灭五行剑剑气 Was away from very far location/position, Yang Kai snatches a little leisure from the busy schedules to size up that young female, although her whole body was bathed in blood, could not see specifically how old, the situation of but from her growing, roughly 13 or 14-year-old. 隔着很远的位置,杨开忙里偷闲打量了一下那少女,虽然她浑身浴血,看不出具体多大年纪,但从她发育的情况来看,约莫只有十三四岁不到。 That absolutely is the body that did not have to be long. 那绝对是一具还没有长开的身体。 beautiful hair dances in the air it, her face makes Yang Kai somewhat look familiar indistinctly. 秀发飞舞之,她的面庞让杨开隐约有些眼熟。 could it be that is......” Yang Kai knitting the brows head, destroys completely the piece of enemy in own front rapidly, came the interest in that young female, bringing Xia Ning Chang to rush over toward that side. 难道是……”杨开皱了皱眉头,迅速灭掉自己前方的一片敌人,对那少女来了兴致,带着夏凝裳朝那边冲了过去。 Detected that some people attack, that young female is a fist. 察觉到有人来袭,那少女回头就是一拳。 Yang Kai raises hand to keep off. 杨开举手去挡。 Bang...... 轰…… The huge strength that is inconceivable erupts from that delicate small fist, even if better than the Yang Kai still hit body slightly in a flash, is good is much higher compared with young female because of his cultivation level boundary, has not lost face at the scene, otherwise, this face only feared that must lose cleanly. 一股难以想象的庞大力量从那柔弱的小拳头爆发出来,即便强如杨开也被打的身躯微微一晃,好在他的修为境界比少女高出很多,没有当场出丑,否则的话,这老脸只怕是要丢干净了。
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