MP :: Volume #17

#1676: Black Ink Sea City

First, Space Law Formation restores. 一曰后,空间法阵修复完毕。 Yang Kai called Mo Yu and Yang Xiuzhu and the others, said good-bye before leaving with Qian Tong. 杨开唤来了墨宇杨修竹等人,与钱通辞行。 Shadow Moon Palace aspect Yang Kai was not worried completely, Qian Tong now is Void King Stage, it can be said that Gloom Star for tens of thousands years the first powerhouse, if even he could not handle the Shadow Moon Palace crisis, perhaps that entire Gloom Star must end. 影月殿方面杨开是完全不担心的,钱通如今已是虚王境,可以说是幽暗星几万年来第一强者,如果连他都处理不了影月殿的危机,那整个幽暗星恐怕都要完了。 Brother Yang, this treasures.” Wei Guchang holds the fist saying leaves. 杨兄,此去一路珍重。”魏古昌抱拳道别。 Yang Kai returned to a ritual. 杨开回了一礼。 Yang Kai, which location/position this did Space Law Formation connect?” Mo Yu asked in the one side. 杨开,这空间法阵连通了哪个位置?”墨宇在一旁问道。 ......, if has not made a mistake, should be able to connect Demon Blood City!” “唔……如果没弄错的话,应该可以连通到魔血城!” What has not made a mistake?” Mo Yu stunned. “什么叫没弄错?”墨宇愕然 Demon Blood City is very near from Flowing Flame Sand Field, is not far from Clean Sky Sect, therefore Yang Kai locates Space Law Formation to that place, just his view makes Mo Yu feel very odd. 魔血城距离流炎沙地很近,距离乾天宗也不远,所以杨开才将空间法阵定位到那个地方,只不过他的说法却让墨宇感到很奇怪。 Yang Kai smiles awkwardly: This is I first time arranges Space Law Formation, therefore cannot guarantee to be able the direct transmission Demon Blood City.” 杨开尴尬一笑:“这是我头一次布置空间法阵,所以不敢保证能直接传送到魔血城。” Mo Yu was scared, Yang Xiuzhu and the others also a face speechless expression. 墨宇傻眼了,杨修竹等人也一脸无语的表情。 Relax.” Yang Kai watches a person's every mood, knows that they are worried about anything, even has not located Demon Blood City, the transmission will not have what danger, this point I can guarantee.” “不过放心。”杨开察言观色,知道他们在担心什么,“就算没定位到魔血城,传送是不会有什么危险的,这一点我是可以保证。” Listened to him saying that the people relax. 听他这么说,众人才松了口气。 The Space Law Formation transmission, is one and severe matter, makes the mistake slightly, then by Exile to endless Void it, cannot be walked forever, these year of Gloom Star have had many this kind of things, is Space Law Formation has problems, person of the readout or is missing does not see, or was cut the powder dust by the chaotic space force field directly. 空间法阵传送,是一件及其严苛的事情,稍有差错,便会被放逐到无尽的虚空之,永远也走不出来,这些年幽暗星出过不少这样的事情,都是空间法阵出了问题,结果传送之人或失踪不见,或直接被混乱的空间力场切割成碎末。 Therefore everyone heard the Yang Kai words, somewhat was anxious. 所以大家一听到杨开刚才的话,都有些紧张。 But since Yang Kai can guarantee that the this time transmission cannot have the danger, there is nothing to be worried. 但既然杨开能保证这一次传送不会有危险,那就没什么好担心的。 Even transmitted location/position to be wrong. Also are little significance, at the worst hurries along with Star Shuttle is. 就算传送位置错了。也没多大关系,大不了用星梭赶路就是。 Time, we then did not leave early.” Yang Xiuzhu also wants to return to High Heaven Sect impatiently, has a look that side situation how. “时候不早了,那我们即可动身。”杨修竹也迫不及待想要返回凌霄宗,去看看那边情况如何。 The people nod, stood together on Space Law Formation. Yang Kai is built on location/position, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan, links up entire formation, shortly, that will place Saint Crystal then twinkling on Space Law Formation has dazzling rays of light, the huge energy pulls out to be spatial. 众人点头,一起站到了空间法阵上。杨开立于间位置,催动圣元,贯通整个法阵,顷刻间,那安置在空间法阵上的圣晶便闪烁起耀眼的光芒,庞大的能量被一抽而空。 Rich Space Force is unconstrained. One group of people disappear do not see. 浓郁的空间之力跌宕。一群人消失不见。 First destroyed formation, cannot to transmit from outside!” When Yang Kai one group of people disappear do not see, Qian Tong waves. “先毁了法阵,不能让人从外面传送进来!”等到杨开一群人消失不见,钱通才挥了挥手。 Wei Guchang results in the command, a fist bang thinks of every means again prepare formation to Yang Kai, that formation base lists as two halves immediately, is unable to use. 魏古昌得令,一拳轰向杨开费尽心思重新布置好的法阵,那法阵阵基立刻列为两半,无法使用了。 Qian Tong vision like shuttle. Looks into the distance, is low and deep: This chapter of Shadow Moon Palace!” 钱通目光如梭。眺望远方,低沉道:“该回影月殿了!” Fei Zhitu and Wei Guchang and the others all are the look shakes, looks to the Shadow Moon Palace direction, the eyes of everyone reveal astonishing murderous intention. 费之图魏古昌等人皆是神色一震,望向影月殿的方向,每个人的眼都流露出惊人的杀机 ...... …… Void it, rays of light flashes through, Yang Kai and the others come strangely. 虚空之,光芒闪过,杨开等人诡异地现身出来。 A number of lines person, besides Yang Kai. Others somewhat had a dizzy spell, cross gradually to adapt some little time. The space transmission of long-distance range, mostly follows the this kind of side effect, only had practice Space Force Yang Kai, can adjust own condition in shortest time. 一行数人,除了杨开之外。其他人都有些头晕目眩,过了好一会才逐渐适应过来。远距离的空间传送,大多都伴随着这样的副作用,也只有修炼空间之力杨开,才能在最短的时间调整好自身的状态。 Is good does not have the danger because of the , otherwise the people must be hit to be caught off guard. 好在附近没有危险,否则众人肯定要被打个措手不及。 Turns head to look out in all directions, Yang Xiuzhu stunned: This is not Demon Blood City, is this?” 扭头四望,杨修竹愕然:“这不是魔血城,这是哪?” Does the place that the people present clearly in plain above of length and breadth, the seeing institute, where have the shadow of what city? 众人出现的地方分明是在一片广袤的平原之上,入目所及,哪里有什么城池的影子? The transmission really made a mistake. 传送果然出错了。 Yang Kai has the preparation early. Naturally has nothing embarrassed, hears saying: „Should we in some location/position between Demon Blood City and Heavenly Fate City, what impression may have to this plain?” 杨开对此早有心理准备。自然没什么不好意思的,闻言道:“我们应该是在魔血城天运城之间的某个位置,诸位对这平原可有什么印象?” Yang Xiuzhu, Chu Hanyi and Lin Yurao three people shake the head slowly, expressed that does not recognize here. 杨修竹,楚寒衣林玉娆三人缓缓摇头,表示不认得这里。 Although they are locally born Gloom Star martial artist. But year to year closes up practice in Star Emperor Mountain, to situation and not clear, even Yang Kai was inferior, called their moment from one small clue one can see what is coming, without doubt somewhat felt embarrassed them. 他们虽然是土生土长的幽暗星武者。但常年在星帝山闭关修炼,对外界的情况并不清楚,甚至连杨开都不如,叫他们此刻见微知著,无疑是有些为难他们了。 Actually Mo Yu at present one bright, on the face reveals some happy expression, sizes up unceasingly, flies the upper air to wait and see, after the moment, a face returns inspired. 倒是墨宇眼前一亮,脸上露出一些喜色,不断地四下打量,又飞上高空观望,片刻后,一脸振奋地返回。 I know where here was, here was the white bones original, the nearby had the crack day canyon, from Black Ink Sea City, only then said the distance.” “我知道这里是什么地方了,这里是白骨原,附近有个裂天峡,距离墨海城只有一曰路程。” Oh? Clean Sky Sect Black Ink Sea City?” Some Yang Kai accidental/surprised. 哦?乾天宗墨海城?”杨开有些意外 Good!” “不错!” Yang Kai nods slightly, transmits is not too odd, moreover to Mo Yu that evidently makes a mistake, this perhaps is a good news, Black Ink Sea City is a city that Clean Sky Sect manages, is not too far from the Clean Sky Sect Headquarters distance, such as Heavenly Fate City is like the relations of Shadow Moon Palace. 杨开微微颔首,看样子传送出错的不算太离谱,而且对墨宇来说,这或许是个好消息,墨海城乾天宗下辖的一座城池,距离乾天宗总舵的距离也不算太远,就如天运城影月殿的关系一样。 The accident of sorts arrived here, helped Mo Yu actually. 机缘巧合来到这里,倒是成全了墨宇 In view of this, might as well first goes to Black Ink Sea City.” The Yang Kai ponder moment, he inquires the situation in High Heaven Sect surrounding now urgently needed, but goes to Black Ink Sea City without doubt is the best choice. “既如此,不妨先去一趟墨海城。”杨开沉思片刻,他现在急需打探一下凌霄宗外围的情况,而去墨海城无疑是最好的选择。 Moreover, how the Black Ink Sea City situation does not know, he naturally must go to nose together one with Mo Yu, perhaps has place that can help. 而且,墨海城情况也不知如何,他自然是要跟墨宇一同前往查探一番的,或许有能帮忙的地方。 After all is also matter on the way. 毕竟也是顺路的事情。 That many thanks.” Mo Yu holds the fist in the other hand hastily. “那就多谢了。”墨宇连忙抱拳。 Here is the Clean Sky Sect domain, Mo Yu is familiar, getting the people to speed along, said the time, saw that the front palatial city stood erect in plain above. 这里算是乾天宗的地盘,墨宇熟悉无比,领着众人一路飞驰,前后不过一曰功夫,就见到前方一座巍峨的城池屹立在平原之上 That was Black Ink Sea City!” Mo Yu is pointing at the front introduction. “那就是墨海城了!”墨宇指着前方介绍。 As if there is fight.” Yang Kai discovered rays of light that many Secret Technique and Secret Treasure bloom. “似乎有战斗。”杨开发现了不少秘术秘宝绽放的光芒 Is my Clean Sky Sect person!” The Mo Yu complexion sinks, the speed was faster several points. “是我乾天宗的人!”墨宇脸色一沉,速度更快了几分。 Nearby Black Ink Sea City has the fight, this is a mediocre news, at least, the people know that Black Ink Sea City had not been occupied by Corpse Spirit Religion, but also some people are revolting, how does not know that side situation. 墨海城附近发生战斗,这算是一个不好不坏的消息,最起码,众人知道墨海城还没被尸灵教占据,还有人在反抗,就是不知道那边的情况到底如何。 Black Ink Sea City, in the city wall, beautiful woman complexion stands there palely, side her, assembled more than ten Void Return Stage powerhouses, but these Void Return Stage seem like situation some to be not quite optimistic, is almost everyone is wounded, the injury has the heaviness lightly, the most serious right arm did not even have unexpectedly, moreover probably shortly after cut off, the white gauze package, is still infiltrating fresh blood outward, red that gauze dyes. 墨海城,城墙上,有一美妇面色苍白站在那里,在她身边,围聚了十几位返虚镜强者,只不过这些返虚镜似乎情况有些不太乐观,几乎是人人带伤,伤势有轻有重,最严重的一个居然连右臂都没有了,而且好像才被斩断不久,白色的纱布包裹,依然往外渗着鲜血,将那纱布染的通红。 This martial artist but actually also unyielding. Even the pain is hard to endure, is still clenching teeth not to speak. 武者倒也硬气。即便痛楚难忍,也是咬着牙不吭声。 Under the city wall, some bodies were covered with the mildew, Corpse Spirit Race of green wool or red hair recklessly vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, and some Human Race martial artist wars. 城墙下方,一些身上长满了白毛,绿毛或者红毛的尸灵族肆意纵横,正在与一些人类武者大战。 The aspect is very chaotic. Participates in the both sides quantity of fight at least also several thousands, but Human Race martial artist works as, does not stand in the same battleline, many Human Race martial artist are even assisting these Corpse Spirit Race, massacres the own compatriot. 局面很混乱。参与战斗的双方数量最起码也有数千之多,而人类武者当,也并非是站在同一阵线的,许多人类武者甚至在协助那些尸灵族,残杀自己的同胞。 These people have turned to Corpse Spirit Religion obviously. 这些人显然是已经投靠了尸灵教的。 City Master, ordering makes them come back. Delays again, only feared that wanted the entire death ray.” In the city wall, some people hold the fist in the other hand to the beautiful traditional woman ethics, look that a face hates bitterly. 城主,下令让他们回来吧。再拖延下去,只怕要全死光了。”城墙上,有人抱拳冲美妇道,一脸痛心疾首的神色。 This is a completely unfair fight, quantity ten times of enemy in own, Black Ink Sea City here martial artist almost every must deal with many enemies. 这是一场完全不公平的战斗,敌人的数量十倍于自己,墨海城这边的武者几乎每一个都要应付好多位敌人。 600 people clash. Less than the time of quarter of an hour, only has 200 people to support now by strenuous efforts, but these 200 people, is beset with problems, is surrounded by perils. 六百人冲出去。不到一刻钟的功夫,如今只剩下两百人在苦苦支撑了,而这两百人,也是捉襟见肘,险象环生。 Yes City Master, these may be my Clean Sky Sect final Elite, if buckle here. We said, how to confess to the generations?” “是啊城主,这些可都是我乾天宗最后的精锐了,若是折损在这里。我们曰后如何向列祖列宗交代?” Cannot remove!” beautiful woman cold Shengjiao drinks, Black Ink Sea City restriction Formation is repairing it, if withdraws at this time, Black Ink Sea City is incapable of resisting radically, when kills to the Corpse Spirit Religion army, entire Black Ink Sea City loss of life.” “不能撤!”美妇冷声娇喝,“墨海城禁制阵法正在修复之,若是此时撤回,墨海城根本无力抵挡,待到尸灵教大军杀至,整个墨海城都将生灵涂炭。” „Do this we know? But before......” that person over the face that spoke was sorrowful. “这我们何尝不知道?可是……”那之前说话的人满面悲恸。 Six hundred Elite clash, only to strive to restore city Formation restore time, this fills in the life completely. Black Ink Sea City can support now, city many restriction and Formation had lasting achievements, did not have Formation and restriction. The Corpse Spirit Religion army has razed to the ground this place. 六百精锐冲出去,只为争取修复城池阵法的修复时间而已,这完全是拿命来填。墨海城能够支持到现在,城诸多禁制大阵功不可没,没了阵法禁制尸灵教大军早就将此地夷为平地了。 But insisted that the present is also the limit, Corpse Spirit Religion only need organize powerful again an attack of time, perhaps will break the city. 但坚持到现在也已经是极限了,尸灵教只需再组织一次强力的进攻,恐怕就会破城。 With Corpse Spirit Religion always attitude, the Black Ink Sea City 1 million residents only feared when the time comes few can live. 尸灵教历来的作风,到时候墨海城百万居民只怕没几个能活下来。 Hateful Gale Pavilion, Hundred Changes Sect. Traceless Sect these villains, toward saying flatter my Clean Sky Sect, now said that is actually willing to receive Corpse Spirit Religion to whip on, under killer to my Sect disciple pain, Old Man, if can live on dishonorably, decides to ask them the blood debt blood to recompense!” Some people howled angrily. “可恨狂风阁,百变门无痕宗这些小人,往曰巴结我乾天宗,今曰却甘愿受尸灵教驱策,对我宗门弟子痛下杀手,老夫若是能苟活,定叫他们血债血偿!”有人愤怒吼叫。 The expressions of others ugly incomparable. 其他人的表情都难看无比。 Gale Pavilion, Hundred Changes Sect, Traceless Sect...... many small Sect and families, are attached existence in Clean Sky Sect, when Clean Sky Sect is powerful, they flatter the flattery, wishing one could to give Clean Sky Sect for the slave is a maid. 狂风阁,百变门,无痕宗……诸多小宗门和家族,原本都是附属于乾天宗的存在,在乾天宗强大的时候,他们巴结阿谀,恨不得给乾天宗为奴为婢。 Clean Sky Sect treats these attached influences is not always mean-spirited, even opened some Sect Secret Technique, lets their practice, will admit their Elite disciple to come Clean Sky Sect to dive every year to cultivate, making the powerhouse teach personally. 乾天宗对待这些附属势力向来也不小气,甚至开放了一些宗门秘术,让他们修炼,每一年都会接纳他们的精锐弟子乾天宗潜修,让强者亲自教导。 Actually after not thinks Gloom Star to change, the fellows of these wild ambitions unexpectedly on own initiative surrender, not only betrayed Clean Sky Sect, but also started one to let the sneak attack that the people's desires could not expect in Clean Sky Sect Headquarters. 却不想幽暗星大变之后,这些狼子野心的家伙竟主动投诚,不但背叛了乾天宗,还在乾天宗总舵发动了一场让人意料不到的偷袭。 That war, Clean Sky Sect Headquarters was destroyed, only then the small number of people escaped, the surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) ten thousand li (0.5 km) sphere of influence, only has Black Ink Sea City to support by strenuous efforts! 那一战,乾天宗总舵被毁,只有少数人逃了出来,方圆十里万里的势力范围,只剩下墨海城在苦苦支撑! That beautiful woman City Master did not say a word, but in beautiful pupil distressed was obvious. 那美妇城主一言不发,但是美眸里的痛心却是显而易见的。 In this world can how many people defend strictly the conscience under the powerful evil oppression? Therefore she not angry, these people choose to live on dishonorably, discarded is actually the basis of personhood. 这世上又有多少人能在强大的邪恶压迫下紧守本心呢?所以她并没有恼怒,那些人选择苟且偷生,丢掉的却是做人的根本。 Shen Shitao where!” The beautiful women drink one suddenly tenderly. 沈诗桃何在!”美妇忽然娇喝一声。 Not far away, an eye, if the peach blossom, figure graceful female hears word, flees to the beautiful women side hastily, holds the fist saying: Elder Du, disciple in this!” 不远处,一个眼若桃花,身段婀娜女子闻言,连忙窜到美妇身边,抱拳道:“杜长老,弟子在此!” Places usually, this kind of female is surely noticeable, making the male daydream infinite, but at this moment, without many people will actually focus 放在平时,这样的女子必定惹人瞩目,令男子遐想无限,但是此刻,却没多少人将心思放在她身上。 The beautiful women said dignifiedly: Shen Shitao, this Elder assigns/life you from my Clean Sky Sect younger generation, selects 300 people, leads them through Space Law Formation, fast leaves Black Ink Sea City!” 美妇威严道:“沈诗桃,本长老命你从我乾天宗年轻一代,选出三百人,带着他们通过空间法阵,速速离开墨海城!” Shen Shitao one dull, but she is also beautiful and intelligent female, immediately understands the beautiful woman was what intention, elegant face one white, lost the sound said: Elder Du!” 沈诗桃一呆,不过她也是蕙质兰心女子,立刻明白美妇是什么意图了,俏脸一白,失声道:“杜长老!” The beautiful women smile temperately: My Clean Sky Sect Headquarters was destroyed, Sect Master was killed, now in Black Ink Sea City, was my Clean Sky Sect final bloodlines, you have that 300 people, how regardless of must survive, only then you are living, my Clean Sky Sect will have the future, was hopeful!” 美妇温和一笑:“我乾天宗总舵被毁,宗主被杀,如今在墨海城的,就是我乾天宗最后的血脉了,你带着那三百人,无论如何也要生存下去,只有你们活着,我乾天宗才有未来,才有希望!”
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