MP :: Volume #17

#1675: Gloom Star great misfortune

In the past Ancient Yang Sect was extinguished, the Sect disciple casualty were innumerable, but did not know what reason, after dying they actually to obtain the new life with a brand-new stance, they become can practice be able to take a walk, corpse that can fight. 当年古阳宗被灭,宗门弟子死伤无数,可是不知道什么原因,死后的他们却以一种全新的姿态获得了新生,他们成为了能修炼能走动,能战斗的尸体。 Gloom Star, the situations in some young generation of person probably not clear Buried Mighty Valley, but Qian Tong actually understands. 幽暗星上,一些小一辈的人大概不清楚葬雄谷内的情况,但是钱通却是明白的。 Yang Kai also knows, in the past he went to Buried Mighty Valley to explore with Yang Yan together, Five Elements Indestructible Sword practice Cultivation Technique and Sun's True Essence as well as Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk carry over from Buried Mighty Valley. 杨开也知道,当年他跟阳炎一起去葬雄谷探索过,不灭五行剑修炼功法太阳真精以及万载冰玉台就是从葬雄谷内带出的。 At that time he also bumped into several strength tyrannical Corpse General to besiege, took advantage of Space Force, perhaps did not have the opportunity to escape. 当时他还碰到几个实力强横的尸将围攻,要不是依仗空间之力,恐怕都没机会逃出来。 Long-drawn-out one fights with this side Fengqi, Yang Kai had guessed, the inquiry of Qian Tong confirmed his idea. 悠一与这个方风棋交手,杨开就有所猜测了,钱通的询问更证实了他的想法。 „The old thing vision is good, this King truly came from Buried Mighty Valley, I am the honored corpse spirit clan, dominates in myriad things above!” side Fengqi many have not dreaded, is crying out put on a high and mighty act. 老东西眼光不错,本座确实来自葬雄谷,我乃尊贵的尸灵一族,凌驾于万物之上!”方风棋并没有多少畏惧,趾高气昂地叫唤着。 Corpse spirit clan! This was Corpse Spirit Religion these special lives to the name of own, this point Qian Tong has heard from Fei Zhitu there. 尸灵一族!这是尸灵教那些特殊的生灵对自己的称呼,这一点钱通已经从费之图那里听闻了。 Depends on you also to dominate in myriad things above?” The Qian Tong expression is faint, you are the people who should die, you do not have this qualifications.” “就凭你们也想凌驾于万物之上?”钱通表情淡漠,“你们不过是本应该死去的人罢了,你们没这个资格。” hey hey.” side Fengqi is smiling lowly, has this qualifications, is not you decides, said, you will know! old thing, do not make futile efforts, this King is anything will not tell you.” 嘿嘿。”方风棋低笑着,“有没有这个资格,不是你说了算,曰后你自会知晓!老东西,你也别白费心机了,本座是什么都不会告诉你的。” Yes?” Qian Tong sneers, „, even if Old Man destroyed your corpse bead, you aren't willing to cooperate?” “是嘛?”钱通冷笑一声,“即便是老夫毁了你的尸珠,你也不愿意合作?” The corpse bead, is that such as side Fengqi the this kind of Corpse Spirit Race abdomen contains bead that filled Corpse Qi, this bead to the Corpse Spirit Race member, not less than effect of Core on Monster Beast, corpse spirit clan all skills came from in own corpse bead. 尸珠,便是如方风棋这样的尸灵族腹部蕴藏的那颗弥漫了尸气的珠子,这一颗珠子对尸灵族的成员来说,不啻于内丹妖兽的作用,尸灵一族所有的本事都源自于自身的尸珠。 Fei Zhitu had once fought with the Corpse Spirit Race member. Naturally knew to these information. 费之图曾与尸灵族的成员战斗过。对这些情报自然有所知晓。 side Fengqi the complexion changes, shouted severely: old thing you dare to threaten this King!” 方风棋脸色微变,厉喝道:“老东西你敢威胁本座!” Is the threat, you try apparent.” The Qian Tong tone is aggressive. “是不是威胁,你试试便知。”钱通语气咄咄逼人。 side Fengqi as if also looked at resolute of Qian Tong, complexion one cold, became twists suddenly. big shout: „To eavesdrop on the news from this King here, old thing your wishful thinking, this King will not make you probably recompense to hope.” 那方风棋似乎也瞧出了钱通的果决,脸色一冷,骤然变得扭曲起来。大喝一声:“想从本座这里探听消息,老东西你痴心妄想,本座绝不会让你得偿所愿。” The words fall, his abdomen place suddenly is of unconstrained a fluctuation of energy terrifying, sound of the slight kāchā gets up, as if had anything to break to pieces. 话落,他腹部处忽然跌宕出一股恐怖的能量波动,有一声细微的咔嚓之声响起,仿佛有什么东西碎开了。 „It is not good!” Fei Zhitu complexion big change. “不好!”费之图脸色大变。 Others are also quick realized that had anything, Yang Kai hastily revolution Saint Yuan. Protects Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang on the body, Qian Tong waves, mellow Saint Yuan wraps Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er. 其他人也很快都意识到发生了什么,杨开连忙运转圣元。将苏颜夏凝裳护在身上,钱通更是一挥手,醇厚的圣元魏古昌董宣儿包裹住。 One said finally, my Corpse Spirit Religion meets series Gloom Star, you must die, ha ha ha!” side Fengqi is laughing crazily. With an earth fault loud sound, the whole person explodes suddenly. “终有一曰,我尸灵教会一统幽暗星,你们都得死,哈哈哈哈!”方风棋疯狂大笑着。伴随着一声碰地巨响,整个人忽然爆裂开来。 One group of rich deep green Corpse Qi take him as the heart, spreads toward all around loudly, the Corpse Qi place visited, the ground corrodes, the household furniture all changes into ashes, entire City Lord's Mansion shook several to shake. Nearly avalanche. 一团浓郁的碧绿尸气以他为心,轰然朝四周扩散,尸气所过之处,地面腐蚀,桌椅板凳全都化为齑粉,整个城主府都晃了几晃。险些崩塌。 Finally moment, if not for Qian Tong protects and sustains by Void King Stage cultivation level, City Lord's Mansion will meet with a disaster surely. 最后关头,若不是钱通虚王境修为护持,城主府必定会遭殃。 That after all is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse from exploding, the might measures not. 那毕竟是个返虚三层境强者的自爆,威力莫测。 Leaves behind side Fengqi the surname life, originally wants to inquire the Corpse Spirit Religion actual situation, actually does not think that the mutton has not eaten, instead also annoyed one to scratch with the finger, the Qian Tong complexion was ugly. 留下方风棋的姓命,本来是想打探一下尸灵教的虚实,却不想羊肉没吃到,反而还惹了一身搔,钱通脸色难看。 If Corpse Spirit Religion these fellows, everyone is so reckless crazy, that troubled. 若是尸灵教的那些家伙,每个人都这么疯狂不要命的话,那就麻烦了。 Outside main hall. Suddenly Void Return Stage martial artist walked hurriedly, turned head to look at around one, looked color with amazement, not clear here exactly had anything. 大殿外。忽然有一返虚镜武者急匆匆地走了进来,扭头看了一下四周,面露骇然之色,不清楚这里到底发生了什么。 What matter?” The Qian Tong sinking sound asked. “何事?”钱通沉声问道。 That person holds the fist in the other hand to say hastily: Reported Great Elder, Corpse Spirit Religion disciple that in Heavenly Fate City hid has exterminated cleanly!” 那人连忙抱拳回道:“禀大长老,天运城内隐藏的尸灵教弟子都已经清剿干净!” Done is very good! Can once present the casualties?” “做的很好!可曾出现伤亡?” High Heaven Sect Elder assists. Only casualty more than ten people!” “得凌霄宗诸位长老协助。只死伤十几人!” Elaborate funeral they!” “厚葬他们!” Yes!” “是!” In Shadow Moon Palace, although many people covet life and fear death, pledged allegiance to Corpse Spirit Religion, but also many people can maintain the standpoint, these people were detained without exception, first two said that had been rescued, this time is the Qian Tong potency. 影月殿内,虽然有很多人贪生怕死,归顺了尸灵教,但是也有不少人能够坚持立场,这些人无一例外地都被关押了起来,前两曰已经都被救出,这个时候正好为钱通效力。 But in Heavenly Fate City, incessantly side Fengqi a Corpse Spirit Race person, before Yang Kai and Wei Guchang and the others killed City Lord's Mansion time encountered some corpses spirit, was cut to kill completely. 天运城内,也不止方风棋一个尸灵族人,之前杨开魏古昌等人杀进城主府的时候就遭遇了一些尸灵,被斩杀殆尽。 Heavenly Fate City also scattered in all directions to hide much, this time 11 was clutched. 天运城也四散隐藏了不少,这个时候都被一一揪了出来。 Can say until now, entire Heavenly Fate City is changed beyond recognition, the domestic trouble completely eliminates. 可以说直到现在,整个天运城才算是焕然一新,内忧尽除。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others took a step from outside. 杨修竹等人从外面迈步走了进来。 Laborious!” Qian Tong sets out hastily, holds the fist in the other hand the gratitude. “诸位辛苦!”钱通连忙起身,抱拳感激。 Yang Xiuzhu beckons with the hand, the expression does not see slightly with ease: Cuts to kill some small mixed fish, cannot be regarded laboriously, but only Heavenly Fate City then so situation, really does not know that other Gloom Star cities are what appearances.” 杨修竹摆了摆手,表情不见丝毫轻松:“只是斩杀一些小杂鱼,算不得辛苦,但是区区一个天运城便这般情况,真不知道幽暗星上其他城池是什么样子。” Fei Zhitu sighed: In the two years time, the Corpse Spirit Religion development is extremely rapid, they seem like Secret Technique, can turn into the corpse spirit the live person, works oneself to death for them whole-heartedly. Two years ago Corpse Spirit Religion just presented time, their population 1000, are now, tens of thousands continue, these tens of thousands members, are major Sect and family's Void Return Stage powerhouse, cannot be underestimated!” 费之图叹息一声:“这两年时间,尸灵教发展极快,他们似乎有一种秘术,可以将活人变成尸灵,更加死心塌地地为他们卖命。两年前尸灵教刚出现的时候,他们的人数不过一千而已,可是现在,几万都不止,这几万成员,很多都是各大宗门和家族的返虚镜强者,不容小觑啊!” Before side Fengqi, plans to turn into the corpse spirit Fei Zhitu, therefore had not abandoned his cultivation level, destroys his meridians. 方风棋之前也打算将费之图变成尸灵,所以才一直没有废去他的修为,摧毁他的经脉 So long as meridians does not destroy, even if were beheaded, side Fengqi still has the means to turn into the member of corpse spirit clan Fei Zhitu, can display his before death battle strength. 只要经脉不毁,即便被斩首了,方风棋也有办法将费之图变成尸灵一族的成员,能够发挥出他生前的战力 Gloom Star great misfortune!” Qian Tong sighed layer on layer/heavily, went out 7-8 years, came back the native land to turn into this appearance unexpectedly, promoted Void King Stage joyful instantaneously thick sadly and replaced anxiously. 幽暗星大劫!”钱通重重地叹息一声,出去七八年,一回来故土居然变成这个样子,晋升虚王境的喜悦瞬间就被浓浓的悲伤和忧虑取代。 „, I want to return to Clean Sky Sect to look.” Nearby, Mo Yu opens the mouth suddenly. “诸位,我想回乾天宗看一看。”一旁,墨宇忽然开口。 His these two said that also helps in Heavenly Fate City, until now finds time. 他这两曰也在天运城内帮忙,直到现在才抽出空来。 „The black ink brother......” Qian Tong opens mouth, naturally his mood. “墨兄……”钱通张了张嘴,自然他的心情。 The Clean Sky Sect situation how, they do not know totally, but the entire Gloom Star at least half of influences are involved in this turmoil it now, Clean Sky Sect is the Gloom Star big influence, is one of the Corpse Spirit Religion key attendance objects, the situation will not be perhaps optimistic. 乾天宗情况如何,他们一概不知,但是如今整个幽暗星至少有一半的势力被卷入了这场动乱之,乾天宗幽暗星上的大势力,是尸灵教重点照顾的对象之一,局势恐怕不会太乐观。 Mo Yu wants to return to Clean Sky Sect, perfectly justified, after all he is Clean Sky Sect Great Elder. 墨宇想回乾天宗,天经地义,毕竟他是乾天宗大长老 Now this time, puts him to return, really makes people relieved. 只是现在这个时候,放他一人返回,实在让人不放心。 If possible, Qian Tong is naturally willing to accompany him to go together, but Heavenly Fate City, although was hit by him, but the Shadow Moon Palace Headquarters issue has not been solved. 若是可能的话,钱通自然愿意陪他一同前往,但是天运城虽然被他打下来了,但是影月殿总舵的问题还没解决。 That side Headquarters, still abyss of suffering, is urgently needed he to go to process personally, rescues these not to pledge allegiance to Corpse Spirit Religion disciple, strikes rebel who kills these to be perfidious to live on dishonorably. 总舵那边,依然水深火热,急需他亲自前往处理,解救那些不愿意归顺尸灵教弟子,击杀那些背信弃义苟且偷生的叛徒。 Some black ink present is not general Void Return 3-layer, does not need to be worried, I will handle affairs carefully.” Mo Yu shows a faint smile. “墨某如今也不是一般的返虚三层境,诸位不必担心,我自会小心行事的。”墨宇微微一笑。 Sees his intention to leave to decide, Qian Tong was not good to say anything again, but the sinking sound urged: In view of this, black ink brother this is careful is on.” 见他去意已决,钱通也不好再说什么,只是沉声叮嘱道:“既如此,墨兄这一路小心为上。” Perhaps relax, present Gloom Star, few individuals can block me.” Mo Yu nods. “放心吧,如今的幽暗星,恐怕没几个人能拦得住我。”墨宇点头。 Beforehand Mo Yu is one of the Gloom Star topest Void Return Stage powerhouses, informed and experienced in blood prison, although cannot exceed Void King Stage like Qian Tong such, but own synthesis battle strength actually promoted. 以前的墨宇便是幽暗星最顶尖的返虚镜强者之一,在血狱内历练一番,虽然没能如钱通那样一举突破到虚王境,可自身的综合战力却提升了很多。 Even if Corpse Spirit Religion again, without Void King Stage assumes personal command, perhaps still takes him to have no means. 尸灵教就算再了得,只要没有虚王境坐镇,恐怕也拿他没什么办法。 How does Senior Mo wait a bit says? I and you together.” Yang Kai opens the mouth suddenly. 墨前辈稍等一曰如何?我与你一起。”杨开忽然开口。 Yang Kai can you return to High Heaven Sect?” Qian Tong asked. 杨开你要回凌霄宗嘛?”钱通问道。 Em. Although that side High Heaven Sect impregnable, does not need to be worried that will be broken through, how however the Elder Ye situation does not know, I a little keep thinking, wants to go back to have a look, happen to and Senior Mo on the way.” “恩。虽说凌霄宗那边固若金汤,不用担心会被人攻破,但是叶长老的情况不知怎样,我有点惦记,想回去看看,正好与墨前辈顺路。” So also good!” “如此也好!” Although does not understand why Yang Kai wants own on wait/etc. saying that but Mo Yu complied. 虽然不明白杨开为何要自己等上一曰,但墨宇还是答应了下来。 After all discussions are appropriate, Yang Kai immediately location/position that goes to Heavenly Fate City Space Law Formation to be. 一切商议妥当之后,杨开立刻前往天运城空间法阵所在的位置 Corpse Spirit Religion runs Heavenly Fate City time, had destroyed Space Law Formation, Yang Kai wants to try to have a look, whether to give to restore it. 尸灵教掌管天运城的时候,已经将空间法阵摧毁了,杨开想尝试一下看看,能否将它给修复过来。 If possible, can be more economical hurrying along time. 如果可以的话,也能节省一些赶路的时间 After all this goes to High Heaven Sect, is not the short distance! 毕竟此去凌霄宗,可是不短的路程! Heavenly Fate City Space Law Formation Yang Kai borrows more than once, has naturally known its location/position is, quick, he then brings Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang rushed to the place, two female respective dispersing securities, guard against mishap, Yang Kai arrives at that Space Law Formation front, observes and emulates carefully. 天运城空间法阵杨开借用过不止一次,自然知道它的位置所在,很快,他便带着苏颜夏凝裳赶到了地方,两女各自散开警戒,以防不测,杨开则来到那空间法阵前方,仔细观摩起来。 Is skilled in the space, was not equal to that can arrange Space Law Formation, this must have the huge Formation knowledge to be good. Yang Kai had not previously arranged Space Law Formation, but he looked at Yang Yan to arrange, therefore some many also energy. 精通空间,不等于就能布置空间法阵了,这必须得有庞大阵法知识才行。此前杨开从来没布置过空间法阵,但是他看阳炎布置过,所以多少还有一些底气。 Observed two double-hour with rapt attention, in this period Yang Kai emitted Spiritual Mind to spy on that destroyed Space Law Formation internal structure unceasingly, is deducing that complicated line. 凝神观察了两个时辰,期间杨开不断地放出神念窥探着那被摧毁的空间法阵内部的构造,推演着那繁冗的线路。 After two double-hour, Yang Kai look slightly happy. 两个时辰后,杨开神色微喜。 Fortunately fortunately, this Space Law Formation, although was destroyed, however destroys is not too serious, various traces and structures also traceable, if illuminates the bottle gourd picture wooden scoop, Yang Kai has some assurances to be able it to recover. 还好还好,这个空间法阵虽然被摧毁了,但是毁的不算太严重,各种纹路和构造都还有迹可循,如果只是照葫芦画瓢的话,杨开有一些把握能够将它复原过来。 Combed a own mentality carefully, the Yang Kai then flying leapt, arrived on Space Law Formation. 仔细梳理了一下自己的思路,杨开这才飞身一跃,来到了空间法阵上。 Various types of rare and precious minerals took out from Space Ring by him, revolution Divine Consciousness Fire smelts, is making up for the Space Law Formation destroyed spot. 各种珍稀的矿物被他从空间戒取出,运转神识之火加以熔炼,然后弥补着空间法阵被摧毁的部位。 First time arranges, unavoidably is unfamiliar, fall short several times, making Yang Kai very annoying. 头一次布置,难免生疏,好几次都功亏一篑,让杨开很是懊恼。 However with passing of time, he had a familiar task and handled it with ease more and more. 不过随着时间的流逝,他越来越驾轻就熟了。 Moreover, arranges Space Law Formation as if to be able with own to Space Force grasped to be on good terms to gather, making his comprehension to the Space Force deeper. 而且,布置空间法阵似乎能与自己空间之力的掌握相契合,让他对空间力量的领悟更深了许多。 This harvest makes Yang Kai joyful. 这个无意间的收获让杨开大为欣喜。 Said evidently, practice Space Force were also many a method. 看样子曰后修炼空间之力又多了一种方法。 Space Force very difficult practice, to have most started Yang Kai through deriving Space Spirit Crystal energy practice, but Space Spirit Crystal has used up, now Yang Kai practice Space Force, mainly through opening the Mysterious Boundary Bead space. 空间之力一直很难修炼,最开始的时候杨开是通过汲取空灵晶的能量修炼的,不过空灵晶早就已经用完,现在杨开修炼空间之力,主要是通过开辟玄界珠的空间。 But arrangement Space Law Formation without doubt is another fresh way. 而布置空间法阵无疑是另外一种全新的方式。
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