MP :: Volume #17

#1674: Heartless

Is you!” side Fengqi eyes recognize to keep off in the front youth, was in that fellow on High Stage impressively a moment ago, the facial expression violent anger, the figure continues to proceed to flush away, a fist pounds to Void, mouth big shout said: Go away!” “是你!”方风棋一眼就认出挡在前方的青年,赫然就是刚才身在高台上的那家伙,神情暴怒,身形继续往前冲去,一拳捣向虚空,口大喝道:“滚开!” He escapes eagerly, where has the time to pester with Yang Kai here? Therefore acts is the full power. 他急于逃命,哪有功夫跟杨开在这里纠缠?所以一出手便是全力。 An unusual strength lingers on his fist, that seems like does not calculate that the strong fist is becoming such as Secret Treasure to be common unexpectedly in an instant, moreover on side Fengqi the arm, appeared unexpectedly grew some dark red color like the steel needle hair. 一股奇特的力量萦绕在他的拳头上,那一只看起来不算强壮的拳头竟在刹那间变得如秘宝一般坚固,而且方风棋的胳膊上,竟出现长出了一些暗红色如钢针般的毛发。 These hair seem like and strange, reveals one to let Yang Kai and uncomfortable aura, covered his entire only arm and fist, let that bang a fist might rose dramatically. 那些毛发看起来及其诡异,流露出一股让杨开及其不舒服的气息,覆盖住了他的整只臂膀和拳头,让那轰出的一拳威力暴增。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, in the surface flashes through color of the doubt. 杨开眉头一皱,面上闪过一丝狐疑之色。 What Martial Skills is this? 这是什么武技 He has not really run into has had Martial Skills to be able by himself to have this change, the intention moves, the raises the head North Korea wind chess looks, Yang Kai shouted one lowly. 他还真没遇到过有武技能让自身产生这种变化的,心念一动,抬头朝方风棋望去,杨开不禁低呼一声。 He discovered impressively side Fengqi the image really had the huge change, beforehand his seemingly supple cold Sen, but does not know how now used Secret Technique, a face becomes the distortion, moreover near the corners of the mouth also two fangs expose, twinkling cold and gloomy cold light, from his mouth and nose it, hidden has Death Qi to fill the air. 他赫然发现方风棋的形象竟然有了巨大的改变,之前的他看起来阴柔冷森,可如今也不知道动用了秘术还是怎么的,一张脸变得扭曲至极,而且嘴角边还有两颗獠牙暴露出来,闪烁着森冷寒光,从他口鼻之,隐有死气在弥漫。 Remembers that Corpse Spirit Religion three characters again, the Yang Kai mind miraculous glow flashes, the origin of opposite party wind chess had guessed suddenly. 再想起那尸灵教三个字,杨开脑海灵光一闪,对方风棋的来历忽然有所猜测。 attack, Yang Kai does not dare to neglect, waves to spring Golden Blood Silk Thread, gathers round the arm that side Fengqi rumbles to circle gently, immediately tightens suddenly. 攻击将至,杨开不敢怠慢,挥手就弹出了一道金血丝,围着方风棋轰来的手臂轻轻一绕,随即骤然勒紧。 The clearly discernible scar reveals together from side Fengqi the arm on, but at the Golden Blood Silk Thread sharp degree, cannot shut off side Fengqi the arm even unexpectedly, moreover from his wound place. Flowed out blue-green color fresh blood unexpectedly, that blood fills aura that makes the desire of person smelling vomit, the average person smells previous only to fear that will die a violent death to perish! 一道清晰可见的伤痕自方风棋的手臂上显露出来,但即便以金血丝的锋利程度,竟没能将方风棋的手臂切断,而且从他的伤口处。竟流出了碧绿色鲜血,那血液弥漫出一股让人嗅之欲呕的气息,普通人嗅上一口只怕都会暴毙而亡! Poisonous! The Yang Kai view shrinks. 有毒!杨开眼帘一缩。 This deep green fresh blood is not only poisonous, but also has the corrosion surname extremely, twines Golden Blood Silk Thread corroded rays of light on his arm flashes crazily. Spreads the whoosh sound. 这碧绿鲜血不但有毒,还极有腐蚀姓,缠绕在他胳膊上的金血丝被腐蚀的光芒狂闪。传出刺啦啦的声响。 side Fengqi angrily roars, opens the mouth, the front surface puts out stench toward Yang Kai the chlorine. 方风棋怒吼起来,张开嘴巴,迎面就朝杨开吐出一口腥臭的绿气。 Yang Kai cold snort, the figure in a flash, from vanishes same place does not see, when presents again time. The people had arrived above side Fengqi the top of the head, Dragon Bone Verdant Sword grasps in the palm place, assumes posture that falls head over heels, inserts toward his crown of the head. 杨开冷哼一声,身形一晃,从原地消失不见,等到再出现的时候。人已经到了方风棋头顶上方,龙骨剑滴翠握在手心处,呈倒栽葱的姿势,直朝他的天灵盖插下。 Idiot!” side Fengqi does not spare a glance, in his opinion, the fine hair of this no blade long sword own is not even able to injure. Therefore meaning that he simply has not dodged, but wields a fist, welcomed toward Yang Kai. “蠢货!”方风棋不屑一顾,在他看来,这一柄无刃长剑根本连自己的汗毛都无法伤及。所以他根本没有躲闪的意思,而是又挥出一拳,朝杨开迎上。 The Yang Kai body sways from side to side toward side slightly, avoided side Fengqi rudely strikes, Dragon Bone Sword attacks side Fengqi top of the head. 杨开身子往旁边微微扭动,避开了方风棋势大力沉的一击,龙骨剑直插方风棋头顶处。 The seemingly dull-witted long sword erupts the selling person the strength that at this moment unexpectedly is inconceivable, hidden has the sound of Dragon Roar to spread from the sword blade, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Broke open the defense of side Fengqi flesh body and skull with irresistible force, inserted his chest cavity it directly. 看起来愚钝至极的长剑此刻竟爆发出让人难以想象的力量,隐有龙吼之声从剑身内传出,一路摧枯拉朽。势如破竹地破开了方风棋肉身和头盖骨的防御,直接插进了他的胸腔之。 side Fengqi the eyeball stares the circle instantaneously, on the face full is the inconceivable look, he detected that until this moment the strangeness of Dragon Bone Sword, loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Void King Grade Secret Treasure!” 方风棋的眼珠子瞬间瞪圆,脸上满是不可思议的神色,直到这一刻他才察觉到龙骨剑的诡异,失声惊呼:“虚王级秘宝!” Received this kind of to strike, he has not died unexpectedly, instead struggled fiercely, attempted to get rid of the Yang Kai's control. 受了这样的一击,他竟没死,反而剧烈挣扎起来,企图摆脱杨开的掌控。 Space Force is unconstrained, thin, if gossamer Space Crack in side Fengqi the side formation, wraps cutting toward him at once in all directions in the past. 空间之力跌宕起来,一道道细若游丝的空间裂缝在方风棋身边成型,旋即四面八方地朝他包裹切割过去。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...... 咻咻咻…… Dingdong the sound is lingering on faintly. side Fengqi flesh body is powerful, can resist cutting of part of Space Crack unexpectedly, whatever but his method is exceedingly high, is unable to resist Yang Kai's wild killing strike. 叮叮当当的声响不绝于耳。方风棋的肉身强悍至极,竟能抵挡住一部分空间裂缝的切割,但任凭他手段通天,也无法抵挡杨开的狂暴杀招 Scars appear on him, these flesh all by Exile to Void it. 一道道伤痕在他身上出现,那些血肉俱都被放逐到了虚空之。 The wound place flows the green blood unceasingly. The trim world seemed to be polluted. 伤口处不断地流淌出绿色的血液。整片天地似乎都被污染了。 First do not kill him!” The Qian Tong sound conveys suddenly, he also saw some issues obviously, stands on that High Stage distantly, puts out a hand to grasp, side wind the chess of resistance was then imprisoned furiously thoroughly, was taken delivery of directly High Stage. “先别杀他!”钱通的声音忽然传来,他显然也看出了一些问题,遥遥地站在那高台上,伸手一握,奋力反抗的方风棋便被彻底禁锢,直接被提回了高台 Yang Kai knits the brows to look at side Fengqi, a where the heart of hearts has not to surge. 杨开皱眉望着方风棋,内心深处有一丝不安在涌动。 At this moment, the crowd that these surround also discovered side Fengqi strange place, many timid does not dare to look straight ahead, vision that twists open in abundance, even these brave, still the eye of reveal alarmed and afraid color, in a terrified way is looking at side Fengqi, cannot believe in this world also to have the this kind of person unexpectedly. 此刻,那些围观的人群也发现了方风棋的诡异之处,不少胆子小的根本不敢直视,纷纷扭开的目光,即便是那些胆子大的,也目露惊惧之色,惶恐地望着方风棋,不敢相信这世上竟还有这样的人。 Old ordinary man, hurried to put this King, otherwise and other Religion Master acted, must ask you dead without the burial ground!” side Fengqi has not begged for mercy, instead threatens Qian Tong. “老匹夫,赶紧放了本座,否则等教主出手,必叫你死无葬身之地!”方风棋并没有求饶,反而威胁起钱通 Qian Tong eye coldly takes a fast look around side Fengqi the body, at once the vision frames in his abdomen place, stretches out two fingers toward that stamp, shortly will pierce side Fengqi the abdomen. 钱通一双眼睛冷冷地扫视方风棋的身体,旋即目光定格在他的腹部处,伸出两指朝那一戳,顷刻间就将方风棋的腹部洞穿。 Even if were passed through the head by Yang Kai with Dragon Bone Sword, side Fengqi has not dreaded , but when Qian Tong does that he actually reveals and terrified look, startled called out: old thing do you want to do?” 即便是被杨开龙骨剑贯穿了头颅,方风棋也没有丝毫畏惧,可当钱通这么做的时候,他却流露出及其惶恐的神色,惊叫道:“老东西你想干什么?” Qian Tong does not pay attention to him, but is complexion is looking at the wound of side Fengqi abdomen dignifiedly. 钱通不理会他,而是面色凝重地望着方风棋腹部的伤口。 There, green beads, roughly fingernail size, but contained the astonishing energy. 那里,有一枚绿色的珠子,约莫指甲盖大小,但是却蕴藏了惊人的能量。 If Old Man has not guessed wrong, destroyed this bead, will you die?” Qian Tong looked at side Fengqi one eyes lightly. “如果老夫没有猜错,毁了这珠子,你就会死吧?”钱通淡淡地看了方风棋一眼。 side Fengqi the complexion changes, clenches teeth not to reply. 方风棋脸色微变,咬牙不答话。 Yang Kai, the initiative is occupied by him, some Old Man matters must ask him to ask clear.” Qian Tong said one. 杨开,先制住他,老夫有些事要找他问个清楚。”钱通说了一声。 Yang Kai nodded, puts out a hand to pull out from side Fengqi top of the head Dragon Bone Sword, the snapping fingers lasing had/left more than ten Golden Blood Silk Thread, bundled side Fengqi solid. 杨开点头,伸手将龙骨剑从方风棋的头顶处拔了出来,弹指激射出十几道金血丝,将方风棋捆的严严实实。 Chaos stop there, Qian Tong stands in High Stage above, looks all around, the clear and resonant voice shouted: „, Old Man closes up for many years, now says goes out, hears the Gloom Star great change, is upset, but invited to feel relieved, Heavenly Fate City was my Shadow Moon Palace jurisdiction as before, said, no one dares to encroach upon this place again, that Corpse Spirit Religion, Old Man must go to at the meeting surely a meeting, but also and other justice, but also Gloom Star ringing universe!” 一场大乱就此终结,钱通站在高台之上,环顾四周,朗声喝道:“诸位,老夫闭关多年,今曰出关,听闻幽暗星巨变,深感痛心,不过请诸位放心,天运城依旧属我影月殿管辖,曰后将再无人敢侵犯此地,那尸灵教,老夫也定要去会上一会,还尔等一个公道,还幽暗星一个朗朗乾坤!” Countless people burst with joy, was yelling crazily Qian Tong name, assembled by High Stage. 无数人沸腾起来,疯狂大叫着钱通的名字,围聚到了高台旁。 In the two years, Heavenly Fate City under the jurisdiction of Corpse Spirit Religion, these people being in a precarious state, everyone trembling in fear, for fear that cannot see tomorrow's Sun, was the present was good, Qian Tong came back, moreover he was the Void King Stage powerhouse, he will be sheltering Heavenly Fate City, Heavenly Fate City will not present toward saying all sorts of tragedies. 这两年来,天运城尸灵教的管辖之下,这些人过的朝不保夕,每个人都心惊胆战,唯恐看不到明天的太阳,可是现在好了,钱通回来了,而且他还是虚王境强者,他将庇护着天运城,天运城再也不会出现往曰的种种悲剧。 Elder Qian! Asked Elder Qian to uphold the justice, daughter moon/month ago was missing, some people once saw her trail in City Lord's Mansion, but also asked Elder Qian to make small old go to City Lord's Mansion to look, had a look at the daughter whether is also living.” 钱长老!请钱长老主持公道啊,小女月前失踪,有人曾在城主府内看到她的踪迹,还请钱长老让小老儿去城主府看一看,看看小女是否还活着。” My family child three months ago was also missing, certainly in City Lord's Mansion!” “我家孩儿三个月前也失踪了,一定在城主府内!” My family's unmarried girl!” “还有我家的闺女!” ...... …… The Qian Tong eye reveal distressed color, putting out a hand to press, depresses that countless person's call and sob, said slowly: „, and waits a bit the moment, Old Man this makes one go to City Lord's Mansion to look, if children in the mansion, will still make you reunite surely.” 钱通眼露痛心之色,伸手需按,压下那无数人的呐喊和哭泣,徐徐道:“诸位且稍等片刻,老夫这就让人去城主府内看一看,若是诸位的儿女还在府内的话,必定会让你们团聚。” Many thanks Elder Qian!” “多谢钱长老!” Elder Qian great kindness, I and others will remember for the rest of one's life!” 钱长老大恩大德,我等没齿难忘!” Qian Tong sighed the one breath lightly, turned head to look at Wei Guchang. 钱通轻叹一口气,扭头看了看魏古昌 disciple this has a look.” The Wei Guchang associative compound, spreads immediately in the City Lord's Mansion direction with Dong Xuan'er. 弟子这就去看看。”魏古昌会意,立刻与董宣儿城主府的方向驰去。 Yang Kai thinks, opens the mouth saying: I also go.” 杨开想了想,开口道:“我也去吧。” Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang follow. 苏颜夏凝裳紧随其后。 City Lord's Mansion, pledged allegiance to Corpse Spirit Religion martial artist to see some people to rush, then must meet the enemy, was these person of strengths is not high, is unable to stop Yang Kai and the others the steps, battered, kills people several hundreds, in capturing one person, asked after his mouth some clues, Yang Kai and the others directly soared the dungeon to go. 城主府,一些归顺了尸灵教武者见有人强闯,便要迎敌,可是这些人实力不高,根本无法阻拦杨开等人的步伐,一路横冲直撞,杀人数百,在擒获了一人,从他口问出一些线索之后,杨开等人直奔地牢而去。 Dungeon it, gloomy moist, in that prison cell detained the minimum several hundred people. 地牢之,阴暗潮湿,那牢房里关押了最起码数百人。 But these people without exception, all are less than five years old of child, young pretty female. 而这些人无一例外,全都是五岁不到的孩童,还有年轻貌美的女子 The child or female, vitality is low-spirited, as if had fully suffered suffering, in their arm location/position place, has the more or less wound. 无论是孩童还是女子,都生机黯然,仿佛饱受过折磨,在他们的手臂位置处,都有或多或少的伤口。 Associated to arrive at the front wind chess once to that child has done the matter, which the people have not known that what in the dungeon these people did encounter? 联想到之前方风棋曾经对那个孩子做过的事,众人哪还不知道地牢里这些人都遭遇了什么? Heartless!” The Su Yan heart is furious, opens the door with Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er one by one, put these people. “丧尽天良!”苏颜芳心震怒,与魏古昌董宣儿挨个打开牢门,将这些人放了出来。 Xia Ning Chang defends in the firm entrance, 11 inspect the physical states of these people, takes medicine pill to them, makes up vitality that is damaged. 夏凝裳守在牢门口,一一检查这些人的身体情况,给他们服下丹药,弥补受损的生机 Released the past, Yang Kai and the others the look was serious. 一路释放过去,杨开等人神色沉重。 Waited till the dungeon most bottom, Yang Kai and the others the expressions were uglier. 等到了地牢的最底部,杨开等人的表情更难看了。 This dungeon most bottom, without the live person, some are only white bones, from the size and build of that bone, without doubt is the child and female, but they encountered brutal suffering, flesh picked out to shear cleanly, the remaining white bones discarded at will here. 这地牢的最底部,没有活人,有的只是一具具白森森的骨头,从那骨头的大小和体型来看,无疑都是孩童和女子的,只不过他们生前都遭遇到了惨无人道的折磨,一身血肉被剔割干净,剩下的白骨就随意地丢弃在这里。 White bones to become mountain, at least several thousand. 白骨成山,最起码有数千具之多。 Only two years ago time, in Heavenly Fate City encountered the this kind of matter, this is also only Heavenly Fate City, how is the entire Gloom Star situation? 区区两年前时间,天运城内就遭遇了这样的事情,这还只是一个天运城而已,整个幽暗星的情况又是怎样的? Hateful!” Wei Guchang clenches teeth to roar lowly, complexion is fierce. “可恨!”魏古昌咬牙低吼,面色狰狞。 ...... …… Heavenly Fate City made noise continues two saying that the time gradually subsided. 天运城的喧闹持续了两曰功夫才逐渐平息。 These children and female from the dungeon releases reunites with the family member, but more has actually died in dungeon it, two years of time confusion, brings the painful memory that is unable to obliterate to Heavenly Fate City countless people. 从地牢里释放出去的那些孩童和女子都与家人团聚,但是更多的却已经死在了地牢之,两年时间的混乱,给天运城无数人带来了无法磨灭的沉痛记忆。 In City Lord's Mansion, Qian Tong and the others the expression is serious, the people facial expression is all looking at overpowered side Fengqi angrily, the vision spit fire. 城主府内,钱通等人表情沉重,众人俱都神情愤怒地望着被制服的方风棋,目光喷火。 Great Elder, making me kill him!” Wei Guchang is drinking lowly, stands up. 大长老,让我杀了他!”魏古昌低喝着,站起身来。 Qian Tong beckons with the hand, hints Wei Guchang to be patient, lowers the head to look to side Fengqi, opens the mouth saying: If Old Man had not guessed, you come from Buried Mighty Valley?” 钱通摆了摆手,示意魏古昌稍安勿躁,低头望向方风棋,开口道:“如果老夫没猜测,你是来自葬雄谷吧?” Listens to him to ask, the Yang Kai eye flashes through color of the understanding clearly, muses really so! 听他这么问,杨开眼闪过一丝了然之色,暗想果然如此! He also guessed. 他也是这么猜测的。 Buried Mighty Valley, is Gloom Star extremely special existence. Hearsay more than 2000 years ago, there is huge influence Headquarters of named Ancient Yang Sect, what a pity afterward offended Star Emperor Mountain, was eradicated in one night, Headquarters was also destroyed all. 葬雄谷,是幽暗星一处极其特别的存在。传闻两千多年前,那里是一个叫古阳宗庞大势力的总舵,可惜后来得罪了星帝山,在一夜之间被连根拔起,总舵也被尽数毁去。 In Buried Mighty Valley, crisis on top of crisis, restriction Formation and so on innumerable, but is most dangerous, was in Buried Mighty Valley one crowd of special life-- one crowds should the dead person. 葬雄谷内,危机重重,禁制阵法之类的无数,而最危险的,便是葬雄谷内一群特殊的生灵——一群本应已经死去的人。
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