MP :: Volume #17

#1673: One language to become prophecy/omen

Not is only Fei Zhitu believes, these turned to the Corpse Spirit Religion Shadow Moon Palace high level also to have this idea, a two look is looking at Qian Tong strangely, that look seemed is in sight the young people who is making a debut not to know the immensity of heaven and earth. 不但是费之图这么认为,那些投靠了尸灵教影月殿高层同样有这个想法,一个两个都神色古怪地望着钱通,那眼神就好似在望着一个初出茅庐不知天高地厚的年轻人。 side Fengqi laughs: old thing boasting shamelessly, the tone is so big, you think that you are Void King Stage?” 方风棋哈哈大笑:“老东西大言不惭,口气这么大,你以为你是虚王境?” The Qian Tong look is still faint, do not reply his meaning, but will focus 钱通依旧神色淡漠,并没有要回答他的意思,只是将注意力放在了那些影月殿叛徒身上。 Nearby, the Wei Guchang look roused, opens mouth as to say anything, but bore in the end. 一旁,魏古昌神色振奋,张了张嘴仿佛是想说什么,可到头来还是忍住了。 He wants to announce loudly, Great Elder had really arrived at Void King Stage, he wants to have a look, the people with no mind of his own who these trim one's sails when knew that this astonishing news, what response can be. 他很想大声地宣布,大长老真的已经到了虚王境,他很想看看,这些见风使舵的墙头草们在得知这个惊人的消息的时候,会是什么样的反应。 It is certainly splendid? 想必一定很精彩吧? However since Great Elder does not want to reply why own sharply is jumping? After waiting meets them to experience to the Great Elder exceedingly high method, understands own wrong was odd. 不过大长老既然都不想回答,自己何必急着跳出去?等会他们见识到大长老的通天手段之后,就会明白自己错的有多离谱了。 On High Stage, Qian Tong tone miserable said: Gives you 30 breath times, own considered! After 30 breaths, Old Man begins personally!” 高台上,钱通语气萧索道:“给你们三十息功夫,自己考虑考虑!三十息后,老夫亲自动手!” Great Elder do not go too far!” 大长老你别欺人太甚!” money the ghost were you too do not place the eye us?” “钱老鬼你是不是也太不把我们放在眼了?” How even if you are Great Elder that the past said? In addition the ants drag out an ignoble existence, how I and others will commit suicide, wanting our lives, own to take!” “就算你是昔曰的大长老又如何?蝼蚁尚且偷生,我等又如何会自尽,想要我们的命,自己来拿!” Good, Qian Tong you say now, if begins in this place, does not take it ill us is not impolite.” “不错,钱通你今曰若在此地动手,就休怪我们不客气了。” One crowd of person imposing manner shouted agitated, was mainly the Qian Tong that serene attitude really lets person angry/vitality. 一群人气势汹汹地嚷了起来,主要是钱通云淡风轻的态度实在太让人生气了。 Done seems like him is Void King Stage is really same? How many glib lips move, can own and the others to commit suicide? 搞的好像他真的是虚王境一样?只是嘴皮子动几下,就能让自己等人自尽了? Where for these years he did not know closes up, is evidently muddled head practice. 这几年他也不知道在什么地方闭关,看样子已经把脑袋修炼糊涂了。 Qian Tong closes one's eyes, does not pay attention to their commotion. 钱通闭眼,不去理会他们的聒噪。 Actually that four limbs completely go. vitality Xie Chen, the intelligence seems to be confused, the body and mind dual fully suffered to suffer, his hey hey smiles freely lowly, that laughter spreads to the people ear. Appalling. 倒是那四肢尽去。还有生机谢忱,似乎已经神智错乱了,身心双重饱受折磨,他不住地嘿嘿低笑,那笑声传入众人耳。让人毛骨悚然。 Boisterous!” side Fengqi cold snort, waves to cut toward Void. “聒噪!”方风棋冷哼一声,挥手往虚空一斩。 Blade glow attack cuts together, chops on High Stage, cuts two halves the Xie Chen remnant body directly. 一道刀芒般的攻击斩出,劈在高台上,直接将谢忱的残躯斩成两半。 You will die...... you dead!” After Xie Chen roared two, did not have aura thoroughly. “你们都会死……你们都会死!”谢忱吼了两声之后,彻底没了气息 side Fengqi the complexion changes, is looking angrily at the Xie Chen corpse. cold snort: If it is unable to accomplish anything it will at least be able to spoil everything!” 方风棋脸色微变,怒视着谢忱的尸体。冷哼一声:“成事不足败事有余!” The Shadow Moon Palace rebel works as, the Xie Chen strength is not most powerful, acting according to circumstances that but he actually most understands, Israeli wind chess will support him Secret Technique that when Palace Master, hands down using Religion Master promotes his cultivation level, making him promote Void Return 3-layer in short time. 影月殿的叛徒当,谢忱的实力不是最强大的,但他却是最懂的见机行事的,所以方风棋才会扶持他当殿主,利用教主传下的秘术提升他的修为,让他在短时间内晋升到了返虚三层境 Actually does not want is so useless. Not only cannot strike to kill two Shadow Moon Palace juniors according to the plan, snatched Heavenly Moon Silver Disk, was cut the four limbs, carried the dog the same as carry. 却不想这般无用。不但没能按照计划击杀两个影月殿的小辈,抢的天月银盘,更被人斩去了四肢,拎狗一样拎了回来。 The this kind of person, keeps also no use. 这样的人,留着也没什么用处了。 At this moment, on High Stage is radiance flashes through, Yang Kai brings Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang comes. 就在这时,高台上又是光华闪过,杨开带着苏颜夏凝裳现身。 At first sight to the Fei Zhitu pitiful appearance. Yang Kai heart one tight, the squatting down body, holds his hand wrist hastily, revolution Saint Yuan noses. 乍一看到费之图的凄惨模样。杨开心头一紧,连忙蹲下身子,抓住他的手腕,运转圣元查探起来。 Yang Kai, you also came.” Fei Zhitu grinned to smile, in surface a warm and affected look. 杨开,你也来了。”费之图咧嘴笑了起来,面上一片温暖和感动的神色。 own this does not have for a lifetime finally white, in the most critical moment, not only the rich old ghost leads two juniors to rescue own, Yang Kai also came, the Fei Zhitu iron hits the common man. The eye socket somewhat is moist. 自己这一辈子总算没白过,在最危急的关头,不但有钱老鬼带着两个小辈来营救自己,就连杨开也过来了,费之图铁打一般的汉子。眼眶不禁有些湿润。 When Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang two people comes together on High Stage, the entire world as if becomes brightly. 而当苏颜夏凝裳两人一起现身在高台上的时候,整个天地似乎都变得明亮许多。 Shadow Moon Palace high-level rebels almost everyone gathers the vision on two females, often spreads the cheer, calls out in alarm in this world to have so perfect female unexpectedly, the world does not have simply. 影月殿的高层叛徒们几乎人人都将目光聚集在两女身上,不时地传出赞叹之声,惊呼这世上竟有这般完美的女子,简直不似人间拥有。 side Fengqi is reveal scary none. An eye is staring at Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang stubbornly, saunters back and forth, the eye pupil deep place flashes through the intense acquisitive instinct, as if saw what delicacy delicious food, stretched out the tongue to add on the lip, even breathed slightly somewhat is rapid. 那方风棋更是眼露骇人精光。一双眼睛死死地盯着苏颜夏凝裳,来回转悠,眼眸深处闪过强烈的占有欲,仿佛看到了什么美味可口的食物,伸出舌头在嘴唇上添了一圈,连呼吸都微微有些急促。 Senior Fei, your wound......” Yang Kai nosing moment, the brow tight wrinkle, starts to speak but hesitates. 费前辈,你这伤……”杨开查探片刻,眉头紧皱,欲言又止。 Fei Zhitu complexion changes, is anxious. 费之图面色一变,紧张起来。 No obstructs greatly.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, by the seal Saint Yuan, was just received some physical sufferings.” “没什么大碍。”杨开微微一笑,“只不过是被封印了圣元,受了些皮肉之苦罢了。” Scared to death the father!” Fei Zhitu long shouted the one breath, thinks saying: Em, he keeps my body also to use, naturally cannot destroy my foundation.” “吓死老子了!”费之图长呼一口气,想了想道:“恩,他留我这身体还有用,自然不会毁我根基。” Small wound, Senior Fei does not need to be worried, does Little Senior Sister, have Spirit Pill that what suits him to use now?” Yang Kai then looks to Xia Ning Chang. “小伤,费前辈不用担心,小师姐,有什么适合他现在用的灵丹?”杨开回头望向夏凝裳 Xia Ning Chang takes out a jade bottle from own Space Ring not silently, gives Yang Kai. 夏凝裳一言不发地从自己空间戒里取出一个玉瓶,递给杨开 Yang Kai received, opens the bottle cap, pours grain of dark red color medicine pill from inside. 杨开接过,打开瓶盖,从里面倒出一粒暗红色丹药 Fei Zhitu looked that had not looked, snatched directly, forces in the mouth. 费之图看都没看,直接抢了过来,塞进嘴巴。 Shortly, his eyeball then stared the circle, called out in alarm one: This is......” 顷刻间,他的眼珠子便瞪圆了,惊呼一声:“这是……” The words have not said, he then sits cross-legged to sit in High Stage above immediately, silently cultivates, reduces and solves the drug efficacy, in extremely short time, Fei Zhitu within the body then transmitted the rich fluctuation of energy, but these injuries in outside the body are also restoring to recover at the visible speed. 话没说完,他便立刻盘膝坐在高台之上,默运玄功,化解药效,在极短的时间内,费之图体内便传来了浓郁的能量波动,而体外的那些伤势也以肉眼可见的速度在恢复痊愈。 Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er look at each other one, the secret heart is startled. 魏古昌董宣儿对视一眼,都暗暗心惊。 Their where could not have looked, Spirit Pill that Xia Ning Chang took out a moment ago absolutely is Void Grade above medicine pill, even may be Void Grade high-rank pill, otherwise the drug efficacy impossible is so evident. 他们哪里还看不出来,夏凝裳刚才取出的灵丹绝对是虚级以上的丹药,甚至极有可能是虚级上品丹,否则的话药效不可能有这么显著。 A Void Grade high-rank pill, said that with took, Wei Guchang changed countenance. 一枚虚级上品丹,说拿就拿出来了,魏古昌不禁动容。 Many thanks sister-in-law!” Wei Guchang holds the fist in the other hand dignifiedly, expressed gratitude with Dong Xuan'er together. “多谢弟妹!”魏古昌凝重抱拳,与董宣儿一起道谢。 The Xia Ning Chang small face red flickered slightly, looked at Yang Kai, purses the lips saying: This Senior Brother was polite, Senior Fei is the Junior Brother benefactor, is our benefactors, only Spirit Pill, is not anything.” 夏凝裳小脸微微红了一瞬,看了看杨开,抿嘴道:“这位师兄客气了,费前辈师弟的恩人,就是我们的恩人,区区一枚灵丹,不算什么。” Brother Yang, good good fortune!” Wei Guchang winks to Yang Kai one, quite somewhat envies the meaning that he is surrounded by beautiful women. 杨兄,好福气啊!”魏古昌杨开一阵挤眉弄眼,颇有些羡慕他左拥右抱的意思。 Gives me to grasp that two women, they are this King!” side Fengqi shouts one suddenly. “给我把那两个女人抓过来,她们是本座的了!”方风棋忽然大喊一声。 First did not say that Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang beautiful appearance made him covet extremely, said Spirit Pill that Xia Ning Chang took conveniently, made him be jealous. 先不说苏颜夏凝裳的美貌让他觊觎万分,就说夏凝裳随手拿出来的灵丹,也让他眼红。 Gloom Star, Void Grade high-rank pill , but rare. 幽暗星上,虚级上品丹可是及其稀有的。 Therefore he wants Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang two people impatiently plunders. So long as the person succeeds in obtaining, then the thing in her Space Ring is also own. 所以他迫不及待地想要将苏颜夏凝裳两人掳掠到手。只要人到手,那么她空间戒里的东西也就是自己的了。 Yang Kai coldly cast aside his one eyes, the look like the blade, the vision ice is cold. 杨开冷冷地撇了他一眼,眼神如刀,目光冰寒。 side Fengqi does not have the reason center of the earth one suddenly, to have a frightened feeling inexplicably. As if the opposite party can pose the threat in life to be the same to own. 方风棋没来由地心一突,莫名地生出一种惊悚感。仿佛对方能给自己造成生命上的威胁一样。 30 breaths have arrived!” “三十息已到!” At this moment, Qian Tong opened the eye suddenly, sweeps cold to all around, said lightly: Since you are not willing to commit suicide, that is delivered you to start off by Old Man!” 就在这时,钱通忽然睁开了眼睛,冷然扫向四周,淡淡道:“既然你们都不愿自尽,那就由老夫送你们上路!” The words fall, the astonishing power and influence bursts out suddenly. Gathers a visible strength, advanced the past toward the front crazily. 话落,惊人的威势忽然迸发。汇聚成一股肉眼可见的力量,疯狂地朝前方推进过去。 Domain! 域场 Belongs to Void King Stage Domain! 属于虚王境域场 More than ten Shadow Moon Palace rebels have a big shock, displays own potential field to resist, but their potential field in front of Qian Tong Domain, like fight a hopeless battle is laughable, simply cannot provide any protection then in abundance disintegration. 十多位影月殿的叛徒大惊失色,纷纷施展出自身的势场加以抵挡,可他们的势场在钱通域场面前,就如以卵击石般可笑,根本没能提供任何防护便纷纷崩碎。 Suddenly. Several Void Return Stage powerhouses bleed to back up in abundance, is pale. 眨眼间。十几位返虚镜强者纷纷喋血倒退,脸色苍白。 Powerful Domain wraps them, the wind that in Domain has mystical powers is surging. 强大的域场将他们包裹,域场内有灵动的风在涌动。 That is the strength that Qian Tong Domain is in sole possession of! 那是属于钱通域场独有的力量! The wind energy gathers the blade, starts to wreak havoc. 风能汇聚成刃,开始肆虐。 The pitiful yell sound spreads, continuously, just like by that more than ten Void Return Stage that Domain wraps in withstanding the world severest the penalty, such as the gossamer common wind blade is cutting their flesh crazily. fresh blood that all over the body they cut, covered with blood. 惨叫声传出,此起彼伏,被域场包裹的那十几个返虚镜犹如在承受世上最严酷的刑罚,一道道如游丝一般的风刃疯狂地切割着他们的肌肤。将他们切的遍体鲜血,血肉模糊。 Void King Stage!” Everyone called panic-stricken, side Fengqi was almost the eyeball staring, hand and foot entirely tremor is looking at losing one's temper Qian Tong, a heart of hearts icy coldness. 虚王境!”所有人都惊恐地叫了起来,那方风棋更是差点把眼珠子给瞪了出来,手足俱颤地望着动怒的钱通,内心深处一片冰凉。 Is only the joke, didn't expect language to become prophecy/omen, Qian Tong unexpectedly is really Void King Stage! 原本只是戏言,没想到一语成谶,钱通竟真是虚王境 Great Elder forgives, I knew wrong!” 大长老饶命,我知道错了!” Great Elder forgives!” 大长老饶命啊!” Before one such as, scene outside Heavenly Fate City, after these rebels detected Qian Tong powerful and cannot resist, begs for mercy. Has does not even attend to the sense of honor, kneels down on the ground, buckles by, knocked full fresh blood, only strove for being able to touch the Qian Tong compassion. Escaping. 一如之前在天运城外的场景,当这些叛徒察觉到钱通的强大和不可抵挡之后,纷纷求饶起来。更有甚至不顾廉耻,跪倒在地上,以头扣地,磕的满头鲜血,只求能打动钱通的恻隐之心。逃过一劫。 The Qian Tong look is indifferent, remains unmoved, the eye pupil deep place has a sadness. 钱通神色冷漠,不为所动,眼眸深处却有一丝哀伤。 The fresh blood splash, the hashed meat is scattered in disorder, that more than ten Shadow Moon Palace rebel's cut being a mass of cuts and bruises in the short ten breath times, almost every such as suffered put to death by dismemberment the torture, was cut to pieces, was only left over white skeletons to remain same place, the flesh on bone all vanished does not see, the five main internal organs (entrails) also turned into ashes. 鲜血飞溅,碎肉散乱,那十几位影月殿的叛徒在短短十息功夫内被切割的体无完肤,几乎每一个都如遭受了凌迟酷刑,被千刀万剐,只剩下一具具白森森的骨架残留原地,骨头上的血肉全都消失不见,五脏六腑也变成了齑粉 Good! Killed good!” “好!杀的好!” Killed good, do not let them run!” “杀的好,别让他们跑了!” Is the child and woman who Heavenly Fate City died revenges!” “为天运城死去的孩子和女人报仇!” Killed them!” “杀了他们!” The surrounded crowd shakes to roar suddenly, from invades in all directions, on each face appears remembers with eternal gratitude the hatred, everyone blood boiling, Saint Yuan revolves, grasps the own weapon, revolution secret skill, offers a sacrifice to Secret Treasure, toward also living the enemy initiates attack. 围观的人群忽然震吼起来,从四面八方蜂拥而上,每个人脸上都浮现出刻骨铭心般的仇恨,每个人都血液沸腾,圣元运转,抓起自己的武器,运转秘法,祭出秘宝,朝还活着的敌人发起攻击 location/position that side Fengqi is , a surrounding area 30 zhang (3.33 m) range, will be submerged by assorted rays of light shortly. 方风棋所在的位置,方圆三十丈范围,顷刻间被各色光芒淹没。 Before , takes care of side Fengqi that beautiful young woman, without escaping ganging up to surround and beating up of angry crowd, has the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary spatially, only persists in less than three breath times then being broken protects oneself Saint Yuan, the tragic death at the scene. 就连之前服侍方风棋的那个美艳少妇,也没逃过愤怒人群的围殴,空有返虚两层境修为境界,只坚持不到三息功夫便被打破护身圣元,惨死当场。 flowing light shoots up to the sky together, has a bloody road from the crowd forcefully, rapidly toward escaping. 一道流光冲天而起,硬生生地从人群杀出一条血路,急速朝外逃去。 side Fengqi! 方风棋! After all is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, without dies easily. 毕竟是返虚三层境强者,没这么容易就死。 His does not return, stimulates to movement the strength desperately, only wants to hurry to flee this place, Qian Tong turned into Void King Stage suddenly, he remains to be equal to courting death, this news must report in any event to four Protector and Religion Master. 他头也不回,拼命地催动自身力量,只想赶紧逃离此地,钱通忽然变成了虚王境,他留下来就等于是找死,这个消息无论如何都要禀告给四位护法教主 He feels, Qian Tong does not seem to pursue the meaning of own, but still stands there, moves also motionless. 他感觉的到,钱通似乎并没有追击自己的意思,而是依然站在那里,动也不动。 Although does not understand how the opposite party is disdains to clash own to start, side Fengqi actually heart great happiness, thinks that can escape. 虽然不明白对方是不屑冲自己下手还是怎样,方风棋却心大喜,以为能逃过一劫。 Is thinking time, at present a flower, the front unexpectedly youth blocks the own way suddenly. 正这么想着的时候,眼前一花,前方竟有一个青年忽然拦住了自己的去路。
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