MP :: Volume #17

#1672: You commit suicide

The child who was raised is only about 2-3 years old, long plump and fair-complected, jade carved, seeming like is really lovable . 那被提上来的孩童只有2-3岁左右,长的白白胖胖,粉雕玉琢,看起来甚是可爱。. However was treated uncouthly, the child naturally is cries to run amok, dances with joy stretches the legs to wave in the midair. 不过被这么粗鲁对待,那孩童自然是大哭大闹,手舞足蹈地在半空蹬腿挥手。 Crowd that under surrounds, age about 30 -year-old men, after hearing weeping and wailing of that child, suddenly the body shakes, the vision shiver is looking at that child, summoned sad and shrill: Child!” 下方围观的人群,有一个年纪大约三十岁左右的男子,在听到那孩童的哭喊之后,忽然身躯一震,目光颤抖地望着那孩童,凄厉呼唤道:“孩子!” These three -year-old children impressively are his flesh and blood. 这三岁孩童赫然就是他的骨肉。 First several days inexplicable is missing from the family/home, he does not know that the own child was given to turn by whom. 几曰莫名从家里失踪,他也不知道自己的孩子被谁给拐走了。 Until says now, he understands originally turns own own flesh and blood, unexpectedly is the Shadow Moon Palace person. 直到今曰,他才明白原来拐走自己亲生骨肉的,竟然是影月殿的人。 Then, rumor unexpectedly real? 这么说来,传言居然是真的? This time, in Heavenly Fate City many below five children, are missing with young pretty young female strangely, their family members are also searching high and low, what a pity has achieved nothing, everyone was guessing in secret is hands and feet that Shadow Moon Palace moves, after all can do that in this little plot of land, has the strength to do that only had Shadow Moon Palace. 这段时间,天运城内许多五岁以下的孩童,和年轻貌美的少女们离奇失踪,他们的家人也都在四处寻找,可惜一无所获,大家私底下都在猜测是不是影月殿动的手脚,毕竟在这一亩三分地上能这么做,有实力这么做的,就只有影月殿了。 But guessed turns over to the guess, after all did not have the evidence, moreover present Shadow Moon Palace is not beforehand Shadow Moon Palace, they do not dare to interrogate, can only have a grievance and no way to voice it, swallows an insult, burst into tears silently. 但猜测归猜测,毕竟没有证据,而且如今的影月殿也不是以前的影月殿的,他们根本不敢去质问,只能打落牙齿往肚里咽,忍气吞声,默默流泪。 Now, the own child appears in suddenly at present, that year the man was naturally excited, faces forward to flee hastily. 如今,自己的孩子却忽然出现在眼前,那年男子自然激动非常,连忙就朝前窜去。 His cultivation level is not high, only then Transcendent 3-Stage, Saint cannot even arrive. 他的修为不高,只有超凡三层境而已,连入圣都没能抵达。 even Yueli, he does not dare absolutely before Shadow Moon Palace these powerhouses dissolute, but loves their kids, now he can ignore so many. 平曰里,他绝对不敢在影月殿这些强者面前放肆,可是爱子心切,如今他也顾不得那么多了。 Figure one vertical, then from pulls out same place raises spatially. Flees toward the High Stage place. 身形一纵,便从原地拔空升起。直朝高台处窜去。 Dissolute!” Has severe loudly shout to transmit, flowing light flashes through together, that year the man was in the midair, stuffy snort/hum, the chest place had/left a blood hole. After waiting to fall to the ground, has just like become a corpse. “放肆!”有厉喝声传来,一道流光闪过,那年男子身在半空,闷哼一声,胸口处多出了一个血窟窿。等落地之后,俨然已经成了一具死尸。 A sound in an uproar gets up, the surrounded crowd is all fearful and apprehensive, eye of reveal panic-stricken color. 一阵哗然之声响起,围观的人群无不胆战心惊,目露惊恐之色。 In front of Senior Fang, dares is so dissolute, has the daring offender again. Kills hundred people!” That martial artist that before acted drank severely. 方大人面前,也敢如此放肆,再有胆敢冒犯者。杀百人!”之前出手的那武者厉喝。 The Heavenly Fate City residents expression grief and indignation, feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 天运城的居民们表情悲愤,敢怒不敢言。 At this time, that three -year-old child had been delivered to front of that Fang youngster. 这时,那三岁孩童已经被送到了那方姓少年面前。 The youngster are taking a look at the child up and down, looks the satisfactory look, waves gently. 少年上下打量着孩童,面露满意的神色,轻轻地挥了挥手。 Immediately then young woman dresses up, glamorous female goes out from her. Sways from side to side the water snake common waist, the corners of the mouth holds is wiping the cold and gloomy and beautiful smile. 立刻便有一个少妇打扮,浓妆艳抹的女子从她背后走出。扭动着水蛇一般的腰肢,嘴角边噙着一抹森冷而妖艳的微笑。 What do you want to make?” Fei Zhitu opened the mouth suddenly. “你们想做什么?”费之图忽然开口了。 He stands in High Stage above, although is unable to use the strength, actually still the vision looks sharply toward that youngster. 他站在高台之上,虽无法动用自身力量,却依然目光犀利地朝那少年望去。 The youngster curl the lip, did not reply, obviously thinks that Fei Zhitu this kind of supervised to imprison simply not with the qualifications that own talked. 少年撇嘴,并不答话,显然认为费之图这样的监下囚根本没有与自己对话的资格。 On the contrary is that Shadow Moon Palace high-level rebel laughed: Spends Senior Brother, you little said good of words. Calmly enjoys the life final time is also good.” 反倒是那影月殿的高层叛徒嘿嘿一笑:“费师兄,你还是少说点话的好。静静地享受生命最后的时光也不错啊。” Taunted, that person then no longer pays attention to Fei Zhitu. 冷嘲热讽了一番,那人便不再理会费之图 But that young woman actually arrived in front of the child, put out a hand to hold child fresh-faced hand wrist, stretched out the scarlet tongue to lick the lip, seemingly, she opened the red lips attractively lightly, said with a smile tenderly: „The blood food, the Sir will certainly satisfy very much tenderly.” 而那少妇却来到了孩童面前,伸手抓住了孩童粉嫩的手腕,伸出猩红的舌头舔了下嘴唇,看起来诱人至极,她轻启朱唇,娇笑道:“很嫩地血食呢,想必大人一定会满意的。” Begins.” The Fang youngster shows neither approval nor disapproval. “动手吧。”那方姓少年不置可否。 young woman acknowledged, hand wrist, had/left a cold light bright dagger suddenly much. She shears in that child hand wrist place gently, dark red fresh blood flows immediately from the wound place. 少妇应诺,手腕一番,忽然多出了一柄寒光熠熠的匕首。她轻轻地在那孩童手腕处一割,殷红的鲜血立刻从伤口处流淌出来。 young woman another hand, actually had/left Colored Glass golds Bottle, places under child hand wrist, caught that class/flow fresh blood. 少妇另一只手,却多出了一个琉璃,放在孩童手腕下方,接住了那流出来的鲜血 Tick-tock...... tick-tock...... 滴答……滴答…… The sound and child of fresh blood sputtering wept and wailed sad and shrill concerned everyone. Surrounded people are filled with righteous indignation all, vision spit fire. 鲜血溅射的声音和孩童凄厉的哭喊牵动了每一个人的心。围观的人们无不义愤填膺,目光喷火。 You are heartless! You die like a dog!” Fei Zhitu severe howl, struggles to consider to overrun to rescue that child, has not gone out two steps, then on martial artist by High Stage was overthrown on the ground, was trampled several feet ruthlessly. “你们丧尽天良!你们不得好死!”费之图厉吼,挣扎着想冲过去将那孩童救下,可没走出两步,便被高台上的一个武者打倒在地上,又被狠狠地踹了几脚。 Fang youngster coldly shot a look at Fei Zhitu one, said with a smile ferociously: „Does defeated, have what qualifications to speak with me? However you could rest assured that this is only the start of your life, after cutting your head, this King will bestow you again newborn!” 方姓少年冷冷地瞥了费之图一眼,狞笑道:“手下败将,有何资格与我说话?不过你放心,这只是你生命的开始罢了,斩下你的头颅之后,本座自会再赐你新生!” Bewilderment that his saying said that many people do not understand what is heard, may in the Fei Zhitu hear actually not less than at the sound of devil, his fu fall down, holds up the head to shout: side Fengqi, father, even if dies will not let off you!” 他这话说的莫名其妙,很多人都听不明白,可在费之图听来却不啻于恶魔之音,他匐倒在地上,昂头嘶吼:“方风棋,老子就算是死也不会放过你!” The youngster laugh: You became my Corpse Spirit Race one, will not think, when the time comes you will have the qualifications to enjoy the this kind of blood food!” 少年嗤笑:“等你成了我尸灵族一员,就不会这么想了,到时候你也会有资格享用这样的血食!” He is saying, while received fully that from young woman packed fresh blood Colored Glass golds Bottle, placed under the nose to smell lightly, in the surface showed the look that was infatuated with, at once raises head, tossed down that cup of warm fresh blood. 他一边说着,一边从少妇手上接过那满满的装满了鲜血琉璃,放在鼻下轻嗅了一番,面上露出陶醉的神色,旋即仰头,将那一杯温热的鲜血一饮而尽。 Surrounded people all with amazement. 围观的人们无不骇然。 The innumerable eyes are looking at side Fengqi the corners of the mouth fresh blood trace, everyone as if struck by lightning, body stiff in same place. 无数双眼睛怔怔地望着方风棋嘴角边的鲜血痕迹,每个人都如遭雷噬,身体僵在了原地。 Does this person...... drink fresh blood unexpectedly? Also, his mouth Corpse Spirit Race, what strange life is also? 这人……居然饮用鲜血?还有,他口的尸灵族,又是什么古怪的生灵? Present was above their imagination, side Fengqi at this moment, in the people eyes without doubt is an incarnation of devil, the source of evil, many people looked continually a he courage did not have. 眼前的一幕超乎了他们的想象,此刻的方风棋,在众人眼无疑就是一尊恶魔的化身,罪恶的源泉,许多人连看他一眼的勇气都没了。 The Fei Zhitu body is shivering, the eye is spraying the hatred of remembering with eternal gratitude, is staring at side Fengqi stubbornly, as if must tear to shreds him. 费之图身躯颤抖着,眼喷射着刻骨铭心的仇恨,死死地盯着方风棋,仿佛要将他碎尸万段。 Flavor is good!” side Fengqi put out a hand to scratch near own corners of the mouth fresh blood, that appearance beautiful and bewitching young woman knelt down unexpectedly before him, stretched out the scarlet small tongue, " yunxi " his finger, is pointing on fresh blood him cleanly " yunxi " . “味道不错!”方风棋伸手擦了擦自己嘴角边的鲜血,那打扮妖冶的少妇竟跪倒在他面前,伸出猩红的小舌,"yunxi"着他的手指,将他手指上的鲜血"yunxi"干净。 In the throat also spreads the difference the arousing heartstrings " shenyin " . 喉咙里还传出异样的撩人心弦的"shenyin"。 Then was put a fresh blood child, this moment look dispirited, no strength wept and wailed, the small face is pale, was also brought by that Saint King Stage martial artist. 而那被放了一尊鲜血的孩童,此刻神色萎靡,也没什么力气哭喊了,小脸惨白,被那圣王境武者又带了下去。 Although without the sorrow of surname life, but at three -year-old age by this disaster, will become the shadow in his mind surely, perhaps will follow his life unable to obliterate finally. 虽然没有姓命之忧,但以三岁的年纪就遭此劫难,必定会成为他心灵上的阴影,或许终将伴随他的一生都无法磨灭。 Ok, the double-hour has arrived, Fei Zhitu, prepares to greet your new student. This is Religion Master gives your special treatment, you must be grateful!” side Fengqi sets out. “好了,时辰已到,费之图,准备迎接你的新生吧。这可是教主给你的特别待遇,你一定要感恩戴德!”方风棋起身。 After drinking Bottle fresh blood, he somewhat pale complexion appeared unexpectedly not normal blushing, is sending out and powerful aura. 饮用了一鲜血之后,他本来有些惨白的脸色竟浮现出一丝不正常的红晕,散发着及其强大的气息 Fei Zhitu laughs: My Fei Zhitu pledged in this, said, even degenerates into the malicious ghost. Also must your domestic animal kill to the last one/being ruthless, you give father to remember!” 费之图哈哈大笑:“我费之图在此发誓,曰后即便沦为恶鬼。也要将你们这些畜生赶尽杀绝,你们都给老子记住了!” His vision 11 have swept on the Shadow Moon Palace rebels, person who as long as had a liking for by him, is all fearful and apprehensive, the complexion is ugly. 他的目光一一在影月殿的叛徒们身上扫过,但凡被他看上的人,无不胆战心惊,脸色难看。 Good that said!” warm angry a voice suddenly from transmitting of Void, towering. “说的好!”一个温怒的声音忽然从虚空之传来,突兀至极。 Who!” side Fengqi actually complexion big change. Looks hastily toward the sky. “谁!”方风棋却面色大变。连忙朝天空望去。 His instinct has not a good feeling. Comes the strength of person extremely to be as if high, unexpectedly under invaded the own eye to hide is discovered, he is the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse, can not be discovered by him, explained the strength of person only feared had arrived at 3-layer Peak. 他本能地有一种不好的感觉。来人的实力似乎极高,居然侵入到了自己眼皮子底下都没被发现,他本身已经算是返虚三层境的强者,能不被他发现,说明来人的实力只怕已经到了三层境顶峰 This was......” Fei Zhitu stares flickered, but was quick he then to grin to laugh wildly. “这是……”费之图愣了一瞬,不过很快他便咧嘴狂笑起来。 He has listened. Before what spoke was Qian Tong! 他已经听出。之前说话的是钱通 Void it, the person's shadow in a flash, Qian Tong comes. 虚空之,人影一晃,钱通现身。 Great Elder!” Shadow Moon Palace these rebels look the alarmed and afraid color in abundance, called out panic-stricken. 大长老!”影月殿的那些叛徒纷纷面露惊惧之色,惊恐叫道。 You are very good, the eye also has my Great Elder.” Qian Tong sweeps lightly to, these rebels only felt that has a mountain from the air pressure, making them be almost impossible to pant for breath. “你们很好,眼还有我这个大长老。”钱通淡淡地扫向下方,那些叛徒只感觉有一座大山从空压下,让他们几乎无法喘息。 Two flowing light spread rapidly. Follows closely in Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er that two people Qian Tong behind catches up with. 两道流光迅速驰来。正是紧随在钱通身后赶来的魏古昌董宣儿两人 Their eyes saw appearance distressed Fei Zhitu, immediately shouts said: Spends Master Uncle!” 他们一眼就看到了模样狼狈的费之图,立刻呼喊道:“费师叔!” Chang, Xuan'er!” Fei Zhitu is looking at these two Shadow Moon Palace promising youth, shouted the tone layer on layer/heavily, this time he has had no way to contact Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er, does not know how their situation, sees them to return safe and sound now, naturally puts down the giant stone of heart. “昌儿,宣儿!”费之图望着这两个影月殿的后起之秀,重重地呼了口气,这段时间他一直没法联络魏古昌董宣儿,也不知道他们处境如何,如今见他们毫发无伤,自然是放下心的巨石。 Goes to spend Master Uncle to rescue you.” Qian Tong told one. “去把你们费师叔救出来。”钱通吩咐一声。 Yes!” Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er flushed hastily, arrives on High Stage. “是!”魏古昌董宣儿连忙冲了下去,来到高台上。 That is responsible for guarding Fei Zhitu martial artist somewhat to be for a while helpless, does not know how should deal with. Is intertwining, a Wei Guchang actually foot trampling flew him: Go away!” 那负责看守费之图武者一时有些手足无措,不知该如何应付。正纠结的时候,魏古昌却一脚将他给踹飞了:“滚开!” Bold Wei Guchang, in front of Senior Fang also dares is so dissolute!” Immediately then some people reprove loudly. “大胆魏古昌,方大人面前也敢如此放肆!”立刻便有人高声训斥起来。 Wei Guchang sneers, protects Dong Xuan'er to deregulate to Fei Zhitu, while is despising the person of frontline propaganda: Yuan start/open. My Wei Guchang usually said in vain respects you, actually does not think that you so coveted life and feared death unexpectedly, the running dog who not only degenerated into the enemy, entrapped to spend Master Uncle in turn, good, very good, now said that was your time of death!” 魏古昌冷笑一声,一边守护董宣儿费之图松绑,一边蔑视着喊话之人:“袁启。枉我魏古昌素曰敬重你,却不想你居然如此贪生怕死,不但沦为敌人的走狗,反过来还坑害费师叔,好,很好,今曰便是你的死期!” That called Yuan start/open martial artist by complexion azure red that Wei Guchang said that still answered back: What does your evil livestock know? Rests talks nonsense.” 那叫袁启的武者魏古昌说的脸色一阵青一阵红,兀自还嘴道:“你这孽畜知道什么?休得胡言乱语。” Wei Guchang as if also wants to say anything, Qian Tong actually indifferently said: Does not need rubbish with them, with deceased person, don't even go there.” 魏古昌似乎还想说什么,钱通淡淡地道:“不用跟他们废话,跟死人,没什么好说的。” Wei Guchang carefully thinks, the nod said: What Great Elder said is.” 魏古昌认真地想了一下,点头道:“大长老说的是。” Yuan start/open is angry, suddenly sees on Qian Tong is raising a thing, sized up carefully, complexion changed: Palace Master?” 袁启恼怒,忽然间看到钱通手上提着的一物,仔细打量了一下,面色大变:“殿主?” He discovered until this time, on Qian Tong is taking that thing unexpectedly is Xie Chen! 他直到这个时候才发现,钱通手上提着的那东西居然是谢忱 Without Xie Chen of both hands both feet! 没了双手双脚的谢忱 Moreover he has not died, is only the expression pain, such as by ten thousand ant bites the heart, was been seemingly frigid. 而且他还没死,只是表情痛楚,如被万蚁噬心,看起来惨烈极了。 Listened to his such saying, others also responded finally, the eye looks at Xie Chen pitiful fate, seemed indicating the own future is the same, some each and everyone hand and feet were icy cold, that side the North Korean wind chess closed up quietly, as if must look for some security senses. 听他这么一说,其他人也终于反应过来,眼看着谢忱的凄惨下场,仿佛是在预示自己的未来一样,一个个不禁有些手足冰凉,都悄悄地朝方风棋那边靠拢过去,仿佛是要寻找一些安全感。 Qian Tong throws the Xie Chen upper part conveniently on High Stage, said lightly: Old Man does not think that the hand dyes fresh blood of too many same side, gives you an opportunity, you commit suicide!” 钱通随手将谢忱的上半身丢在高台上,淡淡道:“老夫不想手染太多同门的鲜血,给你们一个机会,你们自尽吧!” The people all body trembles. 众人皆都身躯一颤。 money the ghost, your saying said was somewhat big, we hurry to leave importantly here!” Fei Zhitu nervously shouted loudly. “钱老鬼,你这话是不是说的有些大了,咱们还是赶紧离开这里要紧!”费之图紧张地高呼。 Qian Tong strength truly, but here enemy are too many, he does not think Qian Tong can deal with comes, if also builds Qian Tong here, he may die with injustice unredressed. 钱通实力确实了得,但是这里敌人太多,他并不认为钱通能够应付的来,万一把钱通也搭在这里,那他可就死不瞑目了。
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