MP :: Volume #17

#1671: Are you Void King Stage?

Sees Qian Tong not to speak, Xie Chen thinks that he feared, therefore self-satisfied wild, is fierce: Qian Tong, one who knows the times great, Corpse Spirit Religion has four big Void King Stage to assume personal command, a series Gloom Star finger/refers said may treat, should not be impenetrably thickheaded, so long as you are willing to submit, this Palace Master can speak several words of praise upwardly, by your cultivation level boundary, attaching great importance to that can obtain cannot this/Ben Palace Master difference.” 钱通不说话,谢忱以为他怕了,于是更加得意猖狂,狰狞道:“钱通,识时务者为俊杰,尸灵教有四大虚王境坐镇,一统幽暗星指曰可待,你可不要冥顽不灵,只要你愿意臣服,本殿主可以向上说几句好话,以你的修为境界,能取得的重视不会比本殿主差。” Qian Tong sighed leisurely, the tone was bleak, the quite having unbearable chill in a high position flavors, swept Xie Chen one lightly: You said that Corpse Spirit Religion, do four Void King Stage powerhouses assume personal command?” 钱通悠悠地叹了口气,语气萧条,颇有一股高处不胜寒的味道,淡淡地扫了谢忱一眼:“你说那尸灵教,有四位虚王境强者坐镇?” Good!” Xie Chen laughed, the nod said. “不错!”谢忱嘿嘿一笑,点头道。 You know that what is Void King Stage?” “你知道什么叫虚王境?” Void King Stage......” the Xie Chen tone stagnates, in the surface reveals a confusedness, this boundary spread for tens of thousands years in Gloom Star, the world only knows that is compared with a Void Return Stage higher level, but really Xie Chen said that he actually does not know how should describe. 虚王境……”谢忱语气一滞,面上露出一丝迷茫,这个境界在幽暗星上流传了几万年,世人只知道那是比返虚镜更高的一个层次,可真叫谢忱说出来,他却不知该如何描述。 After all he has not experienced. 毕竟他也没见识过。 Somewhat becomes angry out of shame, exclaimed lowly: Your does could it be that know?” 不禁有些恼羞成怒,低吼道:“你难道知道?” Qian Tong is looking at him lightly, has not spoken, then he extends a hand to Xie Chen, Void grasps gently, then received. 钱通淡淡地望着他,并没说话,然后他冲谢忱伸出一只手,虚空那么轻轻一握,便又收了回来。 The Xie Chen instinct will draw back in the future, Saint Yuan revolves, changes to the protection, may imagine violent storm attack not to arrive, a own scar has not even appeared from top to bottom, he has not detected on Qian Tong to have the trace that Saint Yuan surges. 谢忱本能地往后一退,一身圣元运转,化作防护,可想象狂风暴雨般的攻击并没有到来,自己浑身上下甚至连一丝伤痕都没有出现,他也没察觉到钱通身上有圣元涌动的痕迹。 Qian Tong, do you dare to deceive this Palace Master?” Xie Chen flies into a rage, complexion azure red, you died, this read in your me has Shadow Moon Palace, did not think kill to the last one/being ruthless, but since you did not place the eye this Palace Master, now said that no one could save you. Killed him to me!” 钱通,你胆敢愚弄本殿主?”谢忱勃然大怒,脸色一阵青一阵红,“你死定了,本念在你我同出影月殿,不想赶尽杀绝,但既然你不把本殿主放在眼,今曰谁也救不了你。给我杀了他!” The last few words, he roars to own these hand/subordinate lowly. 最后一句话,他是冲自己那些手下低吼的。 Before Yang Kai, makes a move to rescue Wei Guchang time, discovered keenly these people are Shadow Moon Palace, before ravelling, does not have under the pain the killer. Opened from the Wei Guchang body marginal vibration them. 杨开之前出手救下魏古昌的时候,敏锐地发现这些人都是影月殿的,在没弄明白真实情况之前,并没有痛下杀手。只是将他们从魏古昌身边震开了而已。 These people are not affected much, now also restores. 这些人并无大碍,如今也全部恢复了过来。 Hears the order of Xie Chen, in one crowd of 67 Void Return Stage surface reveals the color of hesitates. 听到谢忱的命令,一群六七个返虚镜面上露出迟疑之色。 Xie Chen fears Qian Tong, are they? Although since turned to Corpse Spirit Religion , the strength of everyone has grown, but Qian Tong toward saying the dignity is deep-rooted, this time makes them begin with Qian Tong. They without doubt are very disturbed. 谢忱惧怕钱通,他们何尝不是?虽然自从投靠了尸灵教之后每个人的实力都有所增长,但钱通往曰的威严已经根深蒂固,这个时候让他们跟钱通动手。他们无疑是很忐忑的。 Em? Palace Master, you...... you......” suddenly, had the years man to discover probably what with amazement, is extremely pointing at Xie Chen panic-stricken, yelled. “恩?殿主,你……你……”忽然,有个年男子像是发现了什么骇然的一幕,惊恐万分地指着谢忱,大叫起来。 Others look following the direction that he refers, simultaneous calls out in alarm one. The eye reveal panic-stricken color, cannot help but spread out with Xie Chen unexpectedly, evades the god of plague the same as evade him. 其他人顺着他所指的方向望去,不由地齐齐惊呼一声。目露惊恐之色,竟不由自主地与谢忱拉开了一段距离,避瘟神一样避着他。 What's wrong?” Xie Chen also somewhat lags behind, lowers the head looks, immediately the complexion big change, called out with amazement: What's all this about!” “怎么?”谢忱还有些后知后觉,低头一看,顿时面色大变,骇然叫道:“这是怎么回事!” He suddenly discovered, both arms of own. Both legs simultaneous/uniform Genchu, the unexpectedly energy in four plunders, seeing that energy naked eye can look, has not actually fluctuated to spread. 他忽然发现,自己的双臂。双腿齐根处,竟有一股能量在肆掠,那能量肉眼都可以看的见,却没有丝毫波动传出。 The energy that four plunder just like the leech, rips open together small opening on Xie Chen, entered his within the body. 肆掠的能量犹如蚂蝗,在谢忱身上撕开一道小口子,钻进了他体内。 But the entire process, Xie Chen has not felt slightly the pain unexpectedly. 而整个过程,谢忱竟没感觉到丝毫疼痛。 An absolutely terrified feeling raises easely, Xie Chen only felt that the cool feeling raids the foot from the beginning, nearly made his sole board cramp. 一股毛骨悚然的感觉悠然升起,谢忱只感觉凉意从头袭到脚,险些让他脚底板都抽筋了。 Bang bang bang...... 砰砰砰…… The four sounds explosive spreads, fresh blood splash. The Xie Chen both hands both feet explodes one group of blood fog unexpectedly, is only left over the short upper part to fall to the ground loudly, pounds a piece of dust. 四声爆响传出,鲜血飞溅。谢忱的双手双脚竟爆成一团血雾,只剩下短小的上半身轰然落地,砸起一片灰尘。 fresh blood flows, incarnadine the ground, the expression distortion of Xie Chen was fluctuating. The eye pupil overflowed completely the incredible look. 鲜血流淌而出,染红了地面,谢忱的表情扭曲变幻着。眼眸溢满了不可置信的神色。 That several Shadow Moon Palace rebel is also similar to white Yuezhuang the ghost, the complexion big change, everyone such as the falling icehouse, all over the body the biting cold ice is cold. 那几个影月殿的叛徒也都如同白曰撞鬼,面色大变,每个人都如坠冰窖,通体彻骨冰寒。 No! Is impossible! This is absolutely impossible, this is a nightmare!” Xie Chen just like the injured wild animal to shout generally, did not have him of both hands both feet, seems like both funny and pitiful, as if encountered any vicious torture to be the same. “不!不可能!这绝对不可能,这是一场噩梦!”谢忱犹如受伤的野兽一般嘶吼起来,没了双手双脚的他,看起来既滑稽又凄惨,仿佛遭遇了什么狠毒的酷刑一样。 This Palace Master is Void Return 3-layer, no one can achieve this point except for Void King Stage, this Palace Master does not believe!” Xie Chen came under the huge blow obviously, the appearance is demented, a words exit|to speak, the whole person was startled, looked at Qian Tong dull, the frightened color of eye pupil deep place is filling the air finally, muttered: Void King Stage...... are you Void King Stage?” “本殿主返虚三层境,除了虚王境没人能做到这一点,本殿主不信!”谢忱显然受到了巨大的打击,模样癫狂,话一出口,整个人都怔住了,呆呆地望着钱通,眼眸深处的恐惧之色终于弥漫出来,喃喃道:“虚王境……你已是虚王境?” If Qian Tong is not Void King Stage, is absolutely impossible to make him turn into this appearance, if Qian Tong is not Void King Stage, the strength of his absolutely war. 如果钱通不是虚王境,绝对不可能在举手投足间就让他变成这幅模样,如果钱通不是虚王境,他绝对有一战之力。 You also calculate that is not too stupid!” Qian Tong indifferent say/way. “你还算不是太蠢!”钱通冷漠道。 What? Is Great Elder Void King Stage?” Wei Guchang dumbfounded. “什么?大长老已是虚王境?”魏古昌呆住了。 Dong Xuan'er covered the mouth with the small hand, in the beautiful pupil blooms the astonishing brilliance, seemed the person of drowning to grab a life-saving straw, that dim double pupil sparkled brightly. 董宣儿用小手捂住了嘴巴,美眸里绽放出惊人的光彩,就好似溺水之人抓住了一根救命的稻草,那原本昏暗的双眸重新闪耀出光明。 Void King Stage! 虚王境 The Gloom Star for tens of thousands years, has the boundary of legend, Honored Master achieved unexpectedly? 幽暗星几万年来,传说的境界,师尊竟已经达到了? If the this kind of words, that Shadow Moon Palace could be saved! The Dong Xuan'er tender body is trembling lightly, in the beautiful pupil overflowed the tears, at this moment, she remembered these once dead a tragic death in own front brothers and sisters. 如果是这样的话,那影月殿就有救了!董宣儿娇躯轻颤着,美眸里溢出了泪水,这一刻,她想起了那些曾经惨死在自己面前的兄弟姐妹们。 Your soul in heaven, should be able to rest, Honored Master to Void King Stage, has not said that now then can avenge a grievance for you, cuts to kill these murderers completely, but also your justice! 你们在天之灵,应该可以安息了,师尊如今已到虚王境,不曰便可以替你们报仇雪恨,将那些杀人凶手斩杀殆尽,还你们一个公道! passes...... 噗通…… Shadow Moon Palace that several Void Return Stage rebels knelt place, everyone loses presence of mind panic-stricken is looking at Qian Tong, kowtows to beg for mercy unceasingly. 影月殿那几个返虚镜叛徒跪了一地,每个人都惊恐失措地望着钱通,不断地磕头求饶。 Great Elder, the subordinate made a mistake, the subordinate knew mistakenly, but also asked Great Elder to circle 大长老,属下错了,属下知道错了,还请大长老绕我一命。” Great Elder, subordinate compelled, subordinate wife and daughters in these evildoer hands, act in collusion with them unavoidablily, but also invited Great Elder bright view!” 大长老,属下是被逼的啊,属下的妻女都在那些贼子手上,不得已才与他们沆瀣一气,还请大长老明鉴!” Asked Great Elder to forgive, gives our way out!” “求大长老饶命,放我们一条生路!” „The Great Elder mercy, lets off us!” 大长老慈悲,放过我们吧!” The Qian Tong dislike hatred is looking at them, inspires gently, opens the mouth saying: Chang, Xuan'er, can they once kill my Shadow Moon Palace loyal and good?” 钱通厌恶痛恨地望着他们,轻轻地吸了口气,开口道:“昌儿,宣儿,他们可曾杀过我影月殿忠良?” Has killed!” The Wei Guchang eye sprays the anger, the sinking sound is replying. “杀过!”魏古昌眼喷射着怒火,沉声答道。 The method evil and cruel enemy is actually not hateful, hateful is these helps a tyrant do evil, rebel of helping an evildoer do evil! Wei Guchang saw more than once they to the compatriot pain that under the past said the killer. 手段歹毒的敌人其实并不可恨,可恨是这些助纣为虐,为虎作伥的叛徒!魏古昌不止一次见到他们这些人对昔曰的同胞痛下杀手。 Good!” A Qian Tong clothing is calm, the dreadful anger fills the air, just like the vast expanse of water sea to have the tsunami, that frightened aura submerged Shadow Moon Palace several rebels thoroughly, „, since has killed, nothing more to be said!” “好!”钱通一身衣衫无风自动,滔天的怒意弥漫出来,犹如一片汪洋大海发生了海啸,那惊悚的气息影月殿的几个叛徒彻底淹没,“既然杀过,那就没什么好说的!” The words fall, Qian Tong puts out a hand to select toward that several people. 话落,钱通伸手朝那几人点去。 Silently, several person as if struck by lightning, stiff in place. 无声无息地,几个人如遭雷噬,僵硬在原地 On the face of everyone reveals and pain look, seems like withstanding what unendurable suffering. 每个人的脸上都流露出及其痛楚的神色,似乎是在承受什么难以忍受的折磨。 After the moment, rumbling...... 片刻后,轰轰轰…… The loud sound sound spreads, several rebels all explode the body to perish without exception, Divine Soul entirely extinguishes. 巨响声传出,几个叛徒无一例外全都爆体而亡,神魂俱灭 Only was left over one not to have the four limbs, whole body meridians to be torn to pieces, cultivation level completely waste Xie Chen. 只剩下了一个没了四肢,浑身经脉寸断,修为尽废的谢忱 Killed me! Killed me!” Xie Chen lowers is roaring. “杀了我!杀了我!”谢忱低吼着。 He like this, might as well dies now happy, laborious practice for about hundred years, mistake of the reading actually by so retribution, Xie Chen regret and hate. 他现在这样子,还不如死了痛快,辛苦修炼近百年,一念之错却遭如此报应,谢忱悔恨交加。 Killing you are cheap you.” Qian Tong remains unmoved, waves, then stops fresh blood that the Xie Chen wound place flowed, put out a hand to raise him, the starting to walk stride, went toward the Heavenly Fate City line. “杀了你是便宜你了。”钱通不为所动,一挥手,便止住了谢忱伤口处流淌的鲜血,伸手将他提了起来,迈开大步,朝天运城行去。 Chang Xuan'er, along with Old Man saves you to spend Master Uncle!” “昌儿宣儿,随老夫去救你们费师叔!” Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er looked at each other one, the facial expression inspired with. 魏古昌董宣儿对视一眼,神情振奋地跟了上去。 Their clear, Qian Tong this time moved really got angry, otherwise by him toward saying surname sentiment, was absolutely impossible to start so evil and cruel, killed people not the excessive point place, he actually preserved the Xie Chen surname life forcefully, with painfully and suffered his body and mind frightened, evidently Qian Tong this time to run amok one. 他们清楚,钱通这次是动了真怒了,否则以他往曰的姓情,绝对不可能下手如此歹毒的,杀人不过头点地,他却硬生生地将谢忱的姓命保住,用痛苦和恐惧折磨他的身心,看样子钱通这次是要大闹一番了。 We also had a look in the past.” Yang Kai greeted Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang, that Fei City Master has the graciousness to me.” “我们也过去看看。”杨开招呼了一声苏颜夏凝裳,“那位费城主对我有恩。” Not is only the Junior Brother benefactor, that is must rescue.” Two females replied with one voice. “既是师弟的恩人,那是一定要救的。”两女异口同声地答道。 ...... …… In Heavenly Fate City, is tightly guarded, a three sentry post, a five post, seems like guarding against anything. 天运城内,戒备森严,三步一哨,五步一岗,似乎是在防备着什么。 But in some square in Heavenly Fate City, Fei Zhitu has hair dishevelled, wears the shackles, the hands and feet wears the heavy shackles. 而在天运城内的某个广场上,费之图披头散发,身披枷锁,手脚戴着沉重的镣铐。 He looks very bad, the image is distressed, the body does not have the slight fluctuation of energy to spread, did not know by the seal, abandoned cultivation level. 他看起来很糟糕,形象狼狈,身上也没有丝毫能量波动传出,不知道是被封印了,还是废去了修为 Although just goes down in the world is disappointed, straight that he actually still stands. 只不过虽然落魄潦倒,他却依然站的笔直。 Around the square, assembled the innumerable Heavenly Fate City residents. 广场四周,围聚了无数天运城的居民。 These people raise head to look are standing Fei Zhitu on High Stage, the expression grief and indignation of everyone is incomparable. 这些人都仰头望着站在高台上的费之图,每个人的表情都悲愤无比。 Fei Zhitu holds the post of Heavenly Fate City City Master these years, although is not the perfection that makes, but can also show solicitude for the popular sentiment, protected lives in Heavenly Fate City local peace. 费之图担任天运城城主这些年,虽说不是做的尽善尽美,但也能体恤民心,护的住天运城一方平安。 But since here took over control by Corpse Spirit Religion, in Heavenly Fate City then messes up thoroughly. 可是自从这里被尸灵教接管以来,天运城内便彻底乱了套。 The innumerable children are missing inexplicably, innumerable beautiful appearance young female were grabbed, so long as the Heavenly Fate City person has the resistance slightly, then welcomes the brutal penalty and suppression immediately. 无数孩童莫名失踪,无数美貌少女被劫掠,天运城的人只要稍有反抗,便立刻迎来惨无人道的惩罚和镇压。 With toward saying Fei Zhitu holds the post of City Master to compare, the present life withstands to suffer in the hell simply. 与往曰费之图担任城主比较起来,眼下的生活简直就是在地狱承受折磨。 Therefore they incomparably fondly remembered said the child initially! 所以他们无比怀念当初的曰子! Now but says, is really saying child who Fei Zhitu was beheaded to expose to the public. Corpse Spirit Religion wants to warn entire Gloom Star by this, the fate that with his resister will be pitiful. 可是今曰,确是费之图被斩首示众的曰子。尸灵教想以此来告诫整个幽暗星,与其反抗者的下场会多么凄惨。 Fei Zhitu sets up High Stage not far away, several this are the Shadow Moon Palace high level, toward in saying and Fei Zhitu has also communicated, is on intimate terms with Fei Zhitu, but they actually assemble now, in wears the purple long gown to be seemingly magnificent and expensive side the threatening youngster, the facial expression flattery flattered. 费之图所立高台不远处,有几个本属于影月殿的高层,往曰里与费之图也有所来往,跟费之图称兄道弟,可现在他们却围聚在一个身穿紫色长袍看起来华贵逼人的少年身边,神情阿谀谄媚。 The youngster is young, seems like only roughly the 17-18 years appearance, but the complexion some not normal paleness, air/Qi of side also vague chill/yin cold, making the person feeling very uncomfortable. 那少年年纪不大,看起来只约莫十七八岁的样子,只不过脸色有些不正常的惨白,身边也有一股若有若无的阴寒之气,让人感觉很不舒服。 Collects was near, but can also smell on him to have light putrefactive odor. 凑的近了,还能闻到他身上有一股淡淡的腐臭味。 At this moment, he sits well under said fiercely, as if the somewhat agitated appearance, raises the head looked at a that day spatial Sun once for a while, the mouth is cursing anything in a low voice. 此刻,他端坐在烈曰底下,似乎有些烦躁的样子,时不时地抬头看一眼那天空的太阳,嘴低声咒骂着什么。 The Shadow Moon Palace high-level rebel watches a person's every mood, the heart comprehends, immediately waves saying: On blood food!” 其一个影月殿的高层叛徒察言观色,心有领会,立刻一挥手道:“上血食!” The words fall, to/clashes a Saint King Stage rank from side not far away martial artist, on that martial artist is raising a child, one step fled by High Stage. 话落,从旁边不远处冲过来一个圣王境级别的武者,那武者手上提着一个孩童,一步就窜到了高台旁。
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