MP :: Volume #17

#1670: Shadow Moon Palace crisis

The difficult things must say . 有一件难以启齿的事情要说一下。. Xie Li that the previous chapter presents, seems like bug, Dragon Cave Mountain fought Xie Li from exploding to perish, actually in the previous chapter of sudden rising rebirth,...... this absolutely was little don't pot, everyone forgave me. 16 chapters have slightly made the revision, behind will also replace with Xie Chen, hopes that has not affected everyone's reading. 上一章出现的谢戾,似乎是个bug,龙穴山一战谢戾已经自爆而亡了,却在上一章诈尸重生,咳咳……这绝对是小莫的锅,大家原谅我。16章已经略做修改,后面也会用谢忱取代,希望没影响大家的阅读。 Moreover soon, asked the monthly ticket at the end of the month, hopes that everyone continues to support martial Lian. 另外快要月末了,求下月票,希望大家继续支持武炼。 ............ ………… Qian Tong as Shadow Moon Palace Great Elder, so many years the prestige in Shadow Moon Palace are extremely high, old Palace Master cannot close up year to year, hoping to understand Void King Stage to the high mystery, therefore in Shadow Moon Palace, Qian Tong is almost equivalent to half Palace Master status. 钱通身为影月殿大长老,这么多年在影月殿里威望极高,老殿主常年闭关不出,以期参透虚王境的至高奥秘,所以在影月殿,钱通几乎就相当于半个殿主的身份。 His cultivation level is extremely in addition high, Xie Chen has dreaded to him. 再加上他本人修为极高,谢忱一直都对他非常忌惮。 Now for the first time sees Qian Tong to come, the Xie Chen instinct toward retreat several steps, complexion was somewhat terrified. 如今乍一见钱通现身,谢忱本能地往后退了几步,面色有些惶恐。 However quick, he lived in the figure, the facial expression ruthless offense. 不过很快,他就顿住了身形,神情狠戾。 Good, ten years ago own, truly are not the Qian Tong opponents, after all must miss his 1-layer on cultivation level, but now...... 不错,十年前的自己,确实不是钱通的对手,毕竟在修为上要差他一层,但是如今…… He scatters to the Qian Tong deep-rooted fear heart that what replaces it is eager to try. 他将心那对钱通根深蒂固的恐惧驱散,取而代之的是跃跃欲试。 Well, to family/home?” Qian Tong goes out from the vortex, saw Heavenly Fate City of not far away, laughs saying: But was to the family/home, Old Man stayed in that damned place was too bored.” “咦,到家了么?”钱通从漩涡走出,一眼就看到了不远处的天运城,哈哈大笑道:“可算是到家了,老夫在那鬼地方待的太无聊了。” Although in Mysterious Boundary Bead gentle, spiritual energy is rich, but lacked something after all, making Qian Tong not adapt very much. 玄界珠内虽然一片平和,灵气浓郁,可是毕竟缺少了一些东西,让钱通不是很适应。 Now returns to the native land, near Heavenly Fate City, the Qian Tong mood is excellent. 如今重回故土,再临天运城,钱通心情大好。 Okay good, Chang Xuan'er, many years does not see, your cultivation level promotes also good. Unexpectedly soon promoted Void Return 2-layer...... the graciousness? You how injured?” The Qian Tong complexion sinks, in the surface appears the Lei Ting (thunder) anger: Who injures you?” “好好好,昌儿宣儿,多年不见,你们修为增进的也不错。居然快要晋升返虚两层境了……恩?你们怎么受伤了?”钱通脸色一沉,面上浮现出雷霆怒意:“谁把你们打伤的?” He did not have some not clear present conditions. 他还没有些不清楚眼下的状况。 Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er two people is looking at Qian Tong, for a very long time is unable to get back one's composure, some little time later, two people passes an under foot that kneels down in Qian Tong. 魏古昌董宣儿两人怔怔地望着钱通,久久无法回神,好一会之后,两人才噗通一声跪倒在钱通的脚下。 Elder Qian. disciple has the shame your entrusting, cannot preserve Shadow Moon Palace, but also asked Elder to punish!” The Wei Guchang forehead pastes, flutters to shout. 钱长老弟子有愧您的托付,没能保全影月殿,还请长老责罚!”魏古昌额头贴地,颤声嘶吼。 Asked the master to punish!” Dong Xuan'er also prostrates oneself on the ground, is weeping gently. “请师傅责罚!”董宣儿也拜倒在地上,轻轻地啜泣着。 Even facing several times in the own enemy, even faced with death. Senior Brother younger sister two people is the brow does not wrinkle, but now, when sees Qian Tong appears, the two people firm will finally has disintegrated, the child who is wronged probably saw the guardian is the same. 即便面对几倍于自己的敌人,即便面临死亡。师兄两人也是眉头都不皱一下,但是如今,当看到钱通出现的时候,两人一直坚定的意志终于瓦解,就好像受了委屈的孩子见到了家长一样。 Qian Tong also realized at this time is not right, the vision looked toward all around coldly. On Xie Chen, had guessed slightly indistinctly, actually without investigates immediately, puts out a hand to lift, empty held Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er, said solemnly: Got up the speech, how Shadow Moon Palace......?” 钱通这时候也意识到了不对,目光冷冽地朝四周看了一下。微微在谢忱身上一顿,隐约有所猜测,却没有立刻去追究,伸手一抬,就将魏古昌董宣儿虚扶了起来,沉声道:“起来说话,影月殿……怎么了?” The Qian Tong complexion is tranquil. But such as the storm coming eve, making among this world have one to constrain atmosphere inexplicably much. 钱通的脸色平静。但却如暴风雨即将来临的前夕,让这天地间莫名地多出了一股压抑至极的气氛。 Shadow Moon Palace...... has destroyed.” Wei Guchang returns bitterly said. 影月殿……已经毁了。”魏古昌痛心疾首地回道。 Destroyed?” The Qian Tong complexion sinks, who does? Mentioned carefully.” “毁了?”钱通脸色一沉,“谁干的?仔细说来。” Yes!” Wei Guchang respectful nod, immediately accident 11 explanations of Shadow Moon Palace. “是!”魏古昌恭敬点头,当下将影月殿发生的变故一一说明。 Two years ago, entire Gloom Star had the enormous accident suddenly, the mysterious influences surface, to the Gloom Star major Sect Aristocratic Family crazy suppressions, but there is not pledging allegiance, then kill to the last one/being ruthless, for a moment. Entire Gloom Star is piece of Reign of Terror, the innumerable cities become the ruins in one night, billions of lives perish, wail vast, accumulates corpse to become mountain. Bleeds the floating pestle. 两年之前,整个幽暗星忽然发生了极大的变故,有一股神奇的势力浮出水面,对幽暗星上各大宗门世家疯狂打压,但有不归顺者,便赶尽杀绝,一时间。整个幽暗星都是一片腥风血雨,无数城池在一夜之间变为废墟,数以亿计的生灵灭亡,哀嚎遍野,积尸成山。流血漂杵。 Quick, the evil clutches of that mysterious influence then reached Shadow Moon Palace, in front of the great strength of evil, the Shadow Moon Palace high level does not know this/should what course to follow. 很快,那一股神秘的势力的魔爪便伸向了影月殿,在罪恶的强大面前,影月殿的高层也不知道该何去何从。 Shadow Moon Palace was divided into two schools, this point still reveals in Gloom Star in the past Qian Tong, in front of the crisis, the this kind of differentiation becomes more serious. 影月殿本就分为两派,这一点在当年钱通还在幽暗星的时候就显露出来了,危机面前,这样的分化变得更加严重。 But the final result the lord headed by Xie Chen fell the faction to gain the victory. 而最终的结果还是以谢忱为首的主降派取得了胜利。 Xie Chen and the others sneak attacked the high levels of old Palace Master and some war parties, causing the Shadow Moon Palace casualty to be serious, disintegrates. 谢忱等人偷袭了老殿主和一些主战派的高层,导致影月殿死伤惨重,分崩离析。 Overnight, Shadow Moon Palace has then exchanged ownerships, but Xie Chen is Shadow Moon Palace new Palace Master , indicating to submit to that mysterious influence. 一夜之间,影月殿便已易主,而谢忱便是影月殿新的殿主,向那个神秘的势力表示臣服。 Toward saying the support and stands high-level martial artist this side Qian Tong almost by kill to the last one/being ruthless, is in Heavenly Fate City Fei Zhitu also to be imprisoned. 往曰支持和站在钱通这一边的高层武者几乎被赶尽杀绝,身在天运城费之图也被囚禁。 In Shadow Moon Palace, only then minority some Elite fled, Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er two people the night before the accident, had detected old Palace Master calls, making them bring Sect Highest Treasure-- Heavenly Moon Silver Disk to leave Shadow Moon Palace. 影月殿里,只有少数一些精锐逃离了出来,魏古昌董宣儿两人在事发的前一晚,被有所察觉的老殿主叫去,让他们带着镇宗之宝——天月银盘离开影月殿 In the two years, two people has concealed identity, bustles about, extreme difficulty of life. 这两年来,两人一直隐姓埋名,东奔西走,生活的极为艰辛。 But reason that this will appear near Heavenly Fate City, for rescues Fei Zhitu. 而这一趟之所以会出现在天运城附近,正是为了去营救费之图的。 Xie Chen spreads the news, now said then Fei Zhitu that or is willing to submit to beheads to expose to the public in Heavenly Fate City, warns others against following a bad example, therefore Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er have to appear. 谢忱传出消息,今曰便将要不肯臣服的费之图天运城内斩首示众,以儆效尤,所以魏古昌董宣儿才不得不出现。 Even if clear(ly) knows that this was a snare, two people still honour does not allow one to glance back jumped. 即便明知道这是一个圈套,两人义无反顾地跳了进来。 Old Palace Master died! Was Old Fei imprisoned?” The Qian Tong complexion haze such as dark clouds cover, no matter what who can clearly feel his exceedingly high anger. “老殿主死了!老费被囚禁?”钱通的脸色阴霾如一片乌云覆盖,任谁都能清楚地感受到他通天的怒火。 High Heaven Sect?” The Yang Kai sinking sound asked that „hadn't Shadow Moon Palace by this disaster, High Heaven Sect been aided?” 凌霄宗呢?”杨开沉声问道,“影月殿遭此劫难,凌霄宗没有援手?” If High Heaven Sect has not really aided, he was also too disappointed. 若是凌霄宗真的没有援手的话,那他也太失望了。 Initially Yang Kai met misfortune, Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu have helped much busy, the Fei Zhitu boundary dropped, with some Yang Kai also relations. 当初杨开落难的时,钱通费之图可是帮过不少忙的,费之图之所以境界跌落,跟杨开也有些关系。 However wants to come carefully, High Heaven Sect has Ye Xiyun to assume personal command, with the Ye Xiyun heart surname, is impossible to sit by and do nothing. 不过仔细想来,凌霄宗叶惜筠坐镇,以叶惜筠的心姓,不可能坐视不管。 High Heaven Sect has the aid, disciple that Shadow Moon Palace flees, had been met in High Heaven Sect to seek asylum. Moreover, Great Elder Ye also sent out many Void Return 3-layer powerhouses to come, but......” 凌霄宗有援手,影月殿许多逃离出去的弟子,都已经被接进了凌霄宗里避难。而且,叶大长老还派出了好些返虚三层境的强者过来,只不过……” Just what?” “只不过什么?” Just is not an opponent, died several, unavoidablily returned.” The Wei Guchang look is low-spirited. “只不过不是对手,死了好几个,不得已返回了。”魏古昌神色黯然。 What?” Yang Kai has a big shock. “什么?”杨开大惊失色。 Appearance that Qian Tong cannot believe. 就连钱通也一副不敢相信的样子。 These Void Return Stage that High Heaven Sect sets out, definitely the powerhouse from Star Emperor Mountain, how they will not be the opponents, moreover how many died? 凌霄宗出动的那些返虚镜,肯定是来自星帝山的强者,怎么会连他们都不是对手,而且还死了几个? Shadow Moon Palace is impossible to have such strong strength! 影月殿不可能有这么强大的实力! That Corpse Spirit Religion powerhouse is floating about like clouds, the hearsay they have the Void King Stage powerhouse to assume personal command. The High Heaven Sect person is the flap in his Void King Stage powerhouse hand.” Wei Guchang answered. “那尸灵教强者如云,传闻他们还有虚王境强者坐镇。凌霄宗的人就是折翼在其一位虚王境强者手上。”魏古昌解释道。 Corpse Spirit Religion, is the name of that new mysterious influence. 尸灵教,便是那新崛起的神秘势力的名字。 Is impossible!” Appearance that Qian Tong does not believe. “不可能!”钱通一副不相信的样子。 Yang Kai also dumbfounded. 杨开也呆住了。 Did Gloom Star present the Void King Stage powerhouse? Moreover is four? 幽暗星出现了虚王境强者?而且一下就是四位? Is this possible? 这怎么可能呢? Here has the mysterious world principle to suppress, for tens of thousands years cannot be born the Void King Stage powerhouse, if this is not the case, Qian Tong and the others will not follow Yang Kai to voyage. 这里有神奇的天地法则压制,几万年来都没能诞生出虚王境强者了,若非如此,钱通等人也不会跟着杨开去远航了。 But now. Wei Guchang told them Gloom Star to present four Void King Stage unexpectedly, no matter what no one is able to accept. 可是现在。魏古昌居然告诉他们幽暗星出现了四位虚王境,任谁都无法接受。 disciple is also only the hearsay, therefore real situation how, disciple and not clear.” The Wei Guchang look is low-spirited, suddenly probably remembered anything, once again opens the mouth saying: Right. Great Elder Ye should clear.” 弟子也只是道听途说,所以真实情况如何,弟子不清楚。”魏古昌神色黯然,忽然像是想起了什么,又一次开口道:“对了。叶大长老应该清楚。” How did this words say?” The Yang Kai look moves. “此话怎讲?”杨开神色一动。 Hearsay Great Elder Ye once encountered with that four its two people, a war, is seriously injured, returned High Heaven Sect, is still healing from a wound.” “传闻叶大长老曾经与那四位的其两人遭遇,一番大战,身受重伤,退回了凌霄宗,至今还在养伤。” Ye Xiyun is seriously injured! 叶惜筠身受重伤! This is an extremely bad news. 这是个极其恶劣的消息。 However Yang Kai and Qian Tong actually look at each other one, from inferring some useful information. 不过杨开钱通却对视一眼,从推断出了一些有用的信息。 Four people of that hearsay. Should not be Void King Stage. Otherwise, Ye Xiyun facing two people, is impossible to move out, so long as there is one to act, can easily kill Ye Xiyun. 那传闻的四人。应该不是虚王境。否则的话,叶惜筠面对两人,根本不可能全身而退,只要有一位出手,就能轻易将叶惜筠击毙。 But in fact, Ye Xiyun is only the severe wound flees. 可事实上,叶惜筠只是重伤遁走而已。 However, the strength of opposite party truly cannot be underestimated. Ye Xiyun cultivation level had been in the limit degree on Void Return Stage, if not she is not willing to leave Gloom Star, only feared that she now is Void King Stage Expert, the opposite party only sets out two people to be able Ye Xiyun to injure, evidently existence with Ye Xiyun same rank, even surpasses. 不过,对方的实力确实不容小觑。叶惜筠修为返虚镜上已到了极限程度,若非她不愿意离开幽暗星,只怕她现在已经是虚王境高手了,对方只出动两人就能把叶惜筠打伤,看样子是跟叶惜筠同一个级别的存在,甚至还有超出。 Yang Kai and Qian Tong expression fluctuates, calmly is digesting the information of Wei Guchang transmission. 杨开钱通的表情都变幻不已,静静地消化着魏古昌传达的信息。 didn't expect, walked 7-8 years, Gloom Star had the this kind of giant accident unexpectedly, what ghost thing that was Corpse Spirit Religion? Was why obscure before. Suddenly braved. 没想到,一走七八年,幽暗星居然发生了这样的巨大变故,那个尸灵教又是什么鬼东西?为何以前默默无闻。忽然之间就冒了出来。 Brother Yang does not need to be worried about High Heaven Sect, present High Heaven Sect can be the entire Gloom Star last pure lands, although the surrounding was surrounded layer on layer/heavily, going in that but no one can attack.” Wei Guchang sees the Yang Kai expression to be ugly, comforts one hastily. 杨兄不必担心凌霄宗,如今的凌霄宗可以算是整个幽暗星最后一片净土,虽然外围被重重包围,但无人能攻的进去。”魏古昌杨开表情难看,连忙宽慰一声。 This point I know.” Yang Kai nods. “这一点我知道。”杨开点头。 To the High Heaven Sect safety. Yang Kai was not worried, outside High Heaven Sect, two Three Flaming Fire Rings protect, that is Emperor Treasure, even if the Void King Stage powerhouse arrives, is impossible to break through the defense of Three Flaming Fire Rings. 凌霄宗的安危。杨开是不担心的,凌霄宗外,有两道三炎火环守护,那可是帝宝,就算是虚王境强者亲临,也不可能攻破三炎火环的防御。 „The people who many are not willing to submit to run into High Heaven Sect, but......” Wei Guchang sighed. “许多不愿意臣服的人都想逃进凌霄宗,可是……”魏古昌叹息一声。 He and Dong Xuan'er also wants to enter High Heaven Sect initially, what a pity the enemy in surrounding were too many, they simply do not have the opportunity, in the two years time can only east hide the province, said child is very difficult. 他与董宣儿当初也想进入凌霄宗的,可惜外围的敌人实在太多了,他们根本没有机会,这两年时间只能东躲藏省,曰子过的很艰难。 „Did idle talk say?” Suddenly, the sound that measures Yin conveys from side. “闲话说完了么?”忽然,一个阴测测的声音从旁传来。 Xie Chen! 谢忱 He has watched critically, stands in the , has not intended attack not to prevent Wei Guchang to disclose the information, opens the mouth until this time suddenly. 他一直冷眼旁观,站在边上,没有出手攻击也没有阻止魏古昌透露情报,直到这个时候才忽然开口。 Qian Tong turns head to look toward him, look ice-cold, vision like blade. 钱通扭头朝他望去,神色冰冷,目光如刀。 The Xie Chen heart one suddenly, the strong self-stabilization, sneers saying: Great Elder Qian !” 谢忱心一突,强自镇定下来,冷笑道:“钱大长老,久违了!” Xie Chen!” Qian Tong took a deep breath, Old Man truly was extremely evidently benevolent in the past, is thinking with is Shadow Moon Palace lineage/vein, the killing one another words will only make the Shadow Moon Palace strength be damaged, therefore Xie Family rebelled in the past, Old Man will put your horse, does not want toward saying the mercy actually casts says now makes a mistake, Qian ten thousand will die to be able hardly absolve!” 谢忱!”钱通深吸一口气,“看样子老夫当年确实太过仁慈了,本想着同为影月殿一脉,自相残杀的话只会让影月殿实力受损,所以当年谢家作乱,老夫才会放你一马,不曾想往曰的慈悲却铸成今曰打错,钱某万死难辞其咎!” ha ha ha!” Xie Chen laughs crazily, Qian Tong, died to being imminent, but also dares to spout rhetoric! You think that you are anything, good, past you truly made Old Man dread, you also had to strike to kill my skill. However since you without do, that there would be no opportunity, Old Man that now says was also Void Return 3-layer, was Shadow Moon Palace Palace Master, you are not my opponent! Qian Tong, read in you to the Shadow Moon Palace merit greatest share, this Palace Master may circle you not dead, so long as you are willing to submit to Corpse Spirit Religion, this Palace Master no reason why not restored your Great Elder position!” 哈哈哈!”谢忱疯狂大笑,“钱通,死到临头了,还敢大放厥词!你以为你是什么东西,不错,当年的你确实让老夫忌惮,你也有击杀我的本事。但是你既然没那么做,那就没机会了,今曰的老夫也是返虚三层境,更是影月殿殿主,你已经不是我对手了!钱通,念在你对影月殿功劳莫大的份上,本殿主可绕你不死,只要你愿意臣服尸灵教,本殿主未尝不可恢复你大长老的职位!” Qian Tong is looking at him faintly, just like is looking at a clumsy mischief-doer, that ridicule and contemptuous look are obvious. 钱通淡漠地望着他,犹如望着一个跳梁小丑,那讥讽和轻蔑的眼神显而易见。 Yang Kai also by Xie Chen amusing. 杨开也被谢忱给逗乐了。 Xie Chen was just promoted few years Void Return 3-layer, unexpectedly also dares to speak the last words with present Qian Tong, he really does not know how evidently the dead characters wrote. 谢忱不过是个刚晋升没几年的返虚三层境,居然也敢跟如今的钱通叫板,看样子他是真不知道死字怎么写啊。
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