MP :: Volume #17

#1669: Dying can be you

This such as round of full moon Secret Treasure, although the prestige can measure not, but Wei Guchang stimulates to movement repeatedly, oneself consume also big, the fight, he toward the mouth stopper Spirit Pill, is expecting to restore Saint Yuan, remarkableness that but the effect has not imagined. 这如一轮圆月般的秘宝虽然威能莫测,但是魏古昌频频催动,自身消耗也不小,战斗,他往口塞着灵丹,期望恢复圣元,可效果并没有想象的显著。 Besieges him and Dong Xuan'er five Void Return Stage is somewhat cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, under the killer to them, has not been only in one side roaming fight, consumes the two people physical strength and Saint Yuan, as to capture alive them. 围攻他与董宣儿的五位返虚镜有些投鼠忌器,并没有冲他们下杀手,只是在一旁游斗,消耗两人的体力和圣元,似乎想要将他们生擒活捉。 But not far away, a Void Return 3-layer powerhouse shoulders both hands to stand there, vision cold and severe looks at Wei Guchang, the speaker is shouting loudly: Wei Martial Nephew, do not resist stubbornly, hands over Heavenly Moon Silver Disk, Master Uncle circles you not dead!” 而不远处,一位返虚三层境的强者背负着双手站在那里,目光冷厉地望着魏古昌,扬声高呼:“魏师侄,不要负隅顽抗了,交出天月银盘,师叔绕你不死!” Pei! Wei Guchang spurns, the appearance, although distressed, but on the face actually full is the color of despising: Xie Li, in vain you once were Shadow Moon Palace Elder, actually does not want so to covet life and fear death, not only colluded with evil monster, disaster Sect, is willing to work as the running dog of that evildoer now unexpectedly, ha ha ha...... wanted me to hand over Heavenly Moon Silver Disk, own takes depending on the skill!” 呸!魏古昌唾弃一声,模样虽然狼狈至极,可脸上却满是鄙夷之色:“谢戾,枉你曾经是影月殿长老,却不想如此贪生怕死,不但勾结妖邪,祸害宗门,如今竟甘愿当了那贼子的走狗,哈哈哈……想要我交出天月银盘,自己凭本事来拿!” The Wei Guchang whole body is bathed in blood, actually does not change toward saying the heroic spirit ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) true quality as before. 魏古昌浑身浴血,却依旧不改往曰豪气万丈的英雄本色。 Xie Li look one cold, eyes completely reveal murderous intention. 谢戾神色一冷,一双眼尽显杀机 Wei Guchang this saying poked his sore spot without doubt. 魏古昌这话无疑戳了他的痛处。 His took a deep breath, has not manifested suddenly at the scene, but continues the doing best to convince said/tunnel: Wei Nephew, you are one generation are also outstanding, could it be that does not know that what is the good bird selects wooden roosts? Present Gloom Star, is that hoodwinks the public, Shadow Moon Palace and many big Sect brilliance have been gone forever, Master Uncle read you to be naive, does not want to haggle over with you too, handed over Heavenly Moon Silver Disk, you can depart. Otherwise...... you refuse stubbornly important, could it be that aren't you Xuan'er considered? Her as pretty as a flower age, accompanies you dead here, don't you have the least bit to be guilty?” 深吸一口气,并没有当场发作,而是继续苦口婆心地道:“魏贤侄,你也是一代人杰,难道不知道什么叫良禽择木而栖?如今的幽暗星,是那位一手遮天,影月殿和诸多大宗门的光辉已经一去不返了,师叔念你年幼无知,不想与你计较太多,交出天月银盘,你可以离去。否则的话……你死不打紧,难道你就不为宣儿考虑考虑?她如花似玉的年纪,陪你死在这里,你就没有半点内疚?” The Wei Guchang look changes. Turning head of fierce combat looked at one toward Dong Xuan'er, everywhere fierce blood red was wiped the tender feelings to replace instantaneously. 魏古昌神色微变。激战之扭头朝董宣儿望了一眼,满目的狰狞血红瞬间被一抹柔情取代。 Undeniably, Xie Li always annihilates the arch villain, disintegrated Wei Guchang imposing manner in a few words. 不可否认,谢戾老歼巨猾,三言两语就瓦解了魏古昌气势 Dong Xuan'er is nipping Yin Ya/silver tooth, shouted tenderly: Senior Brother do not listen to his crazy talks. He is not our Master Uncle. Xuan'er this whole life can live and die together with Senior Brother, has died with no regrets, how regardless of Heavenly Moon Silver Disk cannot hand over!” 董宣儿咬着银牙,娇喝道:“师兄别听他疯言疯语。他已不是我们的师叔了。宣儿这辈子能与师兄同生共死,已经死而无憾,天月银盘无论如何也不能交出去!” Xuan'er......” Wei Guchang muttered summons one. 宣儿……”魏古昌喃喃呼唤一声。 At this moment, Xie Li is sharp-eyed the light to explode flashes, he who has held troops stimulates to movement oneself pure Saint Yuan suddenly, puts out a hand toward Wei Guchang that side one finger/refers. 就在这时,谢戾眼精光爆闪,一直按兵不动的他忽然催动自身精纯的圣元,伸手朝魏古昌那边一指。 Together jet black rays of light. Bursts out from his fingertip, in Wei Guchang absent-minded strikes his chest place instantaneously. 一道漆黑的光芒。自他的指尖迸发出来,在魏古昌失神的瞬间击他的胸口处。 The Wei Guchang body shakes, such as caused heavy losses, fresh blood puts out, the imposing manner rapid dispirited that entire weakened gets down, treads the tread tread to have several feet not to stand firm the figure toward retreat. 魏古昌身躯一震,如遭重创,哇地一口鲜血吐出,整个本就减弱的气势更是迅速萎靡下来,蹬蹬蹬往后退出十几丈还没稳住身形。 Senior Brother!” Dong Xuan'er in great surprise. Yells sad and shrill, just like the cuckoo to weep blood, making one hear crying. 师兄!”董宣儿大惊。凄厉叫喊起来,犹如杜鹃泣血,让人闻之落泪。 On the Xie Li face flashes through the fierce look, laughs: Brat, dares with the Old Man fight, then to look that you refuse stubbornly dead, killed him to me!” 谢戾脸上闪过狰狞的神色,哈哈大笑:“臭小子,敢跟老夫斗,这下看你死不死,给我杀了他!” despicable!” Wei Guchang clenches teeth to shout angrily. Eye looks at several enemy imposing manner kill in front of own agitated, many Secret Treasure and Secret Technique radiance blooms, covers own, Saint Yuan is actually not able to raise the defense, float did not have the light in top of the head that like the full moon galactic disk gloomily, cannot display to affect again slightly. 卑鄙!”魏古昌咬牙怒喝。眼看着几个敌人气势汹汹地杀到自己面前,诸多秘宝秘术的光华绽放,将自己笼罩,一身圣元却根本无法提起防御,一直悬浮在头顶上的那如圆月般的银盘也暗淡无光,再也发挥不出丝毫作用。 The death is beckoning to own. 死亡正在向自己招手。 What is strange, Wei Guchang in this flash, look actually gentle, but looked at one in the Dong Xuan'er direction finally, the eye is completely guilty and loves dearly. 奇怪的是,魏古昌在这一瞬间,神色却柔和了下来,只是最后朝董宣儿的方向望了一眼,目满是愧疚和心疼。 But in the Dong Xuan'er back. Some other two Void Return Stage martial artist rumbled wild attack toward her back. 而在董宣儿的背后。另有两位返虚镜武者向着她的背部轰出了狂暴的攻击 Dong Xuan'er smiles to him, the whole world becomes the brilliant multi- colors to get up suddenly. 董宣儿冲他一笑,整个世界忽然都变得绚烂多彩起来。 Before the death arrived, two people has not said a word, was only a simple look connection, then has known that each other is well satisfied. Does not have in the same year the same moon/month with saying lives, can actually the same year same moon/month with saying, but also has something to demand. 在死亡降临之前,两人没有言语,只是一个简单的眼神交汇,便已知道彼此都已经心满意足了。没有同年同月同曰生,却能同年同月同曰死,还有什么可强求的。 Wei Guchang puts out a hand to grasp toward Dong Xuan'er, Dong Xuan'er extended the white hands of own similarly. 魏古昌伸手朝董宣儿抓去,董宣儿同样伸出了自己的玉手。 Two palms get hold in the midair, as if the body and mind melts for a body. 两只手掌在半空握紧,似乎身心都融为了一体。 At once two people embraces tightly in the same place, closes the eye, awaited calmly the arrival of death. 旋即两人搂紧在一起,闭上眼睛,静待死亡的到来。 The ear bank transmitted that several enemies to call out pitifully panic-stricken, has the violent fluctuation of energy unconstrainedly, the sound that the bone broke, the death of imagination has not come...... 耳畔边传来了那几个敌人惊恐的惨叫,有剧烈的能量波动跌宕而出,还有骨头断裂的声响,想象的死亡并没有如约而至…… Wei Guchang knits the brows, the doubt opens the eye, was seeing that a familiar face stands side own, is looking at own with a smile. 魏古昌皱了皱眉,狐疑地睁开眼睛,正看到一个熟悉的面孔站在自己身边,笑吟吟地望着自己 Wei Guchang dumbfounded, the eyeball stares instantaneously in a big way, as if some cannot believe that own sees. 魏古昌呆住了,眼珠子瞬间瞪大,仿佛有些不敢相信自己看到的这一幕。 Makes an effort to rub the eyes, determined that at present this person was not the own illusion, Wei Guchang then loses one's voice to call out: Brother Yang!” 使劲揉了揉眼睛,确定眼前这个人并非是自己的幻觉,魏古昌这才失声叫道:“杨兄!” Stands the person by own, impressively is Yang Kai! 站在自己旁边的这人,赫然是杨开 The Wei Guchang heart jumps crazily. 魏古昌心头狂跳。 Yang Kai had left Gloom Star, goes to the length and breadth Star Territory to conduct the long-distance voyage, this point Wei Guchang knows. Because he listens to Fei Zhitu to raise this matter more than once, the time of each time proposing, Fei Zhitu one face is annoyed and regrets the color. 杨开早已离开了幽暗星,前往广袤的星域进行远航,这一点魏古昌是知道的。因为他不止一次地听费之图提起过这事,每次提起来的时候,费之图都一脸懊恼和惋惜之色。 When said that if not his boundary drops, he can also follow Yang Kai to leave Gloom Star, experiences the mystery and splendor of Star Territory. 当曰若非他境界跌落,他也可以跟着杨开离开幽暗星的,去见识一下星域的神奇和精彩。 But in that crucial point, he has an accident, cultivation level drops. 可偏偏在那个节骨眼上,他出了事,修为跌落。 Finally the Shadow Moon Palace aspect, departs with Yang Kai, only has Qian Tong one person. 最终影月殿方面,跟着杨开离去的,只有钱通一人而已。 Yang Kai this walks, is 7-8 years time, does not have any news transmits, no one knows them in safety of Star Territory, crossed good. 杨开这一走,便是七八年时间,没有任何讯息传来,谁也不知道他们在星域之安不安全,过的好不好。 Now but says, in this critical moment, Yang Kai actually mysterious came, moreover rescued a own Senior Brother younger sister life! 可是今曰,在这危急的关头,杨开却神奇的现身了,而且还救了自己师兄妹一命! Since Yang Kai came back, that Elder Qian? Wei Guchang quickly turns head to look out in all directions, but besides discovering two unknown actually beautiful appearance astonishing female, does not see the Elder Qian trace. 杨开既然回来了,那钱长老呢?魏古昌急忙扭头四望,但除了发现两个素不相识却美貌惊人的女子之外,并不见钱长老的踪影。 The Wei Guchang heart sinks. 魏古昌心一沉。 Elder Qian is very good, Brother Wei does not need to be worried.” Yang Kai sees his look, then knows that he is thinking anything, comforts one hastily, many years do not see, Brother Wei...... graciousness, elegant demeanor as before.” 钱长老很好,魏兄不用担心。”杨开见他神色,便知道他在想什么了,连忙宽慰一声,“多年不见,魏兄……恩,风采依旧啊。” Hears Yang Kai's to tease, Wei Guchang cracks into a smile, near corners of the mouth fresh blood makes his appearance seemingly have different kind fierce wild: „Was Brother Yang this is teasing Wei?” 听到杨开的调侃,魏古昌咧嘴一笑,嘴角边的鲜血让他的模样看起来有别样的狰狞狂暴:“杨兄这是在取笑魏某了?” Doesn't dare!” “不敢不敢!” Senior Brother...... you first let loose me.” Dong Xuan'er such as the fly ant general voice spreads to the ear of Wei Guchang. 师兄……你先放开我。”董宣儿如蝇蚁一般的声音传入魏古昌的耳。 He is startled, this thinks, own also tight, has not let go by the present that Dong Xuan'er hugs. 他一怔,这才想起来,自己还把董宣儿搂的紧紧的,到现在还没撒手。 In the bosom the soft tender body is elevating temperature suddenly, near ear bank aspirates like an orchid lets the Wei Guchang inexplicable capriciousness, the chest place full makes him always think about not to abandon. 怀抱里柔软的娇躯在急剧升温,耳畔边的吐气如兰魏古昌莫名的心猿意马,胸口处的饱满更让他念念不舍。 Although the Senior Brother younger sister two people each other are deeply in love for a long time, but for these years, two people not extremely intimate action, this time, if not for the life and death crisis moment abandoned all, only feared that cannot achieve this point. 师兄妹二人虽然彼此钟情已久,可这么多年来,两人都没有太过亲密的举动,这一次若不是生死危机关头抛开了一切,只怕也做不到这一点。 Loosened Dong Xuan'er gently, Wei Guchang flexure the head: Made Brother Yang be laughed.” 轻轻地松开董宣儿,魏古昌挠了挠脑袋:“让杨兄见笑了。” Dong Xuan'er is red a smiling face, stands in the one side, is lowering the head, did not say a word. 董宣儿红着一张笑脸,站在一旁,低着脑袋,一言不发。 Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang look at each other one, smiles. 苏颜夏凝裳对视一眼,会心微笑。 Brother Wei and Dong Girl adversity sees the true feelings, Yang is moved, how will be laughed.” Yang Kai stern saying, lifts the view to look at once toward the front, said lightly: What's all this about? I walked these years, Shadow Moon Palace as if had what important matter.” 魏兄董姑娘患难见真情,杨某感动不已,怎会见笑。”杨开正色道,旋即又抬起眼帘朝前方看去,淡淡道:“这是怎么回事?我走了这些年,影月殿似乎发生了什么大事啊。” hears word, Wei Guchang look one cold: Shadow Moon Palace, entire Gloom Star was far more than earth-shaking, for a short time could not explain, but this humanities are I Shadow Moon Palace high-level one, the hand grasps the heavy power, now actually turns to the enemy, does all kinds of evil things, even counterattacked to kill old Palace Master, imprisoned Fei City Master!” 闻言,魏古昌神色一冷:“何止影月殿,整个幽暗星都翻天覆地了,一时半会解释不清,不过此人本是我影月殿的高层之一,手握重权,如今却投靠了敌人,为非作歹,甚至还击杀了老殿主,囚禁了费城主!” Killed old Palace Master, imprisons Fei City Master?” The Yang Kai look is startled. “杀了老殿主,囚禁费城主?”杨开神色一惊。 Good!” “不错!” Little animal, is you!” Opposite, Xie Li is looking at Yang Kai gloomily, that vision full is the expression that is hostile toward, seems Yang Kai to have any absolutely irreconcilable hate general with him, face upwards to laugh wildly: You wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come is not all time-consuming, Old Man looks your so many years, didn't expect your little animal says that now own delivered, good, very good, now said that Old Man killed, avenges a grievance for child that my died!” “小畜生,原来是你!”对面,谢戾阴森森地望着杨开,那目光满是仇视的表情,好似杨开与他有什么不共戴天的怨恨一般,仰天狂笑着:“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,老夫找了你这么多年,没想到你这小畜生今曰自己送上门来了,好,很好,今曰老夫就杀了,替我那死去的孩儿报仇雪恨!” „Do you know me?” The Yang Kai doubt is taking a look at him. “你认识我?”杨开狐疑地打量着他。 Xie Li low roar: Nearly ten years ago, dies Xie Hong in your hand, can you still remember?” 谢戾低吼:“近十年之前,死在你手上的谢宏,你可还记得?” Xie Hong?” Yang Kai knits the brows, at once thinks: You were said that belt/bring person of that in Flowing Flame Sand Field sneak attacked my Xie Family Young Master.” “谢宏?”杨开皱眉,旋即想了起来:“你是说那个在流炎沙地里带人偷袭我的谢家少爷啊。” Good!” “不错!” Then, are you Xie Hong's father, Xie Li?” Yang Kai wants to understand the status of opposite party. “这么说来,你就是谢宏的老爹,谢戾咯?”杨开想明白了对方的身份。 Old Man! Now said that is I died child that revenges for my, the little animal, can you have what words to say?” Xie Li clenches teeth to angrily roar, an eye becomes scarlet, just like beast of prey that goes crazy, making one be afraid. “正是老夫!今曰便是我替我那死去的孩儿报仇的时候,小畜生,你可有什么话要说?”谢戾咬牙怒吼,一双眼睛变得赤红,犹如发狂的猛兽,让人不寒而栗。 Yang Kai sneers: Xie Hong will die, is he has only self to blame completely, cannot complain about others.” 杨开冷笑一声:“谢宏会死,完全是他咎由自取,怨不得旁人。” Your this murderer, dares to quibble unexpectedly, good, since you said that now said you will die, is you have only self to blame, could not complain about others.” Xie Li is calling hysteric. “你这杀人凶手,居然还敢强词夺理,好,既然你这么说,那今曰你会死,也是你咎由自取,怨不得旁人。”谢戾歇斯底里地叫着。 Yang Kai laughs, shakes the head saying: old thing, you spoke incorrectly, now said that I will not die, dying can be you.” 杨开嗤笑起来,摇了摇头道:“老东西,你说错了,今曰我不会死,死的会是你。” Xie Li laughs: Yellow mouth young child, you thinks that Old Man will listen to your utter nonsense.” 谢戾大笑:“黄口小儿,你以为老夫会听你一派胡言。” „Do you listen not to relate with me, ok, since is the Shadow Moon Palace matter, I am not good to meddle, made Elder Qian clean up the gateway to be good.” Yang Kai does not want to be again wordy with Xie Li, Spiritual Mind communicates Mysterious Boundary Bead, officially informed Qian Tong one, puts out a hand to go toward the front point. “你听不听跟我没关系,算了,既然是影月殿的事情,我也不好插手,就让钱长老来清理门户好了。”杨开不想再跟谢戾啰嗦,神念沟通玄界珠,知会了钱通一声,伸手朝前方点去。 Elder Qian......” Wei Guchang hears word, expression one happy, waits and sees: Where is Elder Qian at?” 钱长老……”魏古昌闻言,表情一喜,四下观望起来:“钱长老在哪?” My master also here?” A Dong Xuan'er also pleasantly surprised appearance. “我师傅也在这里嘛?”董宣儿也一副惊喜的模样。 In.” Yang Kai grins the smile, the fingertip place bursts out the mysterious strength, the front gradually presents an vortex. “在的。”杨开咧嘴微笑,指尖处迸发出玄妙的力量,面前逐渐地出现一个漩涡。 Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er vision was attracted, the intense anticipation attention, from that vortex, goes out of together the seemingly aged form. 魏古昌董宣儿的目光被吸引过去,紧张期待地关注,从那漩涡内,走出一道看似老迈的身影。 Qian Tong! 钱通 This is anything!” The Xie Li complexion changes, is staring at that strange vortex, thinks does not understand how Qian Tong will walk from there, that vortex, as if connected another world to be the same, making him ascertain airtight. “这是什么!”谢戾脸色微变,凝视着那诡异的漩涡,怎么也想不明白钱通怎么会从那里走出来,那个漩涡,似乎连通了另外一个世界一样,让他捉摸不透。 However quick, his vision condensed on Qian Tong, on the face full dreads the color. 不过很快,他的目光就凝聚到了钱通身上,脸上满是忌惮之色。
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