MP :: Volume #17

#1668: Returns darkly

The Star Territory deep place of jet black Void King Grade Battleship navigation, does not need the person to control, independently toward some position rapid advance. 漆黑的虚王级战舰航行的星域深处,无需人去控制,自主地朝某个方位迅速前进。 In entire Battleship, only then minority some martial artist are monitoring all around sound. 整个战舰内,只有少数一些武者监视着四周的动静。 Yang Kai not in this place, but entered Mysterious Boundary Bead. 杨开并不在此地,而是进入了玄界珠 This is a going home journey. 这是一趟回家的旅程。 Gloom Star is the new homes of Tong Xuan Continent these people. 幽暗星便是通玄大陆这些人的新家。 Departed from Scarlet Billow Star until now, since one year of time , Battleship had deferred to the Star Chart route under Yang Kai portray in this year, the security and navigated steadily. 赤澜星离去到如今,已经有一年时间了,这一年以来,战舰都按照杨开刻画下的星图路线,安全而平稳地航行。 Occasionally meets slightly some troublesome, under the Crystal Cannon salvo, the front path also moves unimpeded. 偶尔遇到一些小麻烦,晶炮齐射之下,前方道路也都畅行无阻。 Void King Grade Battleship tyrannical might, but also really does not have many people able to annoy. 虚王级战舰的强横威力,还真没多少人能惹的起。 In Mysterious Boundary Bead, Yang Kai and Xia Ning Chang two people refines Spirit Pill wonderful medicine unceasingly, consumes massive financial resource physical resources, is Tong Xuan Continent these people promotes the cultivation level boundary. 玄界珠内,杨开夏凝裳两人不断地炼制灵丹妙药,耗费大量的财力物力,为通玄大陆那些人提升修为境界。 Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans, the overall strength rises dramatically now a big truncation, Saint Stage martial artist is everywhere, the initial Three Clans top powerhouses, have arrived at the boundary of Saint King 2-3rd layer boundary now, strength rise is not a tiny bit. 人妖魔三族,如今整体实力暴增了一大截,入圣境武者比比皆是,当初的三族顶尖强者们,如今都已经到了圣王两三层境的境界,实力提升的不是一点半点。 This is a being well-prepared process, Tong Xuan Continent and Gloom Star situation is different, the former is world's spiritual energy is insufficient, therefore limited the boundary promotion of martial artist, but the latter is the suppression of principle. 这是一个厚积薄发的过程,通玄大陆幽暗星的情况不同,前者是天地灵气不足,所以限制了武者们的境界提升,而后者是法则的压制。 Now in Mysterious Small Boundary, spiritual energy is rich, the practice commodity supplies abundantly, martial artist from Tong Xuan Continent naturally can result in the extremely good development and strength rise. 如今在小玄界内,灵气浓郁充足,修炼物资又供应充沛,来自通玄大陆武者们自然能得极为良好的发展和实力提升。 Yang Xiuzhu and the others explained the practice mystery to them, they progressed quickly are not strange. 还有杨修竹等人给他们讲解修炼奥秘,他们进步不快才是怪事。 Every one said that the atmosphere in Mysterious Boundary Bead is jubilant, every said that some people break through their shackles , to promote to the next level. 每一曰,玄界珠内的气氛都喜气洋洋,每一曰都有人突破自身的桎梏,晋升到下一个层次。 To own the people of these close relatives, Yang Kai gave the special treatment. 自己的那些至亲之人,杨开给予了特别的待遇。 Is the person has the selfishness. Yang Kai is no exception. 是人都有私心。杨开也不例外。 Parents, Grand Teacher, Founder/Martial Ancestor, that several Master Uncle, Earth Demon et al . Acts by way of Yang Kai personally, refines all sorts to go against heaven's will Spirit Pill, transforms the physique for them, dredges meridians, strengthened their potential and aptitude thoroughly. 父母,师公,祖师,还有那几位师叔,地魔等人。都经由杨开亲自出手,炼制种种逆天灵丹,替他们改造体质,疏通经脉,彻底地增强了他们的潜力和资质 Palace, Second Floor window place. Has the pretty shadow to stand near the window together, the breeze strokes, sways her beautiful hair, she looks at distant square, the line of sight is framing on a figure Ying Wei/brave and large youth, the vision is gentle. The eye pupil deep place also has meaning of the recalling. 一栋宫殿,二楼窗口处。有一道靓影站在窗边,微风拂来,拂动她的秀发,她怔怔地望着远方广场处,视线定格在一个身形英伟的青年身上,目光温柔。眼眸深处还有一丝缅怀之意。 Elder Sister Qiu.” The back heard the sound of shouting suddenly, Qiu Yimeng took back the vision, turned head to look, saw that pair of twin sisters came in waves, was Hu Jiao'er and Hu Mei'er. 秋姐姐。”背后忽然传来了呼喊之声,秋忆梦收回目光,扭头望去,见到一对双胞胎姐妹联袂而来,正是胡娇儿胡媚儿 „Did you come?” Qiu Yimeng shows a faint smile, takes back the state of mind, sits!” “你们来了?”秋忆梦微微一笑,收回心绪,“坐吧!” Hu Jiao'er looked at her one eyes looking pensive. Has a look at out of the window again, when discovered after form that in that square non-stop busily, suddenly sighed: Probably the disparity was getting bigger and bigger , does not know that this whole life could also catch up with his step.” 胡娇儿若有所思地看了她一眼。再看看窗外,当发现在那广场上忙碌不停的身影之后,忽然叹息一声:“好像差距越来越大了呢,也不知道这辈子还有没有可能追上他的步伐。” Yes, is practice, more was feels and his distance is farther.” Hu Mei'er look also low-spirited. “是啊,越是修炼,越是感觉和他的距离越远了。”胡媚儿的神色也黯然了下来。 Qiu Yimeng smiles: „Is younger sister two so why discouraged? Your practice non- world marvelous ability the elder sister was at least better, to arrive at Saint King 2-layer now, the elder sister I just entered Saint King Stage.” 秋忆梦抿嘴一笑:“两位妹妹何必这般气馁?你们二人修炼的不世神功最起码比姐姐好很多,如今都已经到了圣王两层境了,姐姐我才刚刚进入圣王境呢。” Be that as it may, but heard him already Void Return 3-layer.” Hu Mei'er looks the sad color, „the present can accompany side him. Also only then Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang, does not know that their how practice, each and everyone arrived at Void Return Stage unexpectedly, first several days Xia Ning Chang also broke through Void Return 2-layer, thinks that was really exasperating.” “话虽如此,但是听说他都已经返虚三层境了。”胡媚儿面露忧愁之色,“如今能陪伴在他身边的。也只有苏颜夏凝裳了,也不知道她们怎么修炼的,一个个居然都到了返虚镜,前几曰夏凝裳还突破了返虚两层境呢,想想真是气死人了。” They have their chances. We only needed own diligently on the line. Did not strive for catching up with his step, only strove for not lagging behind by him too far.” Qiu Yimeng consoles to say. “她们有她们的机缘。我们只需自己努力就行了。不求追上他的步伐,只求别被他拉下太远。”秋忆梦劝解道。 „The Elder Sister Qiu heart surname is really firm and resolute.” Hu Jiao'er somewhat changes countenance, admires is looking at Qiu Yimeng. 秋姐姐的心姓果然坚毅。”胡娇儿有些动容,佩服地望着秋忆梦 The Qiu Yimeng smile said: We, since chose went out of Tong Xuan Continent with him, should have this heart, if self- desperate, might as well kept on Tong Xuan Continent to be that side overlord, younger sister two, did you say?” 秋忆梦微笑道:“我们既然选择了跟他走出通玄大陆,就应该有这份心,如果自我绝望的话,还不如留在通玄大陆上做那一方霸主,两位妹妹,你们说呢?” Hu Jiao'er and Hu Mei'er look at each other one, nods seriously. 胡娇儿胡媚儿对视一眼,都严肃点头。 Ok, the idle talk, you came with me at this point, I also made the other youth people of extraordinary ability of evil spirit two clans, this time our Three Clans young generation compared well. Only then competes, can grow.” Qiu Yimeng sets out, calls two females. “好了,闲话就说到这里吧,你们跟我来,我还约了妖魔两族的其他青年俊彦,这一次咱们三族的年轻一辈好好比较一番。只有竞争,才能让人成长起来。”秋忆梦起身,招呼两女。 Hu Jiao'er and Hu Mei'er follow hastily. 胡娇儿胡媚儿连忙跟上。 ...... …… The saying child in Mysterious Boundary Bead is calm, time in a flash, is one year later. 玄界珠内的曰子波澜不惊,时间一晃,又是一年之后。 Some one said, Yang Kai with Su Yan dual cultivation, the two people double palm is sticking, each other Saint Yuan does not hesitate in the both sides within the body circulation. 某一曰,杨开正在与苏颜双修,两人双掌紧贴,彼此圣元在双方体内流转不惜。 Suddenly, he seemed like has induced opened the double pupil generally. 忽然,他像是有所感应一般睁开了双眸。 What's wrong?” Su Yan also opens the eye, the doubt asks. “怎么了?”苏颜也睁开眼睛,狐疑问道。 Seemed like.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile. “似乎是到了。”杨开咧嘴一笑。 Finally to?” Su Yan is also quite joyful, this distance may be really far.” “终于到了么?”苏颜也颇为欣喜,“这一段路程可真远啊。” Em, Gloom Star location/position is very remote, if not for there is Void King Grade Battleship, we have no way, along with me goes to have a look.” “恩,幽暗星位置很偏僻,若不是有虚王级战舰,我们根本没法走出来,随我出去看看。” Good, called Ning Chang.” “好,把凝裳也叫上。” Officially informed one with Xia Ning Chang, three people of figure in a flash, have then appeared in Battleship. 夏凝裳知会一声,三人身形一晃,便已出现在战舰内。 Immediately then High Heaven Sect disciple goes forward to report: Sect Master, the front was Gloom Star, we arrived home finally.” 立刻便有一位凌霄宗弟子上前禀告:“宗主,前方就是幽暗星了,我们终于到家了。” His expression is very excited. 他的表情很兴奋。 He and Tong Xuan Continent person are different, originally is Hai Ke Family disciple, the family background in Gloom Star, these went out to have of 7-8 years with Yang Kai at least, naturally thinks of the hometown. 他与通玄大陆的人不同,本是海克家族弟子,出身就在幽暗星,这一趟随着杨开出去了最起码有七八年之久,自然是想念家乡。 Asked Sect Master to instruct!” The disciple respectful instruction of that High Heaven Sect said. “请宗主指示!”那凌霄宗弟子恭敬请示道。 Gets down.” “下去吧。” Yes!” “是!” the next moment, Battleship then toward that big Cultivation's Star travel in the past, the time of quarter of an hour, then entered the atmosphere rapidly, below charming scenery prints the view immediately. 下一刻,战舰便急速地朝那偌大的修炼之星行驶过去,前后不过一刻钟的功夫,便进入了大气层,下方的迷人景色立刻印入眼帘。 Yang Kai has not made Battleship continue to navigate, but brings Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang left Battleship, takes in Battleship Mysterious Boundary Bead, utilize Star Shuttle descends toward under. 杨开并没有让战舰继续航行,而是带着苏颜夏凝裳离开了战舰,将战舰收进玄界珠内,御使星梭朝下方降落。 Void King Grade Battleship is too free, unless it is absolutely essential, Yang Kai does not want to make it expose in the informer of the world. 虚王级战舰太招摇,不到万不得已,杨开并不想让它暴露在世人的眼线。 Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang two people is newly-arrived, is feeling this place rich world's spiritual energy, color of one face pleasant surprise, is breathing the air exaggeratingly. 苏颜夏凝裳两人初来乍到,感受着此地浓郁的天地灵气,都一脸惊喜之色,夸张地呼吸着空气。 Junior Brother, under that is what city, the scale is big.” Xia Ning Chang is pointing below city, opens the mouth to ask. 师弟,下方那是什么城,规模好大。”夏凝裳指着下方一座城池,开口问道。 This...... my also not very clear.” Yang Kai awkwardly flexure flexure head, although he also treated many time in Gloom Star, but entire Gloom Star was too big, he is not naturally able to clearly recognize the appearance of each city. “这个……我也不太清楚。”杨开尴尬地挠挠脑袋,虽说他在幽暗星上也待了不少时间,但整个幽暗星实在太大了,他自然无法认清每一个城池的样子。 Xia Ning Chang smiles, no longer to feel embarrassed Yang Kai. 夏凝裳抿嘴一笑,不再为难杨开 Well......” the Yang Kai look moves suddenly, waited and saw an outline of under city carefully, laughs: I know where this was.” “咦……”杨开忽然神色一动,仔细地观望了一下下方城池的轮廓,哈哈大笑起来:“我知道这是什么地方了。” Where?” “什么地方?” This is Heavenly Fate City!” Yang Kai is pointing under, has a look at that side, does there have a mountain range to discover? I first arrived at Gloom Star at that time time, settles down and gets on with life in this Dragon Cave Mountain, afterward here was besieged by many people, one fights, Dragon Cave Mountain was also hit to abandon, we moved to present High Heaven Sect.” “这是天运城啊!”杨开指着下方,“看看那边,那里有一条山脉发现没?我当时初次来到幽暗星的时候,就是在这龙穴山安身立命的,后来这里被好多人围攻,一场大战下来,龙穴山也被打废了,我们就迁徙到现在的凌霄宗了。” Following the vision that he points, Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang really see a badly-damaged small mountain range. 顺着他手指的目光,苏颜夏凝裳果然见到一条残破不堪的小山脉。 Perhaps is because Yang Kai had treated relations, two females look at the vision of this mountain range fully are being kind. 或许是因为杨开曾经待过的关系,两女望着这山脉的目光都满是亲切。 This is really also predestined friends.” Su Yan is somewhat sigh with emotion. “这还真有缘啊。”苏颜有些感慨。 Yang Kai first comes Gloom Star time, falls fully here, this time returns, unexpectedly had no intention also to come here, the path of history superposed one astonishingly. 杨开初次来幽暗星的时候,落足在此,这一次返回,居然无意也来到了这里,历史的轨迹惊人地重合到了一起。 Is truly predestined friends, walks, along with me gets down, Heavenly Fate City City Master I knew, happen to borrows their Space Law Formation.” The Yang Kai big hand wields, then must spread toward under. “确实有缘,走,随我下去,天运城城主我认识,正好借用他们的空间法阵。”杨开大手一挥,便要朝下方驰去。 Heavenly Fate City City Master is Fei Zhitu, if not previous he is injured to cause the boundary to drop time, same will follow Yang Kai to leave Gloom Star like Qian Tong. 天运城城主费之图,若非上一次他受伤导致境界跌落,也会如钱通一样跟着杨开离开幽暗星的。 These years passed by, do not know that Fei Zhitu cultivation level restored. 这么些年过去了,也不知道费之图修为恢复了没有。 Yang Kai initially also not powerful time, Fei Zhitu is very looks after to him, Yang Kai has thought gratefully in the heart. 杨开当初还不强大的时候,费之图对他算是挺照顾的,杨开一直感念在心。 At this moment, went to the Fang place to transmit an intermittent violent fluctuation of energy suddenly. 就在这时,下方某处忽然传来了一阵阵剧烈的能量波动。 Junior Brother, some people at battle.” Su Yan had detected, points at some direction to say with Yang Kai. 师弟,有人在争斗呢。”苏颜有所察觉,指着某个方向跟杨开说道。 Yang Kai turns head to look toward that side, suddenly the look shakes, lived in the figure, the expression becomes stunned to be strange. 杨开扭头朝那边望去,忽然神色一震,顿住了身形,表情变得愕然而奇怪。 How can be they?” “怎么会是他们?” Although is away from several hundred li (0.5 km) distance, but at the Yang Kai present Spiritual Mind intensity, nosed instantaneously a status of battle side. 虽然隔着数百里的距离,但以杨开如今的神念强度,还是瞬间就查探到了争斗一方的身份。 Unexpectedly is Shadow Moon Palace outstanding disciple Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er two people. 居然是影月殿高徒魏古昌董宣儿两人 But this two people the Shadow Moon Palace promising youth, is the entire Gloom Star famous young person of extraordinary ability, many years do not see, the two people cultivation level boundary as if even more strove , erupts far ultra Void Return 1-layer terrifying battle strength jointly. 两人可是影月殿的后起之秀,是整个幽暗星闻名遐迩的年轻俊彦,多年不见,两人修为境界似乎愈发精进了,联手之下,爆发出远超返虚一层境恐怖战力 However with another side strength of their battle is actually more powerful, enough more than ten Void Return Stage, even the Void Return 3-layer powerhouse assumes personal command, will assume the encirclement certainly Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er encircles, will not give them any opportunity of escaping. 但是与他们争斗的另外一方实力却是更加强大,足足十几位返虚镜,甚至还有返虚三层境强者坐镇,呈合围之势将魏古昌董宣儿团团围住,不给他们任何逃脱的机会。 How can be they? Yang Kai is puzzling. 怎么会是他们呢?杨开百思不得其解。 Here is nearby Heavenly Fate City, will be the Shadow Moon Palace sphere of influence, Wei Guchang Dong Xuan'er is the Shadow Moon Palace future pillar of the state, the former will be the old Palace Master apprentice, the latter will be the Qian Tong apprentice, the position is unusual. 这里是天运城附近,是影月殿的势力范围,魏古昌董宣儿影月殿未来的栋梁,前者更是老殿主的徒弟,后者是钱通的徒弟,身份地位非同一般。 Who dares to clash their two people to start in the Shadow Moon Palace sphere of influence? 谁敢在影月殿的势力范围内冲他们两人下手? The Yang Kai instinct detected that some are not quite right, as if in these years that he leaves, Gloom Star had what important matter general. 杨开本能地察觉到有些不太对劲,仿佛在他离开的这些年里,幽暗星发生了什么大事一般。 „Did Junior Brother know?” Su Yan asked. 师弟认识?”苏颜问道。 Em, in the past had a look.” The Yang Kai calm face, is leading Su Yan and Xia Ning Chang two people flies rapidly toward that side. “恩,过去看看。”杨开沉着脸,领着苏颜夏凝裳两人急速朝那边飞去。 Beyond several hundred li (0.5 km), Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er two people fights a bloody battle, their opponents are five Void Return Stage powerhouses. 几百里外,魏古昌董宣儿两人浴血奋战,他们的对手是五位返虚镜强者。 Even Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er battle strength is good, is still little beset with problems by the multi- enemies, moreover they seem to have experienced many fights in recently, causing Saint Yuan to be bad, aura is somewhat impractical. 即便魏古昌董宣儿战力不俗,以多敌少也是捉襟见肘,而且他们似乎在最近一段时间内经历过不少战斗,导致圣元不济,气息有些虚浮。 If not has scruples in the Wei Guchang top of the head float round of full moon Secret Treasure, that several enemies have closed, cut to kill two people. 若非顾忌魏古昌头顶上悬浮的一轮圆月般的秘宝,那几个敌人早就一拥而上,将两人斩杀了。 That full moon general Secret Treasure by way of Wei Guchang by the secret skill stimulation of movement, is sending out gentle rays of light, rays of light transforms myriad, but the merit may defend, often in the crisis moment, rescues Wei Guchang and Dong Xuan'er surname life. 那圆月一般的秘宝经由魏古昌秘法催动,散发着柔和的光芒,光芒幻化万千,可功可守,每每都在危机关头,救下魏古昌董宣儿的姓命。
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