MP :: Volume #17

#1667: Item Spirit changes

Young Hero Yang, does that do Thunder Fire Flame now where?” Luo Li also asked one curiously. 杨少侠,那乾天雷炎如今在何处?”洛黎又好奇地问了一句。 Yang Kai put out a hand to refer to under the magma: At present also in inside, but estimated that will not soon exist.” 杨开伸手指了指岩浆下方:“眼下还在里面,不过估计用不了多久就会不复存在了。” The Luo Li body shakes, in the beautiful pupil shows a panic-stricken look. 洛黎身躯一震,美眸里露出一丝惊骇的神色。 Does Thunder Fire Flame is aggressive she naturally to know, may listen to the Yang Kai words the meaning, he had the hand to ruin that group ominous flame unexpectedly, this was really above the anticipation of Luo Li. 天雷炎的凶悍她自然知道,可听杨开话的意思,他竟有手段灭了那团凶焰,这实在超乎洛黎的意料。 To come in her, Yang Kai possibly has the skill to divert dry Thunder Fire Flame, quite makes her have a free hand cope with Brilliant Fire Sect. 在她想来,杨开可能有本事牵制一番乾天雷炎,好让她放开手脚去对付火耀宗 Therefore after handling Brilliant Fire Sect that side matter, she then rushes to this place immediately, prepares to help Yang Kai helping hand. 所以在处理完火耀宗那边的事之后,她便立刻赶赴此地,准备助杨开一臂之力。 Has not thought, here simply does not have the own anything matter. 不曾想,这里根本没自己什么事。 „The Young Hero Yang method is exceedingly high, this Palace Master admires.” Luo Li admires sincerely, even if makes her make a move, has not grasped extinguishes eliminates that group of ominous flame, but Yang Kai has this skill. 杨少侠手段通天,本宫佩服。”洛黎诚心拜服,即便让她出手,也没有把握灭除那一团凶焰,可杨开却有这个本事。 Senior overpraised.” “前辈过奖。” Since the safe/without matter, that this Palace Master stopped over on no longer this place, if young hero has time the leisure, but also invited my Ice Heart Valley to be a guest, Ice Heart Valley high and low must lift welcome.” “既然此间无事,那本宫就不再此地逗留了,少侠若得闲暇时,还请来我冰心谷做客,冰心谷上下必举宗欢迎。” Has the opportunity.” Yang Kai shows neither approval nor disapproval. “有机会的。”杨开不置可否。 The Luo Li conduct is not loathsome, departs rapidly. 洛黎行事也不拖泥带水,迅速离去。 After Luo Li walks , the person flies to shoot from volcanic crater, is clamping neat ice cold air/Qi, arrived at side Yang Kai to sit down. 等到洛黎走后,又有一人从火山口上飞射下来,夹着一股清爽的冰寒之气,来到了杨开身边坐下。 Is Su Yan. 苏颜 Yang Kai turned head, puts out a hand to hold her small hand, gripped the palm place, is holding appreciatively gently. 杨开扭头,伸手抓住了她的一只小手,握住手心处,轻轻地把玩着。 Su Yan has not spoken, in the surface is hanging the tranquil smiling face, is looking at the magma of front that tumbling, head by the Yang Kai's shoulder, in surface a satisfied look. 苏颜没说话,面上只是挂着恬静的笑容,望着前方那翻滚的岩浆,将脑袋靠在杨开的肩膀上,面上一片满足的神色。 The Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people as if until have time to enjoy warm dependence accompanying at this moment well. 师姐弟二人似乎直到此刻才有时间好好地享受着温馨的相依相伴。 Junior Brother, will we then go?” Long time. Su Yan opens the mouth to ask. 师弟,我们接下来会去哪?”良久。苏颜开口问道。 Goes to Gloom Star.” “去幽暗星。” Gloom Star? Where is that?” 幽暗星?那是在哪里?” Gloom Star, in very very far place, but there is much better compared with present Tong Xuan Continent, although a strange world principle suppresses, but actually the person on very suitable Tong Xuan Continent develops. We have High Heaven Sect in that side, has treasure land......” 幽暗星啊,在很远很远的地方,不过那里比如今的通玄大陆要好很多,虽然有一种奇怪的天地法则压制,不过却很适合通玄大陆上的人去发展。我们在那边有一个凌霄宗,坐拥宝地……” Yang Kai all sorts of happy 11 descriptions of Gloom Star, Su Yan raised to there yearned for the heart. 杨开幽暗星的种种美好一一描述,苏颜不禁对那里升起了向往之心。 Boundless Star Territory, the area is infinite, where goes to not to matter, so long as there is a man companion. Even the Horizon cape, is still the own family/home. 茫茫星域,疆域无限,去哪里都无所谓,只要有身边的这个男人陪伴。即便是天涯海角,也是自己的家。 At this moment, Su Yan has never had satisfaction. 这一刻,苏颜从未有过的满足。 Fiery Bird with doing the Thunder Fire Flame battle as if continued very long time. 火鸟与乾天雷炎的争斗似乎持续了很长时间 Yang Kai and Su Yan waited for of half a month in the volcanic crater place, below battle has not decided the victory and defeat. 杨开苏颜火山口处坐等了半个月之久,下方的争斗也没有分出胜负。 Bing Long came actually, gives Yang Kai many Space Ring fingers, these Space Ring hit is the wealth of belonging to Brilliant Fire Sect. Precious mineral, medicinal herbs, end product Secret Treasure, medicine pill, martial art rare book, billions of Saint Crystal, numerous. To mention just a few. 倒是冰珑来了一趟,交给杨开好多空间戒指,那些空间戒撞的都是本属于火耀宗的财富。珍贵的矿物,药材,成品的秘宝,丹药,还有武典秘籍,数以亿计的圣晶,林林总总。不一而足。 Ice Heart Valley this time was lucky Yang Kai can extinguish except Brilliant Fire Sect at one fell swoop, plunders these wealth that naturally not to dare to have sole possession of the Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters place, after obtaining the instruction of Luo Li, Bing Long personally to letting the wealth of person palpitation divides into two that huge, Ice Heart Valley occupies one, Yang Kai monopolizes another! 冰心谷这一次多亏了杨开才能一举灭除火耀宗,从火耀宗总舵处搜刮出来的这些财富自然不敢独吞,在得到了洛黎的指示之后,冰珑亲自将那庞大到让人心悸的财富一分为二,冰心谷占一份,杨开独占另外一份! This is showing good will of Ice Heart Valley, they are attempting to make up for the relations. 这是冰心谷的示好,她们正在企图弥补彼此之间的关系。 Yang Kai understands at heart, naturally cannot reject, received these Space Ring refreshedly. 杨开心里明白,自然不会去拒绝,爽快地将那些空间戒收了下来。 Now he had tens of thousands people to go Gloom Star, needed a lot of practice commodities time. Brilliant Fire Sect the wealth, enough Tong Xuan Continent person uses for more than ten 20 years not to need to worry. 如今他带了几万人前去幽暗星,正是需要大量修炼物资的时候。火耀宗的这一笔财富,足够通玄大陆的人用上十几二十年无需发愁。 Although Yang Kai does not have/leave volcanic crater fully, but can also nose to the sounds of Ice Heart Valley these people. 杨开虽然足不出火山口,但也能查探到冰心谷那些人的动静。 Brilliant Fire Sect was extinguished eliminates later, this Brilliant Fire Mountain Range then became the place of without owner, but what Ice Heart Valley person practice is Ice Attribute Cultivation Technique. Obviously is not suitable to open branch here. 火耀宗被灭除之后,这一条火耀山脉便成了无主之地,而冰心谷的人修炼的是冰系功法。显然不适合在这里开设分舵 However their many attached Sect, these said that the child some have moved Brilliant Fire Mountain Range, occupied this geomancy treasure land. 不过她们有不少附属宗门,这些曰子已经有一些迁徙到了火耀山脉,重新占据了这块风水宝地 These have nothing to do with Yang Kai, to Scarlet Billow Star, he eventually is only a traveler. 这些都与杨开无关,对赤澜星来说,他终究只是一个过客。 In saying child of waiting, he and Su Yan tells one another everything, chats more than 30 years to happen at each other matter, each thin trivial minor matter can make the opposite party listen with great interest. 在等待的曰子,他与苏颜无话不谈,聊着这30多年来发生在彼此身上的事情,每一件细琐的小事都能让对方听的津津有味。 From time to time sits in meditation practice. 时而打坐修炼 two people discovered, when their together practice, when the practice speed compared with even Yueli a own person, fast ten times continue. 两人发现,当他们一起修炼的时候,修炼速度要比平曰里自己一个人时,快速十倍不止。 Saint Yuan connection fusion, continuous, just like the galloping river same, from deriving of spiritual energy nearby world, pours into oneself body crazily. 彼此之间的圣元交汇融合,川流不息,犹如奔腾大河一样,疯狂地从附近的天地之汲取灵气,灌入己身。 time in a flash, was half a month later. 时间一晃,又是半个月后。 Has been inducing in practice two people, simultaneously opened the eye, looks toward under. 正在修炼两人似是有所感应,同时睁开了眼睛,朝下方望去。 The magma that , the tumbling roared has the trend of subsiding unexpectedly, moreover all around terrifying scalding hot unexpectedly also reduces and its obvious speed, the fluid common magma has stance that must solidify. 下方,原本翻滚咆哮的岩浆居然有平息的趋势,而且四周的恐怖灼热竟也在以及其明显的速度降低,流质一般的岩浆更有要凝固的姿态。 As if has anything, thermal absorption in this volcanic crater completely. 仿佛有什么东西,正将这火山口内的热量吸收殆尽。 Yang Kai at present one bright, the heart had guessed faintly, feels the anticipation to wait and see. 杨开眼前一亮,心隐隐有所猜测,倍感期待地观望起来。 Partly after saying, the situation was even more obvious, the temperature of this volcanic crater place reduced the ordinary condition unexpectedly, even if did not have practice the average person came this, will not feel the too big illness. 半曰后,情况愈发明显,这火山口处的温度竟降低到了平常状态,就算是一个没有修炼过的普通人来此,也不会感觉到太大的不适。 The magma of front that tumbling has presented the appearance of half solidification. 面前那翻滚的岩浆更是已经呈现出半凝固的样子。 aura is raising from the under deep place rapidly. 有一股气息正从下方深处迅速升起。 That aura makes Yang Kai feel familiar, his corners of the mouth show the happy expression. 气息杨开感到熟悉,他的嘴角边露出笑意。 ...... 咻…… red light comes out from the under lasing together, length of body about three zhang (3.33 m) Fiery Bird suddenly float in midair it. 一道红光从下方激射出来,体长三丈左右的火鸟忽然悬浮在半空之。 All over the body fiery red light, shining person view, but in its body, purple thunder and lightning twinkling, is sending out overbearing destruction aura. 通体火红之光,耀人眼帘,而在它的身躯上,还有紫色的雷电闪烁,散发着霸道毁灭气息 The Yang Kai brow selects, looks at Fiery Bird that is arriving sparkingly surprisedly, feels powerful aura of its within the body, the secret heart is startled. 杨开眉头一挑,惊讶地望着闪亮登场的火鸟,感受到它体内的强大气息,暗暗心惊。 Fiery Bird has successfully swallowed to do Thunder Fire Flame without doubt, obtained the evolution in soul, but Fiery Bird after evolution before can't with saying the language simply, powerful far more than ten times? 火鸟无疑已经成功地吞噬掉了乾天雷炎,获得了灵魂上的进化,而进化后的火鸟与之前简直不可同曰而语,强大了何止十倍? Yang Kai felt from Fiery Bird, only then Void King Stage can give his pressure. 杨开火鸟身上感受到了只有虚王境才能给他的压力。 Can Fiery Bird compare favorably with Void King Stage now unexpectedly? Yang Kai complexion one happy. 火鸟如今竟能媲美虚王境了?杨开面色一喜。 Cry......” the Fiery Bird soaring head, the clear resonant songs and calls resound, mood probably also very inspired appearance. “唳……”火鸟高昂头颅,清脆嘹亮的鸣叫声响起,心情好像也很振奋的样子。 At once its figure turning round revolving, the both wings draw , the entire build also has the tremendous changes in extremely short time. 旋即它的身形滴溜溜一阵旋转,双翅收拢,整个体型也在极短的时间内发生翻天覆地的变化。 A stature is irritable. The beautiful woman who a red hair flies upwards appears in front of Yang Kai suddenly. 一个身材火爆。一头红发飞扬的美女忽然出现在杨开面前。 Yang Kai shortly dumbstruck! 杨开顷刻间目瞪口呆 Looking into the distance, the beautiful woman attractive some that the front presents do not make sense simply, on the fine cheek is embellishing like the good fortune facial features, does not have the slight slight defect, slender willow-leaf eyebrows. Very skillful fine jade nose, light tender red lips, twinkling like the ruby same gloss, annoying the person daydream is infinite. < " full perfectly round, the waist is slender. Two beautiful legs are straight. < b " and thigh to the sensitive spot of lower abdomen place. 放眼望去,面前出现的这个美女简直漂亮的有些不像话,精致的脸蛋上点缀着如造化般的五官,没有丝毫瑕疵,修长的柳叶眉。挺巧的琼鼻,薄薄嫩嫩的红唇,闪烁着如红宝石一样的光泽,惹人遐想无限。<"饱满浑圆,腰肢纤细。两条美腿笔直修长。 The attractive collar bone, the smooth abdomen, the fine navel exposes in the air, two beautiful legs from thigh section place downward. Snow white, the jade foot is stepping on Void lightly, as if steps on mind above of person. 诱人的锁骨,平坦的腹部,精致的肚脐暴露在空气,两条美腿自大腿段处往下。一片雪白,玉足轻踩着虚空,仿佛踩在人的心灵之上 Yang Kai felt suddenly somewhat has a dizzy spell. 杨开忽然感觉有些头晕目眩。 The Su Yan also surprise covered the mouth with the small hand, at once probably remembers anything, smiled faintly looked at one toward Yang Kai sweet, that look had the profound meaning greatly. 苏颜也诧异地用小手捂住了嘴巴,旋即像是想起了什么,浅笑嫣然地朝杨开望了一眼,那眼神大有深意。 How you...... you...... did you turn into this?” Yang Kai is pointing at Fiery Bird after evolution, somewhat speaks incoherently. “你……你……你怎么变成这样了?”杨开手指着进化后的火鸟,有些语无伦次。 Has seen the master!” Fiery Bird flushed Yang Kai suddenly gracefully good a ritual. The enunciation said clearly. “见过主人!”火鸟忽然冲杨开盈盈行了一礼。口齿清晰地说道。 Her sound is very chilly, that irritable stature is not ordinary , like her faint expression. 她的声音很清冷,根本不似那火爆的身材一般热情,与她淡漠的表情一样。 Moreover, her sound contains Internal Qi that destruction and slaughters, one such as her like dark red double pupil of flame combustion. 而且,她的声音蕴藏着一种毁灭和杀戮的气机,一如她那如火焰般燃烧的暗红双眸。 Looks by her double pupil, Yang Kai even can see a flaming combustion the strange world, that seems to be can the scalding hot world that Divine Soul of person melts. 透过她的双眸望去,杨开甚至能看到一片熊熊燃烧的奇异世界,那是仿佛能将人的神魂都融化的灼热天地。 „Will you...... speak?” Yang Kai was more shocking, Boss that the mouth opens. “你……会说话了?”杨开更震惊了,嘴巴张的老大 Fiery Bird nods, thought that this opens the mouth saying: „After fusing that fellow . I have been able to start talking, how, doesn't the master like my appearance?” 火鸟点点头,思索了一下,这才开口道:“融合了那家伙之后。我已经能开口说话了,怎么,主人不喜欢我这个样子么?” „Should I like?” The Yang Kai brow area of concealment beat several, the corner of the eye split vision glimpsed Su Yan have a relish to look at own, somewhat was afraid. “我应该喜欢?”杨开眉头隐蔽地跳动了几下,眼角余光瞥见苏颜正饶有兴致地望着自己,不禁有些心虚。 Should. I follow the master many years, thought that the master has the fondness in this aspect, therefore......” “应该啊。我跟随主人多年,觉得主人有这方面的癖好,所以……” Be quiet!” Yang Kai is angry, took a deep breath, turns head to look to Su Yan, said seriously: This is slanders, this is slanders, Senior Sister your ten million/countless do not take seriously.” “住嘴!”杨开大怒,深吸一口气,扭头看向苏颜,一本正经道:“这是污蔑,这是毁谤,师姐千万不要当真。” The Su Yan faint smile is sweet, said leisurely: I naturally believe Junior Brother.” 苏颜浅笑嫣然,款款道:“我自然是相信师弟的。” That...... was I am wrong.” Fiery Bird carefully thinks a meeting, admits mistakes sincerely, after saying, sincere flushed Su Yan good a ritual: Has seen Mistress.” “那……是我错了。”火鸟认真地想了一会,诚恳认错,说完之后,又正色地冲苏颜行了一礼:“见过主母。” The young girls are very eagle-eyed! Yang Kai throws to Fiery Bird by a favorable look. 小妞很有眼力啊!杨开火鸟投以一个赞许的眼神。 Su Yan pursed the lips to smile, walked up, holds on the hand of Fiery Bird saying: Does not use such politely, I thought vivid that you transform is not old, later our by sisters symmetrially were good, em, you follow Junior Brother so many years, clear his these years made anything very much, have the time words we to chat well.” 苏颜抿嘴笑了起来,走上前去,拉住火鸟的手道:“不用这么客气,我看你幻化出来的形象年纪也不大,以后我们就以姐妹相称好了,恩,你跟着师弟这么多年,想必很清楚他这些年都做了什么,有时间的话我们好好聊聊。” Master does not hope probably very much I expose his **, particularly with some women.” Fiery Bird knits the brows to reply, somewhat reluctant appearance. “主人大概不是很希望我暴露他的**,尤其是和一些女人的。”火鸟皱眉答道,有些不情不愿的样子。 Yang Kai face black like bottom of the pot. 杨开脸黑如锅底。 He suddenly discovered, own likes beforehand that always doing as one is told to own, will not ponder the speech on own initiative Fiery Bird. 他忽然发现,自己还是喜欢之前那个对自己惟命是从,不会主动思考说话的火鸟 Present Fiery Bird spiritual wisdom enters greatly, the strength rises dramatically, but why own always the feeling of what thing losing? 如今的火鸟灵智大进,实力飙升,可是为什么自己总有一种失去了什么东西的感觉? Right Junior Brother, she has the person now, can have the name?” Su Yan not in the meaning in these minor matters getting to the bottom, suddenly opens the mouth to ask. “对了师弟,她如今已有人身,可有名字?”苏颜并没有在那些小事上刨根问底的意思,忽然开口问道。 Yang Kai shakes the head, looks said to Fiery Bird: „Do you hope the name?” 杨开摇了摇头,望向火鸟道:“你希望有名字么?” The Fiery Bird double pupil flashes through a strange brilliance, said solemnly: Asked the master to bestow the name!” 火鸟双眸闪过一丝奇异的光彩,沉声道:“请主人赐名!” The name is a code name, was classified as the name, is a true life! 名字是一个代号,只有被冠以了姓名,才算是一个真正的生灵! Called Liu Yan.” Yang Kai had not pondered. “就叫流炎吧。”杨开并没有多思考。
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