MP :: Volume #17

#1666: Settling down

On Monday, asked the recommendation ticket as usual. 周一,照例求推荐票。 ...... …… However at present this situation to Fiery Bird is actually a good news, has that eight chains fetter limits to do Thunder Fire Flame, Fiery Bird can actually reluctantly with its battle. 不过眼下这情况对火鸟来说却是个好消息,有那八道锁链束缚限制乾天雷炎,火鸟倒是勉强能与它争斗一番。 Yang Kai appear here piece of battlefield long-drawn-out, did Thunder Fire Flame then to detect, that huge Single Eye twinkling had/left bright rays of light suddenly, gathered a Principle Light bunch, covered toward Yang Kai. 杨开悠一出现在这片战场,乾天雷炎便有所察觉了,那一只巨大的独目忽然闪烁出明亮的光芒,汇聚成一道光束,朝杨开笼罩过来。 Another ants, but happen to can become my powerful nutrient, this is your being honored!” “又一个蝼蚁,不过正好可以成为吾强大的养分,这是你的荣幸!” Does the Thunder Fire Flame sound to buzz, the trim world that shakes is shivering. 天雷炎的声音嗡嗡作响,震的整片天地都在颤抖。 A swallowing strength arrives on Yang Kai, that light beam as if there is strength of involving is hard to resist, wanting to swallow Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body. 一种吞噬的力量降临在杨开身上,那光束似乎带着一种难以抗拒的牵扯之力,欲要将杨开的神魂灵体吞噬。 Yang Kai cold snort, the strength of tide Divine Consciousness bursts out generally. 杨开冷哼,神识之力潮水一般迸发。 Dark it, the kāchā resounding spreads, that strength of involving was worked loose by Yang Kai, disintegration invisible. 冥冥之,有一声咔嚓的脆响传出,那牵扯之力被杨开挣脱,崩碎无形。 Ants also dare to revolt against my will, unforgivable!” Did Thunder Fire Flame to be as if enraged, a thick tentacle arm, swept away toward Yang Kai, is clamping the Lei Ting (thunder) extremely heavy potential. “蝼蚁也敢反抗吾之意志,不可饶恕!”乾天雷炎似乎被激怒了,一条粗大的触手般的手臂,朝杨开横扫过来,夹着雷霆万钧之势。 Cry!” Fiery Bird sounds, the mouth blowout column of flame, latter sends first to the place stop in the Yang Kai front, kept off that tentacle. “唳!”火鸟鸣叫,口喷出火柱,后发先至地阻拦在杨开前方,将那触手挡了回去。 The Yang Kai look stands there indifferently, the careful observation, has not worried to act. 杨开神色冷漠地站在那里,仔细观察,并没有着急出手。 He has not known how temporarily should cope with the dry Thunder Fire Flame such strange life. 他暂时还不知道该如何对付乾天雷炎这样古怪的生灵。 Now he is Divine Soul Spirit Body comes this, flesh body in volcanic crater, was unable to use Saint Yuan to help Fiery Bird meet the enemy, can use also only has the Divine Consciousness strength. 如今他是神魂灵体来此,肉身还在火山口内,根本无法动用圣元来帮火鸟迎敌,所能使用的也只有神识力量而已。 He does not want to alert the enemy. 他不想打草惊蛇。 Tentacles sweep across to come, to do Thunder Fire Flame in all directions as if also to detect that the important surname of Yang Kai to Fiery Bird, despicable gave up unexpectedly shameless to the attack of Fiery Bird, instead looks after Yang Kai with emphasis. 一条条触手四面八方席卷而来,乾天雷炎似乎也察觉出杨开火鸟的重要姓,竟卑鄙无耻地放弃了对火鸟的进攻,反而重点照顾起杨开来。 Fiery Bird can only the passive defense. 火鸟只能被动防守。 Yang Kai's arrives rashly. As if made the Fiery Bird aspect worse. 杨开的贸然到来。似乎让火鸟的局面变得更加糟糕了一些。 Two strange existences use Yang Kai as the heart, launched the battle again. 两个古怪的存在以杨开为心,再一次展开了争斗。 time is passing little, Fiery Bird aura slowly weakens, does Thunder Fire Flame on the contrary as always fierce, does not see the obligation that the strength weakens. 时间一点点地流逝着,火鸟身上的气息逐渐衰弱,反倒是乾天雷炎一如既往地凶猛,丝毫不见有实力削弱的驱使。 Here. I then control, your ants must submit to!” Does the Thunder Fire Flame will to transmit again. “在这里。吾便是主宰,你们这些蝼蚁统统都得臣服!”乾天雷炎的意志再次传达出来。 Yang Kai is sharp-eyed the light to explode to flash, cannot bear laugh: Originally is this!” 杨开眼精光爆闪,忍不住哈哈大笑起来:“原来是这样!” Feeling Yang Kai's is joyful, Fiery Bird imposing manner was been also more inspired, the body explodes lightens dazzling radiance, again with doing Thunder Fire Flame pesters together. Is swallowing each other energy mutually. 感受到杨开的喜悦,火鸟气势也被振奋许多,身上爆闪出耀眼的光华,再一次与乾天雷炎纠缠在一起。互相吞噬着彼此的能量。 I have seen through your acrobatics, now said that is your time of death!” Yang Kai is drinking lowly, suddenly puts out a hand to rule out toward the front. “我已经看穿你的把戏了,今曰就是你的死期!”杨开低喝着,忽然伸手朝前方划去。 Together strange strength fluctuation lasing. 一道诡异的力量波动激射。 Isolated did side a Thunder Fire Flame space. 隔绝了乾天雷炎身旁的一片空间。 That is Space Force! 那是空间之力 Although Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body is unable to use the flesh body Saint Yuan strength, however the attainments on Space Force actually can still have at one's command. 杨开的神魂灵体虽然无法动用肉身圣元力量,但是在空间力量上的造诣却依然能如臂使指。 He by Space Force, separated relation that does Thunder Fire Flame and some position. 他以空间之力,隔断了乾天雷炎与某个方位的联系。 Did Thunder Fire Flame as if to be startled, that huge Single Eye twinkling had a startled look. Gave up unexpectedly to the attack of Fiery Bird, was launched the crazy attack to Yang Kai taking the same place. 天雷炎似乎怔了一下,那巨大的独目闪烁起一丝惊慌的神色。竟放弃了对火鸟的进攻,取而代之地是对杨开展开了疯狂的进攻。 Really is this!” Yang Kai laughs, does the Thunder Fire Flame action, from one side verified the guess of own. “果然是这样!”杨开大笑,乾天雷炎的举动,从侧面印证了自己的猜测。 At that moment does not hesitate, mysterious Space Force burst out from his Divine Soul Spirit Body, is spreading toward all around, gradually arranges another prisoner's cage. 当下再不犹豫,一道道玄妙的空间之力从他的神魂灵体迸发出来,朝四周蔓延着,逐渐地布置出另外一个囚笼。 Short more than ten breath times. This prisoner's cage has then taken shape! 短短十几息功夫。这囚笼便已成型! The invisible space prisoner's cage isolated the relation that does Thunder Fire Flame and outside world, covers with Fiery Bird it in one. 无形的空间囚笼隔绝了乾天雷炎与外界的联系,将它与火鸟笼罩在一块。 This prisoner's cage has not affected on Fiery Bird, but to doing Thunder Fire Flame has the fatal threat. 这个囚笼对火鸟没有丝毫影响,但是对乾天雷炎却有致命的威胁。 Does Thunder Fire Flame unable from all around environment to strengthen the strength again, restores itself! 天雷炎将再也无法从四周的环境汲取力量,恢复自身! Yang Kai observed the long time, discovered that does the scalding hot of magma and place bottom of Thunder Fire Flame and all around has an invisible relation, regardless of it were swallowed many essence by Fiery Bird, can quickly restore. 杨开观察了半晌,发现乾天雷炎与四周的岩浆和地底的灼热有一种无形的联系,无论它被火鸟吞噬掉多少精华,也能迅速地恢复过来。 Is Fiery Bird simply does not have this advantage on the contrary! 反倒是火鸟根本没有这个优势! This also no wonder, this place is the fetter does the Thunder Fire Flame place after all, it existed here for several tens of thousands years, the use peripheral environment that naturally understands is own builds the advantage. 这也难怪,此地毕竟是束缚乾天雷炎的地方,它在这里存在了数万年,自然懂的利用周边的环境为自己营造优势。 But prisoner's cage of Space Force mold. Actually crushes this advantage instantaneously. 空间之力塑造的囚笼。却将这个优势瞬间粉碎。 On, it was together impossible to restore again.” Yang Kai calls one to Fiery Bird, Divine Soul Spirit Body departs from the norm to approach toward the front. “一起上吧,它这下不可能再恢复了。”杨开火鸟吆喝一声,神魂灵体一反常态地朝前方逼近过去。 Ants general method , the delusion copes with me, without the help of strength. You possibly is not my opponent!” Does the Thunder Fire Flame disdain low roar. “蝼蚁一般的手段,也妄想对付吾,没有外界之力的帮助。尔等也不可能是吾的对手!”乾天雷炎不屑地低吼。 That has a look, whose who weakly was good!” Yang Kai sneered, the mouth explodes drinks one: Life's Exterminator Demon Eye!” “那就看看,孰强孰弱好了!”杨开嘿嘿冷笑,口爆喝一声:“灭世魔眼!” The left eye place, piece of golden light sparkles suddenly, the vertical and long and narrow golden pupil reveals immediately. 左眼处,忽然一片金光闪耀,竖直而狭长的金色瞳仁立刻显露出来。 From that pupil it, principle strength contained the light beam lasing of mysterious strength to come out, toward doing the Thunder Fire Flame giant Single Eye photo went. 从那瞳仁之,一道蕴含了玄妙之力的光柱激射出来,直直地朝乾天雷炎的巨大独眼照去。 Does the Thunder Fire Flame huge body to shake loudly, seemed injured to roar unexpectedly general lowly. 天雷炎庞大的身躯轰然一震,竟仿佛受伤了一般低吼起来。 Life's Exterminator Demon Eye, had to purify the Divine Soul effect. 灭世魔眼,本就有净化神魂的功效。 Does Thunder Fire Flame to give birth to spiritual wisdom, birth Divine Soul, naturally can by Life's Exterminator Demon Eye to subdue|grams. 天雷炎生出灵智,诞生神魂,自然会被灭世魔眼所克。 Its that huge body is twisting, the innumerable say/way tentacle common arm moves crazily, as if must make the collapse the trim space. 它那巨大的身躯扭曲着,无数道触手一般的手臂疯狂甩动,似乎要将整片空间都弄塌陷。 Fiery Bird throws, opens the big mouth, bit the body of doing Thunder Fire Flame. 火鸟扑上去,张开大口,咬住了乾天雷炎的身躯。 The naked eye, pure strengths following the Fiery Bird big mouth, flowed its within the body obviously. 肉眼可见地,一股股精纯的力量顺着火鸟的大口,流淌进了它的体内。 But does Thunder Fire Flame imposing manner actually to fall rapidly. 而乾天雷炎气势却是迅速滑落。 I want you dead, your ants enraged me!” Does Thunder Fire Flame to roar, the tentacle dances in the air, ties up the Fiery Bird body, throws it distant. “吾要你们死,你们这些蝼蚁触怒了吾!”乾天雷炎咆哮,触手飞舞回去,捆缚住火鸟的身躯,将它抛的远远的。 At once, its Single Eye looks to Yang Kai, Demon and destruction aura arrives to Yang Kai on, from that Single Eye it, the lasing has together mysterious light, can with extinguishing world golden light unexpectedly meets as an equal, advances little toward Yang Kai. 旋即,它的独目望向杨开,一股凶煞毁灭气息降临到杨开身上,从那独目之,激射出一道玄光,竟能与灭世金光分庭抗礼,一点点地往杨开这边推进过来。 Conceivable, once that mysterious light covers Yang Kai, then Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body will certainly change into Nihility. 可以想象,一旦那玄光杨开笼罩,那么杨开的神魂灵体必将化为虚无 Life Lotus!” Yang Kai drinks severely. 生莲!”杨开厉喝。 The left eye golden pupil place, presented a being in bud lotus flower suddenly. 左眼金瞳处,忽然出现了一朵含苞待放的莲花。 That lotus flower long-drawn-out appearance, then rocked. Vanishes does not see. 那莲花悠一出现,便晃动了一下。消失不见。 However is doing Thunder Fire Flame looks like, that lotus flower actually crashed in own Consciousness Sea it. 但是在乾天雷炎看来,那莲花却冲进了自己识海之。 The lotus flower takes its assigns/life the Divine Soul strength for the source, swallows the absorption crazily, starts to bloom slowly. 莲花以它的本命神魂力量为源泉,疯狂地吞噬吸收,开始徐徐绽放。 Every time blooms a point, its Divine Soul wants dispirited some. When the lotus flower blooms half of conditions, does the Thunder Fire Flame body to sway unexpectedly, seems drunk general, originally solidification such as the body of entity, became somewhat illusory. 每绽放一分,它的神魂就要萎靡一些。当莲花绽放出一半状态的时候,乾天雷炎的身躯竟摇摇晃晃起来,仿佛喝醉了酒一般,原本凝固如实体的身体,也变得有些虚幻了。 The Yang Kai headache wants to crack, is almost impossible to suppress. Miserable howling. 杨开头疼欲裂,几乎无法抑制。惨嚎一声。 In order to cope with dry Thunder Fire Flame, he almost erupted the own Divine Consciousness strength in the flash completely, only to condense that lotus flower. 为了对付乾天雷炎,他几乎在一瞬间将自己神识力量全部爆发了出来,只为凝聚出那一朵莲花。 The effect is gratifying, does Thunder Fire Flame such as to cause heavy losses, simply did not have the ample force to aim at him. 效果喜人,乾天雷炎如遭重创,根本没有余力来针对他了。 The angry low roar and painful calling out sound from doing Thunder Fire Flame transmitted orally. 愤怒的低吼和痛苦的嚎叫声从乾天雷炎口传出。 Fiery Bird seized the chance to break out of the fetter of that several tentacle, big mouth. This assigns/life the Item Refining furnace to appear easely. 火鸟趁机摆脱了那数道触手的束缚,大口一张。本命炼器炉悠然出现。 Under the crazy stimulation of movement of Fiery Bird, that Item Refining furnace revolves turning round, transmits the astonishing attraction from the fire hole. 火鸟的疯狂催动下,那炼器炉滴溜溜旋转起来,从炉口传来惊人的吸引力。 Does the body that Thunder Fire Flame did sway unable to resist involving of this strength unexpectedly, gradually flutters toward the Item Refining furnace. 天雷炎本就摇摇晃晃的身躯竟抵挡不住这股力量的牵扯,逐渐地朝炼器炉飘去。 No!” Does Thunder Fire Flame to howl crazily, actually does not help matters. “不!”乾天雷炎疯狂吼叫,却无济于事。 Life Lotus Secret Technique type in its Divine Soul the lotus flower, consumed the strength of its most Divine Consciousness, is unable to resist the attack of Fiery Bird again. 生莲秘术种在它神魂之的莲花,耗费了它大半的神识之力,再也无法抵挡火鸟的进攻。 At miserable howling sound. Did Thunder Fire Flame such as wisp of light smoke to be drawn the Item Refining furnace! 在惨嚎声。乾天雷炎如一缕青烟被吸进了炼器炉! Fiery Bird turned head to look at one toward Yang Kai. 火鸟扭头朝杨开这边看了一眼。 Yang Kai is covering the forehead, four eyes contact, nods gently, transmits an encouraging look. 杨开捂着额头,四目相对,轻轻颔首,传递出一个鼓励的眼神。 Fiery Bird flutters, changes into one group of flames, wraps the Item Refining furnace, at once sinks below magma it. 火鸟振翅,化为一团火光,将炼器炉包裹住,旋即沉进了下方的岩浆之。 Their battles had not ended! 它们的争斗还没有结束! Next battle in the Item Refining furnace, but unlike a moment ago, that was the Fiery Bird home game! It will have the advantage surely. 下一场争斗将会在炼器炉内,但是与刚才不同,那将是火鸟的主场!它必定会占据优势。 Yang Kai has been incapable of meddling. 杨开已经无力插手了。 He believes Fiery Bird presents again time, will bring a pleasant surprise to him. 他相信火鸟再度出现的时候,会给他带来一个惊喜。 Turns head to look out in all directions. Yang Kai does not have in place to stay, but leaves this place immediately, Divine Soul Spirit Body returns to the body. 扭头四望。杨开在原地停留,而是立刻离开了此地,神魂灵体重新返回身躯内。 Opened the eye, Yang Kai saw the Stone Puppet concerned vision. 睁开眼睛,杨开看到了石傀关切的目光。 To it throws after a reassurance look, Yang Kai immediately takes out some Spirit Pill. Squeezes in the mouth, close eyes refining up to melt. 给它投以一个放心的眼神之后,杨开立刻取出一些灵丹。塞入口,闭目炼化起来。 time passes. 时间流逝。 The Yang Kai mind tear ache gradually vanishes, seven color Mild Soul Lotus this kind of most precious objects exist, express that his Divine Consciousness strength restores, but said the time, then does not have to obstruct greatly. 杨开脑海撕裂般的疼痛逐渐消失,有七彩温神莲这样的至宝存在,他的神识力量恢复的特别快,不过一曰功夫,便已没了大碍。 Moreover after this war, Yang Kai discovered impressively the own Divine Consciousness strength has grown unexpectedly. 而且经此一战,杨开赫然发现自己神识力量居然有所增长。 This is a good news. 这可是个好消息。 Incense stick|Fragrant wind from back, Yang Kai has not returned, shows a faint smile: Congratulated the senior, now one-party rule of Ice Heart Valley on Scarlet Billow Star, controlled this stars, may celebrate encouraging.” 一股香风从背后袭来,杨开头也没回,微微一笑:“恭喜前辈了,如今冰心谷赤澜星上一家独大,也算是主宰了这颗星辰,可喜可贺。” The Luo Li light sound conveys from the rear area: this Palace Master has no intention to control anything, all that does only to settle gratitude and grudges, Brilliant Fire Sect Indestructible, later Ice Heart Valley dying many people.” 洛黎淡淡的声音从后方传来:“本宫无意主宰什么,所做的一切只为了结恩怨罢了,火耀宗不灭,以后冰心谷会死很多人。” Yang Kai nods slightly, this excuse conforms to the Luo Li heart surname actually. 杨开微微颔首,这番说辞倒是符合洛黎的心姓。 this time was lucky Young Hero Yang actually you, if not there are you to divert in this does Thunder Fire Flame, my Ice Heart Valley conduct is impossible so smoothly.” The Luo Li gratitude said. “不过这一次倒是多亏了杨少侠你,若非有你在此牵制乾天雷炎,我冰心谷行事不可能这般顺利。”洛黎感激道。 Accords to his need, the senior does not use politely.” Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, graciousness, Brilliant Fire Sect these people?” “各取所需罢了,前辈不用客气。”杨开缓缓摇头,“恩,火耀宗那些人呢?” Above Void Return Stage, kills completely, below Void Return Stage, there is to strike to kill Ice Heart Valley disciple, one and kills, others...... abandoned cultivation level to put.” Luo Li replied. 返虚镜以上,全部击毙,返虚镜以下,有击杀冰心谷弟子的,也一并击毙,其他人……都废了修为放了。”洛黎答道。 Senior is benevolent.” “前辈仁慈。” „Do you want to say this Palace Master womanly compassion?” Luo Li smiles. “你是想说本宫妇人之仁吧?”洛黎轻轻一笑。 Does not dare, the senior does that has the truth of senior, the boy does not dare to gesticulate.” Yang Kai exposes to the sun however. “不敢,前辈这么做,自有前辈的道理,小子可不敢指手画脚。”杨开晒然。 Luo Li smiles saying: „To say said, has anything not to dare. But on Brilliant Fire Sect Lower Base Disciple tens of thousands, if really all killed...... ascended the sky does not permit.” 洛黎莞尔道:“想说就说,有什么不敢的。只不过火耀宗下弟子几万,真要是全杀了……上天不允啊。” Yang Kai nods, no longer said anything. 杨开点头,不再多说什么。 The martial artist conduct, complies with the conscience then, Luo Li is not good to kill the person, if really violates the conscience, Brilliant Fire Sect high and low kill to the last one/being ruthless, may create the influence on her heart surname, is disadvantageous to her, although release these disciple were seemingly benevolent, but actually conformed to the say/way of Luo Li heart. 武者行事,顺应本心即可,洛黎不是好杀之人,若真的违背本心,将火耀宗上下赶尽杀绝的话,可能会对她的心姓造成影响,对她不利,释放那些弟子虽然看似仁慈了点,但却符合洛黎心的道。
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