MP :: Volume #17

#1665: Underground battlefield

Before Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters, Ice Heart Valley numerous Elite under leadership of Luo Li, with irresistible force, broke through innumerable to defend restriction, killed the place of most core directly. 火耀宗总舵前,冰心谷一众精锐洛黎的率领下,一路势如破竹,攻破了无数层防御禁制,直接杀到了最核心的地方。 Five Battleship set up in an array in the sky, the jet black Crystal Cannon mouth had the energy to surge indistinctly, aimed under, is transmitting the death and destruction information. 五艘战舰在天空一字排开,漆黑的晶炮口隐约有能量在涌动,对准了下方,传递着死亡和毁灭的信息。 Lord shipboard, the Luo Li look is faint, toward below overlook, the Ice Heart Valley high levels is all valiant, is placed both sides. 主舰上,洛黎神色淡漠,朝下俯瞰,冰心谷的高层们个个英姿飒爽,分列两旁。 Below thousand feet (333 m) place, the square, at this moment, Brilliant Fire Sect numerous high levels all gather in square above, is headed by Wei Qing, expression raises the head looks up to ugly. 下方百丈处,有一广场,此刻,火耀宗的众多高层皆都汇聚在广场之上,以卫清为首,表情难看地抬头仰望。 Within location/position of two groups of troops, 1-layer fiery-red light membrane impediment. 两批人马的间位置,还有一层火红色的光膜阻隔。 This is the Brilliant Fire Sect finally 1-layer defense barrier, once were broken through, that Brilliant Fire Sect will turn into the region that does not garrison thoroughly, whatever the Ice Heart Valley numerous will act. 这是火耀宗最后一层防御屏障,一旦被攻破,那火耀宗将彻底变成不设防的地带,将任由冰心谷众强施为。 Looking at each other long time, Wei Qing Cenam shouted: Senior Li, is Ice Heart Valley this must fight to the death with my Brilliant Fire Sect?” 对视良久,卫清才郎喝道:“洛黎前辈,冰心谷这是要与我火耀宗决一死战?” Yes!” Luo Li response. “是!”洛黎回应。 Wei Qing laughs: Can work Senior Li make a move personally, actually being honored of my Brilliant Fire Sect, but...... the senior thinks that my Brilliant Fire Sect is really the fruit cake, can pinch flat Cuoyuan at will? The younger generation advised politely senior one, if not think that everyone perished together, but also please retreat early, otherwise the senior must regret!” 卫清大笑:“能劳动洛黎前辈亲自出手,倒是我火耀宗的荣幸,不过……前辈以为我火耀宗真是软柿子,可以随意捏扁搓圆?晚辈奉劝前辈一句,若是不想大家同归于尽的话,还请早早退去,否则前辈必会后悔!” „Are you threatening this Palace Master?” The Luo Li ice-cold vision thorn to Wei Qing, just like the dagger, is better than the Wei Qing this kind of character, could not bear back up several steps. “你在威胁本宫?”洛黎冰冷的目光刺向卫清,犹如尖刀,强如卫清这样的人物,也忍不住倒退了几步。 Heart with amazement, holds the fist saying: Does not dare, the Wei Qing shame is the position of Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master, the nature considered for Sect high and low tens of thousands disciple, senior cultivation level is profound, my Brilliant Fire Sect now truly no one is your rival, may want to extinguish my Brilliant Fire Sect whole families. Also is not that easy matter.” 心一阵骇然,抱拳道:“不敢,卫清忝为火耀宗宗主之位,自然得为宗门上下几万弟子考虑,前辈修为高深,我火耀宗如今确实无人是你敌手,可想要灭我火耀宗满门。也不是那么容易的事。” I know that your taking advantage is anything!” Luo Li shows a faint smile suddenly, speaks the truth, this Palace Master to, if not as a last resort, is not willing with it that thing also has a headache to.” “我知道你的依仗是什么!”洛黎忽然微微一笑,“说实话,本宫对那东西也头疼的很,若非万不得已,并不愿意与它对上。” Senior understands well!” Wei Qing complexion slightly clearing weather. Thinks that Luo Li started to be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt. “前辈明白就好!”卫清脸色稍霁。以为洛黎开始投鼠忌器了。 Has not thought, Luo Li smiled again: This this Palace Master is only responsible for turning over in full you, that thing has others to deal with, therefore...... you hurry to surrender, this Palace Master does not want to bully the weak, you from waste cultivation level. this Palace Master may circle you not dead!” 不曾想,洛黎再次笑了一下:“不过这一趟本宫只负责清缴你们,那东西自有旁人去应付,所以……你们还是赶紧投降吧,本宫并不想以大欺小,尔等自废修为本宫可绕你们不死!” A Wei Qing complexion anger, said again anything time, the Consciousness Sea tumbling is suddenly uncertain, astonishing and terrifying will transmits from some direction, spreads one to let his hands and feet ice-cold news! 卫清脸色一怒,正待再说些什么的时候,识海忽然翻滚不定,一股惊人而恐怖的意志从某个方向传递过来,传出一个让他手脚冰冷的讯息! Trivial day after tomorrow Item Spirit, dares to challenge my dignity. The ants of acting recklessly, tremble under my great strength!” “区区后天器灵,也敢挑战吾之威严。不知死活的蝼蚁,在吾的强大下战栗吧!” This will transmits long-drawn-out, the volcano place of that back side of the mountain, then bursts out the selling person to hear the will confrontation of changes countenance. 这个意志悠一传递出来,那后山的火山处,便迸发出让人闻之变色的意志交锋。 Everyone in clearly that this moment feels. 所有人在这一刻都感受的清清楚楚 Brilliant Fire Sect one crowd of high-level complexion big changes, focused attention on to look into the past. 火耀宗一群高层面色大变,纷纷瞩目眺望过去。 Any person dares to provoke to do Thunder Fire Flame unexpectedly!” Brilliant Fire Sect Elder calls out in alarm. “什么人居然敢挑衅乾天雷炎!”火耀宗的一位长老惊呼起来。 Started?” The Luo Li beautiful pupil narrows the eyes. “开始了么?”洛黎美眸一眯。 She underestimated the Yang Kai's speed, this thinks must wait again on for a long time, Yang Kai will move that to do Thunder Fire Flame. Actually does not think that own projected on the person each family entrance, that side Yang Kai has begun. 她还是低估了杨开的速度,本以为还要再等上许久,杨开才会动那乾天雷炎。却不想自己这边才打到人家家门口,杨开那边就已经动手了。 Gives you ten breath time, from waste cultivation level, this Palace Master keeps you to be surnamed the life, or this Palace Master breaks this finally 1-layer protection, making you die!” At this moment, before Luo Li one this/should , the makings of chilly standing aloof from the world, becomes aggressive. “给你们十息时间,自废修为,本宫留你们姓命,或者本宫打破这最后一层防护,让你们死!”这一刻,洛黎一该之前清冷与世无争的气质,变得咄咄逼人起来。 Gratitude and grudges between two influences are too deep, finally to the moment of having the enemy altruism. 两个势力之间的恩怨太深,终到了有敌无我的一刻。 The Wei Qing expression fluctuates erratically, feels is doing the Thunder Fire Flame tumbling will of the restricted area place transmitting. Knows that last took advantage is unable to count on, but wanted him from waste cultivation level, that was the impossible matter. 卫清表情变幻不定,感受着从禁地处传来的乾天雷炎的翻滚意志。知道最后一个依仗也无法指望了,但要他自废修为,那是不可能的事情。 martial artist life, with day struggle, with life struggle. Each promotion is the mighty force crosses the single-plank bridge, countless people halt before the new boundary, Wei Qing consumes 300 years of time, oneself cultivation level will raise the Void Return 3-layer Peak degree, is likely to break through to the powerhouse of Void King Stage level. 武者一生,与天争,与命争。每一次晋升都是千军万马过独木桥,无数人止步在新的境界之前,卫清耗费三百年光阴,将自身修为提升到了返虚三层境顶峰的程度,是有望突破到虚王境层次的强者。 Where is he willing from waste cultivation level? 他哪里甘愿自废修为 Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence with it, might as well wrestle by the life, wins vitality. 与其苟延残喘,不如以命一搏,赢取一线生机 Fought them!” Wei Qing low roar. “跟她们拼了!”卫清低吼。 Brilliant Fire Sect one crowd of high levels obviously are also the this kind of ideas, they know, by two gratitude and grudges, even if will beg for mercy will not have what fate, therefore Wei Qing this saying will shout, numerous high levels will then stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, will offer a sacrifice to Secret Treasure, hit toward that five Battleship. 火耀宗一群高层显然也是这样的想法,他们知道,以两家的恩怨,即便求饶也不会有什么下场,所以卫清这话一喊出来,众多高层便纷纷催动圣元,祭出秘宝,朝那五艘战舰打了过去。 Brings about own destruction!” Luo Li complexion one cold, puts out a hand toward a front gently point. “自寻死路!”洛黎脸色一寒,伸手朝前方轻轻一点。 This finger/refers as if not bring slight smoke and fire aura, from her fingertip place, clear six petal snowflakes dances in the air, then opens against the wind. 这一指似乎不带丝毫烟火气息,从她的指尖处,有一片晶莹的六瓣雪花飞舞出来,迎风便张。 The suddenly time, that six petal snowflakes then become like the backdrop size, camouflages the square. 眨眼的功夫,那六瓣雪花便变得如天幕般大小,将广场遮蔽。 Let the ice that the person shivers drop from the clouds coldly! 让人颤抖的冰寒从天而降! Ice Seals Thousand Miles!” Bing Long and Ran Yunting and the others simultaneous drink suddenly lowly. 冰封千里!”冰珑冉云婷等人忽然齐齐低喝。 within the body of everyone overflows Saint Yuan that rushes continuous, gathers in together, advances toward the front. 每个人的体内都溢出连绵不绝而澎湃的圣元,汇聚在一起,朝前方推进。 The Saint Yuan place visited, the land starts to freeze. 圣元所过之处,大地开始冻结。 The sky, snowed. 天空,下雪了。 That each snowflakes contained the panic-stricken fluctuation of energy, descends light, falls on that fiery-red safety mask, as if there is surname nature of corrosion, the impregnable safety mask will corrode each and everyone tiny hole. 那每一片雪花都蕴藏了让人惊恐的能量波动,轻飘飘地降落下来,落在那火红色的防护罩上,似乎带有腐蚀的姓质,将固若金汤的防护罩腐蚀出一个个小孔 Domain of frozen land following these holes, spreads toward square Yang. 冰封大地的意境顺着这些孔洞,朝广场央蔓延。 Strength low Brilliant Fire Sect disciple the time of blinking was becoming ice sculptures. 实力低一些的火耀宗弟子在眨眼的功夫就成了一座座冰雕。 The Wei Qing grief and indignation wants certainly, knows that Brilliant Fire Sect this time feared was doomed. 卫清悲愤欲绝,知道火耀宗这一次怕是在劫难逃了。 Has Luo Li to assume personal command in this place, they at all possibly are not the opponents, originally takes advantage of the seal does Thunder Fire Flame to make Luo Li be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, but does Thunder Fire Flame obviously pestering now by anyone, could not count on. 洛黎坐镇在此地,他们这些人根本不可能是对手,本来依仗封印的乾天雷炎能让洛黎投鼠忌器,可如今乾天雷炎显然已经被什么人给纠缠住了,根本指望不上。 Moreover, looks at the Luo Li look and aura, where has what injured trace? 而且,看洛黎的神色和气息,哪有什么受伤的痕迹? She clearly is the heyday! 她分明就是全盛时期! Did Brilliant Fire Sect, really end? Wei Qing a darkness, as if have the dark cloud camouflage at present, cannot see slightly brightly. 火耀宗,真的完了么?卫清眼前一片黑暗,仿佛有乌云遮蔽,看不到丝毫光明。 ...... …… Under volcanic crater, Yang Kai falls the foot on together the towering red rock, that rock has the extremely high temperature, Yang Kai must be able Saint Yuan to protect the body, will not be burnt. 火山口下,杨开落足在一块突兀的红色岩石上,那岩石拥有极高的温度,杨开必须得以圣元护体,才不会被灼伤。 Front magma tumbling roared, two different life aura in magma below life-and-death fight, are often having the low roar and Fiery Bird of dry Thunder Fire Flame songs and calls spreads. 面前的岩浆翻滚咆哮,两股不同的生命气息正在岩浆下方殊死搏斗,不时地有乾天雷炎的低吼和火鸟的鸣叫声传出。 Seemingly well-matched appearance. 看起来旗鼓相当的样子。 However as the Item Spirit master. Yang Kai can actually detect keenly some Fiery Bird strength fall short. 但是身为器灵的主人。杨开却能敏锐地察觉到火鸟有些力有不逮。 Its evolution degree cannot compare to do Thunder Fire Flame, the condition of birth was also inferior that dry Thunder Fire Flame is advantageous. 它的进化程度比不上乾天雷炎,诞生的条件也不如乾天雷炎得天独厚。 Item Spirit in Earth Lung Fire Vein, experienced tens of thousands years of ignition, but is born from a Void King Grade Item Refining furnace, will be the day after tomorrow to produce. 器灵是在地肺火脉,经历了几万年的灼烧,而从一个虚王级炼器炉诞生出来的,属于后天生成。 But this regimental grade cadre Thunder Fire Flame. Actually is at the beginning of to split heaven and earth apart then has existed, as passing of time expands step by step, is in the world rare to pure energy. 而这一团乾天雷炎。却是开天辟地之初便已经存在,随着时间的流逝一步步壮大,是天地间少有的至纯能量。 The family background, the strength was all inferior, even if Fiery Bird has the Item Refining furnace to be auxiliary, still starts gradually to fall leeward. 出身,实力皆不如,火鸟即便有炼器炉辅助,也开始逐渐地落入下风。 Was the time should help its helping hand. 是时候该助它一臂之力了。 Yang Kai sat cross-legged to sit on that rock suddenly. Summoned again Stone Puppet, protected in the side, closed the double pupil, the Spiritual Mind communication mind. 杨开忽然盘膝坐在了那岩石上。重新把石傀召唤出来,守护在身旁,闭上双眸,神念沟通心神。 An illusory shadow jumps to shoot suddenly from the Yang Kai's mind, seems like from the contour, I am undifferentiated with Yang Kai. 一个虚幻的影子忽然自杨开的脑海迸射出来,从外形上看起来,与杨开本人毫无差别。 However this shadow actually non- entity. 但是这个影子却非实体。 Divine Soul has the hole! 神魂出窍! The one who has the hole is Divine Soul Spirit Body! 出窍的是神魂灵体 Spirit Body moves long-drawn-out in a flash. Then threw into magma it, toward below thorough. 灵体悠一晃动。便一头扎进了岩浆之,往下方深入。 Divine Soul has the hole is one type and the action of danger, once did that then own flesh body will then be at the condition of not garrisoning. 神魂出窍是一种及其危险的举动,一旦这么做了,那么自己肉身便将处于不设防的状态。 Therefore Yang Kai will summon Stone Puppet. 所以杨开才会将石傀召唤出来。 Moreover, Divine Soul is also and frail sensitive existence, without the protection of flesh body, is very easy to present the damage. 而且,神魂也是及其脆弱敏感的存在,没有肉身的保护,很容易出现损伤。 Let alone. This place scalding hot volcanic crater, Divine Soul of average person only feared approaches continually is unable to achieve, close, will be burnt by the scalding hot strength for the ashes slightly, Divine Soul entirely extinguishes. 更何况。此地还是灼热的火山口,一般人的神魂只怕连靠近都无法做到,稍微靠近一些,就会被灼热的力量焚为灰烬,神魂俱灭 But Yang Kai is different. 可是杨开不同。 His Divine Consciousness strength is Variation Divine Consciousness Fire, has a source with the magma firepower. 他的神识力量是变异神识之火,与岩浆的火力同出一源。 This makes the Void King Stage powerhouses dread that the scalding hot firepower, actually makes to him inadequately hinders slightly. 这让虚王境强者都忌惮非常的灼热火力,对他来说却造不成丝毫阻碍。 Without the spent many big time, Yang Kai's Divine Soul Spirit Body has gone down to the underground ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) places. 没费多大工夫,杨开的神魂灵体就已经深入到了地下万丈之处。 All around environment is even more burning hot, may be called terrifying. 四周的环境愈发炎热,堪称恐怖 But in these ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) place bottom deep places, there is piece of grotesque and gaudy battlefield. 而在这万丈地底深处,有一片光怪陆离的战场 In that battlefield it. The length of body 30 zhang (3.33 m), tall and pleasing to the eye Fiery Bird Spirit is elegant and charming, and one group of red belt/bring purple giant shadow combats. 在那战场之。体长三十丈,美轮美奂的器灵火鸟摇曳生姿,正在与一团红带紫的巨大影子作战。 That shadow some similar human form, are only float in Void it, but does not have the both feet. Actually like tentacle arm, lazy back and forth, is flooding the trim space. 那影子有些类似人形,只是悬浮在虚空之,但并没有双脚。却有一条条如触手般的手臂,悠忽来回,充斥着整片空间。 In the head location/position place of this shadow, huge Single Eye, are sending out rays of light that lets the person palpitation. 在这影子的头部位置处,有一巨大独目,散发着让人心悸的光芒 On it is lingering the rich Fire Attribute strength, walks randomly is symbolizing the wild strength of thunder and lightning in the purple electric arc of body surface. 它身上萦绕着丰沛的火系力量,游走在体表的紫色电弧象征着雷电的狂暴之力。 Does Thunder Fire Flame! 天雷炎 One that Yang Kai looks at dull, some didn't expect do the Thunder Fire Flame main body unexpectedly is this appearance. 杨开看的一呆,有些没想到天雷炎的本体居然是这幅模样。 However what is undeniable, does Thunder Fire Flame the air/Qi of Demon destruction actually to tremble. 不过不可否认的是,乾天雷炎凶煞毁灭之气却能够让人战栗。 Its that sweep like the tentacle arm, covers trim battlefield under own attack, Fiery Bird was scratched incautiously, rays of light will weaken one. 它那一条条如触手般的手臂扫动着,将整片战场都笼罩在自己攻击之下,火鸟一不小心被擦一下,身上的光芒就会减弱一丝。 Seemed like Fiery Bird the strength of source to be done Thunder Fire Flame to capture was the same. 似乎是火鸟的本源之力被乾天雷炎夺取了一样。 Fiery Bird also refuses to admit being inferior, often can find certainly the opportunity, rushes to side dry Thunder Fire Flame, opens the big mouth to nip, every time bites one, the strength of captured source will restore. 火鸟也不甘示弱,每每都能找准机会,冲到乾天雷炎身旁,张开大口咬下,每咬一口,被夺取的本源之力就会恢复很多。 Two strange lives, in this special way, are capturing existence of opposite party, wanting to swallow the strength of opposite party, the scene of fight may be called Earthshaking. 两个奇怪的生灵,正在以这种特殊的方式,夺取对方的存在,欲要吞噬对方的力量,战斗的场面堪称惊天动地 However, Yang Kai actually discovered keenly, this does the Thunder Fire Flame back, eight golden light shining energy chains, locked in its body, imprisons it in this place. 不过,杨开却敏锐地发现,这乾天雷炎的背后,有八道金光灿灿的能量锁链,锁住了它的身体,将它禁锢在此地。 These eight chains, are exactly the same as volcanic crater that star anise formation aura. 这八道锁链,与火山口那八角法阵气息如出一辙。 Evidently, existences of these eight chains extremely limited the strength that does Thunder Fire Flame, if this is not the case, Fiery Bird at all is not an opponent. 看样子,这八道锁链的存在极大地限制了乾天雷炎的实力,若非如此,火鸟根本不是对手。 Thinks of here, Yang Kai deeply feels with amazement. 想到这里,杨开深感骇然。 It is difficult to imagine, without the fetter of Formation, what strength doing Thunder Fire Flame can display, Void King 2-layer, is Void King 3-layer? 很难想象,如果没有阵法的束缚,乾天雷炎能发挥出什么样的实力,虚王两层境,还是虚王三层境 Who is also displays big divine ability, fetters it in this place? 又是谁施展大神通,将它束缚在此地?
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