MP :: Volume #17

#1664: Does Thunder Fire Flame

Yang Kai Dragon Bone Sword in the hand, the thick pressure just like the essence to spread from the sword blade, just like a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) peak, presses on the Brilliant Fire Sect two old men, making their complexion ugly. 杨开龙骨剑在手,浓浓的威压犹如实质从剑身上传出,宛若一座万丈高峰,压在火耀宗两个老者身上,让他们脸色难看。 Near the ear bank indistinct can also hear the sound of Dragon Roar roaring. 耳畔边隐约还能听到龙吟咆哮之声。 Person, hurried to attend to them, I in front you.” Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly, waved and Fiery Bird Spirit put Stone Puppet. “一人一个,赶紧料理了他们,我在前头等你们。”杨开随口说了一句,挥手就将石傀和器灵火鸟放了出来。 At once he looked that does not look at that two old man one eyes, takes a step to go forward directly. 旋即他看都不看那两个老者一眼,直接迈步上前。 Steps forward, as if spanned the impediment of space, the person's shadow vanished, presented again time had arrived at halfway up the mountainside. 一脚跨出,仿佛跨越了空间的阻隔,人影消失,再出现的时候已经到了半山腰处。 Bold!” That thin Elder complexion is pale, the attitude that Yang Kai that disregards makes his anger turn wells up, the figure rocks then to pursue. “大胆!”那瘦长老者脸色铁青,杨开那无视的态度让他怒火翻涌,身形晃动间便要追逐出去。 But he just now takes an action, the front surface then jet black stick shadow raids, that stick shadow is rudely, as if several 100,000 jin (0.5 kg) great strength pound down, even air pounded demolition buzz cry. 可他才刚有所行动,迎面便有一根漆黑的棍影袭来,那棍影势大力沉,仿佛有几十万斤巨力砸下,连空气都被砸的爆破嗡鸣。 The grating sound makes the old man eardrum thorn hurt. 刺耳的声音让老者耳膜刺疼。 Thin Elder complexion sinks, lifts the hand to keep off hurriedly, the flaming roaring flame burns on the arm. 长老面色一沉,匆忙抬手去挡,熊熊烈焰在手臂上燃烧。 Bang...... 轰…… The roaring flame extinguishes, thin Elder whole person as if struck by lightning, the figure will flutter in the future dozens zhang (3.33 m), stands firm, complexion slightly one white, the corners of the mouth seep out some fresh blood. 烈焰熄灭,瘦长老者整个人如遭雷噬,身形往后飘出几十丈,才堪堪稳住,面色微微一白,嘴角边渗出些许鲜血 Strikes, he then received a small wound. 一击,他便受了点小伤。 Looks inconceivable toward the front, thin Elder only saw that a height is standing less than three chi (0.33 m) lithical puppet there, on the shoulder carries a jet black long stick, such as the black soybeans common eyeball was full of the indescribable charm, correct use a look that looks at the prey is gazing at own. 不可思议地朝前方望去,瘦长老者只见到一个身高不足三尺的石质傀儡正站在那里,肩膀上扛着一根漆黑长棍,如黑豆一般的眼珠子充满了难以言喻的神韵,正用一种看猎物的神色注视着自己 Another side, the clear warbling spreads, that skin color dark red old man with the Fiery Bird station one group, sky it, a form of person of bird had changed. Each other entanglement, flame strength sputtering Void deep place, seemingly lively. 另一边,清脆的鸟鸣声传出,那肤色暗红的老者已经与火鸟站成了一团,天空之,一人一鸟的身影跌宕起伏。彼此纠缠,火焰的力量溅射虚空深处,看起来热闹至极。 What ghost thing is this?” Thin Elder dumbfounded. “这都是什么鬼东西?”瘦长老者呆住了。 With that Fiery Bird general existence that the own companion fights, he can distinguish indistinctly is Item Spirit, what thing can keep off that lithical puppet in own front is? 自己同伴战斗的那火鸟一般的存在,他隐约能辨别出是一种器灵,可挡在自己前方的那石质傀儡又是什么玩意? Its within the body not slightly fluctuation of energy. But the strength of only that crazy tyrant then made own dread unusual. 它体内没有丝毫能量波动。可单凭那狂霸的力量便让自己忌惮非常了。 „......” Stone Puppet puppet face upwards to yell suddenly, a fist hits hard in the own chest place unceasingly strikes with force, spreads dong dong thump the sound, just like the stormy battle drum sound, shocks the mind. “嗷嗷嗷……”石傀儡忽然仰天大叫起来,一只拳头在自己的胸脯处不断地重击猛拍,传出咚咚咚的声音,犹如密集的战鼓声,震撼心灵。 With spreading of sound, that height inflates at the visible speed less than three chi (0.33 m) lithical puppet unexpectedly. Turned into the height five zhang (3.33 m) stone giant directly! 伴随着响声的传出,那身高不足三尺的石质傀儡竟以肉眼可见的速度膨胀。直接变成了身高五丈的石巨人! Its anti- that jet black long stick on shoulder also lengthens with the build change. 它抗在肩膀上的那漆黑长棍也随着体型的变化而变长。 Some other 1-layer scalding hot dark red light glow flows from its body surface, the surface of Stone Puppet puppet, just like threw over a lava armor instantaneously! 另有一层灼热的暗红光芒从它的体表流淌出来,石傀儡的表面,瞬间犹如披了一件熔岩铠甲! The fiery-red armor escape sells the old man palpitation anxious terrifying energy. 火红色的铠甲逸散出让老者心悸不安的恐怖能量。 the next moment, the Lava Giant knees of body skin armor slightly one curved, the body of huge just like the flying arrow to fly to shoot, the land vibrates. The ground presents a giant pit instantaneously. 下一刻,身皮铠甲的熔岩巨人双膝微微一弯,庞大的身体犹如离弦之箭般飞射而出,大地震动。地面瞬间出现一个巨大的凹坑。 At present a flower, thin Elder discovers impressively that changed behind Lava Giant to throw own top of the head unexpectedly, the giant jet black length stick swept toward own by the strength of Lei Ting (thunder), swept a crack the space. 眼前一花,瘦长老者赫然发现,那变身后熔岩巨人居然已经扑到了自己的头顶处,巨大的漆黑长棍以雷霆之力朝自己扫来,直把空间都扫出一道裂缝。 Detected that this strikes the terrifying prestige energy that contains, thin Elder yelled panic-stricken, does not dare light Ying its front. Displays the movement avoidance hurriedly. 察觉到这一击蕴藏的恐怖威能,瘦长老者惊恐大叫,根本不敢轻缨其锋。匆忙施展身法躲避。 The rapidness that but he hides, that attack comes is quicker. 可是他躲的快,那攻击来的更快。 His half body feeling numb that the remaining prestige, then sweeps, Saint Yuan almost revolves does not work. 只是余威,便扫的他半边身子发麻,圣元几乎都运转不灵了。 Is irresistible! It is not able to resist! 不可抵挡!无法抵挡! The thin Elder eyeball shivers fiercely, the flash then realizes disparity between own and this Lava Giant. 长老者眼珠子剧烈颤抖,一瞬间便意识到自己与这熔岩巨人之间的差距。 The thought has not turned around, that jet black great stick with the stance of withstanding great pressure, captures from the above again. 念头还没转过来,那漆黑的巨棍再一次以泰山压顶的姿态,从上方攻下。 The thin Elder view reduces, the pupil turned into the needle-tip size, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan recklessly, the mouth is yelling. Offers a sacrifice to shield Secret Treasure, protects above the own top of the head. 长老者眼帘紧缩,瞳孔变成了针尖大小,不要命地催动自身圣元,口大叫着。祭出一面盾牌般的秘宝,守护在自己头顶上方。 Rumbling...... 轰轰…… The great stick pounds to fall, that Skjold Secret Treasure rays of light explodes flashes, but then changes into the innumerable fragments instantaneously, toward in all directions lasing. 巨棍砸落,那秘宝光芒爆闪,只是瞬间便化为无数碎片,朝四面八方激射。 huge to letting the to split heaven and earth apart strength adds sufficiently various on thin Elder. Pounds ashes his half body directly, the wound locates one covered with blood, can clearly see the internal organs of creeping motion. 庞大到让足以开天辟地的力量加诸在瘦长老者身上。直接将他的半边身子砸成齑粉,伤口处一片血肉模糊,可以清楚地看到蠕动的内脏。 Even if received the this kind of injury, thin Elder had not died for a while, if there is enough good Spirit Pill wonderful medicine, perhaps can also his flesh body restore. 即便受了这样的伤势,瘦长老者一时也没有死去,如果有足够好的灵丹妙药,或许还能将他的肉身修复。 The fear that but then gushes out from the heart deep place, made him does not have the fighting spirit. 但那自心底深处涌出的恐惧,却让他变得毫无斗志了。 He looks at the jet black great stick that is sweeping away, the mind only has a thought in twinkling. 他怔怔地望着横扫过来的漆黑巨棍,脑海只有一个念头在闪烁 This *** is what ghost thing...... 这***到底都是什么鬼东西…… That the life end, he sees finally, is the own companion is swallowed by that Fiery Bird one, miserable howling again and again! 生命尽头,他最后看到的一幕,是自己的同伴被那火鸟一口吞噬,惨嚎连连! The great stick has swept, the hashed meat flies horizontally, the whole world was pure. 巨棍扫过,碎肉横飞,整个世界清净了。 One group of thunder fires die in the remnant corpse to fly to shoot after thin Elder, Fiery Bird Spirit big mouth, just like whale absorbing water, inhales the abdomen that thunder fire, the mouth exudes the satisfied cry. 有一团雷火从瘦长老者死后的残尸里飞射出来,器灵火鸟大口一张,犹如鲸吸水般,就将那雷火吸入腹,口发出满足的叫声。 The volcano peak, the Yang Kai ice is built on the midair, from top to bottom, overlook that fierce volcanic crater, the vision institute, can clearly see the interior to surge the scarlet magma of tumbling. 火山峰顶,杨开凌立于半空,从上往下,俯瞰着那狰狞的火山口,目光所及,可以清楚地看到内部涌动翻滚的赤红岩浆。 High temperature that this mountain peak withstand/top, even if general Void Return Stage is unbearable, martial artist under Void Return Stage arrives at this place, shortly will be burnt down lethal. 这山峰顶出的高温,即便是一般的返虚镜都难以承受,返虚镜之下的武者来到此地,顷刻间就会被焚烧致死。 Item Spirit flew side Yang Kai, Stone Puppet turned into that human and animals harmless appearance, carries Heaven Shaking Pillar, sits on Fiery Bird Spirit. 器灵飞到了杨开身边,石傀重新变成了那人畜无害的模样,扛着撼天柱,坐在器灵火鸟身上。 Quickly, you also were too so violent.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile. “这么快,你们也太暴力了点吧。”杨开咧嘴一笑。 Stone Puppet flexure the head, does not know made the mistake the appearance, Item Spirit actually cried out cheerfully. 石傀挠了挠脑袋,一副不知道是不是做错了的样子,器灵却欢快地叫唤了一声。 Xiao Xiao (small) first comes back.” Yang Kai puts out a hand a move, receives Stone Puppet, kept under Fiery Bird Spirit alone. 小小先回来吧。”杨开伸手一招,将石傀收起,独留了下器灵火鸟 Fiery Bird lingers side Yang Kai, often spreads clear sounding, is somewhat rapid, as if the extremely exciting appearance, it wants to crash in volcanic crater several times directly. 火鸟萦绕在杨开身边,不时地传出清脆的鸣叫,有些急促,似乎极为兴奋的样子,好几次它都想直接冲进火山口里。 With its songs and calls, the volcano interior spreads the dong dong sound, just like responding to the provocation of Fiery Bird, does not show weakness. 伴随着它的鸣叫声,火山内部传出咚咚的声响,宛若在回应火鸟的挑衅,毫不示弱。 You also felt.” Yang Kai narrows the eye to look at volcanic crater, grins the smile. “你也感受到了吧。”杨开眯眼望着火山口,咧嘴微笑。 Fiery Bird responded rapidly. 火鸟急促地回应。 Is its opponent?” Yang Kai asked again. “是它的对手嘛?”杨开再问。 Fiery Bird silent a while, at once spreads a more resonant cry. 火鸟沉默了一会儿,旋即传出更嘹亮的叫声。 Good, such being the case, I wait. However you determined that really must do that this is crosses the rubicon, does not succeed dies for a righteous cause!” “好,既然如此,那我就拭目以待。不过你确定真要这么做,这可是破釜沉舟啊,不成功就成仁!” Fiery Bird again by resonant cry response. 火鸟再次以嘹亮的叫声回应。 I understood your meaning, that...... good luck.” The Yang Kai expression nods dignifiedly, at once wields the hand. A giant Item Refining furnace appears. “我明白你的意思了,那……祝你好运。”杨开表情凝重地颔首,旋即把手一挥。一个巨大的炼器炉出现。 This is the birth Fiery Bird Item Spirit Item Refining furnace, is Yang Kai brings from Flowing Flame Sand Field 5-layer Earth Lung Fire Vein. 这是诞生火鸟器灵炼器炉,是杨开流炎沙地五层地肺火脉带出来的。 Is the Fiery Bird carrier! 火鸟的载体! If the Item Refining furnace damages, that Fiery Bird will also perish, does not have the slight suspense. 炼器炉若是损毁,那火鸟也会随之灭亡,没有丝毫悬念。 Since has obtained Fiery Bird Spirit, Yang Kai has not basically used this Item Refining furnace, first is the Item Spirit security concern. Secondly does not need to use. 自从得到器灵火鸟以来,杨开基本上就没有动用过这个炼器炉,一来是为器灵安全考虑。二来也是没有必要动用。 But this time, the Item Refining furnace actually right and wrong sent out is not possible. 可是这一次,炼器炉却是非出动不可了。 Had this carrier, the strength that Item Spirit can display can promote about 20% minimum. 有了这个载体,器灵能发挥出来的实力能够提升最起码20%左右。 Item Refining furnace long-drawn-out emergence, Fiery Bird then opens the big mouth, swallowed into the abdomen it. 炼器炉悠一出现,火鸟便张开大口,将它吞入了腹。 Yang Kai closes the double pupil, took a deep breath. When opens eyes again, piece of golden light that the left eye place has changed. 杨开闭上双眸,深吸一口气。等到再睁眼的时候,左眼处已经变的一片金光 Life's Exterminator Demon Eye! 灭世魔眼 That vertical golden pupil contained the endless dignity, making one be afraid. 那竖直的金色瞳仁似是蕴藏了无尽威严,让人不寒而栗。 All that his overlook, could not be seeing before, now all presents under the eye hid. 俯瞰着下方,之前所看不到的一切,如今皆都呈现在了眼皮子底下。 Life's Exterminator Demon Eye has to see the whole matter clearly the fabricated effect, with the help of this Demon Eye, Yang Kai discovers immediately huge Formation that blocks volcanic crater. 灭世魔眼有洞察一切虚妄的功效,在此魔眼的帮助下,杨开立刻发现了封锁住火山口的巨大阵法 Pure energies. Just liking the shackles is ordinary, assumes the octagon, locks in entire volcanic crater. 一道道精纯的能量。犹如枷锁一般,呈八角形,将整个火山口锁住。 This Formation not only blocked surging of volcano internal energy, blocks in hiding that life the freedom in volcano. 这个阵法不但封锁了火山内部能量的涌动,也封锁在藏身在火山内的那个生灵的自由。 Yang Kai is waiting and seeing carefully, after a little while, he is sharp-eyed the light to explode shoots, in the hand Dragon Bone Sword pulls gently, Saint Yuan pours into toward the sword blade. 杨开仔细观望着,少顷,他眼精光爆射,手上龙骨剑轻轻一挽,圣元往剑身内灌入。 The Dragon Roar sound is shocking. 龙吟声震天。 Goes!” Yang Kai throws Dragon Bone Sword. “去!”杨开龙骨剑投掷出去。 The green glow is dazzling, Dragon Bone Sword changes into Dark Green Huge Dragon, the Shaking its head and Wagging its tail bombardment in some Void one. 绿芒耀眼,龙骨剑化为碧绿巨龙,摇头摆尾地轰击在虚空某一处。 That blocks volcanic crater star anise Formation to shake slightly. Suddenly cracks opens an opening. 那封锁住火山口的八角阵法微微一震。忽然裂开了一道口子 Unendurable burns the heat breath, divulges from this opening immediately, almost must burn down the world. 让人难以忍受的灼热气息,从这个口子立刻宣泄而出,几乎要将天地焚烧。 Enters!” The Yang Kai mouth explodes drinks. “进!”杨开口爆喝。 Fiery Bird Spirit changes into together flowing light, then crashes in it following my wife, Yang Kai follows. 灵火鸟化为一道流光,顺着那口子便冲进其,杨开紧随其后。 Star anise Formation slightly in a flash. Restores, continued to block huge volcanic crater. 八角阵法微微一晃。重新修复过来,继续封锁住了巨大的火山口 But in Formation, the Yang Kai complexion changes, revolution Saint Yuan, resists the scalding hot feeling that seizes every opportunity hastily. 而在阵法内部,杨开脸色微变,连忙运转圣元,抵挡那无孔不入的灼热感。 Fiery Bird already in lasing toward volcanic crater. 火鸟已经朝火山口里激射。 Looking into the distance, that volcano interior magma tumbles, scarlet red magma it, has faint trace blue lightning glow such as the silver snake to walk randomly indistinctly, receives the stimulation of Fiery Bird Spirit, another person frightened aura is recovering slowly, the big dragon that as if sinks the dormancy is regaining consciousness. 放眼望去,那火山内部岩浆翻滚,赤红色的岩浆之,隐约还有丝丝蓝色的电芒如银蛇游走,受到器灵火鸟的刺激,一股另人惊悚的气息正在缓缓复苏,仿佛一只沉眠的巨龙在苏醒。 Item Spirit crashes in the magma to vanish does not see. 器灵冲进岩浆里消失不见。 After the moment, an astonishing willpower erupts suddenly, transmits is making the news that the myriad things life must submit to read. 片刻后,一股惊人的意志力忽然爆发出来,传递着让万物生灵都要臣服的讯念。 Trivial day after tomorrow Item Spirit, dares to challenge my dignity, the ants of acting recklessly, tremble under my great strength!” “区区后天器灵,也敢挑战吾之威严,不知死活的蝼蚁,在吾的强大下战栗吧!” The Yang Kai's body shakes loudly, the vision looks astonishedly toward, just like can pierce that thick magma, the orthoptic bottom deep place. 杨开的身躯轰然一震,目光惊异地朝下方望去,宛若能洞穿那厚厚岩浆,直视地底深处。 Rumor really not wrong, Brilliant Fire Sect the regimental grade cadre Thunder Fire Flame, has truly given birth to spiritual wisdom, moreover...... spiritual wisdom is not low, is clearer than Fiery Bird, is more perfect. 传言果然没有错,火耀宗的这一团乾天雷炎,确实已经生出了灵智,而且……灵智还不低,比火鸟更加清晰,更加完善。 It has been able clearly to transmit the meaning of own, but Fiery Bird did not have this ability obviously. 它已经能清楚地传递自己的意思了,而火鸟显然还不具备这个能力。 The Fiery Bird situation is worrying, Yang Kai is worried suddenly. 火鸟处境堪忧啊,杨开忽然担心起来。 Before coming to here, his didn't expect did Thunder Fire Flame to evolve this degree, he thinks that dry Thunder Fire Flame was almost the same as Fiery Bird, but now looks like, did Thunder Fire Flame to plan compared with Fiery Bird absolutely. 在来这里之前,他没想到天雷炎已经进化到了这种程度,他以为乾天雷炎差不多跟火鸟一样,可是现在看来,乾天雷炎火鸟绝对更甚一筹。 Under volcanic crater, transmitted the astonishing willpower to spelling, that is struggle of Fiery Bird Item Spirit with doing Thunder Fire Flame, Domain that fills let the entire Brilliant Fire Sect world's spiritual energy disorder. 火山口下,传来了惊人的意志力的对拼,那是火鸟器灵与乾天雷炎的斗争,弥漫出来的意境让整个火耀宗天地灵气都紊乱了。
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