MP :: Volume #17

#1663: volcanic crater

„It is not Sir Luo Hai.” The Wei Qing expression shakes the head heavily, Sir Luo Hai he...... also falls.” “不是骆海大人。”卫清表情沉重地摇头,“骆海大人他……也陨落了。” What?” “什么?” A sound of holding breath cold air resounds, everybody present all startled, Elder over the face of all Brilliant Fire Sect are looking at Wei Qing shocking, when the expression ratio that cannot believe hears Supreme Elder falls is exaggerating. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起,举座皆惊,所有火耀宗长老都满面震惊地望着卫清,那一副不敢相信的表情比听到自家太上长老陨落时还要夸张。 News will not be wrong, I have received the news that side Green Hills Star transmits two months ago, the Star Master statue disintegration of Green Hills Star Star Master marvelous ability, brand mark aura of Sir Luo Hai also vanishes does not see, he truly already falls, but calculates time, should go to Ice Heart Valley that several days to happen.” “消息不会错,我在两个月之前就已经接到翠微星那边传来的讯息了,翠微星星主神功的星主雕像崩碎,骆海大人的烙印气息也消失不见,他确实已经陨落,而算算时间,应该就是在前往冰心谷的那几曰发生的。” Supreme Elder falls, even Sir Luo Hai also one and falls, Ice Heart Valley who has this skill?” 太上长老陨落,连骆海大人也一并陨落,冰心谷谁有这份本事?” Was, several months of that day, the Ice Heart Valley direction truly transmitted the fluctuation of energy of Earthshaking, was could it be that the matter of that time?” “是了,几个月的那一天,冰心谷的方向确实传来惊天动地的能量波动,难道就是那个时候发生的事情?” Should not be Ice Heart Valley that will open sends Founder/Martial Ancestor dry/does? Before Old Man, has heard some hearsay, said that their opening send Founder/Martial Ancestor not dead.” “该不会是冰心谷那位开派祖师干的吧?老夫以前听到过一些传闻,说她们的开派祖师并没有死。” How possibly? Ice Heart Valley to establish School near 30,000 year, their opening have sent Founder/Martial Ancestor, if has not really died, why before did not come.” “怎么可能?冰心谷开宗立派已经近三万年,她们的开派祖师若真的没死,之前为何一直不现身。” Now said that what significance these do have? Ice Heart Valley has intruded “现在说这些有什么意义?冰心谷已经大举进犯,如今之计还是赶紧商讨个对付的方法才是。” How to cope? My Brilliant Fire Sect Supreme Elder falls, Ice Heart Valley that side Luo Li will definitely have acted personally, my Brilliant Fire Sect...... is incapable of resisting!” “如何对付?我火耀宗太上长老已然陨落,冰心谷那边洛黎肯定会亲自出手,我火耀宗……无力抵挡啊!” Repairs to want the long others spirit to extinguish the own power and prestige, even if Luo Li how, Old Man fought her, dies must bite her flesh!” “修要长他人志气灭自己威风,就算是洛黎又怎样,老夫跟她拼了,死也要咬她一口血肉!” ...... …… One crowd of Elder after knowing Chi Huo have died, again before no longer optimism and relaxedness. Everyone expression expresses the opinion and view of own dignifiedly. 一群长老在得知赤火已死之后,再不复之前的乐观和轻松。每个人都表情凝重地发表自己的意见和看法。 Wei Qing sits well in the first place, did not say a word, just like an outsider. 卫清端坐在首位上,一言不发,宛若一个局外人。 For a long time, he lifted the hand, the main hall that makes noise will be peaceful shortly. The attention of people was captured by him. 许久,他才抬了抬手,喧闹的大殿顷刻间安静下来。众人的目光被他吸引。 Ok, do not quarrel!” The Wei Qing light opens the mouth, Ice Heart Valley encroaches on a large scale, although this time possibly is my Brilliant Fire Sect great misfortune, but if the operation is appropriate, not necessarily does not have the opportunity to compare with them. Luo Li is the Void King Stage powerhouse right. Our no one is her opponent, but do not forget, they attack, we defend, we have Formation restriction to draw support, can consume their strengths. Moreover before...... hearsay Luo Li, exercises martial arts to make a mistake, has the hidden danger, only feared that is unable to display the complete strength.” “好了,都不要吵了!”卫清淡淡开口,“冰心谷大举侵犯,虽说这次可能是我火耀宗大劫,但若是运作得当,未必就没机会与她们一较长短。洛黎虚王境强者没错。我们之无人是她的对手,但是诸位不要忘了,她们攻,我们守,我们有阵法禁制可以借助,可以消耗她们的力量。而且……传闻洛黎之前练功出错,身有隐患,只怕也无法发挥出全部的实力。” Good, right that Sect Master said that to defend the generation to attack, we have the advantage!” “不错,宗主说的对,以守代攻,我们占据优势!” Jie Jie...... could it be that forgot, we have that thing! If puts that thing. Even Luo Li must drink a pot ruthlessly!” Some people smile strangely, the smiling face full is the crazy and fierce color. “桀桀……诸位难道忘了,我们还有那个东西!若是把那个东西放出来的话。就算是洛黎也要狠狠喝上一壶!”有人怪笑起来,笑容满是疯狂和狰狞之色。 Others soon realized that this person is saying anything, complexion changes. 其他人很快意识到这人在说什么,都不禁面色一变。 Even the Wei Qing expression extremely, the hesitation moment said dignifiedly: Time unless it is absolutely essential, that thing cannot release! Passes on my command, all disciple prepare to meet the enemy, now says a war, has the enemy altruism!” 卫清的表情都凝重万分,沉吟片刻道:“不到万不得已的时候,那东西不能释放!传我令,所有弟子准备迎敌,今曰一战,有敌无我!” Has the enemy altruism!” Audience Elder simultaneous big shout. “有敌无我!”众长老齐齐大喝 ...... …… Five Battleship move to the Brilliant Fire Mountain Range deep place slowly, approaches toward Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters. 五艘战舰徐徐驶向火耀山脉的深处,朝火耀宗总舵逼近。 Encountered the obstuction of some Formation and restriction along the road, but cannot delay the Ice Heart Valley various people step. Battleship Crystal Cannon is only the optional lasing, then destroys these Formation and restriction completely. 沿路遭遇了一些阵法禁制的阻扰,但并没能耽搁冰心谷诸人的步伐。战舰晶炮只是随意激射,便将那些阵法禁制摧毁殆尽。 Bing Long, you first go, told the Brilliant Fire Sect person, this Palace Master this time only executed the Brilliant Fire Sect high level. Let under these disciples want to maintain a livelihood hurries to escape. When my Ice Heart Valley Battleship leaves, not escaping will show with Ice Heart Valley for the enemy, must kill not amnesty.” Luo Li opens the mouth suddenly. 冰珑,你先去一趟,告诉火耀宗的人,本宫这次来只诛火耀宗高层。让那些底下的弟子们想活命的就赶紧逃吧。待我冰心谷战舰开赴之时,不逃者将示与冰心谷为敌,必杀不赦。”洛黎忽然开口。 Yes!” Bing Long acknowledged, alone flew. “是!”冰珑应诺,只身飞了出去。 Quick, the first convenience has the Spiritual Mind fluctuation of Bing Long to proliferate, transmits is only executing the high level, urged to escape the Ordinary Disciple news to read. 很快,前方便有冰珑神念波动扩散开,传递着只诛高层,劝逃普通弟子的讯念。 A Brilliant Fire Sect numerous high level feels this news to read, cannot bear shout abuse, scolding Bing Long despicable is virulent, shameless despicable. 火耀宗一众高层感受到这股讯念,都忍不住破口大骂起来,骂冰珑卑鄙恶毒,无耻下贱。 Brilliant Fire Sect disciple several thousands, although cohesive force no small matter, but in life and death moment, not everyone can with the Sect same onset and retreat. In addition Bing Long is deliberately disseminating Chi Huo old strangely already the falls news, truly some Brilliant Fire Sect disciple courage frightening broken. 火耀宗弟子数万,虽然凝聚力非同小可,但在生死存亡关头,也并非人人都能够与宗门同进退。再加上冰珑刻意传播着赤火老怪已经陨落的消息,确实把一些火耀宗弟子的肝胆给吓破了。 Starts some people to flee Brilliant Fire Mountain Range. 开始有人逃离火耀山脉 The person who these attempt to flee once were discovered, has the Brilliant Fire Sect high level to intend to kill, warns others against following a bad example. 那些企图逃离的人一旦被发现,自有火耀宗的高层出手击毙,以儆效尤。 Although this bloody cruel method deterred most floor disciple temporarily, as time passed, more and more Brilliant Fire Sect disciple heart was terrified, more people started to escape. 这种血腥残忍的手段虽然暂时威慑住了大多数底层弟子,但随着时间流逝,越来越多的火耀宗弟子心惶恐起来,更多的人开始逃跑。 flowing light raise from Brilliant Fire Sect different location/position, in all directions toward all around lasing. 一道道流光火耀宗不同的位置升起,四面八方地朝四周激射。 Luo Li that huge Spiritual Mind is covering entire Brilliant Fire Mountain Range. 洛黎庞大神念笼罩着整个火耀山脉 Void Return Stage following martial artist leaves alone, whatever they run away, but if has Void Return Stage martial artist to escape, Luo Li will then intend to cut to kill personally. 返虚境以下的武者放任不管,任由他们逃窜,但若是有返虚镜武者逃跑,洛黎便会亲自出手斩杀。 Any Void Return Stage Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist, in the hand fully occupied innumerable Ice Heart Valley disciple fresh blood, Luo Li naturally cannot the ignores they depart. 任何一个返虚镜火耀宗武者,手上都占满了无数冰心谷弟子鲜血,洛黎自然不会放任他们离去。 Quick, these strengths were lower than Void Return Stage martial artist also to discover this situation, the heart great happiness, could not attend to dissuading of Sect again, more people started to escape. 很快,那些实力低于返虚镜武者也发现了这个情况,心大喜,再也顾不得宗门的劝阻,更多的人开始逃亡。 for a moment, entire Brilliant Fire Sect is dispirited, to these Elder Deacon with bloody method suppression, is unable to save the aspect. 一时间,整个火耀宗人心涣散,任凭那些长老执事们用血腥的手段镇压,也无法挽回局面。 „That side Senior Li, I first went.” The Yang Kai's vision goes to behind a Brilliant Fire Mountain Range mountain peak suddenly. “洛黎前辈,我先去那边了。”杨开的目光忽然投向位于火耀山脉后方的一座山峰上。 Luo Li also looked at that side one, the heart understands why the Yang Kai's goal, did not stop, but urged: All things are careful.” 洛黎也看了那边一眼,心明白杨开的目的为何,并不阻拦,只是叮嘱道:“万事小心。” Yang Kai nods gently. 杨开轻轻颔首。 „Does Junior Brother, want me to accompany you together?” Su Yan inquired. 师弟,要不要我陪你一起?”苏颜询问道。 Does not use, you followed to be good side Senior Li.” Yang Kai beckons with the hand, the figure in a flash, then from main shipboard vanishes does not see, when presents again time, person already in thousand zhang (3.330m) about. “不用,你跟在洛黎前辈身边好了。”杨开摆摆手,身形一晃,便从主舰上消失不见,等到再出现的时候,人已在千丈开外。 The Luo Li beautiful pupil shrinks slightly. 洛黎美眸微微一缩。 Until this time, she understands finally why Yang Kai can escape several months of time also is well in Luo Hai hand/subordinate. 直到这个时候,她才总算明白,杨开为何能在骆海手下逃亡好几个月时间也平安无事。 The only this strange speed and movement, general Void King Stage basic has no means with him, even own had not seen how a moment ago he moved the figure a moment ago. 单凭这诡异的速度和身法,一般的虚王境根本拿他没有任何办法,连自己刚才都没看出他刚才如何移动身形的。 Is this mystery of Space Force? 这就是空间之力的玄妙? In the Luo Li surface is passing the look of being interested, seeming like wants to estimate, how but regardless of she does, induction slightly Space Force mystery, what can feel only a fuzziness. 洛黎面上透着感兴趣的神色,似乎是想揣摩一番,可无论她如何做,也感应不到丝毫空间力量的奥秘,所能感受到的只是一片模糊。 Sighed slightly, Luo Li took back the vision, knowing Space Force was not own can understand thoroughly, immediately returned on the thoughts Brilliant Fire Sect. 微微叹息,洛黎收回目光,知道空间力量并非自己能够洞彻的,当即将心思放回到了火耀宗上。 Brilliant Fire Mountain Range goes lower location/position, the bareness, is sending out the high temperature, roughly thousand zhang (3.330m) high mountain peak. 火耀山脉靠后位置,有一座光秃秃,散发着高温,约莫千丈高的山峰。 Stands looks around toward on the mountain bottom, indistinct can also see the peak bright flame. 站在山底朝上张望,隐约还可以看到峰顶处的明亮火光。 This is volcanic crater, moreover is one and unstable volcanic crater, fills energy aura that from volcanic crater, not only there is scalding hot hot Domain, Domain of overbearing incomparable thunder. 这是一个火山口,而且是一个及其不稳定的火山口,从火山口弥漫出来的能量气息,不但有灼热的火之意境,还有霸道无比的雷之意境 The volcano, hidden has what fierce aura to be dormant, that aura is flooding cruelly with Demon, making one be afraid. 火山内部,隐有什么狰狞的气息正在蛰伏,那气息充斥着残暴和凶煞,让人不寒而栗。 Was here.” Yang Kai arrived at the foot of the hill, looking pensive. “就是这里了吧。”杨开来到了山脚下,若有所思。 These comes, fight between Ice Heart Valley and Brilliant Fire Sect, he has not planned to meddle, his goal is Brilliant Fire Sect doing Thunder Fire Flame! 这一趟过来,冰心谷火耀宗之间的战斗,他没有打算插手,他的目标就是火耀宗的乾天雷炎 That even Luo Li dreads extremely the peerless ominous flame. 那连洛黎都忌惮万分的绝世凶焰。 It is reported that this thing is just like clever, gave birth to own spiritual wisdom, is extremely formidabe. 据传,这东西俨然已经通灵,生出了自己灵智,极难对付。 Spiritual Mind induces it, around the entire volcano mountain peak, covered entirely every big and small restriction and formation, the might is good. 神念感应之,整个火山山峰四周,布满了大大小小禁制法阵,威力不俗。 The Yang Kai's vision goes to Void somewhere, grins the smile: Why two reveals only part of the truth, naturally how comes?” 杨开的目光投向虚空某处,咧嘴微笑:“两位何必藏头露尾,大大方方现身如何?” The words fall, cold snort transmits from that side, air the ripples, two forms walked from that air ripple strangely. 话落,一声冷哼从那边传来,空气荡起了涟漪,两道身影诡异地从那空气波纹走了出来。 As if walks from another world is the same. 仿佛是从另外一个世界走出来的一样。 Appeared two people is very old, sending must be pure white, cultivation level has the Void Return 3-layer degree fully, Fire Attribute Saint Yuan is scalding hot, the left figure is lanky, right skin dark red, the two people facial expression all does not get angry from the prestige, obviously is not low in the Brilliant Fire Sect position. 出现的两人年纪都很大,发须洁白,修为却足有返虚三层境的程度,一身火系圣元灼热无穷,左边一个身形瘦长,右边一个皮肤暗红,两人神情皆是不怒自威,显然在火耀宗地位不低。 Boy, who are you?” That thin Elder staring Yang Kai, cold sound inquired. “小子,你是何人?”那瘦长老者凝视杨开,冷声询问。 Whose I am you do not need to manage, I came to receive that to do Thunder Fire Flame, two Old Mister, if thought that how might as well told me to untie Formation restriction of peak, how?” Yang Kai smilingly looks to the front. “我是谁你们不用管,我过来是想收了那乾天雷炎,两位老先生若是觉得可以的话,不妨告诉我如何解开峰顶的阵法禁制,如何?”杨开笑眯眯地望向前方。 Junior is wild!” Thin Elder flies into a rage, my Brilliant Fire Sect does Thunder Fire Flame is also you can covet? Reading your practice is not easy, young on such as so cultivation level, the fast retreat, the Old Man two people does not feel embarrassed you are!” “小辈猖狂!”瘦长老者勃然大怒,“我火耀宗的乾天雷炎也是你能觊觎的?念你修行不易,年纪轻轻就如这般修为,速速退去,老夫二人不为难你就是!” Appearance that his is very good to speak, not, because the Yang Kai enter without permission Brilliant Fire Sect restricted area then wants under the pain the killer. 他一副很好说话的样子,并没有因为杨开擅闯火耀宗禁地便要痛下杀手。 Old Mister is benevolent!” The Yang Kai view selects, the corners of the mouth appear suddenly the color of ridicule, the right foot stamp in the ground gently, dense say/way: This is Old Mister so-called doesn't feel embarrassed me?” 老先生仁慈!”杨开眼帘一挑,嘴角忽然浮现出讥讽之色,右脚在地面上轻轻一跺,森然道:“这就是老先生所谓的不为难我?” Bang...... 轰…… With falling of Yang Kai right foot, the land crack comes suddenly, the gully crack appears from his tip of the toe together, continuously toward two old man that side spreads in the past. 随着杨开右脚的落下,大地忽然龟裂开来,一道沟壑般的裂缝自他的脚尖出现,一直朝两个老者那边蔓延过去。 But in that gully crack it, two pure covert Fire Attribute energy gatherings surges, is close quietly toward Yang Kai, only has less than three chi (0.33 m) from location/position that he is. 而在那沟壑裂缝之,有两道精纯隐蔽的火系能量汇聚涌动,悄无声息地朝杨开接近过来,距离他所在的位置只有三尺不到。 If two are dormant on the ground, sticks out suddenly the poisonous snake that launches an attack momentarily. 如两条蛰伏在地上,随时暴起发难的毒蛇。 Boy eyesight is good, since were detected by you, nothing more to be said that the enter without permission Brilliant Fire Sect restricted area, dies to me!” That thin Elder sees Yang Kai to see through the own trick, does not hesitate, tears to pieces the hypocritical countenance, stimulated to movement own Saint Yuan, is dormant the rebellion gets up in the underground Fire Attribute energy immediately, changes into a flame python, swallows toward the Yang Kai opens the mouth. “小子眼力不错,既然被你察觉,那就没什么好说的了,擅闯火耀宗禁地,给我死来!”那瘦长老者见杨开识破自己的伎俩,也不犹豫,撕破伪善的嘴脸,催动了自身的圣元,蛰伏在地下的火系能量立刻暴动起来,化为一条火焰巨蟒,朝杨开张口吞下。 Carving the insect small technique is also disgraceful!” Yang Kai laughs, Dragon Bone Verdant Sword will appear in the hand shortly, wields conveniently, deep green rays of light flashes through together, that fierce fearsome, imposing manner dreadful flame python in one neighing by one point, but two, change into point dazzling light to vanish does not see. “雕虫小技也敢丢人现眼!”杨开哈哈大笑,龙骨剑滴翠顷刻间出现在手上,随手一挥,一道碧绿的光芒闪过,那狰狞可怖,气势滔天的火焰巨蟒在一阵嘶鸣之被一分而二,化为点点荧光消失不见。 Powerful enemies! Two old men look at each other one, the expression are dignified. 强敌!两个老者对视一眼,表情都凝重起来。
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