MP :: Volume #17

#1662: On a large scale invasion

The strength to the Void King 3-layer degree, will be concise Void Mind Crystal this type of unusual thing in within the body, Void Mind Crystal forgave a Void King Stage Peak powerhouse's lifetime experience and Martial Dao essence precipitates, even the martial artist death, Void Mind Crystal will not vanish . 实力到了虚王三层境的程度,都会在体内凝练出虚念晶这种奇特的东西,虚念晶包涵了一位虚王境顶峰强者一生的经验和武道精华沉淀,即便武者死亡,虚念晶也不会消失。. Opening of Ice Heart Valley sent Founder/Martial Ancestor to leave behind Profound Frost Sword in the Nature Cold Pond floor, did not have Void Mind Crystal, this fully explained many issues. 冰心谷的开派祖师造化寒潭底层留下了玄霜剑,却没有虚念晶,这足以说明很多问题。 She has not possibly really died! 她可能真的没死! Even if just this, both 30,000 years has not come, present Bing Yun Founder/Martial Ancestor is where, is lives dies, still no one knows. 只不过就算是这样,两三万年都不曾现身,如今的冰云祖师到底身在何处,是生是死,也无人知晓。 But this to Luo Li, without doubt is an extremely inspired news. 但这对洛黎来说,无疑是个极为振奋的消息。 Luo Li turns head to look to Yang Kai, sighed slightly. 洛黎扭头看向杨开,微微叹息一声。 She discovered, if Yang Kai is Ice Heart Valley **, that surely will be a luck! 她发现如果杨开冰心谷的**的话,那必定是一员福将! Since he has come to Ice Heart Valley, Ice Heart Valley presented too many too many celebrations, first is Chi Huo is cut to kill, is the own injury recovers, now Profound Frost Divine Sword reappears the world, the Su Yan experience also confirmed from one side Founder/Martial Ancestor also possibly lives in this world...... 自他现身冰心谷以来,冰心谷出现了太多太多喜事了,先是赤火被斩杀,然后是自己的伤势痊愈,如今玄霜神剑再现人间,苏颜的所见所闻也从侧面证实了祖师还可能活在这世间…… This a series of things to Ice Heart Valley, are the excellent news. 这一系列事情对冰心谷来说,都是极好的消息。 What a pity, Yang Kai is a man, is impossible to join Ice Heart Valley . Moreover, he as if no big favorable impression to Ice Heart Valley. 可惜,杨开是个男人,根本不可能加入冰心谷,而且,他本身对冰心谷似乎没有多大的好感。 Senior, was the time goes to Brilliant Fire Sect one.” Yang Kai opens the mouth suddenly. “前辈,是时候去火耀宗一趟了。”杨开忽然开口。 Em.” Luo Li hears the word to nod the head, truly was the time.” “恩。”洛黎闻言颔首,“确实是时候了。” She looks into the distance, the vision is profound. 她眺望远方,目光深邃。 From now henceforth, Scarlet Billow Star will be controlled by Ice Heart Valley! 从今以后,赤澜星将由冰心谷来主宰! ...... …… One team of five all over the body jet black Battleship, since Extinct Ice Island starts, on Battleship carried the total about 3000 Ice Heart Valley Elite, in location/position that under a leadership of main ship, is at toward Brilliant Fire Mountain Range sets out. 一队五艘通体漆黑的战舰,从冰绝岛启程,战舰上搭载了总数在三千左右的冰心谷精锐,在其中一艘主舰的带领下,朝火耀山脉所在的位置进发。 Ice Heart Valley as big Sect that on Scarlet Billow Star ranks among the best, naturally also has own Battleship. 冰心谷身为赤澜星上数一数二的大宗门,自然也拥有自己战舰 But Yang Kai discovers these Battleship best one, be only the Void Grade high-rank scale, exists as the main ship, other four Battleship only has Void Grade middle-rank. 只不过杨开发现这些战舰最好的一艘,也只有虚级上品档次而已,作为主舰存在,其他的四艘战舰都是只有虚级中品 In the quality own with that has may not with saying the language. 质量上与自己拥有的那一艘不可同曰而语。 Evidently in entire Star Territory, Void King Grade Battleship is also extremely rare and precious existence. 看样子在整个星域中,虚王级战舰也是极为珍稀的存在。 As attacking a city pull Zhai the sharp weapon, this time goes to Brilliant Fire Mountain Range, destruction entire Brilliant Fire Sect, Luo Li naturally must use Battleship this powerful war fortress. 作为攻城拔寨的利器,这一次前往火耀山脉,是要覆灭整个火耀宗的,洛黎自然要动用战舰这种威力巨大的战争堡垒。 Ice Heart Valley ** also knows that this time must make anything, everyone look is dignified, in the foreheads hidden has making an all-out effort. 冰心谷的**们也都知道这一次要去做什么,每个人都神色凝重,眉宇间隐有一种狠劲。 The innumerable year's of battles, let enmity knot between Ice Heart Valley and Brilliant Fire Sect are deeper, is unable to reduce and solve, they had many apprentice sisters dead a tragic death in the hand of Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist, because was female, once fell on Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist, the fate general ratio died is pitiful. 无数年的争斗,让冰心谷火耀宗之间的仇怨越结越深,根本无法化解,她们有很多师姐妹都惨死在火耀宗武者的手上,因为是女子,所以一旦落在火耀宗武者手上,下场一般比死还要凄惨。 Knowing Supreme Elder must lead the person to go to Brilliant Fire Sect personally, these three thousand Elite register on own initiative, enters the war enthusiastically, is suppressing anger, waited till Brilliant Fire Mountain Range to erupt, this burnt down ten thousand years of old enemy completely. 得知太上长老要亲自带人前往火耀宗,这三千精锐都主动报名,踊跃参战,憋着一股怒意,直等到了火耀山脉爆发出来,这将万年宿敌焚烧殆尽。 The speed of fleet is quick, Ice Heart Valley has in ten million/countless from Brilliant Fire Sect fully remote, but short several days time, five Battleship then had just arrived at the Brilliant Fire Mountain Range surrounding. 舰队的速度很快,冰心谷距离火耀宗足有千万里之遥,可只不过短短几曰时间,五艘战舰便已来到了火耀山脉外围。 The main ship direction, Luo Li stands on the ship, the vision looks into the distance toward the distant place, in her behind, is a Ice Heart Valley numerous high level. 主舰方向,洛黎站在舰身上,目光朝远方眺望,在她身后,是冰心谷的一众高层。 Yang Kai and Su Yan also mix in the crowd. 杨开苏颜也夹杂在人群中。 „Is this Brilliant Fire Mountain Range?” Yang Kai looks to the front, somewhat expressed admiration. “这就是火耀山脉?”杨开看向前方,有些啧啧称奇。 The vision institute , the mountain range fluctuates, the big mountain range such as crawls in the big dragon of ground, be continuous does not know many ten thousand li (0.5 km), woods Luan Diezhang, one shortly end. 目光所及,山峦起伏,偌大的山脉如匍匐在地上的巨龙,绵延不知多少万里,森栾叠嶂,一眼看不到尽头。 Moreover, in this entire mountain range, as if contained extremely rich Fire Attribute spiritual energy, the naked eye looked at the past, in the mountain ranges some faint red light twinkling. 而且,这一整条山脉中,似乎都蕴藏了极为浓郁的火系灵气,肉眼看过去,山脉之间隐隐有些红光闪烁 Even the temperature between world was raised much. 连天地间的温度都提升了不少。 Good, this is Brilliant Fire Mountain Range, under this land has Fire Dragon Earth Arteries, happen to echoes Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist ** **, letting them to promote the cultivation level boundary here rapidly.” Luo Li has not spoken, Bing Long gives Yang Kai to answer in a soft voice. “不错,这就是火耀山脉,这大地下有一条火龙地脉,正好附和火耀宗武者**的**,让他们能在这里快速地提升修为境界。”洛黎并没有说话,冰珑轻声给杨开解释道。 Starting today, here was Brilliant Fire Sect will no longer have.” Ran Yunting cold snort. “不过从今天开始,这里将不再是火耀宗拥有了。”冉云婷冷哼一声 Finishes speaking, suddenly probably discovered anything, the vision throws toward, extends one, Void grasps. 话音刚落,忽然像是发现了什么,目光朝下方投去,伸出一手,虚空一抓。 With sound of the panic yelling, martial artist that wears the Brilliant Fire Sect clothing by Ran Yunting from below woods Lin place, flew high to absorb on the ship. 伴随着一阵惊慌失措的叫喊之声,一个身穿火耀宗服饰的武者冉云婷从下方的森林某处,凌空摄到了舰身上。 This person seemingly has about 30-40 years old, cultivation level is not high, Void Return 1-layer, Fire Attribute Saint Yuan by the Ran Yunting radical suppression, after falling to the ship body, for the first time sees so many each attractives in their own right female, thump, understands at heart immediately, called out loudly: „The Ice Heart Valley person, you how here, will you so encroach upon Brilliant Fire Mountain Range on a large scale, could it be that want to make war inadequately with my Brilliant Fire Sect?” 这人看起来有30-40岁左右,修为不高,返虚一层境,一身火系圣元冉云婷彻底压制,落到舰身上之后,乍一见到这么多燕瘦环肥的女子,心里一个咯噔,立刻明白了过来,大声叫道:“冰心谷的人,你们怎么会在这里,你们这般大举侵犯火耀山脉,难道是想与我火耀宗开战不成?” Makes war?” Ran Yunting sneers constantly: My Ice Heart Valley and your Brilliant Fire Sect, when armistice?” “开战?”冉云婷冷笑不迭:“我冰心谷与你们火耀宗,何时休战过?” That martial artist expression stagnates, dumbfounded. 武者表情一滞,哑口无言。 Truly, two big control the Scarlet Billow Star influence, never has the armistice, even Yueli the small friction sends numerously unceasingly, but says now like this invades another influence flagrantly the domain, has not actually happened. 确实,两大主宰赤澜星的势力,从来就没有休战过,平曰里的小摩擦纷发不断,但如今曰这样明目张胆地侵入另一个势力的地盘,却是没有发生过的。 „Do you want to do?” This Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist also calculates some strengths of spirit, by low cultivation level facing the powerhouse who so many far exceed his boundary, still can also open the mouth to interrogate. “你们要干什么?”这火耀宗武者倒还算有些骨气,以低一些的修为面对这么多远超他境界的强者,依然还能开口质问。 Does?” Ran Yunting sneers constantly, naturally must trample flat your Brilliant Fire Sect!” “干什么?”冉云婷冷笑不迭,“当然是要踏平你们火耀宗!” That martial artist complexion one white, stared in a big way the eyeball to look at Ran Yunting, what seemed like wants to distinguish her to say was real. 武者脸色一白,瞪大了眼珠子望着冉云婷,似乎是想分辨她说的是不是真的。 Your cultivation level is good, it seems like is not too low in the Brilliant Fire Sect position, fast rolls to tell Wei Qing, said that my Ran Yunting came, calling him to wash the neck cleanly.” “你修为不错,看来在火耀宗的地位也不算太低,速速滚回去告诉卫清,就说我冉云婷来了,叫他把脖子洗干净了。” Ran Yunting!” That martial artist yelled panic-strickenly. 冉云婷!”那武者惊骇大叫。 The Ice Heart Valley Great Elder prestige, he naturally has hear, turns head to have a look at all around, suddenly discovery each female cultivation level is as deep as a well, called out subconsciously: My Brilliant Fire Sect has Supreme Elder to assume Sect, do not act unreasonably!” 冰心谷大长老的威名,他自然是有所耳闻的,扭头看看四周,忽然发现每一个女子修为都高深莫测,下意识地叫道:“我火耀宗太上长老坐镇宗门,你们别乱来!” You were said that Chi Huo was old?” Ran Yunting is sneering, Chi Huo had died, your anything does not know evidently.” “你是说赤火老怪?”冉云婷冷笑着,“赤火已经死了,看样子你什么都不知道。” „Did Supreme Elder die?” That person of eye shivers, loses the sound said: Is impossible, Supreme Elder is the Void King Stage powerhouse, does anyone of you have the skill to kill him?” 太上长老死了?”那人眼睛颤抖,失声道:“不可能,太上长老虚王境强者,你们谁有本事能够杀他?” Is, your own asked Wei Qing, this Elder did not have the time rubbish with you!” Ran Yunting no longer spoke, put out a hand to throw down Battleship that martial artist. “是不是的,你自己去问卫清,本长老没功夫跟你废话!”冉云婷不再说话,伸手就将那武者丢下了战舰 In in the midair, that martial artist revolution Saint Yuan lived in the figure hastily, raises the head looked at five fierce fearsome Battleship, clenched teeth, quickly fled toward Brilliant Fire Mountain Range , must report the news. 身在半空之中,那武者连忙运转圣元顿住身形,抬头看了看五艘狰狞可怖的战舰,一咬牙,急忙朝火耀山脉内部窜去,显然是要去报告消息了。 First notified others, this was also good, making them have a preparation, so as to avoid by others was said was my Luo Li bullies the weak.” Luo Li had not paid attention to the beforehand sound, vanishes until that martial artist in the field of vision, said one lightly. “先跟人家打个招呼,这样也好,让他们有个准备,免得被旁人说是我洛黎以大欺小了。”洛黎一直没有关注之前的动静,直到那武者消失在视野之中,才淡淡地说了一句。 The fleet continues to go forward, the speed is confident, but actually one type invisible and terrifying pressure, is covering entire Brilliant Fire Mountain Range slowly. 舰队继续前进,速度不疾不徐,但却有一种无形而恐怖的压力,正缓缓地将整个火耀山脉笼罩。 After burning a joss stick, the Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters place, a clamoring sound spreads. 一炷香后,火耀宗总舵处,一片喧哗之声传出。 „Did Ice Heart Valley intrude on unexpectedly on a large scale?” 冰心谷居然大举进犯了?” Their simply beastly audacity.” “她们简直狗胆包天。” „The lesson that previously they received evidently is insufficient, haha, this time comes on own initiative, happen to teaches again ruthlessly.” “看样子此前她们受到的教训还不够啊,哈哈,这次主动前来,正好再狠狠教训一番。” Hears Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elder each one peonies, before did not have the opportunity to capture, now own delivers, well good, Old Man stressed several to train training well.” “听闻冰心谷的十几位长老个个都国色天香,以前没机会抓获,如今自己送上门来,好好好,老夫就抓几个好好调教调教。” Fine jade Elder, your old age, do not have the idea in this aspect?” “琦长老,你都这把年纪了,还是不要有这方面的想法了吧?” Old Man hale and hearty time, but also feared that could not satisfy several ** maid?” 老夫正老当益壮的时候,还怕满足不了几个**婢?” This but actually is also, these ** the maid will submit to surely under the power of fine jade Elder.” “这倒也是,那些**婢必定会臣服在琦长老的雄威之下。” One crowd of Elders are very optimistic, hears Ice Heart Valley to intrude 一群长老们很乐观,听闻冰心谷主动进犯,不但不着急,反而都有些大喜过望的样子,一想起冰心谷那些水嫩嫩的女人临死前发出的惨叫,又或者是被蹂躏时的挣扎,这些长老们都兴致高昂。 Destroying sacred and devastation is chaste, is always the men **, most can stimulate the man ** matter. 摧毁神圣和蹂躏纯洁,向来是男人们最**,最能激发男人**的事。 The Ice Heart Valley women, until now without doubt by sacredly and shows chastely. 冰心谷的女人们,一直以来无疑是以神圣和纯洁示人。 Sect Master, but also please hurry to deploy, we go to meet these well ** maid.” Some Elder toward sitting well Wei Qing in first place said. 宗主,还请赶紧部署吧,咱们好好去会一会那些**婢。”有长老朝端坐在首位上的卫清道。 Wei Qing hears word, shot a look at his one eyes, in the foreheads had the worried. 卫清闻言,瞥了他一眼,眉宇间有浓浓的忧愁。 Sect Master, you were......” the Wei Qing manner make many Elder look at the clue, the sound of clamoring gradually subsided, the people doubt is looking at him. 宗主,你这是……”卫清的神态让不少长老瞧出了端倪,喧哗之声逐渐平息,众人都狐疑地望着他。 Brilliant Fire Sect great misfortune!” Wei Qing deep sigh one breath. 火耀宗大劫!”卫清长叹一口气。 Audience Elder complexion changes. 长老面色一变。 Sect Master, what do you mean?” That Elder look that before started talking was dignified, Ice Heart Valley, although the strength was good, but dares to lift to encroach upon my Brilliant Fire Sect unexpectedly, taught their good times, how can be my Brilliant Fire Sect great misfortune?” 宗主,你这是什么意思?”之前开口说话的那长老神色凝重,“冰心谷虽然实力不错,但居然敢举宗侵犯我火耀宗,正是教训她们的好时候,怎么会是我火耀宗大劫?” Because of...... Supreme Elder possibly already falls.” “因为……太上长老可能已经陨落了。” Such remarks, the audience is silent. 此言一出,全场静默。 For a long time, has Elder trembling said: Is impossible? Sect Master aren't you cracking a joke?” 许久,才有长老颤声道:“不可能吧?宗主你不是在开玩笑?” Arrived this time, how this King to play this joke with you?” Wei Qing serious say/way. “都到了这个时候,本座怎会跟你们开这种玩笑?”卫清严肃道。 „But how...... can Supreme Elder falls? Sir Luo Hai, isn't he has lived with Supreme Elder in the back side of the mountain?” “可是……太上长老怎么会陨落的?还有骆海大人,他不是一直与太上长老居住在后山么?” Wei Qing rubbed the forehead: Several months ago Supreme Elder and Sir Luo Hai had left Brilliant Fire Sect, goes to Ice Heart Valley, has not come back until the present.” 卫清揉了揉额头:“几月前太上长老骆海大人就已经离开了火耀宗,前往冰心谷,直到如今也没有回来。” That not representative Supreme Elder his falls.” Some people cannot believe that but also is having a ray of hope, own that but even this saying said does not have the energy. “那也不代表太上长老他老人家陨落了啊。”有人不敢相信,还抱着一线希望,可这话说的连自己都没底气。 If Supreme Elder does not have falls, how also possibly to return to Brilliant Fire Sect? 如果太上长老陨落的话,又怎么可能不回火耀宗 If Supreme Elder does not have falls, Ice Heart Valley possibly such imposing manner did kill agitated? 如果太上长老陨落的话,冰心谷又怎么可能这么气势汹汹地杀了过来? They know this information obviously, will therefore seize the chance to launch an attack. 她们显然知道这个情报,所以才会趁机发难。 Ice Heart Valley Luo Li is impossible to kill Supreme Elder, is could it be that...... Sir Luo Hai?” Some people call out in alarm. 冰心谷洛黎是不可能杀得掉太上长老的,难道是……骆海大人?”有人惊呼。 Also only has Luo Hai, has the skill to strike to kill My Sect Supreme Elder. But, didn't pass on a message the relations of their two people to be good? Moreover Sir Luo Hai this time arrives Scarlet Billow Star time, has been a guest in Brilliant Fire Sect, how to strike a vicious blow to My Sect Supreme Elder suddenly?( To be continued.) 也只有骆海,才有本事将本宗太上长老击杀。可是,不是传言他们两人的关系不错嘛?而且骆海大人这一次驾临赤澜星的时候,也一直在火耀宗做客,怎么忽然之间就对本宗太上长老下毒手了?(未完待续。)
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