MP :: Volume #17

#1661: Profound Frost Divine Sword

Nature Cold Pond is my Ice Heart Valley top-secret is , the non- important personage can not enter, the cold deep pool divides 12, is downward, the difficulty is higher, the danger is bigger, that but can benefit are more .” Luo Li is looking at Yang Kai , to continue to explain. 造化寒潭是我冰心谷的绝密所在,非重要人物不得擅入,寒潭分十二段,越是往下,难度就越高,危险越大,但是能得到的好处就越多。.”洛黎望着杨开,继续解释。 Oh? that may I ask the senior to penetrate into several?” Yang Kai circles asks with great interest. 哦?那敢问前辈能深入到第几段?”杨开绕有兴致地问道。 this Palace Master best one time penetrates into eighth, downward was again helpless.” In Luo Li surface somewhat ashamed color. 本宫最好的一次是深入到第八段,再往下就无能为力了。”洛黎面上有些惭愧之色。 Su Yan in inside?” 苏颜在里面?” Good, her aptitude extremely, is the ice crystal **, I want to wait to pass some years to let her thorough cold deep pool again, seeks for the chance, actually does not think that she can promote in such short time to the Void Return 3-layer degree unexpectedly, present she was also qualified for the cold deep pool, although she is not my Ice Heart Valley **, but when this was this Palace Master gives her ritual of giving a farewell dinner party.” “不错,她的资质绝顶,又是冰晶**,本来我是想等再过一些年头让她深入寒潭,寻找机缘的,却不想她居然能在这么短的时间内晋升到返虚三层境的程度,如今的她也有资格进入寒潭了,她虽已不是我冰心谷的**,但就当这是本宫送给她的饯别之礼吧。” So on many thanks, Senior.” “如此就多谢前辈了。” He naturally knows, Luo Li does that mainly wants to alleviate relations between Ice Heart Valley and own, Nature Cold Pond suspends in any case here, Su Yan cannot go not to have the tremendous impact on it, making Su Yan go in one time, can seek the favorable impression of own to Ice Heart Valley to the full. 他自然知道,洛黎这么做主要是想缓解冰心谷自己之间的关系,反正造化寒潭摆在这里,苏颜去不去对它都没多大的影响,让苏颜进去一次,可以最大程度地博取自己冰心谷的好感。 Luo Li shows a faint smile: Was my Ice Heart Valley had a deficit she, Young Hero Yang does not need to be polite, the graciousness...... she should come out, does not know that this time penetrated several.” 洛黎微微一笑:“是我冰心谷亏欠了她,杨少侠不必客气,恩……她该出来了,不知道她这次深入到了第几段。” Listened to her saying that the Yang Kai look moved, during the mind reading, really detected that Su Yan aura is rising in the cold deep pool that was too deep to see the bottom from that slowly. 听她这么说,杨开神色一动,心灵感应之中,果然察觉到苏颜气息正在从那深不见底的寒潭之中徐徐上升。 After a little while, in the cold deep pool presented a small vortex suddenly, that vortex is revolving, making the cold deep pool center form a hollow region, the ice cold chill in the air started to fill the air. 少顷,寒潭上忽然出现了一个小小的漩涡,那漩涡旋转着,让寒潭中心形成了一个中空的地带,更加凌冽的寒意开始弥漫。 Also after a while, the pretty shadow flies to shoot from that vortex together. 又过了一会儿,一道靓影从那漩涡之中飞射而出。 cold light along with that pretty shadow flying shoots, but presently, the Yang Kai view shrinks for the first time, the strength to him this degree, is seeing this cold glow now the instance, cannot bear some ** sends coldly, the whole body pore seemed gripped the common thorn to hurt by trillion needles. 一点寒光伴随着那靓影的飞射而乍现,杨开眼帘一缩,实力到了他如今这程度,在见到这寒芒的瞬间,都忍不住有些**发寒,浑身毛孔仿佛被亿万根针扎了一般刺疼。 Yang Kai expression stunned, is gazing at that cold glow. 杨开表情愕然,直直地注视着那一点寒芒。 This is......” Luo Li also looks startled to accommodate, raises the head on looks upwards. “这是……”洛黎也面露惊容,抬头朝天上望去。 In the sky, the Su Yan form stands still in Void, motionless, ice cold aura before ten several days, tyrannical several times continued, on her right hand, is grasping a three chi (0.33 m) length, the cold light bright long sword. 天空中,苏颜的身影静立于虚空,一动不动,一身的冰寒气息比起十几曰之前,强横了数倍不止,她的右手上,握着一柄三尺长短,寒光熠熠的长剑。 Punctures the cold glow of person to sparkle from the long sword. 刺人的寒芒正是从长剑上闪耀出来的。 Yang Kai and Luo Li vision frames instantaneously on that long sword, the former after staring one next showed the carefree smile, but the latter is the complexion is panic-stricken, the tender body trembles lightly. 杨开洛黎的目光瞬间定格在那长剑上,前者在愣了一下之后露出畅快的微笑,而后者却是脸色惊骇,娇躯轻颤。 Was grasped the long sword in hand by Su Yan looks somewhat strange, long, although three chi (0.33 m), but actually and slender, and was inferior that the common long sword is so generous, an extremely sharp feeling. 苏颜握在手中的长剑看起来有些古怪,长虽有三尺,但却及其纤细,并不如一般的长剑那么宽厚,给人一种极为锋利的感觉。 Intermittent cold light passes on the sword blade continuous, Su Yan lifts the sword single-handed, and refers to the sword blade wipes gently. 阵阵寒光在剑身上流转不休,苏颜单手举剑,并指在剑身上轻轻一抹。 The sword blade buzz the cry, cold light starts, and terrifying ice cold Domain is centered on Su Yan fills the air. 剑身嗡鸣,寒光乍起,及其恐怖的冰寒意境苏颜为中心弥漫出来。 The cold incomparable Extinct Ice Peak top, had the trend of unexpectedly being probable thoroughly frozen. 本就寒冷无比的冰绝峰顶,竟有要被彻底冻结的趋势。 barrier that outside thatched shed around that leaks out makes ka ka the sound, as if extremely carries a heavy load, immediately wanted the disintegration. 那四面漏风的茅草棚外的结界更是发出咔咔的声响,仿佛不堪负重,马上就要崩碎了。 Profound frost?” Luo Li is unable to keep calm again, sets out suddenly, loses one's voice to call out in alarm, a pair of beautiful pupil is staring at that thin narrow long sword on Su Yan stubbornly, in the eye an incredible look. “玄霜?”洛黎再也无法保持镇定,霍地起身,失声惊呼起来,一双美眸死死地盯着苏颜手上的那柄细窄长剑,眼中一片不可置信的神色。 Yang Kai watches a person's every mood, knows that Su Yan this time definitely picks up a big bargain, moreover is Luo Li simply had not anticipated the small advantage that cannot bear laugh. 杨开察言观色,知道苏颜这一次肯定是捡了个大便宜,而且是洛黎根本没有意料到的便宜,忍不住哈哈大笑。 Su Yan has also as if gotten back one's composure at this moment finally, turns head one to look toward under, ice cold Domain dissipated suddenly, showed a warm will of the people smiling face, the tender body in a flash, before then arrived at the thatched shed : Junior Brother you how here.” 苏颜此刻也仿佛终于回过神,扭头朝下方一看,一身的冰寒意境陡然消散,露出了一个温暖人心的笑容,娇躯一晃,便来到了茅草棚前:“师弟你怎么在这里。” Senior asked me to come.” Yang Kai explained with a smile, in the eye hidden has none twinkling. “前辈叫我过来的。”杨开笑吟吟地解释了一句,眼中隐有精光闪烁 He suddenly discovered, Su Yan aura solidifies extremely calm, compared with before ten several days separates became more powerful, wants to come her to obtain very big advantage in this Nature Cold Pond. 他忽然发现,苏颜一身的气息极为沉稳凝固,比十几曰之前分开的时候变得更加强大了,想来她在这造化寒潭中得到了很大的好处。 His vision falls on that thin narrow long sword once again, near distance observes this long sword, circling was Yang Kai sees Void King Grade Secret Treasure, some hearts were startled. 他的目光又一次落在那细窄长剑上,近距离地观察这柄长剑,绕是杨开见惯了虚王级秘宝,也不禁有些心惊。 In that thin narrow long sword, the unexpectedly ice cold meaning, condenses a invisible sharp blade, pricks the own mind independently, seems resisting own to its observation. 那细窄长剑中,竟有一股冰寒之意,凝聚出一柄无形的利刃,自主地刺入自己的心神,仿佛是在抗拒自己对它的观察。 Su Yan, can this sword...... make this Palace Master have a look?” Luo Li restores the manner, the expression says dignifiedly. 苏颜,这柄剑……能不能让本宫看看?”洛黎恢复神态,表情凝重地开口说道。 Supreme Elder please look!” Su Yan holds the thin narrow long sword respectfully on both hands, handed over. 太上长老请看!”苏颜恭敬地将细窄长剑捧在双手上,递了过去。 Luo Li puts out a hand to grasp the sword. 洛黎伸手握剑。 Wipes radiance to flash through on the sword blade , making people the ice that is inconceivable cold be born from the sword blade, toward Luo Li within the body spread invasion. 一抹光华在剑身上闪过,紧接着,让人难以想象的冰寒自剑身中诞生,朝洛黎体内蔓延侵入。 A Luo Li small hand, unexpectedly at visible speed frozen, ** on presented the light ice layer. 洛黎的一只小手,竟以肉眼可见的速度被冰封,**上出现了薄薄的冰层。 But she had expected probably attended the meeting to have this matter, but hand wrist shakes, the ice layer is loudly stave. 但她好像早已预料到会发生这种事,只是手腕一震,冰层轰然破碎。 The Yang Kai brow selects, reveals the color of accidental/surprised. 杨开眉头一挑,露出意外之色。 This thin narrow long sword seems like also the real no small matter, no one urges it, it can bring unexpectedly slightly some to the Luo Li this kind of powerhouse troublesome, if some people urge, that can also? 这柄细窄长剑看起来还真的非同小可啊,没有人驱使它,它竟能给洛黎这样的强者带来一些小麻烦,若是有人驱使,那还得了? Only this long sword, Su Yan battle strength must rise dramatically several levels! 单凭这柄长剑,苏颜战力就要飙升好几个层次! Was this perhaps Void King Grade top Secret Treasure? Yang Kai is guessing secretly. 这恐怕是虚王级顶级秘宝了吧?杨开暗暗猜测着。 Really is the profound frost!” Luo Li carefully is observing the sword blade, for a long time nods slightly, some expression sigh with emotion tunnels: „The didn't expect this Palace Master lifetime, can see Profound Frost Sword unexpectedly again.” “果然是玄霜!”洛黎仔细地观察着剑身,许久才微微颔首,表情有些感慨地道:“没想到本宫有生之年,竟能再次见到玄霜剑。” Yang Kai asked: What origin does this sword have?” 杨开问道:“这柄剑有什么来历嘛?” In the Luo Li surface appears a respectful color, said solemnly: It is my Ice Heart Valley opens sends the Founder/Martial Ancestor Bing Yun Founder/Martial Ancestor saber.” 洛黎面上浮现出一丝恭敬之色,沉声道:“它是我冰心谷开派祖师冰云祖师的佩剑。” Yang Kai and Su Yan look at each other one, reveals the color of shock. 杨开苏颜对视一眼,都不禁露出震撼之色。 Ice Heart Valley opened sends to have two 30,000 years, the hearsay opened sends Founder/Martial Ancestor to have Void King 3-layer top cultivation level, was in Star Territory the true overlord, although just she left behind the inheritance, but Ice Heart Valley these for tens of thousands years the development was unpleasant, in Sect has not appeared again such as her such to outstanding, the strength was highest, was Void King 2-layer. 冰心谷开派已经有两三万年了,传闻开派祖师更是有虚王三层境的顶尖修为,是星域中真正的霸主,只不过虽然她留下了传承,但冰心谷这几万年来的发展并不如意,宗门里再也没出现过如她那样的至高强者,实力最高的,也不过是虚王两层境 Arrived this generation, Luo Li only has the Void King 1-layer cultivation level boundary. 到了这一代,洛黎更是只有虚王一层境修为境界了。 Unexpectedly is the Founder/Martial Ancestor saber?” Su Yan somewhat was also absent-minded, thought that stern saying: Since is the Founder/Martial Ancestor saber, is taken care by Supreme Elder on the junction, ** does not know that this sword is so precious, will therefore bring to come out it.” “居然是祖师的佩剑?”苏颜也有些恍惚,想了一下,正色道:“既然是祖师的佩剑,那就交由太上长老保管吧,**并不知道这剑如此贵重,所以才会把它带出来。” Luo Li shakes the head slowly: You can call my Supreme Elder again, this Palace Master is very gratified, regarding taking care of this sword, Hehe...... this Palace Master is helpless.” 洛黎缓缓摇头:“你能再称呼我一声太上长老,本宫已经很欣慰了,至于说保管此剑,呵呵……本宫无能为力。” Speech time, she grasped the entire only arm of sword to be covered by 1-layer ice frost, broke 1-layer to present 1-layer, the situation gets stronger and stronger, toward her chest place spread in the past, passed the moment again, only feared that her whole person wanted ice frost to cover. 说话的时候,她握剑的整只胳膊都被一层冰霜覆盖了,震碎一层又出现一层,情况愈演愈烈,直朝她的胸口处蔓延过去,再过片刻,只怕她整个人都要冰霜覆盖。 Luo Li does not dare to continue to hold the sword again, put out a hand to give Su Yan the profound frost: Since you can obtain it, that is your chance! this Palace Master does not have the truth to take back, Founder/Martial Ancestor leaves leeway the teachings of the deceased, Profound Frost Sword meets own to select the lord, this Palace Master, if leaves behind it, that is counteracts the ancestor to teach, this charge this Palace Master cannot undertake.” 洛黎不敢再继续持剑,伸手又将玄霜递给了苏颜:“既然你能得到它,那便是你的机缘!本宫没道理收回,祖师留有遗训,玄霜剑自己择主,本宫若是将它留下,那便是有悖祖训,这个罪名本宫承担不起。” But......” Su Yan as if also wants to say anything. “可是……”苏颜似乎还想说什么。 „When also transports/fortunes , this is the choice of profound frost, is the choice of Founder/Martial Ancestor.” Luo Li heaved a deep sigh. “时也运也,这是玄霜的选择,也是祖师的选择。”洛黎长叹一声。 If Su Yan or Ice Heart Valley **, obtained Profound Frost Sword, then Luo Li only feared that will be quite happy, but present Su Yan is not Ice Heart Valley **, but she obtained the acknowledgment of Profound Frost Sword, this to Ice Heart Valley, is a massive loss. 苏颜还是冰心谷的**,得到了玄霜剑,那么洛黎只怕会极为高兴,但如今的苏颜已经不是冰心谷**,可她却得到了玄霜剑的承认,这对冰心谷来说,是个巨大的损失。 The Founder/Martial Ancestor teachings of the deceased are placed in that Luo Li does not dare to violate. 祖师遗训又摆在那,洛黎不敢违背。 She wants to open the mouth to make Su Yan return to Ice Heart Valley again, but remembers beforehand own and Bing Long and the others the attitudes, is actually how regardless of unable to open the mouth. 她很想开口让苏颜再回冰心谷,但一想起之前自己冰珑等人的态度,却是无论如何也开不了口。 Since the senior said that Su Yan you take, so long as in the heart has Ice Heart Valley, is Ice Heart Valley ** what relations also has?” Yang Kai in one side indifferently said. “既然前辈这么说了,苏颜你就拿着吧,只要心中有冰心谷,是不是冰心谷**又有什么关系?”杨开在一旁淡淡地道 Luo Li looked at his one eyes looking pensive, looks the color of gratitude. 洛黎若有所思地看了他一眼,面露感激之色。 Although Yang Kai these words have not said is too clear, but Luo Li also listened to beyond his words the sound, although the rehydrate cannot receive, but there is Profound Frost Sword this fetters, after saying, if Ice Heart Valley really came across the crisis that cannot be defused, Su Yan will not sit by and do nothing. 杨开这句话虽然没有说的太明白,但洛黎也听出了他的话外之音,覆水虽不可收,但有了玄霜剑这层羁绊,曰后冰心谷若真的遇到了不可化解的危机,苏颜也不会坐视不管。 This to Ice Heart Valley, is the best result. 这对冰心谷来说,已经是最好的结局了。 Right, Su Yan you obtained Profound Frost Sword, then explained that you have penetrated 12 th?” Luo Li remembers anything suddenly, slightly reveals nervously to ask. “对了,苏颜你既得到了玄霜剑,那么就说明你已经深入到了第十二段了?”洛黎忽然又想起什么,略显紧张地问道。 ** Does not know that penetrates into many, but that is the cold deep pool lowest level.” Su Yan replied in a soft voice. “**也不知道深入到多少段,只不过那已经是寒潭最底层了。”苏颜轻声答道。 Lowest level, that right, that truly is 12 th.” Luo Li sobbed, had the strength of Ice Phoenix source to add the body evidently, your future and future really want to be brighter than this Palace Master.” “最底层,那就没错了,那确实是第十二段。”洛黎唏嘘不已,“看样子有冰凤本源之力加身,你的未来和前途果然比本宫要光明很多。” She has been trying hard for these years, actually can only penetrate into eighth, on the contrary the first time is Su Yan that enters the cold deep pool, rushed to 12 th directly, this also explained the great strength of strength of Ice Phoenix source from one side. 她这么多年来一直在努力,却只能深入到第八段,反倒是第一次进入寒潭的苏颜,直接就冲到了第十二段,这也从侧面说明了冰凤本源之力的强大。 Without the Ice Phoenix source, Su Yan is impossible to complete this magnificent feat. 若没有冰凤本源,苏颜是不可能完成这个壮举的。 You had arrived at the lowest level, can once see Founder/Martial Ancestor Void Mind Crystal?” Luo Li asked this saying time, was more nervous. “你既已到了最底层,可曾见到祖师虚念晶?”洛黎问出这话的时候,神色更加紧张了。 Void Mind Crystal?” A Su Yan black eyebrow wrinkle, this has not seen actually, in that lowest level besides extremely powerful Domain, had Profound Frost Sword to insert there, ** has not discovered Void Mind Crystal.” 虚念晶?”苏颜黛眉一皱,“这倒是未曾见到,那最底层中除了极为强大的域场之外,就有玄霜剑插在那里了,**没有发现虚念晶。” Had not discovered!” In a Luo Li pair of beautiful pupil none explodes flashes, seemed like thought of anything, the expression fluctuated unceasingly, for a long time later, showed a smile, talked to oneself: So, rumor unexpectedly real, haha, rumor really real.” “没有发现!”洛黎一双美眸中精光爆闪,似乎是想到了什么,表情不断地变幻起来,许久之后,才露出一丝微笑,自语道:“如此看来,传言竟是真的,哈哈,传言果然是真的。” And finally, she cannot bear laugh unexpectedly, as if extremely inspired appearance. 到了最后,她竟忍不住哈哈大笑起来,仿佛极为振奋的样子。 Yang Kai knits the brows, the doubt said: What matter does senior refer to?” 杨开皱了皱眉,狐疑道:“前辈所指何事?” Opening of my Ice Heart Valley sends Founder/Martial Ancestor, possibly has not died!” Luo Li is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements! “我冰心谷的开派祖师,可能并没有死!”洛黎语不惊人死不休! The Yang Kai complexion changes, Su Yan did not forbid the small hand to cover the mouth. 杨开脸色一变,苏颜也不禁用小手捂住了嘴巴。 Naturally, this is only a possibility.” Luo Li shows a faint smile, after all such as the Founder/Martial Ancestor hand eye exceedingly high character, is like that impossible easily falls, my Ice Heart Valley Ancient Book record, in Nature Cold Pond, there is Profound Frost Divine Sword that Founder/Martial Ancestor keeps, but does Founder/Martial Ancestor have dead in a sitting posture, not a detailed record, in cold deep pool, since does not have Founder/Martial Ancestor Void Mind Crystal, then explained that she is possibly also living.”( To be continued.) “当然,这只是一个可能。”洛黎微微一笑,“毕竟如祖师那般手眼通天的人物,是不可能轻易陨落的,我冰心谷典籍记载,造化寒潭之中,有祖师留下来的玄霜神剑,但祖师到底有没有坐化,并没有一个详细的记录,寒潭之中既然没有祖师虚念晶,那么就说明她可能还活着。”(未完待续。)
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