MP :: Volume #17

#1660: Nature Cold Pond

Su Yan was put from Mysterious Boundary Bead by Yang Kai, alone goes to Extinct Ice Peak . 苏颜杨开玄界珠里放了出来,只身前往冰绝峰。. Although Yang Kai does not know why Luo Li must see Su Yan, coming out that but can also feel, this woman is harmless to Su Yan, he even felt like, this is a Su Yan chance. 虽然杨开不知道洛黎到底为什么要见苏颜,但也可以感觉的出来,这个女人对苏颜并无恶意,他甚至隐隐觉得,这是苏颜的一场机缘。 The strangeness of Su Yan appears lets protect Ice Heart Valley Elder outside garret to be astonished extremely. 苏颜的诡异出现让一直守护在阁楼外的冰心谷长老惊愕万分。 She simply has not seen Su Yan to enter the garret, but the opposite party actually walked from inside. 她根本没看到苏颜进过阁楼,可是对方却从里面走了出来。 for a moment, how cannot think through this is a matter. 一时间,怎么也想不通这到底是怎么一回事。 Yang Kai stays in the garret, starts Pill Refining. 杨开留在阁楼里,开始炼丹 Void King Grade Spirit Pill, did not say that the refinement can refine, according to comprehending of Yang Kai to True Secret Art of Alchemy, wants to refine Void King Grade Spirit Pill, must have outstanding pill to direct. 虚王级灵丹,不是说炼制就能炼制的,根据杨开炼丹真诀的参悟,想要炼制虚王级灵丹,必须得有出色的丹引。 pill directs to have mystical powers, medicine pill that refines can be called Spirit Pill. 丹引有灵,炼制出来的丹药才能称为灵丹 Yang Kai directs to locate high quality Monster Beast Core pill. 杨开将丹引定位成高品质妖兽内丹 In Monster Beast Core contained the Monster Beast vigor, naturally has Spirituality extremely, meets the condition. 妖兽内丹中蕴藏了妖兽的精气神,自然极有灵姓,也符合条件。 10 step Monster Beast Core, Yang Kai does not have, Ice Heart Valley does not have, but 9 step peak Monster Beast Core, Ice Heart Valley has many, in the middle of material that before then provides, has such a. 十阶妖兽内丹,杨开没有,冰心谷也没有,但是九阶巅峰妖兽内丹,冰心谷却有不少,在此之前提供的材料当中,就有那么一枚。 Following three said the time, Yang Kai could not close up. 接下来的三曰功夫,杨开一直闭关不出。 In the garret transmits some unusual sounds and sounds once for a while , is centered on the garret, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) smell as sweet. 阁楼里时不时传来一些异样的声响和动静,紧接着,以阁楼为中心,万丈飘香。 Had heard some news Bing Long and the others from Luo Li there dumbstruck, protected outside the garret, the startled chin was about to fall. 早已从洛黎那里听闻了一些消息的冰珑等人目瞪口呆,守护在阁楼外,惊的下巴都快掉下来了。 Yang Kai unexpectedly is really splendid Alchemy Expert, although does not know that he can refine Void King Grade Spirit Pill, but the only this kind of sound fully explained that he attainments on Pill Way is great. 杨开竟然真的是一位出色的炼丹师,虽然不知道他到底能不能炼制出虚王级灵丹,可单凭这样的动静就足以说明他在丹道上造诣不浅。 How this is but possible. 可是这怎么可能呢。 The Yang Kai age seems like not very big, cultivation level can be the Void Return 3-layer degree to be unthinkable enough, which his also has the unnecessary energy to study Pill Way? On this main road is so far. 杨开年纪看起来不是很大,一身修为能够达到返虚三层境的程度已经足够匪夷所思了,他哪还有多余的精力去研究丹道?更在这条大道上走的这么远。 Until at this moment, Bing Long and other talents realized that what terrifying Yang Kai is existence. 直到此刻,冰珑等人才意识到杨开到底是个什么样恐怖的存在。 Looks at the look of garret gradually is becoming awes. 望着阁楼的眼神逐渐变得敬畏起来。 With passing of time, the unusual sound that in the garret transmits is getting more and more obvious, has myriad multi-colored sunlight to flow out indistinctly, pill Medicinal Fragrance air/Qi that in the air flutters was also getting more and more rich, that fragrance enters the nose, making everyone be enlightened, the whole body is comfortable. 随着时间的流逝,阁楼里传来的异常动静越来越明显,隐约有万千霞光从中流出,空气中飘荡的丹药香气也越来越浓郁了,那香气入鼻,让每个人都醍醐灌顶,浑身舒泰。 Third time flashes by, front door no one in garret from opening. 三曰时间一晃而过,阁楼的大门无人自开。 Inside spreads the Yang Kai's sound: „The Bing Long senior please come to speak.” 里面传出杨开的声音:“冰珑前辈请进来说话。” Bing Long turns serious, hastily toward leading the way. 冰珑神色一正,连忙朝前行去。 Entered the garret, without big one will then walk, is nervous and inspired. 进了阁楼,没多大一会便又走了出来,表情紧张而振奋。 Valley Master, situation how?” Great Elder Ran Yunting and other human eyes are looking anxiously, news that they also obtain, Yang Kai this several days is being Supreme Elder refines Spirit Pill, at this moment naturally wants to know the result impatiently. 谷主,情况如何?”大长老冉云婷等人眼巴巴地望着,她们也都得到的消息,杨开几曰正在为太上长老炼制灵丹,此刻自然是迫不及待地想知道结果。 Bing Long did not speak, but in pure white a jade bottle the hand demonstrated that then took back Space Ring not silently, hurried to toward Extinct Ice Peak at the extremely quick speed. 冰珑不说话,只是将手上一个洁白的玉瓶展示了出来,然后又一言不发地收回空间戒,以极快的速度朝冰绝峰赶去。 „Did could it be that really refine?” The Ran Yunting complexion is grayish white, muttering. 难道真的炼成了?”冉云婷脸色灰白,喃喃自语着。 Other Elder look at the form that Bing Long is going far away, has a look at Ran Yunting, a few people sighed slightly, the eye pupil deep place gush out to blame the meaning. 其他长老望着冰珑远去的身影,又看看冉云婷,少数几人微微叹息一声,眼眸深处涌出一丝责怪之意。 Although they also know, if places on own Ran Yunting location/position, said that Chi Huo and Luo Hai arrive Ice Heart Valley, they may make the similar choice, gives up Su Yan, preserves Sect. 虽然她们也都知道,如果把自己放在冉云婷位置上,当曰赤火骆海驾临冰心谷,她们或许会做出同样的选择,放弃苏颜,保全宗门 But Yang Kai's strange performance and tremendous potential, makes them regret. 杨开的离奇表现和巨大的潜力,还是让她们后悔不已。 At that time if did not have to do, but protected Su Yan at risk of life...... that would be nice, in that case, can establish the relations with Yang Kai. 当时若是没有那么做,而是拼死保护苏颜……那该多好啊,那样的话,就可以与杨开搭上关系了。 Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, is this how honored status? 虚王级炼丹师,这是多么尊贵的身份? In the garret, Yang Kai close eyes controls one's breathing, this time refines Void King Grade Spirit Pill, lets he somewhat big sensibility, happen to Luo Li also needs some time to refine the medicine pill drug efficacy, restores the injury, makes up for the mind hidden danger, therefore he felt relieved that comprehends boldly. 阁楼里,杨开闭目调息,这一次炼制虚王级灵丹,让他有些不小的感悟,正好洛黎也需要一些时间来炼化丹药药效,恢复伤势,弥补心神隐患,所以他放心大胆地参悟起来。 When the Luo Li injury is restored to health, then when is mounts a large-scale attack Brilliant Fire Sect. 等到洛黎伤势康复,便是大举进攻火耀宗之时。 Yang Kai must extinguish Brilliant Fire Sect, part of reasons are because that does the relations of Thunder Fire Flame, he before Brilliant Fire Sect powerhouse, ** crosses Clean Sky Thunder Fire this Secret Technique, but Clean Sky Thunder Fire has certainly the major promotion role to Fiery Bird Spirit. 杨开要灭火耀宗,一部分原因是因为那乾天雷炎的关系,他之前遇到的火耀宗强者,都**过乾天雷火这种秘术,而乾天雷火对器灵火鸟有绝大的提升作用。 Another part of reasons naturally are because they provoked should not the person of provoking. 另外一部分原因自然是因为他们招惹了不该招惹的人。 Yang Kai has also had several friction and gratitude and grudges with this Sect, is very bad to their impressions. 杨开本身与这个宗门之间也有过几次摩擦和恩怨,对他们的印象很恶劣。 First later, Yang Kai opens eyes slowly, satisfaction nods. 一曰之后,杨开缓缓睁眼,满意点头。 The promotion on say/way of Pill Refining, really should begin much, refines Void King Grade Spirit Pill one time, made own gain in the substantial experiences, if there are enough many materials to practice acquiring a skill frequently, Yang Kai felt own Pill Refining Technique to be able straightly the promotion. 炼丹之道上的提升,果然还是应该多动手,一次炼制虚王级灵丹,就让自己积累了不少经验,如果有足够多的材料经常练手的话,杨开觉得自己炼丹术应该能直线提升。 The one side has the vision to throw, Yang Kai turns head to look, is seeing a Qing Ya starting to speak but hesitating appearance. 一旁有目光投来,杨开扭头看去,正见到青雅一副欲言又止的模样。 Qing Ya Senior Sister has the words to speak frankly is.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, what Spirit Pill do you also want me to help you refine?” 青雅师姐有话直说就是。”杨开微微一笑,“你是不是也要我帮你炼制什么灵丹?” Not.” Qing Ya beckons with the hand hastily, hesitates a meeting, said finally: Matter about Qian Hao.” “不不不。”青雅连忙摆手,迟疑了一会,最终还是道:“是关于千皓的事。” Qian Hao......” Yang Kai nods, the past said that one of the Ice Sect Elder, is the Qian Yue blood elder brother. 千皓……”杨开点点头,昔曰冰宗长老之一,是千月的亲哥哥。 In the past he also arrived at Scarlet Billow Star along with Qing Ya Su Yan two people together, because was just surnamed other relations, is unable to enter Ice Heart Valley, was good because of Ran Yunting its arrangement in Sect of Ice Heart Valley subordinate, heard these years also good. 当年他也随青雅苏颜两人一起来到了赤澜星,只不过因为姓别的关系,无法进入冰心谷,好在冉云婷将其安排在冰心谷下属的一个宗门之中,听说这些年过的也不错。 „Do you want to make him leave that Sect?” Yang Kai understands immediately Qing Ya was what meaning. “你是想让他离开那个宗门?”杨开立刻明白青雅是什么意思了。 Em, now I and Su Yan are not considered as that Ice Heart Valley **, Qian Hao, if also treats in that Sect, cannot exempt to be the contempt, since several of us have reunited now, without the truth lets Qian Hao one person alone outside, I want to make him come back.” “恩,如今我与苏颜都已经不算是冰心谷的**了,千皓如果还待在那个宗门的话,免不得会为人轻视,而且既然我们几个如今都已团聚,没道理让千皓一人独自在外,我想让他回来。” This easy to do.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, Spiritual Mind noses outward, sent greetings several to whom. “这好办。”杨开微微一笑,神念往外查探一番,给谁传音了几句。 After a little while, he smiles to look at Qing Ya saying: clear(ly) said that Qian Hao will come, when the time comes your Ice Sect several people can reunite.” 少顷,他笑望着青雅道:“明曰千皓就会过来,到时候你们冰宗的几个人就可以团聚了。” Thanks.” Qing Ya is filled with emotion. “谢谢。”青雅感慨万千。 Ice Sect that the past said that was on Tong Xuan Continent the huge influence second to none, Inner Sect **, although were not many, stated does not reveal, but a little powerhouses of weight/quantity know slightly existence of Ice Sect, ruling in one corner of the kingdom, said that the child was calm. 昔曰的冰宗,是通玄大陆上首屈一指的庞大势力,宗内**虽然不多,声明不显,但稍微有点分量的强者都知道冰宗的存在,偏安一隅,曰子波澜不惊。 But now, entire Ice Sect only had four people. 可是如今,整个冰宗就只剩下四个人了。 Looks back toward saying, Qing Ya even more treasures the present. 回首往曰,青雅愈发珍惜现在。 Su Yan looked for a good man! Qing Ya looks at Yang Kai, in the surface is showing a gratified smile. 苏颜找了个好男人啊!青雅望着杨开,面上露出一丝欣慰的微笑。 The Ice Heart Valley working efficiency is extremely high, second said, Qian Hao really arrived at Extinct Ice Island, after seeing Qing Ya, feels quite at home, good to inquire after the well being , after seeing Yang Kai, immediately stared dumbfounded, such as said white/in vain general damn. 冰心谷的办事效率还是极高的,第二曰,千皓果然来到了冰绝岛,见到青雅之后,倍感亲切,好一阵嘘寒问暖,待见到杨开之后,顿时瞠目结舌,如白曰见鬼一般。 Rubbed several eyes, this confirmed that Yang Kai really appeared in front of own, was not the own illusion. 揉了几次眼睛,这才确认杨开真的出现在了自己面前,并非是自己的幻觉。 Ok, you met again after a long separation, should have many words to say, relaxed the mind, I sent you to a place, there some people in you!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, said to Qing Ya and Qian Hao injunction. “好了,你们久别重逢,应该有很多话要说,放松心神,我送你们去一个地方,那里有人在等你们!”杨开微微一笑,冲青雅千皓嘱咐道。 two people has not asked too, lets loose the mind immediately. 两人并没有问太多,立刻放开心神。 Yang Kai hand one, an invisible strength covers two people, the next moment, Qing Ya and Qian Hao then vanished do not see, appear in Mysterious Boundary Bead. 杨开把手一张,一股无形的力量将两人笼罩,下一刻,青雅千皓便消失不见,出现在了玄界珠内。 The brother and sister meet, Qian Hao Qian Yue weeps...... 兄妹见面,千皓千月喜极而泣…… Also after is ten said that Yang Kai suddenly heard the pass on message of Luo Li, immediately leaves the garret, goes to Extinct Ice Peak. 又是十曰后,杨开忽然听到了洛黎的传讯,立刻离开阁楼,前往冰绝峰 The Luo Li sound was better than before, should be that Void King Grade Spirit Pill display affected, Yang Kai does not know that her this time wanted own to go to Extinct Ice Peak makes anything, but indistinct also guessed that should be related with Su Yan. 洛黎的声音比之前好很多,应该是那虚王级灵丹发挥作用了,杨开不知道她这一次自己前往冰绝峰到底是做什么,但是隐约也猜测到应该与苏颜有关。 Since that said after Su Yan entered Extinct Ice Peak, then had not appeared again. 自那一曰苏颜进了冰绝峰之后,便再没出现过。 Yang Kai was not worried, because in his induction, Su Yan is very safe. 杨开不担心,因为在他的感应中,苏颜很平安。 Not the big moment time, Yang Kai then arrived at the Extinct Ice Peak top, peak crudeness as always, besides thatched shed that around that leaks out, does not have the otherness again. 不大片刻功夫,杨开便来到了冰绝峰顶,峰顶处一如既往的简陋,除了那个四面漏风的茅草棚之外,再无他物。 Luo Li sits cross-legged to sit in the thatched shed, aura is steady, even facial expression also and ruddy. 洛黎就盘膝坐在茅草棚内,气息平稳,连气色也及其红润。 Her injury has recovered obviously. 她的伤势显然已经痊愈。 „Did you come?” Luo Li hints Yang Kai to sit down the speech. “你来了?”洛黎示意杨开坐下说话。 Yang Kai turned head to look, knits the brows: Su Yan?” 杨开扭头看了一圈,皱了皱眉:“苏颜呢?” He has not seen the Su Yan trail in this place unexpectedly. 他竟没在此地看到苏颜的踪迹。 young hero and Su Yan seem like a mysterious mind reading, could it be that could not detect that she is where?” Luo Li smiles but not answer. 少侠苏颜似乎有一种神奇的心灵感应,难道察觉不到她身在何处?”洛黎笑而不答。 Is this is testing me? 这是在考我? The Yang Kai corners of the mouth select slightly, the vision goes to the cold deep pool of not far away immediately. 杨开嘴角微微一挑,目光立刻投向不远处的一座寒潭。 That cold deep pool has about five chi (0.33 m) square, in Tan the water sees the person limpidly, deeply does not know above the little, cold deep pools, curling white clouds on straight, in that white clouds contained to the pure ice cold energy. 那寒潭约只有五尺见方,谭中之水清澈见人,深不知几许,寒潭上方,袅袅白气直上,那白气中蕴藏了最至纯的冰寒能量。 Yang Kai releases Spiritual Mind subconsciously, but quick then light well, the look becomes dignified, does not dare again hurriedly. 杨开下意识地释放神念,可很快便轻咦一声,神色变得凝重,不敢再造次了。 Previous time he comes here time, noticed this cold deep pool, but too had not carefully observed at that time, under this time Spiritual Mind nosing, somewhat was immediately surprised. 上次他来这里的时候,就注意到了这个寒潭,但当时并没有太仔细观察,这一次神念查探之下,顿时有些惊讶。 In that cold deep pool contained some Domain prestige energies unexpectedly, own Spiritual Mind searched into, is unable to extend is too far, was prevented directly, moreover there is a trend of freeze. 那寒潭中竟蕴藏了些许领域的威能,自己神念探入,根本无法延伸太远,直接被阻挡了回来,而且还有冻结的趋势。 Because there is a Mild Soul Lotus reason, the Yang Kai's Divine Consciousness strength endures compared with true Void King Stage. 因为有温神莲的缘故,杨开的神识力量堪比真正的虚王境 What background this cold deep pool is, unexpectedly can have such might? 这寒潭到底是什么来头,居然能有如此威力? But Yang Kai can also clearly feel, Su Yan in the cold deep pool very deep location/position place. 杨开也能清楚地感受到,苏颜就在寒潭很深的位置处。 This is my Ice Heart Valley Nature Cold Pond!” Luo Li sees Yang Kai to be puzzled, opens the mouth to explain on own initiative, compound is the Scarlet Billow Star two big gods buries with Brilliant Fire Sect that regimental grade cadre Thunder Fire Flame, enters the cold deep pool, the good fortune goes against heaven's will, said is this place.” “这是我冰心谷造化寒潭!”洛黎杨开一脸疑惑,主动开口解释起来,“与火耀宗的那一团乾天雷炎并列为赤澜星两大神葬,一入寒潭,造化逆天,说的就是这个地方。” Has what effect?” The Yang Kai vision brilliant is looking at that cold deep pool, discovered this thing was strange. “有何奇效?”杨开目光灼灼地望着那寒潭,也发现这东西的诡异了。 Right ** Ice Attribute ** the person, Nature Cold Pond was the bestowed by heaven gospel, my Ice Heart Valley here to establish School, because had the reason of this cold deep pool. It innate can transform the martial artist physique, making martial artist adapt to the ice cold world energy. My Ice Heart Valley high levels, had once profited from the cold deep pool.” “对**冰系**的人来说,造化寒潭是天赐福音,我冰心谷之所以在这里开宗立派,也正是因为有这口寒潭的缘故。它先天就可以改造武者的体质,让武者更加适应冰寒的天地能量。我冰心谷的高层们,都曾从寒潭中受益过。” Yang Kai nods gently, maintains composure. 杨开轻轻点头,不动声色。 Luo Li continues saying: However my Ice Heart Valley all previous generations Void King Stage powerhouse, before dying in a sitting posture, will clear Domain, can pour into the cold deep pool the prestige of Domain, as long as enters the person of cold deep pool, can comprehend the Domain of ice mystery, Domain ice cold Domain mystery.”( To be continued.) 洛黎继续道:“而我冰心谷历代虚王境强者,在坐化之前,就会散尽一身域场,将域场之威能灌入进寒潭之中,但凡进入寒潭之人,都可以从中参悟冰之意境的奥秘,领域冰寒域场玄机。”(未完待续。)
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