MP :: Volume #17

#1659: Chats the official business

Sees his one dignified, if the vegetarian appearance, the Luo Li secret nod, puts out a hand to give on Yang Kai front teacup but actually tea, on the mouth said: Tastes the this Palace Master snow to contain the pistil sharp .” The limpid tea brook class/flow, a aura front surface of delicate fragrance throws. 见他一副泰然若素的模样,洛黎暗暗点头,伸手给杨开面前的茶杯倒上茶水,口上道:“尝尝本宫的雪尖含蕊。.”清澈的茶水涓流而出,一股清香的气息迎面扑来。 The Yang Kai look moved, carries the teacup to place under the wing of the nose to smell several, in the surface revealed the color of being infatuated, at once raises head, drank one cup of tea upside down, was nipped including in which tea leaves in the mouth, is chewing unceasingly. 杨开神色一动,端起茶杯放在鼻翼下嗅了几下,面上露出陶醉之色,旋即一仰头,将一杯茶喝了个底朝天,连其中的一片茶叶都被咬在嘴里,不断地嘴嚼着。 Luo Li is startled slightly, at once says with a smile: Young Hero Yang browses evidently not deeply in the tea ceremony.” 洛黎微微一怔,旋即笑道:“杨少侠看样子在茶道上涉猎不深。” Has not studied.” Yang Kai laughed, these years was only busy bustling about, did not have time and thoughts study these.” “没研究过。”杨开嘿嘿一笑,“这些年只忙着东奔西走了,也没时间和心思去研究这些。” „The way things should be, young hero is young, then has shocking cultivation level, naturally is the person of assiduous exerting oneself.” “人之常情,少侠年纪轻轻,便已有惊天修为,自然是刻苦奋发之人。” Senior overpraised, but boy, although browsed not deeply to the tea ceremony, but also savored this tea to have the purity, exorcised falls the effect of fire, the senior came up to drink this tea to me, what is worried about?” Yang Kai faint smile. “前辈过奖,不过小子虽然对茶道涉猎不深,但也品味出这茶有清心寡欲,驱邪降火之效,前辈一上来就给我喝这茶,是在担心什么?”杨开似笑非笑。 Luo Li faint sighed: Why did Young Hero Yang ask something already known?” 洛黎幽幽一叹:“杨少侠何必明知故问?” Yang Kai look one austere, stern saying: „The boy did not speak the code words on the sighted person, the Ice Heart Valley beforehand attitude and action, truly let my very angry/vitality, had flash that I even want to destroy entire Ice Heart Valley!” 杨开神色一肃,正色道:“那小子就明人不说暗话了,冰心谷之前的态度和做法,确实让我很生气,有那么一瞬间,我甚至想把整个冰心谷摧毁!” The Luo Li look is invariable, but calmly is looking at Yang Kai, awaits calmly as follows. 洛黎神色不变,只是静静地望着杨开,静待下文。 But thinks now that was only then warm-blooded impulsion, actually did not have this necessity . Moreover, even if I really want to do that Su Yan will not agree.” “但是现在想想,那只是当时的热血冲动罢了,其实也没这个必要,而且,就算我真想这么做,苏颜也不会同意的。” Listens to Yang Kai to raise Su Yan, in the Luo Li surface flashes through low-spirited: Su Yan is a good child, I have taught her several times, her becoming aware surname, aptitude, heart surname all excellent, Su Yan that without this matter, he said that must become my Ice Heart Valley backbone, leading Ice Heart Valley to step onto the new magnificence.” 杨开提起苏颜,洛黎面上闪过一丝黯然:“苏颜是个好孩子,我教导过她几次,她的悟姓,资质,心姓无不绝佳,若没有今次之事,他曰的苏颜,必会成为我冰心谷的顶梁柱,带领冰心谷走上新的辉煌。” Pitifully does not have, if.” Yang Kai coldly smiles. “可惜没有如果。”杨开冷冷一笑。 this time is Ice Heart Valley is not right, is Luo Li is not right, Young Hero Yang can the Sir be massive, relinquishes difference, Luo Li in this thanks!” During the speeches, Luo Li sets out, does obeisance to Yang Kai gracefully. 这一次冰心谷不对,是洛黎不对,杨少侠能大人大量,不计前嫌,洛黎在此谢过!”说话间,洛黎起身,冲杨开盈盈一拜。 Yang Kai knits the brows, but the complexion has actually relaxed, thinks saying: Senior was serious, the senior was the Void King Stage powerhouse, the boy is Void Return 3-layer, the senior so may fold the ghost boy.” 杨开皱眉,不过脸色却有所缓和,想了想道:“前辈严重了,前辈乃虚王境强者,小子不过是返虚三层境,前辈如此可折煞小子了。” Luo Li sincere shakes the head: Ning Qilao, gets up not few, this Palace Master was old, but young hero will also have excellently in the future, although this Palace Master will be somewhat shortsighted, will actually also know young hero future surely light.” 洛黎正色摇头:“宁欺老,莫起少,本宫老了,而少侠却还有大好未来,本宫虽然有些目光短浅,却也知道少侠的未来必定一片光明。” Yang Kai laughs: Receives the senior auspicious words.” 杨开哈哈大笑:“承前辈吉言。” Laughter, Yang Kai said with deep veneration: Since the senior so has a frank and sincere talk, the boy gives the low-down with the senior, from now henceforth, Su Yan, Qing Ya no longer is Ice Heart Valley **, but all achievement before Ice Heart Valley, I also no longer haggle over.” 笑声一顿,杨开肃然道:“既然前辈如此开诚布公,那小子就跟前辈交个底,从今以后,苏颜,青雅不再是冰心谷**,而冰心谷之前的一切作为,我也不再计较。” In the Luo Li surface flashes through light low-spirited, the small head light chin: So then good, is my Ice Heart Valley does not have the good fortune and chance, no wonder others.” 洛黎面上闪过一丝淡淡的黯然,螓首轻颔:“如此便好,是我冰心谷没有福气和机缘,怪不得旁人。” Senior can think that was good.” Yang Kai satisfaction nods. “前辈能这么想,那就再好不过了。”杨开满意点头。 Luo Li is very good to speak, these comes, although Yang Kai mainly to carry off Qing Ya, is intends to with Ice Heart Valley this Supreme Elder unable to meet, draws a line for Su Yan and Ice Heart Valley. 洛黎还是很好说话的,这一趟过来,杨开虽然主要是为了带走青雅,也是有意要与冰心谷这个太上长老见上一面,代苏颜冰心谷划清界限。 After all Ice Heart Valley raised taught Su Yan and Qing Ya more than 30 years, the merit was greatest, although the actions of moment made Yang Kai extremely angry finally disappointedly, but some words must say clear. 毕竟冰心谷养育教导了苏颜青雅三十多年,功劳莫大,虽然最后关头的所作所为让杨开极度愤怒失望,可有些话还是要说清楚的。 Ok, the private affair said that we chat the official business.” A Yang Kai look revolution, is looking at Luo Li grinningly, that appearance seemed like and annihilated the business, as if must engage in speculation anything. “好了,私事说完了,咱们聊聊公事。”杨开神色一转,笑嘻嘻地望着洛黎,那模样看起来像及了歼商,仿佛是要投机倒把些什么。 Luo Li one dull: Official business? What official business?” 洛黎一呆:“公事?什么公事?” Circling is she is extremely bright, somewhat could not keep up with the rhythm that the Yang Kai thought transformed. 绕是她冰雪聪明,也有些跟不上杨开思维转变的节奏了。 Battle of Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley on Scarlet Billow Star several thousand over ten thousand years, have the indelible Blood Sea deep enmity, Ice Heart Valley ** dies the population on Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist is countless, now Brilliant Fire Sect Supreme Elder Chi Huo had been cut to kill by me, does the could it be that senior have no idea?” Yang Kai smile looks at Luo Li, leisure said/tunnel: For example, stamps out the source of trouble, by never recurring trouble anything.” 火耀宗冰心谷赤澜星上争斗了几千上万年,彼此间有着不可磨灭的血海深仇,冰心谷**死在火耀宗武者手上的人数数之不尽,如今火耀宗太上长老赤火已被我斩杀,难道前辈就没什么想法嘛?”杨开微笑地看着洛黎,慢悠悠地道:“比如说,斩草除根,以绝后患什么的。” The Luo Li complexion changes, shakes looks surprised to Yang Kai: young hero actually cruel and merciless person.” 洛黎脸色一变,震愕地望向杨开:“少侠倒是心狠手辣之人。” Snort, the person is not ruthless, cannot come to a stop.” Yang Kai sneers constantly. “哼,人不狠,站不稳。”杨开冷笑不迭。 In beautiful pupil of Luo Li blooming extraordinary splendor: These words appeal to both cultured and popular tastes actually, this Palace Master looked down on young hero actually.” 洛黎的美眸中绽放异彩:“这句话倒是雅俗共赏,本宫倒是小瞧少侠了。” „The meaning of senior?” “那前辈的意思?” Is open about the facts young hero, this Palace Master has this idea early, Chi Huo dies, Brilliant Fire Sect a group of people without a leader, is to truly understand the golden opportunities of two schools of ten thousand years of gratitude and grudges at present, but...... this Palace Master strong in will but weak in power.” “不瞒少侠,本宫早有这个想法,赤火一死,火耀宗群龙无首,眼下确实是了解两派万年恩怨的大好时机,但是……本宫有心无力啊。” Yang Kai looking pensive, nods gently said: „Does senior refer to the own hidden danger on internal injury and mind?” 杨开若有所思,轻轻颔首道:“前辈是指自己的暗伤和心神上的隐患吧?” „The young hero vision is sinister.” Luo Li had not denied. 少侠眼光毒辣。”洛黎并没有否认。 The internal injury in within the body, previous time is exercised martial arts to make a mistake to cause, on the hidden danger to in the heart god, is when decided that gives up Su Yan remaining, the latter makes former's situation have one misfortune after another, this is the reason that Luo Li has held troops. 她体内的暗伤,是上一次练功出错而导致的,至于心神上的隐患,是在决定放弃苏颜的时候留下来的,后者让前者的情况雪上加霜,这才是洛黎一直按兵不动的缘故。 Otherwise, when among the gratitude and grudges according to two schools, was cut in Chi Huo said, Luo Li that kills went to Brilliant Fire Mountain Range, eradicated Brilliant Fire Sect. 否则按照两派之间的恩怨,早在赤火被斩杀的当曰,洛黎就已经前往火耀山脉,将火耀宗连根拔起了。 Even so, in the method of senior, could it be that doesn't have the means with Brilliant Fire Sect?” Yang Kai doubt. “即便如此,以前辈的手段,难道火耀宗也没有办法?”杨开狐疑。 young hero chatted.” Luo Li laughs in spite of trying not to shake the head, perhaps, if the this Palace Master heyday, 70% assurances break through Brilliant Fire Sect Protect Mountain Formation, but by the present situation...... difficult, although Brilliant Fire Sect now does not have the Void King Stage powerhouse to assume personal command, but in Sect also many Void Return Stage Peak Expert, in coordination Protect Mountain Formation, there is the possibility to stay behind this Palace Master.” 少侠说笑了。”洛黎失笑摇头,“若是本宫全盛时期,或许有70%的把握攻破火耀宗护山大阵,但以眼下的情况……难啊,火耀宗如今虽然没有虚王境强者坐镇,但是宗门里也有不少返虚镜顶峰高手,配合上护山大阵,也有可能将本宫留下。” I looked down on Brilliant Fire Sect actually!” Yang Kai feels the chin, in the surface reveals a dignity. “我倒是小瞧了火耀宗!”杨开摸着下巴,面上露出一丝凝重。 After all inherited over ten thousand years of huge Sect, some many also background. 毕竟是传承了上万年的庞大宗门,多少也有一些底蕴 „...... I, if can make the senior restore the heyday, drives out the internal injury and hidden danger, in addition do I coordinate from side?” Yang Kai smiled suddenly strangely. “不过……我若是能让前辈恢复全盛时期,驱除暗伤和隐患,再加上我从旁配合呢?”杨开忽然诡异地笑了起来。 What?” Luo Li is startled, the black eyebrow wrinkles: You said that can make me restore the heyday?” “什么?”洛黎一怔,黛眉皱起:“你说能让我恢复全盛时期?” Good!” “不错!” But my this kind of injury, general Spirit Pill wonderful medicine is useless, only then Void King Grade Spirit Pill, will have the effect, moreover must be specific several Void King Grade Spirit Pill!” Saying, Luo Li seemed like realized anything, the complexion big change, called out in alarm said: could it be that is young hero Void King Grade Alchemy Expert?” “可是我这样的伤势,一般的灵丹妙药是没有用的,只有虚王级灵丹,才会有效果,而且还必须是特定的几种虚王级灵丹!”说着,洛黎似乎是意识到了什么,面色大变,惊呼道:“难道少侠还是一位虚王级炼丹师?” Yang Kai smiles not to speak, appears is as deep as a well: Is, the senior please wait. Em, I need these materials, by Ice Heart Valley background, coming out that should be able to take, the senior listened and......” 杨开笑而不语,显得高深莫测:“是不是的,前辈请拭目以待好了。恩,我需要这些材料,以冰心谷底蕴,应该可以拿的出来,前辈且听好了……” Yang Kai sent out one string of medicinal herbs reputation, all was Void King Grade medicinal herbs. 杨开报出一串药材的名声,无一不是虚王级药材 Luo Li thorough delay, takes down attentively, while sizes up Yang Kai with vision an unthinkably, the tender body cannot bear tremble lightly. 洛黎彻底呆滞,一边用心记下,一边用一种匪夷所思地目光打量杨开,娇躯都忍不住轻颤起来。 All sorts of signs showed, this youth also really may be Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, worst, behind him also Void King Grade Alchemy Expert supports, otherwise, does he want so many medicinal herbs to do? 种种迹象表明,这个青年还真有可能是一位虚王级炼丹师,最不济的,他背后也有一位虚王级炼丹师撑腰,否则的话,他要那么多药材干嘛? In the Luo Li heart turned the difficult situation, for a very long time was unappeasable. 洛黎心中翻起了惊涛骇浪,久久无法平息。 Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, in entire Star Territory is extremely rare, coming that a palm of the hand can count, these people all are famous existences, even if the Void King 3-layer top boundary powerhouse sees them, still respectful courteous, does not dare to have neglects slightly. 虚王级炼丹师,在整个星域中都是凤毛麟角,一个巴掌都能数的过来,这些人无一不是鼎鼎大名的存在,即便是虚王三层顶尖境强者见到他们,也得恭敬有礼,不敢有丝毫怠慢。 They are the entire Star Territory true noble people. 他们是整个星域真正的高贵之人。 If at present this youth is really Void King Grade Alchemy Expert, that Ice Heart Valley this loss may be big. 如果眼前这青年真是一位虚王级炼丹师的话,那冰心谷这次的损失可就大了。 Thinks of here, Luo Li somewhat becomes dark at present faintly, nearly fainted, the good evil intention to be surnamed cultivation level to be good, is suppressing the shock in heart, keeps sober. 一想到这里,洛黎眼前就隐隐有些发黑,险些晕了过去,好歹心姓修为不错,强忍着心中的震惊,保持清醒。 „Should these materials, not be difficult to look?” Yang Kai is looking at Luo Li. “这些材料,应该不难找吧?”杨开望着洛黎 I will then make one go to storehouse nosing, material that young hero said that in the storehouse should have the stock!” “我会即可让人去库房查探的,少侠所说的材料,库房里应该会有库存!” So good, em, I also need a secret room.” “如此就好,恩,我还需要一间密室。” this Palace Master will make one arrange!” Luo Li nods immediately. 本宫自会让人安排好!”洛黎立刻点头。 Ok, third later, I will come this place, the senior to wait again!” Yang Kai station. “好了,三曰之后,我会再来此地,前辈拭目以待吧!”杨开站了起来。 Young Hero Yang......” Luo Li sets out to shout similarly. 杨少侠……”洛黎同样起身呼喊。 What matter does senior have?” “前辈还有何事?” I want to ask, you deliberately planned to extinguish Brilliant Fire Sect, for anything! Although Wei Feng , said is degrading Su Yan, but he had died after all, in addition, didn't Brilliant Fire Sect seem to provoke young hero? You always to not help our Ice Heart Valley do these matters.” “我想请问,你处心积虑要灭了火耀宗,是为了什么!虽说卫风当曰有辱苏颜,但他毕竟已经死了,除此之外,火耀宗似乎没招惹过少侠吧?你总不会是为了帮助我们冰心谷而做这些事的。” Who said that they haven't provoked me?” Yang Kai snort/hum, they have provoked my several times, naturally, this is not the primary cause, I must cope with Brilliant Fire Sect , because I want their doing Thunder Fire Flame!” “谁说他们没招惹过我?”杨开哼了哼,“他们招惹过我好几次了,当然,这不是主要原因,我要对付火耀宗,是因为我想要他们的乾天雷炎!” The Luo Li complexion changes, shouted lowly: young hero big appetite! That does Thunder Fire Flame is Brilliant Fire Sect the foundation of vertical sect, it is reported that is clever, the prestige can measure not, this Palace Master does not dare to go to enter without permission Brilliant Fire Sect, the most worry is this regimental grade cadre Thunder Fire Flame!” 洛黎脸色一变,低呼道:“少侠好大的胃口!那乾天雷炎乃是火耀宗的立宗之本,据传已经通灵,威能莫测,本宫之所以不敢去擅闯火耀宗,最大的顾虑就是这一团乾天雷炎!” Yes, that was good, can make the senior so dread, this does the Thunder Fire Flame evidently no small matter, I win!” Yang Kai laughs happily. “是嘛,那太好了,能让前辈如此忌惮,这乾天雷炎看样子非同小可,我志在必得啊!”杨开愉快大笑起来。 You......” Luo Li stunned gaze at Yang Kai, thought that this person is really a lunatic, even own does Thunder Fire Flame to dread incomparably to that he did not fear unexpectedly, does not know that has anything to take advantage. “你……”洛黎愕然地注视杨开,心想这人果然是个疯子,连自己对那乾天雷炎都忌惮无比,他居然一点也不怕,也不知道到底有什么依仗。 Hopes he is not person of the Expert lowering. 希望他不是眼高手低之人吧。 In the Luo Li heart is praying secretly. 洛黎心中暗暗祈祷着。 The look goes through fluctuates, Luo Li as if made any big decision, opens the mouth to say again: „Can Young Hero Yang , make Su Yan see one side this Palace Master if possible again? Some this Palace Master matters want to tell her.” 神色几经变幻,洛黎仿佛做出了什么重大的决定般,再度开口道:“杨少侠,若是有机会的话,能否让苏颜再来见本宫一面?本宫有些事想跟她说。” Yang Kai looks at she, crossed earnestly some little time, nods saying: Good, tonight I make Su Yan see you, first said goodbye.” 杨开认真地看着她,过了好一会,才点点头道:“好,今晚我就让苏颜来见你,先告辞了。” Many thanks young hero.” Luo Li nods gently. “多谢少侠。”洛黎轻轻点头。 Yang Kai got down Extinct Ice Peak, sees him to return in Qing Ya that under the peak waits for safely, relaxes. 杨开一路下了冰绝峰,在峰下等候的青雅见他安然归来,不禁松了一口气。 But Bing Long obtained the pass on message of Luo Li obviously, immediately welcomes, opens the mouth saying: Young Master Yang please come along with me.” 冰珑显然得到了洛黎的传讯,立刻迎了上来,开口道:“杨公子请随我来。” Had the work!” “有劳了!” not the big moment time, Yang Kai was then arranged in some garret in island, but these medicinal herbs that he sent out before, collects in the short half double-hour all, was delivered by Bing Long personally.( To be continued.) 不大片刻功夫,杨开便被安排在内岛的某栋阁楼里,而他之前报出的那些药材,也在短短的半个时辰内尽数凑齐,由冰珑亲自送了过来。(未完待续。)
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