MP :: Volume #17

#1658: Returns to Extinct Ice Island again

Meets with a family member friend, feels their cares and concerns . 与一众亲人朋友见面,感受他们的关心和关怀。. The Yang Kai body and mind is warm 杨开身心温暖 He suddenly discovered, own thinks of every means to return to Tong Xuan Continent, leads these people are a wise incomparable decision. 他忽然发现,自己费尽心思返回通玄大陆,将这些人带出来是个明智无比的决定。 Azure Tree has the root, the running water active, Tong Xuan Continent these people, are the Yang Kai's roots, is the Yang Kai's source. 青木有根,流水有源,通玄大陆的这些人,便是杨开的根,便是杨开的源。 Does not have a wood, the passive inkstone well decides not President to be long. 无根之木,无源之水注定不会长久。 In Mysterious Boundary Bead, to celebrate the return of Su Yan, Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans chats the banquet, the atmosphere is lively. 玄界珠内,为了庆祝苏颜的回归,人妖魔三族大摆筵席,气氛热闹至极。 At the session exchanges toasts, lively banquet scene, regardless of the cultivation level height, regardless of the age size, all integrates. 席间推杯换盏,觥筹交错,无论修为高低,无论年纪大小,皆融入其中。 Yang Kai was filled to climb down by the Three Clans powerhouse directly, wakes up the later headache to crack. 杨开直接被三族强者灌爬下,醒来之后头疼欲裂。 Afterward, Yang Kai accompanied the parents two saying that by completely the filial piety, this hastily left Mysterious Boundary Bead. 随后,杨开又陪了父母两曰,以尽孝道,这才匆匆离开玄界珠 Just before leaving before, Yang Kai will melt the monster to teach to Su Yan definitely. 临走之前,杨开将化妖决传授给了苏颜 Present Su Yan had the strength of Ice Phoenix source, similarly ** melts the monster to decide, the Source Strength quantity of development within the body, powerful. 如今的苏颜有了冰凤本源之力,同样可以**化妖决,开发体内的本源力量,强大自身。 Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk also remained. 万载冰玉台也留了下来。 This most precious object was used to put Sun's True Essence, now does not have the use on Yang Kai, may to Su Yan, actually be an extremely powerful assistance ** treasure. 这件至宝本是用来盛放太阳真精的,如今在杨开手上已经没有用处了,可对苏颜来说,却是一个极为强大的辅助**的宝贝。 Has Ten Thousand Years Ice Jade Desk, Su Yan ** the speed must promote about 30% at least. 万载冰玉台,苏颜的**速度最起码要提升30%左右。 Arranges all, Yang Kai spreads again in the Ice Heart Valley direction. 安排好一切,杨开再次朝冰心谷的方向驰去。 Extinct Ice Island, a peace. 冰绝岛,一片安宁。 ** From recently/previously seemed to have also said that in the shocking war complementary waves of child restored, this/should ** **, this/should closing up of closing up, said that the child is calm. **们似乎也已经从前段曰子的惊天大战余波中恢复了过来,该**的**,该闭关的闭关,曰子波澜不惊。 Outlying islet, under an icy peak, female that wears the white long skirt is cleaning the ice road, suddenly gust of wind has spread from the side, that female ** could not bear fight a shiver, inexplicable had a terrified feeling to raise from the heart. 外岛,一座冰峰下,一个身穿洁白长裙的女子正在清扫冰道,忽然一阵疾风从身边驰过,那女**忍不住打了个寒战,莫名的有一种惶恐的感觉从心中升起。 Her doubt raises the head, sizes up all around, is anything had not actually discovered. 她狐疑地抬头,打量四周,却是什么也没发现。 Some doubts, think, shakes the head to continue to clean the ice road. 不由地有些疑惑,想了一阵,摇头继续清扫冰道。 Before being away from the icy peak of this female not far away, the form appears together strangely. 在距离这女子不远处的一座冰峰前,一道身影诡异出现。 His footsteps keep, goes toward a location/position line of icehouse fine, not the big moment time, before then came to the icehouse, looks is preventing in front restriction formation, shows a faint smile, puts out a hand in the front Void place. 他脚步不停,精致地朝一个冰室的位置行去,不大片刻功夫,便来到了冰室前,望着阻挡在前方的禁制法阵,微微一笑,伸手在前方虚空处一点。 The 1-layer ripples have swung, restriction was broken, he walked directly. 一层涟漪荡过,禁制被破,他直接走了进去。 In the icehouse, Qing Ya is sitting cross-legged to sit on the ground, the hand holds the fragrant cheek, with the Stone Puppet big eye to small eye. 冰室内,青雅正盘膝坐在地上,手托着香腮,与石傀大眼对小眼。 She as if in the appearance that Stone Puppet is interested in very much. 她似乎对石傀很感兴趣的样子。 Yang Kai and Su Yan , said that cuts two big Void King Stage in the shocking method continually, retreats after the war immediately, has not attended to her, regarding this, Qing Ya does not have the complaint, she also guessed indistinctly Yang Kai and Su Yan two people was possibly injured, therefore has not stopped over. 杨开苏颜当曰以惊天手段连斩两大虚王境,战后立刻退走,并没有顾的上她,对此,青雅毫无怨言,她隐约也猜测到杨开苏颜两人可能受伤了,所以才没有丝毫逗留。 Let alone, Yang Kai, although walks, will actually leave behind this strange Stone Puppet to protect own, Qing Ya will certainly not have what complaint. 更何况,杨开虽走,却留下了这个古怪的石傀守护自己,青雅当然不会有什么怨言。 She also knows, Yang Kai and Su Yan will return to Ice Heart Valley surely again, carries off own. 她也知道,杨开苏颜必定会再次返回冰心谷,把自己带走的。 These said the child, Qing Ya did not close door, waited for in the icehouse, when idling to be bored, then such as present this appearance, looks at each other with Stone Puppet mutually. 这些曰子,青雅一直闭门未出,在冰室内翘首以盼,闲来无聊时,便如现在这副样子,与石傀互相对视。 She discovered, although Stone Puppet has spiritual wisdom, regardless of what a pity own said anything, it will not respond to own, but follows proximally side own. 她发现,石傀虽有灵智,可惜无论自己说什么,它都不会回应自己,只是寸步不离地跟在自己身边。 Little fellow, you said when Yang Kai and Su Yan will come.” Qing Ya sighed leisurely, once, she took Ice Heart Valley as the honor, but after experiencing the previous time matter, she has wanted to leave this place impatiently, left this Sect that let her sadly even nearly death. “小家伙,你说杨开苏颜什么时候才会来啊。”青雅悠悠一叹,曾经,她以冰心谷为荣,但是经历了上次的事情之后,她已经迫不及待地想要离开这个地方了,离开这个让她伤心甚至险些死亡的宗门 Yeah, the stupid appearance, how you do not know that spoke words.” Qing Ya put out a hand to shoot on the Stone Puppet forehead. “哎,呆头呆脑的样子,你怎么就不知道说句话呢。”青雅伸手在石傀脑门上弹了一下。 The index finger is painful, Stone Puppet is actually blinking the eye, bewildered color. 食指生疼,石傀却眨巴着眼睛,一脸茫然之色。 Qing Ya was amused by its appearance, cannot bear tenderly giggles get up. 青雅被它的样子逗乐了,忍不住咯咯娇笑起来。 Happy.” Suddenly, a sound passed on. “心情不错啊。”忽然,一个声音传了过来。 The Qing Ya complexion changes suddenly, a Saint Yuan conditioned reflex revolution, but when responded who after this sound stems from the mouth, immediately over the face looks pleasantly surprised toward side. 青雅脸色骤变,一身圣元条件反射般地运转起来,不过待反应过来这声音出自谁人之口后,顿时满面惊喜地朝旁望去。 A youth stands there with a smile, the smiling face is bright, as if there is sunlight, scattered the coldness and dim in icehouse. 一个青年笑吟吟地站在那里,笑容灿烂明媚,仿佛有阳光,驱散了冰室中的寒冷和昏暗。 The Stone Puppet two black soybeans small eyeballs also exploded to project astonishing rays of light, the hands and feet and land crawl side the youth, stretched out the thick five fingers to refer to own, referred to Qing Ya, wants to say appearance that anything could also not say. 石傀两只黑豆般的小眼珠也爆射出惊人的光芒,手脚并用地爬到了青年身边,伸出粗大的五指指了指自己,又指了指青雅,一副想说什么却又说不出来的样子。 Knew, you protect active, must praise the praise well!” The youth tapped the head of Stone Puppet. “知道了,你守护有功,得好好表扬表扬!”青年拍了拍石傀的脑袋。 The Stone Puppet small eye narrows the eyes, obviously enjoys very much. 石傀小眼睛眯起,明显很受用。 Yang Kai!” Qing Ya shouted lowly, at once complexion one red. 杨开!”青雅低呼,旋即脸色一红。 That own thought aloud evidently a moment ago, was definitely given to see by him, this makes Qing Ya somewhat embarrassed. 看样子自己刚才自言自语的一幕,肯定被他给看到了,这让青雅有些窘迫。 However quick, Qing Ya adjusted the look, asked kindly: „Were you all right?” 不过很快,青雅就调整好了神色,关切地问道:“你没事了吧?” Yang Kai shakes the head: If there is a matter not to appear here.” 杨开摇了摇头:“若是有事就不会出现在这里了。” That is good, well...... Su Yan?” The Qing Ya complexion changes, she has not seen the Su Yan form, thinks subconsciously had what not good matter. “那就好,咦……苏颜呢?”青雅脸色一变,她没看到苏颜的身影,下意识地以为发生了什么不好的事情。 Su Yan in a very safe place.” Yang Kai hints her should not be anxious, „my time, is to lead you to walk, prepared?” 苏颜在一个很安全的地方。”杨开示意她不要紧张,“我这次来,是要带你走的,准备好了么?” Qing Ya took a deep breath, sincere nod: Has prepared.” 青雅深吸一口气,正色点头:“早就准备好了。” That walks!” Yang Kai crooked head, suddenly frowns, the hand feels the chin, the faint smile: „, Was not discovered.” “那就走吧!”杨开歪了歪脑袋,忽然又皱起眉头,手摸着下巴,似笑非笑道:“唔,被发现了呢。” At this moment, a chilly sound reverberation in icehouse: Young Hero Yang, since came, why anxiously departure? If there is time, how might as well comes Extinct Ice Peak to sit?” 就在这时,一个清冷的声音回荡在冰室之中:“杨少侠既然来了,又何必急着离去?若有时间的话,不妨来冰绝峰一坐如何?” Supreme Elder!” Qing Ya Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors, loses one's voice to call out in alarm, she listens to this sound Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder Luo Li to send out. 太上长老!”青雅花容失色,失声惊呼,她听出这个声音正是冰心谷太上长老洛黎发出的。 Yang Kai throws toward her by a reassurance look, is looking at Void somewhere, near the corners of the mouth exudes a subtle curve, bright sound said: Senior great kindness, the boy was actually disrespectful!” 杨开朝她投以一个放心的眼神,望着虚空某处,嘴角边泛起一个微妙的弧度,朗声道:“前辈盛情,小子就却之不恭了!” That this Palace Master in Extinct Ice Peak, awaits respectfully your honorable self!” The Luo Li sound falls, in Void that said that Spiritual Mind also vanishes does not see. “那本宫就在冰绝峰,恭候大驾!”洛黎的声音落下,虚空中那道神念也消失不见。 Walks!” Yang Kai beckons to Qing Ya. “走吧!”杨开青雅招了招手。 Yang Kai......” in the Qing Ya surface full worries about the color. 杨开……”青雅的面上满是担忧之色。 Relax, she is well-meant.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “放心,她没有恶意的。”杨开微微一笑。 Listened to him saying that Qing Ya felt relieved thoroughly, followed closely after Yang Kai, went toward the layman. 听他这么说,青雅才彻底放下心来,紧随在杨开之后,朝外行去。 Before coming to the icehouse, Qing Ya shouted one lowly, she discovered impressively before the icehouse, unexpectedly stood more than ten people, from Valley Master, to various Great Elder, does not know when has built up in this all, seems waiting for the Yang Kai's appearance. 来到冰室前,青雅不禁低呼一声,她赫然发现冰室前居然站了十几个人,上至谷主,下至各大长老,不知道什么时候已经尽数集结于此,似乎正在等候杨开的样子。 Sees Yang Kai to appear, the expression of everyone one positive, with deep veneration by right. 见到杨开出现,每个人的表情都不由一正,肃然以对。 Yang Kai is the expression is invariable, moves forward to meet somebody directly. 杨开却是表情不变,径直迎了上去。 Young Master Yang......” Bing Long nods to Yang Kai gently, has greeted, but she actually changed to the Yang Kai's name, when obviously said that shocking fought in her heart also had the drastic effect. 杨公子……”冰珑杨开轻轻颔首,算是打过招呼,不过她对杨开的称呼却变了,可见当曰那惊天一战在她心中也造成了巨大的影响。 Bing Long senior!” Yang Kai held holding the fist in the other hand. 冰珑前辈!”杨开抱了抱拳。 „It is not at all.” Bing Long beckons with the hand hastily, „, if Young Master Yang not abandoned, calls this Mistress Bing Long by all means is.” “不敢当。”冰珑连忙摆手,“若杨公子不弃,只管唤妾身一声冰珑便是。” Coming out that can look, Bing Long obviously relaxes, she before here, but also really feared that Yang Kai does not give any good complexion, or made impertinent remarks and so on, prepared for stoical psychology, actually does not think that Yang Kai genial like wind, the attitude was amiable, actually own somewhat by villain's heart gentleman's abdomen. 可以看的出来,冰珑明显松了口气,她在来这里之前,还真怕杨开不给什么好脸色,又或者出言不逊之类的,本已做好的忍辱负重的心理准备,却不想杨开和煦如风,态度随和,倒是自己有些以小人之心度君子之腹了。 Somewhat is for a while ashamed. 一时不禁有些惭愧。 Evidently, he really does not have the hostility to Ice Heart Valley, in the Bing Long heart a big stone falls to the ground. 看样子,他对冰心谷果然是没有敌意的,冰珑心中一块大石落了地。 Then guides on Lao Qingbing Valley Master before.” Yang Kai signals by nodding. “那就劳请冰谷主前头带路吧。”杨开点头示意。 Here invited!” Bing Long leaned the body, give away the path. “这边请!”冰珑侧开了身子,让出道路。 Yang Kai takes a step to forward. 杨开迈步向前。 In the crowd, the Ran Yunting look goes through fluctuates, finally could not bear, opens the mouth to ask: Su Yan? She where? Situation how?” 人群中,冉云婷的神色几经变幻,最终还是没忍住,开口问道:“苏颜呢?她在哪里?情况如何?” The Yang Kai footsteps stop, turn head, looked at Ran Yunting one lightly. 杨开脚步停下,回过头来,淡淡地看了冉云婷一眼。 The hearts of more than ten Elder mention the throat immediately, the Bing Long also complexion is intense, hits the meaningful glance toward Ran Yunting unceasingly. 十几位长老的心立刻提到了嗓子眼,就连冰珑也脸色紧张,不断地朝冉云婷打眼色。 Ran Yunting ignores, with Yang Kai's vision looking at each other, said with a smile bitterly and astringently: What my Honored Master works as is unqualified, but I only want to know that now Su Yan is whether safe.” 冉云婷置若罔闻,与杨开的目光对视,苦涩一笑道:“我这个师尊当的是不合格,但是我如今只想知道苏颜是否安全。” „Very safe, has the work to worry about!” Yang Kai light response. “很安全,有劳挂心!”杨开淡淡回应。 Safety good!” Ran Yunting relaxes. “安全就好!”冉云婷松了口气。 From now henceforth, Su Yan and Ice Heart Valley do not have the connection again.” After Yang Kai said that continues to face forward to walk. “从今以后,苏颜冰心谷再无瓜葛。”杨开说完之后,继续朝前走去。 The Ran Yunting body trembles, on face bitter and astringent wins, more than ten Elder majority also sighed, shook the head slowly, the look was low-spirited. 冉云婷身躯一颤,脸上的苦涩更胜,十几位长老大多数也都叹息一声,缓缓摇头,神色黯然。 Extinct Ice Peak is a Extinct Ice Island most center icy peak, it is not biggest, most palatial icy peak, but is world's spiritual energy is richest, Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder Luo Li, then dives to cultivate on Extinct Ice Peak. 冰绝峰冰绝岛最中心处的一座冰峰,它不是最高大,最巍峨的冰峰,但却是天地灵气最浓郁的,冰心谷太上长老洛黎,便在冰绝峰上潜修。 The hearsay, on Extinct Ice Peak has the eternal cold deep pool, ice air/Qi that in the cold deep pool overflows, right ** Ice Attribute ** martial artist has the enormous promotion role. 传闻,冰绝峰上有万古寒潭,寒潭之中溢出的冰气,对**了冰系**的武者有极大的提升作用。 People waited till under Extinct Ice Peak, Bing Long and the others stopped the footsteps: This was Extinct Ice Peak, Supreme Elder awaited respectfully in the peak, Young Master Yang invited!” 一众人等到了冰绝峰下,冰珑等人停下了脚步:“这就是冰绝峰了,太上长老就在峰顶恭候,杨公子请!” Does not have Supreme Elder to summon, anybody can not enter without permission Extinct Ice Peak, Bing Long and the others also only be able to wait below. 没得太上长老召唤,任何人都不得擅闯冰绝峰,冰珑等人也只能等在下面。 Yang Kai nods, then said to Qing Ya: „ You wait for 杨开点点头,回头冲青雅道:“你在这里等我一会。” Good.” Qing Ya nods. “好。”青雅颔首。 Yang Kai then follows the stair that first-order step such as white jade builds, upward line. 杨开这才顺着那一阶阶如白玉打造的台阶,往上行去。 Walks, is bone-chilling, floods in ice cold Domain in the world, solidifies the space sufficiently. 一路走来,寒风凛冽,充斥在天地间的冰寒意境,足以将空间都凝固。 Yang Kai actually slightly not affected, is stepping the step, while also has the mood to size up all around scenery. 杨开却丝毫不受影响,一边迈着步伐,一边还有心情打量四周的风景。 After the quarter of an hour, Yang Kai arrived at peak. 一刻钟后,杨开就来到了峰顶处。 Looking into the distance, the peak takes in everything at a glance unexpectedly, crude, has not imagined the magnificent jade palace, only in some location/position of that peak, by the thatched shed that the snow covers, and four sides leaks out. 放眼望去,峰顶竟是一览无余,简陋至极,并没有想象中的琼楼玉宇,只在那峰顶的某一个位置,有一件被积雪覆盖的茅草棚,而且四面漏风。 Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder Bing Long, sits cross-legged to sit in this thatched shed, her front had a stone table, on the table simmers a teapot, misty white heat curled on straight, all around of thatched shed, as if had what energy, isolated the invasion of cold wind. 冰心谷太上长老冰珑,就盘膝坐在这茅草棚里,她的面前有一张石桌,桌子上煨了一个茶壶,白蒙蒙的热气袅袅直上,茅草棚的四周,仿佛有什么能量,隔绝了寒风的侵扰。 Yang Kai arrived here time, the tea was just also good. 杨开走到这里的时候,茶水也刚刚好。 Luo Li opens the eye, looked toward Yang Kai, shows a faint smile, puts out a hand to hint saying: Young Hero Yang please sit down!” 洛黎睁开眼睛,朝杨开看了过来,微微一笑,伸手示意道:“杨少侠请坐!” Yang Kai holds the fist in the other hand: Younger generation might as well obey orders respectfully!” 杨开抱拳:“晚辈恭敬不如从命!” During the speeches, enters in that thatched shed directly, sat cross-legged to sit opposite of Luo Li.( To be continued.) 说话间,直接走进那茅草棚里,盘膝坐在了洛黎对面。(未完待续。)
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