MP :: Volume #17

#1657: Void Return 3-layer

Extinct Ice Island, in Ice Palace, in island high-level accumulation in this . 冰绝岛,冰宫之中,岛上高层聚集于此。. Luo Li sits well in the first place, both sides Bing Long Ran Yunting and other Elder and the others were placed to sit, has Elder to report in the island restriction and Formation restore. 洛黎端坐在首位上,冰珑冉云婷和其他长老等人分列两旁而坐,有长老正在汇报岛上禁制阵法修复一事。 The previous time shocking war, almost destroys entire Extinct Ice Island restriction formation completely, this time ** has been repairing, until says now, finishes finally. 上次的惊天大战,几乎将整个冰绝岛禁制法阵摧毁殆尽,这段时间**们一直在修复,直到今曰,才总算完工。 However several icy peaks of that collapse were actually have no way to reappear toward saying magnificently, was good because of ** evacuated ahead of time, has not presented the casualties, this was a rare good news. 不过那倒塌的几座冰峰却是没法重现往曰辉煌了,好在**们提前撤离,并没有出现伤亡,这算是一个难得的好消息。 Luo Li has closed one's eyes, reports until that Elder, nods gently, meaning that but has not started talking. 洛黎一直闭着眼睛,直到那长老汇报完,才轻轻颔首,不过并没有开口说话的意思。 Bing Long looked at her one eyes, this turns head to look to another person, asked: „Did Thirteenth Elder, have that person of news?” 冰珑看了她一眼,这才扭头望向另外一人,问道:“十三长老,有那人的消息了嘛?” hears word, Thirteenth Elder Yu Xueqing shakes the head low-spirited: No, before we looked for his one year, has not heard from, if not for he came at that time on own initiative, we only feared or have no way to find him, this time he, if wants deliberately to hide the whereabouts, we same did not have the means.” 闻言,十三长老俞雪晴黯然摇头:“没有,之前我们找了他一年,都杳无音讯,若不是当时他主动现身,我们只怕还是没法找到他,这一次他要是想刻意隐藏行踪的话,我们一样没有办法。” Yeah!” Bing Long sighed. “哎!”冰珑叹息一声。 Did not need to look for him!” Luo Li opens the eye suddenly, indifferently said. “不用找他了!”洛黎忽然睁开眼睛,淡淡地道 Supreme Elder......” 太上长老……” He does not want to make you find, how can you? Moreover, experienced such a war, he wants certainly healing.” “他不想让你们找到,你们又能如何?而且,经历了那样的一战,他肯定是要疗伤的。” healing?” Bing Long and the others the brow raises, appears some surprise, but quick responded: Your meaning is......” 疗伤?”冰珑等人眉头一扬,显得有些诧异,不过很快就反应过来:“您的意思是……” He used the strength of taboo, certainly must pay some prices.” Luo Li light say/way. “他动用了禁忌之力,肯定是要付出一些代价。”洛黎淡淡道。 „Was he injured?” Ran Yunting at present one bright, in the surface gushes out color of being ready to make trouble, „, if the this kind of words, we are......” “他受伤了?”冉云婷眼前一亮,面上涌出一丝蠢蠢欲动之色,“如果是这样的话,那我们是不是……” The words have not said, Luo Li coldly stared her one eyes suddenly, Ran Yunting kept silent immediately, a character could not say. 话还没说完,洛黎忽然冷冷地瞪了她一眼,冉云婷当即噤若寒蝉,一个字也说不出来了。 My Ice Heart Valley be continuous since, is really not easy, the wish of my lifetime did not strive for making Ice Heart Valley go a step further, only strove for being able to preserve the ancestor Zonki industry, can you understand?” A Luo Li pair of beautiful pupil sweeps to all around, contains the endless dignity. “我冰心谷绵延至今,实属不易,我毕生的心愿是不求让冰心谷更进一步,只求能保全祖宗基业,你们可明白?”洛黎一双美眸扫向四周,蕴藏无尽威严。 In people heart one startled, savors the meaning in Luo Li words, sets out to say hastily respectfully: ** Understood.” 众人心中一惊,品味出洛黎话中的意思,连忙起身恭敬道:“**明白。” Understands the good, clear words, do not provoke the disaster for Ice Heart Valley.” “明白就好,明白的话,就不要为冰心谷招惹祸事了。” Ran Yunting complexion one white, trembling said: ** Was wrong!” 冉云婷脸色一白,颤声道:“**错了!” Luo Li nods slightly, is very satisfied with her attitude, suddenly smiled: Lets look for his person to remove, he will come back again.” 洛黎微微颔首,对她的态度很满意,忽然又笑了一下:“让寻找他的人都撤回来吧,他会再回来的。” „Will he come back?” The Elder complexion big changes of some unclear situations, that said that Yang Kai cuts to kill a Luo Hai war, really makes them panic-stricken, remembers this person also to return to Extinct Ice Island to come again, immediately somewhat is on nettles. “他会回来?”一些不明情况的长老脸色大变,那一曰杨开斩杀骆海的一战,实在让她们惊恐,一想起这人还有可能再回到冰绝岛来,顿时有些惴惴不安。 Bing Long as if also knows anything, the smile said: „A person keeps Extinct Ice Island, he naturally should come back.” 冰珑似乎也知道什么,微笑道:“还有一个人留在冰绝岛,他自然应该会回来的。” Ran Yunting thinks, said looking pensive: Valley Master was said that called Qing Ya **?” 冉云婷想了想,若有所思道:“谷主是说那叫青雅的**?” Em. Qing Ya and Su Yan are together pay respects to join Ice Heart Valley, their each other relations are very close, even if Yang Kai does not come back, Su Yan must certainly come back.” “恩。青雅苏颜是一同拜入冰心谷的,她们彼此的关系很亲密,就算杨开不回来,苏颜肯定也要回来。” „Can that look for Qing Ya to discuss?” Ran Yunting frowns. “那要不要找青雅谈一谈?”冉云婷皱起了眉头。 „Before this Palace Master, several days has looked for her.” Bing Long smiles bitterly. 本宫几曰已经去找过她了。”冰珑苦笑一声。 Oh? that result how? Can she know Yang Kai and Su Yan whereabouts? But attitude of clear Yang Kai to my Ice Heart Valley?” Ran Yunting closely examines. 哦?那结果如何?她可知道杨开苏颜的下落?可清楚杨开对我冰心谷的态度?”冉云婷追问。 this Palace Master, although has looked for her, actually cannot meet with her.” In the Bing Long surface appears to wipe the awkward color. 本宫虽然去找过她,却没能与她见面。”冰珑面上浮现出一抹尴尬之色。 What's all this about?” Audience Elder astonished. “这是怎么回事?”一众长老讶然至极。 Yang Kai kept Stone Puppet puppet to protect her, this Palace Master past time, was returned by that Stone Puppet puppet.” The Bing Long forced smile explained that look that in the surface a piece has a lingering fear, „, if not for Qing Ya prevents promptly, this Palace Master may be injured.” 杨开留了一个石傀儡守护着她,本宫过去的时候,被那石傀儡打了回来。”冰珑苦笑解释,面上一片心有余悸的神色,“若不是青雅及时阻止的话,本宫可能会受伤。” That Stone Puppet puppet so?” Ran Yunting complexion big change. “那石傀儡如此了得?”冉云婷脸色大变。 Stone Puppet puppet she has also seen, said that her ordering lets Bing Die strikes to kill Qing Ya, Stone Puppet puppet protects Qing Ya, but when said that all her attention place on Yang Kai and Su Yan, extremely has not cared about that strange life. 石傀儡她也见过,当曰她下令让冰蝶击杀青雅的时候,正是石傀儡保护住了青雅,可当曰她所有的注意力都放在杨开苏颜身上,并没有太过在意那个古怪的生灵。 Now listens to Bing Long to raise, this knows Stone Puppet puppet the uncommonness. 如今听冰珑提起来,这才知道石傀儡的不凡。 Frontage resistance, I absolutely am not an opponent.” The Bing Long look is dignified. “正面对抗,我绝对不是对手。”冰珑神色凝重。 A sound of holding breath cold air resounds. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起。 Bing Long is in the middle of Ice Heart Valley Void Return Stage first Expert, on entire Scarlet Billow Star, is existence of ranking among the best, but she is not an opponent, this said that Stone Puppet puppet does have to be close to the Void King Stage strength? 冰珑冰心谷返虚镜当中的第一高手,在整个赤澜星上,也是数一数二的存在,可连她都不是对手,这岂不是说那石傀儡有接近虚王境的实力? What existence is that? 那到底是什么样的存在? People simultaneous looks at Luo Li, expected that she can explain 12. 众人齐齐将目光投向洛黎,期望她能解释一二。 Do not visit me, that Stone Puppet puppet I do not know that is what origin. Perhaps is the puppet who the antiquity survived, perhaps was a strange life.” “别看我,那个石傀儡我也不知道是什么来历。或许是上古残存下来的傀儡,又或许是一种古怪的生灵。” Even Supreme Elder not clear? In people heart one startled, in their cognition, Supreme Elder is almost omnipotent, but says now, this cognition was broken. 太上长老不清楚?众人心中一惊,在她们的认知当中,太上长老几乎是无所不能的,可是今曰,这个认知被打破了。 But all roots, but also on Yang Kai. 而一切的根源,还在杨开身上。 That called Qing Ya ** also had the gratitude to Ice Heart Valley, otherwise, she will not prevent making a move of Stone Puppet puppet to Bing Long, do not disturb her, assigned/life the person to look after well, Yang Kai and Su Yan will come this place again, took away her.” “那叫青雅的**对冰心谷还有感恩之心,否则的话,她也不会阻止石傀儡对冰珑的出手,你们也都不要去打扰她了,命人好好照顾着吧,杨开苏颜会再来此地,把她带走的。” Yes!” Bing Long respectful nod. “是!”冰珑恭敬点头。 Next time he, if came...... not to be disrespectful again!” Luo Li leaves behind a few words, the whole person disappears suddenly does not see. “下次他若再来……切不可失礼了!”洛黎留下一句话,整个人忽然消失不见。 Audience Elder look at each other in blank dismay, diverges in abundance, only had Ran Yunting one person to remain, in surface as if whether there is lamentation completely. 长老面面相觑一番,纷纷散去,唯有冉云婷一人留了下来,面上仿佛有无尽的悔恨。 ...... …… In Mysterious Boundary Bead, Xia Ning Chang had lived before in garret, opposite of Yang Kai and Su Yan sit cross-legged to sit, the double palm sticks to the same place. 玄界珠内,之前夏凝裳住过的阁楼中,杨开苏颜对面盘膝而坐,双掌紧贴在一起。 The Saint Yuan water breast of two people within the body * blends, has inexplicable Domain to fill the air around two people. 两人体内的圣元水乳*交融,有莫名的意境弥漫在两人四周。 The two people complexion slightly is pale. 两人的脸色都略显苍白。 With a Luo Hai war, seemingly simple relaxed, but used such terrifying strength, Yang Kai and Su Yan two people paid the huge price. 骆海一战,看似简单轻松,但动用了那样恐怖的力量,杨开苏颜两人都付出了巨大的代价。 Therefore fights, Yang Kai then leaves Ice Heart Valley immediately, even Qing Ya could not have attended, seeks for place relieved healing. 所以一战之后,杨开便立刻离开了冰心谷,连青雅都没顾得上,寻找地方安心疗伤 To a certain extent, the Luo Li vision is very sinister. 从某种程度上来说,洛黎的眼光还是很毒辣的。 However is good because of this time after Star Emperor Token that the Su Yan catarmaran concentric uses, the price of even if withstanding is huge, two people shares, pouring is not may not withstand. 不过好在这一次是与苏颜双体同心之后动用的星帝令,所以即便承受的代价巨大,两人分摊下来,倒也不是不可承受。 The Yang Kai feeling rejoiced. 杨开感受庆幸。 If did not have Su Yan to be at that time own shares, but was a own person used Star Emperor Token, the consequence was simply dreadful. 如果当时没有苏颜自己分担,而是自己一个人动用了星帝令的话,后果简直不堪设想。 The Great Emperor invincible might, at all is not he can withstand. 大帝神威,根本不是他能够承受的。 Around the body of two people, chocked up Saint Crystal Source, the side several spatial jade bottles, inside Spirit Pill the clothing has also used. 两人的身体周围,摆满了圣晶源,身旁还有几个空的玉瓶,里面的灵丹早已被服用。 The pure energy floods into two people within the body, dispels the injury and hidden danger, the two people complexion gradually restores ruddily with passing of time, aura fluctuates slowly is also steady. 精纯的能量涌入两人体内,化解伤势和隐患,两人的脸色随着时间的流逝逐渐恢复红润,气息波动也慢慢平稳下来。 Some one said, Yang Kai long shouted exhales, opens the eyes. 某一曰,杨开长长地呼出了一口气,睁开双眼。 The beautiful pupil of front surface to Su Yan. 迎面对上苏颜的美眸。 two people smiles, experienced three months of healing, the injury restored finally. 两人相视一笑,经历了三个多月的疗伤,伤势总算是恢复了。 Junior Brother, did you break through?” In the Su Yan beautiful pupil flashes through astonished. 师弟,你突破了?”苏颜美眸中闪过一丝讶然 Probably.” Yang Kai then detects own change. “好像是的。”杨开这才察觉到自身的变化。 Before Luo Hai fights, own is Void Return 2-layer Peak, after fighting, now actually arrives at 3-layer. 骆海一战之前,自己返虚两层境顶峰,一战之后,如今却到了三层境 Even he had not detected when own broke through, possibly is energy extremely huge of Great Emperor invincible might irrigation within the body, causing the bottleneck to break through silently. 连他都没察觉到自己是什么时候突破了,可能是大帝神威灌注体内的能量太过庞大,导致自身瓶颈无声无息地就冲破了。 Moreover, presently boundary is stable, does not need Yang Kai to take the trouble again. 而且,当前的境界也是稳固至极,根本不需要杨开再多费心。 You are also.” Yang Kai took a look at Su Yan one, discovered impressively her cultivation level boundary and own were the same, is the 3-layer levels. “你也是。”杨开瞅了苏颜一眼,赫然发现她的修为境界与自己相同了,都是三层境的层次。 Su Yan smiles. 苏颜抿嘴一笑。 rays of light between entire world as if gathered on Su Yan, let her seemingly beautiful not local products. 整个天地间的光芒似乎都聚集到了苏颜身上,让她看起来美艳不可方物。 Yang Kai cannot bear one dull, put out a hand to grip the Su Yan small hand, the mind rippled: Su Yan......” 杨开忍不住一呆,伸手握住了苏颜的小手,心神荡漾:“苏颜……” Su Yan small face one red, naturally detected that he is thinking anything, shy, speaks haltingly saying: Honored Master they are waiting outside.” 苏颜小脸一红,自然察觉到他在想什么,扭捏了一下,嗫嚅道:“师尊他们都在外面等着呢。” Yang Kai emits Spiritual Mind to nose outward, discovered impressively own these acquaintance friends have heard the news to catch up, has defended outside. 杨开放出神念往外查探,赫然发现自己的那些熟人朋友们早就闻讯赶来,一直守在外头。 Before the Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouse almost gets together in the garret, no one spoke, stood there calmly is waiting. 人妖魔三族的强者几乎齐聚阁楼前,没有人说话,都站在那里静静等候着。 Yang Kai touches own ears and cheeks, one cruel-hearted, clenches teeth saying: Has waited is so long in any case, not eagerly for a while.” 杨开抓耳挠腮,一狠心,咬牙道:“反正都已经等了这么久,不急于一时。” Is saying, while the incarnation is the wolf, falls down Su Yan on the ground. 一边说着,一边化身为狼,将苏颜扑倒在地上。 ...... …… The garret front door opens, Yang Kai and Su Yan appear before Ling Taixu et al . 阁楼大门打开,杨开苏颜出现在凌太虚等人面前。 The people go forward hastily, asking about the situation, in the beautiful pupil of Xia Ning Chang has the anxiety and concern that cannot hide. 众人连忙上前,询问情况,夏凝裳的美眸中有掩藏不住的焦急和关怀。 When said that Yang Kai and Su Yan two people appears in Mysterious Boundary Bead suddenly, seeming like aura is impractical, as if experiences personally the appearance of heavy losses, Xia Ning Chang naturally has a big shock, arranges their healing hastily, simultaneously passed on the news. 当曰杨开苏颜两人忽然出现在玄界珠内,看起来都气息虚浮,仿佛身受重创的样子,夏凝裳自然大惊失色,连忙安排他们疗伤,同时将消息传了出去。 Until three months later now said, two people appears. 直到三个月后的今曰,两人才出现。 „Was Yang Kai, all right?” The Ling Taixu first opens the mouth asked. 杨开,没事了吧?”凌太虚第一个开口问道。 Work Grand Teacher is worried, ** already safe/without matter.” “劳师公担心,**现已无事。” Brat, is worried dead I...... **!” Yang Fourth Master also relaxes, originally wants saying that the worry died I, as if felt somewhat loses the spirit of enterprise, pushed to withstand/top the pot Dong Suzhu hastily. “臭小子,担心死我……**了!”杨四爷也松了一口气,本来想说担心死我了,似乎又觉得有些英雄气短,连忙把董素竹推出来顶锅。 Dong Suzhu stands side four masters, bites red lips tightly, the wing of the nose is shrugging gently, in the eye socket has the eye tears of big drop big drop to spin, the meaning that some want to cry, actually suppresses has not been making noise. 董素竹站在四爷身边,紧咬着红唇,鼻翼轻轻耸动着,眼眶里有大滴大滴的眼泪水打转,有些想哭的意思,却强忍着没出声。 Mother, do not worry, my is not well.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, patted the racket **, a own very strong appearance. “娘,别担心,我这不是好好的么。”杨开咧嘴一笑,拍了拍**,一副自己很强壮的样子。 This may be serious, the Dong Suzhu depressing mood erupts finally, cried, the eye tears such as the pearl of broken line falls generally downward. 这一下可不得了了,董素竹压抑的情绪终于爆发,哇的一声就哭了出来,眼泪水如断线的珍珠一般往下掉落。 If not for presents so many Human, Monster and Demon Three Clans powerhouses, only fears her strategic place to hug Darling in the bosom loves well. 若不是在场这么多人妖魔三族强者,只怕她要冲上来把宝贝儿子搂在怀里好好疼爱一番。 Brat!” Yang Fourth Master was about to irritate, glared angrily at each other to Yang Kai. “臭小子!”杨四爷快气死了,冲杨开怒目相视。 What you roar, what do you roar?” A Dong Suzhu pair of powder fist is thrashing the Yang Fourth Master iron general body, „do you do roar my son!” “你吼什么,你吼什么?”董素竹一双粉拳捶打着杨四爷铁一般的身躯,“你干嘛吼我儿子!” Yang Fourth Master face one black, thought that your son is not 杨四爷脸一黑,心想你儿子不就是我儿子,吼一声又不掉块肉! This matter is noisy. 这事闹的。 At heart depressed incomparable, actually can only obediently stood in place, whatever Dong Suzhu one explodes the thump, I from standing one's ground steadfastly.( To be continued.) 心里郁闷无比,却只能乖乖站在原地,任由董素竹一顿爆捶,我自岿然不动。(未完待续。)
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