MP :: Volume #17

#1656: Star Master falls

Extinct Ice Island, innumerable ** trembles, in the island restriction and formation have destroyed in that terrifying energy rebellion completely . 冰绝岛,无数**瑟瑟发抖,岛上禁制法阵早已在那恐怖的能量暴动中破坏殆尽。. Present Extinct Ice Island, it can be said that does not garrison completely. 如今的冰绝岛,可以说是完全不设防。 The Luo Li complexion is fluctuating, suddenly shouted lowly: Quickly, lets all ** enters the underground secret room to seek asylum!” 洛黎的脸色变幻着,忽然低喝道:“快,让所有**进入地下密室避难!” Bing Long one dull, responded quickly, took out Communication Compass hastily, poured into Spiritual Mind toward. 冰珑一呆,很快反应过来,连忙取出传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念 Not big moment time, all Ice Heart Valley ** received the order, floods into the underground secret room in abundance. 不大片刻功夫,所有冰心谷的**都收到了命令,纷纷涌入地下密室。 Only has Bing Long and more than ten Elder still stands side Luo Li, the panic-stricken desire looks at divine light and energy that rebellion in the sky that is living to vanish imaginary certainly. 唯有冰珑和十几位长老依然站在洛黎身边,惊骇欲绝地望着天空中那幻生幻灭的神光和能量暴动。 Has the Luo Li protection, they have the courage to stand here. 洛黎守护,她们好歹有勇气站在这里。 cloud top/fall above, the naked eye unreachable location/position place, two groups of terrifying aura are in the battle extremely, that is Yang Kai Su Yan and Luo Hai! 云颠之上,肉眼不可及的位置处,有两团极为恐怖气息正在争斗,那是杨开苏颜骆海 How although more than ten Elder cannot see clearly the situation, in panic-stricken big cry that but hears from Luo Hai once for a while, can still infer, Luo Hai is at a disadvantage completely. 虽然十几位长老都看不清局势如何,但从骆海时不时传来的惊恐大叫声中,依然可以推断的出,骆海完全处于下风。 In the cloud layer, has to contain fresh blood of huge energy to sprink once for a while, in that each 1 drop fresh blood contained and fearsome strength, like the gem, falls to the ground in clearly, will then smash an endocrater the ground. 云层中,时不时地有蕴藏庞大能量的鲜血撒落下来,那每一滴鲜血中都包含了及其可怖的力量,圆润如宝石,落到地面上,便会将地面砸出一个巨坑。 That is fresh blood of Void King Stage powerhouse! 那是虚王境强者的鲜血 Supreme Elder......” Bing Long flutters the summon, present situation how?” 太上长老……”冰珑颤声呼唤,“如今局势如何?” The beautiful pupil of Luo Li is profound, stares at Void, hears word was saying in a soft voice: Luo Hai feared that is not good.” 洛黎的美眸深邃,凝视着虚空,闻言轻声道:“骆海怕是不行了。” The people are frightened extremely, hardly can believe the ear of own. 众人惊悚万分,几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Luo Hai is the powerhouse of Void King 2-layer rank, even if 3-layer acts personally, may not cut to kill him. Strength to his degree, even if not beat the opponent, will still be capable of escaping, stages a comeback by the chart. 骆海虚王两层境级别的强者,就算是三层境亲自出手,也不一定能够将他斩杀。实力到了他这种程度,就算不敌对手,也会有能力逃跑,以图东山再起。 However Luo Li actually gives the appraisal that Luo Hai was not good. 但是洛黎却给出了一个骆海不行了的评价。 This also means, Luo Hai has the possibility to say extremely now will die here! 这也就意味着,骆海极有可能今曰会死在这里! Does battle strength that could it be that Yang Kai and Su Yan two people catarmaran wholeheartedly, can display also want terrifying compared with Void King 3-layer? Is this Star Emperor Token prestige energy? People for a moment is somewhat out of sorts. 难道杨开苏颜两人双体一心,能够发挥出来的战力虚王三层境还要恐怖?这就是星帝令的威能?众人一时间都有些失神。 At this moment, in the sky heard the Yang Kai's laughing sound again, in the laughter mixed with Luo Hai breathless cursing. 就在这时,天空中再次传来杨开的哈哈大笑声,笑声中夹杂了骆海气急败坏的咒骂。 Space Force that entire sky chaos, that are unconstrained lets the battlefield place space dent, huge Space Crack are patrolling, as if can swallow all beast mouths. 整个天空一片混沌,那跌宕起来的空间力量战场处空间塌陷,一道道巨大的空间裂缝游弋着,仿佛能吞噬掉一切的兽口。 Has dark red fresh blood to sprinkle unceasingly, falls on the Extinct Ice Island icy peak. 不断地有殷红的鲜血洒落下来,落在冰绝岛的冰峰上。 The energy of destruction surname makes many icy peaks collapse, an entire Extinct Ice Island piece in confusion. 毁灭姓的能量让不少冰峰倒塌,整个冰绝岛一片狼藉。 Bing Long and the others deeply felt with amazement, the fight of this level is not they can touch, even to look, clear that is unable to look, is unable to feel the aftertaste and fluctuation of that fight, harvests anything. 冰珑等人深感骇然,这种层次的战斗已经不是她们能够触及的了,即便是想看,也无法看的清楚,更无法感受到那战斗的余韵和波动,从中收获些什么。 Only has Luo Li one person, can see something reluctantly. 唯有洛黎一人,勉强可以看到一些东西。 But with the passage of time, in Domain the confusion with the sky, she is not even able to see clearly that side situation. 可是随着时间的推移,随着天空中域场的混乱,连她也无法洞察那边的情况了。 Cursing of Luo Hai has subsided, as if no ample force to do these matters again, can only strive to support. 骆海的咒骂早已平息,似乎已经没有余力再做这些事,只能勉力支撑着。 But his aura clearly is actually weakening. 可他的气息却在明显地减弱。 Death!” Suddenly, Yang Kai's shouted angrily from Void spreads, simultaneously transmitted also had Luo Hai yelled panic-stricken. “死!”蓦然,杨开的怒喝从虚空之中传出,同时传来的还有骆海的惊恐大叫。 One group of rings of light explode to shoot suddenly, ripples that all around the radiation, swings toward extremely far location/position place, fierce proliferation. 一团光晕忽然爆射开来,辐射四周,荡起的涟漪朝极远的位置处,凶猛扩散。 fresh blood such as rains to sprinkle generally from the upper air, cuts off limb with the hashed meat. 大片大片的鲜血如下雨一般从高空中洒落下来,还有一些断肢和碎肉。 Belongs to Luo Hai aura to annihilate suddenly. 属于骆海气息骤然湮灭。 The Luo Li pupil shrank, shrinks the needle-tip size, the tender body could not bear tremble lightly. 洛黎瞳孔一缩,缩成了针尖般大小,娇躯忍不住轻颤起来。 She had detected matter that had a moment ago. 她对刚才发生的事情有所察觉。 The fight of Earthshaking subsides in this moment, Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elder atmosphere do not dare to breathe previous, everyone vision is staring at the Void place alarmed and afraid. 惊天动地的战斗在这一刻平息下来,冰心谷十几位长老大气都不敢喘上一口,每个人都目光惊惧地凝视着虚空处。 The chaotic sky has to restore the bright trend, that giant crack also starts to close. 混乱的天空有恢复明朗的趋势,那一道道巨大的裂缝也开始弥合。 The light group that gradually, one group of gold/metal white two colors blend prints the field of vision of people, but Luo Hai has been missing. 逐渐地,一团金白两色交融的光团印入众人的视野,而骆海早已不见了踪影。 As if has vision together, projects to come from that light/only group, overlook four directions. 似乎有一道目光,从那光团之中投射而来,俯瞰四方。 That vision ice-cold and brutal, has a scarlet faintly. 那目光冰冷而无情,隐隐还有一丝猩红。 All to this person of vision, cannot bear tremble. 所有对上这目光的人,都忍不住战栗起来。 Luo Li took a deep breath, swallowed a saliva unrestrainedly, a heart mentioned the throat. 洛黎情不自禁地深吸一口气,吞了口口水,一颗心提到了嗓子眼。 However makes her feel what feels at ease, light/only in the group that somewhat scarlet vision received quickly, sound of soaring Dragon Roar and resonant Phoenix Cry gets up, the light rolls in place twinkling, suddenly vanishes to disappear. 不过让她感到心安的是,光团中那有些猩红的目光很快就收了回去,高昂的龙吟和嘹亮的凤鸣之声响起,光团在原地一个闪烁,忽然消失不见了。 No one knows that it went to where. 谁也不知道它去了何处。 Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elder are unable to subside fluctuating of state of mind for a very long time, for a very long time no one dares to start talking, everyone stimulates to movement own Spiritual Mind, is nosing cautiously all around. 冰心谷十几位长老久久无法平息心绪的起伏,久久无人敢开口说话,每个人都催动自身的神念,小心翼翼地查探着四周。 Until after partly said that that light/only rolled has not appeared as before, they gradually relax. 直到半曰后,那光团依旧没有出现,她们才逐渐松了口气。 Yang Kai has not wanted the meaning of kill to the last one/being ruthless, Extinct Ice Island that otherwise, says now meets rivers of blood surely. 杨开并没有要赶尽杀绝的意思,否则的话,今曰的冰绝岛必定会血流成河。 ...... …… Green Hills Star, Star Master Divine Palace. 翠微星,星主神宫 In this Star Master Divine Palace most central place, the giant squares, in the square, are standing erect about 30-ten feet person statue, that statue looked is stems from everyone the hand, lifelike of carving, has the charm extremely. 在这星主神宫的最中央处,有一个巨大的广场,广场中,矗立着一座高达30丈左右的人型雕像,那雕像一看便是出自大家之手,雕刻的惟妙惟肖,极有神韵。 But the primary form of this statue, is Luo Hai oneself. 而这雕像的原形,就是骆海本人。 As Star Master, Luo Hai naturally has the this kind of great honor, Star Master Divine Palace the statue, is he symbol as Green Hills Star Star Master. 身为星主,骆海自然有这样的殊荣,星主神宫的这个雕像,便是他身为翠微星星主的象征。 Under the statue, many martial artist are sitting cross-legged to sit, as if is comprehending anything from the statue, each deluded, the mind immerses. 雕像下方,有不少武者正盘膝而坐,似乎正在从雕像上面参悟些什么,每一个都如痴如醉,心神沉浸。 , A crack sound transmits long-drawn-out, this sound then the manner detects immediately, sits knits the brows in frontline several martial artist, opens the eye, sizes up, wants to know that the sound originates from where, may look not to discover any suspicious place. 悠地,一声咔嚓嚓的声响传来,这个动静立刻便为人察觉,坐在最前方的几个武者皱了皱眉,睁开眼睛,四下打量,想知道声音来源自哪里,可找来找去也没发现什么可疑的地方。 While they must close the eye continues to comprehend, is a crack sound spreads, but this time was clearer than a moment ago. 正当他们要闭上眼睛继续参悟的时候,又是一阵咔嚓嚓的动静传出,而这一次比刚才还要清晰。 They had detected finally, raises the head looks toward that giant person statue. 他们总算有所察觉,抬头朝那巨大的人型雕像望去。 Under looks, dumbstruck! 一看之下,不禁目瞪口呆 „The statue of Sir Luo Hai had the crack!” 骆海大人的雕像出现裂缝了!” What? Is impossible, how will the statue of Sir Luo Hai have the crack?” “什么?不可能,骆海大人的雕像怎么会出现裂缝?” This statue and Star Source are close, own Internal Qi is close to Sir Luo Hai, now had the crack, could it be that Sir Luo Hai encounters the danger?” “这雕像与星辰本源紧密相连,与骆海大人自身的气机紧密相连,如今出现裂缝,难道骆海大人遇到危险了?” Fart, Sir Luo Hai as Green Hills Star Star Master, the merit ginseng/partake good fortune, cultivation level is exceedingly high, how to encounter the danger......, really had the crack.” “放屁,骆海大人身为翠微星星主,功参造化,修为通天,怎会遇到危险……嗬,真出现裂缝了。” The news on such as strong winds, swept across instantaneously all in martial artist that this place comprehends, that several thousand martial artist all raises the head look, looks at that gradually increases the crack that and increases, everyone dumbstruck, in heart terrified. 消息就如一股狂风,瞬间就席卷了所有正在此地参悟的武者们,那数千武者皆都抬头仰望,看着那逐渐增加和变大的裂缝,每个人都目瞪口呆,心中惶惶不安。 Everyone could rest assured that the Luo Hai big person is the Green Hills Star destiny, even if encounters the danger, can still turn bad luck into good surely, the safe return, everyone does not need is so panic.” “大家放心,骆海大人身系翠微星气运,就算遇到危险,也必定能够逢凶化吉,安全归来的,大家不必如此惊慌失措。” Good, such as Sir Luo Hai so character, how possibly easily falls? Do not make much ado about nothing.” Immediately then some people speak to echo, obviously worships to Luo Hai. “不错,如骆海大人这般人物,怎可能轻易陨落?都不要大惊小怪了。”立刻便有人出言附和,显然对骆海崇拜至极。 But this person of voice just now falls, that giant human form statue then transmits crash-bang a sound to move suddenly , the statue of reaching to the sky is split up, the instantaneous disintegration, giant stones fall from the upper air, brutally pounds to the ground. 可这人话音才刚落,那巨大的人形雕像便忽然传来哗啦一声响动,紧接着,高耸入云的雕像四分五裂,瞬间崩碎,一块块巨石从高空中落下,无情地砸向地面。 Stares dumbfounded from near martial artist, the each and everyone all vision shivers, uses the movement to run away toward the distant place hastily. 距离较近的武者们瞠目结舌,一个个全都目光颤抖,连忙施展身法朝远处逃遁。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The statue collapses, in the square a everything may become vulnerable, splashes a piece of dust. 雕像倒塌,广场上一阵地动山摇,溅起一片灰尘。 Meanwhile, entire Green Hills Star as if vibrated, having the strength is slightly strong, obviously feels, Green Hills Star world's spiritual energy seems to have weakened compared with before. 与此同时,整个翠微星似乎都震动了一下,有实力稍强着,明显感觉到,翠微星天地灵气似乎比之前有所减弱了。 Sir Luo Hai...... falls?” martial artist that in the square, several thousand cultivation level boundary heights vary after experience short quiet and stunned, immediately realizes had anything. 骆海大人……陨落了?”广场上,数千修为境界高低不一的武者们在经历短暂的沉寂和错愕之后,立刻意识到发生了什么。 This statue and Luo Hai oneself, am close to Green Hills Star Star Source, the statue misses to be destroyed, passing that then the only explanation can say. 这雕像与骆海本人,与翠微星星辰本源紧密相连,雕像无缘被毁,那么唯一个解释可以说的通。 Luo Hai died! 骆海死了! The people hardly can believe! 众人几乎不敢相信! Luo Hai this kind of powerful will martial artist, die unexpectedly? 骆海这样的强大武者,居然也会死? Who does? Is which bastard does? If asked me to know, will certainly he tear to shreds!” Some people bellow angrily, the face twists. “谁干的?是哪个混蛋干的?若是叫我知道,必将他碎尸万段!”有人愤怒大吼起来,脸庞扭曲。 Kills the person of Sir Luo Hai, for my Green Hills Star public enemy, seeing everyone executes it!” “杀骆海大人之人,为我翠微星公敌,见者人人诛之!” Everyone executes it!” “人人诛之!” In the square, innumerable martial artist angry roar indignantly. 广场上,无数武者义愤填膺地怒吼起来。 Perhaps Luo Hai has no relations with them, perhaps they have not seen the Luo Hai surface, but Luo Hai is Green Hills Star Star Master, Star Master falls, Green Hills Star will also come under some influences, Yuan Qi of that loss is unable to restore in short time, only if there is other Void King Stage to come Green Hills Star, refining up Star Source. 骆海或许和他们没什么关系,或许他们连骆海的面都没有见过,但是骆海翠微星星主,星主陨落,翠微星也会受到一些影响,那损失的元气在短时间之内是无法恢复的,除非有别的虚王境前来翠微星,炼化星辰本源 In other words, Luo Hai falls, caused the losses of certain extent to entire Green Hills Star. 换句话说,骆海陨落,给整个翠微星都造成了一定程度的损失。 Killed the person of Luo Hai naturally also to become their enemies. 骆海之人自然也就成了他们的敌人。 When these martial artist bellow yelled, many looks are fluctuating, took out Communication Compass, poured into Spiritual Mind toward, to the respective relatives and friends, Sect Elder spread this shocking news. 在那些武者大吼大叫的时候,不少人神色变幻着,取出传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念,给各自的亲朋好友,宗门长辈传出这个惊天的消息。 First later, the entire Green Hills Star people know, Star Master Luo Hai falls! 一曰之后,整个翠微星的人都知道,星主骆海陨落 A month later, this news spread over entire Star Territory! 一个月后,这个消息传遍了整个星域 Star Territory vibrates! 星域震动! Also has wide divided opinions about the Luo Hai death, some people said that is the old monster that several are not born makes a move to strike to kill Luo Hai, some people said that Luo Hai went into what bad risk place, cannot escape, how dead as for him, is he who who kills, temporarily also no one knows. 关于骆海的死也是众说纷纭,有人说是那几个不出世的老怪物出手将骆海击杀,也有人说骆海是闯入了什么凶险的地方,没能逃出,至于他到底是怎么死的,又是谁杀的他,暂时还无人知晓。 But this without doubt is the news of explosion surname, the Void King Stage powerhouse's number in entire Star Territory is not many, anyone of death, may cause not too big nor too small stir. 但这无疑是个爆炸姓的消息,虚王境强者在整个星域中数量也不是很多,任何一人的死亡,都可能会造成不大不小的轰动。 Green Hills Star Star Master that let alone this time died, Luo Hai, is existence of Void King 2-layer. 更何况这一次死掉的还是翠微星星主,骆海,是一位虚王两层境的存在。 The news passed to Scarlet Billow Star quickly, Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder Luo Li ordered, in island all ** can not leak that to say matter, otherwise she will intend to clean up the gateway personally, ** complied with all. 消息很快就传到了赤澜星,冰心谷太上长老洛黎下令,岛上所有**都不得外泄那一曰发生的事情,否则她会亲自出手清理门户,**无不遵从。 To be honest, matter that said that also only then Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elders knew, these ordinary ** does not know that had anything, only knows that the shocking war broke out sky over Extinct Ice Island, was who is fighting, who won who lost, they are unable to distinguish.( To be continued.) 说实话,那一曰的事情,也只有冰心谷十几位长老们知晓了,那些普通的**根本不知道发生了什么,只知道有一场惊天大战在冰绝岛上空爆发,是谁在战斗,又谁胜谁负,她们都无法辨别。(未完待续。)
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