MP :: Volume #17

#1655: The second kills Void King Stage

At this moment, on entire Scarlet Billow Star, the bird drops from the upper air, the beast of prey crawls in place, trembles . 这一刻,整个赤澜星上,飞鸟从高空中跌落,猛兽匍匐在原地,瑟瑟发抖。. The every big and small city, Sect family Headquarters, 1 trillion people, felt frightened from heart's core all. 大大小小的城池,宗门家族总舵,万亿人,无不感受到了一种来自心灵深处的惊悚。 That is desperate frightened, as if the next moment own will die general. 那是一种让人绝望的惊悚,仿佛下一刻自己就会死掉一般。 Regardless of the cultivation level height, regardless of age size, 1 trillion people of all cold sweat wet garments, and what is more, one ** falls on the ground, for a long time is unable to crawl, the whole body strength was drained in that flash. 无论修为高低,无论年纪大小,万亿人无不冷汗湿衫,更有甚者,一**跌坐在地上,许久都无法爬起,浑身的力气在那一瞬间都被抽干了。 Is good because of the rapidness that this aura comes, gone also quick, vanishes in a flash does not see. 好在这股气息来的快,去的也快,转瞬间就消失不见。 Scarlet Billow Star that otherwise now says, meets casualty ten million/countless surely! 否则今曰的赤澜星,必定会死伤千万 Extinct Ice Island, Ice Palace in it place, above Yang Kai and Su Yan, appears suddenly a closed eye. 冰绝岛,冰宫所在之地,杨开苏颜上方,忽然浮现出一双紧闭的眼睛。 Meanwhile, Yang Kai and Su Yan outside the body, has the energy that the 1-layer naked eye and Spiritual Mind are unable to detect, wraps them. 与此同时,杨开苏颜体外,有一层肉眼和神念都无法察觉的能量,将他们包裹。 The blood essence combustion of Chi Huo, Luo Hai Secret Treasure long sword attack, was prevented by that energy all outside, has not exuded ripples. 赤火精血燃烧,骆海秘宝长剑攻击,尽数被那能量阻挡在外,没有泛起一丝涟漪。 Is impossible!” Luo Hai yelled panic-strickenly. “不可能!”骆海惊骇大叫。 By his Void King 2-layer cultivation level boundary, uses Secret Treasure terrifying to strike, is unable to injure to the Yang Kai slightest unexpectedly, but all these, are only because of a appearance of closed eye. 以他虚王两层境修为境界,动用秘宝恐怖一击,竟也无法伤到杨开分毫,而这一切,只是因为一双紧闭的眼睛的出现。 This makes him be almost impossible to accept. 这让他几乎无法接受。 Existence of Great Emperor only in the legend, the average person presenting is gods, but such as in the Luo Hai this kind of powerhouse, many people have actually been devoting to seek for the Great Emperor trail, wants myth that breaks him to leave behind, even displaces. 大帝的存在只在传说之中,普通人将之奉为神明,但如骆海这样的强者中,却有许多人一直在致力寻找大帝的踪迹,想要打破他留下的神话,甚至取而代之。 In their mind, Great Emperor was cultivation level was just more tyrannical, was not invincible. 在他们的心中,大帝只不过是修为强横了一些罢了,并非不可战胜的。 Luo Hai has also had the this kind of thoughts, he thinks that Great Emperor is just the Void King 3-layer Peak powerhouse, he thought that own one said finally can stand with the Great Emperor shoulder to shoulder altitude, even is stepping on his high-rank. 骆海也有过这样的心思,他以为大帝只不过是虚王三层境顶峰的强者,他觉得自己终有一曰能够站到与大帝并肩的高度,甚至踩着他上位。 Now but says, he understands finally, Great Emperor to him still that unattainable, that absolutely surpass the Void King Stage level, is one unknown and terrifying boundary! 可是今曰,他终于明白,大帝对他来说依然是那么的高不可攀,那绝对是已经超越虚王境的层次,是一个未知而恐怖的境界! He suddenly has a parochial arrogance mood. 他忽然有一种夜郎自大的心情。 An eye that shuts tightly has the trend of opening. 那紧闭的一双眼睛有睁开的趋势。 The Luo Li complexion finally changed, does not dare to stay in place, the tender body in a flash, such as the frightened rabbit is common, speeds along rapidly, was far away from Ice Palace instantaneously in it place. 洛黎脸色终于变了,再也不敢停留在原地,娇躯一晃,如受惊的兔子一般,急速飞驰出去,瞬间便远离了冰宫所在之地。 The eye in Void opens, the pupil does not have the flaw limpidly, are not many big dignified feeling, moreover those who make Luo Hai and Chi Huo surprised is extremely, this eye clearly is a woman! 虚空之中的眼睛睁开,瞳孔清澈无瑕,并无多大的威严感,而且让骆海赤火惊疑万分的是,这双眼睛分明属于一个女人! Starry Sky is Great Emperor in could it be that legend, unexpectedly female? 难道传说中的星空大帝,竟是一个女子 This funny thought gushes out from two big Void King Stage powerhouse hearts, making their some unable to believe. 这个滑稽的念头从两大虚王境强者心中涌出,让他们都有些不敢相信。 That pair of beautiful pupil was only coldly stared at Luo Hai and Chi Huo one, did not have the slight sentiment, seems looking to two ants general existences. 那一双美眸只是冷冷地盯了骆海赤火一眼,不带丝毫感情,仿佛只是在看向两个蝼蚁一般的存在。 Chi Huo cries out strangely, flew upside down face up, such as was hit hard, the smooth-spoken in the midair spurts fresh blood. 赤火怪叫一声,仰面倒飞了出去,如受重击,在半空中便口喷鲜血 Domain is suddenly torn to pieces. 一身域场骤然间支离破碎。 But has been protected by him in behind Wei Feng, changes into pile of hashes in this moment suddenly, dies not entire corpse. 而被他一直守护在身后卫风,在这一刻忽然化为一堆肉糜,死无全尸。 The Luo Hai heart's core heard the crack resounding sound, that is the Domain disintegration indication. 就连骆海的心灵深处就传来了咔嚓嚓的脆响声,那是自身域场崩碎的征兆。 As if that beautiful pupil indifferent casts aside, contains the supreme mighty force that was inconceivable, is unable to contend. 仿佛那美眸的淡然一撇,蕴藏了难以想象的至尊伟力,让人根本无法抗衡。 His complexion one white, the corners of the mouth overflowed some fresh blood, the body staggered slightly, good and evil cultivation level was more profound, still stood in place Chi Huo. 他脸色一白,嘴角边溢出了些许鲜血,身躯微微踉跄,好歹修为赤火高深许多,依然站在原地 The beautiful pupil is only the glance, then vanishes to disappear, if has not appeared same. 美眸只是惊鸿一瞥,便消失不见了,就如从来没有出现过一样。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 The strength of thick Emperor Prestige comes out from Yang Kai and Su Yan unconstrainedly, that is not this world strength, existence that may not look, that lets aura that trillion lives give up. 浓浓的帝威之力从杨开苏颜身上跌宕出来,那是根本不属于这个世间的力量,那是不可仰望的存在,那是让亿万生灵俯首称臣的气息 That is the prestige of Great Emperor! 那是大帝之威! Yang Kai is laughing, laughter rolling like thunder, as if also contained what strange Domain, shocks the Luo Hai mind, making his Consciousness Sea tumbling keep, is unable to stabilize. 杨开哈哈大笑着,笑声滚滚如雷,其中似乎也蕴藏了什么离奇的意境,震撼骆海的心神,让他的识海翻滚不停,无法稳定。 But after Chi Huo coming to a stop figure, the complexion is paler. 赤火站稳身形之后,脸色更加苍白。 The gold/metal white two air/Qi, wrap in Yang Kai and Su Yan outside the body, the sound of Dragon Roar Phoenix Cry resound through unceasingly, but this Yin-Yang two air/Qi with compared to have the entirely different place a moment ago. 金白两气,包裹在杨开苏颜体外,龙吟凤鸣之声响彻不断,但这阴阳二气与刚才比较起来却有截然不同的地方。 Although the Yin-Yang two air/Qi were powerful, threatened general Void King Stage sufficiently, but was not placed in the eye by Luo Hai. 刚才的阴阳二气虽然强大,足以威胁到一般的虚王境,但并不被骆海放在眼中。 But of present gold/metal white two air/Qi, have actually risen the degree of letting Luo Hai for it changes countenance! 可如今的金白两气之强,却已上升到了让骆海都为之变色的程度! In Star Emperor Token of as if that unsealing, the strength poured into Yang Kai and Su Yan within the body. 仿佛那解封的星帝令中,有一股力量灌入到了杨开苏颜体内。 , This Yin-Yang two air/Qi fuse long-drawn-out thoroughly, shares everything. 悠地,这阴阳二气彻底融合起来,不分彼此。 In the field of vision of people, lost Yang Kai and Su Yan trail instantaneously, saw pleasant, only has one group of dim light groups. 众人的视野中,瞬间失去了杨开苏颜的踪迹,入眼看到的,只有一团朦胧的光团。 Chi Huo, you predecease!” In the light group spreads Yang Kai's to drink coldly, the next moment, that light/only rolled then to swoop in front of Chi Huo. 赤火,你先死!”光团中传出杨开的冷喝,下一刻,那光团便飞扑到了赤火面前。 The Chi Huo complexion big change, called out panic-strickenly: „The Luo Hai brother saves me!” 赤火脸色大变,惊骇叫道:“骆海兄救我!” Meanwhile, his both hands pinch magic arts, Saint Yuan stimulates to movement recklessly, the arrange/cloth before the body got down might be called the impregnable bastion protection. 与此同时,他双手掐动法决,一身圣元不要命地催动,在身前布下了堪称铜墙铁壁般的防护。 layer upon layer Saint Yuan, just like substantive covers in his body side, Void King Grade defense Secret Treasure, changes into one group of flame, its package. 一层层圣元,犹如实质般笼罩在他身侧,还有一件虚王级的防御秘宝,化为一团火焰,将其包裹。 But all are the futile efforts. 但一切都是徒劳。 When that light ball bullies near, takes the lead shatter is changes into the flame Void King Grade to protect Secret Treasure, this may be called entire Star Territory existence of incomparable items, is unable to resist the terrifying prestige energy of light group unexpectedly, the long-drawn-out contact, then the disintegration comes. 当那光球欺近的时候,率先破碎的便是化为火焰的虚王级防护秘宝,这堪称整个星域的绝品的存在,竟根本无法抵挡光团的恐怖威能,悠一接触,便崩碎开来。 In the light group, hidden has Golden Dragon and Ice Phoenix illusory shadow appears, the powerful noble physique just like in Nine Heavens above dances, dances the soul-stirring stance. 光团之中,隐有金龙冰凤虚影浮现,雄威高贵的身姿犹如在九天之上起舞,舞出了惊心动魄的姿态。 The light group and Chi Huo brushed past. 光团与赤火擦肩而过。 Chi Huo stood in place, moves also motionless, stares at Void glassy-eyed, in the surface also remains panic-stricken desire look certainly. 赤火站在原地,动也不动,目光呆滞地凝视虚空,面上还残留着惊骇欲绝的神色。 Old Man...... the regret should not......” 老夫……悔不该……” The Chi Huo words have not said, within the body appears to bloom dazzling rays of light, seemed poked the balloons of innumerable hole, lasing of rays of light from his pore came out, making his whole person seem like on such as a hedgehog of illumination. 赤火的话还没说完,体内出现绽放出耀眼的光芒,仿佛被戳了无数个孔洞的气球,光芒从他的毛孔之中激射出来,让他整个人看起来就如一只发光的刺猬。 Bang...... 轰…… A loud sound spreads, the Chi Huo body explodes, changes into the blood fog, scatters on the ground. 一声巨响传出,赤火的身躯爆裂开来,化为血雾,撒在地上。 In the sky, a sound of intermittent holding breath cold air resounds, Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elder only felt the lung that the cold air/Qi pulls out hurts, two all reveal the alarmed and afraid color. 天空之中,一阵阵倒吸凉气的声音响起,冰心谷十几位长老只觉得冷气抽的肺疼,一个两个全都露出惊惧之色。 Chi Huo this Void King 1-layer powerhouse, cannot resist unexpectedly uses Star Emperor Token Yang Kai and strength of Su Yan striking, but was then killed by the second instantaneously. 赤火这个虚王一层境强者,竟然抵挡不住动用星帝令杨开苏颜一击之力,只是瞬间便被秒杀。 Perhaps this kind of battle strength, the Void King 3-layer powerhouse not necessarily has even! 这样的战力,恐怕就算是虚王三层境强者也不一定拥有! The Luo Li tender body is shivering, the beautiful pupil deep place has one many with amazement, actually lamented. 洛黎的娇躯在颤抖,美眸深处有一丝骇然,更多的却是悔恨。 She can realize the Chi Huo beforehand mood, before she also knows Chi Huo at the point of death at the point of death , the words that has not spoken are expressing what meaning. 她能体会到赤火临死之前的心情,她也知道赤火临死之前没说的话在表达什么意思。 Chi Huo lamented, she is? 赤火悔恨,她又何尝不是? If we had known the aspect will so develop, she to now will say that the matter does ignore, cultivates one's own moral worth? 若是早知道局面会如此发展,她怎会对今曰之事置之不理,独善其身? If we had known like this, she must maintain the completeness of Yang Kai and Su Yan even at risk of life. 若是早知道会这样,她就算拼死也要维护杨开苏颜的周全。 Luo Li long sighed. 洛黎长长地叹息一声。 Ice Heart Valley, being doomed is unable to rise! Tianci's chance was placed in front of own, own actually turned a blind eye, pushes out it submissively, now lamented that what significance also had? 冰心谷,注定无法崛起啊!天赐的机缘摆在自己面前,自己却视若无睹,将它拱手推了出去,如今悔恨又有什么意义? Only hopes that youth read in Ice Heart Valley is Su Yan Master Sect, after solving the present trouble, do not attack brutally to Ice Heart Valley, must otherwise, Ice Heart Valley now say that must extinguish without doubt. 只希望那青年念在冰心谷苏颜师门,解决完眼前的麻烦之后,不要对冰心谷大打出手,要不然的话,冰心谷今曰必灭无疑。 Ha, ha ha ha!” Just like going crazy the laughter transmits from side suddenly, Luo Li knits the brows looked, was seeing Ran Yunting smiles in supine Tianchang. “哈,哈哈哈哈!”一声宛若发狂般的笑声忽然从旁传来,洛黎皱眉一看,正见到冉云婷在仰天长笑。 But expression on that laughter and face, is actually the endless bitterness and astringency and regret. 但那笑声和脸上的表情,却是无尽的苦涩和后悔。 Decides to give up starting from Su Yan that moment from her, from Su Yan shouted that she last Honored Master starts, she will be doomed the remaining years of life to pass during the lamentation. 从她决定放弃苏颜的那一刻开始,从苏颜喊她最后一声师尊开始,她就注定了余生会在悔恨之中度过。 Luo Hai, was one's turn you!” 骆海,轮到你了!” The Yang Kai's sound spreads from that light/only group again, ice cold murderous intention the Luo Hai package. 杨开的声音再度从那光团之中传出,凌冽杀机骆海包裹。 The Luo Hai complexion big change, he discovered that own underestimated the Star Emperor Token terrifying prestige energy, Chi Huo was struck second to kill before him, this kind of method, even own cannot achieve. 骆海脸色大变,他发现自己还是低估了星帝令恐怖威能,赤火在他面前被一击秒杀,这样的手段,即便是自己也做不到。 In other words, he is not an opponent! 换句话说,他不是对手! Star strength comes!” The Luo Hai complexion went through fluctuates, gave up compromising for the general interest, suddenly drank one lowly. “星力来!”骆海脸色几经变幻,放弃了委曲求全,忽然低喝一声。 He knows even negotiated with Yang Kai still uselessly, own knows he too many secrets, gathering together that was impossible to discuss, Yang Kai used the Star Emperor Token this kind of thing let alone, how doesn't kill own to give up? Brings contempt upon oneself with it, might as well go all out to wrestle. 他知道即便与杨开谈判也无用,自己知道了他太多的秘密,根本不可能谈的拢,更何况杨开动用了星帝令这样的东西,不杀自己又岂会善罢甘休?与其自取其辱,不如拼命一搏。 Remote Star Territory somewhere, Green Hills Star twinkling, the strength of huge incomparable stars spanned the impediment of space, the lasing to Scarlet Billow Star on, pours into to Luo Hai within the body. 遥远的星域某处,翠微星闪烁了一下,庞大无匹的星辰之力跨越空间的阻隔,激射到赤澜星上,灌入到骆海体内。 Luo Hai imposing manner rises dramatically, the itself is Void King 2-layer he, raised the peak degree in extremely short time, was almost almost the same as 3-layer. 骆海一身气势暴增,本就是虚王两层境的他,在极短的时间内提升到了巅峰的程度,与三层境几乎相差无几。 At once his does not return to escape toward the distant place! 旋即他头也不回地朝远方逃去! Uses the strength of Star Source, to escape unexpectedly, the guts that his upfront and Yang Kai and Su Yan contend with do not have. 动用星辰本源之力,竟然只是为了逃跑,他连正面与杨开苏颜抗衡的胆量都没有。 Falling that you run?” Yang Kai laughs, light/only rolled in place twinkling, Space Force was unconstrained, the flash pursued in front of Luo Hai, from that light/only group, a terrifying strength jumped shoots, the front surface attacked toward Luo Hai. “你跑的掉?”杨开大笑,光团在原地闪烁了一下,空间之力跌宕,一瞬间就追到了骆海面前,从那光团之中,一股恐怖的力量迸射,迎面朝骆海攻去。 Luo Hai in great surprise, in the hand that Void King Grade Secret Treasure long sword shakes, almost can cut the sword glow lasing of the world. 骆海大惊,手上那虚王级秘宝长剑一抖,几乎可以切割天地的剑芒激射。 The silent collision, the space caved, sword glow was swallowed, the strength of but from the light group hitting, made Luo Hai back up white several thousand feet (333 m), the complexion slightly one. 无声无息的碰撞,空间都塌陷了,剑芒被吞噬,但从光团之中打出来的力量,却让骆海倒退了几百丈,脸色微微一白。 Fights long-drawn-out, he then ate slightly to owe. 悠一交手,他便吃了点小亏。 Stands firm the figure, with the aid of the strength of instead shaking, Luo Hai continues to flee, escapes toward Star Territory in! 稳住身形,借助反震的力道,骆海继续奔逃,朝星域之中逃去! The light group that Yang Kai and Su Yan are is unforgiving, same place again twinkling, strangely and appeared in front of Luo Hai. 杨开苏颜所在的光团不依不饶,原地再次闪烁了一下,诡异地又出现在骆海面前。 Boy do not go too far!” Spitting blood of Luo Hai air/Qi , he although has long known Yang Kai ** Space Force, but cannot think own by no temperament that this strength tosses about. “小子你不要欺人太甚!”骆海气的吐血,他虽然早就知道杨开**了空间之力,但却怎么也想不到自己会被这种力量折腾的毫无脾气。 ** Space Force martial artist, was pursuing and escaping aspect has the exceptional superiority. **了空间之力武者,在追击和逃跑方面有着得天独厚的优势。 If this is not the case, he held Yang Kai one year ago, where will make him have the opportunity to run into Scarlet Billow Star? 若非如此,他早在一年前就把杨开抓住了,哪会让他有机会逃进赤澜星 Now knows that went too far? Do you pursue my full Star Territory is scurrying about didn't expect this? Said uselessly, now said that is your time of death!” “现在知道欺人太甚了?你追着我满星域乱窜的时候怎么没想到这个?多说无益,今曰就是你的死期!” Huge Space Crack takes shape suddenly, just like beast mouth that opens, bit toward Luo Hai, as if must swallow to say the food moon/month, Luo Hai does not dare light Ying its front, can only go all out to move aside, waits for an opportunity to run away.( To be continued.) 一道巨大的空间裂缝忽然成型,犹如张开的兽口,朝骆海咬了过来,仿佛是要吞曰食月,骆海不敢轻缨其锋,只能拼命躲闪,伺机逃遁。(未完待续。)
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