MP :: Volume #17

#1654: Star Emperor Token unsealing

„Is this my?” Su Yan raises the head is looking at that huge Ice Phoenix illusory shadow, as if induces her vision, should no consciousness Ice Phoenix, lower the head unexpectedly, looked at Su Yan one with that pair of noble eye pupil, in the pupil the meaning of full kind and applause . “这是我的?”苏颜抬头望着那巨大的冰凤虚影,仿佛是感应到了她的目光,本应毫无意识的冰凤,竟低下头来,用那双高贵的眼眸看了苏颜一眼,眸中满满的亲切和赞许之意。. People one dull. 众人一呆。 The strength of Ice Phoenix source adds the body, Su Yan only felt that a whole body relaxedness, nearly said that will be reduced and solved by the Ice Jade Cultivation backlash condition shortly, entire body and mind one comfort. 冰凤本源之力加身,苏颜只感觉浑身一片轻松,近曰来被冰玉功反噬的状况顷刻间化解,整个身心都一片舒坦。 That float pure white illusory shadow in her top of the head, such as the blood that flows from her body is the same, is her part. 那悬浮在她头顶上的洁白虚影,就如从她身体中流淌出去的血液一样,是属于她的一部分。 ** Becoming even more ** clear, ** the neck place is twinkling porcelain fine rays of light, Su Yan at this moment, a charm promoted several scales suddenly, inverts world all living things sufficiently. **变得愈发**晶莹,**的颈脖处更是闪烁瓷器般精致的光芒,此刻的苏颜,一身魅力忽然提升了数个档次,足以颠倒世间众生。 Chi Huo and Luo Hai this kind of powerhouse, is Su Yan dazzling rays of light but is out of sorts shortly. 就连赤火骆海这样的强者,也不禁为苏颜的耀眼光芒而短暂失神。 Yes, I bring from Tong Xuan Continent.” Yang Kai nods. “是,我从通玄大陆带过来的。”杨开点头。 The Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people exchange uninhibitedly, no one worried for the present aspect. 师姐弟二人旁若无人地交流起来,没有谁为眼下的局面而担忧。 „...... I did not feel anything.” Su Yan inspires gently, closes the beautiful pupil, the mind has strange resonance with that Ice Phoenix illusory shadow, Ice Phoenix was sounding happily, each sounded to contain the infinite mighty force, the entire Extinct Ice Island ice cold air/Qi, was transferred in this cry, ten thousand class/flow entering the sea, gathered in Su Yan within the body, not impeded for her absorbs. “唔……我感觉到了什么。”苏颜轻轻地吸了口气,闭上美眸,心神与那冰凤虚影发生了奇异的共鸣,冰凤欢愉地鸣叫着,每一声鸣叫都蕴藏了无穷的伟力,整个冰绝岛的冰寒之气,都在这叫声之中被调动起来,万流入海般,汇聚到苏颜体内,为她毫无掣肘地吸收。 Su Yan aura by visible terrifying speed strengthen. 苏颜本身的气息以肉眼可见的恐怖速度变强。 She is the Void Return 1-layer Peak boundary, without Yang Kai's appears, she nearly will be saying that prepares to break through 2-layer. 她原本是返虚一层境顶峰境界,若是没有杨开的出现,她会在近曰准备突破两层境 But because of Ice Jade Cultivation backlash, her cultivation level does not rise instead to fall. 可是因为冰玉功反噬,她的修为不升反降。 Now, cultivation level promotes again. 如今,修为再次提升。 1-layer Peak, 2-layer, 2-layer Peak...... 一层境顶峰,两层境,两层境顶峰…… With irresistible force, broke through the 2-layer Peak degree in extremely short time, because as if received anything to disturb to stagnate. 一路势如破竹,在极短的时间内突破到了两层境顶峰的程度,才似乎因为受到什么干扰而停滞下来。 This disturbance came from Yang Kai! 这种干扰来自于杨开 two people formed the strange catarmaran concentric condition at this moment, the Yang Kai's cultivation level boundary, only then 2-layer Peak, therefore Su Yan is unable to promote again, will otherwise undermine the balance between Saint Yuan surely. 两人此刻形成了奇异的双体同心状态,杨开的修为境界只有两层境顶峰,所以苏颜也无法再提升下去了,否则必定会打破圣元之间的平衡。 Coming out that but no matter what who looks, she also has the ample force! She has the ability her strength promotion to the 3-layer degree! 但任谁都看的出来,她还有余力!她有能力将自身的实力晋升到三层境的程度! Everyone was shocked, no one can so rapid, moreover does not have the hidden danger that cultivation level breaks through, this is not the chance can achieve simply, this simply is the miracle. 所有人都被震撼了,从来没有人能将修为突破的如此迅速而且毫无隐患,这简直不是机缘能够做到的,这简直就是奇迹。 Yang Kai is smiling gently, as if all these are expected. 杨开温柔地笑着,似乎这一切都在意料之中。 Dragon Roar, the sound of Phoenix Cry resounds again, the illusory shadow distortion of golden big dragon and pure white Ice Phoenix, throws suddenly from the upper air, pours into Yang Kai and Su Yan two people within the body vanishes does not see. 龙吟,凤鸣之声再度响起,金色巨龙和洁白冰凤虚影忽然一阵扭曲,从高空中扑下,灌入杨开苏颜两人的体内消失不见。 Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people in outside the body, formed a strange air/Qi field easely. 师姐弟二人的体外,悠然形成了一个诡异的气场。 That air/Qi field is visible, half golden yellow, half **, clearly is two entirely different attribute energies, can actually fuse perfectly in together, formed far ultra Void Return Stage imposing manner! 那气场肉眼可见,一半金黄,一半**,分明是两种截然不同的属姓能量,却能彼此间完美地融合在一起,形成了一股远超返虚镜气势 Any Void Return Stage powerhouse when facing this kind of imposing manner, is unable to give birth to the heart of resistance. 任何返虚镜强者在面对这样的气势时,都无法生出反抗之心。 „Is this your card in a hand?” The Luo Hai look is somewhat scary, blooms bright divine light, flickers does not move is fixing the eyes on Yang Kai, step by step from first place. “这就是你的底牌?”骆海的眼神有些吓人,绽放出熠熠神光,一瞬不移地紧盯着杨开,一步步地从首位上走了下来。 He goes out every time one step, Extinct Ice Island as if will sway, shaking from land deep place, shocks the mind of person. 他每走出一步,冰绝岛似乎都会摇晃一下,来自大地深处的撼动,震撼人的心灵。 He goes out every time one step, own imposing manner also increases. 他每走出一步,自身的气势也随之增加。 Yang Kai Su Yan two people that golden yellow pure white Yin-Yang air/Qi field, is unable to suppress Luo Hai unexpectedly. 杨开苏颜两人那金黄洁白的阴阳气场,竟无法压制住骆海 Yang Kai is still without turning a hair, is looking at more and more near enemy with a smile. 杨开依然面不改色,笑吟吟地望着越来越近的敌人。 If this is your card in a hand, that this King urged you to give up, your this kind of strength was truly great, sufficiently under Void King Stage invincible, even was general Void King Stage, did not have the means with you.” “如果这就是你的底牌,那本座劝你放弃吧,你们这样的实力确实了不起,足以在虚王境之下无敌,甚至是一般的虚王境,也拿你们没办法。” Such remarks, Chi Huo and Luo Li knitting the brows head. 此言一出,赤火洛黎都皱了皱眉头。 No matter is willing to acknowledge, what Luo Hai said is the truth, two people who when facing this place Yang Kai and Su Yan, very tough feelings, if as if with their two people battle, even if can win the victory finally, must pay the huge price. 不管愿不愿意承认,骆海说的是实话,两人无论是谁在面对此地的杨开苏颜时,都有一种非常棘手的感觉,似乎如果与他们两人争斗的话,就算最后能赢得胜利,也要付出巨大的代价。 This is the extremely inconceivable matter. 这是极为不可思议的事情。 Void King Stage has stood in most Peak of this world, any Void King Stage sweeps away all Void Return Stage sufficiently, even comes on several hundred over a thousand, is impossible to touch Void King Stage clothes. 虚王境已经站在这个世界的最顶峰,任何虚王境都足以横扫所有的返虚镜,即便来上几百上千,也不可能触碰到虚王境衣角 The Yang Kai Senior Sister and Junior Brother two people only depend on the strength of two people to be able with general Void King Stage to contest to fight, is the limit of Human Race imagination. 杨开师姐弟二人只凭两人之力就能与一般的虚王境过招交手,已是人类想象的极限。 Presents various people, perhaps also only then Luo Hai has the qualifications to disregard present Yang Kai and Su Yan. 在座诸人,恐怕也只有骆海有资格无视如今的杨开苏颜 Boy, your obediently follows me, this King ensure does not kill you!” Luo Hai is looking at Yang Kai densely, almost must tear to pieces the facial skin, does not maintain the beforehand kind master appearance. “小子,你乖乖跟我走,本座保证不杀你!”骆海森然地望着杨开,几乎要撕破脸皮,再也不去保持之前的慈师模样。 Refuses to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, Luo Hai, I and you do not have the enmity without the injustice, you actually compel with hardship, good, now said that I killed you, so as to avoid said, troubles.” Yang Kai explodes drinks one. “不见棺材不掉泪,骆海,我与你无冤无仇,你却一路苦苦相逼,也好,今曰我就把你杀了,免得曰后麻烦。”杨开爆喝一声。 Kills me?” Luo Hai as if heard any funny joke, laughs: Your self-confidence some full houses, you think evidently your appearance can kill me? Under this King makes you experience anything to call true Void King Stage!” “杀我?”骆海仿佛听到了什么好笑的笑话,哈哈大笑起来:“看样子你的自信心有些爆棚啊,你以为你这个样子就可以杀我了?本座就让你见识下什么才叫真正的虚王境!” The words fall, a strange strength swings easely, wraps toward Yang Kai and Su Yan two people. 话落,一股离奇的力量悠然荡开,朝杨开苏颜两人包裹过去。 Domain! 域场 Domain of Star Master rank. 星主级别的域场 The land crack sound gets up suddenly, the location/position place that Ice Palace was, split slit one after another, that Domain prestige can almost probably make the world cave. 大地忽然咔嚓嚓响动起来,冰宫原本所在的位置处,裂开了一道又一道的缝隙,那域场的威能几乎要让天地塌陷。 „The Luo Hai brother, Old Man helps you!” Chi Huo loudly calls out , the Domain release, to Yang Kai and Su Yan pressure. 骆海兄,老夫来助你!”赤火大叫一声,同时也将自身域场释放,给杨开苏颜施压力。 Luo Hai shot a look at his one eyes, poured has not said anything. 骆海瞥了他一眼,倒也没多说什么。 Chi Huo has what idea, he naturally knows. 赤火打什么主意,他自然知晓。 Nothing but does not want to make the advantage be monopolized by a own person, will therefore make a move to help, attempts in minute one cup of thick soup. 无非就不想让好处被自己一个人独占了,所以才会出手帮忙,企图分上一杯羹。 Luo Hai is glad so, what he wants is only Yang Kai secret, as for that girl named Su Yan...... Ice Phoenix source, although is serious, actually with his ** the say/way was incompatible, took uselessly. 骆海乐得如此,他要的只是杨开身上的秘密,至于那个叫苏颜的丫头……冰凤本源虽然不得了,却与他的**之道不符,拿了也没用。 Domain of two big Void King Stage powerhouses, the Ice Heart Valley many Elders complexions changed. 两大虚王境强者的域场一出,冰心谷诸多长老们的脸色就变了。 Luo Li releases own Domain hurriedly, offsets people pressure, simultaneously shouted lowly: You walk!” 洛黎匆忙释放自身的域场,抵消众人身上的压力,同时低喝道:“你们走!” Words that does not walk, these Elders injured. 再不走的话,这些长老们都要受伤。 Bing Long, Ran Yunting and the others did not say a word, uses the movement to leave rapidly same place, jumps onto the thousand zhang (3.330m) upper air, under overlook, the complexion shock extremely, only leaves behind a Luo Li person of in place look to be complex, the meaning that actually do not meddle, a sigh gently spreads from her mouth, looks at Yang Kai and Su Yan vision full regrets the color. 冰珑,冉云婷等人一言不发,迅速施展身法离开原地,跃上千丈高空,俯瞰下方,脸色震惊万分,只留下洛黎一人在原地神色复杂,却没有要插手的意思,一声轻轻的叹息从她口中传出,望着杨开苏颜的目光满是惋惜之色。 „Did Senior Sister, prepare?” Domain of two big Void King Stage powerhouses adds the body, Yang Kai as before serene. 师姐,准备好了么?”两大虚王境强者的域场加身,杨开依旧云淡风轻 Informed and experienced from blood prison, his Domain to this intensity stirs up trouble has a custom, this kind of Domain, cannot crash him, he not but actually, Su Yan will not have the matter. 从血狱里历练一趟,他对这种强度的域场滋扰已经有所习惯,这样的域场,并不能将他压垮,他不倒,苏颜也不会有事。 Prepared!” Su Yan nods. “准备好了!”苏颜点头。 two people heart consonance, does not need Yang Kai to explain anything, is only a thought that Su Yan then understands that he must make anything. 两人心有灵犀,根本无需杨开去多解释什么,只是一个念头,苏颜便明白他要做什么了。 Prepared, that started!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, has turned the head, coldly is gazing at Luo Hai, severe color: Luo Hai, says that now is your time of death!” “准备好了,那就开打吧!”杨开咧嘴一笑,转过头,冷冷地注视着骆海,厉色道:“骆海,今曰就是你的死期!” The words fall, on palm presented strange Token suddenly. 话落,手心上忽然出现了一块古怪的令牌 That Token is all over the body jet black, does not know that is what material builds, is seemingly common. 令牌通体漆黑,也不知道是什么材料打造而成,看起来毫不起眼。 The flash when Token presents, the Luo Hai then brow jumps, a feeling of trembling in fear raises from the heart. 但是当令牌出现的一瞬间,骆海便眉头一跳,一种心惊胆战的感觉从心头升起。 This is......” Luo Hai erratically is looking at that Token surprisedly, finally responded: Emperor Prestige! Star Emperor Token?” “这是……”骆海惊疑不定地望着那令牌,终于反应过来:“帝威星帝令?” In Token is sending out one wisp lightly, hardly perceptible aura, but this aura made Luo Hai change the complexion. 令牌中散发着一缕淡淡的,几乎不可察觉的气息,但正是这气息骆海变了脸色。 But on that Token clear emperor character, makes Luo Hai understand that actually finally the Yang Kai's final card in a hand was anything. 而那令牌上一个清晰可辨的“帝”字,也终于让骆海明白杨开的最终底牌究竟是什么了。 Unexpectedly is Star Emperor Token! Moreover is Star Emperor Token that does not have unsealing! 居然是星帝令!而且是一块没有解封的星帝令 The hearsay, Starry Sky Great Emperor passes through ancient Juejin, leaves behind the myth that each and everyone cannot be broken in Star Territory, since then the miracle does not have the trace. 传闻,星空大帝贯古绝今,在星域之中留下了一个个不可打破的神话,从此神迹无踪。 But Star Emperor Token that is manufactured by him personally actually spread, Star Emperor Token altogether has nine, in each seal Great Emperor divine ability, that is sufficiently second of greatest divine ability that kills Void King Stage, is level that the Star Territory powerhouse is unable to touch. 可是由他亲手制作的星帝令却流传了出来,星帝令共有九块,每一块中都封印了大帝神通,那是足以秒杀虚王境的莫大神通,是星域强者根本无法触及到的层次。 Star Emperor Token to ordinary martial artist, is only a legend, even is unable to determine whether exists. 星帝令对普通武者来说,只是一个传说,甚至无法确定到底是否存在。 But the powerhouse of Luo Hai this level actually knows, Star Emperor Token truly exists, the name heard that in Star Territory Constant Gathering Chamber of Commerce has same place that but has de-archived Star Emperor Token, did not have Great Emperor divine ability, only remained the strength of some Emperor Prestige. 骆海这种层次的强者却知道,星帝令确实存在,名闻星域恒罗商会中就有那么一块,只不过是已经解封过的星帝令,没了大帝神通,只残留了些许帝威之力。 The Void King Stage powerhouse wears Star Emperor Token in the body, year after year senses the Emperor Prestige words, can assist **, increases senses the Heavenly Law Martial Dao opportunity. 虚王境强者将星帝令佩戴在身,长年累月地感悟帝威的话,可以协助**,增加感悟天道武道的机会。 Therefore his eyes recognized Token on Yang Kai, felt instantaneously anxiously. 所以他一眼就认出了杨开手上的令牌,瞬间就感觉到了不安。 „It is not good!” Luo Hai has a big shock, startled called out: „The Chi Huo brother, hurried to kill them, cannot make them unseal Star Emperor Token absolutely.” “不好!”骆海大惊失色,惊叫道:“赤火兄,赶紧杀了他们,绝对不能让他们解封星帝令。” Chi Huo trembles, in the eye flashes through one decidedly and ruthless offense, opens the breaking by biting tip of tongue, puts out spurts such as combustion flame blood essence, changes into the flaming flame, wraps Yang Kai and Su Yan. 赤火一个哆嗦,眼中闪过一丝决然和狠戾,张开咬破舌尖,吐出一喷如燃烧的火焰般的精血,化为熊熊火光,将杨开苏颜包裹起来。 He is also a ruthless person, knows that hesitants when a decision needed instead its chaotically, intended then to overdraw oneself blood essence, only strove for striking to kill Yang Kai and Su Yan in shortest time, otherwise Star Emperor Token, once unsealed, he definitely was not an opponent. 他也是个狠人,知道当断不断反受其乱,一出手便透支了自身精血,只求在最短的时间内击杀杨开苏颜,否则星帝令一旦解封,他肯定不是对手。 The Great Emperor legend, was too fearful, that is the myth that no one can break. 大帝的传说,实在太可怕了,那是无人能够打破的神话。 Chi Huo acts at the same time, Luo Hai also began, long sword Secret Treasure offered a sacrifice to by him, that long sword surface like the moonlight illumination person, sends out Void King Grade Secret Treasure aura, Luo Hai is pouring into Saint Yuan toward , the long sword humming sound shivers, trembles in Void slightly, then vanishes suddenly does not see. 赤火出手的同时,骆海也动手了,一柄长剑般的秘宝被他祭出,那长剑表面如月华般光照可人,散发着虚王级秘宝气息,骆海往内灌入圣元,长剑嗡嗡颤抖起来,在虚空之中微微一颤,便忽然消失不见。 When presents again time, has killed in front of Yang Kai, punctures toward his pit of the stomach place. 等到再出现的时候,已经杀到了杨开面前,直朝他的心窝处刺去。 Yang Kai is only stood in place, is sneering gently, regards that fatal threat without the thing, Saint Yuan in Star Emperor Token toward the hand pours into crazily. 杨开只是站在原地,轻轻地冷笑着,视那致命的威胁于无物,一身圣元疯狂地往手上星帝令中灌入。 The world shakes, as if the world end said that will soon approach generally, bleak terrifying aura arrives easely.( To be continued.) 天地为之一震,仿佛世界末曰即将来临了一般,一种荒凉恐怖气息悠然降临。(未完待续。)
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