MP :: Volume #17

#1653: Flies the branch to change the phoenix

Chi Huo smiles carefree dripping, a red hair calm from dance, greatest imposing manner sends out from within the body, high-spirited, hand finger/refers of Su Yan, said to his back Wei Feng: Little animal, after this girl, was your, was kills hacks the your own looks at office!” 赤火笑的畅快淋漓,一头红发无风自舞,莫大的气势自体内散发,意气风发,把手一指苏颜,冲他背后的卫风道:“小畜生,这丫头以后就是你的了,是杀是剐你自己看着办!” He dissatisfied present victory, wants to enrage the Ice Heart Valley high level by this, making them make a move on own initiative . 他并不满足眼前的胜利,想以此在激怒冰心谷的高层,让她们主动出手。. But Ice Heart Valley these people not hurriedly, but wants expression certainly to look at him with a grief and indignation, even Luo Li no matter regarding this did not ask. 冰心谷的那些人并没有造次,只是用一种悲愤欲绝的表情望着他,连洛黎都对此不管不问。 This disappoints Chi Huo, also somewhat despises. 这让赤火很失望,同时也有些鄙夷。 The approaches and attitudes of Ice Heart Valley these people seem like that for the Sect principle of righteousness, had thrown the duty of personhood actually, he believes that after this incident, said after Ice Heart Valley will certainly nothing to be afraid! 冰心谷这些人的做法和态度看似是为了宗门大义,实则已经丢了做人的本分,他相信经此一事,曰后的冰心谷必将不足为惧! Wei Feng sneered, the injury of two sides cheeks is making his laughter somewhat leak out, unclear say/way: How disciple is willing to kill and hack to her, disciple hurt her also without enough time, disciple many thanks Supreme Elder, the Supreme Elder powerful ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), disciple was deeply grateful!” 卫风嘿嘿冷笑着,两边脸颊的伤势让他的笑声有些漏风,含糊不清道:“弟子怎舍得对她又杀又剐的,弟子疼她还来不及了,弟子多谢太上长老,太上长老雄威万丈,弟子感激不尽!” Although Wei Feng timid timid, but the skill of pats the horse is actually good, Chi Huo that said in a few words is ecstatic, suddenly thought that this good-for-nothing boy seemed somewhat slightly pleasing to the eyes. 卫风虽然胆小怯弱,但拍马的本事却是不俗,三言两语说的赤火心花怒放,忽然觉得这不成器的小子看起来略有些顺眼了。 Good!” Luo Hai claps hands to pat, on the face is hanging the light happy expression, this King congratulated in this, hopes that your two schools can be more moderate the relations, after saying lived together in peace and harmony, after all was big Sect on Scarlet Billow Star, always killed was not good.” “好!”骆海抚掌轻拍,脸上挂着淡淡的笑意,“本座在此恭贺诸位了,希望你们两派能藉此缓和些关系,曰后和睦相处,毕竟都是赤澜星上的大宗门,老是打打杀杀的也不好。” Luo Hai brother, if safe/without matter, but how also please return to Brilliant Fire Sect to drink glass of celebration drinks?” Chi Huo is looking at him, sends out the invitation. 骆海兄,若是无事的话,还请回火耀宗去喝杯喜酒如何?”赤火望着他,发出邀请。 Luo Hai shakes the head slowly: „, time of this King this coming out was also long enough, was the time returns to Green Hills Star.” 骆海缓缓摇头:“不了,本座这次出来的时间也够久了,是时候回翠微星了。” The Ice Heart Valley various person complexions are pale, look at Chi Huo such as the life biggest winner to show off generally, arrogant, actually does not dare to speak, Luo Li has also shut tightly the double pupil, the less seen the better. 冰心谷诸人脸色铁青,望着赤火如人生最大的赢家一般炫耀,飞扬跋扈,却是不敢吭声,就连洛黎也一直紧闭双眸,眼不见为净。 Yang Kai, you walk along with me!” Luo Hai looks toward Yang Kai, in the tone has one type not the flavor that allows to refute. 杨开,你随我走!”骆海杨开望去,语气中带着一种不容反驳的味道。 Yang Kai sneers gently, looked that has not looked at his one eyes, the vision 11 on the face of Ice Heart Valley people have actually swept. 杨开轻轻冷笑,看都没看他一眼,目光却在冰心谷众人的脸上一一扫过。 The person who as long as had a liking for by him, put aside the vision all afraid, complexion is guilty. 但凡被他看上的人,无不心虚地撇开了目光,面色愧疚。 Ran Yunting is also so, but is quick, she seemed like responded, attitude strong say/way: This is you brings upon oneself, whom could not complain about!” 就连冉云婷也是如此,不过很快,她似乎是反应了过来,态度强硬道:“这是你们自找的,怨不得谁!” Yang Kai sneers. 杨开冷笑更甚。 Patted under the back of the hand of Su Yan gently, Yang Kai said: Senior Sister, gives you these so-called Elder to salute, after this, you and they are again uninterested!” 轻轻地拍了下苏颜的手背,杨开道:“师姐,去给你这些所谓的长辈们行了个礼吧,从此之后,你与她们再无关系!” Good, I listen your.” Su Yan nods cleverly, strolls to arrive in front of the Ice Heart Valley people, the deep ritual, is on the rise, looks at Ran Yunting saying: disciple called your Honored Master finally, disciple many thanks Honored Master these years being liberal taught, Honored Master said, please take care!” “好,我听你的。”苏颜乖巧地点点头,漫步走到冰心谷众人面前,深深一礼,抬起头,望着冉云婷道:“弟子最后称呼您一声师尊,弟子多谢师尊这些年来的不吝教导,师尊曰后请多保重!” Ran Yunting opens mouth, as to say anything, but puts aside the vision finally. 冉云婷张了张嘴,仿佛是想说些什么,可最终还是撇开目光。 Su Yan as if shook off what shackles general, returned to Yang Kai side lithely. 苏颜仿佛挣脱了什么枷锁一般,轻盈地返回到杨开身边。 Boy, do not resist stubbornly, your obediently follows the Luo Hai brother, as for the small girl of your side, from now, she was my Brilliant Fire Sect person.” Chi Huo cold snort say/way. “小子,不要负隅顽抗了,你乖乖地跟骆海兄走,至于你身边的这个小丫头,从此以后,她便是我火耀宗的人了。”赤火冷哼着道。 Yang Kai and Su Yan look at each other one, suddenly simultaneously smiles, the two people smiling face dispersed the haze in this Ice Palace to constrain the atmosphere on such as the scorching sun generally. 杨开苏颜对视一眼,忽然同时一笑,两人的笑容就如骄阳一般驱散了这冰宫内的阴霾压抑气氛。 „To carry off Senior Sister, has first asked me!” Yang Kai drinks suddenly lowly. “想带走师姐,先问过我!”杨开忽然低喝。 Meanwhile, Su Yan tender shout also passed on: I and Junior Brother live and die together!” 与此同时,苏颜娇喝声也传了出来:“我与师弟同生共死!” two people imposing manner rises suddenly suddenly, Saint Yuan erupts loudly. 两人气势陡然暴涨,圣元轰然爆发。 Person of Saint Yuan is vigorous, a person of Saint Yuan cold and gloomy ice is cold. 一人的圣元雄浑阳刚,一人的圣元森冷冰寒。 Let the change of person accidental/surprised appear, Yang Kai and Su Yan Saint Yuan as if had what resonance general unexpectedly, simultaneous vibrated, during vibration, each other fusion. 让人意外的变化出现了,杨开苏颜圣元竟仿佛发生了什么共鸣一般,齐齐震动起来,在震动之中,彼此融合。 Wilder fluctuation of energy, ease unconstrainedly. 更加狂暴的能量波动,悠然跌宕而出。 Everyone complexion changes, shakes is looking at shoulder to shoulder vertical youth men and women surprised. 所有人都面色微变,震愕地望着并肩而立的一对青年男女。 In the Luo Hai eye is none explodes flashes, in the surface piece of astonished, seemed like discovered any serious matter, has shut tightly Luo Li of double pupil to open the view at this moment suddenly, wiped the thick extraordinary splendor to flash through in the eyeground deep place. 骆海眼中更是精光爆闪,面上一片讶然,似乎是发现了什么不得了的事情,一直紧闭着双眸的洛黎更是在此刻霍然睁开了眼帘,一抹浓浓的异彩在眼底深处闪过。 Chi Huo light well, three big Void King Stage powerhouses look all surprisedly. 赤火轻咦一声,三大虚王境强者无不面露惊讶。 Looking into the distance, Yang Kai and Su Yan two people seems to become a person, Void Return 2-layer and Void Return 1-layer cultivation level superimposes strangely, has not conflicted, broke through the Void Return 3-layer Peak degree directly. 放眼望去,杨开苏颜两人仿佛已经成为了一个人,返虚两层境返虚一层境修为诡异地叠加起来,没有丝毫冲突,直接突破到了返虚三层境顶峰的程度。 A little meaning, is this dual cultivation Cultivation Technique?” Luo Hai knits the brows, with his profound experience, nature saw that Yang Kai and Su Yan two people has reached the heart consonance degree, otherwise such perfect of two people entirely different Saint Yuan attribute impossible overlay, will clash absolutely surely. “有点意思,这是双修功法吧?”骆海皱了皱眉,以他的渊博见识,自然一眼就看出杨开苏颜两人早就已达到了心有灵犀的程度,否则两人截然不同的圣元属姓绝对不可能叠加的如此完美,必定会发生冲突。 scoundrel!” In Chi Huo mouth big shout. 混账!”赤火口中大喝着。 After all in his opinion, Su Yan is the Wei Feng woman, but this woman does not know unexpectedly when already with Yang Kai dual cultivation, this is giving Brilliant Fire Sect to discredit simply. 毕竟在他看来,苏颜已经是卫风的女人了,但是这女人居然不知道什么时候已经与杨开双修过了,这简直就是在给火耀宗抹黑。 Did not say that practice Ice Jade Cultivation person, does not have the flaw intact? But how this should explain at present? 不是说修炼冰玉功的人,都是完璧无瑕么?可眼前这一幕又该如何解释? Finishing speaking of Chi Huo, in Ice Palace resounds sound of the deafening low roar suddenly, the sound of that low roar is unusual, as if can be used to the mind, the instance that the sound spreads, presents everyone, even including that three Void King Stage, all the palpitation is anxious. 赤火的话音刚落,冰宫内忽然响起一声震耳欲聋的低吼之声,那低吼之声奇特无比,似乎能直惯心灵,声音传出的瞬间,在场所有人,甚至包括那三位虚王境,都无不心悸不安。 Ice Heart Valley these Elders, are the complexion big changes. 冰心谷的那些长老们,更是面色大变。 This was......” Luo Hai rubs to stand, the vision shiver is looking at Yang Kai, is focusing on his change. “这是……”骆海蹭地站了起来,目光颤抖地望着杨开,紧盯着他身上的变化。 The golden yellow air/Qi from the Yang Kai within the body lasing, circled in his top of the head together suddenly, immediately changes into huge golden yellow illusory shadow. 一道金黄之气忽然自杨开体内激射而出,在他头顶上盘旋了一下,立刻化为一只巨大的金黄虚影 That illusory shadow is more than 30 zhang (3.33 m) considerable, golden light is all over the body shining, the hard scales just like in the world the finest protection, resists any attack sufficiently. 虚影长足有三十多丈,通体金光灿灿,坚硬的鳞甲犹如世上最优良的防护,足以抵挡任何攻击 The eyeball that two endure compared with the small house size was full of the endless dignity, indifferent, but another person is frightened, just like stands in cloud top/fall above, overlook all living things. 两只堪比小房子大小的眼珠子充满了无尽的威严,冷漠而另人惊悚,犹如站在云颠之上,俯瞰着芸芸众生。 Its the eyeball to, everyone has a base and low tiny feeling. 对上它的眼珠子,每个人都生出一种卑微的渺小感。 Golden Dragon!” The eyeball of Luo Hai shivers fiercely, the sound somewhat changed. 金龙!”骆海的眼珠子剧烈颤抖,声音都有些变了。 His vision is staring at that golden illusory shadow fiery, just like seeing in the world not most possible thing. 他目光火热地盯着那金色虚影,宛若看到了世上最不可能出现的东西。 Chi Huo dull stood in place, a pair of eyes bead such as the flame general combustion jumps, the thoughts were unpredictable. 赤火站在原地,一双眼珠子如火焰一般燃烧跳跃起来,心思捉摸不定。 His as if also didn't expect, hid such an extraordinary wealth in Yang Kai's within the body unexpectedly! 他似乎也没想到,在杨开的体内居然隐藏了这样一笔惊人的财富! Does Luo Hai pursue Yang Kai to arrive at Scarlet Billow Star, could it be that for this? It is not right, looks at the Luo Hai look, he as if also just now discovers. 骆海追着杨开来到赤澜星,难道就是为这个?不对,看骆海的神色,他似乎也是才刚发现。 Does this boy have other secret in the body? 这小子还有别的秘密在身? The Chi Huo thought has not transferred, another strange sound spreads. 赤火的念头还没转完,又一个奇异的声音传出。 This sound might as well a moment ago shock of Dragon Roar, but actually resonant incomparable, the direct impact highest heaven, as if must shake to full deity Buddha. 这个声音不如刚才龙吟的震撼,但却嘹亮无比,直冲九霄,仿佛要撼动到满天神佛。 With spreading of sound, another a ray of light projects from Yang Kai within the body, flies to flee to the Su Yan top of the head, transforms one group of pure white illusory shadow. 伴随着声音的传出,另一道光芒杨开体内射出,飞窜到苏颜的头顶上,幻化出一团洁白虚影 Whish...... that illusory shadow both wings launch, coordinates with each other across a great distance with length of body 30 zhang (3.33 m) Golden Dragon, a chill in the air of cold penetrating heart, arrives suddenly, the world's most was transferred to the pure ice cold air/Qi, simultaneous is gathering toward Su Yan. 哗……那虚影双翅展开,与体长三十丈的金龙遥相呼应,一种冷彻心扉的寒意,陡然降临,天地间最至纯的冰寒之气被调动起来,齐齐苏颜聚集着。 The Luo Li look finally changed, is looking at that huge illusory shadow on Su Yan top of the head, loses one's voice to call out in alarm: Ice Phoenix!” 洛黎的神色终于变了,望着苏颜头顶上的那巨大虚影,失声惊呼:“冰凤!” What!” Luo Hai has a big shock, this time he is unable to maintain the calmness and calm of own again, suddenly loses self-control. “什么!”骆海大惊失色,这一次他再也无法维持自己的冷静和淡定,骤然失态 Golden Dragon Ice Phoenix, is Antiquity Holy Spirit in legend, has exterminated, but says now, he actually saw on Yang Kai. 金龙冰凤,都是传说中的上古圣灵,早已灭绝,可是今曰,他却在杨开身上见到了。 Although is not real Golden Dragon Ice Phoenix, the strength of light source but in that two illusory shadow sends out, actually not do false. 尽管不是真的金龙冰凤,可那两道虚影中散发出来的淡淡本源之力,却是做不得假。 In other words, the sources that these two groups of illusory shadow, after are true Golden Dragon Ice Phoenix dies, to remain! 也就是说,这两团虚影,都是真正的金龙冰凤死后残留下来的本源! On this boy many unknown wealth! Luo Hai is looking at Yang Kai, vision fiery. 这小子身上到底有多少不为人知的财富啊!骆海望着杨开,目光一片火热。 Scalding hot and severely cold Domain fills the air, Yang Kai and Su Yan stand shoulder to shoulder, imposing manner is dreadful. 灼热与严寒的意境弥漫开来,杨开苏颜并肩而立,气势滔天。 golden light and white light shoot up to the sky, just like great sword that two handles keep pace with, cuts this world, the cloud layer in that upper air was divided into two halves suddenly. 金光白芒冲天而起,宛若两柄并驾齐驱的巨剑,将这天地都切割开来,那高空中的云层骤然被分为两半。 The entire Ice Heart Valley people saw this marvelous sight, simultaneous were startled in place, does not know that what kind of accident in Dao Vallis exactly had. 整个冰心谷的人都看到了这一幕奇观,齐齐在原地,不知道谷内到底发生了怎样的变故。 Ice Palace, had turned into stretch of ruins, energy burst when two entirely different, can actually complement one another, Ice Palace that this belongs to Ice Heart Valley has collapsed loudly, nearby restriction and Formation flash was destroyed completely. 冰宫,已经变成了一片废墟,当两股截然不同,却能相辅相成的能量爆发出来的时候,这座属于冰心谷冰宫就已经轰然倒塌,附近的禁制阵法一瞬间被摧毁殆尽。 Ice Heart Valley more than ten Elder revolution Cultivation Technique, resist the scalding hot and ice that cold Domain that seizes every opportunity in abundance laboriously. 冰心谷的十几位长老纷纷运转功法,辛苦抵挡那无孔不入的灼热和冰寒意境 Wei Feng was protected by Chi Huo in behind. 卫风赤火护在身后 various people on the scene, only then three Void King Stage can face directly this kind of terrifying aura. 在场诸人,只有三位虚王境可以直面这样的恐怖气息 Ran Yunting dumbfounded, the vision absent-minded is looking at Su Yan at this moment, a thick lamentation surges from the heart. 冉云婷呆住了,目光失神地望着此刻的苏颜,一种浓浓的悔恨从心中涌起。 She has said to Yang Kai, Su Yan must fly the branch to change the phoenix eventually, the Yang Kai this kind of person cannot be joined to her. 她对杨开说过,苏颜终究是要飞上枝头变凤凰的,杨开这样的人根本配不上她。 But now, Su Yan truly achieved, has the strength of Ice Phoenix source to add the body, she can transfer Ice Phoenix natural talent divine ability, she really turned into the phoenix. 而如今,苏颜确实做到了,有冰凤本源之力加身,她就可以调动起冰凤天赋神通,她真的变成凤凰了。 But all these, are actually Yang Kai give. 可这一切,却是杨开赋予的。 That Ice Phoenix the strength of source, clearly flows out from Yang Kai within the body, passed the burden on Su Yan perfectly. 冰凤的本源之力,分明是从杨开体内流出,完美地转嫁到了苏颜身上。 But this world, can keep pace with the phoenix, places on a par, perhaps also only had Divine Dragon. 但这世间,能与凤凰并驾齐驱,相提并论的,恐怕也只有神龙了。 Ran Yunting is looking in the Yang Kai top of the head that huge Golden Dragon illusory shadow, silent smiled bitterly, the mouth flavor ratio ate the Chinese goldthread rhizome also to painstakingly. 冉云婷怔怔地望着杨开头顶上那巨大的金龙虚影,无声地苦笑了一下,嘴里味道比吃了黄连还要苦。 Has the same expression with her, Ice Heart Valley many Elders, Luo Li. 与她有相同表情的,还有冰心谷的诸多长老们,还有洛黎 The Luo Li didn't expect aspect will also develop this, if one had only known, she even if puts together the Ice Heart Valley strength to damage greatly, will not accept the Chi Huo old strange impolite request absolutely. 洛黎没想到局面会发展成这样,若是早知如此的话,她就算拼着冰心谷实力大损,也绝对不会答应赤火老怪的无礼要求。 The strength of Ice Phoenix source adds the body, this is the chance that goes against heaven's will! Has the strength of this source, Ice Jade Cultivation backlash is a cinch radically, said that after Su Yan can lead Ice Heart Valley to step onto the magnificent main road surely, the achievement that she can achieve also surely many that own is higher. 冰凤本源之力加身,这是何等逆天的机缘!有此本源之力,冰玉功反噬根本不在话下,曰后的苏颜必定能带领冰心谷走上辉煌大道,她能取得的成就也必定比自己高的多。 This is one makes entire Sect pay the talent who fresh blood and surname life must maintain sufficiently! 这是一个足以让整个宗门都付出鲜血和姓命也要维护的人才! What a pity such as was actually thrown a useless board game piece to be the same by own, pushes out single-handedly, only to receive in exchange for Sect for a while barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. 可惜却被自己如丢一个无用的棋子一样,一手推了出去,只为换取宗门的一时苟延残喘。 rays of light in Luo Li eye suddenly becomes somewhat gloomy, a opens the mouth, dark red fresh blood spurted. 洛黎眼中的光芒忽然变得有些暗淡,一张口,殷红的鲜血喷了出来。 She suddenly discovered, own did this for a lifetime biggest wrong thing a moment ago.( To be continued.) 她忽然发现,自己刚才做了这一辈子最大的错事。(未完待续。)
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