MP :: Volume #17

#1652: Given up disciple

Also to Monday, sought the recommendation!! 又到周一,求推荐!! ...... …… Said this saying time, the Chi Huo corners of the mouth twitch, even he is thinking that at heart Wei Feng really cannot be joined to Su Yan, including does not have to the qualifications that others pull on shoes . 说这话的时候,赤火嘴角抽搐,连他都在心里认为卫风实在是配不上苏颜,连给人家提鞋的资格都没有。. But this one time is really the good opportunity of attacking Ice Heart Valley, so long as can force Ice Heart Valley to compromise here, that Brilliant Fire Sect then can be in the upper hand in the future battle greatly. 但这确是一次打击冰心谷的好机会,只要能在这里逼迫冰心谷妥协,那火耀宗便可以在未来的争斗中大占上风。 The most important thing is that can borrow from this next best matter, the attack Luo Li state of mind, making her state of mind present the flaw. 最重要的一点,可以借由此次之事,攻击洛黎的心境,让她的心境出现破绽。 If this matter becomes, said, must become Luo Li heart demon, cultivation level does not have the possible progress again. 此事若成,曰后必会成为洛黎心魔,修为再无可能进步。 But under he can go a step further on oneself body cultivation level, is in inverse proportion, Scarlet Billow Star that says surely is the Brilliant Fire Sect world. 而他则可以在己身修为上更进一步,此消彼长之下,来曰的赤澜星必定是火耀宗的天下。 Chi Huo finishes speaking, Ran Yunting then proceeds to step forward one step, look cold and severe said: Wishful thinking, Su Yan is my Ice Heart Valley Core Disciple, how to get married and leave others? Her will only treat for a lifetime in Ice Heart Valley, where does not go!” 赤火话音刚落,冉云婷便往前跨出一步,神色冷厉道:“痴心妄想,苏颜乃我冰心谷核心弟子,怎会外嫁他人?她这一辈子都只会待在冰心谷,哪里也不去!” Chi Huo hey hey is smiling strangely, looks at Ran Yunting said: If Old Man has not misread, her practice should be your Ice Heart Valley the secret of not passing on, Ice Jade Cultivation?” 赤火嘿嘿怪笑着,看着冉云婷道:“若是老夫没看错的话,她修炼的应该是你们冰心谷的不传之秘,冰玉功吧?” How is?” Ran Yunting does not know that he is hitting what wicked scheme. “是又如何?”冉云婷不知道他在打什么鬼主意。 Is words, that was easy to do, Old Man looked that she has moved the worldly desire, Bing Xin flees the capital, has received Cultivation Technique backlash, as if also great...... graciousness, such as her this kind of situation, only feared that in less than 1-2 years, cultivation level will clear, finally degenerates into an average person, has what using to your Ice Heart Valley?” “是的话,那就好办了,老夫看她已动凡心,冰心蒙尘,已受功法反噬,似乎还不浅呢……恩,如她这样的情况,只怕用不了1-2,一身修为就会散尽,最终沦为一个普通人,对你冰心谷又有何用?” The Ran Yunting complexion changes, pays the Chi Huo old strange good astute eyesight secretly. 冉云婷脸色微变,暗付赤火老怪好精明的眼力。 The Su Yan situation is very covert, only then this master can detect some, actually does not think that Chi Huo saw Su Yan to look for the first time. 苏颜的情况很隐蔽,也只有她这个师傅才能察觉到一些,却不想赤火第一次见苏颜就已经看出来了。 for a moment, the Ran Yunting complexion haze, looked at Su Yan one, the disappointed color in pupil is obvious. 一时间,冉云婷的脸色阴霾至极,望了苏颜一眼,眸中的失望之色显而易见。 But Su Yan actually turns a blind eye, even change in does not have any look, is still only over the face happy smile, stands there, snuggle side Yang Kai, as if to her, the cultivation level strength is the floating clouds, so long as can with Yang Kai in the same place, then be dies is also worth. 苏颜却视若无睹,甚至没有任何神色上的变化,依然只是满面幸福的微笑,站在那里,依偎杨开身边,似乎对她来说,修为实力皆是浮云,只要能与杨开在一起,便是死也值得。 Ran Yunting was more disappointed. 冉云婷更加失望了。 Su Yan......” Yang Kai over the face stunned, looks is standing side own, a pair of beautiful pupil has been gazing at the own beautiful woman. 苏颜……”杨开满面愕然,望着站在自己身边,一双美眸一直注视着自己的佳人。 He emits Spiritual Mind hastily, is nosing in Su Yan within the body, detects a deficiency finally. 他连忙放出神念,在苏颜体内查探着,总算是察觉到了一丝不妥之处。 Some aura truly vicissitudes in Su Yan within the body are uncertain, by oneself practice Cultivation Technique backlash indication, the this kind of situation was been obviously slight temporarily, but if time is long, will be surely getting more and more serious. 苏颜体内的气息确实有些浮沉不定,明显是受到自身修炼功法反噬的征兆,这样的情况暂时还算轻微,可若是时间一长,必定会越来越严重。 Doesn't matter.” Su Yan is smiling gently, the look is tranquil, is not the own destiny worried. “没关系。”苏颜轻轻笑着,神色恬静,丝毫不为自己的命运而担忧。 I will find the way to reduce and solve to you.” Yang Kai took a deep breath, the expression is looking at her dignifiedly, guarantees to say. “我会想办法给你化解的。”杨开深吸一口气,表情凝重地望着她,保证道。 You then commit suicide, then can reduce and solve in front of her the difficulty!” A Ran Yunting cavity anger upwells, shouted to Yang Kai severely. “你即可自裁,便可以化解她面前的这道难关!”冉云婷一腔怒火上涌,冲杨开厉喝道。 Honored Master, but also please do not speak this words!” The smiling face on Su Yan face restrains long-drawn-out, the black eyebrow tight wrinkle, kept a serious look, Junior Brother, if died, my also cannot live alone!” 师尊,还请你不要说这种话!”苏颜脸上的笑容悠地收敛,黛眉紧皱,表情严肃,“师弟若是死了,我也不会独活!” Ran Yunting opens mouth, looks to Su Yan, reveals the astonished expression. 冉云婷张了张嘴,怔怔地看向苏颜,流露出惊愕的表情。 Su Yan or first time spoke to her with this attitude, this made Ran Yunting receive the enormous vibration. until now, Su Yan to her is obedient, regardless of own wants her to make anything, this disciple can hundred times of thousand times of places complete, satisfying her quite, and regards as important. 苏颜还是头一次用这种态度跟她讲话,这让冉云婷受到了极大的震动。一直以来,苏颜对她都是百依百顺,自己无论要她做什么,这个弟子都能百倍千倍地完成,让她极为满意,及其看重。 Now but says, she actually contradicted own. 可是今曰,她却顶撞自己了。 Evidently, own this taught her laboriously, had the greatest expectation to her Honored Master, might as well a young fellow in her heart was important. 看样子,自己这个辛苦教导她,对她报以莫大期望的师尊,在她心中还不如一个毛头小子重要。 Ran Yunting sneers, the complexion ice is cold, deeply looked at Yang Kai one, with low and deep language angry saying: Boy, you harmed Su Yan, even if you die, cannot redeem in full your sin!” 冉云婷冷笑一声,脸色冰寒,深深地看了杨开一眼,用一种低沉的语气道:“小子,你误了苏颜,就算是你死,也赎不清你的罪孽!” After saying, she drew back again, closes the eyes, did not seem to want to mix the following matter again. 说完之后,她再度退了回去,闭上双眼,似乎不想再搀和接下来的事情了。 My had contained errors Senior Sister, is not you decides, which scallion do you calculate?” Yang Kai cold snort. “我有没有误了师姐,不是你说了算,你算哪根葱?”杨开冷哼 Ok, the farce stopped!” Chi Huo stands up, a pair like pupil of flame combustion, toward the Luo Li intently watch in the past: Old Man had explained the purpose in coming, Luo Li, should be you make to choose, hands over the person to come, Old Man then retreats, if not hand over......” “好了,闹剧到此为止!”赤火站起身来,一双如火焰般燃烧的眸子,朝洛黎逼视过去:“老夫已把来意说明,洛黎,该是你做出选择了,交出人来,老夫即可退走,若是不交……” In his words contained and meaning of obvious threat. 他的话中蕴藏了及其明显的威胁之意。 Ice Heart Valley many Elder all complexion big changes. 冰心谷诸多长老皆都面色大变。 Luo Li looked at Chi Huo lightly, turns head to look to Luo Hai, opens the red lips to say lightly: „Is this meaning of Sir Luo Hai?” 洛黎淡淡地看了看赤火,又扭头看向骆海,轻启朱唇道:“这是骆海大人的意思?” She is clearer than anyone, Chi Huo this time dares so high-profile arriving Extinct Ice Island, so to be supercilious must demand in the valley most outstanding disciple, traces to the source, because has Luo Hai to support in the back! 她比谁都要明白,赤火这一次敢如此高调的来到冰绝岛,更这般目中无人地要索取谷中最优秀的弟子,究其根源,还是因为有骆海在背后撑腰! Does not have the Luo Hai words, in the Chi Huo Extinct Ice Island surrounding area thousand li (500 km) not to dare to visit at will. 没有骆海的话,赤火冰绝岛方圆千里之内都不敢随意踏足。 Luo Hai hears word smiles, said temperately: Luo Li Junior Sister this saying said good unreasonable, this matter is your Ice Heart Valley and Chi Huo the matter between Brilliant Fire Sect, this King just happens to present, joins in the fun.” 骆海闻言一笑,温和道:“洛黎师妹这话说的好没道理,此事是你冰心谷赤火火耀宗之间的事情,本座只不过是适逢其会,凑个热闹罢了。” Shifting to a new subject, Luo Hai also said: this King felt actually Chi Huo said not wrong, this called Su Yan disciple aptitude to be truly good, but since received Ice Jade Cultivation backlash, only feared that said, hard to bring about great talent, might as well marry in Wei Feng, your two also happen to can become the relations by marriage, rested gratitude and grudges between two schools, after saying lived together in peace and harmony, how could it not be beautiful?” 话锋一转,骆海又道:“不过本座倒是觉得赤火说的并没有错,这叫苏颜弟子资质确实不俗,但既然受到了冰玉功反噬,只怕曰后难成大器,不如嫁于卫风,你们两家也正好可以结为姻亲,化解两派之间的恩怨,曰后和睦相处,岂不美哉?” Listened to his such saying, the Luo Li complexion to sink, knows that Luo Hai this was stands that side Brilliant Fire Sect. 听他这么一说,洛黎脸色微沉,知道骆海这是站在火耀宗那边了。 Regarding becoming relations by marriage, rests gratitude and grudges between two schools...... this simply is fantasy story. 至于说结为姻亲,化解两派之间的恩怨……这简直就是天方夜谭 Battle of two big Sect on Scarlet Billow Star several thousand over ten thousand years, the gratitude and grudges can be said as the Blood Sea deep enmity, is impossible to reduce and solve, in this world, there is Brilliant Fire Sect said without Ice Heart Valley, has Ice Heart Valley said would have no Brilliant Fire Sect, two Sect the battle will get down forever, does not die continuous. 两大宗门赤澜星上争斗了几千上万年,彼此间的恩怨已经可以说是血海深仇,根本不可能化解,在这世上,有火耀宗的一曰就没有冰心谷,有冰心谷的一曰就没有火耀宗,两个宗门会永远地争斗下去,不死不休。 I understood.” Luo Li nodded the head gently, closed that scissors water double pupil, obviously fell into during the difficult choice. “我明白了。”洛黎轻轻颔首,闭上了那剪水双瞳,显然是陷入了艰难的抉择之中。 No one disturbs her, Ice Heart Valley Elders is all looking at Luo Li, wants to know that what kind of answer she will give. 没人打扰她,冰心谷长老们全都望着洛黎,想知道她会给出怎样的答案。 Luo Hai face serene, static scented tea. 骆海一脸云淡风轻,静静品着香茗。 A Chi Huo actually self-satisfied appearance, hey hey smiles strangely unceasingly. 赤火却一副志得意满的样子,嘿嘿怪笑不断。 He did not fear that Luo Li does not comply, this time pulls the Luo Hai fierce appearance to make the flag, to press a Ice Heart Valley head, as for that girl named Su Yan, but is the board game piece of battle. 他不怕洛黎不答应,这一次扯着骆海的虎皮做大旗,就是为了压冰心谷一头,至于那个叫苏颜的丫头,只不过是争斗的棋子罢了。 Without Su Yan, can have stretch/open face/color, king face/color...... Ice Heart Valley so many female disciple, but also feared that couldn't find a right candidate? 没有苏颜,也可以有张颜,王颜……冰心谷那么多女弟子,还怕找不到一个合适的人选? Wei Feng was not miserable was howling, this time he such as smelled the fish fishy smell cat to be common, eyeball turning round chaotic revolutions, although the cheeks ache heartrending, was a face cruel smiling face is actually looking at Su Yan, that look on such as is looking at the own toys, look silver filthy Yin Evil. 卫风也不惨嚎了,这个时候他就如嗅到了鱼腥的猫一般,眼珠子滴溜溜乱转,虽然脸颊疼痛钻心,却还是一脸残忍笑容地望着苏颜,那眼神就如望着自己的玩物,眼神银秽阴邪 In the heart is making a determined effort secretly, how when to starts later to suffer this woman Su Yan, is good to teach Yang Kai to know that provokes the own price. 心中更是在暗暗发狠,待到将苏颜入手之后该怎样地去折磨这女人,好教杨开知道招惹自己的代价。 Yang Kai and Su Yan two people stands in the Ice Palace central place shoulder to shoulder, just like becoming outsider. 杨开苏颜两人并肩站在冰宫中央处,宛若成了局外人。 No one cares about their feeling and opinions, during the dialogue and negotiations of such top level, their two people absolutely does not have the right to speak. 没人去在意他们的感受和意见,在这样高层次的对话和谈判之中,他们两人根本就没有发言权。 The happiness in Su Yan beautiful pupil exuded a light worried, grasped the Yang Kai's small hand even more to make an effort. 苏颜美眸里的幸福泛起了一丝淡淡的忧愁,握着杨开的小手愈发用力了。 She decided secretly, if Supreme Elder really must compromise, she is Yang Kai creates a gleam of escaping hope with the own surname life! As for her own, the death, is even impossible to go to that Brilliant Fire Sect. 她暗暗决定,若是太上长老真的要妥协的话,那她便用自己的姓命为杨开创造出一线逃生的希望!至于她自己,就算是死,也不可能去那个火耀宗 Yang Kai watches critically, as if this matter and own have nothing to do, carefully is observing the look change of Luo Li. 杨开冷眼旁观,仿佛这事与自己毫不相干,仔细观察着洛黎的神色变化。 Some little time, he sighed, gathered the Su Yan ear to say in a soft voice: „Does Senior Sister, believe me?” 好一会,他才叹了口气,凑到苏颜耳边轻声道:“师姐,相信我吗?” Su Yan never imagined, small head light chin. 苏颜想都没想,螓首轻颔。 Good.” Yang Kai grins the smile, Junior Brother guaranteed with you, today no one can take away you, dares to have your idea, I make them die entirely!” “那好。”杨开咧嘴微笑,“师弟跟你保证,今天谁也带不走你,敢打你主意的,我统统让他们死!” That Senior Sister waits.” Su Yan winked under the eye to Yang Kai. “那师姐就拭目以待。”苏颜杨开眨了下眼睛。 This smart-alecky appearance makes one that Yang Kai looks at dull, he has not seen Su Yan to have one side this kind of, seems like because of arrival of greatest crisis, lets her the matter that will dare to make will not handle in the past. 这俏皮的模样让杨开看的一呆,他从来没见过苏颜这样的一面,似乎是因为莫大危机的降临,让她敢于做出以往不会做的事情。 Although the voice of two people speech is light, but how to conceal the truth Luo Hai and Chi Huo two people. 两人说话的声音虽轻,但又怎瞒的过骆海赤火两人 Hears the Yang Kai mouth to put the boastful talk, this two Void King Stage sneered looked at Yang Kai one, a face disdained. 听到杨开口放狂言,这两位虚王境都冷笑地看了杨开一眼,一脸不屑。 Luo Li, was the time makes the decision.” The Luo Hai some anti- urging did not say. 洛黎,是时候做出决定了。”骆海有些不耐地催促道。 He worries to bring back to Green Hills Star Yang Kai, studies Yang Kai secret well, where is willing to delay time here. 他可是着急将杨开带回翠微星,好好地研究杨开身上的秘密,哪里愿意在这里耽搁时间 Luo Li opens eyes, in a flash, in Ice Palace all vision throw toward her on. 洛黎睁眼,一瞬间,冰宫内所有目光都朝她身上投去。 What her first looks to is Su Yan, in beautiful pupil some faint regrets, but flashes to pass, did not detect. 她第一个看向的是苏颜,美眸里隐隐有些愧疚之意,不过一闪而逝,不为人察觉。 Person, you carry off, wanting you to say, can treat her well!” Luo Li spoke these words, imposing manner becomes some dispiriteds suddenly, just like punctured balloon, even that complexion slightly one white. “人,你们带走吧,希望你们曰后能好好待她!”洛黎说完这句话,一身气势忽然变得有些萎靡,宛若被戳破的气球般,连那脸色都微微一白。 Obviously makes the this kind of concession, has defied her conscience, making her some injuries have one misfortune after another. 显然做出这样的让步,已经违拗了她的本心,让她本就有的伤势更加雪上加霜。 Supreme Elder......” Ran Yunting drinks one lowly. 太上长老……”冉云婷低喝一声。 Although in the heart has the guess, after Supreme Elder gives the this kind of answer, she is unable to accept, the conditioned reflex shouted, could not say anything again, but deeply regretted that is looking at Su Yan, heaved a deep sigh, heavy say/way: This is the road that your own chooses, said, do not regret!” 虽然心中已有猜测,可是当太上长老给出这样的答案之后,她还是无法接受,条件反射般地喊了一句之后,再也说不出什么,只是痛惜地望着苏颜,长叹一声,沉重道:“这都是你自己选的路,曰后可不要后悔!” At this moment, she decides to give up Su Yan finally. 这一刻,她终于决定放弃苏颜 First did not say that she has no way to reduce and solve the flaw on Su Yan state of mind, even if kept Su Yan, said, she will not have what achievement, for such disciple, puts in the strategic place Ice Heart Valley entire Sect, is unworthy. Said that order of Luo Li, she is unable to violate. 先不说她没法化解苏颜心境上的破绽,就算把苏颜留了下来,曰后她也不会有什么作为,为了这样一个弟子,把冰心谷整个宗门置于险地,不值得。就说洛黎的命令,她也无法违背。 Really accompanies entire Sect for Su Yan, she is the Ice Heart Valley criminal. 真为了苏颜陪上整个宗门,那她就是冰心谷的罪人。 She will not handle the this kind of matter, Sect and disciple which is the lighter and which is the heavier, is self-evident. 她不会做这样的事情,宗门弟子孰轻孰重,已经不言而喻。 She closes the eye, does not look at Su Yan. 她闭上眼睛,不去看苏颜 Happy!” Chi Huo laughs. “痛快!”赤火哈哈大笑。 Many years, own suppressed a Luo Li head finally thoroughly, making her admit defeat in front of own, although drew support from the Luo Hai prestige, but the this kind of result is actually Chi Huo most wants to see.( To be continued.) 多少年了,自己终于彻底地压制了洛黎一头,让她在自己面前服软,虽然是借助了骆海的威名,但是这样的结果却是赤火最想看到的。(未完待续。)
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