MP :: Volume #17

#1651: Applying makeup

Important person? What person wants?” The Luo Li black eyebrow wrinkled, my Ice Heart Valley should not have the person who Chi Huo you need.” “要人?要什么人?”洛黎黛眉皱了起来,“我冰心谷应该没有赤火你需要的人。” Said also right, your Sect truly does not have the person who I need, but......” Chi Huo, one beckons to behind at this point: Little animal, the your own station said that this after all is your matter.” “这么说也对,贵派确实没有我需要的人,但是……”赤火说到这里,冲背后一招手:“小畜生,你自己站出来说吧,这毕竟是你的事。” Wei Feng look one happy, goes out from Chi Huo hastily, first saluted to Luo Hai and Luo Li and the others, sets fully the example, this walks tall, is wanting the opens the mouth time, actually detected that suddenly the ice-cold vision, fixes the eyes on together on the own face. 卫风神色一喜,连忙从赤火背后走出,先是冲骆海洛黎等人施了一礼,做足了样子,这才挺直腰杆,正欲张口的时候,却忽然察觉到一道冰冷的目光,紧盯在自己脸上。 That vision just like the sharp sword general, the straight thrust Wei Feng mind, frightens his complexion one white, thump swallowed saliva. 那目光犹如利剑一般,直刺卫风的心神,吓得他脸色一白,咕咚吞了一口口水。 A character could not spit unexpectedly. 竟一个字都吐不出来了。 Looks following that vision, Wei Feng only saw that a Luo Li face is staring at own bad, the vision ice is cold, although without displaying what strength, but is only this pure vision has let Wei Feng such as the falling icehouse, as if oneself body puts in the abyss, the surrounding ice-cold cold meaning submerges him. 顺着那目光望去,卫风只见到洛黎正一脸不善地盯着自己,目光冰寒,虽没有施展什么力量,但只是这单纯的目光就已让卫风如坠冰窖,仿佛己身置于万丈深渊之中,周围一片冰冷寒意欲将他淹没。 The Wei Feng calf hit the swayed, in the throat giggle has the sound, in the eye overflows in a terrified way completely. 卫风腿肚子直打摆,喉咙里咯咯有声,眼中溢满了惶恐。 In Bing Long and many Elder hearts one suddenly, looked at one toward Su Yan subconsciously. 冰珑和诸多长老心中一突,下意识地朝苏颜看了一眼。 When Wei Feng station, they realized that Chi Huo is having what idea, the for a moment heart is intimate, is uncomfortable at heart very much. 卫风站出来的时候,她们就意识到赤火在打什么主意了,一时间芳心戚戚,心里都很不是滋味。 Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master the son, having the Su Yan idea is not one day two days, one year ago battle that erupts also because Brilliant Fire Sect with Su Yan, when gave a pretext, wanted Ice Heart Valley to hand over Su Yan. 火耀宗宗主的这个儿子,打苏颜主意已经不是一天两天了,一年前爆发的争斗也正是因为火耀宗苏颜当借口,要冰心谷交出苏颜 Wei Feng the surname welldoing is what appearance, Ice Heart Valley person clear is incomparable. 卫风的品姓德行是什么样子,冰心谷的人清楚无比。 It can be said that if Wei Feng does not come in the Brilliant Fire Sect this kind of big faction, if Wei Feng is not the Wei Qing son, then his even Saint King Stage is not possibly able to break through for a lifetime. 可以这么说,如果卫风不是出身在火耀宗这样的大派,如果卫风不是卫清的儿子,那么他可能这一辈子连圣王境都无法突破。 Even if he had many exceptional superiorities, depends upon innumerable Spirit Pill wonderful medicine and Saint Crystal builds, still only boosted the Void Return Stage degree cultivation level. 即便他占据了诸多得天独厚的优势,依靠无数灵丹妙药圣晶堆砌,也只将修为推升到了返虚镜的程度。 It is not able to come out including own potential concise! 连自身的势都无法凝练出来! This perhaps was Void Return Stage martial artist of entire Star Territory only not own potential field, degenerated into the world laughingstock sufficiently. 这或许是整个星域唯一一个没有自身的势场的返虚镜武者了,足以沦为世人笑柄。 Wei Feng aptitude cannot withstand, may peep a spot. 卫风资质不堪,可窥一斑。 Compared with him, Su Yan seizes the lovable girl of good fortune of the world simply, this kind of two individual should never have happening together. 与他相比,苏颜简直就夺天地之造化的娇女,这样的两个人本应永远都不会产生交集。 But when some Su Yan goes out informed and experienced, by Wei Feng accidentally is actually bumped into, immediately is startled is the Celestial, the potential must appropriate to oneself it. 可在某一次苏颜外出历练的时候,却被卫风无意中撞见,当即惊为天人,势要将其据为己有。 Brilliant Fire Sect makes much ado about nothing with this! 火耀宗拿此大做文章! Wei Feng the surname welldoing is truly bad, but he is the child of Wei Qing, the family background is not low, Brilliant Fire Sect thinks that Wei Feng has a liking for Su Yan is the Su Yan good fortune...... 卫风的品姓德行确实恶劣,可他是卫清之子,出身不低,火耀宗认为卫风看上苏颜苏颜的福气…… Chi Huo this time brings Wei Feng to arrive at Ice Heart Valley, moreover makes him stand the speech, its goal is why self-evident. 赤火这一次带着卫风来到冰心谷,而且还让他站出来说话,其目的为何已经不言而喻。 The fellow but who this cannot withstand uglily was wanted the faint by a Supreme Elder look on several of shock and awe unexpectedly in the past, words saying that is not agile. 可这丑陋不堪的家伙竟只是被太上长老一个眼神就震慑的几欲昏厥过去,连话都说不利索了。 Chi Huo complexion also and ugly, Wei Feng this appearance, threw into the Brilliant Fire Sect face simply, under annoyed, tramples, nearly tramples Wei Feng falls down. 赤火的脸色也及其难看,卫风这幅样子,简直就是丢进了火耀宗的脸面,恼火之下,一脚踹出,险些把卫风踹倒在地上。 Useless thing! Some Old Man take responsibility to you, fears anything, had anything to say anything, making Old Man have a look at you is also a man!” “没用的东西!有老夫给你做主,怕什么,有什么就说什么,让老夫看看你到底还是不是个男人!” Chi Huo is shouting at loudly. 赤火大声叱喝着。 As if was scolded the anger by Chi Huo , seemed the guarantee of Chi Huo, the courage of Wei Feng unexpectedly became big, the complexion is becoming flushed, clenched teeth, puts out a hand to aim at Su Yan saying: I want this woman named Su Yan!” 仿佛是被赤火骂出了火气,又仿佛是得了赤火的保证,卫风的胆子竟变得大了许多,脸色涨红着,咬牙,伸手指向苏颜道:“我要这个叫苏颜的女人!” Ice Heart Valley numerous Elder expression simultaneous is furious! 冰心谷长老表情齐齐震怒! The Ran Yunting surface sinks like the water. 冉云婷面沉如水。 The happy expression on Yang Kai face gradually restrains, the look becomes ices to be cold, coldly gazes at Wei Feng, near the corners of the mouth is turning upwards a subtle curve slightly. 杨开脸上的笑意逐渐收敛,眼神变得冰寒起来,冷冷地注视着卫风,嘴角边微微翘起一个微妙的弧度。 From entering this Ice Palace starts, Yang Kai discovered the fellow who this shrinks looks unceasingly to Su Yan, he pours has not cared, after all Su Yan inborn charming, captures the attention of man very much, after Wei Feng said such words, he understands immediately, the opposite party not only looked at several, but wanted to wrest away! 自进入这个冰宫开始,杨开就发现这畏畏缩缩的家伙不断地看向苏颜,他倒也没怎么在意,毕竟苏颜天生丽质,很吸引男人的目光,可是当卫风说出那样的话之后,他立刻明白,对方不仅仅只是看几眼而已,而是想要霸占! In the Yang Kai heart surged murderous intention, is looking at Wei Feng lightly, that expression before Wei Feng looks at his look to be the same. 杨开心中涌起了杀机,淡淡地望着卫风,那表情与卫风之前望他的眼神一样。 Just likes is looking at a deceased person! 犹如望着一个死人! Su Yan this time transferred under the beautiful pupil, the black eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle, the doubt sized up the past toward Wei Feng. 苏颜这个时候转了下美眸,黛眉皱了皱,狐疑地朝卫风打量过去。 She as if somewhat gets back one's composure until this time, before all her thoughts placed on Yang Kai, all cannot disturb her. 她似乎直到这个时候才有些回神,之前她所有的心思都放在杨开身上,外界的一切都没能干扰到她。 Is you?” Su Yan recognized Wei Feng, faint say/way: What's wrong, is the previous receive lesson insufficient? Also wants to come the asking for it?” “是你?”苏颜认出了卫风,淡漠道:“怎么,上次受到的教训还不够么?还想来讨打?” The light words made Wei Feng jump just like the frightened rabbit generally, quickly fled behind Chi Huo, sought the security sense. 平淡的话语却让卫风宛若受惊的兔子一般跳了起来,急忙窜回赤火背后,寻求安全感。 The performance of Wei Feng is adverse, the Chi Huo supreme enlightenment does not have the face, just like the bottom of the pot general shamelessly, shiny black. 卫风的表现恶劣不堪,赤火也大觉没有脸面,一张老脸犹如锅底一般,黑黝黝的。 Luo Hai that has stood by shakes the head slowly. 就连一直作壁上观的骆海都缓缓摇头。 Recognizes him?” Yang Kai asked. “认得他?”杨开问道。 Su Yan shakes the head: „It is not the understanding, previous time he made impertinent remarks, broke his several ribs, originally this fellow was Brilliant Fire Sect, no wonder was so repugnant.” 苏颜摇了摇头:“不算认识,上次他出言不逊,打断了他几根肋骨,原来这家伙是火耀宗的,怪不得这么讨厌。” Saying, sighed: Words if we had known, should kill directly.” 说着,又叹息一声:“早知道的话,应该直接杀了。” Next time should not be lenient.” Yang Kai patted the back of the hand of Su Yan. “下次不要手软。”杨开拍了拍苏颜的手背。 Su Yan smiles, gently nod. 苏颜笑了笑,轻轻点头。 You...... you...... your big courage!” Although Wei Feng timid incompetent, but also thought at this moment some anger upwell, own never forgets to Su Yan, is almost worried, the opposite party own family background does not know unexpectedly. “你……你……你好大的胆子!”卫风虽然胆怯无能,但此刻也觉得有些怒火上涌,自己苏颜念念不忘,几乎魂牵梦萦,对方居然连自己的出身都不知道。 Evidently, she definitely does not know the own name. 看样子,她肯定也不知道自己的名字。 Wei Feng immediately injured feelings, moreover she is so unexpectedly affectionate with that scoundrel man, before completely disregarded existence of own, this simply is the great shame. 卫风顿时有一种受伤的感觉,而且她居然和那个混账男人如此亲昵,之前更是完全无视了自己的存在,这简直就是奇耻大辱。 You to me, when you got married, I called you to know my fierce!” Wei Feng vowed solemnly that shouted. “你给我记着,等你过门了,我叫你知道我的厉害!”卫风信誓旦旦地喝道。 Courts death!” In the Yang Kai eye cold light flashes, suddenly waves toward the Wei Feng fan. “找死!”杨开眼中寒光一闪,猛地挥手朝卫风扇去。 A clear Saint Yuan palm appears easely, just like the violent storm to bully nearly to Wei Feng in front of generally, in that Saint Yuan palm contained and terrifying destructive power. 一只清晰可辨的圣元手掌悠然出现,犹如狂风暴雨一般欺近到卫风面前,那圣元手掌中蕴藏了及其恐怖的破坏力。 Wei Feng was scared, the whole person trembles, is pale, the anxious sound summoned: Supreme Elder saves me!” 卫风吓傻了,整个人瑟瑟发抖,脸色苍白,急声呼唤道:“太上长老救我!” Boy good guts, in front of Old Man also to dare grope/coming to blows!” Chi Huo cold snort, puts out a hand, flies high such a to grasp, that Saint Yuan palm will be split up shortly, was grasped by Chi Huo directly broken. “小子好胆,老夫面前也敢动手动脚!”赤火冷哼一声,伸出手来,凌空这么一握,那圣元手掌顷刻间四分五裂,直接被赤火握碎。 At this moment, explodes in the broken energy, one group of subtle energy distortions wriggle, change into a sharp sword, suddenly flies to shoot, is unexpected, injects from the left cheeks of Wei Feng, is used to from the right cheeks place. 就在这时,爆碎的能量之中,有一团微妙的能量扭曲蠕动,化为一支利剑般,忽然飞射而出,猝不及防间,从卫风的左边脸颊射入,从右边脸颊处惯出。 Chi Huo complexion big change! 赤火脸色大变! The Luo Hai also brow raises, the surprise looked at Yang Kai one. 骆海也眉头一扬,诧异地望了杨开一眼。 Luo Li is in the beautiful pupil exudes the extraordinary splendor, nods gently. 洛黎更是美眸中泛起异彩,轻轻颔首。 Three people looked, was not Yang Kai contained any dark vigor in that Saint Yuan palm, but was his grass to own Saint Yuan controls had been in the superb degree, after was scattered by Chi Huo, but can also reorganize rapidly, formed killing. 三人都看了出来,并非杨开在那圣元手掌中蕴藏了什么暗劲,而是他对自身圣元的艹控已经到了出神入化的程度,在被赤火打散之后,还能迅速重组,形成杀伤。 this kind of killing, the might is not generally big, even if by the Wei Feng strength, wants to defend is still very relaxed. 这样的杀伤,威力一般不大,即便是以卫风的实力,想要防御也很轻松。 But the performance of Wei Feng really extremely cannot withstand, cannot detect unexpectedly, was injured by that qi energy forcefully. 可是卫风的表现实在太过不堪,竟没能察觉,硬生生地被那气劲打伤。 fresh blood swarms from the cheeks, Wei Feng detected that until this time fierce ache, the cheeks just like burn down general, has the vague strength by the wound, permeates in the flesh. 鲜血从脸颊两边蜂拥而出,卫风直到这个时候才察觉到剧烈的疼痛,脸颊犹如火烧一般,有隐晦的力量透过伤口,渗入血肉内。 He miserably is fiercely howling, the hand is covering the two sides cheeks, the tears nasal mucus all, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead. 他剧烈地惨嚎起来,手捂着两边脸颊,眼泪鼻涕俱下,让人无法直视。 Ice Heart Valley many Elder shake the head slowly, in the surface appears obvious despising and dislike. 冰心谷诸多长老缓缓摇头,面上浮现出显而易见的鄙夷和厌恶。 Does the this kind of person , the delusion obtain Su Yan unexpectedly? Compared with him, Yang Kai simply great side, has not been the true day makes with Su Yan gathers. 这样的人,居然也妄想得到苏颜?与他比较起来,杨开简直伟岸的没边了,与苏颜是真正的天造地合。 Chi Huo old strange complexion azure white, is staring at Yang Kai stubbornly, the low and deep sound extrudes from the throat, just like beast of prey that goes crazy: Boy, you died!” 赤火老怪的脸色一阵青一阵白,死死地盯着杨开,低沉的声音从喉咙里挤压出来,犹如发狂的猛兽:“小子,你死定了!” In front of own, the Wei Feng cheeks is passed through, this solely was not Wei Feng is hit the face. 当着自己的面,卫风脸颊被贯穿,这不单单是卫风被打了脸。 His Chi Huo was also hit the face, Brilliant Fire Sect is hit the face! 赤火也被打了脸,火耀宗更是被打了脸! Chi Huo old is driven beyond the limits of forbearance strangely. 赤火老怪忍无可忍。 Just likes lion that is dormant, terrifying aura that is inconceivable roared from Chi Huo within the body, Ice Heart Valley various person all changes countenance. 犹如蛰伏的雄狮,一股难以想象的恐怖气息赤火体内咆哮起来,冰心谷诸人无不变色 Yang Kai actually serene, looks at this full red hair old man as before faintly, the corners of the mouth is reappearing to wipe the smiling face of ridicule. 杨开却依旧云淡风轻,淡漠地望着这满头红发的老者,嘴角边浮现出一抹讥讽的笑容。 Chi Huo!” Luo Hai wrinkled was drinking one lowly, made the proper business!” 赤火!”骆海皱着低喝了一声,“做正事!” He naturally cannot ignores Chi Huo kill Yang Kai, Chi Huo this time forces Ice Heart Valley with the aid of his power and influence, he is willing to turn a blind eye, so long as Chi Huo did not investigate that Yang Kai secret becomes. 他自然不会放任赤火杨开杀了,赤火这次借助他的威势来逼迫冰心谷,他愿意睁一眼闭一眼,只要赤火不追究杨开身上的秘密就成。 But Chi Huo , to begin to Yang Kai, he will not sit by and do nothing. 赤火若想对杨开动手,他也不会坐视不管。 Secret when before developing Yang Kai has, no one can begin to him. 在没有开发出杨开拥有的秘密之前,谁都不能对他动手。 hears word, aura of Chi Huo within the body just like is irrigated flame of basin cold water, extinguished instantaneously, he as if also responded, but coldly is looking at Yang Kai, the look was bad. 闻言,赤火体内的气息犹如被浇了一盆冷水的火焰,瞬间熄灭下来,他似乎也反应过来,只是冷冷地望着杨开,神色不善。 Supreme Elder takes responsibility for me, killed him, killed him, asking Supreme Elder to take responsibility for me!” A Wei Feng eyesight does not have, miserable howling, while yelled. 太上长老为我做主啊,杀了他,杀了他,求太上长老为我做主啊!”卫风一点眼力也无,一边惨嚎,一边大叫。 Chi Huo deeply inspires, the chest fluctuates fiercely. 赤火深吸了一口气,胸膛剧烈起伏。 How did Old Man bring such thing to come Ice Heart Valley? 老夫怎么就带了这么个玩意来冰心谷 At this moment, he wishes one could a palm of the hand cranking up the muddy flesh Wei Feng. 这一刻,他恨不得一巴掌把卫风给拍成肉泥。 In the heart decides, after these goes back, will imprison Wei Feng in Brilliant Fire Sect surely, always does not make him go out, where otherwise he arrives, will lose completely the Brilliant Fire Sect face countenance. 心中打定主意,这一趟回去之后,必定会把卫风囚禁在火耀宗内,永世不让他外出,否则他走到哪里,都会丢尽火耀宗的颜面。 Brilliant Fire Sect had/left such thing, simply is the Spiritual God not family! 火耀宗出了这么个东西,简直就是神灵不眷! You shut up!” Chi Huo drank one gently. “你闭嘴!”赤火轻轻地喝了一声。 Calling out of Wei Feng stops suddenly, does not dare to run counter to the Supreme Elder wish, but the ache of that heartrending makes his look twist, in coordination bright red fresh blood, making him seem like on such as the ghosts and demons general fearsome. 卫风的嚎叫戛然而止,根本不敢违背太上长老的意愿,只不过那钻心的疼痛却让他神色扭曲,配合上艳红的鲜血,让他看上去就如鬼魅一般可怖。 His hand is covering the cheeks, vision twinkling, no one dares to look, finally can only stare at the ground of own under foot, did not say a word. 他手捂着脸颊,目光闪烁,谁都不敢看,最终只能盯着自己脚下的地面,一言不发。 Boy, you plants very much, since the Luo Hai brother intends to shelter you, that this time matter Old Man does not haggle over with you generally, must thank, thanks Luo Hai brother!” Chi Huo said resentfully polite speech, raises the head looks to Luo Li, opens the mouth saying: Old Man this time purpose in coming thinks that your also clear, my good-for-nothing younger generation settled on this miss, but also looks at her to be able with me to return to Brilliant Fire Sect!”( To be continued.) “小子,你很有种,既然骆海兄有意庇护你,那这次的事老夫就不与你一般计较,要感谢的话,就感谢骆海兄吧!”赤火悻悻地说了句场面话,抬头望向洛黎,开口道:“老夫这次的来意想必你也清楚了,我这不成器的晚辈看中了这位姑娘,还望她能跟我回火耀宗!”(未完待续。)
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