MP :: Volume #17

#1650: Takes a person

In white jade Ice Palace, Luo Hai sits well on the chair, the gold crown bunch sends, imposing manner is peerless, in the eye a wisp excited flashes to pass . 白玉冰宫内,骆海端坐在椅子上,金冠束发,气势绝伦,眼中一缕兴奋一闪而逝。. Finally found you! In Luo Hai heart secret excited, the surface actually does not reveal the slightest. 终于找到你了!骆海心中暗暗激动,表面却不流露分毫。 Thinks that he top powerhouse as Void King 2-layer, in Star Territory is also being able to stand in line number existence, has no means with only Yang Kai, not only made him break through own in the blockade of Green Hills Star, even also got rid of tracing of own. 想他身为虚王两层境的顶尖强者,在星域之中也是排得上号的存在,却拿区区一个杨开没有任何办法,不但让他突破了自己翠微星上的封锁,甚至还摆脱了自己的追踪。 If not for the own patience is good enough, only feared that really must make him escape the birth day. 若不是自己的耐心够好,只怕真要让他逃出生天。 Then looked where you toward run! The Luo Hai heart is rousing. 这下看你往哪跑!骆海心头振奋着。 By his strength, can make him rouse the excited matter or the thing are not many, Void Mind Crystal that but that Monster King leaves behind in the blood prison can actually make Luo Hai covet, Yang Kai Emperor Treasure also makes Luo Hai drool extremely. 以他的实力,能让他振奋激动的事情或者东西已经不多,可是那妖王在血狱里留下的虚念晶却能让骆海觊觎,杨开身上的帝宝也让骆海垂涎万分。 The former can make him be broken through the Void King 3-layer opportunity, the latter can make his strength rise dramatically! 前者可以让他得到突破虚王三层境的机会,后者可以让他实力暴增! Once the two kinds treasure starts, Luo Hai has becomes the entire Star Territory first person self-confidently, when the time comes said the law line, in Star Territory no one can contend with him! 一旦两样宝物入手,骆海有自信成为整个星域的第一人,到时候言出法行,星域内无人能与他抗衡! Essential key, on Yang Kai. 关键的关键,都在杨开身上。 Although the Luo Hai expression conceals is very good, but Chi Huo and Luo Li good and evil is also the Void King Stage powerhouse, naturally can detect the change of his flash. 骆海的表情虽然掩饰的很好,可赤火洛黎好歹也是虚王境的强者,自然能察觉到他那一瞬间的变化。 The Chi Huo look moves, mused that what huge secret that did call Yang Kai's boy could it be that really to have knowledge of? Why otherwise is Luo Hai interested in him? 赤火神色一动,暗想那叫杨开的小子难道真的掌握了什么天大的秘密?要不然骆海为何对他那么感兴趣? Before more than one year, Luo Hai arrives Scarlet Billow Star suddenly, the Chi Huo very surprise , he makes Brilliant Fire Sect search the Yang Kai's trail unexpectedly, Chi Huo was at that time careful, make a veiled attack many times, wants to know why Luo Hai seeks for Yang Kai, but Luo Hai never said reason, making Chi Huo have no alternative. 一年多前,骆海忽然驾临赤澜星,赤火很是诧异,紧接着,他竟让火耀宗寻觅杨开的踪迹,赤火当时就上了心,好多次旁敲侧击,想知道骆海为什么寻找杨开,可骆海却始终不说出其中的原因,让赤火无可奈何。 Luo Li also looking pensive, but in foreheads thick sad makes her Wuxin (heartless) he think. 洛黎也若有所思,但是眉宇间的浓浓忧愁却让她无心他想。 this time Luo Hai and Chi Huo two people future is bad! 这一次骆海赤火两人来者不善啊! Quick, Yang Kai takes a step to enter Ice Palace. 很快,杨开迈步走进冰宫 In Ice Palace, besides three Void King Stage powerhouses, other Ice Heart Valley Elders stands in Luo Li behind, the population are many, has more than ten fully. 冰宫内,除了三位虚王境的强者之外,冰心谷其他的长老们都站在洛黎身后,人数不少,足有十几位之多。 But Luo Hai and Chi Huo behind, is standing complexion wax yellow, vitality impractical youth. 骆海赤火身后,则站着一个面色蜡黄,气血虚浮的青年。 The child of Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master, Wei Feng! 火耀宗宗主之子,卫风 At this moment, his excited exerts looks around outward, as if in waiting for the arrival of anyone, after seeing Su Yan, at present one bright, reveals the extremely exciting look, as if a vicious dog saw the extremely delicious delicacy, the saliva was about to flow. 此刻,他正兴奋地朝外张望,仿佛在等候什么人的到来,待看到苏颜之后,不禁眼前一亮,流露出极为兴奋的神色,仿佛一只恶狗看到了极为可口的美味,口水都快流了下来。 When he sees Su Yan unexpectedly with Yang Kai hand in hand, after an affectionate stance, the complexion sinks, the vision of sinister and vicious stares toward Yang Kai, in the eye twinkling is hostile with angry rays of light. 但是当他看到苏颜居然与杨开手牵着手,一副亲昵的姿态之后,不禁脸色一沉,阴鸷的目光朝杨开盯去,眼中闪烁着仇视和愤怒的光芒 Bastard who where jumps! Unexpectedly dares to hold the hand of own woman, acts recklessly simply, Wei Feng was about to explode with rage. 哪里蹦出来的混蛋!居然敢牵着自己女人的手,简直不知死活,卫风快气炸了。 In a flash, Wei Feng regarded as the deceased person Yang Kai, how in the heart calculated should suffer Yang Kai well, was good to ask him not to seek livehood to ask unable, asking him to know that some women cannot touch. 一瞬间,卫风就把杨开看成了死人,心中盘算着该如何好好地折磨杨开,好叫他求生不得求死不能,叫他知道有些女人是不能触碰的。 Younger generation Bing Long, has seen Sir Luo Hai, has seen the Chi Huo senior.” Bing Long graceful good a ritual, turns the head to look that said to Luo Li: Supreme Elder, the person has brought.” “晚辈冰珑,见过骆海大人,见过赤火前辈。”冰珑盈盈行了一礼,又转头看向洛黎道:“太上长老,人已经带来了。” Luo Li nods gently, has not said anything, a pair of beautiful pupil fixes the eyes 洛黎轻轻颔首,并没有说什么,一双美眸紧盯在杨开身上,黛眉轻皱。 Induced to her vision, Yang Kai looks the past. 感应到她的目光,杨开回望过去。 This is the first time that he Supreme Elder that sees Ice Heart Valley, on the aura strong and weak, she and in Ice Palace another red hair old man is almost the same, in the Void King 1-layer degree, is far less than the vigor of Luo Hai. 这是他第一次见到冰心谷太上长老,就气息强弱来看,她与冰宫内另外一个红发老者相差无几,都在虚王一层境的程度,远不如骆海的雄浑。 But Void King Stage is Void King Stage, grasped the Domain prestige energy, any Void King Stage is not Void Return Stage can compare favorably, at least Yang Kai felt the greatest pressure from her! 虚王境就是虚王境,掌握了领域的威能,任何虚王境都不是返虚镜能够媲美的,最起码杨开就从她身上感受到了莫大的压力! „The Luo Hai brother, is this that boy who you must look for?” Chi Huo old strange sizes up Yang Kai up and down, the hey hey chuckle. 骆海兄,这就是你要找的那小子?”赤火老怪上下打量杨开,嘿嘿轻笑。 Luo Hai nods: Good, is he!” 骆海点头:“不错,就是他!” Really handsome and intelligent, the Luo Hai mental perception such as the torch, the person had found, does not know that what to do the Luo Hai brother does plan then?” Chi Huo as if asked at will. “果然一表人才,骆海慧眼如炬啊,人已经找到了,不知骆海兄打算接下来怎么办?”赤火似乎随意地问道。 What to do...... the graciousness, naturally was leads him to return to Green Hills Star.” A Luo Hai face is temperate, ridicules to say to Yang Kai: Young bastard, this King will not eat you, why do you evade this King such as to evade the viper? this King looked your aptitude is good, is predestined friends with me, wants to pass on your legacy!” “怎么办……恩,自然是带他回翠微星了。”骆海一脸温和,冲杨开笑骂道:“小混蛋,本座又不会吃了你,为何你避本座如避蛇蝎?本座只是看你资质不俗,与我有缘,想要传你衣钵而已!” His attitude is optional, general of good seems real quite expecting too much helplessness, said. 他态度随意,颇有一种恨铁不成钢的无奈,说的好似真的一般。 Ice Heart Valley many Elder complexion inspire, simultaneous looks toward Yang Kai, look that a face envies. 冰心谷诸多长老面色一振,齐齐杨开望去,一脸羡慕的神色。 Can settle on by the Luo Hai this kind of powerhouse, this Yang Kai is the good fortune goes against heaven's will simply, after this can be well-known surely Star Territory, soars. 能被骆海这样的强者看中,这个杨开简直就是造化逆天,从此之后必定能闻名星域,一飞冲天。 Yang Kai is smiling gently. 杨开只是轻轻地笑着。 Chi Huo seems like that the old eyes of pollution narrows the eyes, in the eye hidden has none twinkling. 赤火看似浑浊的老眼微眯,眼中隐有精光闪烁 The Luo Li black eyebrow light wrinkle, did not say a word. 洛黎黛眉轻皱,一言不发。 Entire Ice Palace, perhaps only then Yang Kai oneself with other two Void King Stage, will not believe the Luo Hai words. 整个冰宫,或许只有杨开本人和其他两位虚王境,才不会相信骆海的话。 As we all know, this is only Luo Hai must an expression that Yang Kai carries off! As for receiving him for the disciple, passes on his legacy, simply is fantasy story! 大家都知道,这只是骆海要把杨开带走的一个措辞罢了!至于收他为徒,传他衣钵,简直就是天方夜谭 Luo Hai what kind of character? How to accept an apprentice so wages a war? If he accepts the disciple, only need officially inform one outward, must have talent large bundle to rush to Green Hills Star, lines up to wait for pay respects to join his disciple. 骆海何等人物?怎会为收一个徒弟如此大动干戈?他若收徒,只需往外知会一声,必有大把大把的天才涌向翠微星,排队等着拜入他的门下。 Yang Kai does not expose, but said: Senior good intention, the boy declined with thanks, was only this and other huge chances, the boy feared is unfortunately cannot enjoy, the senior seeks the good disciple in addition.” 杨开也不去点破,只是道:“前辈好意,小子心领,只是这等天大的机缘,小子怕是无福消受,前辈还是另觅良徒。” In the Luo Hai eye flashes through wisp of covert anger, the secretly thought boy does not know the limitation, but still smiles is very temperate: Do not be busy rejecting, first returned to Green Hills Star to say with me again, treated for several years in my side, if when the time comes your attitude, that this King naturally cannot force someone to do something against his will.” 骆海眼中闪过一缕隐蔽的怒意,暗道小子不识相,不过依然笑的很温和:“你也不要忙着拒绝,先跟我回翠微星再说,在我身边待几年,到时候若你还是这份态度,那本座自然不会强人所难。” He seemingly made the enormous concession. 他看似做出了极大的让步。 Chi Huo also backed up in the one side: Boy, you must give careful consideration, the Luo Hai brother wants to receive you for the disciple, this is the good fortune that your several lifetime cannot repair, the common person asked unable to strive, why did you reject?” 赤火也在一旁帮腔道:“小子,你可得慎重考虑,骆海兄想要收你为徒,这可是你几辈子都修不来的福气,寻常人求都求不来,你又何必拒绝?” This senior thought that is the good fortune? Em, since the senior thought so, might as well did obeisance Luo Hai to be good for the master.” Yang Kai is looking at him with a smile. “这位前辈觉得是福气?恩,既然前辈这么觉得,不妨拜骆海为师好了。”杨开笑吟吟地望着他。 Ice Heart Valley many Elder expressions stagnate, look at monster same looks at Yang Kai, the heart of everyone mentioned the throat. 冰心谷诸多长老表情一滞,看怪物一样看着杨开,每个人的心都提到了嗓子眼。 This fellow...... really bold, unexpectedly dares to insult Chi Huo, he did not fear that what initiates the consequence that is unbearable? 这家伙……果然胆大包天啊,居然敢如此侮辱赤火,他就不怕引发什么难以承受的后果吗? Chi Huo complexion one cold, the anger shouted: Bold!” 赤火脸色一冷,怒喝道:“大胆!” During the speeches, in the pupil a wisp of none explodes shoots, just like substantive toward the Yang Kai assault. 说话间,眸中一缕精光爆射,宛若实质般朝杨开袭去。 Boy who he plans disciplinary punishment this speaking without merit. 他打算惩戒一下这个出言无状的小子。 Yang Kai complexion does not change, stood in place has not moved, Su Yan also regards that terrifying attack not the thing, a pair of beautiful pupil has not left the Yang Kai's face from beginning to end, the side is looking at him, on the face full is the color of happiness. 杨开面色不改,站在原地没有动弹,苏颜也视那恐怖攻击无无物,一双美眸自始至终都没离开杨开的脸庞,侧面望着他,脸上满是幸福之色。 Luo Hai waves, the movement is optional. 骆海挥了挥手,动作随意。 Chi Huo attack was reduced and solved silently. 赤火攻击无声无息地被化解。 Secret when before obtaining Yang Kai hidden, Luo Hai did not feel relieved he was injured by Chi Huo. 在没有得到杨开隐藏的秘密之前,骆海可不放心他被赤火打伤。 „The Chi Huo brother is patient, but the young people run off at the mouth, why to care, the Chi Huo brother is also Void King Stage, this King, even to teach, perhaps still strong in will but weak in power.” 赤火兄稍安勿躁,只是年轻人信口胡说罢了,何必在意,赤火兄也是虚王境,本座即便想教,恐怕也有心无力啊。” Chi Huo snort/hum, coldly looked at Yang Kai one, that swift and fierce vision as if must be cut to pieces him, pouring was not good to say anything again. 赤火哼了哼,冷冷地看了杨开一眼,那凌厉的目光仿佛要将他千刀万剐,倒也不好再多说什么。 Had not started talking, sits there Luo Li peacefully said suddenly: Person has brought, if Sir Luo Hai wants to lead him to walk, does as you please.” 一直没有开口说话,安静地坐在那里的洛黎忽然道:“人已经带来了,骆海大人若是想带他走的话,就请便吧。” As for carries off later Luo Hai actually to do Yang Kai, is not Luo Li needs to consider. 至于把杨开带走之后骆海到底想干什么,就不是洛黎需要考虑的了。 She and Yang Kai do not have the friendship, naturally cannot offend Luo Hai because of him. At present she only wants as soon as possible sends out Extinct Ice Island Luo Hai and Chi Huo. 她与杨开毫无交情,自然不会因为他而开罪骆海。眼下她只想尽快地将骆海赤火送出冰绝岛 She investigated that Yang Kai injured Ran Yunting, the to run amok Extinct Ice Island thoughts does not have. 她连追究杨开打伤冉云婷,大闹冰绝岛的心思都没有了。 She always feelings of unease, an inexplicable palpitation lingers in the heart, as if not hurry to walk Lane Yang Kai has what important matter soon to happen to be the same. 她总有一种不安的感觉,一种莫名的心悸萦绕在心头,仿佛不赶紧把杨开走就有什么大事即将发生一样。 Luo Hai hears the word to nod the head, said to the Luo Li smile: This this King is unsolicited, the place of thank your for your hospitality, but also looks at Luo Li Junior Sister to excuse me, em, he said Luo Li Junior Sister, if had the leisure, may go to Green Hills Star to be a guest, this King welcomed a guest to welcome surely.” 骆海闻言颔首,冲洛黎微笑道:“这次本座不请自来,叨扰之处,还望洛黎师妹见谅,恩,他曰洛黎师妹若有闲暇,可去翠微星做客,本座必定扫榻相迎。” Luo Li said lightly: Must have saying that Sir Luo Hai who visits has so sought the good disciple, worries to return to Green Hills Star to teach devotedly, Luo Li does not deliver.” 洛黎淡淡道:“必有去拜会的一曰,骆海大人既已寻得如此佳徒,想必也着急返回翠微星悉心教导,洛黎就不送了。” She issued order for a guest to leave straightforwardly. 她直白地下达了逐客令。 Who would have thought is only Luo Hai shows a faint smile, meaning that has not set out to say goodbye, but looked at Yang Kai one, beckons with the hand saying: „It is not anxious, this King matter truly already, but Chi Huo brother this time comes to the expensive/noble island, there is an important matter, this King wait/etc. he together.” 哪知只是骆海微微一笑,并没有起身告辞的意思,而是望了杨开一眼,摆手道:“不急,本座的事情确实已了,但赤火这一次来贵岛,也有要事,本座等他一起。” Such remarks, the Luo Li complexion changes. 此言一出,洛黎脸色微变。 Did the matter that own is worried about come finally? 自己担心的事总算来了么? Although Luo Hai has not said is too clear, but was only that he then makes Luo Li smell not good aura together. 骆海虽然没有说的太明白,但只是那一句“等他一起”便让洛黎嗅到了不好的气息 This was equal to saying, this moment Luo Hai stood that side Chi Huo. 这等于是说,此刻骆海是站在赤火那边的。 Bing Long and Ran Yunting and the others the complexion attractively, do not look vigilantly toward Chi Huo. 冰珑冉云婷等人脸色也都不好看,警惕地朝赤火望去。 The Ice Heart Valley and Ice Heart Valley liangs big influence, strives for hegemony on Scarlet Billow Star, several thousand over ten thousand years cannot decide the victory and defeat, the strength is equivalent, but if now has Luo Hai to meddle, Ice Heart Valley will fall inevitably leeward. 冰心谷大势力,在赤澜星上争雄,几千上万年分不出胜负,彼此间实力相当,可如今若是有骆海插手的话,冰心谷势必会落入下风。 Moreover is absolute leeward, even takes advantage of Extinct Ice Island Ice Extinction Formation, only feared that is unable to reverse the aspect. 而且是绝对的下风,即便依仗冰绝岛冰绝大阵,只怕都无法扭转局面。 for a moment, Bing Long and many Elders looks are resentful, actually feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 一时间,冰珑和诸多长老们神色愤懑,却是敢怒不敢言。 Yang Kai stands in Ice Palace with a smile sees a play, does not have already the consciousness that degenerates into to supervise to imprison. 杨开笑吟吟地站在冰宫内看戏,丝毫没有已经沦为监下囚的觉悟。 Does not know that Chi Huo your this time comes my Extinct Ice Island, has what important matter?” Luo Li inspires gently, the tumbling of returning to normal state of mind, asked discretely. “不知道赤火这一次来我冰绝岛,有何要事?”洛黎轻轻地吸了口气,平复心绪的翻滚,谨慎问道。 Chi Huo laughs, a fiery red hair dances in the air, imposing manner is full, assumes an air of self approbation saying: Minor matter, Luo Li you do not use such anxiously.” 赤火哈哈大笑,一头火红的头发飞舞,气势十足,摇头晃脑道:“小事一件,洛黎你不用这么紧张。” He is self-satisfied, with the Luo Li battle so many years, even if she is exercising martial arts injured segment Yuezi, own is unable to get the winning side, is now, own actually understood the pleasant sensation of winner, although bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections some flavors, but Chi Huo enjoyed this feeling very much. 他非常得意,与洛黎争斗了这么多年,即便是她在练功受伤的这段曰子里,自己也无法占据上风,可是如今,自己却领略到了胜者的快感,尽管有些狐假虎威的味道,但赤火很享受这种感觉。 Said!” Luo Li is looking at him faintly. “说吧!”洛黎淡漠地望着他。 Chi Huo hey hey chuckle: My this time, only to approach your Sect takes a person.”( To be continued.) 赤火嘿嘿轻笑:“我这次来,只为向贵派要一个人。”(未完待续。)
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