MP :: Volume #17

#1649: Apology

Since Zhou Yunxuan crawls from the snowy area, the hand is covering the cheeks, a face delay, looks to Yang Kai . 周云宣从雪地上爬起,手捂着脸颊,一脸呆滞,怔怔地望向杨开。. Her radically didn't expect, in front of Valley Master and so many Elder, Yang Kai dares to act unexpectedly dozen of own. 她根本没想到,在谷主和这么多长老面前,杨开居然敢出手打自己 Apology!” Yang Kai coldly is looking at her. “道歉!”杨开冷冷地望着她。 The Zhou Yunxuan tender body shivers, is in front of so many apprentice sisters, was insulted, as Void Return Stage, how can she endure? The complexion twists suddenly, loses one's voice to scream: „Do you dare to hit me?” 周云宣娇躯颤抖起来,当着这么多师姐妹的面,被人如此侮辱,身为一位返虚镜,她如何能忍?脸色骤然扭曲,失声尖叫道:“你敢打我?” bang...... …… Also is a light sound, Zhou Yunxuan departs again. 又是一声轻响,周云宣再度飞出。 Another side cheeks were also numb. 另一边的脸颊也麻木了。 Apology!” The Yang Kai's sound ice-cold and mechanical, does not have the slight emotion, making one be afraid. “道歉!”杨开的声音冰冷而机械,没有丝毫情感,让人不寒而栗。 Since Zhou Yunxuan crawls from the ground for the second time, on the face appears the panic-stricken look, turns head to look toward Ran Yunting, seems begging her to uphold the justice for own, under may look, Zhou Yunxuan only feels a cool feeling from the sole board direct impact crown of the head, the shock in the extreme. 周云宣第二次从地上爬起,脸上浮现出惊恐的神色,扭头朝冉云婷望去,仿佛是在乞求她为自己主持公道,可一望之下,周云宣只感觉一股凉意从脚底板直冲天灵盖,震惊的无以复加。 Great Elder complexion gloomy like water, although is staring at Yang Kai stubbornly, actually does not dare to say a character. 大长老的脸色阴沉如水,虽然死死地盯着杨开,却不敢说一个字。 Other Elders are also this expression, even the Valley Master black eyebrow is also wrinkling tightly. 其他长老们也都是这幅表情,甚至就连谷主也黛眉紧皱着。 No one is own upholds the justice! 没人为自己主持公道! Zhou Yunxuan heart with amazement! She knows, this no doubt has the incorrect place that own makes, should not careless words insult Su Yan like that but definitely also has the reason that other own do not know. 周云宣芳心骇然!她知道,这固然有自己做的不对的地方,不该口不择言那般辱骂苏颜,但是肯定也有其他自己所不知的原因。 This youth makes everyone dread unexpectedly extremely! 这个青年居然让所有人都忌惮万分! Apology, or...... dies!” Yang Kai issues the ultimatum, killing intent reappeared, locked Zhou Yunxuan. Cannot massacre Ran Yunting, lets his extremely annoyed, this Zhou Yunxuan happen to hit in the muzzle. “道歉,或者……死!”杨开发出最后通牒,一身杀意再现,锁定了周云宣。没能杀掉冉云婷,让他极为恼火,这个周云宣正好撞到了枪口上。 Bing Long opened the mouth finally, knits the brows: Yang Kai, was almost good, this **, although made impertinent remarks, but you have also punished, received the hand.” 冰珑终于开口了,皱眉道:“杨开,差不多就行了,这个**虽然出言不逊,但也你惩罚过了,收手吧。” How Zhou Yunxuan said that is also Ice Heart Valley **, was in front of own to slap two by Yang Kai, is the limit of Bing Long tolerance, if Yang Kai is aggressive, Bing Long is not good to stand by. 周云宣怎么说也是冰心谷的**,被杨开当着自己的面打了两巴掌,已是冰珑容忍的极限,若是杨开再咄咄逼人,冰珑也不好袖手旁观。 Really such words of doing, will be only cold ** heart. 真那样做的话,只会寒了**们的心。 Junior Brother, ok.” Su Yan is also Zhou Yunxuan asks favor. 师弟,算了吧。”苏颜也为周云宣求情。 To her, Zhou Yunxuan that insult simply has not harmed her, now Yang Kai also slaps her two, made her taste to the evil consequence. 对她来说,周云宣那一句辱骂根本没有损害到她,如今杨开也打了她两巴掌,也让她品尝到恶果了。 However Yang Kai is over own, in Su Yan heart sweet ****. 不过杨开自己出头,苏颜心中还是甜****的。 Since Senior Sister said that...... that I do not think kill to the last one/being ruthless.” The Yang Kai's expression relaxes, looks at Bing Long saying: Makes her apologize, I let off her!” “既然师姐这么说……那我也不想赶尽杀绝。”杨开的表情缓和下来,望着冰珑道:“让她道歉,我放过她!” Bing Long is speechless, thought that this has not yielded, in heart faintly also some annoyed. 冰珑无语,心想这还是没有让步么,心中隐隐也有些恼火 At this moment, Ice Heart Valley all high level looks concentrate, incline the head and listen attentively, seeming like heard anything general, the manner concentrated on, the expression was unpredictable. 就在这时,冰心谷的所有高层都神色一凝,侧耳倾听起来,似乎是听到了什么东西一般,神态专注,表情变幻莫测。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, spies on Void to have Spiritual Mind to fluctuate indistinctly, obscure unclear. 杨开眉头一皱,隐约窥探到虚空之中有一股神念波动,晦涩不明。 In the heart understands immediately, should be Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder is saying anything to Bing Long these people. 心中立刻明白,应该是冰心谷太上长老正在跟冰珑这些人说些什么。 Pours has not disturbed rashly, calmly waits. 倒也没有贸然打扰,静静等待起来。 Bing Long and the others complexions Yin clear uncertain, some little time later, they look at each other in blank dismay, the expression of everyone becomes dignified extremely, has the feeling that a wind and rain wants indistinctly. 冰珑等人的脸色阴晴不定,好一会之后,她们才面面相觑一番,每个人的表情都变得凝重万分,隐约有一种风雨欲来的感觉。 Ice Heart Valley as if had what important matter to happen. 冰心谷仿佛有什么大事发生了。 Apologized to Su Yan, this matter stopped there!” Bing Long looks suddenly to Zhou Yunxuan, the expression is somewhat irritable. “给苏颜道个歉,这事就此作罢!”冰珑忽然望向周云宣,表情有些急躁。 Zhou Yunxuan expression one dull, didn't expect Valley Master was also partial to Yang Kai and Su Yan unexpectedly, although in heart not branch, but final taking advantage did not have, can only the heart unwilling sentiment not be willing to be typical: Junior Sister Su, a moment ago was Senior Sister was not right, but also asked Junior Sister should not be offended!” 周云宣表情一呆,没想到谷主居然也偏向了杨开苏颜,虽然心中不岔,可最后的依仗都没了,只能心不甘情不愿地道:“苏师妹,刚才是师姐的不对,还请师妹不要见怪!” She is clenching teeth, in a pair of eyes pupil hidden has the hatred and crazy aiming at twinkling, such as a dormant poisonous snake. 她咬着牙,一双眼眸中隐有怨毒和疯狂之意在闪烁,就如一条蛰伏的毒蛇。 She knows, own said, only feared that will degenerate into the entire Ice Heart Valley laughingstock, becomes apprentice sisters before meals the subject after tea! She is disgraced. 她知道,自己曰后只怕会沦为整个冰心谷的笑柄,成为师姐妹饭前茶后的谈资!她已颜面扫地。 You go back.” Bing Long waves to Zhou Yunxuan, light instruction. “你回去吧。”冰珑周云宣挥了挥手,淡淡吩咐。 Zhou Yunxuan bows a ritual, takes a step to depart, just before leaving before looked at Yang Kai and Su Yan wickedly, as if must their two people appearance seal in the heart, carve in the bone. 周云宣躬身一礼,迈步离去,临走之前恶狠狠地望了杨开苏颜一眼,似乎要将她们两人的模样印在心中,刻在骨头里。 „Others also dispersed!” Bing Long drinks tenderly. “其他人也都散了!”冰珑娇喝。 Numerous Ice Heart Valley ** in abundance retreat. 众多冰心谷**纷纷退去。 Quick, in the field then was only left over the Ice Heart Valley high level with Yang Kai Su Yan, Qing Ya stood in the distant place, a face worried that paid attention toward here. 很快,场中便只剩下了冰心谷高层和杨开苏颜,青雅站在远远的地方,一脸担忧地朝这边关注。 Yang Kai, you walk along with me!” The Bing Long look looks complex to Yang Kai. 杨开,你随我走一趟!”冰珑神色复杂地看向杨开 Who wants to see me?” Yang Kai had guessed indistinctly. “谁要见我?”杨开隐约有所猜测。 Bing Long sighed: Supreme Elder must see you......, not only so, Green Hills Star Star Master Sir Luo Hai and Brilliant Fire Sect Chi Huo senior must see you!” 冰珑叹息一声:“太上长老要见你……不但如此,翠微星星主骆海大人和火耀宗赤火前辈也要见你!” „Did Luo Hai come?” The Yang Kai eye narrows the eyes. 骆海来了么?”杨开眼睛一眯。 Good!” “不错!” I, if doesn't go?” Yang Kai grinned to smile. “我要是不去呢?”杨开咧嘴笑了一下。 This matter feared that is beyond control you, your own knows the consequence.” Bing Long is sighing, „, although your strength is very strong, however before Sir Luo Hai, your this kind of strength is really not anything.” “这事怕是由不得你,你自己知道后果。”冰珑叹息着,“虽然你实力很强,但是在骆海大人面前,你这样的实力实在不算什么。” Yang Kai feels the chin, nods saying: „The right and wrong went is not possible evidently, good, I walked along with the senior, was the time settles that matter.” 杨开摸着下巴,点点头道:“看样子是非去不可了,好吧,我就随前辈走一趟,也是时候了结那件事了。” Bing Long stunned, pours had not asked, looked at snuggle in his Su Yan, sighed: I in front you.” 冰珑愕然,倒也没有多问,看了一眼依偎在他身边的苏颜,叹息道:“我在前面等你。” Other Elder follow, the Ran Yunting vision sinister and vicious is staring at Yang Kai, in the surface a piece of ruthless offense. 其他长老紧随其后,冉云婷目光阴鸷地盯着杨开,面上一片狠戾。 Although she does not know why Sir Luo Hai must see Yang Kai, even does not hesitate to rely on the Brilliant Fire Sect strength to seek for the Yang Kai's trail, but looking back now, gratitude and grudges between Sir Luo Hai and this boys are great. 虽然她不知道骆海大人为什么非要见杨开,甚至不惜借助火耀宗的力量来寻找杨开的踪迹,但现在看来,骆海大人与这小子之间的恩怨不浅。 The boys do not know the immensity of heaven and earth, unexpectedly dares to provoke Sir Luo Hai! Then looked how you die. In the Ran Yunting heart the hatred is cursing. 小子不知天高地厚,居然敢招惹骆海大人!这下看你怎么死。冉云婷心中怨毒地诅咒着。 the next moment, she then saw that Su Yan and Yang Kai shakes hand, mentioned anything in a low voice, an anger upwells, wishes one could to rush them now gives to separate. 下一刻,她便见到苏颜杨开手拉着手,低声说起了什么,不由地一股怒火上涌,恨不得现在就冲上去将他们给分开。 Thought of the Yang Kai's method, Ran Yunting endured, cold snort, pursued Bing Long and the others to go. 一想到杨开的手段,冉云婷还是忍了下来,冷哼一声,追着冰珑等人而去。 Senior Sister you wait for me here, I urge to go faster come.” 师姐你在这里等我,我去去就来。” No, I with you together!” Su Yan shakes the head, in the beautiful pupil a firmness, was worried obviously Yang Kai presents what accidental/surprised, must with his shoulder to shoulder onset and retreat. “不,我跟你一起!”苏颜摇头,美眸里一片坚定,显然是担心杨开出现什么意外,要与他并肩进退。 That...... good.” Yang Kai has not continued to console, raises the head looked toward Qing Ya that side. “那……好吧。”杨开也没有继续劝解,抬头青雅那边看了看。 Qing Ya says immediately: I wait for you here!” 青雅立刻道:“我在这里等你们!” She knows that own does not have the qualifications to participate in this time matter, therefore knew the limitation to remain very much. 她知道自己没有资格参与这次的事,所以很识相地留了下来。 Stone Puppet calmly stands side her. 石傀静静地站在她身边。 Yang Kai nods gently, departs with Su Yan two people hand in hand. 杨开轻轻颔首,与苏颜两人联袂离去。 Bing Long waits in front not far away, seeing two people such as the deity family companions are common, intimate, the black eyebrow wrinkled the wrinkle, does not have in this matter to pester anything again, but has the profound meaning to look at Yang Kai to ask greatly: At this moment, you should have a frank and sincere talk with me, said carefully what gratitude and grudges you and between Sir Luo Hai did have?” 冰珑在前方不远处等候,见两人如神仙眷侣一般,亲密无间,黛眉不禁皱了皱,却没再此事上多纠缠什么,而是大有深意地望着杨开问道:“事到如今,你是不是该与我开诚布公,仔细说说你与骆海大人之间到底有什么恩怨了?” „Does senior want to know?” Yang Kai chuckle. “前辈想知道?”杨开轻笑一声。 Bing Long nods. 冰珑颔首。 Asked that Luo Hai was good, if he is willing to tell you, you naturally can know.” “问骆海好了,他若是愿意告诉你,你自然会知道。” You......” the Bing Long illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy, you have not done the clear condition, Sir Luo Hai and Chi Huo senior arrive at Extinct Ice Island together, moreover is the roll-call must see you, they come for you surely, now can shelter you were complete, only then my Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder, you also tried to cover up to this time, do you want to refuse stubbornly?” “你……”冰珑气结,“你是不是还没搞清楚状况,骆海大人和赤火前辈一起来到冰绝岛,而且是点名要见你,他们必定是为你而来,如今能够庇护的了你周全的,只有我冰心谷太上长老,都到了这个时候你还藏藏掖掖的,你想死不成?” „Does your Ice Heart Valley that senior, as if have Void King 1-layer? If how Luo Hai really can me, she be able to prevent?” Yang Kai curls the lip. “你们冰心谷的那位前辈,似乎也只有虚王一层境吧?骆海若是真要把我怎么样,她能阻止?”杨开撇撇嘴。 Bing Long had nothing to say in reply.. 冰珑无言以对。。 Void King Stage above , to promote small stage every time, the strength is the tremendous changes! It is for this reason that Luo Hai and Chi Huo enter without permission Extinct Ice Island no one can blame, they mentioned by name to see Yang Kai, Luo Li are unable to reject. 虚王境之上,每晋升一个小层次,实力便是翻天覆地的变化!正是因为如此,骆海赤火擅闯冰绝岛才无人能够怪罪,他们点名要见杨开,洛黎才无法拒绝。 If this is not the case, will Luo Li let their enter without permission Extinct Ice Island? If only a Chi Huo person, Luo Li has hit him. 若非如此,洛黎怎会让他们擅闯冰绝岛?如果只是赤火一个人的话,洛黎早就把他打回去了。 Let alone, between I and Ice Heart Valley not friendship, even if your Supreme Elder have this ability, why can also shelter me?” Yang Kai sneers, you want to know that what Luo Hai actually does want to obtain from me? Also or wants to slice from Luo Hai?” “更何况,我与冰心谷之间并无交情,就算你们的太上长老有这个能力,又为什么要庇护我?”杨开冷笑,“你们是想知道骆海到底想从我身上得到什么吧?又或者是想从骆海手上分一杯羹?” Bing Long stunned, smiles bitterly to say at once: You look actually clear, since is so clear, why is also willing to see him? If I you, will only depart now early!” 冰珑愕然,旋即苦笑道:“你看的倒是明白,既然这么明白,为何还愿意去见他?我若是你,现在只会早早离去!” Can go?” Yang Kai cold snort, I by him in scurrying about that in Star Territory pursues, hides Scarlet Billow Star to come with great difficulty, now is discovered the trail by him again, only feared that cannot run away. I said that was the time settles this gratitude and grudges with him, otherwise later is being kept thinking by him frequently, I was also very uncomfortable, he wants to bully the weak, that looked at him to have this skill!” “能去哪?”杨开冷哼,“我被他在星域中追的乱窜,好不容易才躲到赤澜星来,现在再次被他发现踪迹,只怕是跑不掉的。我说了,是时候跟他了结这场恩怨了,要不然以后时刻被他惦记着,我也很不爽,他想以大欺小,那就看他有没有这个本事!” During the speeches, on the Yang Kai face color of the ruthless offense, in the pupil none just like the lightning general, not only does not have, because Luo Hai has any flinching powerful, instead a fighting intent soaring appearance. 说话间,杨开脸上一片狠戾之色,眸中精光犹如闪电一般耀目,非但没有因为骆海的强大而有任何退缩,反而一副战意高昂的样子。 Bing Long is looking at Yang Kai dumbfoundedly, for a very long time did not speak, good long time to shake the head saying: Lunatic!” 冰珑瞠目结舌地望着杨开,久久不语,好半晌才摇头道:“疯子!” By the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary, dares to say this kind of to talk, Bing Long thought Yang Kai's head some are not absolutely normal. 返虚两层境修为境界,竟敢说出这样的狂言,冰珑觉得杨开的脑袋绝对有些不正常。 Yang Kai laughs, thinks little. 杨开哈哈大笑,不以为意。 Su Yan from beginning to end, not saying a word, is only snuggle in the Yang Kai body side, shakes hand with his hand, as if never wants to separate, on the face is hanging a tranquil satisfied smiling face. 苏颜自始至终,一言不发,只是依偎杨开身侧,与他手拉着手,仿佛永远也不想分开,脸上挂着一丝恬静满足的笑容。 The Bing Long sigh is unceasing, if usually, the this kind of young boys and girls definitely are the day make, enviable. 冰珑叹息不断,若是平时,这样的金童玉女肯定是天造地和,让人羡慕。 However, Yang Kai stared by Luo Hai, the later destiny no one can spy on. But Su Yan is actually Ice Heart Valley most core **, ** Ice Jade Cultivation she, if cannot cut off this fetters, will happen one day will drop the place of mud from cloud top/fall, finally lives incomparable pitiful. 但是,杨开骆海盯上了,以后的命运无人能够窥探。而苏颜却是冰心谷最核心的**,**了冰玉功的她,若不能斩断这份羁绊,终有一天会从云颠跌落泥泞之地,最终生活的无比悲惨。 Bing Long indifferently. 冰珑漠然。 Three people of speed wonderful quick, then arrived in island huge broad Ice Palace , before quickly. 三人速度奇快,很快便抵达了内岛一座巨大恢弘的冰宫前。 This Ice Palace as if overall is carved by Xuan Bing, clear like jade, during clean white as snow, is simple and elegant does not lose the atmosphere, another person is awed at the sight. 冰宫仿佛整体由玄冰雕琢而成,晶莹如玉,洁白似雪,清雅之中不失大气,另人望而生畏。 In Ice Palace, hidden has extremely powerful aura to flow out. 冰宫之中,隐有极为强大的气息流出。 Before Yang Kai arrives at this white jade Ice Palace , three Spiritual Mind almost cover on him instantaneously, together powerful incomparable, at all is not another two can compare favorably. 杨开来到这白玉冰宫前的时候,三道神念几乎瞬间笼罩在他身上,其中一道强大无匹,根本不是另外两道能够媲美的。 Luo Hai!( To be continued.) 骆海!(未完待续。)
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