MP :: Volume #17

#1648: Departing from the classics and betraying principle

The Ran Yunting look is invariable, but coldly is looking at Yang Kai, dense say/way: Stopped!” 冉云婷神色不变,只是冷冷地望着杨开,森然道:“到此为止了!” The reinforcement of numerous Elder, making her see to strike to kill the Yang Kai's hope again. 众多长老的增援,让她再度看到击杀杨开的希望。 Death!” Yang Kai drinks suddenly lowly. “死!”杨开忽然低喝。 Another four color rays of light of circulation separate easely, pours into Sword of Gold entirely, fuses with it. 身上流转的另外四彩光芒悠然分离出去,统统灌入金之剑中,与之融合。 The five colors light sword takes shape immediately! 五彩光剑立刻成型! The light sword contained the strength of five elements , to promote and constrains mutually, the five elements aura circulation continues, the might of light sword rises dramatically suddenly. 光剑蕴藏了五行之力,彼此间相克相生,五行气息循环不止,光剑的威力陡然暴增。 crack...... 咔嚓嚓…… Prevents makes the sound of disruption in the Ran Yunting front ice wall, cracked the clear crack. 阻挡在冉云婷前方的冰墙发出碎裂的声响,裂出了清晰的裂缝。 Ran Yunting with amazement changes countenance, Bing Long and many Elder are dumb as a wooden chicken. 冉云婷骇然变色,冰珑与诸多长老呆若木鸡。 Crash-bang, ices the wall completely to be crushed, the five colors light sword punctures toward the Ran Yunting forehead place with an extremely swift and fierce stance! 哗啦一声,冰墙彻底被粉碎开来,五彩光剑以一种极为凌厉的姿态朝冉云婷眉心处刺去! Eye looks at Ice Heart Valley this Great Elder then loses Underworld awfully, but in this time, a lush jade palm of misty white appears suddenly strangely. 看着冰心谷这位大长老便要命丧黄泉,可就在这个时候,一只白蒙蒙的芊芊玉掌忽然诡异浮现。 That jade palm seemingly does not have the flaw pure white, the five fingers **, such as the water leakage shallot, the jade palm grasps gently, seemed gripped the insignificant thing. 那一只玉掌看起来洁白无瑕,五指**,如出水青葱,玉掌轻轻一握,好似只是握住了微不足道的东西。 A mystery, the indescribable strength spreads from that jade palm. 一种玄妙至极,难以描述的力量从那玉掌中传出。 Crushed the five colors light sword of ice wall to be grasped by this jade unexpectedly in the palm place, the light sword shivered continuous, is actually not able again the little advance slightest. 粉碎了冰墙的五彩光剑竟被这玉掌握在了手心处,光剑颤抖不休,却无法再寸进分毫。 Little fellow, where it is possible to let people off, one should spare them, why kill to the last one/being ruthless?” A chilly female voice resounds in Void. “小家伙,得饶人处且饶人,何必赶尽杀绝?”一个清冷的女声在虚空之中响起。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, the eye narrowed the eyes. 杨开眉头一皱,眼睛眯了起来。 Ran Yunting from the Gate of Death one time, the whole body was moistened by the sweat, but is seeing this jade palm, after hearing that chilly female voice, suddenly is overjoyed, shouts loudly: ** Many thanks Supreme Elder life-saving efforts, but also asked Supreme Elder to act again one time, cut to kill this to insult the Ice Heart Valley evil creature!” 冉云婷从鬼门关上走了一遭,原本浑身都被汗水打湿,可在见到这玉掌,听到那清冷女声之后,忽然大喜过望,高呼道:“**多谢太上长老救命之恩,还请太上长老再出手一次,斩杀这侮辱冰心谷的孽障!” Supreme Elder? 太上长老 The Yang Kai complexion becomes dignified, raises the head looks in some direction, actually cannot see the person's shadow. 杨开脸色变得凝重起来,抬头朝某一个方向望去,却看不到人影。 He knows that Ice Heart Valley has Supreme Elder to assume personal command, that is the powerhouse of Void King Stage rank, but is only Void King 1-layer. 他知道冰心谷有一位太上长老坐镇,那是虚王境级别的强者,不过只是虚王一层境罢了。 Even Luo Hai such person, Yang Kai has offended, full Star Territory under his chasing down scurries about, Ice Heart Valley this Void King Stage powerhouse is even powerful, is unable to make Yang Kai alarmed and afraid. 骆海那样的人,杨开都得罪过,更在他的追杀下满星域乱窜,冰心谷这个虚王境强者就算强大,也无法让杨开惊惧。 Therefore he dares to come Ice Heart Valley! 所以他才敢来冰心谷 He is alerting secretly, Saint Yuan hidden does not send! 他暗暗戒备着,一身圣元隐而不发! Another side, Bing Long actually has a big shock, Supreme Elder was for fear that in a rage really Yang Kai killing, said hastily: Supreme Elder shows mercy, perhaps these have anything to misunderstand, here matter also please hand over by Bing Long processes!” 另一边,冰珑却是大惊失色,生怕太上长老一怒之下真的把杨开给杀了,连忙道:“太上长老手下留情,这其中或许有什么误会,这边的事还请交由冰珑处理!” Yang Kai's exists, is important, Bing Long does not dare to make him die casually. 杨开的存在,事关重大,冰珑可不敢让他随随便便就死了。 That chilly female voice once resounded again, but this time has not started talking, but sighed slightly, holds white hands collapse of five colors light sword to come suddenly, vanishes does not see. 那清冷的女声再一度响起,只不过这一次并没有开口说话,而是微微地叹息了一声,抓住五彩光剑的玉手忽然崩散开来,消失不见。 The Yang Kai intention moves, five colors light sword income within the body, coldly is looking at Ran Yunting. 杨开心念一动,将五彩光剑收入体内,冷冷地望着冉云婷 The opposite party are also visiting him, clenching jaws, is quite unwilling. 对方也在看他,咬牙切齿,极为不甘。 As if very annoying Supreme Elder directly Yang Kai not killing, after all Yang Kai a moment ago noisy is too ominous, in under the public gaze, must cut to kill this Great Elder unexpectedly. 似乎很是懊恼太上长老没有直接把杨开给杀了,毕竟杨开刚才闹的实在太凶,在众目睽睽之下,竟要斩杀她这个大长老 The this kind of provocation and insulted, Ran Yunting is unable to tolerate absolutely. 这样的挑衅和侮辱,冉云婷绝对无法容忍。 May facing the Supreme Elder resolution, she not dare to have what objection, can only secretly annoyed. 可面对太上长老的决议,她也不敢有什么异议,只能暗自恼火 The pretty shadow flies together suddenly rapidly from the distant place, Yang Kai seems the mind reading to look generally toward that side, the next moment, whole body shocking murderous aura vanishes into thin air, as if has never appeared, showed the temperate smiling face. 一道靓影忽然自远方急速飞来,杨开似有心灵感应一般地朝那边望去,下一刻,满身的惊天杀气烟消云散,仿佛从来不曾出现过,露出了温和的笑容。 He is looking at that side, the vision gentle as water. 他望着那边,目光温柔似水。 Bing Long and the others do not seem able to adapt to his this kind of to transform, frowns, does not know why all these are. 冰珑等人似乎无法适应他这样的转变,都皱起眉头,不知道这一切到底是为什么。 Looks following his vision, after seeing clearly that side situation, Bing Long shows an expression looking pensive. 顺着他的目光望去,待看清那边的情况之后,冰珑露出一副若有所思的表情。 Ran Yunting also saw the appearance that comes the person, a look offense, will open the mouth to shout at anything time, actually felt that suddenly the swift and fierce vision looks together toward own. 冉云婷也看到了来人的面貌,神色一戾,正要开口叱喝些什么的时候,却忽然感觉到一道凌厉的目光朝自己望来。 Turns head to look, right views Yang Kai is staring at own stubbornly, has you to dare to be chatty greatly I now you killed the stance. 扭头看去,正见杨开死死地盯着自己,大有“你敢叽歪我现在就把你杀了”的架势。 The words of Ran Yunting but actually mouth, swallows back, swallowed a saliva quietly. 冉云婷倒嘴边的话,又咽了回去,悄悄地吞了口口水。 Also does not know that wants to be many, that flash, she had to plant by the misconception that the antiquity ominous beast stared at a moment ago, as if this time provoked the Yang Kai's words again, even Supreme Elder is unable to rescue the own surname life. 也不知道是不是想多了,刚才那一瞬间,她有种被上古凶兽盯上的错觉,仿佛这一次再惹恼杨开的话,即便是太上长老也无法救下自己的姓命。 This thought makes her absolutely terrified...... 这个念头让她毛骨悚然…… The pretty shadow that distant place spreads is only several rises, then arrived at the Yang Kai body previous zhang (3.33 m) place, the ice was built on Void, the beautiful pupil trembled lightly, bit red lips lightly. 那远方驰来的靓影只是几个起落,便来到了杨开身前一丈处,凌立于虚空,美眸轻颤,轻咬红唇 four eyes look at each other, all along ice-cold, such as the ice sculpture Yu Zhuo appearance, showed the smile unexpectedly rarely. 四目对视,一贯冰冷,如冰雕玉琢般的容颜,竟罕见地露出了微笑。 The entire Extinct Ice Island charming and gentle scenery, is overshadowed in this flash. 整个冰绝岛旖旎风光,在这一瞬间黯然失色。 Extinct Ice Island innumerable outlying islets ** in abundance absent-minded, is glassy-eyed. 冰绝岛无数外岛**纷纷失神,目光呆滞。 God, will Su Yan smile unexpectedly? Did she smile unexpectedly? Moreover is smiling to a man.” “天啊,苏颜居然会笑?她居然笑了?而且还是对着一个男人笑了。” I also think that she will never smile, does she know this man?” “我还以为她永远都不会笑呢,她认识这个男人么?” Their what relates, how to seem like very intimate appearance?” “他们什么关系,怎么看起来好像很亲密的样子?” „Does Su Yan have the man outside unexpectedly? This may really make people be inconceivable.” 苏颜在外面居然有男人?这可真是让人难以想象。” She will be punished by Great Elder no wonder, in island ** without allowing, unable to have the too intimate contact with the man.” “怪不得她会被大长老惩罚,内岛**未经允许,是不能与男人有太亲密的接触的。” This fellow anything background, can move the Su Yan heart unexpectedly......” “这家伙到底什么来头,居然能打动苏颜的芳心……” ...... …… The talking in whispers sound resounds in all directions, the Ran Yunting complexion is pale, Bing Long heaves a deep sigh. 窃窃私语声四面八方地响起,冉云婷脸色铁青,冰珑摇头叹息。 Remaining Elders look at each other in blank dismay, they do not know before Su Yan and Yang Kai are very long, knew, suddenly presents such a, really makes them shock extremely. 剩下的长老们面面相觑,她们根本不知道苏颜杨开很久以前就认识,突然出现这么一幕,实在让她们震惊非常。 In the sky, under the gazes of innumerable both eyes light, Yang Kai extended a hand toward Su Yan. 天空之中,无数双目光的注视之下,杨开苏颜伸出了一只手。 On the Su Yan clean white such as snow cheeks flies a light ruddiness, missing that but that remembers with eternal gratitude actually defeated inborn charming, her figure in a flash, puts into the Yang Kai's bosom. 苏颜洁白如雪般的脸颊上飞上一丝淡淡的红润,但那刻骨铭心的思念却战胜了天生的娇羞,她身形一晃,投入杨开的怀抱中。 two people closely supports! 两人紧紧相拥! After more than 30 years, came High Heaven Pavilion two people once to walk again in the same place. 时隔三十多年,出身凌霄阁两人再一度走在一起。 I am hugging you, embraced the whole world! 我拥抱着你,就是拥抱了整个世界! The cold wind comes, the snow was curled up, entire Extinct Ice Island is completely silent, everyone's vision frames in the midair, frames on that a man and a woman. 寒风呼啸而来,积雪被卷起,整个冰绝岛鸦雀无声,所有人的目光都定格在半空中,定格在那一男一女身上。 The picture beautiful, warm atmosphere periphery ice-cold scattering, everyone will only feel in the heart very much sufficiently warm. 画面很唯美,温馨的气氛足以将周围的冰冷驱散,每一个人都感觉心中暖洋洋的。 The Ran Yunting look fluctuates, the vision looks toward Bing Long that side, seeming like wants to say anything, but sees a Bing Long helpless appearance, has not said. 冉云婷神色变幻,目光朝冰珑那边看去,似乎是想说什么,可是见冰珑一副无奈的模样,始终没有说出口。 Su Yan your ** the maid, has not gone!” 苏颜你这个**婢,还不快滚回来!” You dare so to handle affairs, must be punished!” “你敢如此行事,必受责罚!” Two towering sounds resounded, disturbed that only beautiful Domain. 两个突兀的声音响起,干扰了那唯美的意境 Many Ice Heart Valley females ** glares angrily at each other to location/position that the sound originates, in the heart blamed rash and rashness of person secretly. 不少冰心谷的女**冲声音来源的位置怒目相视,心中暗暗责怪来人的莽撞和冒失。 Two Principle Light magnificent dodge, quick had two female to pursue, the sound was they shouts. 道光华一闪,很快就有两个女子追了过来,刚才的声音正是她们喊出来的。 After seeing clearly here situation, Zhou Yunxuan another female expression that is responsible for guarding Su Yan one dull, obviously didn't expect gathered so many Sect high levels unexpectedly. 待看清这边的局势之后,无论是周云宣还是另外一个负责看守苏颜女子都表情一呆,显然没想到这边居然聚集了如此多的宗门高层。 It can be said that Sect Elders entire all here. 可以说,宗门长老们都在这里了 two people expression awkwardness/ridicules, looked at Ran Yunting one timidly. 两人表情一讪,怯怯地望了冉云婷一眼。 How to say again, Ran Yunting and regards as important Su Yan is the fact, they insulted Su Yan, if Ran Yunting blamed, definitely had no good fruit to eat. 再怎么说,冉云婷及其看重苏颜是事实,她们辱骂苏颜,若是冉云婷怪罪下来的话,肯定没什么好果子吃。 Under may look, in two female hearts great happiness. 可一望之下,两女心中大喜。 Ran Yunting did not seem to hear the words, simply has not cared about own two people, instead averted the eyes the light spit fire to look in some direction, the vision and was hostile with angrily. 冉云婷好像没听到刚才的话,根本没有在意自己两人,反而还目光喷火地朝某个方向望去,目光及其仇视和愤怒。 Looks following her line of sight, Zhou Yunxuan calls out in alarm one, covered the mouth. 顺着她的视线望去,周云宣惊叫一声,捂住了嘴巴。 She discovered with amazement, Su Yan hugs with a strange man unexpectedly in the same place. 她骇然地发现,苏颜竟然与一个陌生的男子抱在一起。 This...... this departed from the classics and betrayed principle simply! 这……这简直太离经叛道了! Did not say that ordinary in island **, without the words that Honored Master permits can not with the man close contact, Su Yan by own biography that Great Elder and settles on **, her this kind of status, is so blatantly intimate with a man, isn't hitting the face of Great Elder? 不说普通的内岛**,未经师尊允许的话不得与外界男子亲密接触,苏颜可是被大长老及其看中的亲传**啊,她这样的身份,公然与一个男人如此亲密,不是在打大长老的脸吗? In her eye can have Great Elder this Honored Master? 她眼里可还有大长老这个师尊 No wonder the Great Elder complexion is so ugly. 怪不得大长老的脸色如此难看。 Thinks of here, Zhou Yunxuan said hastily: Great Elder, Su Yan she did not attend to me and Junior Sister advises, insists on, I think that she had what important matter, didn't expect was actually this. Under big crowd of people so handles affairs, too did not know the sense of honor, but also asked Great Elder to punish!” 想到这里,周云宣连忙道:“大长老,苏颜她不顾我与师妹劝阻,执意冲了出来,我本以为她有什么要事,没想到却是这样。大庭广众之下如此行事,太不知廉耻了,还请大长老责罚!” The Ran Yunting body shivers, in surface a scowl. 冉云婷身躯颤抖起来,面上一片怒容。 This matter why must Zhou Yunxuan , she has if possible torn to shreds Yang Kai! 这种事何须周云宣来说,若是可能的话,她早已将杨开碎尸万段了! However she does not self-examine that skill, wants to kill the Yang Kai's words, only if Supreme Elder makes a move to be good personally. 但是她自问没那个本事,想杀杨开的话,除非太上长老亲自出手才行。 Therefore she is silent, has not responded to Zhou Yunxuan. 所以她默然不语,并没有回应周云宣 Zhou Yunxuan stares, in the surface flashes through color of the doubt. 周云宣一愣,面上闪过一丝狐疑之色。 Cannot be thinking through, near the ear bank broadcasts a callous sound suddenly: Was you were scolding Su Yan a moment ago?” 正想不通的时候,耳畔边忽然传来一个冷酷的声音:“刚才是你在骂苏颜?” raises the head looks, Zhou Yunxuan discovered impressively before , hugs Su Yan that man to stand erect in the midair, an indifferent eye is gazing at own. 抬头望去,周云宣赫然发现之前搂着苏颜的那个男子正屹立在半空之中,一双冷漠的眼睛注视着自己 Su Yan does not attend to shocking everybody, timid young girl inspiring tenderness snuggle side him, on elegant face a satisfied expression, even if as if dies immediately, she was still well satisfied. 苏颜不顾惊世骇俗,小鸟依人般地依偎在他身边,俏脸上一片满足的表情,似乎就算是立刻死了,她也心满意足了。 Was staring by that eye, Zhou Yunxuan inexplicably somewhat fearful, about sizes up one quietly, discovered the meaning that Elders do not speak, can only clench teeth to reply: A moment ago was my careless words.” 被那双眼睛盯着,周云宣莫名地有些心寒,悄悄地左右打量一眼,发现长老们都没有要说话的意思,只能咬牙答道:“刚才是我口不择言了。” No matter Su Yan does have the mistake, she insulted the same side is not truly right like that in front of numerous Elder and Valley Master, she does not dare is too dissolute, immediately acknowledges the own mistake. 不管苏颜有没有错,她那般辱骂同门确实不对,在众多长老谷主面前,她也不敢太放肆,立刻承认自己的错误。 Apology!” Yang Kai is brief and to the point. “道歉!”杨开言简意赅。 In the Zhou Yunxuan surface flashes through anger, shouted tenderly: You are anything , dares to gesticulate to me!” 周云宣面上闪过一丝怒意,娇喝道:“你算什么东西,也敢对我指手画脚!” Acknowledging the mistake acknowledges the mistake, the apology is the apology, this is two matters, Zhou Yunxuan is not willing to apologize to Su Yan in under the public gaze, really such doing words, really lost face too. 承认错误是承认错误,道歉是道歉,这是两码事,周云宣可不愿在众目睽睽之下苏颜道歉,真那样做的话,也实在太丢人了。 The voice falls, on the cheeks spread bang suddenly a resounding, the Zhou Yunxuan intuition realized that a cheeks numbness of own, the whole person is led by one vigorously, flew high to transfer several, dropped layer on layer/heavily in the snowy area. 话音落,脸颊上忽然传出了一声脆响,周云宣直感觉到自己的脸颊一片麻木,整个人被一股大力带着,凌空转了好几圈,重重跌落在雪地上。 Ice Heart Valley Elder excitedly changes countenance. 冰心谷诸位长老勃然变色 How they simply have not seen clearly Yang Kai to act, only saw that this named Zhou Yunxuan ** flies to fall.( To be continued.) 她们根本没看清杨开是如何出手的,只见到这个叫周云宣的**飞跌出去。(未完待续。)
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