MP :: Volume #17

#1647: Mediocre

The Yang Kai complexion changes, does not dare light Ying its front, restrains the potential field . 杨开脸色微变,不敢轻缨其锋,收敛自身势场。. If the potential field were eradicated strongly, has very big harm to oneself, restoring to be very troublesome. 势场若是被强硬破除的话,对自身是有很大危害的,修复起来很麻烦。 „The strength of Formation?” Yang Kai ravelled on Ran Yunting exactly to have anything to change quickly. 阵法之力?”杨开很快就弄明白冉云婷身上到底发生了什么变化。 She drew support from Formation on Extinct Ice Island obviously, can therefore achieve this degree. 她显然是借助了冰绝岛上的阵法,所以才能做到这种程度。 Thinks that is not strange, Ran Yunting is not low in the Ice Heart Valley position, ranking only under Supreme Elder and Valley Master, can transfer the Formation might is also natural. 想想也不奇怪,冉云婷冰心谷的身份地位不低,排名只在太上长老谷主之下,能够调动阵法威力也是理所当然的。 ha ha ha, my Ice Heart Valley Ice Extinction Formation, can stand in line first on Scarlet Billow Star, the boy, you can die under Formation, can die content!” Ran Yunting is laughing, during the hand Token wielded, bringing one string of flowing light, the whole person as if to integrate all around ice to be cold, did not have the trace indistinctly! 哈哈哈,我冰心谷冰绝大阵,在赤澜星上能排得上第一,小子,你能死在大阵之下,也可以瞑目了!”冉云婷大笑着,手上令牌一挥,带起一串流光,整个人似乎都融入到了四周的冰寒之中,飘渺无踪! But around that actually appears suddenly ice blade attack, just like the locust to transit, blots out the sky toward the Yang Kai assault. 但那四周却忽然浮现出一道道冰刃般的攻击,犹如蝗虫过境,铺天盖地朝杨开袭去。 This is the Ice Extinction Formation might! Even if the Void King Stage powerhouse is involved, is still hard to withdraw safely. 这便是冰绝大阵的威力!即便是虚王境强者深陷其中,也难以安全脱身。 Transfers the Formation might to cope with the Yang Kai's flash in Ran Yunting, the entire Extinct Ice Island powerhouses had detected. 就在冉云婷调动大阵威力对付杨开的一瞬间,整个冰绝岛的强者都有所察觉。 In the island, in Valley Master Ice Palace, the Bing Long look changes, raises the head looks to Void: Who is using the Formation prestige energy? Is Great Elder?” 内岛,谷主冰宫中,冰珑神色一变,抬头望向虚空:“谁在动用大阵威能?是大长老么?” Spiritual Mind spreads long-drawn-out, quick, she then saw the tactical situation in outlying islet icy peak place, cannot bear call out in alarm one, goes out from own Ice Palace hastily, flies rapidly. 神念悠地扩散开来,很快,她便看到了外岛冰峰处的战况,忍不住惊呼一声,连忙从自己冰宫走出,急速飞来。 In island more than ten Elder had also detected, rushes to toward here in abundance. 内岛十几位长老也都有所察觉,纷纷朝这边赶赴。 But location/position that some island no one knows, silver-haired female is sitting cross-legged to sit in a cold deep pool edge, she is seemingly young, as if only then 28 ages, but aura actually stronger on innumerable times compared with Bing Long and Ran Yunting. 而在内岛某一处没人知道的位置,一个满头银发的女子正盘膝坐在一寒潭边,她看上去年纪不大,似乎只有二八芳龄,但一身气息却比冰珑冉云婷都要强上无数倍。 Void King Stage powerhouse! 虚王境强者! Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder, Luo Li! 冰心谷太上长老,洛黎 That forms the intense visual conflict with the face of young female silver-haired, making her for no reason have a shocking feeling. 那满头银发与少女的面孔形成强烈的视觉冲突,让她平白生出一种惊艳之感。 At this moment, she seems to be drawing support from the ice cold strength of cold deep pool to make anything, the sandalwood opens lightly seasoned, spits attracts, then has the cold air of misty white from the cold deep pool by her aspiration, swamps into the abdomen. 此刻,她似乎正在借助寒潭的冰寒之力做着什么,檀口轻启,一吐一吸之间,便有白蒙蒙的寒气从寒潭中被她吸出,涌入腹中。 Complexion some not obvious paleness of Luo Li, this is the sequela that her previous time exercises martial arts to make a mistake to have. 洛黎的脸色有些不明显的苍白,这是她上次练功出错留下的后遗症。 The instance that Ice Extinction Formation uses passively, Luo Li had also detected, but she looked at one in some direction lightly, then has not paid attention again. 冰绝大阵被动用的瞬间,洛黎也有所察觉,不过她只是淡淡地朝某个方向望了一眼,便没再理会。 If her so character, the matter of outside has not needed to meddle, but small generation of deliberately creating trouble, has Bing Long to go to process. 如她这般人物,外面发生的事情已经无需插手了,只是小一辈们的胡闹罢了,自有冰珑前去处理。 However while Luo Li must continue healing time, suddenly the complexion changes, as if somewhat detected that looks in another direction, complexion has never had the dignity, said in a low voice: Chi Huo couldn't you really repress? Unexpectedly dares enter without permission my Extinct Ice Island......, this is......, no wonder, no wonder you have such energy!” 不过正当洛黎要继续疗伤的时候,忽然脸色一变,似乎有些察觉般朝另外一个方向看去,面色从未有过的凝重,低声道:“赤火你果然按捺不住了么?居然敢擅闯冰绝岛……咦,这个是……怪不得,怪不得你有如此底气!” After detecting another person of existence, the Luo Li complexion became more dignified, for a long time, sighed: Does not know that Extinct Ice Island can go through this difficulty, hopes that do not go too far.” 当察觉到另外一人的存在之后,洛黎的脸色变得更加凝重了,许久,才叹息一声:“也不知冰绝岛能不能度过这次难关啊,希望你们不要太过分了。” During the speeches, she sets out slowly, the body in a flash, vanishes easely in place, only leaves behind together clear afterimage. 说话间,她缓缓起身,身躯一晃,悠然消失在原地,只留下一道清晰可辨的残影 ...... …… Stupid, if you can transfer the Ice Extinction Formation complete might, could cut to kill me, but by your mean skill, how many might can also borrow Formation?” Yang Kai is drinking severely, the body exuded the five colors multi-colored sunlight suddenly, during that five colors rays of light surged, making one not dare to watch intently, an unprecedented swift and fierce qi energy jumped to shoot from Yang Kai. “愚蠢,若是你能调动起冰绝大阵的全部威力,或许可以将我斩杀,但是以你的低微本事,又能借用大阵多少威力?”杨开厉喝着,身上忽然泛起了五彩霞光,那五彩光芒涌动之中,让人不敢逼视,一种前所未有的凌厉气劲从杨开身上迸射出来。 Yang Kai Void grasps, the golden multi-colored sunlight separates from the body suddenly, condenses to his hand, formed a golden light shining long sword. 杨开虚空一握,金色霞光忽然从身体中分离,凝聚到他的手上,形成了一把金光灿灿的长剑。 Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi, Sword of Gold, the lord murders! 不灭五行剑气,金之剑,主杀伐! A sword in the hand, Yang Kai killing intent like the tide, that thick qualitative murderous intention makes the Ran Yunting eye pupil shiver truthfully fiercely, screaming, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan crazily, fills to start on Token, attempts by the Formation might, the town/subdues kills Yang Kai. 一剑在手,杨开杀念如潮,那浓如实质的杀机冉云婷眼眸剧烈颤抖,尖叫着,疯狂催动圣元,灌入手上令牌,企图以大阵威力,镇杀杨开 The innumerable ice blade ice cone ice arrow takes shape in Void, again toward the Yang Kai lasing. 无数冰刃冰锥冰箭在虚空中成型,再一次朝杨开激射。 Come good!” Yang Kai explodes drinks, in the hand Sword of Gold waves. “来的好!”杨开爆喝,手中金之剑舞动起来。 golden light is eye-catching, as if must cut broken Void, fine gold golden light color shining entire Extinct Ice Island that brings is overshadowed, sharp incomparable sword qi lasings go out. 金光夺目,似乎要斩破虚空,带起的鎏金光彩耀的整个冰绝岛都黯然失色,一道道锐利无匹的剑气激射出去。 Ices the snowflake of blade ice cone ice arrow under just like scorching sun, was cut broken, dissolution. 冰刃冰锥冰箭宛若骄阳下的雪花,纷纷被斩破,溶解。 In a Yang Kai ten zhang (3.33 m) range, may not near body! 杨开十丈范围内,不可近身! His stance is wild, the black hair flies upwards, war-god that such as the antiquity period arrived, maneuvered among groups completely obviously the endless heroic spirit. 他姿态狂放,黑发飞扬,就如上古时期降临的战神,纵横捭阖间尽显无尽豪气。 Innumerable Ice Heart Valley female looked to stay, only felt in the heart, the feeling that cannot be restrained gushed out, this feeling made them palpitate, making them put on Yang Kai all mind, the entire world did not have the otherness again, was only left over that to stand erect the form together in midair. 无数冰心谷女子看呆了,只觉得芳心之中,一股不可抑止的感觉涌出,这种感觉让她们悸动,让她们将所有心神都投放到了杨开身上,整个天地再无他物,只剩下那一道屹立于半空之中的身影。 In island, the Su Yan icehouse opens suddenly, she flushed, first then saw beyond hundred li (0.5 km), the whole body covers the familiar form in golden light. 内岛处,苏颜的冰室忽然打开,她冲了出来,第一眼便见到了远在百里之外,浑身笼罩在金光之中的熟悉身影。 Junior Brother!” Su Yan muttered the summon. 师弟!”苏颜喃喃呼唤。 Although the sound is light, but actually as if can span hundred li (0.5 km) impediment, is swaying Sword of Gold Yang Kai, turned head to look at one toward here unexpectedly, grinned the smile. 声音虽轻,但却仿佛能跨越百里的阻隔,正在挥洒金之剑杨开,竟扭头朝这边看了一眼,咧嘴微笑。 Su Yan also smiled, then speeds away toward that side. 苏颜同样微笑了一下,然后朝那边疾驰过去。 At this moment, the command of Honored Master, the gauge of Sect no longer restrains to her, in her heart, in her eye, only then that for her but to run amok Extinct Ice Island man! 这一刻,师尊之令,宗门之规对她来说已不再是约束,她的心中,她的眼中只有那个为了她而大闹冰绝岛的男人! So long as can say goodbye near distance to look at his one eyes, a reentry his bosom, dies with no regrets! 只要能再见近距离地看他一眼,再入一次他的怀抱,死而无憾! Where runs!” “哪里跑!” Su Yan, you halt to me!” 苏颜,你给我站住!” Zhou Yunxuan and another female who are responsible for guarding Su Yan ** originally also in paying attention to the fight hundred li (0.5 km) away, may get back one's composure actually discovered that with amazement Su Yan ran unexpectedly, two females in great surprise, pursue hurriedly, pursues while shouts loudly. 周云宣和另外一个负责看守苏颜的女**本来也在关注百里之外的战斗,可回过神的时候却骇然发现苏颜居然跑了出去,两女大惊,匆忙追赶出去,一边追一边高声呼喊。 Su Yan you dare to violate the command of Great Elder, you must be punished!” 苏颜你胆敢违背大长老之令,你必会受到惩罚!” Has not gone back in a big hurry, now returns may be short by some physical sufferings, otherwise no one can preserve you!” “还不快快回去,现在返回可少受一些皮肉之苦,否则谁也保不住你!” Su Yan ignores, does not seem to heard general, the figure is increasingly estranged, vanishes in the Zhou Yunxuan two female fields of vision quickly. 苏颜置若罔闻,仿佛没有听到一般,身形渐行渐远,很快消失在周云宣两女的视野之中。 Was bad!” Zhou Yunxuan is pale, these in any event, their two people must take the blame for protection inconsiderately, only feared that Great Elder must certainly punish. “坏了!”周云宣脸色苍白,这一下不论如何,她们两人都要背负起守护不周的罪名了,只怕大长老肯定是要责罚的。 This ** the woman, irritated me!” Another female clenches teeth to curse, Senior Sister Zhou, we now what to do?” “这个**女人,气死我了!”另外一个女子咬牙咒骂,“周师姐,我们现在怎么办?” With the past.” Zhou Yunxuan stamps the feet , to continue to pursue. “跟过去啊。”周云宣一跺脚,继续追赶。 The laughing sound just like the rolling thunder to resound through entire Extinct Ice Island generally, by Yang Kai that the prestige of Formation wraps recklessly vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the sword light bolt of white silk flies to shoot generally, Ran Yunting torn to pieces of offensive resolution. 哈哈大笑声犹如滚雷一般响彻整个冰绝岛,被阵法之威包裹的杨开肆意纵横,剑光匹练一般飞射,将冉云婷的攻势化解的支离破碎。 The Ran Yunting look is fierce, in a pair of eyes pupil shocks with completely does not dare to believe. 冉云婷的神色狰狞,一双眼眸里满是震撼和不敢置信。 This youth...... evildoer/monstrous talent to what degree? 这个青年……到底妖孽到什么程度? By the Void Return 2-layer cultivation level boundary, can all -around pressed trig unexpectedly used own of part of Ice Extinction Formation might! 返虚两层境修为境界,竟然能全方位地压制住动用了一部分冰绝大阵威力的自己 She thinks, in Void Return Stage this level, own is existence of ranking among the best, without many Void Return Stage can contend with own, but says that now she understands profoundly, outside the mountain has the mountain, outside the person has the person! 她本以为,在返虚镜这个层次上,自己已经是数一数二的存在,没有多少返虚镜能够与自己抗衡,可是今曰她才深刻地明白,山外有山,人外有人! This can achieve this degree named Yang Kai's youth now, if asked him to break through 3-layer, can resist with general Void King Stage? 这个叫杨开的青年如今就能做到这种程度,若是叫他突破到三层境,岂不是能与一般的虚王境对抗? This thought appears, Ran Yunting has a scare! 这个念头浮现,冉云婷吓了一跳! Panic-stricken at the same time, strengthened struck to kill the Yang Kai's faith. 惊恐的同时,更加坚定了击杀杨开的信念。 This child does not die, said, Ice Heart Valley definitely has the huge trouble! 此子不死,曰后冰心谷绝对有天大的麻烦! Ice Heart Valley Great Elder, mediocre!” Yang Kai sinking sound big shout, has not been placing in Ran Yunting the eye, the left hand holds the sword, the right hand pair gathers, wipes on Sword of Gold, in the mouth shouted lowly: Goes!” 冰心谷大长老,也不过如此!”杨开沉声大喝着,一点也没将冉云婷放在眼中,左手持剑,右手双直并拢,在金之剑上一抹,口中低喝道:“去!” golden light flashes passes, swift and fierce sword glow raids before the Ran Yunting body instantaneously, the next moment then must pierce her! 金光一闪而逝,凌厉的剑芒瞬间就袭至冉云婷身前,下一刻便要将她洞穿! How even Ran Yunting stimulates to movement the Ice Extinction Formation might again, is unable to prevent this Golden Radiance to kill. 即便冉云婷再怎么催动冰绝大阵的威力,也无法阻止这金芒袭杀。 for a moment, the Ran Yunting surface like the dying embers, the look vacillates. 一时间,冉云婷面如死灰,眼神动摇起来。 Until this time, she is clear, before Yang Kai, bows a ritual to own, really because of not fearing, but in finished the fate with own among Su Yan. 直到这个时候,她才明白,杨开之前对自己躬身一礼,真的不是因为惧怕,而是在替苏颜了却与自己之间的缘分。 The fate completely, he has then been able to intend to strike to kill own without hesitation. 缘分已尽,他便可以毫不犹豫地出手击杀自己 Regret? 后悔么? Did not regret! The Ran Yunting look is firm, even the death, she will not regret the decision of own. 不后悔!冉云婷的眼神再一次坚定,即便是死,她也不会后悔自己的决定。 Su Yan finally is the Ice Heart Valley future pillar of the state, can carry forward Ice Heart Valley, forcing Brilliant Fire Sect, becomes on Scarlet Billow Star the strongest influence, must look at the Su Yan skill. 苏颜终将是冰心谷未来的栋梁,能不能将冰心谷发扬光大,力压火耀宗,成为赤澜星上最强大的势力,都要看苏颜的本事了。 own may die, but strikes to kill the Ice Heart Valley Great Elder exactly minor matter, once Supreme Elder blames, Yang Kai do not want to live. 自己或许会死,但是击杀冰心谷大长老可不是小事,太上长老一旦怪罪下来,杨开也别想活着。 So long as Yang Kai died, Su Yan can make up for the flaw in mind, can the full power **! 只要杨开死了,苏颜就可以弥补心灵上的破绽,就可以全力**! She will certainly bloom to cover entire Star Territory rays of light, future she, can stand in Star Territory most peak surely! 她必将绽放出笼罩整个星域光芒,未来的她,必定可以站在星域的最顶端! This youth is anything, again eventually even how shocking and stunning talent, will still be thrown by Su Yan distant. 这个青年又算什么东西,即便再怎么惊才艳艳,也终究会被苏颜抛的远远的。 The death was imminent, Ran Yunting was motionless, is looking at Yang Kai, grinned fiendishly strangely. 死亡迫在眉睫,冉云婷一动不动,望着杨开,诡异狞笑。 In this time, the Ice Extinction Formation might increases suddenly suddenly, is unable to prevent Sword of Gold the prestige of Formation to play the role that is inconceivable unexpectedly, the rich ice cold air/Qi gathers together, formed an ice wall of no flaw in front of Ran Yunting. 就在这个时候,冰绝大阵的威力忽然陡增,原本无法阻挡金之剑大阵之威竟发挥出难以想象的作用,浓郁的冰寒之气汇聚到一起,在冉云婷面前形成了一面无瑕的冰墙。 Sword of Gold pricks, emanation lets the fricative that the person did a lot of talking, approached toward Ran Yunting little. 金之剑刺入,发出让人磨牙的摩擦声,一点点地朝冉云婷逼近。 Ices the wall does not seem able to prevent penetration of Sword of Gold! 冰墙似乎也无法阻挡金之剑的突入! But Yang Kai is actually a brow wrinkle, turns head to look toward another side. 杨开却是眉头一皱,扭头朝另一边望去。 That side, Ice Heart Valley Valley Master Bing Long does not know when has come, in the hand is also grasping together Token, coordinated with each other across a great distance with Ran Yunting that Token, increased the Ice Extinction Formation might. 那边,冰心谷谷主冰珑不知何时已经现身,手上同样握着一块令牌,与冉云婷的那块令牌遥相呼应,增大了冰绝大阵的威力。 On her face a dignity, the forehead seeped the sweat, agitated Saint Yuan, poured into toward Token. 她的脸上一片凝重,额头沁出了汗水,鼓动自身圣元,往令牌内灌入。 More and more Ice Heart Valley Elder come, each and everyone calls out in alarm, takes out own Token in abundance. 越来越多的冰心谷长老现身,一个个都惊呼起来,纷纷取出自己令牌 Numerous Ice Heart Valley Elder blessing transfers, the Ice Extinction Formation might is even more huge. 得众多冰心谷长老加持调动,冰绝大阵的威力愈发巨大。 Finally, the advance of Sword of Gold was prevented, is only three cuns (2.5 cm) away from Ran Yunting. 最终,金之剑的前进被阻挡了下来,距离冉云婷仅有三寸之遥。 Sharp incomparable, such as sword qi of snake core general turnover punctured the Ran Yunting forehead, making her forehead place seep out 1 drop dark red fresh blood, is very dazzling.( To be continued.) 锐利无匹,如蛇芯一般吞吐的剑气刺破了冉云婷的额头,让她的眉心处渗出一滴殷红的鲜血,无比刺眼。(未完待续。)
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