MP :: Volume #17

#1646: Three waves to a single stroke

Boy, courage praise worthy, is foolhardy, confessed your sin in the hell well, if there is a next life, do not think again the toad ate a day of goosemeat, some people you could not seek friendships!” Ran Yunting stimulates to movement the potential field crazily, in the mouth yelled . “小子,勇气可嘉,却有勇无谋,在地狱中好好忏悔你的罪孽吧,若有来生,可不要再想着癞蛤蟆吃天鹅肉,有些人你高攀不起!”冉云婷疯狂地催动自身势场,口中大叫。. In that clear snowflake all contained her the understanding piece by piece to Martial Dao Heavenly Law, tends to the big accomplishment potential field only to be worse than on the frontline Domain, in Void Return Stage, when is invincible. 那一片片晶莹的雪花中皆都蕴藏了她对武道天道的理解,趋于大成的势场仅比领域差上一线,在返虚镜中当属无敌。 The Yang Kai's body was covered by the snowflake. 杨开的身体被雪花覆盖。 aura drops suddenly downward, visible ice frost in him exposed outside ** on spreads, freeze...... 一身气息忽然往下跌落,肉眼可见的冰霜在他裸露在外的**上蔓延,冻结…… More snowflakes moisten to Yang Kai on. 更多的雪花沾到杨开身上。 As if in the world all ice are cold, poured into Yang Kai's within the body. 似乎天地间所有的冰寒,都灌入到了杨开的体内。 After two breath, Yang Kai was frozen becomes an ice sculpture, is still maintaining the posture of fist, the double pupil anger opens the eyes, the ice is built on the midair, maintains the stance in the future flying upwards including a black hair. 两个呼吸后,杨开被冻成一具冰雕,依然保持着出拳的姿势,双眸怒睁,凌立于半空之中,连一头黑发都保持往后飞扬的架势。 He such as by the work that some Great Master carves. 他就如一座被某位大师精雕细琢出来的作品。 Beyond several li (0.5 km), just Qing Ya raises the head of coming to a stop figure, after seeing this, immediately is scared, calls out in alarm said: Yang Kai!” 几里之外,刚刚站稳身形的青雅抬头,看到这一幕之后,顿时仓皇失措,惊呼道:“杨开!” Her sound was full of the sorrowful meaning. 她的声音充满了悲恸之意。 Yang Kai does not beat Great Elder one move unexpectedly! Was the strength boundary disparity really big? But he, if really dies here, that Su Yan she...... 杨开居然不敌大长老一招!实力境界果然差距太大了么?可他若是真死在这里的话,那苏颜她…… Qing Ya hardly can want to get down again, the for a moment whole person dumbfounded, thought chaos. 青雅几乎不敢再想下去,一时间整个人都呆住了,思维一片混沌。 At this moment, her own was rather struck to kill by Bing Die a moment ago, is not willing to see Yang Kai because of annoying this time terrible business but falls in this. 这一刻,她宁愿自己刚才被冰蝶击杀,也不愿看到杨开因为惹上这次的麻烦事而陨落在此。 Killed this rebel!” Ran Yunting is away from several li (0.5 km), distantly and looked at Qing Ya one indifferently, gives orders to Bing Die of not far away, in double pupil color of the dislike. “杀了这叛徒!”冉云婷隔着几里地,遥遥而冷漠地望了青雅一眼,冲不远处的冰蝶发号施令,双眸里一片厌恶之色。 After saying, does not look at Qing Ya one. 说完之后,再也不看青雅一眼。 As if to her, the Qing Ya life is insignificant! So long as can make up for the flaw on Su Yan state of mind, person who she can cut completely to have the relations with Su Yan. 似乎对她来说,青雅的死活根本无足轻重!只要能弥补苏颜心境上的破绽,她可以斩尽一切与苏颜有关系的人。 Bing Die was injured by Yang Kai a moment ago, but has not been surnamed the sorrow of life, therefore quick pants for breath, hears word flushes away toward Qing Ya without hesitation, the look ice is cold, within the body Saint Yuan surges, faint trace ice air/Qi winds around around her body, is looking at Qing Ya indifferently: this time looked that who can also save you!” 冰蝶刚才被杨开打伤,但也没有姓命之忧,所以很快就喘息过来,闻言毫不犹豫地朝青雅冲去,眼神冰寒,体内圣元涌动,一丝丝冰气缭绕在她的身躯周围,冷漠至极地望着青雅:“这一次看谁还能救你!” During the speeches, had arrived at Qing Ya front five zhang (3.33 m) places, a palm patted. 说话间,已经来到了青雅面前五丈处,一掌拍了出去。 Qing Ya is entirely still, has not gone to pay attention to Bing Die killing strike, she looks is frozen Yang Kai in midair, her eye only had that ice sculpture. 青雅纹丝不动,根本就没有去理会冰蝶杀招,她怔怔地望着被冰冻在半空中的杨开,她的眼睛只剩下了那一座冰雕。 Her look is sorrowful, the look is miserable. 她的眼神悲恸,神色凄凉。 Yang Kai dies on Great Elder, own did not have the face to see Su Yan again, here was buried along with the dead to Yang Kai but actually is also the good choice, on the Underworld road, at least had the acquaintance peer. 罢了罢了,杨开死在大长老手上,自己也没有脸再去见苏颜了,在这里给杨开陪葬倒也是不错的选择,黄泉路上,最起码有熟人同行。 Facing Bing Die must kill strikes, Qing Ya closed the eye slowly, appearance that prepares to suffer to death. 面对冰蝶的必杀一击,青雅缓缓闭上了眼睛,一副准备受死的模样。 Bing Die not, because her does not revolt, but has received the hand, to her, the order of Great Elder is absolute. 冰蝶并没有因为她的不反抗而有所收手,对她来说,大长老的命令就是绝对的。 Four Ice Heart Valley ** simultaneous calls out in alarm, who didn't expect this time matter unexpectedly so three waves to a single stroke, but finally came to an end by the death of Qing Ya and that man. 四下的冰心谷**齐齐惊呼,谁也没想到这一次的事情居然如此一波三折,可最终还是以青雅和那男子的死亡而告终。 Many person looks are low-spirited, look to regret the color. 不少人神色黯然,面露惋惜之色。 At this moment, in World of Ice and Snow, before body of Qing Ya, suddenly emits a small head, on that small head is distinctive, just like by the stone carving, two black soybeans common eyeballs is quite bright, there is nimble and resourceful rays of light in twinkling. 就在这时,冰天雪地之中,青雅的身前,忽然冒出一个小脑袋,那小脑袋上棱角分明,宛若由石头雕刻而成,两只黑豆一般的眼珠子却极为有神,有一种灵动的光芒在其中闪烁 That small head pulls out upward, pulls out the radish to reveal generally completely vividly. 紧接着,那小脑袋往上一拔,拔萝卜一般露出全部形象。 The Qing Ya front has a height immediately less than three chi (0.33 m) strange organism. 青雅的面前立刻多出了一个身高不足三尺的奇怪生物 Clearly there is no aura of life to flow out from it, to from its flexible movement and nimble and resourceful look, it clearly has the own wisdom, has own Spirituality. 分明没有任何生命的气息从它身上流出,可从它那灵活的动作和灵动的眼神来看,它分明拥有自己的智慧,拥有自己灵姓 It looks like a lithical puppet! 它就像是一个石质的傀儡! This is......” Bing Die black eyebrow tight wrinkle, the doubt looks in Stone Puppet that in front of Qing Ya presents, the for a moment head cannot somewhat be making a turn suddenly. “这是……”冰蝶黛眉紧皱,狐疑地望着忽然在青雅面前出现的石傀,一时间脑袋有些转不过弯。 Then she saw unthinkable one. 然后她看到了匪夷所思的一幕。 This small Stone Puppet jumps unexpectedly same place, keeps off in front of Qing Ya, brandishing one is uncoordinated with body proportion some, appears the slightly long arm, the fist gripped tightly, welcomes own attack. 小小的石傀居然原地跃起,挡在青雅面前,挥舞出一只与身体比例有些不协调,显得略长的手臂,拳头紧握,迎上了自己攻击 Without fluctuation of energy, when the fist of this lithical puppet hits, own Cold Ice Strength Qi such as the range chicken earthenware dog, collapses at the first blow unexpectedly, was broken through instantaneously. 没有能量波动,但是当这石质傀儡的拳头打出来的时候,自己寒冰劲气竟如土鸡瓦狗,不堪一击,瞬间就被攻破。 Next flickers, greatly to letting Bing Die felt that the desperate strength front surface raids! 下一瞬,巨大到让冰蝶感到绝望的力量迎面袭来! A strength falls ten meetings! Only then strength huge to the certain extent, can disregard attribute attack, strength broken ten thousand laws! 一力降十会!只有力量庞大到一定程度,才能无视属姓攻击,一力破万法! Bing Die with amazement! 冰蝶骇然! miserably, she flew upside down again, but the injury that this time she received intended to be obviously more serious than to her Yang Kai a moment ago, falls down , the direct stupor in the past, the life and death does not know. 一声惨呼,她再一次倒飞出去,而这一次她受的伤势比刚才杨开对她出手显然更重,倒在地上之后,直接昏迷了过去,生死不知。 Countless people heard in her arm the kāchā sound of bone break. 无数人听到了她那一只胳膊中骨头断裂的咔嚓声。 Hiss...... 嘶…… A sound of holding breath cold air resounds in all directions. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音四面八方地响起。 Bing Die is in the island **, is the Law Enforcement Hall person, has the Void Return 1-layer cultivation level boundary. 冰蝶是内岛**,是执法堂的人,有着返虚一层境修为境界。 This braves suddenly, what thing keeps off in Qing Ya front thing is? Unexpectedly is only a light fist, made into this Bing Die. 这个突然冒出来,挡在青雅面前的东西到底是个什么玩意?居然只是轻飘飘的一拳,就把冰蝶打成了这样。 Where does it come? 它又是从哪里来的? Qing Ya own is also confused! She lowers the head, looks is standing in front of own, rickets waist, darling Stone Puppet, in beautiful pupil a vacant color. 就连青雅自己也是一头雾水!她低着头,望着站在自己面前,佝偻着腰,憨态可掬的石傀,美眸里一片茫然之色。 Any thing!” Stands Ran Yunting in midair looks at Stone Puppet, the complexion is dignified. “什么东西!”站在半空中的冉云婷将目光投向石傀,脸色凝重无比。 Although she cannot feel any vitality and fluctuation of energy from Stone Puppet, but this strange life actually gave her huge sense of crisis, that is one type, if independent combat at all is not the sense of crisis of opponent! 虽然她从石傀身上感受不到任何生机和能量波动,但是这个古怪生灵却给了她巨大的危机感,那是一种若是单打独斗根本不是对手的危机感! In her heart one suddenly, looked at one subconsciously by Yang Kai that frozen lives. 她心中一突,下意识地望了一眼被冰封住的杨开 Under this looks, Ran Yunting almost calls out in alarm. 这一看之下,冉云婷几乎惊叫起来。 She thinks that must die Yang Kai without doubt, unexpectedly in the ice crystal, grinned to smile to her, in that smiling face was full of the ridicule and ridicule flavor. 她以为必死无疑的杨开,居然在冰晶之中,冲她咧嘴微笑了一下,那笑容中充满了讥讽和嘲弄的味道。 Solemn Ice Heart Valley Great Elder, only then this method? To be honest, you are very disappointing, if you only then this skill, Su Yan is not really suitable to follow you **, you simply did not have the qualifications to continue to teach her!” The Yang Kai's sound spreads from the ice crystal, Ran Yunting appearance of having seen a ghost, complexion big change. “堂堂冰心谷大长老,就只有这点手段?老实说,你很让人失望,你若只有这点本事的话,苏颜是真不适合跟着你**了,你根本没资格继续教导她!”杨开的声音从冰晶之中传出,冉云婷一副见鬼的模样,脸色大变。 Under, the Stone Puppet two black eyeballs transferred turning round, as if remembered anything, suddenly extends both hands, made an effort to pat own **. 下方,石傀两只黑眼珠子滴溜溜转了一下,仿佛是想起了什么,忽然伸出双手,用力地拍了一下自己的**。 Dang...... 咣当咣当…… The giant vibration sound, trembling that nearby icy peak shakes, the innumerable snow blocks and ice cones fall downward. 巨大的震动声,将附近的冰峰都震的瑟瑟发抖,无数雪块和冰锥往下掉落。 In the loud sound sound, the Stone Puppet build increases suddenly, less than three chi (0.33 m) high body, suddenly becomes had two zhang (3.33 m) high. 巨响声中,石傀的体型骤然变大,原本不足三尺高的身体,忽然变得有两丈高。 Then it has turned around, lifts up to reveal the color of pleasant surprise, raises the head looks up to Yang Kai's Qing Ya, to fly the general speed from run off same place. 然后它转过身,一把扛起露出惊喜之色,抬头仰望杨开的青雅,以飞一般的速度从原地跑开。 In the pure white snowy area, only leaves behind one string of Qing Yan, be continuous approaches the extremely far place! 洁白的雪地上,只留下一串轻烟,绵延向极远的地方! That stance seems like just like facing retribution for a life of crime mountain Great King, descended the mountain to plunder to let its satisfied bandit chief's wife, returned impatiently knockoff general. 那架势看上去就宛若一个恶贯满盈的山大王,下山掳掠到了让它满意的压寨夫人,迫不及待返回山寨一般。 Ice Heart Valley female ** was all scared! 冰心谷的女**们全傻眼了! Qing Ya Junior Sister...... by Stone Man turning? 青雅师妹……被一个石头人给拐走了? However quick, they understand why that Stone Man must bundle out. 不过很快,她们就明白那石头人为何要急忙离去了。 Frightened aura fills the air suddenly from Void, should be filled shocking imposing manner by frozen Yang Kai from top to bottom, the ice crystal outside his body makes the crack sound, cracked one after another slit, such as the spider was common. 一股让人惊悚的气息忽然从虚空之中弥漫出来,原本应该被冰封的杨开浑身上下弥漫出让人震惊的气势,他身体外的冰晶发出咔嚓嚓的声响,裂出了一道又一道缝隙,如蜘蛛一般密集。 The ice crystal will soon break! 冰晶即将破碎! Ran Yunting with amazement changes countenance, Ice Heart Valley female ** with amazement changes countenance! 冉云婷骇然变色,冰心谷的女**们骇然变色 They do not dare to stay in place, runs in abundance toward extremely far location/position. 她们再也不敢停留在原地,纷纷朝极远的位置跑去。 Wishful thinking!” Ran Yunting is drinking severely, clear snowflakes appear again, covers toward Yang Kai, obviously attempts him again frozen. “痴心妄想!”冉云婷厉喝着,一朵朵晶莹的雪花再次出现,朝杨开覆盖过去,显然是企图将他再度冰封。 Gives me to break to pieces!” Yang Kai explodes drinks. “给我碎!”杨开爆喝。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… The ice crystal disruption, explodes ashes, sputtering Void. 冰晶碎裂,爆成齑粉,溅射虚空 Together disruption, Ran Yunting potential field! 一同碎裂的,还有冉云婷的势场! Everywhere flying snow vanishes suddenly does not see, displaces, is innumerable ** Space Crack in Void, these Space Crack on such as black small snakes, seemingly made one be afraid, covers was centered on Yang Kai, surrounding area three thousand feet (999 m) range! 漫天飞雪忽然消失不见,取而代之的,是无数**在虚空之中的空间裂缝,那些空间裂缝就如一条条黑色的小蛇,看上去让人不寒而栗,覆盖了以杨开为中心,方圆三百丈的范围! How possibly? How is this possible?” Ran Yunting goes toward retreat totteringly, the vision looks soulless toward location/position that Yang Kai is, is unable to accept the this kind of result. “怎么可能?这怎么可能?”冉云婷跌跌撞撞地往后退去,目光无神地朝杨开所在的位置望来,根本无法接受这样的结果。 own in the competition of this youth resistance potential field, collapses completely directly unexpectedly! 自己在与这个青年正面对抗势场的比拼中,竟一败涂地! own is Ice Heart Valley Great Elder, the potential field tends to big accomplishment! This youth can have what skills and abilities, suppress the own potential field unexpectedly all-around? 自己冰心谷大长老,势场可是趋于大成!这青年何德何能,居然可以全方位地压制自己的势场? Moreover, in his potential field contained and strange strength. 而且,他的这个势场中蕴藏了及其古怪的力量。 Not only made in the range that the potential field wrapped flood countless Space Crack, step by step murderous intention, but also affected the judgment of own. 不但让势场包裹的范围内充斥了数之不尽的空间裂缝,步步杀机,还影响到了自己的判断。 Where she cannot see clearly Yang Kai! Yang Kai's location/position suddenly suddenly near, among the distance with own fluctuates to keep. 她根本看不清杨开在哪里!杨开的位置忽远忽近,与自己之间的距离变幻不停。 Space Force! The Ran Yunting complexion is suddenly pale. 空间之力冉云婷脸色骤然苍白。 Only has Space Force, can form so many Space Crack, only has Space Force to affect own regarding the judgment of distance. 只有空间之力,才能形成如此多的空间裂缝,也只有空间之力才能够影响到自己对于距离的判断。 This youth unexpectedly ** so the strength of side door? Moreover fused own potential field this strength? 这青年竟然**了如此偏门的力量?而且还将这种力量融合到了自身的势场? Ran Yunting then really saw the ghost! 冉云婷这下是真的见到鬼了! Death!” The Yang Kai sound ice is cold, as if simply does not have, because she is Su Yan Honored Master shows mercy, Spiritual Mind moves, the space solidifies suddenly, that innumerable Space Crack is patrolling, forces toward Ran Yunting. “死!”杨开声音冰寒,似乎根本没有因为她是苏颜师尊而手下留情,神念一动,空间骤然凝固,那无数空间裂缝游弋着,朝冉云婷逼迫过去。 Wants me dead, looks at you to have this skill!” Ran Yunting on the vixen who such as goes crazy, does not have Great Elder to have the impressive and dignified manner and stance that again slightly, in the rave, suddenly takes out Token from Space Ring, Saint Yuan pours into together. “想要我死,看你有没有这个本事!”冉云婷就如发狂的泼妇般,再无大长老丝毫该有的威仪和姿态,狂吼中,忽然从空间戒中取出一块令牌,圣元灌入其中。 the next moment, all around had any serious change suddenly! 下一刻,四周忽然出现了什么不得了的变化! The Yang Kai view shrinks, turns head to look out in all directions, discovery all around snow and ice cold air rose dramatically impressively one and terrifying degree, moreover these snow and ice cold air and between that Token on Ran Yunting has the 1-layer vague relation. 杨开眼帘一缩,扭头四望,赫然发现四周的冰雪寒气暴增到了一个及其恐怖的程度,而且这些冰雪寒气与冉云婷手上的那块令牌之间有着一层若有若无的联系。 Under the land, in Extinct Ice Island best quality Earth Arteries, the world energy surges, radiates in all directions, emits from the crack, integrates in the world, again by way of that Token, ** is strength that Ran Yunting can urge. 大地下方,冰绝岛极品地脉之中,天地能量涌动,四面八方地辐射,从地缝之中冒出,融入到天地间,再经由那令牌,**为冉云婷可以驱使的力量。 The ice cold air/Qi gathering, roaming dragon surrounds generally in the Ran Yunting body side, only used three breath times, then oppresses the Yang Kai's potential field.( To be continued.) 冰寒之气汇聚,游龙一般环绕在冉云婷身侧,前后只用了三息功夫,便将杨开的势场压迫回来。(未完待续。)
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