MP :: Volume #17

#1645: Do not blame me brutally to act

Really is you!” Yang Kai gently cold snort . “果然是你!”杨开轻轻冷哼。. Ran Yunting snort/hum, exhaltedly overlook Yang Kai, like in overlook ants, the expression was also indifferent. 冉云婷同样哼了一声,居高临下地俯瞰杨开,如同在俯瞰一只蝼蚁,表情冷漠。 You want my life evidently very much!” On the Yang Kai face appears the smiling face of ridicule, using energy thoughts make me make a move, for this moment?” “看样子你很想要我的命啊!”杨开脸上浮现出讥讽的笑容,“费劲心思引我出手,就是为了这一刻吧?” When detected that Ran Yunting in, Yang Kai knows immediately, now said all these are not accidental, but is a snare of careful arrangement. 当察觉到冉云婷就在附近的时候,杨开立刻知道,今曰这一切并非偶然,而是一个精心部署的圈套。 Now said that regardless of own can look for Qing Ya, will be attracted surely, therefore Bing Die before arriving at Qing Ya Cave Mansion, will deliberately shout loudly such a, to alarm Yang Kai in garret. 今曰无论自己是不是会来找青雅,都必定会被吸引过来,所以冰蝶在来到青雅洞府前,才会刻意高喊那么一声,就是为了惊动在阁楼里的杨开 So long as were alarmed by Bing Die, Yang Kai definitely will take an action. 只要被冰蝶惊动,杨开肯定会有所行动的。 Everyone didn't expect, Yang Kai also as a result of circumstance, happen to the coincidence is in the nearby. 只是谁也没想到,杨开也因缘际会,正好巧合地身在附近。 Creates obstacles for Qing Ya repeatedly, wears the big hat to her, even under heavy hand to her, to direct Yang Kai acts. 屡屡刁难青雅,给她扣上大帽子,甚至冲她下重手,也是为了引杨开出手罢了。 Finally Bing Die ignores the safety of Law Enforcement Hall that several same side, making them go forward to strike to kill Yang Kai, similarly is also this goal. 最后冰蝶不顾执法堂那几个同门的安危,让她们上前击杀杨开,同样也是这个目的。 All defer to beforehand estimate to handle affairs. 一切都按照事先的预想在行事。 But the back person of instigation, without doubt was Ran Yunting! 而背后主使之人,无疑就是冉云婷了! As Ice Heart Valley Great Elder, the hand grasps the heavy power, Law Enforcement Hall is turns over to her to run, only then she can transfer Law Enforcement Hall **. 身为冰心谷大长老,手握重权,执法堂便是归她掌管,也只有她才能调动执法堂的**。 Qing Ya is an innocent board game piece, the Ran Yunting ultimate goal, only has Yang Kai! 青雅不过是个无辜的棋子,冉云婷的最终目的,只有杨开 Great Elder......” the Qing Ya vision is looking at keeping aloof Ran Yunting responsibly. 大长老……”青雅目光负责地望着高高在上的冉云婷 Ungrateful thing, you do not have the qualifications to call me!” Ran Yunting coldly shot a look at Qing Ya one, flung conveniently, together ice-cold piercing fresh breeze, directly toward the Qing Ya assault. “忘恩负义的东西,你没资格唤我!”冉云婷冷冷地瞥了青雅一眼,随手甩了一下,一道冰冷刺骨的劲风,直接朝青雅袭去。 Qing Ya dull stood in place, responded radically without enough time. 青雅站在原地,根本来不及反应。 Yang Kai kept off in front of Qing Ya again, a fist went toward the front bang. 杨开再一次挡在了青雅面前,一拳朝前方轰去。 Demon Flame bursts out, the jet black flame and ice-cold fresh breeze touch, each other repels one another to dissolve, has the fierce conflict with the heat in this flash coldly, making that space as if cave. 魔焰迸发,漆黑的火焰与冰冷的劲风相触,彼此相克相溶,冷与热在这一瞬间发生剧烈的冲突,让那一片空间似乎都塌陷了。 The Ran Yunting black eyebrow raises, finally sincere looked at Yang Kai one, secretly for his strength shock. 冉云婷黛眉一扬,终于正色地望了杨开一眼,暗暗为他的实力震惊。 Her strikes, although not with full power, seems like makes conveniently, there are she 30%-40% skills, but Yang Kai was also only a superficial fist, then reduced and solved attack. 她刚才的一击虽然没有用全力,看似随手打出,也有她30%-40%的功力了,可杨开也只是轻描淡写的一拳,便将攻击化解。 Obviously ample force! 显然还有余力! Originally my also some do not believe, can strike to kill Jiang Xi and Yan Chilei by your skill, now looks like, unexpectedly real, you are very good!” Ran Yunting nods gently, not because of the Yang Kai's performance, but many changes countenance, but spoke thoughtlessly to commend several. “原来我还有些不太相信,以你的本事能击杀姜晞严赤雷,现在看来,竟是真的,你很不错!”冉云婷轻轻点头,并没有因为杨开的表现而有多少动容,只是随口称赞了几句。 But, stopped, injures my Ice Heart Valley on my Extinct Ice Island **, does not place in my Ice Heart Valley the eye, now ** must die without doubt!” The Ran Yunting look ices suddenly coldly, does not have the slight sentiment to look at Yang Kai: Can die in this Elder subordinate, is your being honored!” “不过,到此为止了,在我冰绝岛上伤我冰心谷**,不将我冰心谷放在眼中,今**必死无疑!”冉云婷的眼神骤然冰寒,不带丝毫感情地望着杨开:“能死在本长老手下,是你的荣幸!” On icy peak, innumerable Ice Heart Valley females ** the tender body shivers, is looking at Ran Yunting shocking. 冰峰上,无数冰心谷的女**娇躯颤抖,震惊地望着冉云婷 Is Great Elder this must make a move personally? 大长老这是要亲自出手? What background this young men is, why before Sect, searches him laboriously, can the present, Great Elder probably strike to kill him unexpectedly? What unknown gratitude and grudges do these have? In each individual heart extremely, does not know that in confusedly this involved anything. 这个青年男子到底是什么来头,为何宗门之前辛苦寻觅他,可到了现在,大长老竟要把他击杀?这其中到底有什么不为人知的恩怨?每个人心中都迷茫万分,不知道这里面到底牵扯到了什么。 However...... Great Elder very long has not as if acted. 不过……大长老似乎已经很久没有出过手了。 The hearsay her begins previous time ten years ago, what a pity no one saw with own eyes, only knows became an ice sculpture with that fellow of her battle. 传闻她上一次与人动手还是在十年之前,可惜没人亲眼见到,只知道与她争斗的那家伙成了一具冰雕。 But now, Great Elder must strike to kill this young men in Extinct Ice Island unexpectedly. 而现在,大长老竟要在冰绝岛内击杀这个青年男子。 for a moment, innumerable Ice Heart Valley ** waits, wants to have a look at the Great Elder big show/unfolds invincible might, wants to have a look at Great Elder to have the method of exceedingly high penetrating place. 一时间,无数冰心谷**翘首以盼,想看看大长老大展神威,想看看大长老到底有何等通天彻地的手段。 Also many people respond with the sympathetic to Yang Kai the look, thinks secretly this fellow annoyed Great Elder, only feared that now said that must be buried in Extinct Ice Island. 也有不少人冲杨开报以同情的眼神,暗暗想这家伙惹了大长老,只怕今曰是要葬身在冰绝岛了。 under the public gaze, Yang Kai originally cold and severe angry face suddenly tranquil, this strange transformation makes in everyone heart one suddenly, have not a wonderful feeling to spread indistinctly. 众目睽睽之下,杨开本来冷厉愤怒的脸庞忽然平静了下来,这种诡异的转变让每个人都心中一突,隐约有一种不妙的感觉在蔓延。 Immediately, Yang Kai bows to Ran Yunting slightly. 随即,杨开冉云婷微微一躬身。 He unexpectedly good a ritual! 他竟行了一礼! An eyeball of place is jumping randomly. 一地的眼珠子在乱蹦。 All Ice Heart Valley ** thinks that does not understand Yang Kai this is must make anything, facing Great Elder dreadful murderous intention, he salutes to Great Elder unexpectedly. 所有冰心谷的**都想不明白杨开这是要做什么,面对大长老的滔天杀机,他竟冲着大长老行礼。 Was this fears? This man could it be that knew that is not the Great Elder opponent, therefore wants to compromise for the general interest, lives on dishonorably? 这是怕了么?这个男人难道自知不是大长老的对手,所以想委曲求全,苟且偷生? Bing Die laughs in the one side, looking at the Yang Kai's look full ridicules and ridicule, she despises this bullying the weak and fearing the strong goods genuinely, no man should have the spirit that. 冰蝶在一旁嗤笑起来,望着杨开的眼神满是讥讽和嘲弄,她打心眼里鄙视这种欺软怕硬的货色,没有一点男人该有的气概。 Depending on his this kind of man, wants to capture the Su Yan heart? Simply is fantasy story. 就凭他这样的男人,也想俘获苏颜的芳心?简直就是天方夜谭 Now admitted mistakes already late!” Ran Yunting keeps aloof as before, the look is motionless, tone indifferent said/tunnel: You should know why this Elder must kill you, if you really understand, really can be good for her, commits suicide! This Elder does not want to catch your fresh blood, after all said, I and she must meet frequently.” “现在认错已经晚了!”冉云婷依旧高高在上,神色不动,语气冷漠地道:“你心里应该知道本长老为何要杀你,你若真的明白的话,真的能为她好的话,就自裁吧!本长老也不想染上你的鲜血,毕竟曰后我与她还要常常见面。” As if to the Yang Kai final bestowment, after saying lets the words that Yang Kai commits suicide, Ran Yunting calmly is waiting. 仿佛是对杨开最后的施舍,说出让杨开自裁的话之后,冉云婷静静地等待着。 Yang Kai smiled suddenly, the complexion is still tranquil, shakes the head to say gently: I not wrong!” 杨开忽然笑了一下,脸色依旧平静,轻轻摇头道:“我没有错!” A Ran Yunting complexion offense: At this moment, are you impenetrably thickheaded? She is not people like you can match, she must step onto the Martial Dao peak eventually, said that after you can only look up to her person's back, more leaves with her is farther! After it is said pain, might as well mediates now, helped her, perhaps if it's going to be like this, she can also record you for a lifetime, the peak of military, was lonely, yes **, only then endured lonely and ** can the person, all achievements, could it be that you unable to see clearly the future situation?” 冉云婷脸色一戾:“事到如今,你还冥顽不灵?她不是你这种人可以匹配的,她终究是要走上武道巅峰,曰后的你只能仰望她的项背,与她越离越远!与其曰后痛苦,还不如现在自我了断,也算是成全了她,这样做的话,她或许还能一辈子记着你,武之巅峰,是孤独,是**,只有忍受的了孤独和**的人,才能所有成就,难道你还看不清未来的局势?” What cannot see clearly in the future is you!” Yang Kai is looking at Ran Yunting lightly, I salute to you, is thanks your years to her guidance and attendance, after this ritual, your I then am an enemy! If you want to kill me, completes by the consciousness that I strike to kill!” “看不清未来的是你!”杨开淡淡地望着冉云婷,“我冲你行礼,是感谢你这些年对她的教导和照顾,这一礼之后,你我便是敌人!你若是想杀我,就做好被我击杀的觉悟!” In a Ran Yunting pair of phoenix pupil the electric light four shoot, divine light that surges is ordinary just like the blade edge, making one not dare to face, all Ice Heart Valley females ** put aside the vision unrestrainedly. 冉云婷一双凤眸中电光四射,那涌起的神光宛若刀锋一般,让人不敢正视,所有冰心谷的女**都情不自禁地撇开了目光。 Yang Kai is aloof, with her four eyes contact, has not flinched. 杨开却无动于衷,与她四目相对,没有丝毫退缩。 As for can match on her, is not calculation that you said. Who said that the Martial Dao peak is lonely is **? I am bent on having to travel together with her hand in hand, aspire to seize supreme!” “至于能不能匹配的上她,不是你说的算。谁说武道巅峰是孤独是**了?我偏要与她携手同行,问鼎至尊!” Ignorant young child, said uselessly, comes with the life!” Ran Yunting seemed to be enraged by the Yang Kai's boastful talk, is also disinclined rubbish with him again, puts out a hand, the front presents an vortex suddenly, that vortex is revolving, the surrounding area ice cold spiritual energy within ten li (0.5 km) by its pulling, was gradually condensed one before all her is dozens ten feets, three zhang (3.33 m) thick or thin ice cone. “无知小儿,多说无益,拿命来吧!”冉云婷似乎被杨开的狂言激怒,再也懒得与他废话,伸手一点,面前忽然出现一个漩涡,那漩涡旋转着,方圆十里之内的冰寒灵气尽数被其牵引,逐渐地在她面前凝聚出一支长几十丈,三丈粗细的冰锥。 That ice cone comes up at first sight, such as a pulled up icy peak, huge incomparable, the overwhelming power is peerless. 那冰锥乍一看上去,就如一座被拔起的冰峰,巨大无匹,威猛绝伦。 Surrounds the female ** simultaneous calls out in alarm, for a moment turns one's thoughts toward a loved one dizzily. 围观女**齐齐惊呼,一时间目眩神驰。 Great Elder acts then Earthshaking, making their vision fill paid homage to and yearned for the color. 大长老一出手便惊天动地,让她们的目光充满了膜拜和向往之色。 When, own can also stand the Great Elder this kind of altitude! 什么时候,自己也能站到大长老这样的高度啊! However everyone knows that this is only an impractical fantasy, in Sect, perhaps only then Su Yan and a few talents had this to hope, as for others, being doomed to become these talent sending out dazzling brilliance set-off. 但是所有人都知道这只是一个不切实际的幻想,宗门内,恐怕只有苏颜和少数几个人才有这个希望了,至于其他人,注定要成为这些天才散发耀眼光辉的陪衬。 In the heart many thoughts have delimited, these females ** also uses the movement to spread toward the distant place. 心中诸多念头划过,这些女**也纷纷施展身法朝远处驰去。 They do not dare the in place stay, the fight of Great Elder this rank, the destructive power and terrifying, stay in place will not be good then to be involved. 她们根本不敢在原地逗留,大长老这种级别的战斗,破坏力及其恐怖,逗留在原地一个不好便会被卷入其中。 Yang Kai puts out a hand to stroke, first delivers to beyond Qing Ya several li (0.5 km), this rises with a spring, welcomed the ice cone of that small mountain peak general size coolly. 杨开伸手一拂,先将青雅送到几里之外,这才一跃而起,面不改色地迎上了那小山峰一般大小的冰锥。 The Ran Yunting view shrinks, both hands pinch Seal Arts, in the mouth are putting out words misty mist, latter sends first pours into to the place to ice cone above. 冉云婷眼帘一缩,双手掐着印决,口中吐出一口白蒙蒙的雾气,后发先至地灌入到冰锥之上 1-layer rays of light flashes through, the ice cone as if becomes has the destructive power. 一层光芒闪过,冰锥似乎变得更加具有破坏力。 On the Yang Kai's two fists burns the jet black flame, Saint Yuan stimulated to movement the limit, with giant ice cone contact previous flickers, double fist suddenly wields. 杨开的两只拳头上燃烧起漆黑的火焰,一身圣元被催动到了极限,在与巨大冰锥接触的前一瞬,双拳猛地挥动起来。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The rock the earth sound spreads, that ice cone cuns (2.5 cm) disintegrate. 震天动地的声响传出,那冰锥一寸寸瓦解开来。 Yang Kai on the beast of prey that such as swims against the stream, the place visited, the ice fragments flutters about, irresistible, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood destroyed the giant ice cone completely, kills in front of Ran Yunting directly. 杨开就如逆流而上的猛兽,所过之处,冰屑纷飞,势不可挡,一路摧枯拉朽地将巨大冰锥摧毁殆尽,直接杀到了冉云婷面前。 One suddenly time! 前后不过一个眨眼的功夫! I respect you am the Su Yan master, does not want to feel embarrassed you, since you have to kill my heart, that do not blame me brutally to act!” The Yang Kai sound ice is cold, is in Ran Yunting below three zhang (3.33 m) places, a fist rumbles again. “我敬你是苏颜的师傅,并不想为难你,既然你已有杀我之心,那就别怪我出手无情!”杨开声音冰寒,身在冉云婷下方三丈处,再次一拳轰出。 The inexplicable strength bursts out with Saint Yuan, that space as if becomes twists, Ran Yunting in it place, all around tiny Space Crack starts **. 莫名的力量随着圣元迸发,那空间似乎都变得扭曲,冉云婷所在之地,四周一道道细小的空间裂缝开始**。 Ice Heart Valley the Great Elder has a big shock, cannot bear call out in alarm one. 冰心谷的这位大长老大惊失色,忍不住惊叫一声。 At this moment she unexpectedly hanging in the balance misconception, as if own , if no full power, appearance that the next moment must die. 这一刻她竟有一种命悬一线的错觉,似乎自己若不出全力的话,下一刻就要死掉的样子。 To be honest, Ran Yunting had not cared Yang Kai, although from Thirteenth Elder Yu Xueqing there learned that Yang Kai killed Jiang Xi and Yan Chilei, but Ran Yunting personally has not seen, thought secretly a Yang Kai promising youth, can jump over the ranks to fight, still absolutely possibly not be the own opponent even. 说实话,冉云婷一直都没将杨开放在心上,尽管从十三长老俞雪晴那里得知杨开杀了姜晞严赤雷,可冉云婷并没有亲眼所见,暗暗觉得杨开就算是一个后起之秀,能够越阶作战,也绝对不可能是自己的对手。 She becomes famous for a long time, is Void Return 3-layer Peak, is most battle strength under Void King Stage. 她好歹成名已久,是返虚三层境顶峰,是虚王境之下的最战力 But then just fought, she then felt the tremendous pressure from Yang Kai. 可是这才刚一交手,她便从杨开身上感觉到了巨大的压力。 This youth has the sharp sword of sheath on such as a , making a great show of one's talents, imposing manner is dreadful, as if compared with own even better! 这个青年就如一柄出鞘的利剑,锋芒毕露,气势滔天,似乎比自己更胜一筹! The back emits cold sweat, the Ran Yunting complexion changes, stimulates to movement the potential field crazily. 背后冒出一身冷汗,冉云婷脸色大变间,疯狂地催动自身势场。 Everywhere flying snow, is centered on her, in the surrounding area thousand feet (333 m) range, the temperature drops, the goose feathers snowflake from falls gently spatially, in each snowflakes contained the mysterious strength. 漫天飞雪,以她所在为中心,方圆百丈范围内,温度陡降,鹅毛般的雪花从空飘落,每一片雪花中蕴藏了玄妙的力量。 But in this potential field, Ran Yunting becomes the only control, the snowflake of falling gently can become she strongest weapon, can put to death any by the enemy who her potential field covers. 而这这势场之中,冉云婷成为了唯一的主宰,飘落的雪花可以成为她最强的武器,能够诛杀任何被她势场笼罩的敌人。 That ** Space Crack was frozen. 那**的空间裂缝都被冻结。 Her vision ice looks coldly to Yang Kai, in the heart murderous intention wins, Spiritual Mind moves, the snowflake of falling gently as if had the life to be common unexpectedly, simultaneous wrapped toward Yang Kai.( To be continued.) 她目光冰寒地望向杨开,心中杀机更胜,神念一动,飘落的雪花竟仿佛有了生命一般,齐齐杨开包裹过去。(未完待续。)
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