MP :: Volume #17

#1644: With a wish to incriminate

Sudden of extremely matter, everyone has not responded . 事情发生的太过突然,所有人都没反应过来。. Until after Bing Die was wasted three breaths, has Law Enforcement Hall ** has gotten back one's composure, shouted severely: Any person!” 直到冰蝶被打飞出去三息之后,才有执法堂的**回过神,厉喝道:“什么人!” Meanwhile looks toward Yang Kai, after seeing the face of person of making a move, expression one dull. 同时朝杨开望去,待看到出手之人的面孔之后,不禁表情一呆。 Man?” “男人?” When our did Extinct Ice Island allow the man to come in?” “我们冰绝岛什么时候允许男人进来了?” Where does this fellow brave? Unexpectedly struck drove back Bing Die Senior Sister, moreover made her be injured.” “这家伙从哪里冒出来的?居然一击就逼退了冰蝶师姐,而且还让她受了点伤。” Well, isn't this that person that recently/previously time we are ordered to look for? Had found, no wonder meets Elders to make us remove.” “咦,这不是前段时间我们奉命出去寻找的那人么?原来已经找到了,怪不得会长老们会让我们撤回来。” ...... …… One crowd of Ice Heart Valley female ** first probably saw any novel thing, the look gazes at Yang Kai strangely, when discovered that after he is apprentice sisters rushes about outside one year must search the person, immediately interest suddenly ** come. 一群冰心谷的女**先像是看到了什么新奇的事物,神色古怪地注视杨开,待发现他就是师姐妹们在外奔波一年要寻觅之人之后,顿时都兴致勃**来。 They spelled to hit outside laboriously for a year, to search the Yang Kai's trail, now was to see finally was advocating, many people naturally want to know that Yang Kai had what special place, unexpectedly made Ice Heart Valley spend that big manpower and resources to seek. 她们在外辛苦拼打了一年,就是为了寻觅杨开的踪迹,如今总算是见到正主了,不少人自然想知道杨开到底有什么特别的地方,居然让冰心谷花费那么大的人力物力来寻找。 Regardless of but how to see, cannot see what clue, but Yang Kai seems like some annoyed at this moment, complexion ice-cold, all alone keeps off in front of Qing Ya, as if a palatial mountain, blocked all violent storms. 可无论怎么看,都看不出什么端倪,只不过杨开此刻似乎有些恼火,脸色冰冷至极,孤身一人挡在青雅面前,似乎一座巍峨高山,挡住了所有的狂风暴雨。 this kind of lets Ice Heart Valley ** knits the brows to guess, guessed between Yang Kai and Qing Ya are anything relate. 这样的一幕让冰心谷的**们皱眉猜测起来,猜测杨开青雅之间到底是什么关系。 The pain in imagination has not come in time, is the Bing Die stuffy hum/snort resounds on the contrary, the Qing Ya doubt opens the view, immediately then discovers the Yang Kai's back. 想象中的痛苦并没有如期而至,反倒是冰蝶的闷哼声响起,青雅狐疑地睁开眼帘,立刻便发现了杨开的背影。 How did you come?” Qing Ya with astonishment asked. “你怎么来了?”青雅惊愕地问道。 Originally is asks you to chat, didn't expect came across the this kind of matter!” Yang Kai turns head, looked at her one eyes kindly: All right?” “本来是过来找你聊聊的,没想到碰到了这样的事!”杨开回头,关切地望了她一眼:“没事吧?” Qing Ya shakes the head, the forced smile said: No obstructs greatly.” 青雅摇了摇头,苦笑道:“没什么大碍。” Who injures your?” “谁打伤你的?” Qing Ya nips red lips, had not replied. 青雅咬了咬红唇,并没有回答。 Yang Kai sighed slightly, took out a jade bottle from Space Ring, handed over: Under clothing/taking healing.” 杨开微微叹息一声,从空间戒里取出一个玉瓶,递了过去:“服下疗伤。” Qing Ya put out a hand to receive, expresses gratitude, has not actually taken at the scene, but the look is looking at Bing Die of not far away complex. 青雅伸手接过,道了声谢,却并没有当场服用,只是神色复杂地望着不远处的冰蝶 Received the Yang Kai angry palm, although Bing Die seemingly distressedly, but the injury is not in fact serious, otherwise by the Yang Kai present strength, that struck can want her surname life directly. 受了杨开愤怒一掌,冰蝶虽然看起来狼狈至极,但实际上伤势并不严重,否则以杨开如今的实力,那一击便可直接要了她的姓命。 Here after all is Ice Heart Valley, after all is Su Yan Master Sect, Yang Kai does not want the matter noisy is too big. 这里毕竟是冰心谷,毕竟是苏颜师门,杨开不太想把事情闹的太大。 Hears dialogue between Yang Kai and Qing Ya, on the Bing Die ice-cold face appears a fierce color, put out a hand to scratch the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, sneered saying: healing? She did not have this opportunity! Revolts against the Elder command blatantly, injures Law Enforcement Hall **, outlying islet ** Qing Ya, says that must die!” 听到杨开青雅之间的对话,冰蝶冰冷的脸上浮现出一丝狰狞之色,伸手擦了擦嘴角的血迹,冷笑道:“疗伤?她没这个机会了!公然反抗长老令,打伤执法堂**,外岛**青雅,今曰必死!” The Qing Ya tender body trembles, the double fist grips tightly, knuckle blanch. 青雅娇躯一颤,双拳紧握,指节发白。 Yang Kai turns head suddenly, the vision looks toward Bing Die, look ice cold like blade, is sending out the callous meaning. 杨开霍地扭头,目光朝冰蝶望去,眼神冰寒如刀,散发着冷酷之意。 Injures your person is I, what matter has to come to me, Qing Ya what crime?” “打伤你的人是我,有什么事冲着我来,青雅何罪?” You cannot run away, no matter you are what origin, dares to be dissolute in Extinct Ice Island, do not want to withdraw safely,...... she died as for Qing Ya, colluded with the bystander, moreover was a man! Goes bad my Ice Heart Valley clear reputation, tarnishes the Master Sect reputation, you two male robber female **, mixes in my Ice Heart Valley to have what attempt?” “你也跑不掉,不管你是什么来历,敢在冰绝岛放肆,你就别想安然脱身,至于青雅……她死定了,勾结外人,而且是个男子!坏我冰心谷清誉,玷污师门名声,你们两个男盗女**,混入我冰心谷到底有何企图?” The Qing Ya body shook, complexion was looking at Bing Die palely, trembling said: Bing Die Senior Sister, how you spoke. Between I and Yang Kai and no, has not done has ruined the Ice Heart Valley clear reputation, matter that tarnishes the Master Sect reputation! Yang Kai here, completely because of......” 青雅身躯晃了一下,面色苍白地望着冰蝶,颤声道:“冰蝶师姐,你怎么这么说话。我与杨开之间并没有什么,也没有做过败坏冰心谷清誉,玷污师门名声的事情!杨开会在这里,完全是因为……” Shut up! Share that here you have not spoken!” Bing Die clenches teeth to drink to Qing Ya severely, does not give the opportunity that she explained that is saying with a smile coldly: Your so own Secret Place called him, but also dares saying that had nothing with him?” “闭嘴!这里没有你说话的份!”冰蝶青雅咬牙厉喝,根本不给她解释的机会,冷笑着道:“你如此亲密地称呼他,还敢说跟他没什么?” This, many surrounding Ice Heart Valley ** shows the strange expression. 这一下,不少围观的冰心谷**都露出古怪的表情。 Although between Yang Kai and Qing Ya have not exchanged several, no matter what who can infers from the two people manner and tone, two people relates great, at least just did not know. 虽然杨开青雅之间没交流几句,但任谁都能从两人的神态和语气中推断出,两人关系不浅,最起码不是刚认识。 In this, what secret facts does could it be that also really have? 这内中,难道还真有什么隐情? The Qing Ya look is sad: Senior Sister, you can hit me, kills me, but cannot insult me absolutely, Qing Ya since entering valley, has never done matter that does a disservice to Master Sect.” 青雅神色悲戚:“师姐,你可以打我,杀我,但是绝对不能侮辱我,青雅自入谷以来,从未做过对不起师门的事。” Moreover this matter also relates to Yang Kai, but Yang Kai Su Yan man, Qing Ya even again muddled, impossible to have what relations with Yang Kai. 而且这事还关系到杨开,杨开可是苏颜的男人,青雅就算再糊涂,也不可能跟杨开有什么关系。 Hasn't done?” Bing Die is looking at her sinister and ruthless, instigates this man to sneak attack me, this is unfair to Master Sect?” “没有做过?”冰蝶阴毒地望着她,“唆使这个男子偷袭我,这算不算对不起师门?” I do not have!” The Qing Ya anxious sound refuted. “我没有!”青雅急声反驳。 Also dares the paradox!” Bing Die drinks severely, you instigate, such promptness how he can present!” “还敢诡辩!”冰蝶厉喝,“要不是你唆使,他怎会出现的如此及时!” Qing Ya opens mouth , there is nothing to say in reply. 青雅张了张嘴,无言以对。 With a wish to incriminate has no lack of a pretext!” On the Yang Kai face appears suddenly a disappointed look, Qing Ya, since here cannot accommodate you, does not need.” “欲加之罪何患无辞!”杨开脸上忽然浮现出一丝失望的神色,“青雅,既然这里容不下你,不待也罢。” Said, also long sighed, seemed like thinking aloud: Originally I think Su Yan here, will obtain very good attendance, but now looks like, was the time carried off her, the this kind of dirty place, will only tarnish her pure soul.” 说完之后又长长地叹息一声,似乎是在自言自语着:“本来我以为苏颜在这里,会得到很好的照顾,但是现在看来,是时候把她带走了,这样的肮脏之地,只会玷污她纯净的灵魂。” Su Yan? 苏颜 Does this man know Su Yan unexpectedly? 这男人居然认识苏颜 Moreover he said a moment ago what comes...... him to Su Yan carrying off unexpectedly? 而且刚才他说什么来着……他居然要把苏颜给带走? Hasn't he awaked? 他是不是没睡醒啊? The men are really the impervious animals! 男人果然都是不可理喻的动物! Not young female is looking at Yang Kai with a strange look, thought that this fellow could it be that is one by the Su Yan charm capturing the pitiful creature of body and mind? 少女子用一种古怪的眼神望着杨开,心想这家伙难道又是一个被苏颜的魅力给俘获身心的可怜虫? Su Yan since entering sect, although has not gone out several times, but the reputation has spread over entire Scarlet Billow Star, even child of Wei Feng such person Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master never forgets to Su Yan, do not say others. 苏颜自入宗以来,虽然没有出去过几次,但是名声早已传遍了整个赤澜星,连火耀宗宗主之子卫风那样的人都对苏颜念念不忘,更不要说其他人了。 These years, the people of some innumerable strong presences come Ice Heart Valley, hopes that can get married Su Yan this radiant dazzling pearl by own youth person of extraordinary ability, many some truly has the ability to have the aptitude promising youth, but without exception, was given the rejection by Ice Heart Valley. 这些年,有无数强大势力的人前来冰心谷,希望能让自家的青年俊彦迎娶苏颜这颗璀璨耀眼的明珠,其中不乏一些真正有才能有资质的后起之秀,但无一例外,都被冰心谷给拒绝了。 Su Yan is the Ice Heart Valley future hope, where will get married and leave? 苏颜冰心谷未来的希望,哪里会外嫁? The rumor and favors her Supreme Elder, when closing up, will also summon her occasionally, instruction ** attainment. 传言连太上长老都及其看好她,在闭关之时,偶尔还会召见她,传授**心得。 This is the greatest great honor, entire Ice Heart Valley, has the qualifications to see right in front of one Supreme Elder, only has Valley Master and Great Elder two people. Other Elder do not have the entire qualifications. 这可是莫大的殊荣,整个冰心谷,有资格面见太上长老的,只有谷主大长老两人而已。其他的长老都没整个资格。 Su Yan is that stands in the phoenix of branch, entire Scarlet Billow Star man to her, if crawls the insects in ground. 苏颜就是那站在枝头的凤凰,整个赤澜星的男人对她来说,都如爬在地面上的虫蚁。 No one can match on her! 没有人能配的上她! Yang Kai said the this kind of brave words suddenly, Ice Heart Valley female then has the misunderstanding immediately, thinks that Yang Kai was like Wei Feng these people, adored Su Yan, is actually not able to obtain the beautiful woman heart, can only the secret bitter love fellow. 杨开忽然放出这样的豪言,冰心谷女子们立刻便产生了误会,以为杨开卫风那些人一样,都是倾心于苏颜,却始终无法得到佳人芳心,只能暗暗苦恋的家伙。 Depends on you also to carry off Su Yan?” In the Bing Die eye appears the anger, shouted tenderly: You can live today to say again! Audience ** obeys orders, killed Qing Ya and this to me does not know that the man of sense of honor, the austere family tradition, warns others against following a bad example!” “就凭你也想带走苏颜?”冰蝶眼中浮现出怒意,娇喝道:“你能活得过今天再说!众**听令,给我杀了青雅和这个不知廉耻的男人,肃正门风,以儆效尤!” The Bing Die voice falls, with several that she comes ** immediately fierce does not fear the deathtrap to rush over toward Yang Kai. 冰蝶话音落下,跟着她过来的几个**立刻悍不畏死地朝杨开冲了过去。 They had to see Yang Kai to cope with the Bing Die method before, but the order of Law Enforcement Hall is absolute, even if knows not to be victorious, must brace oneself. 她们之前不是没见到杨开对付冰蝶的手段,可执法堂的命令是绝对的,即便知道打不过,也得硬着头皮上。 But outlying islet that these watch the fun **, frowns, many people choose to stand by , some people concerned about the Law Enforcement Hall dignity, stimulate to movement Saint Yuan secretly, the vision is fixing the eyes on Yang Kai. 而那些看热闹的外岛**们,也都皱起眉头,不少人选择袖手旁观,也有一些人碍于执法堂的威严,暗暗催动圣元,目光紧盯着杨开 They do not want to start to Qing Ya, may deal with Yang Kai this strange man not to have the issue. 她们不想冲青雅下手,可对付杨开这个陌生的男人却是没问题的。 Ice Attribute Saint Yuan surges everywhere, the severely cold icy peak even more was cold, in entire world, as if only remaining ice cold strengths, sufficiently ancient land frozen. 冰系圣元四处涌动,本就严寒的冰峰愈发寒冷,整个天地间,似乎都只剩下的冰寒的力量,足以将亘古大地冰封。 Law Enforcement Hall that several clash ** in being away from the Yang Kai about five zhang (3.33 m) place shouted suddenly miserably, flew upside down face up, each and everyone fell in the snowy area, was pale, how regardless of unable to crawl. 那几个冲过来的执法堂**在距离杨开五丈左右的地方忽然惨呼,仰面倒飞了出去,一个个落在雪地上,脸色苍白,无论如何也爬不起来。 But these clash the outlying islet that Yang Kai starts ** also is the tender body shakes, complexion one white, is looking at Yang Kai slightly shocking, does not dare to have anything to act rashly again. 而那些冲杨开下手的外岛**也俱都是娇躯一震,面色微微一白,震惊地望着杨开,不敢再有什么轻举妄动。 No one looked how clear Yang Kai acts, however the present result made them profoundly comprehend own and the others vast gap between and Yang Kai. 没人看清楚杨开是如何出手的,但是眼前的结果却让她们深刻领会到了自己等人与杨开之间的巨大差距。 Yang Kai, do not do is too overdone!” Qing Ya has a big shock. 杨开,不要做的太过火!”青雅大惊失色。 Her didn't expect, on Extinct Ice Island, Yang Kai dares unexpectedly with Ice Heart Valley ** begins. 她怎么也没想到,在冰绝岛上,杨开居然敢跟冰心谷的**动手。 Before to rescue own was also has reason, is now, he acted unexpectedly again. 之前为了救自己还算是事出有因,可是现在,他居然再度出手。 Although has not killed people, but looks at that several Law Enforcement Hall ** the appearance, is injured obviously heavily. 虽然没杀人,但看那几个执法堂**的样子,显然受伤不轻。 She cared actually not the life and death of that several same side, experienced the this time matter, identity and sense of belonging of Qing Ya to the Ice Heart Valley is nothing left. 她倒不是关心那几个同门的生死,经历了这一次的事情,青雅冰心谷的认同感和归属感已经荡然无存。 She only wants to leave here early. 她只想早早地离开这里。 She is afraid is too overdone, thus causes the Ice Heart Valley powerhouse who Yang Kai does to send out! 她害怕杨开做的太过火,从而导致冰心谷强者出动! When the time comes even if Yang Kai has the huge skill, is unable easily to withdraw. 到时候杨开就算有天大的本事,也无法轻易脱身。 Bing Die stood in place, is still looking at present this, suddenly smiles, the poisonous snake that but that smiling face actually as if holds up the head to spit the core, in the surface brings a self-satisfaction, vigorous color: Okay good! this time no matter who, do not want to save you again, you died.” 冰蝶依然站在原地,望着眼前这一幕,忽然微笑起来,可那笑容却仿佛昂首吐芯的毒蛇,面上带着一丝得意,疾色道:“好好好!这一次不管是谁,都别想再救你了,你死定了。” Yang Kai is looking at her, the eye narrowed the eyes, opens the mouth to say tranquilly: You think me unable to see, is this bureau?” 杨开望着她,眼睛眯了起来,平静地开口道:“你以为我看不出,这是一个局?” The smiling face on Bing Die face suddenly becomes somewhat stiff. 冰蝶脸上的笑容忽然变得有些僵硬。 Comes out to me, stealthy hiding in the one side, your excellency also looks was long enough?” Yang Kai is speaking, suddenly waved to pat toward Void somewhere, a huge hand imprint went toward that side bang. “给我出来,鬼鬼祟祟的躲在一旁,阁下也看的够久了吧?”杨开说着话,忽然挥手朝虚空某处拍了过去,一只巨大的手印朝那边轰去。 With a loud sound, the big hand imprint was reduced and solved by an invisible strength, but in that Void, has form together to appear strangely. 伴随着一声巨响,大手印被一股无形的力量化解,但在那虚空之中,却有一道身影诡异地出现。 Innumerable outlying islets ** raises the head looks, immediately shocks shouts lowly: Great Elder!” 无数外岛**抬头望去,顿时震惊低呼:“大长老!” ** See Great Elder!” The people recover, salutes hastily, the look is respectful. “**参见大长老!”众人回过神来,连忙行礼,神色恭敬。 In form that in that Void presents, impressively is Ice Heart Valley Great Elder! 在那虚空之中出现的身影,赫然便是冰心谷大长老 Ran Yunting is wearing pale purple palace dress, seemingly magnificent and expensive Xiren, aura such as deep pool sea, immeasurably deep, but she is looking at the Yang Kai's look at this moment, slightly somewhat is amazed. 冉云婷身穿着淡紫宫装,看起来华贵袭人,一身气息如渊似海,深不可测,可此刻她望着杨开的眼神,却略微有些惊诧。 Her didn't expect Yang Kai has discovered existence of own unexpectedly. 没想到杨开居然早就发现了自己的存在。 She thinks all.( To be continued.) 她以为一切都神不知鬼不觉。(未完待续。)
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