MP :: Volume #17

#1643: Dejected

Generally speaking, hostility this type of thing, only then the short temper, the cruel and merciless person will have, Ice Heart Valley person ** Ice Attribute **, is fastidious pure in heart, will have this person? 一般来说,戾气这种东西只有脾气暴躁,心狠手辣的人才会拥有,冰心谷的人**的冰系**,讲究清心寡欲,怎么也会有这种人? In addition, these female seem like the facial expression ice to be cold, serious in speech and manner, passes aura that a share of living person be not entering from top to bottom . 不但如此,这几个女子看上去都神情冰寒,不苟言笑,浑身上下都透着一股生人勿进的气息。. They walk toward the icy peak directly, before quick arrived at Cave Mansion . 她们径直地朝冰峰走去,很快就来到了一个洞府前。 Was around that female of head sized up, whom seems inquiring: Is here?” 为首的那女子四周打量了一下,似乎在询问谁:“是这里么?” Immediately then some people reply: Is here right.” 立刻便有人答道:“是这里没错。” Is the female nod of head, suddenly drinks one tenderly: Outlying islet ** Qing Ya may in!” 为首的女子点头,忽然娇喝一声:“外岛**青雅可在!” The sound is not loud, actually clearly spreads very far location/position, and has the penetration surname. 声音不大,却清楚地传出很远的位置,而且极具穿透姓。 Yang Kai one hear, is very happy immediately, this may really be comes some people to deliver the pillow sleepily, own is worrying unable to find Qing Ya Cave Mansion, suddenly came such a group of people to see Qing Ya. 杨开一听,顿时喜上眉梢,这可真是瞌睡来了就有人送枕头,自己正愁找不到青雅洞府,忽然就来了这么一群人要见青雅 However...... this crowd of female seem like some future to be bad! Yang Kai knits the brows secretly, not anxiously appearance, but hides in place as before, in secret observing. 不过……这一群女子似乎有些来者不善啊!杨开暗暗皱眉,并没有急着现身,而是依旧躲藏在原地,暗中观察着。 That female voice falls, after less than three breaths, outside Cave Mansion the 1-layer thin membrane barrier separates toward both sides suddenly on own initiative, just like the breakage air bubble, from Cave Mansion, goes out of one to wear the white women's clothing, makings solemn female. 女子话音落下,不到三息之后,洞府一层薄膜般的屏障忽然主动朝两旁分开,犹如破裂的气泡般,从洞府内,走出一个身穿洁白衣裙,气质端庄的女子 Qing Ya! The Yang Kai brow selects, the discovery is not right. 青雅杨开眉头一挑,紧接着就发现不对了。 Qing Ya aura was impractical, is pale, as if received the heavy injury! 青雅气息虚浮,脸色苍白,似乎受了不轻的伤势! Before her, several days returns to Extinct Ice Island time fortunately good, how injured suddenly? Moreover looks at her appearance, is not because ** reason that makes a mistake, instead is...... is hit seem like! 她前几曰回到冰绝岛的时候还好好的,怎么会突然受伤的?而且看她的样子,并非是因为**出错的缘故,反而倒像是……被人打的! In the Yang Kai heart has doubts extremely. 杨开心中疑惑万分。 That side, Qing Ya goes out of Cave Mansion, sees clearly the face and attire of person, some changes countenance. 那边,青雅走出洞府,看清来人的面孔和装束,也不禁有些变色 She as if recognizes that is female of head. 她似乎认得那为首的女子 Originally is Bing Die Senior Sister, does Senior Sister ask me to have the matter?” Qing Ya is maintaining the calmness of look diligently, but shivering in words actually ** her anxious. “原来是冰蝶师姐,师姐找我有事?”青雅努力保持着神色的镇定,可话语中的颤抖却**了她内心的紧张。 this time, the entire icy peak has many Ice Heart Valley ** by former Bing Die shouts alarms, walked in abundance, nosing outcome. 这个时候,整座冰峰已经有不少冰心谷的**被之前冰蝶的呼喊惊动,纷纷走了出来,查探究竟。 After seeing at present this, reveals the alarmed and afraid look. 待看到眼前这一幕之后,都不禁流露出惊惧的神色。 Unexpectedly is Law Enforcement Hall Bing Die Senior Sister! How she will come to here, moreover looks for Qing Ya Junior Sister?” “居然是执法堂冰蝶师姐!她怎么会来这里,而且是找青雅师妹?” Went bad, Qing Ya isn't Junior Sister will make mistakes? Otherwise how this god of plague drawing on?” “坏了,青雅师妹不会是犯了什么错吧?要不然怎么把这尊瘟神给招来了?” Is insufficient, Qing Ya she entered valley these years to scrupulously follow the duty, recently/previously time as if also performed a big merit, how to make mistakes?” “不至于啊,青雅她入谷这些年一直恪守本分,前段时间似乎还立下了不小的功劳,怎么会犯错的?” Cannot reach an agreement, in I listened to Senior Sister of island saying that first several days Qing Ya Junior Sister did not know to make mistakes, enraged Great Elder, making Great Elder lose a big temper.” “说不好,我听内岛的一位师姐说,前几曰青雅师妹不知道犯了什么错,触怒了大长老,让大长老发了不小的脾气。” This matter I also heard, as if at that time Senior Sister named Zhou Yunxuan also intended to injure her.” “这事我也听说了,似乎当时一个叫周云宣师姐还出手打伤了她。” Not, the relations of Qing Ya Junior Sister and Su Yan are very good, has Su Yan, who dares to hit her?” “不会吧,青雅师妹苏颜的关系很好啊,有苏颜在,谁敢打她?” ...... …… Not big moment time, entire icy peak ** seemed alarmed, walked from Cave Mansion in abundance, stands is waiting and seeing in or far or near location/position. 不大片刻功夫,整座冰峰的**似乎都被惊动了,纷纷从洞府里走了出来,站在或远或近的位置观望着。 All around talking in whispers sound transmits, that is the head called Bing Die female to remain unmoved, but is looking at Qing Ya indifferently, in the mouth shouted lowly: Qing Ya, you as Ice Heart Valley **, results in Sect training, not only does not know to feel grateful, instead colludes with the bystander, shakes my Ice Heart Valley foundation, passes on the Elder command, namely said, deposed cultivation level Qing Ya, expelled Ice Heart Valley, always can not visit Extinct Ice Island!” 四周的窃窃私语声传来,那为首的叫冰蝶女子不为所动,只是冷漠地望着青雅,口中低喝道:“青雅,你身为冰心谷**,得宗门培养,非但不知感恩,反而与外人勾结,动摇我冰心谷根基,传长老令,即曰起,将青雅废黜修为,逐出冰心谷,永世不得踏足冰绝岛!” A language arouses thousand overlapping waves, the Bing Die words lets the entire icy peak ** blasted out the pot, intermittent screams resound, not young female covered the mouth with the hand, the shock and sympathy is looking at Qing Ya, the beautiful pupil shivers fiercely. 一语激起千层浪,冰蝶一番话让整座冰峰的**都炸开了锅,一阵阵惊呼声响起,不少女子都用手捂住了嘴巴,震惊而又同情地望着青雅,美眸剧烈颤抖。 Expels Ice Heart Valley, deposes cultivation level, this is the Ice Heart Valley cruelest penalty way, this way ratio killed a person to be frightening. 逐出冰心谷,废黜修为,这已经是冰心谷最残忍的惩罚方式了,这种方式比杀了一个人还要让人恐惧。 Death flash, but if were really deposed cultivation level to be expelled Ice Heart Valley again, under shadow that this person of a lifetime city life in being inconceivable, this was the stain that is unable to obliterate forever. 死亡不过一瞬间,可真要是被废黜修为再被逐出冰心谷,那这人一辈子都会生活在难以想象的阴影下,这是永远也无法磨灭的污点。 The Qing Ya tender body shivers, in the eye pupil overflowed completely color with amazement, not good complexion was paler, trembling said: Bing Die Senior Sister, what's all this about?” 青雅娇躯颤抖起来,眼眸里溢满了骇然之色,本就不太好的脸色更加苍白了,颤声道:“冰蝶师姐,这是怎么回事?” Colludes with the bystander, shakes the Ice Heart Valley foundation, this charge exactly said casually, since Qing Ya had self-examined into Ice Heart Valley, has not made to harm the matter of Sect, recently/previously time, because seeks for Yang Kai, but also obtained awarding of Valley Master, how to reduce to this situation suddenly? 与外人勾结,动摇冰心谷根基,这种罪名可不是随便说说的,青雅自问入了冰心谷以来,并没有做出危害宗门之事,前段时间因为寻找到了杨开,还得到了谷主的褒奖,怎么忽然就沦落到这种处境了? Bing Die visits suddenly, flushed her to announce news that like this shocked, this kept her from accepting. 冰蝶忽然造访,就冲她宣布了这样震撼的消息,这让她根本无法接受。 What's the matter your own at heart clear!” Bing Die is looking at Qing Ya indifferently, meaning that also do not explain, you are own begin to clear cultivation level, wants Senior Sister to act? First reaches an agreement, the words that your own begins are possibly more relaxed, Senior Sister starts tactless, may make you be injured!” “怎么回事你自己心里清楚!”冰蝶冷漠地望着青雅,也没有要解释的意思,“你是自己动手散尽修为,还是要师姐出手?先说好,你自己动手的话可能轻松一些,师姐下手没轻没重的,可能会让你受伤!” Bing Die Senior Sister!” Qing Ya clenches teeth to drink tenderly, in the panic-stricken beautiful pupil appears a fierce resistance look, Junior Sister has not done has harmed the matter of Sect, has not colluded with the bystander, shakes the Ice Heart Valley foundation, Junior Sister refuses to accept, I must see Elder, I must see Valley Master!” 冰蝶师姐!”青雅咬牙娇喝,惊恐的美眸里浮现出一丝剧烈的抗拒神色,“师妹没有做过危害宗门之事,也从没与外人勾结,动摇冰心谷根基,师妹不服,我要见长老,我要见谷主!” Suddenly was fastened such big evil reputation, regardless of Qing Ya is how impossible to acknowledge that but she is actually indistinct to guess. 忽然被人扣上这么大的屎盆子,青雅无论如何也不可能承认的,不过她心里倒是隐约有所猜测。 So-called colludes with the bystander, nothing but relates with Yang Kai's. 所谓的与外人勾结,无非就是跟杨开的联系罢了。 Yang Kai because of her, can arrive at Extinct Ice Island. 杨开是因为她,才能来到冰绝岛 But the vacillation Ice Heart Valley foundation, said that simple straightforward, disturbs Su Yan probably **. Su Yan has been regarded as the Ice Heart Valley future by Ran Yunting, disturbs her **, it can be said that shook the Ice Heart Valley foundation. 而动摇冰心谷根基,说简单直白点,大概就是干扰到了苏颜的**。苏颜一直被冉云婷视为冰心谷的未来,干扰到她的**,也可以说是动摇了冰心谷根基。 But...... the same matter, changes a view, significance on completely different. 只不过……相同的事情,换一种说法,意义就完全不一样了。 Law Enforcement Hall probably is because will receive the order of Ran Yunting to send out. 执法堂大概是因为收到了冉云婷的命令才会出动的。 You cannot see Elder, cannot see Valley Master, now says here, takes responsibility by me! Gives you ten breath time to consider clear!” Bing Die remains unmoved, but is gazing at Qing Ya indifferently. “你见不到长老,也见不到谷主,今曰这里,由我做主!给你十息时间好好考虑清楚!”冰蝶不为所动,只是冷眼注视着青雅 On the Qing Ya face did not have the blood-color suddenly, the heart like the dying embers. 青雅脸上骤然没了血色,心如死灰。 Her small Saint King can 2-layer, how revolt against entire Law Enforcement Hall? 她一个小小的圣王两层境,如何能反抗得了整个执法堂 The words that really must revolt against, say now, this place, perhaps is the place of her burying bone, the Law Enforcement Hall these apprentice sisters conduct methods, Qing Ya has hear. 真要反抗的话,今曰,此地,或许就是她的埋骨之地,执法堂这些师姐妹的行事手段,青雅可是有所听闻的。 Qing Ya smiles miserably, the cold wind blows, her heart is colder than the body. 青雅凄凉地笑了笑,寒风吹来,她的心比身体更冷。 Once entered Ice Heart Valley, she was also filled with joy, felt the heaven to care secretly, when most difficult met Ran Yunting this honored person, after entering Inner Sect, she also scrupulously followed the duty, fulfilled ** the responsibility, Sect but had issuance of order, complied with all. 曾经入了冰心谷,她还满心欢喜,暗暗觉得上天眷顾,在最困难的时候遇见了冉云婷这位贵人,进了宗内之后,她也恪守本分,履行**的责任,宗门但有命令下达,无不遵从。 She has not taken advantage of the Su Yan status and position is own has sought anything, although she can definitely do, there is this qualifications. 她更没有依仗苏颜的身份和地位为自己谋取过什么,尽管她完全可以做,也有这个资格。 She only wants to rely on the own effort, the strength, did not strive for being able to be on par step by step Su Yan, at least cannot make her lose face, how to say again, two people came from the same piece native land, with for a moment pay respects to join Ice Heart Valley, Su Yan cultivation level was getting higher and higher, if own were too disappointing, others will also say this and that. 她只想凭借自己的努力,一步步增强实力,不求能比肩苏颜,最起码不能让她丢脸,再怎么说,两人都来自同一片故土,同一时间拜入冰心谷,苏颜修为越来越高,自己若是太差劲的话,旁人也会说三道四的。 First several days by Ran Yunting being relentless reproving, was called Zhou Yunxuan Senior Sister to injure by that Qing Ya does not have the complaint, but returns to the outlying islet silently, closes up healing. 几曰冉云婷一番毫不留情的训斥,更被那叫周云宣师姐打伤,青雅也毫无怨言,只是默默地返回外岛,闭关疗伤 She knows, own then approach somewhat was truly harebrained, mistakenly not in bystander. 她知道,自己当时的做法确实有些冒失了,错不在外人。 Now but says the news that Bing Die brings like bolt from the blue, making her dejected. 可是今曰冰蝶带来的消息却如晴天霹雳,让她心灰意冷。 Great Elder this wants kill to the last one/being ruthless! 大长老这是要赶尽杀绝啊! own is an outlying islet **, the position does not reveal, with Yang Kai knew only, because of this, Great Elder isn't willing to let off own? Moreover deducted that big hat. 自己不过是个外岛**,身份地位不显,无外乎就是与杨开认识罢了,就因为这个,大长老也不愿意放过自己?而且还扣下了那么大的帽子。 Colludes with the bystander, bad Ice Heart Valley foundation...... 与外人勾结,坏冰心谷根基…… The beautiful pupil of Qing Ya is gradually gloomy, the look that in the eye revolts against vanishes gradually. 青雅的美眸逐渐暗淡下来,眼中反抗的神色渐渐消失。 Your also three breath time considerations!” Bing Die coldly said. “你还有三息时间考虑!”冰蝶冷冷道。 Qing Ya stroked under near ear beautiful hair, full to Bing Die good a ritual, said gently: Bing Die Senior Sister, Junior Sister is exhausted your matter.” 青雅捋了下耳边的秀发,盈盈冲冰蝶行了一礼,轻轻道:“冰蝶师姐,师妹劳烦你一件事。” Bing Die knit the brows to visit her, said lightly: Said.” 冰蝶皱眉看了看她,淡淡道:“说。” Now said that the matter do not make Su Yan know, after she said that , if asked me, told her, Qing Ya went out informed and experienced.” “今曰之事不要让苏颜知道,她曰后若是问起我的话,就告诉她,青雅外出历练去了。” Not work you take the trouble, Su Yan there, Great Elder will give a confession.” Bing Die sneers, you think that carries out the Su Yan name, can escape death by a hair's breadth? The Law Enforcement Hall conduct always kept promises, even if Su Yan knew, cannot prevent now to say the matter.” “不劳你费心,苏颜那里,大长老自会给个交代。”冰蝶冷笑一声,“你以为搬出苏颜的名字,就能幸免于难了?执法堂行事向来说一不二,就算是苏颜知道了,也阻止不了今曰之事。” She thinks obviously Qing Ya somewhat harbors evil intentions, lifts the Su Yan given name to attempt to make them dread. 她显然以为青雅有些居心叵测,抬出苏颜的名号企图让她们有所忌惮。 Junior Sister does not have this meaning.” Qing Ya smiles bitterly and astringently. 师妹没有这个意思。”青雅苦涩一笑。 time arrived, your decision!” Bing Die issues the ultimatum. 时间到了,你的决定!”冰蝶发出最后通牒。 Asked Senior Sister to act!” Qing Ya closes the eye slowly. “就请师姐出手吧!”青雅缓缓闭上眼睛。 ** However comes, cultivation level that some now says with great difficulty, Qing Ya how, regardless of does not want from waste cultivation level. 一路**而来,好不容易才有今曰的修为,青雅无论如何也不想自废修为 Such as you hope!” In the Bing Die eye cold light flashes, lifts a palm, prints toward Qing Ya. “如你所愿!”冰蝶眼中寒光一闪,抬起一只手掌,朝青雅印去。 On that palm the cold air wound around, contained the enormous destruction prestige energy. 那手掌上寒气缭绕,蕴藏了极大的破坏威能。 All around calling out in alarm sound gets up, innumerable Ice Heart Valley ** the beautiful pupil shivers. 四周一片惊呼之声响起,无数冰心谷的**美眸颤抖。 Some many people knit the brows secretly, in the surface reveals the color of not enduring. 有不少人暗暗皱眉,面上流露出不忍之色。 Their strengths are good, naturally looks, Bing Die this palm not only need abandon Qing Ya cultivation level, has a possibility palm to extinguish her extremely kills! 她们的实力还算不错,自然看的出,冰蝶这一掌不但是要废去青雅的一身修为,极有可能一掌将她灭杀! Even if Qing Ya lived by luck, received the wound that heavily, said, perhaps an average person was inferior, cannot take care of oneself the life. 就算青雅侥幸活了下来,受了那么重了伤,曰后恐怕连个普通人都不如,连生活都不能自理。 In the heart sighed, they have turned head, some did not endure to see that brutal one. 心中叹息,她们扭过头,有些不忍看到那残酷的一幕。 The Bing Die look like the ice, as if no Human Race to have the sentiment that callous meaning. 冰蝶眼神如冰,似乎没有人类该有的感情,只有冷酷之意。 Em?” Suddenly, Bing Die calls out in alarm one. “恩?”蓦然间,冰蝶惊呼一声。 Her palm from Qing Ya one foot away, a flower, the Qing Ya front has a form suddenly at present. 她的手掌在距离青雅一尺之遥的时候,忽然眼前一花,青雅前方多出了一道身影。 That form seemingly lifts a palm careless, happen to seal on the palm of own. 那身影看似漫不经心地抬起一掌,正好印在自己的掌心上。 the next moment, Bing Die Hua Rong/beautiful face changes colors, the terrifying prestige that is inconceivable can raid from the dead ahead, not only disintegrated her offensive, instead being utterly routed that Saint Yuan of her within the body shakes. 下一刻,冰蝶花容失色,一股难以想象的恐怖威能从正前方袭来,不但瓦解了她的攻势,反而将她体内的圣元震荡的溃不成军。 The Bing Die body was ordinary on such as the kite of line, flies upside down face up, is in the midair, fresh blood has not suppressed, spurted. 冰蝶的身躯就如断了线的纸鸢一般,仰面倒飞出去,身在半空之中,一口鲜血没抑制住,哇地喷了出来。 bang, Bing Die falls in the snowy area layer on layer/heavily, will slide in the future several feet, stands firm.( To be continued.) 地一声,冰蝶重重地落在雪地上,又往后滑行了十几丈,才堪堪稳住。(未完待续。)
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