MP :: Volume #17

#1642: Forcing of Ran Yunting

Ran Yunting nods gently, the vision has swept in the Qing Ya surface desolately . 冉云婷轻轻颔首,目光冷淡地在青雅面上扫过。. Also does not know that because of the Yang Kai's reason, Ran Yunting suddenly discovered this also comes the Tong Xuan Continent outlying islet ** is somewhat an eyesore, the Yang Kai that not tactful face flashes through in her mind, making her mood agitated. 也不知道是不是因为杨开的缘故,冉云婷忽然发现这个同样出身通玄大陆的外岛**有些碍眼,杨开那不识趣的面孔在她脑海中闪过,让她心情烦躁。 Here what to quarrel? Does not know that Su Yan is closing up?” Ran Yunting drinks one severely. “都在这里吵什么?不知道苏颜正在闭关?”冉云婷厉喝一声。 Be responsible for guarding the Su Yan two females ** in the eye flashes through a terrified, detected that the Great Elder mood is not very good, immediately is timid. 负责看守苏颜的两个女**眼中闪过一丝惶恐,察觉到大长老心情不是很好,顿时唯唯诺诺。 female of Zhou shot a look at Qing Ya, the grievance said: Returns to Great Elder, this Junior Sister must go to see Su Yan, ** has prevented her, but she also talked endlessly here, is not willing to retreat!” 那周姓的女子瞥了一眼青雅,委屈道:“回大长老,这位师妹非要进去看望苏颜,**们已经阻止她了,可是她还在这里喋喋不休,不肯退去!” Great Elder bright view, not ** intends to disturb Su Yan, really has reason!” Another female also called the injustice to say. 大长老明鉴,并非**们有意要打扰苏颜,实在是事出有因!”另一个女子也叫冤道。 The Ran Yunting swift and fierce vision falls on Qing Ya, coldly said: „It is not willing to retreat, you do not know that hits her? These years are white **?” 冉云婷凌厉的目光落在青雅身上,冷冷道:“不肯退去,你们不知道把她打回去?这些年都白**了?” Such remarks, Qing Ya and others of expressions one dull. 此言一出,青雅等三人都表情一呆。 As if didn't expect big Elder Assembly said the this kind of words. 似乎都没想到长老会说出这样的话。 In Ice Heart Valley, among apprentice sisters, although has the battle, has the gap, some people will actually never begin to fight. 冰心谷内,师姐妹之间虽然有争斗,有间隙,却从来不会有人动手打斗。 But does the meaning of Great Elder, make own make a move Qing Ya to hit unexpectedly? Zhou female for a moment head somewhat cannot make a turn, looks at dumbly in place. 大长老的意思,居然让自己出手把青雅打一顿?周姓女子一时间脑袋有些转不过弯,呆立在原地 What also stares is making? You deaf inadequate?” Ran Yunting drinks again severely. “还愣着做什么?你们耳朵聋了不成?”冉云婷再次厉喝。 Zhou female quickly grasps the meaning of something, this has gotten back one's composure, knows that Great Elder is not cracking a joke, in the heart a reproven anger is worrying nowhere **, hears Yanjiao shouted: Yes, ** respectfully follows the command of Great Elder!” 周姓女子一个激灵,这才回过神,知道大长老不是在开玩笑,心中一口被训斥的怒气正愁无处**,闻言娇喝道:“是,**谨遵大长老之令!” During the speeches, Saint Yuan revolves, a palm pushed toward Qing Ya. 说话间,圣元运转开,一掌朝青雅推了过去。 Great Elder......” the Qing Ya opens the mouth summoned, may shout that several characters, was hit the chest by a swift and fierce qi energy, the tender body hardly received to control to fly upside down, was in the midair, put out fresh blood, incarnadine her white women's clothing. 大长老……”青雅张口呼唤,可才喊出几个字,便被一股凌厉的气劲打中胸膛,娇躯几乎不受控制地倒飞出去,身在半空之中,吐出一口鲜血,染红了她洁白的衣裙。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… Qing Ya non-stop flies several feet away, hit an ice wall, this falls to the ground distressedly. 青雅直飞出十几丈远,撞到了一面冰墙,这才狼狈落地。 Looks deathly pale bloodless, hits the spirit to crawl, the good long time not to have gasped for breath. 脸色惨白无血,强打着精神爬起来,好半晌都没喘过气。 She now is Saint King 2-layer cultivation level, makes a move to hit her Zhou female to have Void Return 1-layer, the cultivation level boundary vast gap, keeping her from resisting the opposite party to strike. 她如今是圣王两层境修为,出手打她的周姓女子却有返虚一层境,修为境界的巨大差距,让她根本无法抵挡对方一击。 Under a palm, Qing Ya has been damaged! 一掌之下,青雅已经受创! Her beautiful pupil shivers fiercely, does not dare to believe is looking at Ran Yunting, as if did not have slow the god, why not clear Great Elder to issue the order of such unreasonable suddenly! 她美眸剧烈颤抖,不敢置信地望着冉云婷,似乎还没缓过神,不清楚大长老为什么会突然下达那样不近人情的命令! Go away! Later in dares to visit the island, this Elder will certainly you expel Ice Heart Valley!” Ran Yunting is relentless, cold sound reproved. “滚!以后再敢踏足内岛,本长老必将你逐出冰心谷!”冉云婷毫不留情,冷声训斥。 Qing Ya!” The Su Yan door opens suddenly, she looks the anxious color, the tender body rocks then must flush away toward Qing Ya. 青雅!”苏颜的房门忽然打开,她面露焦急之色,娇躯晃动便要朝青雅冲去。 Although a moment ago she heard Qing Ya and Zhou female and the others the disputes, because there is an order of Ran Yunting, therefore does not dare to make an appearance arbitrarily, can only close door not to see. 刚才她虽然听到了青雅与周姓女子等人的争执,但因为有冉云婷的命令,所以不敢擅自露面,只能闭门不见。 But now, Qing Ya was injured unexpectedly, she cannot repress again! 可是如今,青雅居然被打伤,她再也按捺不住! two people with coming from Tong Xuan Continent, with pay respects to join Ice Heart Valley **, can the sentiment with the sisters, how looks at Qing Ya be hit helplessly? 两人同来自通玄大陆,同拜入冰心谷**,情同姐妹,怎能眼睁睁看着青雅被打? Actually does not think that the person just now makes an appearance, Ran Yunting then strokes conveniently, an intense fresh breeze front surface throws, pressed Su Yan directly. 却不想人才刚露面,冉云婷便随手一拂,一股强烈的劲风迎面扑来,直接将苏颜压了回去。 You dare to run one step, I kill her now!” Ran Yunting stands outside the icehouse, is looking at Su Yan that sorrowful desire appearance certainly, expression cold and severe. “你敢跑出来一步,我现在就杀了她!”冉云婷站在冰室外,望着苏颜那悲恸欲绝的容颜,表情冷厉 In the Su Yan surface flashes through a terrified, is looking at Ran Yunting with a strange vision, opens mouth, finally does not dare to act rashly, good long time took a deep breath, clenches teeth saying: Also looks at Honored Master to read at the Qing Ya first offense, do not punish in her again!” 苏颜面上闪过一丝惶恐,用一种陌生至极的目光望着冉云婷,张了张嘴,最终没敢轻举妄动,好半晌才深吸一口气,咬牙道:“还望师尊念在青雅初犯,不要再责罚于她了!” Ran Yunting nods: You are obedient, I do not feel embarrassed her!” 冉云婷点头:“你听话,我不为难她!” Su Yan clenches teeth, the powder fist is gripping tightly, said in a soft voice: ** Listens to Honored Master.” 苏颜咬牙,粉拳紧握着,轻声道:“**听师尊的。” Ran Yunting then shows a satisfactory look: So good! My this time comes to tell you, that person had arrived at Extinct Ice Island, you alienate oneself **, makes up for the state of mind flaw, wants me to begin to help you!” 冉云婷这才露出一丝满意的神色:“如此就好!我这次来是想告诉你,那人已经到了冰绝岛,你是自绝**,弥补心境破绽,还是要我动手帮你!” The Su Yan tender body trembles, is extremely looking at Ran Yunting panic-stricken, in the beautiful pupil meaning of the entreaty, muttered: Honored Master......” 苏颜娇躯一颤,惊恐万分地望着冉云婷,美眸中一片哀求之意,喃喃道:“师尊……” Alienates oneself **, is equal to cutting off all between her and Yang Kai, after this shape with Mo person. 自绝**,等于是斩断她与杨开之间的一切,从此之后形同陌人。 Let Honored Master help, finally only then-- Yang Kai was killed! 师尊帮忙,结果只有一个——杨开被杀! Any one type is not Su Yan can accept, makes her die is uncomfortable. 无论是哪一种都不是苏颜能够接受的,那比让她死还要难受。 In addition, does not have the third choice again! I give you several days of time to consider, you think answered me again!” “除此之外,再无第三个选择!我给你几天时间考虑,你想好了再答复我!” The beautiful pupil of Su Yan will be gloomy shortly, seemed camouflaged by the dark cloud, cannot see the front light, she was startled same place. 苏颜的美眸顷刻间暗淡,似乎被乌云遮蔽,看不到前方的光明,她怔在了原地。 When has gotten back one's composure, Ran Yunting has departed, Qing Ya not, only then entrance that two same side apprentice sisters, are with takes pleasure in others' misfortunes the smile to own. 等回过神的时候,冉云婷已经离去,青雅也不在了,只有门口那两个同门师姐妹,冲自己报以幸灾乐祸般的微笑。 That smiling face makes her feel dazzlingly so! 那笑容让她感觉是如此的刺眼! More than 30 years, she first time gives birth destroys to fetter in own shackles, flees the thought of this place. 30多年来,她头一次生出打碎束缚在自己身上的枷锁,逃离这个地方的念头。 Undeniably, Ran Yunting is excellent to Su Yan, since leads her to Ice Heart Valley, then has taught with all one's heart, in the valley the resources are also biggest possibly satisfy her, was Su Yan creates was quite good ** environment. 不可否认,冉云婷苏颜是极好的,自从把她带到冰心谷,便一直尽心教导,谷中资源也最大可能地满足她,为苏颜创造了极为良好的**环境。 However, while doing one's best taught outspokenly Su Yan, Ran Yunting also gave Su Yan to put on the shackles. 但是,在尽心尽力毫无保留地教导苏颜的同时,冉云婷也给苏颜套上了枷锁。 She the expectation to Su Yan is too big, she pressed the too heavy burden to Su Yan, can say, she wishfully pours into the hope that own is unable to complete on Su Yan. 她对苏颜的期望太大,她给苏颜压上了太重的负担,可以说,她将自己无法完成的希望一厢情愿地灌注在了苏颜身上。 The Ice Heart Valley future, the Void King Stage mystery, Su Yan listens to Ran Yunting to raise these more than once. 冰心谷的未来,虚王境的奥秘,苏颜不止一次听冉云婷提起过这些。 Before she had not felt to have anything, some Honored Master but instruction, she complied, perhaps after all without the Ran Yunting words, she and Qing Ya Qian Hao three people still struggled in Green Hills Star, such worry-free where can live. 以前她还不觉得有什么,师尊但有吩咐,她就照做,毕竟没有冉云婷的话,她与青雅千皓三人或许还在翠微星上挣扎,哪能生活的如此无忧无虑。 But now, Su Yan actually felt exhausted. 可是如今,苏颜却感觉到疲惫了。 Yang Kai's appears and arrives, lets the object who she had can depend upon, she does not want to undertake the Ice Heart Valley future, she only wants with Yang Kai together, the good world, to roam through among the sceneries shoulder to shoulder. 杨开的出现和到来,让她有了可以依靠的对象,她并不想承担冰心谷的未来,她只想与杨开一起,并肩行天下,遨游山水间。 She never has that big ambition and **, her request is also very simple. 她从来就没有那么大的野心和**,她的要求也很简单。 Out of the door, that two apprentice sisters are taunting forthrightly, you said my one, as if mood very good appearance. 门外,那两个师姐妹毫不避讳地冷嘲热讽着,你一言我一句,似乎心情很不错的样子。 Su Yan somewhat is slightly fearful, she did not have to say anything, but sat cross-legged to sit down not silently, waved to close the front door of icehouse. 苏颜微微有些心寒,她没有多说什么,只是一言不发地盘膝坐下,挥手关闭了冰室的大门。 ...... …… Outlying islet pavilion building residence, Yang Kai found that Ice Heart Valley female who considers the own daily life **. 外岛阁楼处,杨开找到了照顾自己起居的那个冰心谷女**。 This female ** similarly is the outlying islet **, cultivation level be only Saint 1-layer, the age seems like 24-25, although the appearance is not beautiful , is quite delicate, the whole person is passing clean aura. 这个女**同样是外岛**,修为只有入圣一层境而已,年纪看上去24-25,样貌虽然不算多么美丽,却也相当清秀,整个人透着一股干净的气息 Extinct Ice Island **, ** is Ice Attribute **, therefore on her has a light chill in the air. 冰绝岛的**,**的都是冰系**,所以她身上有一股淡淡的寒意。 „Does miss, you know Qing Ya?” Yang Kai looks at her to ask. “姑娘,你认识青雅嘛?”杨开望着她问道。 Qing Ya Senior Sister? I know!” The female nod replied, shows a faint smile saying: Our Cave Mansion to are not very far, therefore often can meet, this Senior Brother do you also know Qing Ya Senior Sister?” 青雅师姐?我认识啊!”女子点头答道,微微一笑道:“我们的洞府相距不是很远,所以时常能碰面,这位师兄你也认识青雅师姐?” Em, can you lead me to see her?” “恩,你能不能带我去见见她?” „Do you want to see Qing Ya Senior Sister?” female is startled, knits the brows, some look hesitates: This is not perhaps good.” “你要去见青雅师姐?”女子一怔,皱了皱眉,神色有些迟疑:“这恐怕不行啊。” Why?” “为什么?” Elder has told, said that Senior Brother you can only rest here, without the order of Elder, cannot take a walk at will, Senior Brother you also know, our Ice Heart Valley ** is female, always does not have the man to visit, if you saw in taking a walk thing that anything should not see......” 长老吩咐过了,说师兄你只能在这里休息,没有长老的命令,不能随意走动,师兄你也知道,我们冰心谷的**全是女子,历来都没有男人踏足过,你若是在走动的时候看到了什么不该看到的东西……” Was saying to be saying, this female complexion red. 说着说着,这女子脸色红了起来。 This...... that even.” Yang Kai smiles free and easy, the meaning without insisted, chatted later several with this female, this turns around to return to the garret. “这样啊……那就算了。”杨开洒脱一笑,并没有坚持的意思,随后又与这个女子闲聊了几句,这才转身返回阁楼。 Sees Yang Kai not to force someone to do something against his will, that female ** also relaxes, thought that this person spoke actually good. 杨开没有强人所难,那女**也不禁松了一口气,心想这人倒是蛮好说话的。 Returns to pavilion building residence, Yang Kai complexion is tranquil, cannot see the happy anger, but actually some do not get a grip at heart. 返回阁楼处,杨开面色平静,看不出喜怒,可心里却始终有些不得劲。 Should own this not be put under house arrest? 自己这该不会是被软禁了吧? Moreover, since Ice Heart Valley Valley Master Bing Long and Great Elder Ran Yunting visits hand in hand, three days, these three days, no one had paid attention to own, even Qing Ya has not made an appearance. 而且,自从冰心谷谷主冰珑大长老冉云婷联袂造访之后,已经三天了,这三天来,没人过来理会自己,甚至连青雅都没有露面。 This lets some Yang Kai doubts. 这让杨开有些疑惑。 Others did not come also even, how can Qing Ya? She knows that own this time comes Ice Heart Valley for anything, but is stranded in the garret in outlying islet now unexpectedly, the tiny step cannot leave, do not say that saw Su Yan. 其他人不来也就算了,青雅怎么会不来的?她知道自己这一次冰心谷是为了什么,可如今居然被困在外岛的阁楼里,寸步不能离开,更不要说去看望苏颜了。 These three said, Su Yan has not made the exchange in mind with own. 这三曰来,苏颜也没与自己做过心灵上的交流。 Yang Kai more wants more to feel strange, emits Spiritual Mind quietly, noses that female ** is still protecting outside the garret. 杨开越想越是觉得不妥,悄悄地放出神念,查探出那个女**依然在阁楼外守护着。 Space Force comes in the Yang Kai body side unconstrainedly, the next moment, Yang Kai vanished in generally same place on the ghosts and demons. 空间之力杨开身侧跌宕开来,下一刻,杨开就鬼魅一般地消失在了原地。 Trades to be others, wants to run away secretly perhaps is not an easy matter, but regarding ** Space Force Yang Kai was very relaxed. 换做其他人,想要偷偷跑出去恐怕还不是一件容易的事情,但是对于**了空间之力杨开来说却无比轻松。 In that female ** in the situation of not detecting, he had then presented beyond three li (0.5 km) somewhere covert location/position. 在那女**毫无察觉的情况下,他便已出现了三里之外某处隐蔽的位置 raises the head looked at icy peak a more than ten li (0.5 km) away, the Yang Kai figure in a flash, is close toward that side. 抬头看了看十几里外的一座冰峰,杨开身形一晃,朝那边接近着。 Chatted a moment ago, Yang Kai inquired under that female unintentionally ** Cave Mansion was, knew concrete location/position. 刚才闲聊的时候,杨开有意无意地打探了下那女**的洞府所在,得知了具体位置 Since she said that to is not far with Qing Ya Cave Mansion, then Qing Ya Cave Mansion should be also right on that icy peak. 既然她说与青雅洞府相距不远,那么青雅洞府应该也在那一座冰峰上才对。 Where does not know specifically. 只是不知道具体在哪里。 Later the time, Yang Kai then arrived at icy peak, went into hiding own aura while raises the head looks toward the above. 不大一会功夫,杨开便来到了冰峰脚下,一边隐匿了自己气息一边抬头朝上方望去。 This icy peak excavated up and down several hundred Cave Mansion, seems like some people in the appearance of housing, some Yang Kai secret headaches. 这冰峰上下被开凿出几百个洞府,看上去都有人在居住的样子,杨开暗暗有些头疼。 Emits Spiritual Mind to nose, outside each Cave Mansion has the restriction protection, although at the Yang Kai's Spiritual Mind intensity, breaks through these outlying islets ** Cave Mansion restriction has no issue, but really did that will only cause the trouble. 放出神念去查探,每个洞府外都有禁制守护,虽然以杨开的神念强度,突破这些外岛**洞府禁制没有任何问题,可真这么做了,只会引起麻烦。 He can only knit the brows the observation, static waiting. 他只能皱眉观察,静静等待。 No clue time, suddenly one team of population approximately about 45 people Ice Heart Valley ** arrived under the icy peak. 正毫无头绪的时候,忽然有一队人数大约在四五人左右的冰心谷**来到了冰峰下。 That several people are one of the head, has Void Return 1-layer, others in Saint King Stage cultivation level. 那几个人为首的一个,有返虚一层境,其他人都在圣王境修为 Although cultivation level is not very high, but Yang Kai actually felt that on these female each some vague hostility, this discovery lets his brow wrinkle.( To be continued.) 修为虽然不是很高,可杨开却感觉这几个女子每一个身上都有一些若有若无的戾气,这个发现让他眉头一皱。(未完待续。)
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