MP :: Volume #17

#1641: Failing to agree

That Little Junior Brother Yang this time for Scarlet Billow Star that what matter comes?” Bing Long asked again . “那杨小兄弟这次是为何事来的赤澜星?”冰珑再次问道。. Passed by accidentally.” “无意中路过。” You may know that Brilliant Fire Sect nearly one year of time has been seeking for your trail?” “你可知道火耀宗近一年时间一直在寻找你的踪迹?” Has heard.” “听说过。” Why does Brilliant Fire Sect so look for you on a grand scale?” 火耀宗为什么如此大张旗鼓地找你?” Asked after several, the Bing Long issue gradually becomes straightforward. 问了几句之后,冰珑的问题逐渐变得直白起来。 Yang Kai showed a faint smile, carries the teacup to sip one, shook the head saying: Does not know!” 杨开微微一笑,端起茶杯抿了一口,摇头道:“不知!” Doesn't know?” The Bing Long chuckle, the sound suddenly became low and deep: That this Palace Master asked one again, Green Hills Star Star Master Sir Luo Hai comes Scarlet Billow Star, was because of your reason?” “不知?”冰珑轻笑了一下,声音忽然变得低沉:“那本宫再问一句,翠微星星主骆海大人来赤澜星,可是因为你的缘故?” Senior, since had known, why many this one did ask?” “前辈既然已经知道了,何必多此一问?” Bing Long astonished: „Really is Sir Luo Hai comes for you?” 冰珑讶然:“骆海大人真是为你而来?” Although she had guessed before, after all after Luo Hai to Scarlet Billow Star, then went to Brilliant Fire Sect, but Brilliant Fire Sect then starts to seek for the Yang Kai's trail, all these relate, making one cannot help but suspect. 虽然她之前有所猜测,毕竟骆海到了赤澜星之后,便去了火耀宗,而火耀宗便开始寻找杨开的踪迹,这一切联系起来,让人不由自主地就会有所猜想。 The suspicion turns over to the suspicion, after Yang Kai confirmed that Bing Long feels the surprise. 猜想归猜想,被杨开证实之后,冰珑还是感觉很诧异。 Luo Hai what kind of character? Takes a broad view at entire Star Territory, that is also being able to stand in line number, unexpectedly for Yang Kai, will arrive at Scarlet Billow Star from Green Hills Star, this really makes one care. 骆海何等人物?放眼整个星域,那也是排得上号的,居然会为了杨开,从翠微星来到赤澜星,这实在让人在意。 Why?” Bing Long closely examines again. “为什么?”冰珑再次追问。 Yang Kai shakes the head, stern saying: This younger generation was unanswerable, if the senior wants to know, might as well asks Luo Hai oneself.” 杨开摇了摇头,正色道:“这个晚辈无法回答,前辈若想知道的话,不妨去问问骆海本人。” In the Bing Long eye the color of surprise is stronger. 冰珑眼中诧异之色更浓。 Yang Kai said the Luo Hai given name unexpectedly! Does not have the respect. 杨开居然直呼骆海名讳!丝毫没有尊敬之意。 Must know the strength to Luo Hai this degree, no matter has the connection with him, shows the respect to the powerhouse, will add on the Sir or the senior two characters after its given name. 要知道实力到了骆海这种程度,不管与他有没有瓜葛,以示对强者的尊敬,都会在其名讳之后加上大人或者前辈二字。 This point general Void King Stage cannot be unconventional even, although Bing Long is Ice Heart Valley Valley Master, actually must respectfully a remote name Sir Luo Hai. 这一点就算是一般的虚王境都不能免俗,冰珑虽为冰心谷谷主,却还得恭敬地遥称一声骆海大人。 But Yang Kai actually turns a blind eye. 杨开却视若无睹。 Bing Long watches a person's every mood, with astonishment said: „Do you and Sir Luo Hai have a grudge?” 冰珑察言观色,惊愕道:“你与骆海大人有仇?” I was pursued Scarlet Billow Star by him from Green Hills Star, barely escape several times, the senior said that I have had a grudge with him?” Yang Kai sneers gently. “我被他从翠微星一路追到赤澜星,好几次险死还生,前辈说我跟他有没有仇?”杨开轻轻冷笑。 He has not planned to conceal this matter, because this matter cannot conceal. 他并没有打算隐瞒这事,因为这种事是隐瞒不住的。 Bing Long and Ran Yunting the body shakes simultaneously, is looking at Yang Kai inconceivable. 冰珑冉云婷同时身躯一震,不可思议地望着杨开 Long time, Bing Long look complex said/tunnel: Your luck is really good, unexpectedly can escape the surname life from Sir Luo Hai hand/subordinate!” 良久,冰珑才神色复杂地道:“你运气真不错,居然能从骆海大人手下逃过姓命!” She thinks that Yang Kai can be safe and sound, is completely the luck reason. If this is not the case, Void Return can 2-layer, how maintain a livelihood in the Void King 2-layer powerhouse hand/subordinate? 她以为杨开能够安然无恙,完全是运气的缘故。若非如此,一个返虚两层境,如何能在虚王两层境强者手下活命? You and Sir Luo Hai have what enmity, said carefully!” Ran Yunting opened the mouth suddenly, after this is she arrived here , the first opens the mouth, in the words actually passes the flavor that one type is not allowing to refute. “你与骆海大人有何仇怨,细细讲来!”冉云婷忽然开口了,这是她来到这里之后第一次开口,话语中却透着一种不容反驳的味道。 This lets a Yang Kai brow wrinkle, thought secretly I am not Ice Heart Valley **, this type told arrogantly the own tone is what's the matter? 这让杨开眉头一皱,暗暗心想我又不是冰心谷的**,这种盛气凌人吩咐自己的口吻算是怎么回事? However read and her is the Su Yan master, Yang Kai was not good to give her the complexion to look, was only fluent: This also please boy no comment.” 不过念及她是苏颜的师傅,杨开也不好给她脸色看,只能道:“这点还请恕小子无可奉告。” Boy, haven't you made the clear condition? Here is my Extinct Ice Island, you provoked Sir Luo Hai such powerhouse, the words that wants to maintain a livelihood, best obediently to work with us, otherwise you, even if there is huge skill is still difficult to escape this tribulation!” Ran Yunting sees Yang Kai is not so tactful, the complexion sank immediately. “小子,你是不是还没弄清楚状况?这里是我冰绝岛,你又招惹了骆海大人那样的强者,想要活命的话,最好乖乖跟我们合作,否则你就算是有天大的本事也难逃此劫!”冉云婷杨开如此不识趣,脸色顿时沉了下来。 Yang Kai is looking at her, is narrowing the eye, said lightly: Senior this threatens me?” 杨开望着她,眯着眼睛,淡淡道:“前辈这是威胁我?” Ran Yunting elegant face one cold, wanted to say anything again time, Bing Long actually hurried say/way: Great Elder not this intent, but this matter truly no small matter, this Palace Master pulls rank, shouted you Yang Kai, Yang Kai, you, although aptitude cultivation level was good, may offend Sir Luo Hai such powerhouse, only feared that in the future will be worrying.” 冉云婷俏脸一寒,正欲再说些什么的时候,冰珑却急忙道:“大长老并非此意,只不过此事确实非同小可,本宫托大,喊你一声杨开,杨开,你虽然资质修为不错,可得罪了骆海大人那样的强者,只怕未来堪忧。” I know.” Yang Kai nods not completely indifferently. “我知道。”杨开满不在乎地点头。 Since you know that this Palace Master were not many says. My Ice Heart Valley has Supreme Elder to assume personal command, is Void King Stage cultivation level, although is less than Sir Luo Hai , the method is good, and has also had several reasons with Sir Luo Hai, might as well you said the matter whole story, if Ok, this Palace Master will request Supreme Elder to act, spoke several words of praise for you, defused this crisis, how did you look?” “既然你知道,那本宫就不多说了。我冰心谷太上长老坐镇,也是虚王境修为,虽然不及骆海大人,却也手段不俗,而且与骆海大人也有过几面之缘,不妨你将事情原委细细道来,若是可以的话,本宫会请求太上长老出面,替你说几句好话,化解这次危机,你看如何?” A Bing Long sincere appearance, making the anger in Yang Kai heart reduce slightly, but shook the head saying: „The matter not exhausted seniors of boy, boy own will process.” 冰珑一副推心置腹的模样,让杨开心中的怒气稍减了一些,不过还是摇头道:“小子的事情就不劳烦前辈们了,小子自己会处理的。” You? What skill do you have to handle such tricky matter?” Ran Yunting as if dislikes specially Yang Kai, hears word ridicules smiles, boy, does not want to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, your anything does not want to say that coming my Ice Heart Valley to do really!” “你?你有什么本事能处理这么棘手的事情?”冉云婷似乎特别不待见杨开,闻言讥讽一笑,“小子,不要敬酒不吃吃罚酒,你什么都不想说,来我冰心谷作甚!” Isn't Ice Heart Valley has been looking for me?” The Yang Kai vision looks toward Ran Yunting. “不是冰心谷一直在找我嘛?”杨开目光朝冉云婷望去。 Saint Yuan that a Ran Yunting look anger, within the body rushes revolves long-drawn-out, the greatest power and influence drops from the clouds, covers toward Yang Kai, as if must to the appearance that he acts. 冉云婷神色一怒,体内澎湃的圣元悠地运转开,莫大的威势从天而降,朝杨开笼罩过去,似乎要对他出手的样子。 The Bing Long complexion changes, said hastily: Yang Kai you, since is not willing saying that this Palace Master and Great Elder did not force you, but your own thought clear, if you agreed that let momentarily ** pass on message in this Palace Master, this Palace Master will request Supreme Elder to act, helping you reduce and solve this matter.” 冰珑脸色微变,连忙道:“杨开你既然不愿意说,那本宫大长老就不勉强你了,不过你自己清楚,若是你同意的话,随时让**传讯于本宫,本宫会请求太上长老出面,帮你化解此事。” Senior good intention, the boy declined with thanks!” Yang Kai light say/way. “前辈好意,小子心领!”杨开淡淡道。 In view of this, you, and stays here safely, after later matter......, said.” Bing Long sighed, set out to say goodbye. “既如此,那你且在这里安心住下,以后的事……以后再说吧。”冰珑叹息一声,起身告辞。 Ran Yunting glares angrily at each other to Yang Kai, after cold snort, with, got to the entrance the time, suddenly turned around, the cold vision watched intently Yang Kai, dense say/way: Boy, do not think this Elder does not know what you hit is what idea, I urged good that you lose heart, she must fly the branch to change the phoenix eventually, was not your this kind of person can bribe, do not destroy her future!” 冉云婷杨开怒目相视,冷哼一声之后跟了出去,走到正门口的时候,忽然转身,冷冽的目光逼视杨开,森然道:“小子,你别以为本长老不知道你打的是什么主意,我劝你还是死了这条心的好,她终究要飞上枝头变凤凰,不是你这样的人可以染指的,你可别毁了她的前程!” After saying, Ran Yunting does not give the opportunity of Yang Kai rebuttal, turns around to depart. 说完之后,冉云婷也不给杨开反驳的机会,转身离去。 The Yang Kai look is faint, stood in place, gazes after her and Bing Long departs. 杨开神色淡漠,站在原地,目送她与冰珑离去。 However listens to the meaning in her words, she was really knows the relations of own and Su Yan, no wonder came up so to be virulent to own. 不过听她话中的意思,她果然是知道自己苏颜的关系了,怪不得一上来就对自己这么充满敌意。 Is protects the disciple to be the result cherished, took a deep breath, Yang Kai draws feel relieved the anger. 想必是护徒心切所致,深吸一口气,杨开息心中的愤怒。 To be honest, Su Yan can have such a for the master who she considers, pouring is also good, but this Ran Yunting attitude makes Yang Kai very uncomfortable. 说实话,苏颜能有这样一位为她考虑的师傅,倒也算是不错,只不过这个冉云婷的态度让杨开很不爽。 Junior Sister, today's your some are not right.” In returns to the road in island, Bing Long is looking at Ran Yunting looking pensive, what do you know? Why abhors the color about Yang Kai severe word like that did you know him before?” 师妹,今天的你有些不对劲。”返回内岛的路上,冰珑若有所思地望着冉云婷,“你是不是知道些什么?为何对杨开那般厉言疾色,你以前认识他?” Did not know!” Ran Yunting shakes the head, the hesitation moment, sighed suddenly: Senior Sister, be honest with you, before this Yang Kai and Su Yan, knew!” “不认识!”冉云婷摇头,沉吟片刻,忽然叹息道:“师姐,不瞒你说,这个杨开苏颜以前就认识!” How Oh? their will two people know?” Bing Long surprised. 哦?他们两人怎么会认识?”冰珑大为惊奇。 He did not say that he does come from Tong Xuan Continent? Su Yan also came from that place! They seemed like the relations of Senior Sister and Junior Brother before, and......” “他不是说他来自通玄大陆嘛?苏颜也来自那个地方!他们以前似乎是师姐弟的关系,而且……” A Bing Long black eyebrow wrinkle, realizes anything indistinctly, stunned said: „Before could it be that them,......” 冰珑黛眉一皱,隐约意识到什么,愕然道:“难道他们以前……” Good! In addition, Su Yan has not been white jade does not have the flaw!” “不错!不但如此,苏颜也早已不是白玉无瑕!” What?” This Bing Long look finally changed, the shock said: But...... but Su Yan is not ** Ice Jade Cultivation? How can not receive backlash?” “什么?”这一下冰珑的神色终于变了,震惊道:“可是……可是苏颜不是**了冰玉功?怎么会没有受到反噬?” backlash had come, Su Yan cultivation level drops, the state of mind starts to present the flaw, Bing Xin flees the capital!” Ran Yunting is clenching teeth saying that „, if I have not guessed that wrong, the boy comes Extinct Ice Island on own initiative, comes for Su Yan. Yesterday said that I also discovered their two people is exchanging anything at an unusual heart spiritual force quantity.” 反噬已经来了,苏颜修为有所下降,心境开始出现破绽,冰心蒙尘!”冉云婷咬着牙道,“若是我没猜错的话,那小子之所以主动来冰绝岛,也是为了苏颜而来的。昨曰我还发现他们两人以一种奇特的心灵力量在交流什么。” The Bing Long complexion fluctuates, muttered: Their can two people the attentive spiritual force quantity exchange, how could it not be this be heart consonance unexpectedly? Their relations are really evidently unusual. If so, that Su Yan future to be really waste?” 冰珑的脸色变幻不已,喃喃道:“他们两人竟能用心灵力量交流,这岂不就是心有灵犀?看样子他们的关系果然非同一般。若真如此的话,那苏颜的未来岂不是废了?” Has the means to reduce and solve!” In the Ran Yunting vision is passing a ruthless offense. “有办法化解!”冉云婷的目光中透着一股狠戾。 Sees her look, Bing Long also soon realizes anything, shakes the head saying: First cannot do that Sir Luo Hai comes for him, if he dies now, my Ice Heart Valley had no way to confess to Sir Luo Hai . Moreover, this method was unsafe, if Su Yan bore a grudge in you......” 看到她的神色,冰珑也很快意识到什么,摇头道:“先不能这么做,骆海大人是为他而来,若是他现在死了,那我冰心谷就没法向骆海大人交代了,而且,这个方法也不保险,万一苏颜记恨于你……” Bears a grudge are not related!” Ran Yunting laughed, in the smiling face is passing crazy, is open about the facts Senior Sister, my feared for a lifetime has not promoted the hope of Void King Stage, but Su Yan has this potential. I cannot achieve, I hope that she can achieve! So long as she can arrive that step, what relations bears a grudge me also to have? Will happen one day, she understands, I am good for her!” “记恨也没关系!”冉云婷呵呵一笑,笑容中透着一股疯狂,“不瞒师姐,我这一辈子怕是都没有晋升虚王境的希望了,但是苏颜却有这个潜质。我做不到的,我希望她能做到!只要她能走到那一步,记恨我又有什么关系?终有一天,她会明白,我是为了她好!” Junior Sister you......” Bing Long are looking at her, suddenly sighed, the look was low-spirited. 师妹你……”冰珑望着她,忽然叹息一声,神色黯然。 Ran Yunting said that own has not promoted the hope of Void King Stage, is she? In Void Return 3-layer Peak this boundary, had stayed the innumerable years, the innumerable impact bottlenecks, all end in failure, not to grasp Void King Stage mystery and mystery completely. 冉云婷自己没有晋升虚王境的希望,她又何尝不是?在返虚三层境顶峰这个境界上,已经停留了无数年,无数次冲击瓶颈,皆以失败告终,完全把握不到虚王境玄机和奥秘。 Just like Ran Yunting said, their will only halt beside the Void King Stage threshold for a lifetime probably, only if comes across the chance that anything goes against heaven's will, has such a possibility! 正如冉云婷所说,她们这一辈子大概都只会止步于虚王境的门槛之外,除非遇到什么逆天的机缘,才有那么一线可能! Bing Long understood that the Ran Yunting thoughts, felt words that really does this, is really improper, can only tell: This matter allows me to think carefully, first do not act rashly!” 冰珑理解冉云婷的心思,却也觉得真这样做的话,实在不妥,只能吩咐道:“这事容我仔细想想,你先不要轻举妄动!” I know.” “我知道。” Also proceeded a meeting, two people separated respectively. 又往前走了一会,两人各自分开。 Ran Yunting goes toward the Su Yan dwelling line directly, she needs to talk candidly one time to the own apprentice, asking her to know that the main road was eternal, the male and female love was just as transient as fleeting clouds, was not worth accepting as a memento. 冉云婷径直地朝苏颜的住处行去,她需要跟自己的徒弟开诚布公地谈一次,叫她知道大道才是永恒,男女情爱只不过是过眼云烟,根本不值得留念。 not much time, Ran Yunting then went to the place , she then sees one from afar ** outside the Su Yan icehouse, and guarded Su Yan two people to say anything, color of the face entreaty. 不多时,冉云婷便到了地方,远远地,她便看到有一个**正在苏颜的冰室外,正在与看守苏颜两人说着什么,一脸哀求之色。 Approaches to look, Ran Yunting discovered, this ** unexpectedly arrives at Ice Heart Valley Qing Ya with Su Yan together. 走近一看,冉云婷才发现,这个**居然是跟苏颜一起来到冰心谷青雅 Ran Yunting to this ** has the impression, after all in the past she Su Yan brought back to Ice Heart Valley the time, Qing Ya also with, but aptitude was inferior to Su Yan, therefore has lived in the outlying islet. 冉云婷对这个**还是有印象的,毕竟当年她将苏颜带回冰心谷的时候,青雅也跟了过来,只不过资质不如苏颜,所以一直居住在外岛。 Discovers Ran Yunting to come, Qing Ya and that two female stopped the voice of speech hastily, all faces that side, salutes respectfully: ** Has seen Great Elder!”( To be continued.) 发现冉云婷过来,青雅和那两个女子连忙停住了说话的声音,皆都面向那边,恭敬行礼:“**见过大长老!”(未完待续。)
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