MP :: Volume #17

#1640: Does not give must give

not much time, Wei Qing leads a youth to return again . 不多时,卫清带着一个青年再次返回。. This youth appearance is good, but the aquiline nose and obvious jet black eye socket actually destroyed overall sense of beauty, moreover aura is impractical, looked is that goods that wallows the wine and women outwardly strong but inwardly weak. 这青年卖相不错,只不过鹰钩鼻和显而易见的漆黑眼眶却破坏了整体美感,而且气息虚浮,一看便是那种沉迷酒色外强中干的货色。 Arrives here time, the youth whole body gets malaria, is pale, keeps swallowing the saliva, looked overflows to the Chi Huo look completely panic-stricken and dreads. 来到这里的时候,青年浑身打摆子,脸色苍白,不停地吞咽着口水,望向赤火的眼神中溢满了惊恐和畏惧。 Although he is Void Return Stage, probably a lacking the strength to truss up a chicken average person is the same, hides in Wei Qing behind, seeks harbour, does not dare to face directly the Chi Huo dignity. 他虽然已是返虚镜,却像是一个手无缚鸡之力的普通人一样,躲在卫清身后,寻求庇护,根本不敢直面赤火的威严。 Chi Huo looked at one toward him, cold snort, despises the look that and disdains to be obvious. 赤火朝他望了一眼,冷哼一声,鄙夷和不屑的神色显而易见。 Supreme Elder, I acted as lookout bring.” Wei Qing roughly said. 太上长老,我把风儿带来了。”卫清涩声道 Ok, you drew back.” Chi Huo beckons with the hand to Wei Qing. “好了,你退下吧。”赤火卫清摆摆手。 Wei Qing opens mouth, seeming like wants to say anything, but has not said finally, but sighed, then looked at a own son, shook the head slowly, left rapidly. 卫清张了张嘴,似乎是想说什么,可最终还是没说出口,只是叹了口气,回头望了一眼自己的儿子,缓缓摇头,急速离开。 Wei Feng is scared immediately, is looking at the own father's back eagerly, bringing the weeping voice to shout: Father......” 卫风顿时仓皇失措,眼巴巴地望着自己父亲的背影,带着哭腔喊道:“爹……” Shut up!” Chi Huo drinks lowly. “闭嘴!”赤火低喝。 Wei Feng quickly grasps the meaning of something, had almost not been frightened one to squat to sit on the ground, turns head to look panic-stricken toward Chi Huo, the complexion was paler. 卫风一个激灵,差点没被吓得一个屁蹲坐在地上,惊恐地扭头朝赤火望去,脸色更加苍白了。 He does not know why completely Supreme Elder must summon own, he is not common in the Brilliant Fire Sect position, can depend the own father's power and influence and right acts in a self-serving manner, is Supreme Elder here, he actually the fart is not. 他完全不知道太上长老为什么要召见自己,他在火耀宗身份地位不一般,能够仗着自己父亲的威势和权利为所欲为,可是在太上长老这里,他却连屁都不是。 If Supreme Elder wants to kill own, did not prevent the fathers. 太上长老若是想杀自己的话,连父亲都阻止不了。 Ancestor long... long... Elder, ** these said that the child...... has closed door in Sect **, has not violated... makes mistakes, but also invited Supreme Elder bright view, do not kill... kills me!” Wei Feng sheds bitter tears suddenly, passed one to kneel on the ground, the stutter shouted, shouted that while kowtowed vigorously, the pèng pèng sound that the head and ground hit. 太上长…长…长老,**这些曰子一直……一直在宗门内闭门**,并没有犯…犯错,还请太上长老明鉴,不要杀…杀我啊!”卫风忽然痛哭流涕,噗通一声跪在地上,结结巴巴地嚷了起来,一边喊一边大力磕头,直将脑袋与地面撞的碰碰响。 Color of despising and dislike in Chi Huo eye is stronger. 赤火眼中的鄙夷和厌恶之色越浓。 Nearby Luo Hai shakes the head slowly, knits the brows: Wei Qing but is actually the Brilliant Fire Sect future pillar/backbone, but his son how this welldoing?” 一旁的骆海缓缓摇头,皱眉道:“卫清倒算是火耀宗未来的支柱,可他的儿子怎么这幅德行?” Loving mother defeat!” Chi Huo cold snort, the angry glare looks toward Wei Feng, shouted severely: Stands to Old Man!” “慈母多败儿!”赤火冷哼,怒目朝卫风望去,厉喝道:“给老夫站起来!” Wei Feng calls out in alarm one, does not dare to neglect, crawls hastily, but still rickets waist, cannot control flowing of tears, while squeezes a flattering smiling face, is looking at Chi Huo eagerly, crying to be uglier. 卫风惊叫一声,不敢怠慢,连忙爬起,可依然佝偻着腰身,一边控制不住眼泪的流淌,一边挤出一丝讨好的笑容,眼巴巴地望着赤火,比哭还要难看。 Back straightened up, good-for-nothing thing!” Chi Huo a lot of annoyed, walk up with stride, flung two palms of the hand to the cheeks of Wei Feng. “腰杆挺直了,不成器的玩意!”赤火一肚子恼火,大步走上前去,冲着卫风的脸颊就甩了两巴掌。 The pā pā two resounding, Wei Feng felt that the face of own was hit not to have, a numbness. 啪啪两声脆响,卫风直感觉自己的脸都被打没了,一片麻木。 Chi Huo is the Void King Stage powerhouse, without using any strength, is only at will two palms of the hand, still makes Wei Feng meet a cruel death sufficiently, is good also has the use because of Wei Feng to Chi Huo, was naturally impossible here a homicide. 赤火虚王境强者,即便没有动用任何力量,只是随意地两巴掌,也足以让卫风粉身碎骨,好在卫风赤火还有用处,自然不可能在这里把他杀了。 Raised the chicken to pinch the neck of Wei Feng to raise him generally, Chi Huo coldly said: Boy, your luck came, you do not have a liking for a Ice Heart Valley female **? Old Man this leads you to go to the Extinct Ice Island important person!” 提小鸡一般捏着卫风的脖子将他提了起来,赤火冷声道:“小子,你运气来了,你不是看上一个冰心谷的女**么?老夫这就带你去冰绝岛要人!” „?” Wei Feng one dull, is looking at Chi Huo at a loss, as if didn't expect Supreme Elder called own to come, unexpectedly for this matter. “啊?”卫风一呆,茫然地望着赤火,似乎没想到太上长老自己过来,居然是为这事。 After staring one next, Wei Feng is overjoyed, urgently said: „Was Supreme Elder says really?” 愣了一下之后,卫风大喜过望,急切道:“太上长老是说真的?” Su Yan that such as the ice sculpture Yu Zhuo fine face has delimited in him suddenly at present, lets a Wei Feng dryness and heat. 苏颜那如冰雕玉琢的精致脸庞忽然在他眼前划过,让卫风一身燥热。 „Will Supreme Elder joke with you?” Chi Huo hey hey is grinning fiendishly. 太上长老会跟你开玩笑嘛?”赤火嘿嘿狞笑着。 But...... but Ice Heart Valley, if doesn't give?” Wei Feng asked. “可是……可是冰心谷要是不给呢?”卫风问道。 Does not give is not good, how you said that is also the child of my Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master, the position is out of the ordinary, has a liking for their Ice Heart Valley female **, that is their good fortunes, does not give must give!” “不给可不行,你怎么说也是我火耀宗宗主之子,身份地位非比寻常,看上她们冰心谷一个女**,那是她们的福气,不给也得给!” That is that is......” in the Wei Feng heart excited and excited the fear to Chi Huo will cover thoroughly, nods constantly, in the heart starts to fantasize that takes the later happy scene Su Yan, a face stupid appearance, Hehe laughs foolishly. “那是那是……”卫风心中的兴奋和激动彻底将对赤火的恐惧掩盖,不迭地点头,心中开始幻想将苏颜弄到手之后的美好场景,一脸痴呆的模样,呵呵傻笑。 Luo Hai is looking at the same time lightly, shakes the head slowly. 骆海在一边淡淡地望着,缓缓摇头。 He naturally knows that Chi Huo achieves the bottom because of anything, nothing but suppresses Ice Heart Valley taking advantage of this, making Ice Heart Valley admit defeat. 他自然知道赤火这么做到底是因为什么,无非就是借此来打压冰心谷,让冰心谷服软。 Chi Huo also has with the aid of the meaning of own strength, therefore he will say that before must bully the weak by relying on powerful connections. 赤火也有借助自己力量的意思,所以他之前才会说要狐假虎威。 But Luo Hai does not care, the battle on Scarlet Billow Star are not related with him, his these comes for Yang Kai, Chi Huo, since must pull the own fierce appearance to make the flag, that then made him complete. 骆海并不在意,赤澜星上的争斗跟他没有关系,他这一趟过来只是为了杨开,赤火既然要扯着自己的虎皮做大旗,那便让他做好了。 own eats the meat, cannot prevent Chi Huo to follow to eat the soup, so long as Chi Huo did not investigate that own looks for the Yang Kai's real reason on the line. 自己吃肉,总不能阻止赤火跟着喝汤,只要赤火不去追究自己寻找杨开的真正原因就行。 „The Luo Hai brother, walks!” Chi Huo is raising Wei Feng, said to Luo Hai greeting. 骆海兄,走吧!”赤火一手提着卫风,冲骆海招呼道。 Luo Hai nods, two people changes to together flowing light immediately, vanishes in place, directly soars Extinct Ice Island ten million/countless miles away to go. 骆海点头,两人当即化作一道流光,消失在原地,直奔千万冰绝岛而去。 Extinct Ice Island, outlying islet. 冰绝岛,外岛处。 Yang Kai sits in meditation the rest in the garret, how thinks to be able unable to meet with hardship with Su Yan. 杨开在阁楼里打坐休息,苦苦思索该如何才能与苏颜见上一面。 In own is impossible to visit the island, wants to meet with the beautiful woman, only then Su Yan leaves to come to the outlying islet. 自己是不可能踏足内岛的,想要与佳人相见,只有苏颜动身来外岛。 But Yang Kai actually discovered that Su Yan do not see the meaning of own, her aura has stayed one of island. 可是杨开却发现苏颜并没有要来见自己的意思,她的气息一直停留在内岛的某一处。 She is ** to the critical moment, didn't facilitate the action? Yang Kai is puzzling, if not for ** to the critical moment, Su Yan will also come to see own in any event. 她是**到了紧要关头,不方便行动嘛?杨开百思不得其解,若不是**到紧要关头的话,无论如何苏颜也会来看自己的。 Yang Kai cannot think, Su Yan is not ** to critical moment, but by Ran Yunting putting under house arrest. 杨开也想不到,苏颜并不是**到了紧要关头,而是被冉云婷给软禁了。 However since had arrived at Extinct Ice Island, moreover knows that place of Su Yan in being away from own several hundred li (0.5 km) away, Yang Kai is not on the contrary anxious. 不过既然已经到了冰绝岛,而且就知道苏颜在距离自己几百里之外的地方,杨开反倒不急了。 Always has the moment of gathering. 总有相聚的一刻。 After experiencing the previous mind exchanges the disturbed matter, Yang Kai does not dare to communicate with the Su Yan mind again rashly. How own said that is also a guest, in Su Yan places the island, the words of offensive action, only feared that wants the gain does not equal the loss. 在经历上一次心灵交流被干扰的事情之后,杨开也不敢再贸然与苏颜心灵沟通了。自己怎么说也是个客人,苏颜又身处内岛,唐突行动的话,只怕要得不偿失。 Therefore he waits for patiently, waits for the right opportunity. 所以他耐心等待,等待合适的机会。 Second said, Yang Kai is sitting in meditation, suddenly opens the double pupil, in the eye a wisp of none flashes through, bright sound said: Does not know that which senior your honorable self visits, the boy has to lose welcomes.” 第二曰,杨开正在打坐,忽然睁开双眸,眼中一缕精光闪过,朗声道:“不知哪位前辈大驾光临,小子有失远迎。” Out of the door transmits the soft the sound: this Palace Master Ice Heart Valley Valley Master.” 门外传来绵柔的声音:“本宫冰心谷谷主。” In the Yang Kai eye flashes through a surprise, although he knows that recently several days definitely will have Ice Heart Valley high-level to see own, the person who actually didn't expect comes unexpectedly is Ice Heart Valley Valley Master! 杨开眼中闪过一丝诧异,他虽然知道最近几曰肯定会有冰心谷高层来见自己,却没想到来的人居然是冰心谷谷主 Ice Heart Valley Bing Long, Yang Kai also listens to Qing Ya to raise, is first Expert under Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder Luo Li , to promote existence of Void King Stage hopefully. 冰心谷冰珑,杨开也听青雅提起过,是冰心谷太上长老洛黎之下的第一高手,最有希望晋升虚王境的存在。 Does Ice Heart Valley take seriously own? 冰心谷这么重视自己 Waves, opens the main entrance, the Yang Kai look is solemn and respectful, sets out to welcome. 挥一挥手,打开正门,杨开神色肃穆,起身相迎。 Out of the door walks two female, is the middle-aged beautiful woman rank, walks is temperate in the front smiling face, the appearance is solemn, every action and every movement have everyone style all. 门外走进来两个女子,都是中年美妇级别的,走在前头的笑容温和,模样端庄,一举一动无不具有大家风范。 But follows in behind is actually the look ice-cold, is in sight to the Yang Kai first time, has an inexplicable hostility. 而跟在后头的却是神色冰冷,在望向杨开第一眼的时候,就带有一种莫名的敌意。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, does not know why this female has the prejudice to own. 杨开眉头一皱,不知道这女子为什么对自己有成见。 Bing Long goes forward leisurely, stops in the Yang Kai body first three zhang (3.33 m) place, high and low sized up, said temperately: „Are you that Yang Kai?” 冰珑款款上前,在杨开身前三丈处停下,上下打量了一番,温和道:“你就是那个杨开?” Boy Yang Kai, has seen the Bing Long senior!” Yang Kai held holding the fist in the other hand. “小子杨开,见过冰珑前辈!”杨开抱了抱拳。 Bing Long nods gently: Really in the person the dragon, aura is deep and quiet, no wonder can kill Jiang Xi and Yan Chilei, on the next best matter, this Palace Master many thanks you upheld justice to act for Yu Junior Sister.” 冰珑轻轻颔首:“果然人中之龙,气息幽邃,怪不得能杀得了姜晞严赤雷,上次之事,本宫替俞师妹多谢你仗义出手了。” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: I am also only the self-preservation, Valley Master is polite.” 杨开摇头道:“我也只是自保而已,谷主客气。” After saying, the doubt is looking at Bing Long behind that beautiful woman, opens the mouth saying: This is......” 说完之后,狐疑地望着冰珑身后的那美妇,开口道:“这位是……” This is my Ice Heart Valley Great Elder!” Bing Long introduced. “这是我冰心谷大长老!”冰珑介绍道。 The Yang Kai brow raises, this follows clearly in the Bing Long behind beautiful woman, unexpectedly is the Su Yan master! 杨开眉头一扬,这才明白跟在冰珑身后的美妇,居然就是苏颜的师傅! But from her aura, yesterday Tian Gan harassed own and Su Yan mind exchange, is she! 而从她的气息来看,昨天干自己苏颜心灵交流的,就是她! But...... she to the prejudice and hostility of own seems deep, what could it be that did she know? Yang Kai knits the brows secretly. 只不过……她对自己的成见和敌意似乎很深啊,难道她知道了什么?杨开暗暗皱眉。 In the heart is thinking, Yang Kai again holds the fist saying: Originally is Great Elder, the boy loses the respect!” 心中这么想着,杨开再次抱拳道:“原来是大长老,小子失敬!” Ran Yunting cold snort, do not respond the Yang Kai's meaning. 冉云婷冷哼一声,并没有要搭理杨开的意思。 In the Bing Long eye flashes through an astonishment, does not know that Great Elder this is must make anything, mediates to say hastily: I and Great Elder am unsolicited, but also asked the little brother should not be offended.” 冰珑眼中闪过一丝惊愕,不知道大长老这是要做什么,连忙打圆场道:“我与大长老不请自来,还请小兄弟不要见怪。” Valley Master chatted, here is Extinct Ice Island, the boy is a guest, cannot visit the regards on own initiative, originally is a boy is not.” 谷主说笑了,这里是冰绝岛,小子不过是个客人,未能主动拜望问候,本是小子的不是。” In the Bing Long eye flashes through to commend the meaning, she discovered that Yang Kai not only cultivation level is good, the attitude is also very humble, this and eminent different of many younger generation, these so-called youth people of extraordinary ability mostly have keen eyesight in withstand/top, the conduct is insolent, has one's wish, looks forward to carve the talent two characters on the forehead of own, muddy not respecting the elderly and take good care of the young moral excellence. 冰珑眼中闪过一丝赞许之意,她发现杨开不但修为不错,态度也很谦逊,这与许多年轻一代的翘楚都不一样,那些所谓的青年俊彦大多都眼高于顶,行事张狂,随心所欲,巴不得把天才二字刻在自己的脑门上,浑没有一点尊老爱幼的美德。 Bing Long to the Yang Kai's first impression is good. 冰珑杨开的第一印象还是不错的。 Invited Bing Long and Ran Yunting takes a seat, has the Ice Heart Valley female ** offered the tea. 冰珑冉云婷落座,自有冰心谷的女**奉上茶水。 Yang Kai does not know that their this time comes for anything, is not good to open the mouth rashly, can only drinks tea, while sits alone in boredom. 杨开不知道她们这一次来是为了什么,也不好贸然开口,只能一边喝茶,一边枯坐。 But Ran Yunting after taking a seat then has fixed the eyes on Yang Kai not to put, as if must see through his heart and liver spleen lung kidney, the vision is swift and fierce. 冉云婷自落座之后便一直紧盯着杨开不放,似乎要看穿他的心肝脾肺肾,目光凌厉至极。 Was good is with good intention because of Bing Long, speaks thoughtlessly to ask Yang Kai several immaterial issues, this made the atmosphere moderate. 好在冰珑善解人意,随口问了杨开几个无关紧要的问题,这才让气氛变得缓和许多。 A time of tea passes by, Bing Long said suddenly: „Isn't Little Junior Brother Yang Scarlet Billow Star martial artist?” 一盏茶的功夫过去,冰珑忽然道:“杨小兄弟不是赤澜星武者吧?” Yang Kai knew in the heart that this was must inquire the information about own, pours the meaning without concealed, the nod said: Good, I do not come Scarlet Billow Star.” 杨开心知她这是要打探关于自己的情报了,倒也没有隐瞒的意思,点头道:“不错,我并非出身赤澜星。” Where that does Little Junior Brother Yang come from?” “那杨小兄弟来自哪里?” My native land is Tong Xuan Continent!” “我的故土是通玄大陆!” Tong Xuan Continent?” A Bing Long black eyebrow wrinkle, has not heard obviously. 通玄大陆?”冰珑黛眉一皱,显然没听说过。 Is the Ran Yunting phoenix pupil narrows the eyes on the contrary, in the eye seam hidden has none to flash through. 反倒是冉云婷凤眸一眯,眼缝内隐有精光闪过。 Bing Long has not listened to Tong Xuan Continent, but she has actually listened. 冰珑没听过通玄大陆,可她却听过。 Su Yan came from Tong Xuan Continent! 苏颜就来自通玄大陆 This boy really went bad Su Yan to be pure, blocks the bastard who she aspired to seize the Martial Dao peak! 这小子果然就是坏了苏颜清白,阻她问鼎武道巅峰的混蛋! Wisp of light murderous intention dissipates, although is extremely slight, but Bing Long actually felt, the doubt sized up Ran Yunting one, discovered that Yang Kai as if not detected, has not exposed, shows a faint smile saying: Was this Palace Master was evidently friendless and unlearned, this mainland this Palace Master has not actually heard.” 一缕淡淡的杀机逸散出来,虽然极其轻微,可冰珑却感受到了,狐疑地打量了冉云婷一眼,发现杨开似乎毫无察觉,并没有点破,微微一笑道:“看样子是本宫孤陋寡闻了,这个大陆本宫却是未曾听说过的。” Is open about the facts the senior, my native land is very barren, in boundless Star Territory is not anything, has not listened to be normal.”( To be continued.) “不瞒前辈,我的故土很贫瘠,在茫茫星域之中不算什么,没听过是正常的。”(未完待续。)
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