MP :: Volume #17

#1639: Chi Huo

This, this Palace Master finds the opportunity to chat with him, at least must know that Sir Luo Hai is Scarlet Billow Star that because he comes, because of why matter, if all have nothing to do with him, we think of a way to gather him is not late again, if Sir Luo Hai is really comes...... Bing Long to sigh gently one because of him, when the time comes also can only hand over him, received in exchange for my Ice Heart Valley local peace.” “这样吧,本宫找机会跟他谈谈,最起码也要知道骆海大人是不是因为他来的赤澜星,到底又因为什么事,若一切与他无关,我们再想法子招揽他也不迟,若骆海大人真是因为他而来……”冰珑轻轻叹息一声,“到时候也只能把他交出去,换取我冰心谷一方平安了。” Valley Master is wise!” Audience Elder simultaneous acknowledged, is unobjectionable to this decision. 谷主英明!”众长老齐齐应诺,对这个决策并无异议。 Yang Kai's aptitude and potential are truly splendid, can jump over the ranks to fight, be very likely the promotion to the Void King Stage degree in the future. 杨开的资质和潜力确实出色,能够越阶作战,未来极有可能晋升到虚王境的程度。 But that after all is only in the future, present he, but is Void Return 2-layer. 但那毕竟只是未来,如今的他,不过是个返虚两层境罢了。 To dreading of Void King 2-layer Star Master rank powerhouse, with the happy actually Nihility indistinct future, which is the lighter and which is the heavier, clear that the people naturally can divide. 对一位虚王两层境星主级别强者的忌惮,跟美好却虚无缥缈的未来,孰轻孰重,众人自然能分的清楚 When Valley Master sees him, this Elder can also he!” Outside Ice Palace broadcasts the Ran Yunting sound suddenly. 谷主何时去见他,本长老也会会他!”冰宫外忽然传来冉云婷的声音。 The people turn head to look, was seeing that Great Elder Ran Yunting takes a step. 众人扭头望去,正见到大长老冉云婷迈步而来。 Oh? is Great Elder also interested in him?” Some Bing Long accidental/surprised. 哦?大长老对他也感兴趣?”冰珑有些意外 Although the Ran Yunting strength is inferior to her, but among two people also differs limitedly, since more than 30 years ago after she Su Yan brings back to Extinct Ice Island, then with concentration in training this entering the inner rooms **, is not interested in other person and the matter. 冉云婷的实力虽然不如她,但两人之间也相差有限,而自从三十多年前她将苏颜带回冰绝岛之后,便一直潜心于培养这个入室**,对其他人和事并不感兴趣。 Now unexpectedly must see Yang Kai on own initiative, naturally makes Bing Long feel the surprise. 如今居然要主动去见杨开,自然让冰珑感到诧异。 Is interested, the so outstanding talent, this Elder is naturally interested very much!” Ran Yunting is smiling gently. “感兴趣,如此出色的人才,本长老自然很感兴趣!”冉云婷轻轻地笑着。 Why does not know, the people actually feel a biting cold ice to be cold, look at each other in blank dismay, is bewildered. 不知道为什么,众人却感受到一股彻骨的冰寒,面面相觑一番,都一脸茫然。 Meanwhile, from Extinct Ice Island ten million/countless miles away somewhere, with Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters that Ice Heart Valley shares the honor. 与此同时,距离冰绝岛千万某处,与冰心谷齐名的火耀宗总舵 Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters falls because of Scarlet Billow Star is best ** place, in Headquarters beautiful scenery, outstanding people and magical soil, excellent surroundings, spiritual energy abundant, ** here **, the speed is quick. 火耀宗总舵落入在赤澜星最好的**之地,总舵内山清水秀,人杰地灵,环境优美,灵气盎然,**们在这里**,速度很快。 The Scarlet Billow Star two big influences, are always on a par, but the year, Brilliant Fire Sect can actually get some winning sides in the battle with Ice Heart Valley recently, reasons for this include, because passed on a message Ice Heart Valley Supreme Elder to exercise martial arts to make a mistake, experienced personally the wound reason. 赤澜星两大势力,向来不分伯仲,但是最近一些年,火耀宗在与冰心谷的争斗中却能占据一些上风,究其原因,还是因为传言冰心谷太上长老练功出错,身受创伤的缘故。 The character of Supreme Elder rank, naturally is the Void King Stage powerhouse, battle that although she will not meddle the juniors, but the this kind of news can actually affect the Ice Heart Valley morale. 太上长老级别的人物,自然是虚王境强者,她虽然不会去插手小辈们的争斗,可这样的消息却能影响冰心谷的士气。 Brilliant Fire Sect also fought steadily for these years, meaning of faint pressure system Ice Heart Valley. 火耀宗这几年也稳扎稳打,隐隐有压制冰心谷的意思。 In the Brilliant Fire Sect Headquarters south, in piece of bamboo forest, there are several thatched huts. 火耀宗总舵的南方,一片竹林之中,有几间茅舍。 These thatched hut constructions and crude, is seemingly common, the back goes around a mountain, the surface toward the lake, location/position is actually good, thatched hut peripheral, spreads the Earth Fire red bamboo. 这几间茅舍建造的及其简陋,看上去毫不起眼,背后环山,面朝湖泊,位置却是不错,茅舍周边,遍地火红色的竹子。 At this moment, is having two people to sit cross-legged to sit on the stone block of thatched hut front, the middle stone table suspends the checkerboard, black and white two child slaughter to keep. 此刻,正有两人盘膝坐在茅舍前方的石墩上,中间石桌摆有棋盘,黑白两子厮杀不停。 What near left hand is hair beard all for the fiery red color old man, his age looks very big, but the skin color is mild, is ordinary just like the newborn, has greatest imposing manner to fill the air. 左手边的是一个头发胡须皆为火红之色老者,他的年纪看起来很大,但肤色温润,宛若新生儿一般,举手投足间都有莫大的气势弥漫。 His opposite, is a bunch gold crown, middle-aged man who wears gold/metal robe. 他的对面,则是一位头束金冠,身穿金袍的中年男子。 two people 30 ten feets away, a makings elegant man stands there silently, motionless, just like a statue, only has is in sight to two people the time, in the surface reveals a yearning color once for a while. 两人30丈外,还有一个气质文雅的男子默默地站在那里,一动不动,宛若一座雕像,唯有在望向两人的时候,面上时不时地流露出一丝向往之色。 The red hair old man and gold crown man are still slaughtering, on the checkerboard of that special characteristics as if transmits gold/metal to interlock, the sound of going full steam ahead, shocks the mind. 红发老者和金冠男子依然在厮杀,那特质的棋盘上似乎传来金戈交错,万马奔腾的动静,震撼心灵。 Speed wonderful quick that the red hair old man plays chess, how usually does not need to ponder, location/position of board game piece then has words at fingertips and writes with facility, is that gold crown man actually often must knit the brows to rack one's brains on the contrary, drops one prudently. 红发老者下棋的速度奇快,往往不需要怎么思考,棋子的位置便信手拈来,反倒是那金冠男子却时常要皱眉苦思,慎重至极地落下一子。 On the checkerboard, black and white two aura are even more conspicuous, is the black mole of red hair old man to be in the upper hand greatly, assumes the potential of encirclement toward the white converging attack. 棋盘上,黑白两道气息愈发显眼,属于红发老者的黑子大占上风,呈合围之势朝白子夹击。 time passes, time that the gold crown man ponders is getting more and more long, the complexion is also getting more and more prudent. 时间流逝,金冠男子思考的时间越来越长,脸色也越来越慎重。 But the red hair old man did not urge, in waiting, but close eyes sits in meditation. 而红发老者也不催促,在等待间,只是闭目打坐。 Some moment, the gold crown man surface shows the strange smile suddenly, puts out a hand to drop a white, white predicament just like getting a new lease on life, being easily solved, on the contrary is originally the imposing manner agitated black mole, suddenly fell leeward. 某一刻,金冠男子忽然面露出诡异的微笑,伸手落下一枚白子,白子的困局宛若枯木逢春,迎刃而解,反倒是原本气势汹汹的黑子,忽然落入了下风。 The eyeball of red hair old man stared in a big way, a face astonished color. 红发老者的眼珠子瞪大了,一脸惊愕之色。 Thought for a long time, to shake the head slowly, the forced smile said: „The Luo Hai brother's chess skill really enhanced much, Old Man is not an opponent.” 想了许久,才缓缓摇头,苦笑道:“骆海兄的棋艺果然提高了不少,老夫不是对手。” The gold crown man shows a faint smile: Chi Huo, is not my chess skill surpasses you, but was you were too irritable, your intention and movement wrote on the checkerboard, this King only needed to attack the problem one manifestation at a time can.” 金冠男子微微一笑:“赤火,不是我棋艺超过你,而是你太急躁了,你的意图和动作都写在棋盘上,本座只需要见招拆招便可。” Like this goes straight there and comes straight back is interesting.” The red hair old man assumes an air of self approbation, life is short, where comes that oversensitive ideological this to think that em, this war was I loses.” “这样直来直去的才有意思嘛。”红发老者摇头晃脑,“人生苦短,哪来那么多心思想这想那的,恩,这一战是我输了。” Receiving lets!” “承让!” The red hair old man turns head to look toward not far away, put out a hand to incur. 红发老者扭头朝不远处望去,伸手招了招。 That standing scholarly man 30 ten feets away has then taken a step to go forward, arrives at the two people front, salutes respectfully: Wei Qing has seen Supreme Elder, has seen the Luo Hai senior!” 那一直站在30丈外的儒雅男子这才迈步上前,走到两人前方,恭敬行礼:“卫清见过太上长老,见过骆海前辈!” Luo Hai nodded the head slightly, puts out a hand empty to hold. 骆海微微颔首,伸手虚扶了一下。 The scholarly man is Brilliant Fire Sect Sect Master Wei Qing, the position is not low, although Luo Hai is Green Hills Star Star Master, pours cannot pull rank, let alone, he and being on very good terms of Brilliant Fire Sect Supreme Elder Chi Huo, Wei Qing is his younger generation. 儒雅男子是火耀宗宗主卫清,身份地位不低,骆海虽然是翠微星星主,倒也不能托大,更何况,他与火耀宗太上长老赤火的交情不错,卫清算是他的晚辈。 Why comes to here is the matter?” Chi Huo raises the head looks to Wei Qing. “来这里是为什么事?”赤火抬头望向卫清 Wei Qing respectful sound said: Returns to Supreme Elder, the Luo Hai senior confessed the matter that perhaps, began to materialize.” 卫清恭声道:“回太上长老,骆海前辈交代下来的事情,或许有眉目了。” In the Luo Hai eye none flashes, hates quick hiding. 骆海眼中精光一闪,又恨快隐蔽。 Chi Huo said lightly: Said!” 赤火淡淡道:“讲来!” First said the child, some scouts saw that Ice Heart Valley Thirteenth Elder Yu Xueqing leads a young men through Space Law Formation, entered Extinct Ice Island, although the Ice Heart Valley that side protection was stern, the scout has not seen clearly the appearance of that young men, but wants to come to be the Luo Hai senior must look for the person.” “前些曰子,有探子见到冰心谷十三长老俞雪晴带着一个青年男子通过空间法阵,进了冰绝岛,虽然冰心谷那边防备森严,探子并没有看清那青年男子的面貌,但想来应该就是骆海前辈要寻找之人。” After saying, Wei Qing stands in the one side respectfully, no longer makes noise. 说完之后,卫清恭敬地站在一旁,不再出声。 He in Scarlet Billow Star, although under a person, ten thousand people of above, may actually does not dare to have in front of Luo Hai and Chi Huo slightly hurriedly, extreme cleverness of performance. 他在赤澜星虽然一人之下,万人之上,可在骆海赤火面前却不敢有丝毫造次,表现的极为乖巧。 „Does the Luo Hai brother, you feel?” Chi Huo looks to Luo Hai. 骆海兄,你觉得呢?”赤火看向骆海 Extinct Ice Island is Ice Heart Valley Headquarters, since ten thousand years have not had the man to visit, their this time puts a man, explained that they attach great importance to this man very much, pour that person that may also be me probably find, Hehe, they want to use that boy to work evidently.” 冰绝岛冰心谷总舵,万年以来都没有男子踏足,她们这一次将一个男子放进去,说明她们对这男子很重视,倒也有可能是我要找的那人,呵呵,看样子她们是想利用那小子做点事情啊。” Em. They nothing but want you to show good will to the Luo Hai brother, wants to make you work as a peacemaker probably, defuses their present crises.” Chi Huo life thick crazy, the thoughts are quite agile. “恩。她们无非就是想向骆海兄你示好罢了,大概是想让你当个和事老,化解她们眼下的危机。”赤火人生的粗狂,心思却极为敏捷。 Luo Hai smiles not to speak. 骆海笑而不语。 Right Luo Hai brother, to this time, you can tell Old Man, what do you ask that boy to make? What worth does he have to let the place that your this kind of character pays attention to?” The Chi Huo doubts inquiry, this issue he thinks in the heart was very long, could not get the answer. “对了骆海兄,都到了这个时候了,你能不能告诉老夫,你到底找那小子做什么?他有什么值得让你这样的人物注意的地方?”赤火疑惑地询问,这个问题他在心中想了很久了,却一直得不到答案。 Can Luo Hai this kind of to care, nothing but breaks through the Void King 3-layer mystery, or is Void King Grade high-rank Secret Treasure! In addition, world does not have the otherness to let glancing that Luo Hai looks at again. 能让骆海这样的人在意的,无非就是突破虚王三层境的奥秘,或者是虚王级上品秘宝!除此之外,世间再无他物能让骆海看的上眼。 The this kind of thing, his Luo Hai cares, Chi Huo also cares. 这样的东西,他骆海在意,赤火也在意的很。 May make a veiled attack each time, Luo Hai directly did not reply, making Chi Huo have no alternative. 可每次旁敲侧击,骆海都不正面回答,让赤火无可奈何。 this King has not told you, the boy by Void Return 2-layer cultivation level, has rushed to Blood Prison Smelting Trial, aptitude is good, this King happen to does not have the legacy successor, wants to receive him to be an apprentice, inherited the this King Datong!” Luo Hai smiles ** replied. 本座不是告诉过你么,那小子以返虚两层境修为,闯过血狱试炼,资质不俗,本座正好没有衣钵传人,想收他当个徒弟,继承本座大统!”骆海笑**地答道。 So that's how it is! The good fortune of this actually that boy.” Laughs nakedly the nod, in the heart does not spare a glance, will obviously not accept as true. “原来如此!这倒是那小子的福气了。”赤露大笑点头,心中不屑一顾,显然不会信以为真。 Luo Hai now is Void King 2-layer, there is Star Source, said, is very likely the breakthrough to the 3-layer degree, how must accept the disciple anxiously, hands down legacy? 骆海如今是虚王两层境,又有星辰本源,曰后极有可能突破到三层境的程度,怎会急切地要收徒,传下衣钵 Also, even if must accept the disciple, is impossible so to drag in lots of people, if a Void King 2-layer powerhouse accepts the disciple, will have the innumerable talents to respond surely, acknowledges as teacher, where has Luo Hai to pursue others like this, can accept the disciple forcefully? 再说了,就算要收徒,也不可能如此兴师动众,一位虚王两层境强者若是收徒的话,必定会有无数天才响应,争相拜师,哪有骆海这样追着人家,要强行收徒的? The talent how aptitude goes against heaven's will again is impossible to make Luo Hai achieve this degree! 再怎么资质逆天的天才也不可能让骆海做到这种程度! And has what trick surely. 其中必定有什么猫腻。 Since Ice Heart Valley had found that boy, that this King went to one to be good.” Luo Hai is saying, sets out slowly. “既然冰心谷已经找到那小子了,那本座就去一趟好了。”骆海说着,缓缓起身。 Old Man goes together!” Chi Huo laughed. 老夫同去!”赤火嘿嘿一笑 Luo Hai looked at his one eyes looking pensive, the nod said: Also good, the Ice Heart Valley Ice Extinction Formation might is good, has the Chi Huo brother to accompany, these will be very relaxed.” 骆海若有所思地望了他一眼,点头道:“也好,冰心谷冰绝大阵威力不俗,有赤火兄相陪,想必这一趟会很轻松。” Meaning that he has not rejected. 他并没有拒绝的意思。 Em, right, Wei Qing, asking your good-for-nothing boy to see Old Man, Old Man leads him to enjoy the Extinct Ice Island scenery!” Chi Huo to/clashes Wei Qing to shout shouts. “恩,对了,卫清,叫你那不成器的小子过来见老夫一下,老夫带他去领略领略冰绝岛的风光!”赤火又冲卫清吆喝道。 „Can Supreme Elder bring Wei Feng to go to Extinct Ice Island?” Wei Qing is startled, said fearfully: Boy......” 太上长老要带卫风冰绝岛?”卫清一怔,惶惶道:“那小子……” The own son is what welldoing, own clear. 自己的儿子是什么德行,自己清楚 Child as the Sect Master, aptitude is not splendid, for these years, the Spirit Pill wondrous use are innumerable, ** the resources several times supplies, have own to be filled with wisdom for him, may say until now, steps into the Void Return 1-layer degree reluctantly. 身为宗主之子,资质并不算多么出色,这么多年来,灵丹妙用无数,**资源数倍供给,更有自己替他醍醐灌顶,可直到今曰,才勉强踏入返虚一层境的程度。 Although to Void Return Stage, but he also concentrates unable to bring forth his potential in any event!! 虽然到了返虚镜,可无论如何他也凝练不出自身的势!! Perhaps this for a lifetime, there own child can only have the Void Return 1-layer cultivation level boundary spatially, simply did not have the Void Return Stage proper strength. 这一辈子,自己那儿子恐怕只能空有返虚一层境修为境界,根本没有返虚镜应有的实力了。 In other words, he is more outstanding than Saint King Stage, Void Return Stage that any is concise the potential field can easily beat him. 换句话说,他只是比圣王境要出色,任何一个凝练出势场的返虚镜都能轻易击败他。 Supreme Elder always does not like Wei Feng, thought that he tarnished the Sect reputation, even a palm cranks up the severe wound him. 太上长老向来不喜欢卫风,觉得他败坏了宗门名声,甚至有一次一掌把他拍成重伤。 But today, why Supreme Elder will do that unexpectedly can lead him to go to Extinct Ice Island? 可是今天,太上长老为何会这么做,居然要带他前往冰绝岛 Wordy anything, making you go to go! Old Man will not kill him!” The Chi Huo short temper, sees Wei Qing hesitates not to answer, cannot bear shout angrily. “啰嗦什么,让你去就去!老夫又不会杀了他!”赤火脾气暴躁,见卫清迟疑不答,忍不住怒喝一声。 Yes!” On the Wei Qing face flashes through an alarmed and afraid color, draws back hastily. “是!”卫清脸上闪过一丝惊惧之色,连忙退下。 Luo Hai knits the brows to look at Chi Huo, does not know that which his makes. 骆海皱眉望着赤火,也不知道他这是闹哪一出。 Extinct Ice Island exactly general place, even if Luo Hai as Void King 2-layer, is still dreads to that Ice Extinction Formation extremely, the trip he and Chi Huo does two people on enough, what take a junior to make? 冰绝岛可不是一般的地方,就算骆海身为虚王两层境,对那冰绝大阵也是忌惮万分的,此行他与赤火两人足够了,带上一个小辈做什么? Moreover junior who Chi Huo does not like extremely. 而且还是赤火极不喜欢的小辈。 Knit the brows to think the moment, Luo Hai understood anything suddenly, the forced smile shook the head. 皱眉想了片刻,骆海忽然明白了什么,苦笑摇头。 Chi Huo laughs saying: „The Luo Hai brother, this time allowed Old Man to bully the weak by relying on powerful connections.” 赤火大笑道:“骆海兄,这次就容老夫狐假虎威了。” Only this time, but, do not go too far, the Luo Li strength is not bad, if really compelled her anxiously, started Ice Extinction Formation, your my two people must have must suffer a hardship.” “仅此一次吧,不过,也不要太过分了,洛黎实力不差的,真要是把她逼急了,启动冰绝大阵,你我二人少不得要吃点苦头。” This Old Man naturally knows, the Luo Hai brother felt relieved is.”( To be continued.) “这点老夫自然知道,骆海兄放心就是。”(未完待续。)
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