MP :: Volume #17

#1638: You put best into it

Monday asked the recommendation and monthly ticket!! 周一求推荐和月票!! ** ** The outlying islet has the garret, near sea, blue water sound of the tide . 外岛有阁楼,毗邻大海,碧水潮声。. Then Yu Xueqing stayed after the garret leads others to depart the Yang Kai arrangement, had strength not high Ice Heart Valley female to consider the Yang Kai daily life. 俞雪晴杨开安排在阁楼里住下之后便带着其他人离去了,自有实力不高的冰心谷女子来照顾杨开起居。 Qing Ya before, throws to Yang Kai by a patient look just before leaving. 青雅在临走之前,向杨开投以一个稍安勿躁的眼神。 Yang Kai understands. 杨开心领神会。 Now he had arrived at Extinct Ice Island, had known that Su Yan beyond several hundred li (0.5 km), that hope sees again beautiful woman thinking at the same time to want surging forward compared with any time in the past, but he also knows that Extinct Ice Island was not the general place, naturally cannot go to burst at will. 如今他已到了冰绝岛,已经得知苏颜就在几百里之外,那种渴望再见佳人一面的想念比以往任何时候都要汹涌澎湃,可他也知道冰绝岛不是一般的地方,自然不会去随意乱闯。 Sits cross-legged to sit in the garret, on Yang Kai is grasping the Su Yan ice soul bead, motionless. 盘膝坐在阁楼里,杨开手上握着苏颜的冰魂珠,一动不动。 Has not released Spiritual Mind, but he can actually clearly feel, beyond several hundred li (0.5 km), is closely linked with own, sharing weal and woe aura. 没有释放神念,可他却能清楚地感受到,在几百里之外,有一股与自己息息相关,休戚与共的气息 That is Su Yan aura. 那是苏颜气息 Meanwhile, Su Yan also sits well in the own icehouse, the beautiful pupil is shutting tightly, the long eyelash shivers slightly. 与此同时,苏颜也端坐在自己的冰室之中,美眸紧闭着,长长的睫毛轻微地颤抖。 two people is feeling each other existence, feels each other state of mind to fluctuate. 两人都在感受着彼此的存在,感受着彼此的心绪起伏。 This silence, the invisible mind reading quite one types silent win the feeling of sound, the two people body and mind warm warmly. 这种无声,无形的心灵感应颇有一种无声胜有声的感觉,两人的身心都暖暖的。 Some moment, two people smiles simultaneously, a marvelous heart spiritual force quantity bursts out from the body, spans the impediment of time and space, meets in the Extinct Ice Island center. 某一刻,两人同时微笑起来,一种奇妙的心灵力量自身躯内迸发,跨越时间和空间的阻隔,在冰绝岛中心处相遇。 Yang Kai as if can see Su Yan, stands in front of own animated, more than 30 years have the form in in the heart to say in now finally, reappear at present. 杨开似乎能看到苏颜,就俏生生地站在自己面前,三十多年存在于心中的身影终在今曰,重现眼前。 He even can feel, Su Yan is putting out a hand to touch own. 他甚至能感受的到,苏颜正在伸手触碰自己 He gives the response. 他给予回应。 The mind relation of two people is even more close, gradually fuses together. 两人的心灵联系愈发紧密,逐渐地融为一体。 Has not said a word on exchange, but both sides can clearly see clearly all of opposite party, sees clearly all that opposite party these year of institutes experience, just like personally experiences. 没有言语上的交流,可双方都能清楚地洞察到对方的一切,洞察到对方这些年所经历的一切,宛若亲身经历。 In some island location/position, in the Ran Yunting icehouse, sitting in meditation Ran Yunting knits the brows suddenly, seems like detected that anything, raises the head looked toward the place of Void, looks the color of doubts. 内岛某一位置,冉云婷的冰室中,正在打坐的冉云婷忽然皱眉,似乎是察觉到了什么,抬头虚空之处望去,面露疑惑之色。 At this moment, Communication Compass suddenly has the Spiritual Mind fluctuation to transmit, she takes up Communication Compass, pours into Spiritual Mind toward, when detected after the news that the interior contains, the complexion sank: Yu Junior Sister found that boy unexpectedly, even brought to come to Extinct Ice Island him? So that's how it is, is this little animal was disturbing the Su Yan mind!” 就在这时,身旁的传讯罗盘忽然有神念波动传来,她拿起传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念,待察觉到内部蕴藏的讯息之后,脸色不由沉了下来:“俞师妹居然找到那小子了,甚至把他带到冰绝岛来了?原来如此,原来是这小畜生在干扰苏颜的心神!” Little animal courts death!” “小畜生找死!” In the Ran Yunting eye the offense color reveals, tyrannical Divine Soul strength sputtering Void, goes toward some Extinct Ice Island location/position bang suddenly. 冉云婷眼中戾色一显,强横至极的神魂力量忽然溅射虚空,朝冰绝岛某个位置轰去。 Is conducting some Yang Kai basic didn't expect person of attack own that in the mind is connecting with Su Yan. 正与苏颜进行着心灵上交汇的杨开根本没想到会有人攻击自己 The connection and Divine Consciousness strength of mind are different. Former basic on the does not have any killing and defense strength, but the latter can actually conduct existence of attack and defense. 心灵的交汇与神识力量不同。前者根本就没有任何杀伤和防御之力,而后者却是可以进行攻击和防御的存在。 The strength long-drawn-out use of Ran Yunting, Yang Kai then felt that the mind reading of own and Su Yan shut off arbitrarily, the vibration that in addition, in that mind receives also makes his complexion one white, has not nearly spouted fresh blood. 冉云婷的力量悠一动用,杨开便感觉自己苏颜的心灵感应被蛮横地切断了,不但如此,那心灵上受到的震动也让他脸色一白,险些没喷出一口鲜血 Who is!” Yang Kai opens eyes suddenly, the complexion is ugly. “是谁!”杨开霍地睁眼,脸色难看至极。 He naturally can feel, that shut off own and in the strength of Su Yan mind reading contained some murderous intention, does not seem to cared about the own life, if not for the own Divine Consciousness strength surpassed in the average man, only that must make heavy losses. 他自然能感受的到,那切断自己苏颜心灵感应的力量中蕴藏了一些杀机,似乎根本就没在乎自己的死活,若不是自己神识力量超于常人,单是那一下就要被重创。 This wound, is the injury on Divine Consciousness, is not general Spirit Pill wonderful medicine can patch. 这种创伤,可是神识上的伤势,不是一般的灵丹妙药能够修补过来的。 The Yang Kai's look ices suddenly coldly, but is quick, helpless he shakes the head. 杨开的眼神骤然冰寒,不过很快,他又无奈摇头。 The own approach somewhat was truly offensive, here after all is Extinct Ice Island, is Ice Heart Valley Headquarters, for ten thousand years, own steps into the first man in outlying islet, braves to make such action rashly, somewhat is truly in the wrong. 自己刚才的做法确实有些唐突了,这里毕竟是冰绝岛,是冰心谷总舵,万年来,自己是踏入外岛的第一个男子,冒冒然地做出那样的举动,确实有些理亏。 After wants to understand, Yang Kai is calm, no longer haggles over. 想明白之后,杨开心平气和下来,不再去计较。 However that Divine Consciousness strength is unusual, may be Ice Heart Valley top five Elder. 不过那股神识力量非同一般,极有可能是冰心谷排名前五的长老 Ate one to owe stuffily, he also no longer acted rashly, always had the opportunity to be able with Su Yan to say goodbye in any case, as for the Su Yan safety, Yang Kai was not worried how to say again she was also Ice Heart Valley Great Elder **, intended to disturb person of any Elder own, not under heavy hand to Su Yan. 吃了一个闷亏,他也不再贸然行动,反正总有机会能与苏颜再见的,至于苏颜的安危,杨开倒不担心,再怎么说她也是冰心谷大长老的**,出手干扰自己之人无论是哪一位长老,都不会对苏颜下重手的。 In the Su Yan icehouse, she opens eyes suddenly, is pale, shouts lowly: Honored Master!” 苏颜的冰室中,她忽然睁眼,脸色苍白,低呼道:“师尊!” Reflecting on one's mistakes in seclusion well, you, if had the action again, not firm others began, this Elder Assembly brought on oneself of that little animal head!” The Ran Yunting ice cold sound resounds in the Su Yan ear bank. “好好的闭门思过,你若是再有刚才的举动,不牢旁人动手,本长老会亲自取了那小畜生的项上人头!”冉云婷冰寒的声音在苏颜耳畔边响起。 The Su Yan complexion is whiter, opens mouth, seeming like wants to say anything, also has not said. 苏颜脸色更白,张了张嘴,似乎是想说什么,却又没说出。 You put best into it!” Ran Yunting as if to present Su Yan quite disappointedly, throws down a few words after icily, then did not have the response. “你好自为之!”冉云婷似乎对如今的苏颜相当失望,冷冰冰地丢下一句话之后,便没了反应。 In Ice Heart Valley that discussing official business Ice Palace, one year later, in the valley the high level gathers together again. 冰心谷那议事冰宫之中,时隔一年,谷内高层再次汇聚一堂。 Valley Master, this time calls our sisters, what important matter has?” Has Elder to open the mouth to ask. 谷主,这次召集我们姐妹,是有什么要事?”有长老开口问道。 Bing Long smiles gently, nods saying: Important matter has one, but is actually the celebration.” 冰珑温婉一笑,点点头道:“要事有一件,不过却是喜事。” Oh? what celebration?” The people are curious. 哦?什么喜事?”众人好奇起来。 Elder Yu had found that youth, moreover led Extinct Ice Island him.” Bing Long comes straight to the point, the smile announced. 俞长老已经找到那个青年了,而且还把他带到了冰绝岛。”冰珑开门见山,微笑宣布。 Found?” “找到了?” „The Yu Junior Sister really good method, this to be sought by you, when a great merit!” “俞师妹果然好手段,这都能被你寻到,当记一大功!” Found well, found well! More than one year, in valley ** the casualty are many, should be the time removes.” “找到就好,找到就好!一年多了,谷中**死伤不少,也该是时候撤回来了。” Valley Master, may once eavesdrop on why the Brilliant Fire Sect person is looking for him? On him hid what secret, unexpectedly makes Brilliant Fire Sect so attach great importance.” “不过谷主,可曾探听到火耀宗的人为什么在找他?他身上到底隐藏了什么秘密,居然让火耀宗这般重视。” This...... this Palace Master also not clear, Elder Yu, is you leads him to come back, detectable to what?” Bing Long looks at Yu Xueqing. “这个……本宫不清楚,俞长老,是你带他回来的,可探查到什么?”冰珑将目光投向俞雪晴 The latter shakes the head slowly: On come back road, I have made a veiled attack actually one time, but that boy had not replied. According to my observations, he is not an average person.” 后者缓缓摇头:“回来的路上,我倒是旁敲侧击过一次,可那小子并没有回答。但据我观察,他不是一般人。” Why said?” “为什么这么说?” He...... he should be the talent in talent, Brilliant Fire Sect Yan Chilei dies in his hand.” “他……他应该是天才中的天才,火耀宗严赤雷死在他手上。” What? Yan Chilei dies in his hand.” The Bing Long complexion changes, knits the brows: Did not say that this person does have Void Return 2-layer cultivation level?” “什么?严赤雷死在他手上。”冰珑脸色一变,皱眉道:“不是说此人只有返虚两层境修为么?” Good, he truly only has 2-layer, is can actually jump over the ranks to fight, therefore I said that he is the talent in talent.” “不错,他确实只有两层境,可是却能越阶作战,所以我才说他是天才中的天才。” Actually good!” Bing Long nods. “倒是不俗!”冰珑点头。 Jiang Xi also dies in his hand.” The Yu Xueqing expression is strange, independent combat, was struck to kill by his 20 breaths!” 姜晞也死在他手上。”俞雪晴表情古怪,“单打独斗,被他二十息击杀!” Jiang Xi? That Jiang Xi?” The Fifth Elder phoenix pupil of Ice Heart Valley narrows the eyes, on the face appears the inconceivable look. 姜晞?那个姜晞?”冰心谷五长老凤眸一眯,脸上浮现出不可思议的神色。 Is that Jiang Xi.” “就是那个姜晞。” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Jiang Xi, although is not family background what prominent Sect, always loner, but this person had the fortuitous encounter long ago repeatedly, the strength is unusual, is not general Void Return 3-layer, heard his potential to tend to big accomplishment.” 姜晞虽然不是出身什么显赫的宗门,向来孤家寡人一个,可这人早年屡有奇遇,实力非同一般,并不是一般的返虚三层境,听闻他的势已趋于大成了。” He is on Scarlet Billow Star promotes one of the Void King Stage candidates very much hopefully, how to be struck to kill by that youth, Yu Junior Sister haven't you cracked a joke?” “他可是赤澜星上很有希望晋升虚王境的人选之一啊,怎么会被那青年击杀,俞师妹你没开玩笑?” This matter, will I crack a joke? Junior Sister I personally see, more than ten ** can testify.” A Yu Xueqing face sincere. “这种事,我怎么会开玩笑?师妹我亲眼所见,还有十几个**可以作证。”俞雪晴一脸正色。 Ice Heart Valley numerous Elder looks at each other with amazement, several people look toward Fifth Elder, wants to listen to her view. 冰心谷一众长老相顾骇然,有几人朝五长老望去,想听听她的看法。 Among presenting various people, only then she in the past and Jiang Xi has fought, naturally has the right to speak very much. 在座诸人当中,只有她当年与姜晞交手过,自然很有发言权。 Fifth Elder has not shifted responsibility onto others, the hesitation moment said: Previous time I and Jiang Xi fierce struggle are 20 years ago, I used entire day of time, makes into the severe wound him, actually cannot strike to kill him, if trades to be present him, I not necessarily am an opponent, our Ice Heart Valley, can with Elder that Jiang Xi contends with alone, not over three!” 五长老也没推诿,沉吟片刻道:“上次我与姜晞激斗是二十年前,我用了整整一天时间,才把他打成重伤,却没能将他击杀,如果换做如今的他,我不一定是对手,我们冰心谷,能与姜晞单独抗衡的长老,不超过三位!” Hiss...... 嘶…… A sound of holding breath cold air resounds, the numerous Elder expression is splendid. 一阵倒吸凉气的声音响起,众长老的表情精彩至极。 Fifth Elder has no to exaggerate, but is telling the fact, because of this, makes people feel fearfully. 五长老没有任何夸大其词,只是在讲述事实,可正是因为这样,才让人感觉可怕。 This said that can the individual strength of youth, in our rock row to first three?” “这岂不是说,那青年的个人实力,能够在我们这些人中排到前三位?” He only has 2-layer, if called him to promote 3-layer......” “他才只有两层境啊,若是叫他晋升到了三层境……” Continues! Contending and strikes to kill is different, he can kill Jiang Xi, moreover only used 20 breaths, the strength is possible, only then Great Elder can contend!” “不止!抗衡和击杀是不一样的,他能杀的了姜晞,而且只用了二十息,实力可能只有大长老能够抗衡!” An numerous Elder expression is suddenly gloomy, their own that this saying said does not have the energy, because Great Elder acts personally, may not want the Jiang Xi surname life in short 20 breath time. 一众长老表情忽然暗淡,这话说的她们自己也没底气,因为就算是大长老亲自出手,也不一定能够在短短二十息时间内要了姜晞的姓命。 Looked at each other in blank diamay, the expression of people only has the shock. 面面相觑了一番,众人的表情只剩下震惊。 Pitifully, he is not female.” Bing Long is rubbing forehead lightly, smiles bitterly. “可惜了,他不是女子。”冰珑轻揉着眉心,苦笑起来。 If Yang Kai is female, Bing Long spares nothing to him absorb Ice Heart Valley surely, the this kind of talent, said, promotes the Void King Stage opportunity to compare other Void Return Stage high many absolutely. 若是杨开是个女子,冰珑必定不惜一切代价地要将他吸收进冰心谷,这样的人才,曰后晋升虚王境的机会绝对比其他的返虚镜高的多。 Ice Heart Valley can become on Scarlet Billow Star one of the two big influences , because Void King Stage assumes personal command, if can be many, that then can suppress Brilliant Fire Sect thoroughly, dominates in its above, becomes the Scarlet Billow Star Number one sect gate, One Hand Covers The Heavens. 冰心谷之所以能成为赤澜星上两大势力之一,就是因为有一位虚王境坐镇,若是能再多出一位的话,那便能彻底压制住火耀宗,凌驾在其之上,成为赤澜星第一大宗门,只手遮天 What relations are not female has, my Ice Heart Valley ** also has to get married, looks for good ** married in him not on the line?” Elder smile proposition. “不是女子有什么关系,我冰心谷的**又不是没有嫁人的,找个好**嫁于他不就行了?”有一位长老微笑提议。 This idea is good, but others are not necessarily able to agree.” Sits another Elder shakes the head by her slowly, his strength and aptitude are so splendid, seeming like the age is not big, where won't have female to follow? Perhaps is willing to follow his woman to have.” “这个想法是不错,可人家未必会同意。”坐在她旁边的另外一位长老缓缓摇头,“他的实力和资质如此出色,看起来年纪又不大,哪里会没有女子跟随?说不定愿意跟着他的女人有很多。” These common fat vulgar powders, where can with my Ice Heart Valley Elite ** places on a par? He can marry my Ice Heart Valley Elite **, is his good fortune.” “那些庸脂俗粉,哪里能与我冰心谷精锐**相提并论?他能娶得我冰心谷精锐**,是他的福气。” This saying said also good.” “这话说的也不错。” One crowd of Elder chirp, state views, as if wishes one could to ask a right candidate to marry Yang Kai now, good to tie up him on Ice Heart Valley this steamship. 一群长老叽叽喳喳,各抒己见,似乎恨不得现在就找一位合适的人选嫁给杨开,好把他绑在冰心谷这艘大船上。 Bing Long coughs lightly, the expression strange different way: You forgot, the Brilliant Fire Sect person is also looking for him, solely one Brilliant Fire Sect, my Ice Heart Valley will perhaps not fear anything. However behind this matter is very likely to involve Green Hills Star Sir Luo Hai...... to stir up that Sir is not quick by some chance, my Ice Heart Valley may not withstand his anger.” 冰珑轻咳一声,表情怪异道:“你们是不是忘记了,火耀宗的人也在找他,单单一个火耀宗,我冰心谷或许不会惧怕什么。但是此事背后极有可能牵连到翠微星骆海大人……万一惹得那位大人不快,我冰心谷不一定能承受的起他的怒火。” Audience Elder expression simultaneous changes, silent.( To be continued.) 长老表情齐齐一变,都沉默了下来。(未完待续。)
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