MP :: Volume #17

#1637: heart consonance

So long as Yang Kai does not mix, by the Yu Xueqing skill, cannot block him, he can definitely depart calmly . 只要杨开不搀和,以俞雪晴的本事,根本拦不住他,他完全可以从容离去。. Therefore his life and death only in Yang Kai in an instant. 所以他的生死只在杨开一念之间。 A Yu Xueqing black eyebrow wrinkle, quickly shouted loudly: Little brother do not fear, his Brilliant Fire Sect is talented, my Ice Heart Valley is not the mud pinches, naturally can protect you to be complete, but also please help me kill this evildoer.” 俞雪晴黛眉一皱,急忙高呼:“小兄弟不要怕,他火耀宗实力不俗,我冰心谷也不是泥巴捏的,自然会护你周全,还请助我杀了这贼子。” Her Yang Kai was for fear that threatened by the opposite party spoken language, flinches. 她生怕杨开被对方言语恐吓到,临阵退缩。 After all Yan Chilei with Jiang Xi different, Jiang Xi strength, although is high, is actually loner one, will kill him also no one to revenge for him, but Yan Chilei Brilliant Fire Sect Elder, the back had the support force of huge. 毕竟严赤雷姜晞不一样,姜晞实力虽高,却不过是孤家寡人一个,杀了他也没人会替他报仇,而严赤雷可是火耀宗长老,背后有庞大的力量支持着。 Naturally must kill!” Yang Kai grins to grin fiendishly, the ridicule is looking at Yan Chilei, arrived at this time also to threaten to threaten me, were your Brilliant Fire Sect people so stupid?” “当然要杀!”杨开咧嘴狞笑,讥讽地望着严赤雷,“都到了这个时候还想威胁恐吓我,你们火耀宗的人都这么愚蠢?” Yan Chilei complexion one white. 严赤雷脸色一白。 Right, forgot to tell you, the Brilliant Fire Sect person I was not first killing, before killed a fellow named Kong Wendong in Emperor Garden, recently/previously time has also killed named Zhang Qing in the blood prison, was your Brilliant Fire Sect?” “对了,忘记告诉你了,火耀宗的人我不是第一次杀,以前在帝苑里杀过一个叫孔文栋的家伙,前段时间在血狱里也杀过一个叫张擎的,都是你们火耀宗的吧?” Yan Chilei was really then startled. 严赤雷这下真的惊慌了。 His didn't expect Yang Kai and Brilliant Fire Sect gratitude and grudges are so unexpectedly deep, Kong Wendong or Zhang Qing, are in Brilliant Fire Sect the greatly famous fellow, is the character of Elder rank, ranking must in his above. 没想到杨开火耀宗的恩怨居然这么深,无论是孔文栋还是张擎,都是火耀宗内大有名气的家伙,是长老级别的人物,排名还要在他之上 But Kong Wendong went to Emperor Garden then unable to come back, Zhang Qing went to the blood prison not to hear from. 可是孔文栋去了帝苑便没能回来,张擎去了血狱也杳无音讯。 What if Yang Kai said is real, to say they all do die in this boy hand? 杨开说的是真的,岂不是说他们全都死在这小子手上? I have no favorable impression to your Brilliant Fire Sect, therefore...... dies!” The Yang Kai look suddenly becomes cold, a pure Divine Soul strength concentrates for together the straight line, goes toward the Yan Chilei bang. “我对你们火耀宗没什么好感,所以……死吧!”杨开神色骤然变冷,一股精纯至极的神魂力量凝为一道直线,直朝严赤雷轰去。 Silent vast such as the strength of sea such as a does not have the sharp sword that the thing does not urge, tore the defense of Yan Chilei directly, pricks in his Consciousness Sea. 无声无息却浩瀚如海的力量如一柄无物不催的利剑,直接撕裂了严赤雷的防御,刺入他的识海之中。 Yan Chilei called out pitifully, pale like the paper, Divine Soul has been damaged. 严赤雷惨叫一声,脸色苍白如纸,神魂已然受创。 Yu Xueqing beautiful pupil one bright, stimulates to movement own potential field and Domain while this opportunity, is centered on her body, in a surrounding area 30 zhang (3.33 m) range immediately becomes severely cold incomparable, as if the air was even frozen. 俞雪晴美眸一亮,趁此机会催动自身的势场和意境,以她的身体为中心,方圆三十丈范围内立刻变得严寒无比,似乎连空气都被冻结。 The Yan Chilei body surface presented the 1-layer light cold frost, cold air invasion within the body, affected the flexibility of revolution and body of his Saint Yuan. 严赤雷的身体表面出现了一层薄薄的寒霜,寒气侵入体内,影响了他圣元的运转和身体的灵活。 Fiery Bird makes use to throw, opens the big mouth, swallows into Yan Chilei the abdomen. 火鸟趁势扑下,张开血盆大口,一口将严赤雷吞入腹中。 The naked eye, in the Fiery Bird Item Spirit abdomen, has the sound of blowing up obviously, but that scalding hot strength actually burns to refine the counter-balance it. 肉眼可见地,在火鸟器灵的腹部,有鼓起的动静,但那灼热的力量却将其焚炼抵消。 With the passage of time, that sound getting smaller, vanishes finally does not see. 随着时间的推移,那动静越来越小,最终消失不见。 One group of electric lights for the first time appear in the body of Fiery Bird, Fiery Bird changes into a flame, returns to Yang Kai within the body, same place pile of wreckage. 一团电光在火鸟的身体内乍现出来,火鸟化为一道火光,回到杨开体内,原地一堆残骸。 This fellow is obvious ** Clean Sky Thunder Fire Secret Technique, just like Zhang Qing Kong Wendong, after dying, Clean Sky Thunder Fire is swallowed by Fiery Bird, expands its strength. 这家伙显然也**了乾天雷火秘术,与张擎孔文栋一样,死后乾天雷火火鸟吞噬,壮大它的力量。 A disaster, reduces and solves strangely. 一场劫难,离奇化解。 Yu Xueqing stood in place, pants for breath while the vision to look at Yang Kai complex. 俞雪晴站在原地,一边喘息一边目光复杂地望着杨开 Other Ice Heart Valley female are also the shocking expressions. 冰心谷其他女子也都是震惊的表情。 Only has Qing Ya, is all smiles. 唯有青雅,笑容满面。 Long time, Yu Xueqing accepts the reality reluctantly, nods to say to Yang Kai: Thanked.” 良久,俞雪晴才勉强接受现实,冲杨开点点头道:“谢谢了。” If not for this time Yang Kai blossoms in radiant splendor suddenly, Ice Heart Valley this team of people can escape from 2-3 to be even good, but now not only they return safe and sound, instead the Brilliant Fire Sect people were even cut to kill completely. 这一次若不是杨开忽然大放异彩,冰心谷这一队人能逃出2-3个就算不错了,可如今不但她们毫发无伤,反而连火耀宗的人都被斩杀殆尽。 Yu Xueqing feels grateful Yang Kai genuinely. 俞雪晴打心眼里感激杨开 Does not use, I am also only the self-preservation, whether now to start?” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “不用,我也只是自保而已,现在是不是可以启程了?”杨开微微一笑。 Yu Xueqing nods, lets one ** tidies up the spoils of war, later leads the people to continue in the direction that Extinct Ice Island to spread. 俞雪晴点点头,让一个**去收拾一下战利品,随后带着众人继续朝冰绝岛所在的方向驰去。 But this time, no one was hostile to Yang Kai again. 只不过这一次,再无人敌视杨开了。 They all restrained own that bewildered hostility , before no longer such as, such is protecting him in the middle Yang Kai surrounding. With the war of Brilliant Fire Sect people, lets as we all know, in own this group, Yang Kai is strength strongest that. 她们全都收敛了自己那莫名其妙的敌意,也不再如之前那样将杨开包围在中间保护着他。与火耀宗众人的一战,让所有人都知道,自己这一行人中,杨开才是实力最强的那个。 Does not need them to protect! 根本不需要她们来保护! On the way forward, they size up Yang Kai once for a while, full is curious, really does not know how this youth is **, only has Void Return 2-layer cultivation level obviously, can actually display like that exaggerating battle strength. 前进的路上,她们时不时地打量杨开,满是好奇,实在不知道这个青年到底是如何**的,明明只有返虚两层境修为,却能表现出那般夸张的战力 Thirteenth Elder, why our can this time look for him?” Qing Ya watches a person's every mood, knows that now is asking the best time of this matter, immediately opens the mouth to ask. 十三长老,我们这一次为什么要找他?”青雅察言观色,知道现在是问这件事的最好时机,当即开口问道。 Other Ice Heart Valley ** one face is also confused, the doubts are looking at Yu Xueqing. 其他冰心谷的**也都一脸迷茫,疑惑地望着俞雪晴 They, rushed about to fight bravely outside one year , everyone is seeking for Yang Kai, many apprentice sisters died in front of own, they also were very naturally curious, all these because of anything. 她们这些人,在外奔波奋战了一年之久,每个人都在寻找杨开,很多师姐妹死在自己面前,她们自然也很好奇,这一切到底是因为什么。 Yu Xueqing knits the brows, looks the color of feeling embarrassed, opens the mouth saying: Specific reason my also not clear, but the Brilliant Fire Sect person is looking, therefore our Ice Heart Valley cannot make them work. Perhaps...... his own knows anything.” 俞雪晴皱了皱眉,面露为难之色,开口道:“具体的原因我也不清楚,只是火耀宗的人在找,所以我们冰心谷就不能让他们得逞。或许……他自己知道些什么。” Was saying this saying time, Yu Xueqing looked at Yang Kai one looking pensive. 说着这话的时候,俞雪晴若有所思地望了杨开一眼。 The Yang Kai look is indifferent, meaning that as if beyond the Divine Movement side, simply do not reply. 杨开神色淡然,似乎神游方外,根本没有要回答的意思。 This matter you do not need to manage, Sect Master and Elder Assembly, since does that definitely has the reason.” “这事你们不用管,宗主长老会既然这么做,肯定是有原因的。” Yes!” The people acknowledged. “是!”众人应诺。 The safe/without matter, the team under the leadership of Yu Xueqing, proceeded to speed along enough for half a month time. 一路无事,队伍在俞雪晴的带领下,往前飞驰了足足半个月时间 Until half a month later, the people arrived at a city near sea. 直到半个月后,众人才来到毗邻大海的一座城池。 This is the Ice Heart Valley influence, the Yu Xueqing region Yang Kai is arriving on Space Law Formation that in the city constructed obviously directly, uses Space Law Formation, transmitted Extinct Ice Island. 这显然是冰心谷的势力,俞雪晴径直地带着杨开来到了城池中建造的空间法阵上,利用空间法阵,传送到了冰绝岛 Outlying islet, Yang Kai long-drawn-out one comes in this place, then the look moves, in the surface appears the exciting look that is unable to suppress, turned head toward some direction staring in the past, the vision as if can span the impediment of space, looked to remote location/position. 外岛处,杨开悠一在此地现身,便神色一动,面上浮现出一丝无法抑制的激动神色,扭头朝某一个方向凝视过去,目光似乎能跨越空间的阻隔,看向遥远的位置 Meanwhile, in some island icehouse, is sitting in meditation ** Su Yan opens the beautiful pupil suddenly, the tender body trembles lightly. 与此同时,内岛某一个冰室中,正在打坐**的苏颜霍地睁开美眸,娇躯轻颤起来。 At this moment, she has induced unexpectedly. 这一刻,她竟有所感应。 Induced Yang Kai's aura! 感应到了杨开的气息 two people ** crosses Yin-Yang Joyous Union Art, so long as each other spacing is not too can induce the opposite party. 两人**过阴阳合欢功,只要彼此间距的不是太远都可以感应到对方。 Outlying islet and in island, although to several hundred li (0.5 km), may still unable to wipe to disappear mind relation between Yang Kai and Su Yan! 外岛和内岛虽然相距数百里,可依然无法抹消杨开苏颜之间的心灵联系! She here! 她在这里! He came! 他来了! two people with for a moment, is detecting existence of opposite party. 两人在同一时间,察觉到了对方的存在。 Yang Kai stood in place, the vision gentle as water, almost can make the rock melt. 杨开站在原地,目光温柔似水,几乎能让磐石融化。 Su Yan quickly sets out, goes toward the layman! 苏颜急忙起身,朝外行去! May just now go out of the icehouse, was blocked by two female. 可才刚走出冰室,便被两个女子拦下。 Junior Sister Su, do you want to go?” Be responsible for guarding in Su Yan two female, Zhou female surface such as the cold frost is looking at Su Yan, keeps off in her front. 苏师妹,你想去哪?”负责看守苏颜的两个女子中,那周姓女子面如寒霜地望着苏颜,挡在她前方。 Senior Sister Zhou, I must go!” The Su Yan plea is looking at her. 周师姐,我要去出去一趟!”苏颜恳求地望着她。 „It is not good!” Zhou female shakes the head decisively, Great Elder told, this time you must treat here, one step cannot leave, do not make Senior Sister difficult to do.” “不行!”周姓女子果断摇头,“大长老吩咐了,这段时间你必须得待在这里,一步也不能离开,你可别让师姐难做。” Yes Junior Sister Su, our two people is defending you here, originally enough bored grievance, you, although is the Great Elder disciple, but also has no alternative but making in the place eye of Senior Sister? Also please go back.” Another person is also looking at Su Yan indifferently. “是啊苏师妹,我们两人在这里守着你,本来就够无聊委屈的了,你虽然是大长老门下,但也不能不把做师姐的放在眼中吧?还请你回去吧。”另一人也冷眼望着苏颜 Guarded the Su Yan assignment too to be really bored, not only cannot walk around, was unable to be wholly-absorbed **, this let them by the suffering. 看守苏颜的差事实在太无聊了,不但不能四处走动,还不能专心**,这让她们备受煎熬。 This assignment makes both females to the Su Yan complaint quite deep, in addition they did not like Su Yan being in good graces very much, the speech naturally cannot be too polite. 这份差事让两女都对苏颜抱怨颇深,再加上她们本来就不是很喜欢苏颜得宠,说话自然不会太客气。 two Senior Sister, Junior Sister does not want to make you difficult to do, but I must result, I ensure quite a while within will certainly come back!” Su Yan is nipping red lips lightly, is looking at two people reluctantly. 两位师姐,师妹并不想让你们难做,只是我必须得出去一趟,我保证半天之内一定会回来!”苏颜轻咬着红唇,无奈地望着两人 Junior Sister this is really does not place in the eye Senior Sister!” Zhou female sneers constantly, you may think, if the matter of your going out called Great Elder to know, what punishment we will receive? I do not know that you must go out to do, but I am not for your bored action acting responsibility.” 师妹这是真不把师姐放在眼中啊!”周姓女子冷笑不迭,“你可想过,若是你外出之事叫大长老知晓,我们会受到什么样的责罚?我不知道你要出去干什么,但是我不是不会为你的无聊举动担当责任的。” Junior Sister is the Great Elder disciple most thinks highly of **, Great Elder will perhaps not punish you is too ruthless, is we? Great Elder is severe you are not not clear, Junior Sister your fresh beauty, actually does not think that the heart such as the viper, you can drive us to be inadequate to commit suicide?” 师妹大长老门下最器重的**,大长老或许不会责罚你太狠,可是我们呢?大长老的严厉你又不是不清楚,师妹你生的美丽,却不想心如蛇蝎啊,你是要置我们于死地不成?” Su Yan opens mouth , there is nothing to say in reply. 苏颜张了张嘴,无言以对。 Although opposite party two people said is somewhat exaggerating and extreme, but undeniably, own, if really went out, their two people will therefore definitely be involved. 虽然对方两人说的有些夸张和偏激,但是不可否认,自己若真的出去了,她们两人肯定会因此被牵连。 Her expression flash is low-spirited, said in a soft voice: Was Junior Sister is inconsiderate.” 她的表情一瞬间黯然,轻声道:“是师妹考虑不周了。” The own man had arrived at Extinct Ice Island obviously, is close to own, she actually cannot go to meet, Su Yan feels like a knife twisting in the heart. 自己的男人明明已经到了冰绝岛,与自己近在咫尺,她却不能前去相见,苏颜心如刀绞。 Knows well, has not gone back quickly!” Zhou female cold snort. “知道就好,还不快回去!”周姓女子冷哼一声 Helpless Su Yan nods, turns around to return. 苏颜无奈点头,转身返回。 Saw her to shut tightly the icehouse front door, closed up again, protection two female outside sneered. 见她紧闭了冰室大门,再一次闭关,守护在外的两个女子才冷笑一声。 Zhou female said: Had/Left a foul odor finally, really thinks that own did enter the Great Elder disciple then to be supercilious?” 那周姓女子道:“总算是出了一口恶气,真以为自己入了大长老门下便可以目中无人了?” Another female laughs, is happy: „Before who called her, had keen eyesight in withstand/top, if maintained the relations with us before, this time will not feel embarrassed her.” 另一个女子嘻嘻一笑,欢愉道:“谁叫她以前眼高于顶,若是以前与我们搞好关系,这一次也不会太为难她。” We make Senior Sister, how also this/should taught her to cultivate the behavior well.” “我们做师姐的,也该好好教她如何做人了。” „Can that this matter report Great Elder?” “那这事要不要禀告大长老?” Zhou female hesitated, shakes the head saying: First does not use. Since she cannot go out, even if reported will not subject to a penalty, was inferior that she really made mistakes reported again is not late, when the time comes Great Elder decides will not accommodate her.” 周姓女子沉吟了下,摇头道:“先不用。她既然没能出去,就算禀告了也不会受罚,不如等她真的犯错了再禀告也不迟,到时候大长老定不会容她。” Right that Senior Sister said.” Another female at present one bright. 师姐说的对。”另外一个女子眼前一亮。 ...... …… Little brother!” Shouting of Yu Xueqing awakens Yang Kai, he takes back the vision finally, looks toward Yu Xueqing. “小兄弟!”俞雪晴的呼喊将杨开唤醒,他终于收回目光,朝俞雪晴望去。 This Ice Heart Valley Thirteenth Elder expression is strange, coughs lightly a sound said: There is in Extinct Ice Island the island, you are absolutely impossible to visit as the man, now what we are is an outlying islet, if not the this time situation is special, will not allow you to come.” 这位冰心谷十三长老表情古怪,轻咳一声道:“那里是冰绝岛内岛,你身为男子是绝对不可能踏足其中的,我们现在所在的是外岛,若非这一次情况特殊,也不会允许你进来。” Can enter Extinct Ice Island, is being honored of younger generation, boy many thanks, Senior!” Yang Kai expressed gratitude submissively. “能入冰绝岛,已经是晚辈的荣幸,小子多谢前辈!”杨开拱手道谢。 Because of the Su Yan reason, Yang Kai is happy, suddenly discovered that Ice Heart Valley these female each and everyone are brilliant, the social ease is genial. 因为苏颜的缘故,杨开心情不错,忽然发现冰心谷这些女子一个个都光彩照人,态度自然和煦无比。 Although does not know why Yang Kai will have some slight changes, the meaning that Yu Xueqing has not investigated, nods saying: You stay for the time being here,...... I returned to Sect Master and Elder Assembly as for later said again.”( To be continued.) 虽然不知道杨开为什么会有一些细微的变化,俞雪晴也没有追究的意思,点点头道:“你暂且在这里住下,至于以后……等我回了宗主长老会再说。”(未完待续。)
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