MP :: Volume #17

#1636: Killing

Almost potential of big accomplishment .” The Yang Kai brow raises, immediately then feels has Jiang Xi to be dreaded by Ice Heart Valley that young woman really has the reason, the potential of only this nearly big accomplishment, Jiang Xi really has the qualifications becomes one of candidates can break through to Void King Stage. “几乎大成的势。.”杨开眉头一扬,立刻便感觉出姜曦被冰心谷少妇忌惮果然是有原因的,单凭这近乎大成的势,姜曦确实有资格成为可以突破到虚王境的人选之一。 The potential field is quite powerful, then filled in front of Yang Kai quickly. 势场极为强大,很快便弥漫到了杨开面前。 previous moment that he wraps, is not inferior in the mysterious strength of Jiang Xi potential field bursts out from Yang Kai within the body, instead curled. 在将他包裹的前一刻,一股丝毫不逊色于姜曦势场的玄妙力量自杨开体内迸发,反卷了回去。 Silent collision, naked eye not obvious. 无声无息的碰撞,肉眼不可见。 However Jiang Xi actually heard the vibration of own mind, heard the crack sound. 但是姜曦却听到了自己心灵的震动,听到了咔嚓嚓的声响。 own that is proud, almost a big accomplishment potential field as if egg, hits a big stone at this moment unexpectedly, cuns (2.5 cm) crush, definitely is unable to maintain, the time of but blinking, Jiang Xi was congealed the thick strength to cover by one type. 自己那引以为傲,几乎大成的势场此刻竟仿佛一颗鸡蛋,撞上一块大石,寸寸粉碎开来,完全无法维持,只是眨眼的功夫,姜曦便被一种凝厚的力量笼罩。 The potential field of opposite party! 对方的势场! Jiang Xi has a big shock, the complexion brushes becomes must be pale, this realized that Yang Kai does not get up is so simple like outwardly, his cultivation level is Void Return 2-layer right, but he understanding of potential field far ultra own. 姜曦大惊失色,脸色刷的变得惨白,这才意识到杨开根本不像表面上看起来这么简单,他的修为返虚两层境没错,可他对势场的理解已经远超自己了。 Stimulates to movement Saint Yuan crazily, resists that potential field to own influence, colorful poisonous mist spreads, forms bunch of poisonous clouds in the body side, forms the protection by this, and colorful energies separate toward Yang Kai attack, forms fearsome killing. 疯狂地催动圣元,抵挡那势场对自身的影响,五颜六色的毒雾扩散开来,在身侧形成一团团毒云,以此形成防护,并且还有一道道色彩斑斓的能量从中分离朝杨开攻击,形成可怖的杀伤。 Although Jiang Xi in the competition in potential field was suppressed, but his method, is not willing to sit waiting for death. 虽然在势场的比拼上姜曦被压制,但他到底手段了得,并不愿意坐以待毙。 He excels with the poison, flesh and blood of that poisonous mist to any has the fatal threat. 他擅长用毒,那毒雾对任何血肉之躯都有致命的威胁。 A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, pours does not dare to violate the danger by the body, thinks, extends the hand, summons Fiery Bird Item Spirit, along with the sound of sharp song of the birds, a length of body ten zhang (3.33 m) fiery red queer bird appears easely, opens the bird mouth, spouts bunch of scalding hot fireballs from the mouth, goes toward Jiang Xiza fully. 杨开眉头一皱,倒也不敢以身犯险,想了想,把手一伸,召唤出火鸟器灵,伴随着尖锐的鸟鸣之声,体长十丈的火红怪鸟悠然出现,张开鸟嘴,从口中喷出一团团灼热的火球,铺天盖地地朝姜曦砸去。 Jiang Xi is distressed, his poisonous mist cannot do to the Fiery Bird slightest, instead by the flaws that the Fiery Bird fireball pounds, the evaporation are innumerable, was wrapped the body in poisonous mist gradually to expose, the facial expression seems extremely distressed. 姜曦狼狈至极,他的毒雾根本奈何不了火鸟分毫,反而被火鸟的火球砸的千疮百孔,蒸发无数,被包裹在毒雾中的身躯逐渐暴露出来,神情显得极为狼狈。 The speed and frequency of Fiery Bird emitting fireball are even more rapid, Jiang Xijing hit no strength to hit back, can only resist distressedly, stimulates to movement Saint Yuan to form poisonous mist in outside the body unceasingly, but these poisonous mist are unable to maintain, appears long-drawn-out is then scattered. 火鸟喷吐火球的速度和频率愈发迅疾,姜曦竟被打的毫无还手之力,只能狼狈招架,不断地催动圣元在体外形成毒雾,可那些毒雾根本无法维持,悠一出现便被打散。 Yang Kai stands one's ground steadfastly, stands erect in place, is looking at Jiang Xi callously, said with a smile ferociously: old thing, you are not good.” 杨开岿然不动,屹立在原地,冷酷地望着姜曦,狞笑道:“老东西,你不行啊。” The Ice Heart Valley numerous female expression delay, the vision is looking at this soulless. 冰心谷众女表情呆滞,目光无神地望着这一幕。 Fiery Bird that only presents strangely coordinates the Yang Kai's potential field then stubbornly, if other Yang Kai that Jiang Xi suppresses found certainly the opportunity, Jiang Xi will be very likely to assign/life mourning place. 单凭一只诡异出现的火鸟配合杨开的势场便将姜曦压制的死死地,若是等杨开找准机会的话,姜曦极有可能会命丧此地。 They cannot understand at present the reasonable surname of matter of seeing simply. 她们简直不能理解眼前所见之事的合理姓。 Their this to be psychologically prepared fatal, this thinks that own this time is doomed, has completed the worst plan. 她们本以做好了死伤惨重的心理准备,本以为自己这一次在劫难逃,都已经做好了最坏的打算。 Who would have guessed that Yang Kai does not act already, makes a move so to be exaggerating, that displayed strangely makes them silent. 哪知道杨开不出手则已,一出手就这么夸张,那离奇表现却让她们沉默了。 Fiery Bird then lets Jiang Xi ** weak, a aimed at temperament does not have, instead, simply does not have the unnecessary energy to cope with them distressedly. 只是一只火鸟便让姜曦**乏术,被针对的一点脾气都没有,反而狼狈至极,根本没有多余的精力来对付她们。 Perhaps this time, did not need...... everyone heart to jump for joy, looks at the Yang Kai's look gradually to change the flavor, was full of the exclamation and gratitude. 这一次,或许不用死……每个人都芳心雀跃,望着杨开的眼神逐渐变了味道,充满了惊叹和感激。 Fiery Bird is even more supernaturally brave, all sorts of dazzling flames spout from its mouth, lasing from Wing, not only keeps Jiang Xi's poisonous mist from forming the scale, left behind wounds big or small on Jiang Xi. 火鸟愈发神勇,种种让人炫目的火光从它口中喷出,从翅膀上激射,不但让姜曦的毒雾无法形成规模,更在姜曦身上留下了一道道或大或小的伤口。 The burnt taste gradually fills the air. 焦糊味逐渐弥漫开来。 Jiang Xi look is fierce, suddenly takes out fluctuation of energy full Secret Treasure, spouts a five colors toxic smoke from the mouth, pours into that Secret Treasure. 姜曦神色狰狞,忽然取出一件能量波动十足的秘宝,从口中喷出一口五彩毒烟,灌入那秘宝中。 Secret Treasure absorbed the five colors toxic smoke, sways from side to side rapidly fluctuates, suddenly changes into a colorful giant python. 秘宝吸收了五彩毒烟,迅速扭动变幻,忽然化为一条色彩斑斓的巨大蟒蛇。 The poisonous python body sways from side to side, rushes to the upper air directly, meets head-on the big show/unfolds invincible might Fiery Bird. 毒蟒身躯扭动,直接冲上高空,迎战大展神威的火鸟 While this opportunity, Jiang Xi agitates Saint Yuan again, got rid of the Yang Kai potential field slightly to his suppression, flushes away toward Yang Kai by the potential of bolt of lightning. 趁此机会,姜曦再一次鼓动圣元,稍稍摆脱了杨开势场对他的压制,以奔雷之势朝杨开冲去。 He wants to solve Yang Kai while this opportunity obviously! So long as Yang Kai dies, he then can act in a self-serving manner. 他显然是想趁此机会解决掉杨开!只要杨开一死,他便可以为所欲为。 ...... His own is unable to defend oneself as for the urging of Brilliant Fire Sect Yan Chilei at this moment, which also has the thoughts to care opposite party's urging? 至于火耀宗严赤雷的叮嘱……此刻他自己自身难保,哪还有心思将对方的叮嘱放在心上? Suddenly, he then advances to be away from Yang Kai few poisonous mist that only then ten zhang (3.33 m) location/position, his outside the body lingers at this moment all if has Spirituality to sway from side to side generally, separates from the body, changes into terrifying attack, toward Yang Kai attack. 眨眼间,他便突进到距离杨开只有十丈的位置,他体外萦绕的为数不多的毒雾此刻俱都如有灵姓一般扭动起来,从身体中分离,化为一道道恐怖攻击,朝杨开攻击 Ice Heart Valley females to this time, has gotten back one's composure finally, young woman that leads shouted tenderly: Quick help!” 冰心谷众女到了这个时候,也总算回过神,那领头的少妇娇喝道:“快帮忙!” During the speeches, the Ice Attribute fluctuation of energy comes out from her tender body unconstrainedly, might good ice cones take shape easely, behind assault toward Jiang Xi. 说话间,冰系能量波动从她的娇躯内跌宕出来,一支支威力不俗的冰锥悠然成型,朝姜曦背后袭去。 Other female also responded, executed killing strike and Secret Technique respectively, hit to Jiang Xi. 其他女子也反应过来,各施杀招秘术,打向姜曦。 golden light reappears, under float was shaken straightly by Yang Kai in Yang Kai front Golden Blood Silk Thread, trembles slightly, suddenly in place vanishes does not see. 金光再现,悬浮在杨开面前的金血丝杨开抖得笔直,微微一颤之下,忽然在原地消失不见。 Jiang Xi ghost all braves, in this moment, he has the feeling that one type does not run away dies to raise from the heart , the unexpected happening place, he lives in the figure, clenches teeth, hid toward side. 姜曦亡魂皆冒,在这一刻,他有一种不逃就死的感觉自心中升起,鬼使神差地,他顿住身形,一咬牙,往旁边躲了一下。 Golden Blood Silk Thread appeared suddenly, shoots through him to keep in place illusory shadow. 金血丝忽然出现,射穿了他留在原地虚影 Jiang Xi emits cold sweat, has not waited for him to get back one's composure, Ice Heart Valley that more than ten female attack has rumbled fully. 姜曦冒出一身冷汗,还不等他回过神,冰心谷那十几个女子攻击已经铺天盖地地轰了过来。 That place that he is, was covered by hundreds of ice cones instantaneously. 他所在的那一片地方,瞬间被数以百计的冰锥覆盖。 The world energy is chaotic, has Jiang Xi indistinctly stuffy snort/hum the sound transmits, obviously is injured. 天地能量混乱,隐约还有姜曦的闷哼之声传来,显然是受了伤。 Ice Heart Valley ** on cultivation level is inferior to Jiang Xi, one-on-one perhaps only then by the second killing share, but more than ten people of power and influence jointly also cannot be underestimated. 冰心谷的**们修为上不如姜曦,单对单或许只有被秒杀的份,可十几人联手的威势也不容小觑。 The dust flies, the scene is chaotic. 尘埃飞起,场面混乱。 Ice Heart Valley is the young woman heartbeat of head stops suddenly, nervously is looking at that place. 冰心谷为首的少妇心跳骤停,紧张地望着那一块地方。 Died?” Some people asked. “死了没?”有人问道。 The words fall, Jiang Xi the voice had passed from the extremely far place: Ice Heart Valley ** the maids, you are waiting to Old Man, sooner or later Old Man will kill Extinct Ice Island, devastates your each and everyone lethal!” 话落,姜曦的声音已经从极远的地方传了过来:“冰心谷的**婢们,你们给老夫等着,早晚有一天老夫会杀上冰绝岛,将你们一个个摧残致死!” He does not know unexpectedly when escaped. 他竟不知道什么时候逃了出去。 young woman complexion one white, turns head to look in the direction that the sound originates, sees only that side five colors variegated rays of light to escape at the extremely quick speed together, by the form that five colors rays of light wraps isn't Jiang Xi is who? 少妇脸色一白,扭头朝声音来源的方向望去,只见那边一道五彩斑斓的光芒以极快的速度远遁,被五彩光芒包裹的身影不是姜曦又是谁? She looks immediately toward Yang Kai, in the heart counted on that he can make a move to intercept. 她立刻朝杨开望去,心中指望他能出手拦截。 Under may look, is one dull, location/position unexpectedly nobody left who Yang Kai was, where he did not know. 可一看之下,又是一呆,杨开原本所在的位置竟空无一人,他不知道去了哪里。 The heart has a feeling, she looks again in the direction that Jiang Xi runs away, when sees the interception after the form of Jiang Xi front, suddenly understands. 心有所感,她再次朝姜曦逃遁的方向望去,待见到拦截在姜曦前方的一道身影之后,忽然明白过来。 The fight of this time is not the level that they can touch, background that Jiang Xi or Yang Kai, has far exceeds their innumerable scales. 这一次的战斗已经不是她们能够触及到的层次了,无论是姜曦还是杨开,所拥有的底蕴都远超她们无数个档次。 They do not know when Yang Kai and Jiang Xi chase. 她们根本不知道杨开和姜曦到底是什么时候追逃出去的。 How you can......” Jiang Xiwang keep off in front Yang Kai, said white/in vain damn expression. “你怎么会……”姜曦望着挡在前方的杨开,一副白曰见鬼的表情。 He was chaotic while the energy a moment ago, enemy line of sight shifted that flickers, displays Secret Technique to run away, this thinks, but this youth sees clearly the situation unexpectedly, intercepted in the front. 他刚才趁着能量混乱,敌人视线被转移的那一瞬,施展秘术逃遁,本以为神不知鬼不觉,可这青年居然洞察先机,拦截在了前方。 Although in heart terrified, but Jiang Xi is a ruthless person, knows that does not break through the Yang Kai's blockade unable to escape, bites the tooth, blood essence spouts, imposing manner of whole person inexplicable raises three points, fills the 1-layer light blood light from top to bottom, hit toward Yang Kai bravely. 心中虽然惶恐,可姜曦到底是个狠人,知道不突破杨开的封锁根本无法逃跑,把牙一咬,一口精血喷出,整个人的气势莫名的拔高三分,浑身上下弥漫出一层淡淡的血光,毫不畏惧地朝杨开撞了上去。 Yang Kai look one cold, snort/hum, said with a smile ferociously: Courts death!” 杨开神色一冷,哼了一声,狞笑道:“找死!” Has not dodged has not evaded, raises a fist, in that fist peak is covered by 1-layer golden light immediately, has the chī chī sound to spread indistinctly, sharp aura proliferated. 没闪没避,扬起一只拳头,那拳峰上立刻被一层金光覆盖,隐约还有嗤嗤的声响传出,一种锐利至极的气息扩散开了。 Five Elements Indestructible Sword Qi, the air/Qi of sharp gold/metal. 不灭五行剑气,锐金之气。 In five elements sword qi, is sharpest by the gold/metal. 五行剑气中,以金最为锋利。 Used Gold Sword Qi, the Yang Kai's fist surface covered countless, naked eye being hard observed sword glow. 动用了金之剑气,杨开的拳头表面覆盖了数之不尽,肉眼难以观察到的剑芒 Detected that in that fist peak terrifying of energy, Jiang Xi is not naturally willing to sit waiting for death, condenses the five colors toxic smoke again, covers the whole body. 察觉到那拳峰上能量的恐怖,姜曦自然不愿坐以待毙,再一次凝聚出五彩毒烟,覆盖全身。 The fist hit on Jiang Xi's body, the five colors toxic smoke was routed instantaneously, that 1-layer covers in Jiang Xi's blood light also disintegrates loudly, Jiang Xi protecting body Saint Yuan cannot play any role of protection, then by torn to pieces that countless tiny sword glow pokes. 拳头撞击在姜曦的身上,五彩毒烟瞬间被击溃,那一层覆盖在姜曦身上的血光也轰然瓦解,姜曦的护体圣元更没能起到任何防护的作用,便被那数之不尽的细小剑芒戳的支离破碎。 Sound dense and numerous resounding of bone break, Jiang Xi the body flew upside down, in the midair, fresh blood spouts from the mouth. 骨头断裂的声响密密麻麻的响起,姜曦的身体倒飞了出去,半空中,鲜血从口中喷出。 His fierce complexion becomes terrified, stands firm the figure desperately, golden light that but following Golden Blood Silk Thread blooms, actually submerges him thoroughly. 他狰狞的脸色变得惶恐不安,拼命地稳住身形,但随之而来的一道金血丝绽放出来的金光,却将他彻底淹没。 When diverges to golden light, Jiang Xi whole person disrupts suddenly the innumerable blocks, scatters from the sky. 待到金光散去,姜曦整个人忽然碎裂成无数块,从天空散落。 The name hears Scarlet Billow Star, has Jiang Xi who promotes the Void King Stage powerhouse qualifications, falls! 名闻赤澜星,有着晋升虚王境强者资格的姜曦,陨落 Ice Heart Valley one crowd of female complexion flushed, exude the sound of cheering, excited being unable to restrain oneself. 冰心谷的一群女子面色潮红,发出欢呼之声,激动的不能自已。 But in Yan Chilei of Yu Xueqing fierce combat was the complexion big change, the shock incomparably is actually looking at Yang Kai, the movement on hand slow flickered. 而正在与俞雪晴激战的严赤雷却是脸色大变,震惊无比地望了一眼杨开,手上的动作不由慢了一瞬。 The Yu Xueqing good and evil is Ice Heart Valley Thirteenth Elder, ranking, although goes lower, but the strength was also equivalent, where will let up the this kind of opportunity, made use to change the situation, launched the suppression toward Yan Chilei crazily. 俞雪晴好歹是冰心谷十三长老,排名虽然靠后,可实力也相当了得,哪会放过这样的机会,趁势扭转了局势,疯狂地朝严赤雷展开压制。 She also is actually very shocked, basic didn't expect Yang Kai can kill unexpectedly Jiang Xi. 她其实也挺震惊的,根本没想到杨开居然能杀的了姜曦。 After all that person ** ** and Secretive, even own to, is still falls absolutely leeward, is not good also dead in the opposite party hand. 毕竟那人**的**及其诡秘,即便自己对上了,也绝对是落入下风,一个不好还会死在对方手上。 But Yang Kai actually Jiang Xi killing, time just 20-30 breath times of expenditure. 杨开却把姜曦给杀了,前后花费的时间只不过20-30息功夫。 In Ice Heart Valley, can achieve this point, perhaps only had Great Elder. 冰心谷内,能做到这一点的,恐怕只有大长老了。 Can this youth unexpectedly with the character who Great Elder is on par with? The Yu Xueqing heart vibrates, thought it is necessary to reexamine Yang Kai. 这青年居然是能与大长老比肩的人物?俞雪晴芳心震动,觉得有必要重新审视一下杨开 This Senior Brother, but also please lend a hand to help Thirteenth Elder helping hand!” Ice Heart Valley that young woman shouted to Yang Kai tenderly. “这位师兄,还请你出手助十三长老一臂之力!”冰心谷少妇杨开娇喝道。 Does not have the issue.” The Yang Kai light nod, puts out a hand toward Yan Chilei one finger/refers, shouted lowly: Killed him!” “没问题。”杨开淡淡点头,伸手朝严赤雷一指,低喝道:“杀了他!” Fiery Bird directly soars Yan Chilei to go. 火鸟直奔严赤雷而去。 The Yan Chilei strength and Yu Xueqing are the same, no one can do to anyone, may have joining of Fiery Bird Item Spirit, Yan Chilei at all is not an opponent, hit retreating in defeat again and again, does not have the strength to hit back. 严赤雷的实力与俞雪晴本是半斤八两,谁也奈何不了谁,可有了火鸟器灵的加入,严赤雷根本不是对手,被打的节节败退,毫无还手之力。 Boy, I am Brilliant Fire Sect Elder, you dare to intend to cope with me, you died, now receives the hand also with enough time, even if otherwise you escaped to the Horizon cape, Brilliant Fire Sect will not let off your.” Yan Chilei shouts breathless, hoping Yang Kai can be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not collaborate with Yu Xueqing.( To be continued.) “小子,我乃火耀宗长老,你敢出手对付我,你死定了,现在收手还来得及,否则即便你逃到天涯海角,火耀宗也不会放过你的。”严赤雷气急败坏地呼喊,希望杨开能够投鼠忌器,不与俞雪晴联手。(未完待续。)
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