MP :: Volume #17

#1635: You must do

You wear out iron shoes in hunting round, must come is not all time-consuming, Brilliant Fire Sect ** searched one year of key man laboriously, unexpectedly was bumped into by own accidentally . In Yan Chilei heart great happiness. 踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,火耀宗**辛苦寻觅了一年的关键人物,居然被自己无意中撞见了。.严赤雷心中大喜。 At this moment, he understands finally Yu Xueqing transfers the manpower to initiate attack in former several days crazily, shifted the Brilliant Fire Sect attention because of anything. 这一刻,他终于明白俞雪晴在前几曰调动人手疯狂发起攻击,转移火耀宗的注意力到底是因为什么了。 Obviously must clearly cultivate/repair the plank road, does something secretly! 显然是要明修栈道,暗度陈仓! Moreover, from the directions of their group of people, truly also returns to the Extinct Ice Island route. 而且,从他们这一群人的方向来看,确实也是返回冰绝岛的路线。 So that's how it is!” Yan Chilei nods slightly, turns head to look to Yu Xueqing: Originally your goal is this, but was a pity very much, since asked Yan to bump into, will be doomed you not to succeed!” “原来如此!”严赤雷微微颔首,扭头望向俞雪晴:“原来你的目的是这个,不过很可惜,既然叫严某碰上了,注定你不会成功!” In the Yu Xueqing heart shouted secretly bad, could not bear stare Yang Kai one, blaming his words were many, goes looking for trouble, simultaneously in the mouth drank one lowly: Is gawking doing, has not walked quickly! In any event, must deliver to Extinct Ice Island this boy!” 俞雪晴心中暗叫糟糕,忍不住瞪了杨开一眼,责怪他话多,自找麻烦,同时口中低喝一声:“愣着干什么,还不快走!无论如何,也要把这小子送到冰绝岛!” The words fall, a Yu Xueqing Saint Yuan suddenly stimulation of movement, visible cold air is centered on location/position that she is, crazily toward all around spreads. 话落,俞雪晴一身圣元猛地催动,一股肉眼可见的寒气以她所在的位置为中心,疯狂朝四周蔓延开来。 That cold air almost must freeze the world, the land fills the thick ice layer immediately. 那寒气几乎要将天地冻结,大地立刻弥漫出厚厚的冰层。 whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...... 咻咻咻…… Ice corner appear suddenly in Yu Xueqing behind, sharp sharp, twinkling cold and gloomy cold light, she usually raises, that countless ice cone then such as the locust transits generally toward the Brilliant Fire Sect person assault. 一根根冰棱忽然浮现在俞雪晴身后,尖锐锋利,闪烁森冷寒光,她素手一扬,那数之不尽的冰锥便如蝗虫过境一般朝火耀宗的人袭去。 Long time hears about the Thirteenth Elder given name, Yan accompanies you to play, hopes that you will not disappoint me!” Yan Chilei drinks one severely, facing that innumerable ice cone, happy does not fear, suddenly facing forward rumbles a fist. “久闻十三长老大名,严某来陪你玩玩,希望你不会让我失望!”严赤雷厉喝一声,面对那无数冰锥,怡然不惧,猛地朝前轰出一拳。 The bursting sound resounds, scalding hot Domain sputtering Void, a giant fist that is gathered by the flame, moves forward to meet somebody toward these ice cones. 爆裂声响起,灼热的意境溅射虚空,一只由火焰聚成的巨大拳头,朝那些冰锥迎了上去。 Rumbling...... 轰轰轰…… The ice cone disruption are innumerable, the flame great fist also gradually reduces, finally extinguishes invisible. 冰锥碎裂无数,火焰巨拳也逐渐消减,最终消弭无形。 Jiang brother, others are dead are the live your looks at offices, but the boy must capture alive!” After attack that a Yan Chilei move crushed Yu Xueqing, approaches extremely quickly toward Yu Xueqing, while in the mouth urged. “姜兄,其他人是死是活你看着办,但那小子必须活捉!”严赤雷一招粉碎了俞雪晴攻击之后,一边极快地朝俞雪晴逼近过去,一边口中叮嘱。 hey hey hey...... has your words, that Old Man felt relieved!” Jiang Xi is grinning fiendishly, stimulates to movement the poisonous merit. 嘿嘿嘿……有你这句话,那老夫就放心了!”姜晞狞笑着,催动自身毒功。 In an instant, a surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) world was covered by 1-layer five colors variegated poisonous mist, just like a backing off large bowl, solid, ill-smelling aura that these ten li (0.5 km) places cover floods in this stretch of the world, making one hear that the desire vomits, all Ice Heart Valley female that smells this aura, all feel somewhat has a dizzy spell, Saint Yuan does not revolve spirit. 刹那间,方圆十里的天地被一层五彩斑斓的毒雾笼罩,宛若一只倒扣的大碗,将这十里之地笼罩的严严实实,一股难闻的气息充斥在这片天地中,让人闻之欲呕,所有嗅到这股气息冰心谷女子,皆都感觉有些头晕目眩,圣元运转不灵。 „It is not good, is Jiang Xi Annihilation Poisonous Fog!” A Ice Heart Valley person yelled panic-stricken. “不好,是姜晞湮灭毒雾!”冰心谷一人惊恐大叫。 No matter how, first delivers this boy!” The urging that another person respectfully follows Yu Xueqing, is drinking the reminder people tenderly. “不管如何,先把这小子送出去!”另一人谨遵俞雪晴的叮嘱,娇喝着提醒众人。 Ice Heart Valley numerous female gets back one's composure suddenly. 冰心谷一众女子蓦然回神。 More than one year time, at least over a thousand same side tragic deaths outside, for seeks for Yang Kai, now finally found his whereabouts, if were stolen here, that thousand same side died in vain. 一年多时间,最少上千同门惨死在外,为的就是寻找杨开,如今终于找到他的下落,若是在这里被人劫走,那千名同门就白死了。 Follows us!” female of young woman appearance drinks to Yang Kai lowly. “跟我们走!”一少妇打扮的女子杨开低喝。 Yu Xueqing was pestered by Yan Chilei, people then led by her. 俞雪晴严赤雷纠缠,众人便以她为首。 Can't leave?” Yang Kai is looking at her, shakes the head slowly, that old fogy is higher than your strength, moreover this poisonous mist also is very probably serious, if really escapes, you will be played.” “走不掉吧?”杨开望着她,缓缓摇头,“那老家伙比你们实力都要高,而且这毒雾好像也很不得了,真要是逃跑的话,你们会被玩死的。” Your how so many idle talk, asking you to leave walk!” That young woman is almost clenches teeth to drink severely, this person is very strong, we are incapable of resisting radically!” “你怎么这么多废话,让你走就走!”那少妇几乎是咬牙厉喝,“这人很强,我们根本无力抵挡!” „Very strong? Strong?” The Yang Kai facial expression is invariable. “很强?有多强?”杨开神情不变。 Void Return 3-layer Peak! On Scarlet Billow Star, he promotes to one of the Void King Stage candidates hopefully, my Ice Heart Valley only then first five Elder can contend with him, do not act recklessly.” 返虚三层境顶峰赤澜星上,他是最有希望晋升到虚王境的人选之一,我冰心谷只有前五位长老能与他抗衡,你别不知死活。” Really is very strong.” Yang Kai light nod. “果然很强。”杨开淡淡点头。 You......” young woman a lot of annoyed, are very unsatisfied about Yang Kai this careless attitude, she was so serious, an opposite party point that words saying did not care unexpectedly, this do not implicate them to follow to meet with a disaster? “你……”少妇一肚子恼火,对杨开这幅漫不经心的态度很不满意,她把话都说的这么严重了,对方居然一点也不在意,这不是要拖累她们跟着遭殃么? We have missed the best time!” Nearby female low-spirited say/way. “我们已经错过最好的时机了!”旁边一个女子黯然道。 hears word, young woman sighed. 闻言,少妇叹了口气。 That flash that if opens the mouth to remind in Thirteenth Elder, they then take an action, but might also escape born the day, but such a was rubbed gently by Yang Kai, which also had the opportunity that what returned alive? 若是在十三长老开口提醒的那一瞬间,她们便有所行动的话,还有可能逃出生天,但被杨开这么一磨蹭,哪还有什么生还的机会? Jiang Xi abhors Ice Heart Valley, strength strange tall, ** the poisonous merit is Secretive is more difficult to guard, the own this crowd of apprentice sisters fate is perhaps less optimistic. 姜晞冰心谷深恶痛绝,实力奇高,**的毒功更是诡秘难防,自己这群师姐妹的下场恐怕不容乐观啊。 Thinks of here, young woman stared Yang Kai one wickedly, bites Yin Ya/silver tooth saying: We, if died, is you harms, I will not let off you to the nether world.” 想到这里,少妇恶狠狠地瞪了杨开一眼,咬着银牙道:“我们要是死了,都是你害的,到了阴曹地府我也不会放过你。” Said does seriously.” Yang Kai is still not to worry or care about at all, killed him not on the line.” “说的这么严重干什么。”杨开依然满不在意,“杀了他不就行了。” young woman one dull, numerous Ice Heart Valley female also looks at idiot same looks at Yang Kai, thought that the man is really stupid organism, could it be that he does not know power gap between own and Jiang Xi? Unexpectedly dares so boasting shamelessly. 少妇一呆,众冰心谷女子也都看白痴一样看着杨开,心想男人果然都是愚蠢的生物,难道他就不知道自己姜晞之间的实力差距?居然敢如此大言不惭 Such a while that the people delay, Jiang Xi outside the body has filled same five colors poisonous mist, cannot see his figure, only then another person absolutely terrified grinning fiendishly sound of transmits from poisonous mist. 众人耽搁的这么一会儿,姜晞体外已经弥漫起同样的五彩毒雾,让人根本看不到他的身形,只有另人毛骨悚然的狞笑声从毒雾里传来。 Along with Old Man on, but remembers to Old Man, do not kill anyone, Ice Heart Valley these ** the maids are Old Man, Old Man must ask them to know that what is the person not facial expression!” Jiang Xi measures the geodesy to drink Yin lowly. “随老夫上吧,不过给老夫记住,别杀死任何一个人,冰心谷的这些**婢都是老夫的,老夫要叫她们知道什么叫人不可貌相!”姜晞阴测测地低喝。 Brilliant Fire Sect several martial artist simultaneous show the whites of the eyes, but the strength is inferior to others , can only the nod coordination, follow closely after Jiang Xi, a Fire Attribute Saint Yuan fierce potential is dreadful, flushes away toward the Ice Heart Valley people. 火耀宗的几个武者齐齐翻了个白眼,但实力不如人家,也只能点头配合,紧随在姜晞之后,一身火系圣元烈势滔天,朝冰心谷众人冲去。 Came! Our are more than them, first with every effort defense, especially careful Jiang Xi poisonous mist!” Takes the lead young woman to drink tenderly, about ten Ice Heart Valley female simultaneous revolution Saint Yuan, urge the pinnacle their severe coldness. “来了!我们人数比他们多,先尽力防守,尤其小心姜晞毒雾!”领头少妇娇喝着,近十位冰心谷女子齐齐运转圣元,将自身的严寒催到极致。 She looked at Yang Kai one, told: You hide behind to go...... to feed, you must do!” 她又望了杨开一眼,吩咐道:“你躲到后面去……喂,你要干什么!” Speech time, she saw that Yang Kai proceeds to tread unexpectedly one step, welcomed toward Jiang Xi and the others directly, a reckless appearance. 说话的时候,她见到杨开居然往前踏出一步,径直地朝姜晞等人迎了过去,一副不知死活的样子。 Hurries!” young woman has a big shock. “赶紧回来!”少妇大惊失色。 Another side, was detecting that with well-matched Yu Xueqing that Yan Chilei hits here unusual form, turned head to look at one, similarly Hua Rong/beautiful face changes countenance. 另一边,正在与严赤雷打的旗鼓相当的俞雪晴察觉到这边的异状,扭头看了一眼,同样花容变色 Diverts attention long-drawn-out, the evenly matched aspect was then usurped the advantage by Yan Chilei, can only defend with hardship, in the heart cursed that Yang Kai does not know the weight, conduct unexpectedly so impulsive. 悠一分心,原本势均力敌的局面便被严赤雷强占了优势,只能苦苦防守,心中大骂杨开不知轻重,行事居然如此鲁莽 She knows, then ended. 她知道,这下完了。 Not is only unable to bring back to Ice Heart Valley Yang Kai, that more than ten ** perhaps dies to live, as for her own, hope of escaping 30%! for a moment, Yu Xueqing is burning with impatience, is actually at wit's end. 不但无法把杨开带回冰心谷,那十几个**恐怕都没命活着回去,至于她自己,逃生的希望不过30%!一时间,俞雪晴心急如焚,却无计可施。 This boy is interesting! Em, strict Elder said that cannot injure him to be surnamed the life, that can only capture alive, is really troublesome!” Jiang Xi is looking rapidly toward Yang Kai that own is close , a hand god, wisp of poisonous mist separates from his within the body, toward the Yang Kai assault. “这小子有意思!恩,严长老说不能伤他姓命,那就只能活捉了,真是麻烦!”姜晞望着急速朝自己这边接近过来的杨开,把手一神,一缕毒雾从他体内分离出去,直朝杨开袭去。 Suddenly, that wisp of poisonous mist then overran to front of Yang Kai, the distortion is wriggling, as if a rope, toward the Yang Kai winding in the past, must capture alive him. 眨眼间,那一缕毒雾便攻到了杨开面前,扭曲蠕动着,仿佛一条绳索,朝杨开缠绕过去,显然是要将他生擒活捉。 Was bad!” The rear young woman heart sinks, hardly endures to look that then must have, in the heart hates the anxiety. “坏了!”后方的少妇芳心一沉,几乎不忍去看接下来要发生的一幕,心中又恨有急。 If not for the Yang Kai grinding chirp, the haste, they also complete this time task at least hopefully, when the time comes even some casualty people are still worth, is now, anything ended. 若不是杨开磨磨唧唧,仓促行事,她们最起码还有希望完成这次的任务,到时候就算死伤一些人也值得,可是现在,什么都完了。 If the toxic smoke has Spirituality, ties up the Yang Kai's body. 毒烟如有灵姓,捆缚住杨开的身体。 This boy is useful to your Brilliant Fire Sect, gave you!” Jiang Xi told one, looked that did not look at Yang Kai one, grazed directly from his side, the goal pointed to front not far away young woman et al . “这小子对你们火耀宗有用,就交给你们了!”姜晞吩咐一声,看都不看杨开一眼,直接从他身边飞掠过去,目标直指前方不远处的少妇等人。 Brilliant Fire Sect several people of looks exchanged, a person flushes away toward Yang Kai, others continue to follow in Jiang Xi behind. 火耀宗几人眼神交流了一番,一人朝杨开冲去,其他人继续跟在姜晞身后 78 people of teams and Yang Kai brushed past. 七八人的队伍与杨开擦肩而过。 golden light starts! 金光乍起! Has the fresh blood sputtering, has to cut off limb flies horizontally...... 鲜血溅射,有断肢横飞…… Several people of vitality, instantaneous annihilation! 有几人的生机,瞬间湮灭! The remnant corpse hashed meat such as rains general, crash-bang falls toward , the scene is bloody. 残尸碎肉如下雨一般,哗啦啦往下方掉落,场面血腥至极。 Detected that the back fluctuation of energy, a Jiang Xi brow wrinkle, the doubt then sizes up. 察觉到背后的能量波动,姜晞眉头一皱,狐疑地回头打量。 the next moment, his eyeball then stared the circle, turned around hastily, the vision is looking at Yang Kai dignifiedly, in the eye pupil an incredible look. 下一刻,他的眼珠子便瞪圆了,连忙转身,目光凝重地望着杨开,眼眸里一片不可置信的神色。 own ties up the toxic smoke of this boy, does not know when dissipates to disappear unexpectedly . Moreover, follows not to remain in own behind Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist one, all death! 自己捆缚住这小子的毒烟,不知什么时候居然消散不见了,而且,跟在自己身后火耀宗武者一个不剩,尽数死亡! Without sound of fight, before without at the point of death the pitiful yell, as if only then that the fluctuation of energy of flash, 67 Void Return Stage martial artist such bewildered deaths. 没有战斗的动静,没有临死前的惨叫,似乎只有那么一瞬间的能量波动,六七个返虚镜武者就这么莫名其妙的死了。 Jiang Xi thought suddenly some are not wonderful, a cool feeling raids the sole from the beginning. 姜晞忽然觉得有些不妙,一股凉意从头袭到脚底。 What's the matter?” That side Ice Heart Valley, one crowd of female also dumbfounded, is young woman of head is the tender body trembles lightly, the look is vacant, just like placing oneself dreamland. “怎么回事?”冰心谷那边,一群女子也呆住了,为首的少妇更是娇躯轻颤,神色茫然,宛若置身梦境。 In the beautiful pupil of Qing Ya full is the extraordinary splendor, shows a really such expression. 青雅的美眸里满是异彩,露出一副果然如此的表情。 Yang Kai insists on not running away, instead meets the enemy on own initiative, she had guessed. 杨开执意不逃,反而主动迎敌,她已有所猜测。 To Yang Kai, is not deep, but from Su Yan there that she understands, she actually knows that Yang Kai is can create the miracle frequently, regards the step challenge such as the person of potluck. 杨开,她了解的不深,但是从苏颜那里,她却知道杨开是个能经常创造奇迹,视越阶挑战如家常便饭的人。 Before she guessed, but now fact on swayed before her. 之前她只是猜测,而如今事实就摆在她面前。 Brilliant Fire Sect that 67 people, have to 3-layer from Void Return 1-layer, when brushed past with Yang Kai, actually bewildered complete death. 火耀宗那六七人,从返虚一层境三层境都有,可是在与杨开擦肩而过的时候,却莫名其妙的全部死亡。 This already not with, this that jump over the ranks to fight can explain radically is a miracle! 这已经不是用一个越阶作战能够解释的了,这根本就是一个奇迹! No one knows how Yang Kai achieves, they only see wisp of blooming golden light. 没人知道杨开到底是如何做到的,她们只看到一缕绽放的金光 Can't?” young woman is looking at Yang Kai shocking, Yang Kai at this moment, before the body, together gold thread float, that gold thread was full of strength of vitality and vitality strangely, seems has the own life, making one not dare to belittle. “不会吧?”少妇震惊地望着杨开,此刻的杨开,身前一道金丝悬浮,那金丝诡异地充满了生机和气血之力,好似有自己的生命般,让人不敢小觑。 On his face is hanging the light smiling face, slightly ridiculed obviously is looking at Jiang Xi. 他脸上挂着淡淡的笑容,略显讥讽地望着姜晞 Jiang Xi feels the tremendous pressure bewilderedly, probably he faces is not Void Return 2-layer, but is real Void King Stage! 姜晞莫名其妙地感受到巨大的压力,好像他面对的不是一个返虚两层境,而是一个货真价实的虚王境 Spiritual Mind fluctuates, Jiang Xi scattered the anxiety of heart, the sound is low and deep: „Does boy dare to play the role of the pig to eat the tiger?” 神念变幻,姜晞驱散了心头的不安,声音低沉:“小子敢扮猪吃老虎?” Was you looks down on me.” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, said unhurriedly: „Did old thing, prepare to suffer to death?” “是你们太小瞧我了而已。”杨开咧嘴一笑,不慌不忙道:“老东西,准备好受死了么?” boasting shamelessly!” Jiang Xi drinks severely, own potential instantaneous came unconstrainedly, assumes fan-shaped toward the Yang Kai suppression in the past.( To be continued.) 大言不惭!”姜晞厉喝,自身的势瞬间跌宕开来,呈扇形朝杨开压制过去。(未完待续。)
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