MP :: Volume #17

#1634: Unexpectedly is you

In the inn side building, a palace dress beautiful woman look ice-cold is looking at Yang Kai, nods said: Good, is he! Qing Ya your time looks for missing people active, this Elder Assembly reported Valley Master and Elder Assembly, had your granting!” 客栈厢房内,一宫装美妇神色冰冷地望着杨开,颔首道:“不错,就是他!青雅你这次寻人有功,本长老会上报谷主长老会,定有你的赏赐!” After Qing Ya pass on message, but two double-hour, Ice Heart Valley this Thirteenth Elder sharply sharply rushed to this city, saw Yang Kai in the inn . 青雅传讯之后,不过两个时辰,冰心谷这位十三长老就急急赶到了这座城池,在客栈内见到了杨开。. She brings in the valley ** sought for Yang Kai one year of outside, naturally knows that his appearance, so easily seeks now, in the heart was very happy. 她带着谷中**在外寻找了杨开一年之久,自然知道他的样貌,如今这般轻易寻到,心中很是高兴。 Thanked Elder.” Qing Ya does not see many to be joyful, instead somewhat worried that asked: Elder, ** can ask one, why do we want to look for him?” “谢长老。”青雅不见多少喜悦,反而有些担忧地问道:“长老,**能问一句,我们为什么要找他吗?” Thirteenth Elder turned head to look at Qing Ya one, in the beautiful pupil sheet ice was cold, coldly said: „Do you care about him very much?” 十三长老扭头看了青雅一眼,美眸中一片冰寒,冷声道:“你很在意他?” The Qing Ya look is invariable, opens the mouth saying: „ He has rescued 青雅神色不变,开口道:“他在火耀宗的人手下救过我一命,算是我的救命恩人,所以……” Thirteenth Elder nods gently, the anxiety completely disappears, said slowly: We ask him naturally to have the reason, this you do not need to ask, is not only your savior, this Elder can tell you actually, Ice Heart Valley to him and that's the end, this you cannot feel relieved in any case disadvantageously.” 十三长老轻轻颔首,疑虑尽消,徐徐道:“我们找他自然是有原因的,这点你无需多问,既是你的救命恩人,本长老倒是可以告诉你,冰心谷反正不会对他不利就是了,这点你可以放心。” hears word, Qing Ya relaxes, expressed gratitude hastily. 闻言,青雅松了一口气,连忙道谢。 That Thirteenth Elder then looks to Yang Kai, sized up one carefully, the nod said: Strength is good, what did you call?” 十三长老这才看向杨开,细细打量了一阵,点头道:“实力不错,你叫什么?” Yang Kai.” 杨开。” „Aren't you Scarlet Billow Star person?” Thirteenth Elder as if to Yang Kai some appearances of alert. “你不是赤澜星的人吧?”十三长老似乎对杨开有些戒备的样子。 „It is not, I come from Green Hills Star.” “不是,我从翠微星而来。” Green Hills Star!” The Thirteenth Elder beautiful pupil narrows the eyes, had guessed indistinctly, actually cannot too affirm, but asked: You know that Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley are seeking you, why will voluntarily request to go to Ice Heart Valley?” 翠微星!”十三长老美眸一眯,隐约有所猜测,却也不敢太肯定,只是问:“你既知道火耀宗冰心谷都在寻你,为何会主动要求前往冰心谷?” Yang Kai shows a faint smile: I and Brilliant Fire Sect some people enmity, have killed several Brilliant Fire Sect people, now wants to seek harbour, naturally can only choose Ice Heart Valley.” 杨开微微一笑:“我与火耀宗的人有些过节,杀过几个火耀宗的人,如今想要寻求庇护,自然只能选择冰心谷。” Then, the Yang Kai intent has pointed out: Elder this is suspected that what impure motive I do have?” 说完,杨开意有所指道:“长老这是怀疑我有什么不纯的动机?” „Against person's heart must have!” Thirteenth Elder had not denied, your choice is very correct, now also only has Ice Heart Valley to shelter you. Em, this, you first wait to say here, making me make the arrangement slightly, first later, this Elder Assembly leads you to return to Ice Heart Valley personally!” “防人之心不可无!”十三长老并没有否认,“不过你的选择很正确,如今也只有冰心谷可以庇护得了你。恩,这样吧,你先在这里等一曰,让我稍作安排,一曰之后,本长老会亲自带你返回冰心谷!” Many thanks!” Yang Kai is constraining the own mood, expressed gratitude submissively. “多谢!”杨开压抑着自己的情绪,拱手道谢。 Finally, finally must see Su Yan! In the Yang Kai heart is almost impossible to self-restrain excitedly. 终于,终于要见到苏颜了!杨开心中一股激动几乎无法自抑。 He incomparably that moment of anticipating and Su Yan says goodbye, he wants to have a look with own eyes, beautiful woman now how. 他无比期待与苏颜再见的那一刻,他很想亲眼看看,佳人现在到底怎样。 Yang Kai waited for in the inn anxiously. 杨开在客栈内焦心地等待了起来。 As for that Thirteenth Elder, does not know that is making anything to arrange. 至于那十三长老,也不知道在做什么安排。 Is the night, subordinates in Ice Heart Valley Sect and family's these martial artist on own initiative to Brilliant Fire Sect ** launches the attack, such as hit the chicken blood general, the fight of every big and small was countless, for a moment, the attention of almost all people were attracted the past. 是夜,隶属于冰心谷宗门和家族的那些武者主动向火耀宗的**发起进攻,如打了鸡血一般,大大小小的战斗数之不尽,一时间,几乎所有人的注意力都被吸引了过去。 The weather is not bright, Thirteenth Elder arrives at the inn again, greeted Yang Kai one, leads him and Qing Ya by starlight left the city of hiding rapidly. 天色未亮,十三长老再次来到客栈,招呼了杨开一声,带着他和青雅趁着夜色急速离开了藏身的城池。 30 li (0.5 km) outside the city locate, one team of population roughly about more than ten people female, calmly are waiting. 在城池外三十里处,有一队人数约莫在十几人左右的女子,正在静静等候。 After seeing the Thirteenth Elder arrival, salutes in abundance submissively. 见到十三长老到来之后,纷纷拱手行礼。 Walks!” Thirteenth Elder also has no idle talk, element wields, takes the lead to face forward to spread. “走!”十三长老也没什么废话,素手一挥,领头朝前驰去。 That more than ten female disperse, wraps Yang Kai in middle location/position, follows closely in Thirteenth Elder behind, sets out in the Extinct Ice Island direction. 那十几个女子分散开来,将杨开包裹在中间位置,紧随在十三长老身后,朝冰绝岛的方向进发。 Side intermittent different fragrant wind, lingers in the tip of the nose, Yang Kai is realized seriously what is a crowd of beautiful lies in wait from all sides. 身旁一阵阵不同的香风,萦绕在鼻尖,杨开当真是体会到了什么叫群美环伺。 These more than ten Ice Heart Valley females ** how regardless of cultivation level, each one appearances to be splendid, the figure is slender, the makings vary, has various characteristics respectively. 这十几个冰心谷的女**且不论修为如何,个个容貌出色,身段窈窕,气质不一,各有各的特色。 In process of hurrying along, these females ** also looks at two toward Yang Kai once for a while, the look is very strange. 赶路的过程中,这些女**还时不时地朝杨开望上两眼,神色都很古怪。 They rushed about to fight bravely outside one year, for was Yang Kai, now sees the live person, will naturally pay attention to several. 她们在外奔波奋战了一年之久,为的就是杨开,如今见到活人,自然是会多关注几眼。 They are very curious, this man has what special place, unexpectedly makes Scarlet Billow Star two big top Sect look for him with all mental efforts. 她们都很好奇,这个男人到底有什么特别的地方,居然让赤澜星两大顶尖宗门费尽心思地寻找他。 For this man, many same side tragic deaths, many same side missing...... 为了这个男人,许多同门惨死,许多同门下落不明…… Yang Kai felt very obvious hostility. 杨开感受到了很明显的敌意。 Be responsible for protecting own these more than ten female, half is hostile toward own at least. 负责保护自己的这十几个女子,最少有一半是仇视自己的。 Yang Kai is bewildered! 杨开莫名其妙! If not for there is Thirteenth Elder to assume personal command in this, Yang Kai estimated that these women first may hit own one to say jointly again. 若不是有十三长老在此坐镇,杨开估计这些女人可能会先联手打自己一顿再说。 Qing Ya Senior Sister, they as if very dislike I.” Yang Kai passes on the sound said with Qing Ya quietly. 青雅师姐,她们似乎挺不待见我啊。”杨开悄悄地跟青雅传音道。 Qing Ya smiles bitterly, as Ice Heart Valley **, participated in the action of this time, she naturally knows the reason, but is not really good to state clearly, can only open the mouth saying: Normal, our Ice Heart Valley person is quite hostile toward the man generally.” 青雅苦笑一声,身为冰心谷的**,参与了这一次的行动,她自然知道原因,但实在不好明说,只能开口道:“正常的,我们冰心谷的人一般都比较仇视男子。” „.” Yang Kai nods, does not doubt him. “哦。”杨开点点头,不疑有他。 The team continues to face forward to advance, the speed is extremely fast. 队伍继续朝前推进,速度极快。 Third, one line of more than ten people passed by piece of Mountain Valley. 三曰后,一行十几人路过一片山谷 , A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, the low eye looks long-drawn-out toward under. 悠地,杨开眉头一皱,低眼朝下方望去。 Leads as if also to detect in frontline Thirteenth Elder, in the mouth drinks one tenderly: Enemy raids!” 带队走在最前方的十三长老似乎也有所察觉,口中娇喝一声:“敌袭!” Her finishing speaking, below facilitates to transmit the violent fluctuation of energy, that fluctuation of energy is overbearing, scalding hot, Shaking its head and Wagging its tail Fire Dragon leave from under Mountain Valley suddenly speeds along, fiercely toward location/position that the Ice Heart Valley people are. 她的话音刚落,下方便传来剧烈的能量波动,那能量波动霸道无比,灼热至极,一条条摇头摆尾火龙忽然从下方山谷出飞驰,龇牙咧嘴地朝冰心谷众人所在的位置袭来。 Fire Dragon has 78 say/way, killing terrifying that each interior contains. 火龙有七八道之多,每一道内部蕴藏的杀伤都恐怖至极。 The choice of enemy making a move time is also just right, even if there is Thirteenth Elder to remind beforehand, Ice Heart Valley female still some responded without enough time. 敌人出手时机的选择也是恰到好处,即便有十三长老事先提醒,冰心谷女子也有些来不及反应。 Their bodies sparkle to protect oneself Saint Yuan rays of light, that 78 Fire Dragon have then crashed in the crowd. 她们的身上才闪耀起护身圣元光芒,那七八道火龙便已经冲进了人群之中。 The pitiful yell sound spreads, two strength slightly low female were swallowed by Fire Dragon, perishes on the fragrant disappearing jade instantaneously, others are also quite distressed, dodges hurriedly. 惨叫声传出,两个实力稍低的女子火龙吞噬,瞬间就香消玉殒,其他人也颇为狼狈,匆忙闪避。 Yang Kai is protecting Qing Ya, hides one side, narrows to look toward under. 杨开护着青雅,躲到一旁,眯眼朝下方望去。 Below Mountain Valley presents forms suddenly, these people do not have the Ice Heart Valley quantity to be many, but everyone cultivation level has the Void Return Stage degree, is two people of head, is Thirteenth Elder is more equally matched on aura. 下方的山谷忽然出现一道道身影,这些人没有冰心谷的数量多,但每一个人都修为都有返虚镜的程度,为首的两人,在气息上更是与十三长老不相上下。 The Thirteenth Elder phoenix pupil narrows the eyes, the complexion is ugly. 十三长老凤眸一眯,脸色难看至极。 Her didn't expect own conduct is so covert, unexpectedly also careless mistake. 没想到自己行事如此隐蔽,居然还出了纰漏。 Her immediately discharges the possible surname that in annihilated, this time to escort Yang Kai's more than ten female, is she chooses strictly, can guarantee that everyone is loyal and devoted to Ice Heart Valley, moreover everyone has the Blood Sea deep enmity with Brilliant Fire Sect, is absolutely impossible to make the kissing/betrothal painful enmity quick matter. 第一时间排出了内歼的可能姓,这一次护送杨开的十几个女子,都是她严格挑选出来的,可以保证每一个人都对冰心谷忠心耿耿,而且每一个人都与火耀宗血海深仇,绝对不可能做出亲者痛仇者快的事情。 Coincidence? The Thirteenth Elder state of mind like the electricity, looked at one toward Yang Kai that side quietly, discovers him to return safe and sound, this relaxes. 巧合么?十三长老心绪如电,悄悄地往杨开那边看了一眼,发现他毫发无伤,这才松了口气。 Yu Xueqing, your didn't expect, Old Man will be waiting for you here!” Under hears one to laugh, the person of speech is a fair-skin middle-aged man, long and narrow eye twinkling strange rays of light, is fixing the eyes on the Thirteenth Elder graceful tender body. 俞雪晴,你没想到吧,老夫会在这里等着你!”下方传来一声大笑,说话之人是一个皮肤白净的中年男子,一双狭长的眼睛闪烁着诡异的光芒,紧盯着十三长老的曼妙娇躯。 Yan Chilei!” Yu Xueqing clenches teeth to drink lowly. 严赤雷!”俞雪晴咬牙低喝。 An opposite party round of sneak attack, making Ice Heart Valley lose two **, in Yu Xueqing heart killing intent like tide. 对方一轮偷袭,让冰心谷损失了两个**,俞雪晴心中杀念如潮。 Old Man!” The middle-aged man proceeds to tread one step, knows before you , the hands and feet that several days moves has the plot, what do stealthy you want to make?” “正是老夫!”中年男子往前踏出一步,“就知道你前几曰动的手脚有阴谋,鬼鬼祟祟的你想做什么?” Strict Elder, rubbish to do with her, why not, begins simply directly.” Yan Chilei nearby short old man cold snort. “严长老,跟她废话作甚,何不干脆一点,直接动手。”严赤雷旁边一个身材矮小的老者冷哼一声 Yu Xueqing looks toward that old man, beautiful pupil suddenly contraction: Jiang Xi!” 俞雪晴朝那老者望去,美眸猛地收缩:“姜晞!” hey hey, name of even Ice Heart Valley didn't expect Old Man Thirteenth Elder also heard, Old Man is honored!” That diminutive old man happily smiles. 嘿嘿,没想到老夫之名连冰心谷十三长老也有所耳闻,老夫倍感荣幸!”那矮小老者得意一笑。 The Yu Xueqing complexion was uglier, hits the meaningful glance to Ice Heart Valley numerous female quietly, while the sinking sound asked: Jiang Xi, my Ice Heart Valley does not have the enmity with you without the injustice, why you come this turbid water!” 俞雪晴的脸色更难看了,一边悄悄地给冰心谷女子打眼色,一边沉声问道:“姜晞,我冰心谷与你无冤无仇,你何必来趟这浑水!” Doesn't have the enmity without the injustice?” Jiang Xi cold snort, „is Thirteenth Elder this is opening eyes to talk nonsense? The 20 years ago shames, Jiang had not forgotten, must say the enmity, you should ask your Ice Heart Valley Fifth Elder!” “无冤无仇?”姜晞冷哼,“十三长老这是睁着眼说瞎话吗?二十年前的耻辱,姜某可没忘记,要说仇怨,你该去问问你们冰心谷五长老!” That matter real?” Yu Xueqing astonished. “那事是真的?”俞雪晴讶然 She thinks that matter is only the hearsay, actually does not want unexpectedly real. 她以为那件事只是传闻,却不想居然是真的。 No wonder Jiang Xi with Brilliant Fire Sect Yan Chilei to annihilate distressedly, then troubled in a big way. 怪不得姜晞会跟火耀宗严赤雷狼狈为歼,这下麻烦大了。 To previous Yan Chilei, she does not fear only, but Jiang Xi this person is harder to deal with than Yan Chilei, ** a poisonous merit, virtually impossible to guard against, with own these ** absolutely is not an opponent, do not say opposite party also incessantly two people. 单对上一个严赤雷,她不惧怕,可姜晞这人比严赤雷还要难缠,**了一身毒功,令人防不胜防,跟着自己的这些**绝对不是对手,更不要说对方也不止两人了。 Hearsay unexpectedly real.” The Qing Ya expression looks strangely that is being short, the appearance ugly old man, muttered. “传闻居然是真的。”青雅表情古怪地望着那身材矮小,容貌丑陋的老者,喃喃自语。 She has also listened to some hearsay obviously. 她显然也听过一些传闻。 What is real?” Yang Kai is curious. “什么是真的?”杨开好奇。 Hears for 20 years ago this person once wanted my Ice Heart Valley Fifth Elder to become the couple with him, was actually rejected by Fifth Elder, in addition, Fifth Elder also makes into the severe wound him, but we think that is only a hearsay, didn't expect really occurrence.” “听说二十年前这个人曾经想要我冰心谷五长老与他结为夫妻,却被五长老拒绝了,不但如此,五长老还把他打成重伤,只是我们都以为那只是个传闻罢了,没想到真的发生过。” He?” The Yang Kai corners of the mouth pull out. “就他?”杨开嘴角一抽。 Sized up that Jiang Xi earnestly, discovered how, regardless to see, is unable to find a highlight from the opposite party. 认真地打量了一下那个姜晞,发现无论怎么看,也无法从对方身上找到一处亮点。 Short, fresh is the appearance is also ugly, the spent brewer's grain nose, the big small eye, the thick lip, hangs just like two sausages above, the skin color is shading yellow, neck is thick, four limbs short...... 身材矮小也就罢了,偏偏生的也是样貌丑陋,酒槽鼻,大小眼,厚嘴唇,宛若两根香肠挂在上面,肤色暗黄,颈脖粗大,四肢短小…… Ice Heart Valley Fifth Elder Yang Kai does not know that is what appearance, but from protecting the own these female qualities, Fifth Elder is not definitely bad. 冰心谷五长老杨开不知道是什么样子,但从保护自己的这些女子的素质来看,五长老肯定不差。 This Jiang Xi will covet others Fifth Elder unexpectedly, making Yang Kai remember a few words. 姜晞居然会觊觎人家的五长老,让杨开不由地想起一句话来。 toad lusting after a swan's flesh!” 癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉!” Although situation stern, but Qing Ya could not bear, smiled one. 局势虽然严峻至极,可青雅还是没忍住,笑了一声。 The Jiang Xi hearing is not naturally bad, Yang Kai those words, he turns head immediately, looks toward location/position that Yang Kai is, in the eye a sheet ice cold meaning, cold snort said: „Did boy, what you say a moment ago?” 姜晞的听力自然不差,杨开那句话一出,他立刻扭头,朝杨开所在的位置望去,眼中一片冰寒之意,冷哼道:“小子,你刚才说什么?” The Jiang Xi person was remnant, causing the psychology also to twist, most does not hear others to speak his malicious remarks. 姜晞人残,导致心理也扭曲至极,最听不得别人说他的坏话。 In Yang Kai without doubt stamp his reverse scale. 杨开无疑戳中了他的逆鳞。 Yan Chilei also looked at one toward location/position that Yang Kai was, suddenly looked the color of pleasant surprise, shouted lowly: Unexpectedly is you!” 严赤雷也朝杨开所在的位置望了一眼,忽然面露惊喜之色,低喝道:“居然是你!” At this moment, he cannot bear want to smile smoothly.( To be continued.) 这一刻,他忍不住想要畅笑一番。(未完待续。)
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