MP :: Volume #17

#1633: I must go

Su Yan and Qing Ya joined Ice Heart Valley unexpectedly! 苏颜青雅居然加入了冰心谷 This may really be human affairs Wu Chang . 这可真是世事无常。. Several years ago, Emperor Garden in one line, Yang Kai has had to do with the Ice Heart Valley person, after arriving at Scarlet Billow Star accidentally, knows that the Ice Heart Valley influence is large. 早在几年前,帝苑一行中,杨开就与冰心谷的人打过交道,无意中来到赤澜星之后,也知道冰心谷势力颇大。 But his didn't expect, Su Yan and Qing Ya two people joined Ice Heart Valley unexpectedly. 可他怎么也没想到,苏颜青雅两人居然加入了冰心谷 The words if we had known, he sought early. 若是早知道的话,他早去寻找了。 However, Ice Heart Valley only receives the female **, moreover by ** Ice Attribute ** is well-known with Secret Technique, Ice Sect that truly very suitable Su Yan and Qing Ya two people, they were at after all at that time is completely consistent with the idea of Ice Heart Valley. 不过,冰心谷只收女**,而且以**冰系**和秘术闻名,确实很适合苏颜青雅两人,毕竟她们当时所在的冰宗冰心谷的理念完全一致。 Su Yan she worries about you very much, but she has no way to return to Tong Xuan Continent, she has told me, when she has ability alone shuttle Star Territory time, will go back to look surely your.” Qing Ya is looking at Yang Kai, thinks that his these years have also treated on Tong Xuan Continent. 苏颜她很牵挂你,可是她没法回到通玄大陆,她一直跟我说,等到她有能力独自穿梭星域的时候,必定会回去找你的。”青雅望着杨开,以为他这些年还一直待在通玄大陆上。 I know, my these years also look for her.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, just when wants again under Su Yan the situation with the Qing Ya inquiry, suddenly a brow wrinkle, opens the mouth saying: Here is not the speech place, first leaves here.” “我知道,我这些年也找她。”杨开微微一笑,正想再跟青雅打探下苏颜的情况时,忽然眉头一皱,开口道:“这里不是说话的地方,先离开这里。” During the speeches, Yang Kai puts out a hand to stroke, Saint Yuan is wrapping Qing Ya, leading her from vanish rapidly same place. 说话间,杨开伸手一拂,圣元包裹着青雅,带着她迅速从原地消失。 After more than ten breaths, martial artist that one crowd has 78 people of quantities arrives at this place, waits and sees one, the person of doubt lead is puzzled: Some here people, how vanished to disappear a moment ago suddenly.” 十几息过后,一群有着七八人数量的武者来到此地,四下观望一阵,领头之人狐疑不解:“刚才这里是有人的,怎么突然消失不见了。” Perhaps detected that our aura, ran.” Some people guessed. “或许察觉到我们的气息,跑了吧。”有人猜测。 Em, first does not manage, goes to support My Sect ** important.” Is the person of big hand head wields, leading others to rush to toward battlefield. “恩,先不管了,前去支援本宗**要紧。”为首之人大手一挥,带着其他人朝战场奔赴。 From that battlefield beyond tens of thousands li (0.5 km), in a small town, Yang Kai and Qing Ya looked for an inn, opened a best room. 距离那战场几万里之外,一座小城之中,杨开青雅找了一间客栈,开了一间上房。 In the room, Yang Kai is asking about the Su Yan these years situations carefully. 房间里,杨开仔细询问着苏颜这些年的情况。 Knew that all her well, not only entered Ice Heart Valley, but also pays a return visit to the Ice Heart Valley Great Elder Ran Yunting disciple, after valued, Yang Kai felt relieved thoroughly. 得知她一切安好,不但进了冰心谷,而且还拜在冰心谷大长老冉云婷门下,备受重视之后,杨开才彻底放下心来。 Ice Heart Valley has the Void King Stage powerhouse to battle, the influence is big, in the valley Great Elder Ran Yunting cultivation level is not absolutely low, can pay respects to join her disciple, actually the Su Yan good fortune. 冰心谷虚王境强者作战,势力不小,谷中大长老冉云婷修为绝对不低,能拜入她的门下,倒是苏颜的福气。 Yang Kai somewhat feels grateful this Ran Yunting faintly. 杨开隐隐有些感激这个冉云婷 If not there is her tender guidance, Su Yan impossible to grow in such short time to the Void Return 1-layer degree! 若非有她悉心指导的话,苏颜不可能在这么短的时间内成长到返虚一层境的程度! Xia Ning Chang refine to melt Tong Xuan Continent Star Source to have this achievement, but Su Yan only depended on ** then can treat as an equal to Xia Ning Chang, obviously Su Yan aptitude was how splendid. 夏凝裳可是炼化了通玄大陆星辰本源才有这个成就的,而苏颜只凭**便能与夏凝裳平起平坐,可见苏颜资质是多么出色。 Even, Qing Ya also told him, Su Yan has been starting preparing to break through 2-layer. 甚至,青雅还告诉他,苏颜已经在着手准备突破两层境了。 Yang Kai hits heart to be happy for her! 杨开心底为她高兴! Why as for can pay respects to join Ice Heart Valley, some actually luck ingredients be one of them. 至于为什么能拜入冰心谷,倒是有些运气的成分在其中。 According to Qing Ya, in the past after they and Qian Yue separated, then passed that Void Tunnel to go to Green Hills Star. She and Su Yan, the Qian Hao three people fought for time in Green Hills Star laboriously, but their cultivation level was extremely low at that time, be only the level of Saint 2-3rd layer boundary, cannot earn too many Saint Crystal and Spirit Pill, is unable to satisfy itself ** demand. 青雅所说,当年她们与千月分开之后,便通过那虚空甬道去了翠微星。她与苏颜,千皓三人在翠微星上辛苦打拼了一段时间,可无奈那个时候她们修为极低,只有入圣两三层境的层次,赚取不到太多的圣晶灵丹,根本无法满足自身**需求。 Until met by chance Ran Yunting. 直到偶遇了冉云婷 At that time Ran Yunting does not know why in advance toward Green Hills Star, after seeing Su Yan, joyful, immediately indicated must bring back to Ice Heart Valley to cultivate her well. 当时冉云婷不知道为什么事前往翠微星,见到苏颜之后大为欣喜,当即表示要将她带回冰心谷好好栽培。 This grade of good deed, where three people will reject. 这等好事,三人哪会拒绝。 After inquires carefully Ice Heart Valley wind commented, Su Yan and Qing Ya resolutely decide to join Ice Heart Valley, as for Qian Hao, because is a man, therefore is unable to join. 在仔细打探了一下冰心谷的风评之后,苏颜青雅毅然决然地决定加入冰心谷,至于千皓,因为是个男子,所以无法加入。 However to Qian Hao, Ran Yunting also has the placement, allowing him to enter attached in Sect under Ice Heart Valley, now also has Saint King 2-layer cultivation level. 不过对千皓,冉云婷也有安置,让他进入了附属在冰心谷下的一个宗门中,如今也有圣王两层境修为 Listened to narration of Qing Ya, the Yang Kai expression is strange. 听了青雅的讲述,杨开表情怪异。 Originally you have really gone to Green Hills Star.” He smiles bitterly again and again. “原来你们真的去过翠微星啊。”他苦笑连连。 Qian Yue keeps Green Hills Star is so long, actually cannot inquire Su Yan and the others the information, originally was goes late. 千月留在翠微星上那么久,却始终没能打探到苏颜等人的情报,原来是去晚了。 If 20-30 years pass by early, possibly can also meet, but Qian Yue goes to Green Hills Star that meeting, Su Yan and the others had gone to Scarlet Billow Star. 若是早个20-30年过去的话,可能还能遇见,但千月翠微星的那会,苏颜等人早就去了赤澜星了。 „, Right, Qian Yue missed you very much.” “哦,对了,千月很挂念你们。” „Did you meet Qian Yue? Can she fortunately?” Qing Ya asked pleasantly surprised, in the past after separating, she does not know how the Qian Yue situation, these years for its worry, has also listened to a Yang Kai such saying, Qing Ya to be overjoyed now. “你遇到千月了?她可还好?”青雅惊喜问道,当年分开之后,她就再也不知道千月情况如何,这些年来也一直为其忧心,如今听杨开这么一说,青雅大喜过望。 Is good, your own asked her.” Yang Kai shows a faint smile. “好不好的,你自己问她吧。”杨开微微一笑。 „Did own ask?” Qing Ya black eyebrows slightly wrinkled, does not know that Yang Kai what is this. 自己问?”青雅眉微皱,不知道杨开这是什么意思。 Yang Kai actually closed the eye, communicates Mysterious Boundary Bead by Spiritual Mind, seeks for the Qian Yue trail, confirmed that she after closing up, said with her, puts out a hand to stroke, put from Mysterious Boundary Bead her. 杨开却闭上了眼睛,以神念沟通玄界珠,寻找到千月的踪迹,确认她不在闭关之后,与她说了一声,伸手一拂,将她从玄界珠里放了出来。 What matter has?” After Qian Yue appears, a face is confused. “有什么事?”千月出现之后,一脸迷茫。 Who do you have a look at this are?” Yang Kai referred to her behind, is with a smile typical. “你看看这是谁?”杨开指了指她身后,笑吟吟地道。 Qian Yue turns head, the beautiful pupil will stare the circle shortly, at once has the tears moistly the eye socket, flutters to shout: Sect Master!” 千月回头,美眸顷刻间瞪圆,旋即有泪水湿润了眼眶,颤声呼喊:“宗主!” Qian Yue......” Qing Ya also excited in the extreme. 千月……”青雅也激动的无以复加。 Although Star Territory is splendid, but is unable to obliterate them the remembrance forever of the old friend, in the past on Tong Xuan Continent, iced Inner Sect, Qing Ya and Elder Qian Yue sentiment was excellent, like the sisters, dozens years previous left, now says goodbye, some unexpectedly sentiments not from already. 星域虽精彩,可永远也无法磨灭她们对故人的思念,当年在通玄大陆上,冰宗内,青雅千月长老的感情就极好,如同姐妹,几十年前一别,如今再见,竟有些情不自已。 The eye socket of two people somewhat is red. 两人的眼眶都有些红。 Sent regards mutually, confirmed that opposite party these year is well, cultivation level rose sharply, unable to contain one's joy. 互相问候一番,确认对方这些年都平安无事,修为大涨,喜不自禁。 Yang Kai you found Sect Master unexpectedly!” Qian Yue is looking at Yang Kai grateful, since Gloom Star meets Yang Kai, Qian Yue these years will have looked for Qing Ya and the others to regard the own goal, this has almost become her worry. 杨开你居然找到宗主了!”千月感激地望着杨开,自从在幽暗星上遇到杨开之后,千月这些年来一直将寻找青雅等人当成了自己的目标,这几乎已经成了她的心病。 Yang Kai says that now satisfied her desire! 杨开今曰满足了她的愿望! Su Yan? My brother? Can they fortunately?” Qian Yue urgently urgently asked. 苏颜呢?我哥哥呢?他们可还好?”千月急急问道。 Su Yan is very good, your Elder Brother Qian Hao is also good now, in Sect named Imaginary Soul Sect, you do not need to be worried.” Qing Ya said comfortably. 苏颜很好,你哥哥千皓如今也不错,在一个叫幻神宗宗门里,你不用担心。”青雅宽慰道。 That is good, that is good.” The Qian Yue cheeks are moist, the joyful tears fall unceasingly, in the surface actually full is the smile. “那就好,那就好。”千月脸颊湿润,喜悦的泪水不断滑落,面上却满是微笑。 Come, told that me your years situations, our matters I had told Yang Kai a moment ago.” Qing Ya is holding the hand of Qian Yue, sits one side, inquired. “来,跟我说说你们这些年的情况,我们的事我刚才已经告诉杨开了。”青雅拉着千月的手,坐到一旁,询问起来。 The Qian Yue 1510 places are replying. 千月一五一十地回答着。 Knew that she almost degenerated into brothel female that received a guest, on the Qing Ya ice-cold face covered the 1-layer cold frost, looked at Yang Kai one grateful. 得知她差点沦为接客的青楼女子,青雅冰冷的脸上蒙上了一层寒霜,感激地望了杨开一眼。 Also knew that Yang Kai now almost a series ** immediately the star, Qing Ya shocks in the extreme. 又得知杨开如今几乎一统了一颗**之星,青雅当即震惊的无以复加。 Even if that ** on-board does not have Void King Stage to assume personal command, wants a series still absolutely is not the simple matter, not only needs to crush the surname the advantage, but also needs the huge charisma. 即便那颗**之星上没有虚王境坐镇,想要一统也绝对不是简单的事,那不但需要压倒姓的优势,还需要巨大的人格魅力。 time passes slowly, two females meet again after a long separation, as if there is words that cannot speak. 时间缓缓流逝,两女久别重逢,似乎有说不完的话。 Yang Kai has not gone to disturb them, but sits in the one side peacefully, listens respectfully with single-hearted devotion. 杨开没去打扰她们,只是安静地坐在一旁,专心聆听。 Until at dusk, Qing Ya as if recovers, looked at Yang Kai one embarrassed: Probably we said were somewhat many.” 直到傍晚时分,青雅才似乎回过神来,不好意思地看了杨开一眼:“我们好像说的有些多了。” „The Qing Ya senior was serious, I can understand.” 青雅前辈严重了,我能理解。” If he and Su Yan has a reunion, only fears can also so. 若他与苏颜重逢的话,只怕也会如此。 Your present cultivation level boundary far exceeds in me, do not call my senior.” Qing Ya smiles, „, moreover you now are also Sect Master, regardless of the position status is not I can compare, shouted again senior, I feared that was shameful.” “你如今修为境界远超于我,就不要叫我前辈了。”青雅抿嘴一笑,“而且你如今也是一宗之主,无论地位身份都不是我能比的,再喊前辈的话,我怕是要无地自容了。” Senior is a senior.” Yang Kai shakes the head, he never felt, because the strength rise can despise the elders and superiors. “前辈就是前辈。”杨开摇了摇头,他从来不觉得因为实力提升就可以藐视尊长。 You , if not shut out, calling an elder sister was good.” Qing Ya is smiling, I and Su Yan now are also the relations of same side apprentice sisters, here is Star Territory, no longer was Tong Xuan Continent, does not need to intertwine the beforehand matter, we should proceed to look.” “你要是不嫌弃的话,称呼一声姐姐好了。”青雅微笑着,“我与苏颜如今也是同门师姐妹的关系,这里是星域,不再是通玄大陆了,没必要纠结以前的事情,我们都该往前看。” Yang Kai nods, opens the mouth saying: I along with Su Yan, called you for Senior Sister.” 杨开点点头,开口道:“那我随苏颜,称呼你为师姐吧。” This is then good.” Qing Ya nods, remembers Su Yan, she smiles: Su Yan should learn of your news now, although in she for a long time occupies the island, year to year closes up **, does not contact with the bystander, but I before leave behind a correspondence to her just before leaving, she will look at my one time every month, sees that correspondence, knows surely you arrived at Scarlet Billow Star.” “这样便好。”青雅点头,想起苏颜,她会心一笑:“苏颜如今应该已经得知你的消息了,她虽然久居内岛,常年闭关**,不与外人接触,但我在临走之前给她留下一封信函,她每个月都会去看我一次,见到那封信函,必定知道你到了赤澜星。” „Can I enter Ice Heart Valley?” Yang Kai anticipates the inquiry. “我能进冰心谷么?”杨开期待地询问。 „Do you want to go?” Qing Ya knits the brows, Ice Heart Valley, although is not thin to me and Su Yan, but this time Ice Heart Valley ** sends out to seek for your trail on a large scale, concrete reason my not clear, but you, if comes in Ice Heart Valley on own initiative, no one knows that what happened.” “你想去?”青雅皱了皱眉,“冰心谷虽然对我和苏颜不薄,但这一次冰心谷**大举出动就是为了寻找你的踪迹,具体缘由我不清楚,可你若是主动在冰心谷现身的话,谁也不知道会发生什么事。” That can Su Yan leave Ice Heart Valley?” Yang Kai also asked. “那苏颜能离开冰心谷么?”杨开又问。 Qing Ya shakes the head: Great Elder expects about Su Yan is very high, now is Su Yan prepares to break through the 2-layer critical moment, but our Ice Heart Valley and Brilliant Fire Sect war is also getting more and more frequent, Great Elder impossible to put Su Yan to leave on this time.” 青雅摇头:“大长老苏颜期望很高,如今又是苏颜准备突破两层境的关键时刻,而我们冰心谷火耀宗的战事也越来越频繁,大长老不可能在这个时候苏颜离开的。” I must go!” Yang Kai said solemnly. “那我要去!”杨开沉声道 You......” Qing Ya open mouth, seeming like wants to console, may see his firm look, knows own, regardless of said that anything is also useless, immediately sighed: You allow me to think.” “你……”青雅张了张嘴,似乎是想劝解一番,可一见到他那坚定的神色,就知道自己无论说什么也没用,当即叹息一声:“你容我想想。” Yang Kai nods, does not disturb her. 杨开点点头,不去打扰她。 For a long time, Qing Ya sighed, raises the head looked to Yang Kai: You want to enter Ice Heart Valley, only then exposes the own status, making the Ice Heart Valley person welcome on own initiative you, otherwise, you cannot go, Ice Heart Valley never allows the man to visit, since ten thousand years, without exception!” 许久,青雅才叹息一声,抬头看向杨开:“你想进冰心谷,只有暴露自己的身份,让冰心谷的人主动把你迎进去,否则的话,你是进不去的,冰心谷从来不允许男子踏足,万年以来,没有例外!” I, so long as exposes the status, they will welcome on own initiative me?” Yang Kai raises the eyebrow. “我只要暴露身份,她们会主动把我迎进去?”杨开扬眉。 I am indefinite, because I do not know why Ice Heart Valley is looking for you, the this time sound is very just big, if Great Elder and Sect Master they enough attach great importance to you, has this possibility.” “我不确定,因为我不知道冰心谷为什么在找你,只不过这一次的动静很大,若是大长老宗主她们对你足够重视的话,是有这个可能的。” That exposes!” Yang Kai cracks into a smile, this matter on exhausted Qing Ya Senior Sister.” “那就暴露吧!”杨开咧嘴一笑,“这事就劳烦青雅师姐了。” „It is not exhausted, I only need to report, will have Sect high-level to lead you to walk surely!” The Qing Ya look is serious, „, but, did you think? If you really enter Ice Heart Valley, will have anything no one to forecast.” “不劳烦,我只需要上报,必定会有宗门高层来带你走的!”青雅神色严肃,“只不过,你想好了?你若真的进入冰心谷,会发生什么没人能预测到。” Might as well, I only strove for seeing one side Su Yan.” Yang Kai indifferent nod. “无妨,我只求去见苏颜一面。”杨开淡然点头。 Good, since you decided, I contacted with them.” Qing Ya nods, takes out together Communication Compass from own Space Ring, pours into Spiritual Mind toward. “好,既然你这么决定,那我就联系她们了。”青雅点点头,从自己空间戒里取出一块传讯罗盘,往内灌入神念 After the moment, in Communication Compass transmits the obvious Spiritual Mind fluctuation. 片刻后,传讯罗盘里传来明显的神念波动。 Crossed a meeting again, Qing Ya receives Communication Compass, raises the head looked at Yang Kai saying: Thirteenth Elder in the , she meets after the wedding brings you to go to Ice Heart Valley!”( To be continued.) 再过一会,青雅收起了传讯罗盘,抬头望着杨开道:“十三长老就在附近,她会亲自带你前往冰心谷!”(未完待续。)
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