MP :: Volume #17

#1632: Qing Ya

This madame, Liu urged good that your obediently was without a fight, but can also be short is suffered, Liu was also ** the person, does not want to feel embarrassed female .” Below battlefield, an old man acts attack while is shouting loudly, seeming like wants to urge that female to give up resisting. “这位夫人,刘某劝你乖乖束手就擒的好,还能少受些折磨,刘某也是**之人,并不想为难一个女子。.”下方战场中,其中一个年纪稍大的男子一边出手攻击一边大声叫着,似乎是想劝那女子放弃抵挡。 But another age seems like some slightly young male cold snort saying: Why Senior Brother Liu rubbish with her, this woman figure appearance is good, when my fellow apprentices two people captured to capture alive her, enjoyed well, picked to make up her essence again, making her not seek livehood to ask unable!” 而另外一个年纪看起来稍小一些男子则冷哼道:“刘师兄何必与她废话,这女人身段样貌不错,待我师兄弟二人将她擒拿活捉了,好好享受一番,再采补她的精气,让她求生不得求死不能!” Brilliant Fire Sect martial artist **, although is Fire Attribute **, but actually Secret Technique, can using Ice Heart Valley ** Ice Attribute Saint Yuan broken then stands , to promote the cultivation level boundary in extremely short time. 火耀宗武者**的虽然是火系**,但却有一种秘术,能够利用冰心谷**的冰系圣元破而后立,在极短的时间内提升修为境界。 Two big Sect each other aim at the innumerable years, the Ice Heart Valley female ** many was missing strangely, basically by the Brilliant Fire Sect person capturing. 两大宗门彼此针对无数年,冰心谷的女**有不少离奇失踪了,基本上都是被火耀宗的人给掳了去。 These females ** the fate can be imagined. 那些女**的下场可想而知。 Although this Secret Technique also has certain danger to the Brilliant Fire Sect person, but many Brilliant Fire Sect ** does not dread, instead goes after like ducks, takes humiliating picks to make up the Ice Heart Valley female ** for honor. 虽然这种秘术火耀宗的人来说也有一定的危险,但许多火耀宗**都并不畏惧,反而趋之若鹜,以凌辱采补冰心谷女**为荣。 The Brilliant Fire Sect high level also always ignores. 火耀宗高层也从来置之不理。 Two Brilliant Fire Sect person ** the face, sang the black face, shook the female mind enormously. 两个火耀宗的人一个**脸,一个唱黑脸,极大地撼动女子的心神。 despicable, shameless!” That female clenches teeth to drink tenderly, Saint Yuan surges, innumerable only pure white like jade, becomes flying bird-shaped that by the Ice Attribute energy gathering becomes, lifelike, the warbling resounds, that innumerable bird flies to shoot in all directions, attempts to disturb the line of sight of two people. 卑鄙,无耻!”那女子咬牙娇喝,一身圣元涌动,无数只洁白如玉,由冰系能量汇聚而成的飞鸟形成,活灵活现,鸟鸣声响起,那无数飞鸟四面八方地飞射出去,企图干扰两人的视线。 „To run!” Young Brilliant Fire Sect ** a look offense, Fire Attribute Saint Yuan rushes, making his whole person seemingly just like fireball of one group of combustion, was concerned with, welcomed these birds to hit. “想跑!”年轻一些的火耀宗**神色一戾,火系圣元澎湃,让他整个人看起来犹如一团燃烧的火球,不闻不问,迎着那些飞鸟就撞了上去。 Disintegrating, the flame is dreadful. 冰消瓦解,火焰滔天。 The Liu man makes use to bully, rumbles a fist in the slits of these birds. 刘姓男子趁势欺上,在那些飞鸟的缝隙中轰出一拳。 Huge flame tiger illusory shadow appears suddenly, the tiger's roar acoustic shock day, opens the big mouth to throw toward female. 一只巨大的火焰老虎虚影蓦然出现,虎啸声震天,张开血盆大口朝女子扑过去。 female by about converging attack, appears is beset with problems, although exhausted the method to defuse the crisis, but on the shoulder was still scratched by the flame tiger, revealed half foot scar, fresh blood gushes out together. 女子被左右夹击,显得捉襟见肘,虽然用尽手段化解了危机,可肩头上依然被火焰老虎擦中一下,露出一道半尺长的伤痕,鲜血涌出。 Figure staggers, after standing firm the body, Brilliant Fire Sect two people complexion has thrown in front of her fiercely. 身形一个踉跄,待稳住身体之后,火耀宗两人已经面色狰狞地扑到了她面前。 female looks the desperate color, in the beautiful pupil exudes to deduct fresh longing, but this fondly remembers quickly is then crushed, subsequently transforms the will of seeking. 女子面露绝望之色,美眸里不禁泛起一抹对生的怀念,可是这一丝怀念很快便被粉碎,继而转变成了求死的意志。 She knows, if own really falls to the Brilliant Fire Sect manpower on, that will be the ratio will die also uncomfortably. 她知道,自己若是真的落到火耀宗的人手上,那将会是比死还难受。 Therefore Ice Heart Valley female ** generally when goes out, Elders will urge them, is captured with it, might as well from falling! 所以冰心谷的女**一般外出之时,长老们都会叮嘱她们,与其被擒,不如自陨! Each Ice Heart Valley female ** records these words sincerely. 每一个冰心谷的女**都谨记着这句话。 „It is not good, this ** the maid wants dead!” That year light Brilliant Fire Sect ** had a big shock, he and Ice Heart Valley many people have fought, has experienced present, naturally knows that the opposite party wanted to do. “不好,这**婢想死!”那年轻一些的火耀宗**大惊失色,他与冰心谷不少人战斗过,也见识过眼前的这一幕,自然知道对方想要干什么。 „To die is not easy!” The Liu man smiles treacherously, puts out a hand to throw, a flame shining rope rope-shaped Secret Treasure lasing goes out suddenly, if there is Spirituality to bundle female generally. “想死没那么容易!”刘姓男子诡谲一笑,伸手一抛,一根火光灿灿的绳索状秘宝忽然激射出去,如有灵姓一般地将女子捆了起来。 At once he will pull out this rope in the future, female was been tight by Untidy-looking immediately. 旋即他将这绳索往后一抽,女子顿时被勒得紧紧的。 Saint Yuan that is unconstrained fluctuates subsides suddenly, female dull stood in place, in the beautiful pupil overflowed completely the panic-stricken color. 跌宕起来的圣元波动骤然平息,女子站在原地,美眸里溢满了惊恐之色。 Haha, Liu this bunch of Yuan ropes asked Item Refining Great Master to build for your Ice Heart Valley person specially, tied the Yuan rope to tie up, do not want from exploding Saint Yuan.” The Liu man sees with own eyes has gone well, is disinclined to camouflage the beforehand appearance again, ** looked at female one, ** the evil expression appears on the face. “哈哈,刘某这束元索是专门请炼器大师为你们冰心谷的人打造的,被束元索捆缚,你就别想自爆圣元了。”刘姓男子眼见已经得手,也懒得再去伪装成之前的样子,**地望了女子一眼,**邪的表情浮现在脸上。 Killed me!” female is struggling, how may to her diligently, has no way to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan, ties up as if to restrain her Saint Yuan strength in rope Secret Treasure. “杀了我!”女子挣扎着,可任凭她如何努力,也没法催动圣元,捆缚在身上的绳索秘宝仿佛有着克制她圣元的力量。 The opposite party have not spoken incorrectly, this Secret Treasure truly is specially is Ice Heart Valley ** builds, this by rope one bunch, she is unable to stimulate to movement Saint Yuan. 对方没有说错,这秘宝确实是专门为冰心谷的**打造出来的,这被绳索一捆,她根本无法催动圣元 How I am willing to kill you!” The Liu man smiles one evilly, captures alive a Ice Heart Valley person is not easy, moreover you are so attractive, Liu loves you also to come not sharply.” “我怎么舍得杀你!”刘姓男子邪笑一声,“活捉一个冰心谷的人可不容易,而且你还这么漂亮,刘某疼你还来不急呢。” The female complexion is pallid, she almost can foresee own saying that after the destiny can be how pitiful. 女子脸色煞白,她几乎可以预见自己曰后的命运会是多么凄惨。 Also wants to nip the tongue to commit suicide! Do you want?” That year light point male cold snort, put out a hand a finger/refers, Saint Yuan infiltrated female within the body together, let her immediately stiff in place, cannot say the words. “还想咬舌自尽!你想多了吧?”那年轻一点的男子冷哼一声,伸手一指,一道圣元打入女子体内,让她顿时僵硬在原地,连话都不能说了。 First leaves here.” The Liu man looked at big battlefield one that dozens li (0.5 km) away, the meaning that also do not go to assist, to him, captures alive an enemy to gain enough. “先离开这里。”刘姓男子望了一眼那几十里外的大战场,也没有要前去相助的意思,对他来说,活捉一个敌人已经赚够了 Junior Brother and you together.” Another male laughing said, the smiling face is meaningful. 师弟与你一起。”另外一个男子笑嘻嘻地道,笑容意味深长。 Naturally must have the Junior Brother share.” The Liu man understands, takes a step to go forward, then must hugs around the middle overpowered female. “自然少不了师弟的份。”刘姓男子心领神会,迈步上前,便要将被制服的女子拦腰抱起。 But he just now goes out three steps, at present is a flower, the person's shadow ghosts and demons appear before him together generally, spans in him with that female. 可他才刚走出三步,眼前便是一花,一道人影鬼魅一般地出现在他面前,横亘在他和那女子之间。 The Liu man has a scare, the instinct will leap several feet distance in the future, takes a look at the person vigilantly, in the mouth shouts lowly: Friend who?” 刘姓男子吓了一跳,本能地往后跃出几丈距离,警惕地打量来人,口中低喝道:“朋友何人?” The opposite party have not spoken, but coldly is looking at him, the biting cold ice in that look almost concentrates for the essence coldly, lets ** Fire Attribute ** his some are unable to resist, exudes one share cold intent from top to bottom. 对方没有说话,只是冷冷地望着他,那眼神中的彻骨冰寒几乎凝为实质,让**了火系**的他都有些无法抵挡,浑身上下泛起一股子冷意。 Senior Brother......” that year light martial artist discovery is not right, a sudden the youth face is looking at them bad, in the eye hidden had murderous intention to surge, obviously was not the own person. 师兄……”那年轻一些的武者也发现不对了,突然出现的这个青年一脸不善地望着他们,眼中隐有杀机涌动,明显不是自己人。 The Liu man knits the brows, suddenly at present one bright, startled called out: Is you!” 刘姓男子皱了皱眉,忽然眼前一亮,惊叫道:“是你!” He recognized obviously the status of coming the person! 他显然认出了来人的身份! The voice falls, he has nothing launches the movement to run away toward the distant place hesitant! 话音落,他没有任何犹豫地展开身法朝远方逃遁! Another person gawked, does not dare the in place stay, to change into a flame again similarly, wanting to flee this place. 另外一人愣了一下,也不敢再在原地逗留,同样化为一道火光,欲要逃离此地。 The future is bad, moreover cultivation level had arrived at Void Return Stage, they are unable to resist with all one's strength, although does not abandon female that will soon succeed in obtaining, may compare with that female, the own surname life is most important. 来者不善,而且修为已经到了返虚镜,他们根本无法力敌,虽然不舍即将到手的女子,可与那女子相比,自己的姓命还是最重要的。 Moreover, two people has recognized that fellow who comes the person to be they continuously in seeking, now the most vital duty hurries here discovery reporting, which also has the thoughts to go to manages other. 而且,两人都已认出了来人正是他们一直在寻找的那个家伙,现在最重要的任务就是赶紧将这里的发现上报,哪还有心思去管其他。 two people speed wonderful quick, the time of a blink then had run several thousand feet (333 m). 两人速度奇快,一眨眼的功夫便已跑了几百丈 The youth as if do not care, will soon vanish until their forms in the field of vision, puts out a hand at a moderate pace, to grasp shot two. 青年似乎并不在意,直到他们的身影即将消失在视野中,才不紧不慢地伸手,屈指弹了两下。 As if there is sharp sound air-splitting to transmit. 似乎有尖锐的破空声传来。 In the extremely far place, resounds two rapid pitiful yells, escaping two Brilliant Fire Sect ** the figure lives, as if struck by lightning, then drops down. 在极远的地方,响起两声急促的惨叫,逃跑的两个火耀宗**身形顿住,如遭雷噬,然后倒下。 Overpowered female was startled, the beautiful pupil flickered does not move stares at the back of front man, for a moment was only feeling that this back broad like river, the grand as mountain, the heart of hearts was full of the gratitude. 被制服的女子怔住了,美眸一瞬不移地盯着前方男子的背影,一时间只感觉这背影宽阔如长河,雄伟似高山,内心深处充满了感激。 Her didn't expect, in this at crucial moment, will have the powerhouse to help own unexpectedly. 她也没想到,在这种关键时候,居然会有强者来帮助自己 Ice Heart Valley does not have the male **, does not know that front this person is attached these Sect person of under Ice Heart Valley. 冰心谷是没有男**的,就是不知道面前这人是不是附属在冰心谷下的那些宗门之人。 She thinks the opens the mouth to express gratitude, may by former Brilliant Fire Sect ** the seal, opens the mouth only to spread ehm the sound, a character could not say. 她想张口道谢,可被之前火耀宗**封印,一开口只传出嗯嗯啊啊的声响,一个字也说不出来。 However...... why does this person of back seem somewhat looks familiar? Always thought where as if sees is the same. 不过……为什么这人的背影看起来有些眼熟?总觉得似乎在哪里见到过一样。 In the female heart the doubt is puzzled. 女子心中狐疑不解。 After striking killed two Brilliant Fire Sect people, the front that man murderous intention rapid dissipation, has turned around, the vision looks complex toward female. 击杀了两个火耀宗的人之后,前方那男子身上的杀机迅速消散,转过身,目光复杂地朝女子望去。 four eyes look at each other, female such as was executed petrified Secret Technique, frames in place, looks to appear suddenly, rescues the person of face of own, the beautiful pupil shivers fiercely. 四目对视,女子如被施了石化秘术,定格在原地,望着忽然出现,救下自己的这人的面孔,美眸剧烈地颤抖起来。 She hardly can believe the eye of own! 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛! Yang Kai sighed: „The Qing Ya senior, many years does not see.” 杨开叹了口气:“青雅前辈,多年不见。” During the speeches, put out a hand to sweep, cuts off was tying up her rope Secret Treasure, without the fetter of Secret Treasure, Qing Ya revolved Saint Yuan, then conflicted the seal of own within the body, but she is still looking at front that person until the place, shocking a few words could not say. 说话间,伸手一扫,斩断了捆缚着她的那件绳索秘宝,没有秘宝的束缚,青雅只是运转了一下圣元,便冲突了自己体内的封印,可她依然直至地望着前方那人,震惊的一句话也说不出来。 Her didn't expect, rescues own radically, unexpectedly can be Yang Kai! 她根本没想到,来救自己的,居然会是杨开 This in recent one year of time, has not made an appearance, entire Scarlet Billow Star Wind and Cloud treacherous Yang Kai that actually stirs! 这个在最近一年时间,未曾露面,却搅的整个赤澜星风云诡谲的杨开 But his present strength, own somewhat could not completely understand unexpectedly, this also means that cultivation level of opposite party is higher than a big boundary compared with own at least! Be only such vast gap, will make own unable to see clearly his real cultivation level. 而他如今的实力,自己竟然有些看不透,这也就意味着,对方的修为自己最少高出一个大境界!只有这么巨大的差距,才会让自己看不清他的真实修为 Rapidness that such how he grows? 他怎么成长的这么快? Qing Ya thinks that growth of Su Yan enough terrifying, after all they are leave from Tong Xuan Continent together, at that time Su Yan cultivation level might as well she, but after entering Star Territory, Su Yan then catches up, to let the speed that the person praised to the heavens ** to the Void Return 1-layer boundary. 青雅以为苏颜的成长已经足够恐怖了,毕竟她们是一起从通玄大陆离开的,那个时候苏颜修为还不如她,可是进入星域之后,苏颜便后来者居上,以让人叹为观止的速度**到了返虚一层境的境界。 But Yang Kai seems to be higher than Su Yan cultivation level. 杨开似乎比苏颜修为还高。 These years, he where? How he is **? 这些年,他在哪里?他又是怎么**的? Qing Ya thought chaos. 青雅的思维一片混沌。 For a long time, she gradually slow god, opens the mouth to say indefinitely: Yang Kai? Really is you?” 许久,她才逐渐缓过神,不确定地开口道:“杨开?果真是你?” Is I.” Yang Kai nods gently. “是我。”杨开轻轻点头。 His didn't expect, own will also bump into once Ice Lord Qing Ya on Scarlet Billow Star unexpectedly. 他也没想到,自己居然会在赤澜星上碰到曾经的冰主青雅 Was seeing opposite party that checks, Yang Kai almost thinks that own is having a dream. 在见到对方的那一刹,杨开几乎以为自己是在做梦。 Qing Ya and Su Yan are together, Qing Ya here, then Su Yan? Is she also here? The Yang Kai's mind is unstable, is almost impossible to suppress the expectation of heart of hearts. 青雅苏颜是一起的,青雅在这里,那么苏颜呢?她是不是也在这里?杨开的心神动荡不安,几乎无法抑制内心深处的期望。 „The Qing Ya senior, Su Yan she......” Yang Kai took a deep breath, opens the mouth to ask, sound dry, he feared that own hears the disappointed answer. 青雅前辈,苏颜她……”杨开深吸一口气,开口问道,声音干涩,他怕自己听到失望的答案。 Su Yan, you do not need to be worried well.” The reply of Qing Ya makes in the Yang Kai heart a giant stone fall to the ground. 苏颜好好的,你不用担心。”青雅的回答让杨开心中一颗巨石落地。 More than 30 years, left from the past years, already past more than 30 years! This leaving with Xia Ning Chang separates differently, although Yang Kai does not see with the Xia Ning Chang many years, actually knows that she in Tong Xuan Continent, is waiting for own there. 三十多年了,自当年一别,已经过去三十多年了!这种离别跟夏凝裳的分开不同,杨开虽然与夏凝裳多年不见,却知道她就在通玄大陆,在那里等着自己 Su Yan different, for these years, Yang Kai does not know that she is where, crossed how, is whether safe. 苏颜不一样,这么多年来,杨开不知道她身在何处,过的如何,是否平安。 This worry, lets the person suffering compared with missing. 这种担忧,远比思念更让人煎熬。 Qing Ya a few words, making him smile, in the smiling face full was the relaxedness that such as released to carry a heavy load. 青雅一句话,让他笑了起来,笑容中满是如释负重的轻松。 You really in the same place?” Yang Kai also asked, now where she is at?” “你们果然在一起么?”杨开又问,“她现在在哪?” She now not here, she in Ice Heart Valley.” “她现在不在这里,她在冰心谷。” Ice Heart Valley, did you enter Ice Heart Valley?” Yang Kai stunned.( To be continued.) 冰心谷,你们入了冰心谷?”杨开愕然。(未完待续。)
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