MP :: Volume #17

#1631: Meeting by chance

Then obedient!” Yang Kai shows a faint smile, thinks saying: Does not fear to tell you, if this King wants, may grind this full Chuanren conveniently is ashes, on this ship strength highest that old fogy, is Void Return 1-layer, but this King leniency, does not want to do that . Hopes you can consider for the own family member friend, if really provoked this King, perhaps the consequence you cannot withstand.” “这才听话!”杨开微微一笑,想了想道:“也不怕告诉你,若是本座愿意的话,随手可将这满船人碾为齑粉,这船上实力最高的那老家伙,也不过是返虚一层境罢了,只是本座慈悲为怀,不太想这么做。.希望你可以为了自己的亲人朋友多考虑一下,真要是惹恼了本座,后果你恐怕承受不起。” The young female beautiful pupil stares the circle, nods constantly. 少女美眸瞪圆,不迭地点头。 Yang Kai spoke thoughtlessly to say on the ship the boundary of cultivation level highest, making young female realize this youth perhaps really very terrifying. 杨开随口道出了船上修为最高者的境界,让少女意识到这个青年或许真的很恐怖 She does not certainly dare to take the own surname life again, the own clansman surname life cracks a joke. 她当然不敢再拿自己的姓命,自己族人的姓命开玩笑。 Yang Kai loosens her, young female really no longer yells, but is looking at him terrifiedly, did not say a word. 杨开松开她,少女果然不再叫喊,而是惶恐不安地望着他,一言不发。 Em, do not fear, although this King is not what good person, but is not the evil person, your obediently is obedient, has your advantage.” Yang Kai comforts one. “恩,别怕,本座虽然不算什么好人,可也不是恶人,你乖乖听话,有你的好处。”杨开宽慰一声。 The young female courage is very big, after experiencing initial frightening and fear, sees a Yang Kai benign appearance, was really tranquiler, but still does not dare to open the mouth at will, but stands in that anxiously. 少女胆子还是挺大的,经历了最初的惊吓和恐惧之后,见杨开一副和颜悦色的样子,果然平静了许多,可依然不敢随意开口,只是不安地站在那。 Yang Kai emits Spiritual Mind, took a fast look around a peripheral environment carefully, somewhat guessed faintly why own will appear here. 杨开放出神念,仔细扫视了一下周边环境,隐隐有些猜测到自己为何会出现在这里了。 At that time he hid a river bottom Mysterious Boundary Bead, now looks like Mysterious Boundary Bead by this young female obtained accidentally the reason. 当时他将玄界珠藏了一条河底,现在看来玄界珠是被这个少女无意中得到了的缘故。 How to obtain, his not very clear. 只是到底如何得到的,他就不太清楚了。 cultivation level of opposite party only has Transcendent 3-Stage, even Saint does not have, the stature is slender, seems like very delicate appearance, the appearance is delicate. 对方的修为不过只有超凡三层境,连入圣都没有,身材纤细,看起来很是柔弱的样子,容貌清秀。 Where here is, who are you?” The Yang Kai restraining mind, looked for a chair to sit down, looks at young female to ask. “这里是什么地方,你们又是什么人?”杨开收敛心神,找了个椅子坐下,望着少女问道。 young female swallowed a saliva, is suppressing panic-stricken in heart, flutters to reply: Returns to the words of senior, here is Thorn Lake, we are the Wang Family people.” 少女吞了口口水,压制着心中的惊恐,颤声答道:“回前辈的话,这里是荆棘湖,我们是王家的人。” Thorn Lake, Wang Family! Yang Kai has not listened, in the heart the estimate is this ** on-board little family. 荆棘湖,王家杨开没听过,心中估计是这个**之星上一个小家族。 Pours does not care, now he comes out from Mysterious Boundary Bead, the primary duty is under the inquiry Luo Hai also in Scarlet Billow Star. 倒也不去在意,如今他从玄界珠里出来,首要的任务就是打探下骆海还在不在赤澜星 Although he thought that Luo Hai will not have sought for own over more than past year probably again, may be careful correctly, he does not dare is too high-profile, will therefore force this young female, wants to eavesdrop on some news from her mouth. 尽管他觉得都已经过去一年多了,骆海大概也不会再寻找自己,可小心无错,他还是不敢太张扬,所以才会逼迫这个少女,想从她口中探听些消息。 The possible surname that the opposite party know is not big, but how Luo Hai said that is also the Void King 2-layer powerhouse, every action and every movement possibly noticeable, what if this young female does know? 对方知道的可能姓不大,但骆海怎么说也是虚王两层境强者,一举一动都可能引人注目,万一这少女知道点什么呢? Em, this ** what did the star call?” Yang Kai also asked. “恩,这颗**之星叫什么?”杨开又问。 Scarlet Billow Star!” young female stunned is looking at Yang Kai, in the beautiful pupil full is curious. 赤澜星!”少女愕然地望着杨开,美眸中满是好奇。 Scarlet Billow Star?” A Yang Kai brow wrinkle, then thinks immediately, own and many Scarlet Billow Star martial artist have had to do. First did not say that Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley person, said in that Xu Dingyang that in the blood prison bumps into, seems the Scarlet Billow Star person. 赤澜星?”杨开眉头一皱,立刻便想起来,自己与不少赤澜星武者打过交道啊。先不说火耀宗冰心谷的人,就说在血狱里碰到的那个许丁阳,似乎就是赤澜星的人。 Before he at the point of death, but also holds own to go to Blue Feather Sect, told that side his death news to come. 他临死之前,还托自己去一趟青羽门,告诉那边他的死讯来着。 didn't expect own bumps into, unexpectedly runs up to this ** on-board. 没想到自己误打误撞,居然跑到这颗**之星上了。 „Does here have Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley?” “这里是不是有个火耀宗冰心谷?” Yes.” young female nods, Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley are on Scarlet Billow Star most powerful two Sect, has the Void King Stage powerhouse to assume personal command.” “是啊。”少女点头,“火耀宗冰心谷赤澜星上最强大的两个宗门,都有虚王境强者坐镇。” Replied Yang Kai several issues, the young female mood was gentler, the courage was also bigger, walked up on own initiative, pours water to Yang Kai. 回答了杨开几个问题,少女的情绪平缓了许多,胆子也大了很多,主动走上前来,给杨开倒了杯水。 She also looks, Yang Kai truly does not seem like what evil person. 她也看出来,杨开确实不像是什么恶人。 Has Void King Stage to assume personal command!” Yang Kai astonished, his understanding these two big Sect is not deep, but contacts the strengths of these people by him, there is martial artist of this level to assume personal command also to be but actually natural. “有虚王境坐镇!”杨开讶然,他对这两大宗门的了解并不深,但以他接触到那些人的实力来看,有这种层次的武者坐镇倒也是理所当然的。 „Does that have named Blue Feather Sect?” Yang Kai asked again. “那有没有一个叫青羽门的?”杨开再问。 The beautiful pupil of young female bright flickered: Senior and do Blue Feather Sect have the friendship?” 少女的美眸明亮了一瞬:“前辈与青羽门有交情么?” Is far from, you replied that my issue is!” “谈不上,你回答我的问题就是!” The young female complexion changes, hastily nod: Has. Our Wang Family attaches to the family under Blue Feather Sect.” 少女脸色微变,连忙点头:“有的。我们王家就是依附在青羽门下的家族。” Oh? the Yang Kai brow raises, if so?” 哦?杨开眉头一扬,“果真如此?” Younger generation does not dare to deceive.” young female is nipping red lips. “晚辈不敢欺瞒。”少女咬着红唇 You told me, what Blue Feather Sect did Sect Master call?” “那你告诉我,青羽门门主叫什么?” Xu Dingyang permits Sect Master!” 许丁阳门主!” Yang Kai nods gently, he watches a person's every mood, discovered that the young female look is pure, has not deceived the meaning of own, the definite opposite party has not lied, thinks, takes out Space Ring to come, to give young female. 杨开轻轻颔首,他察言观色,发现少女眼神纯净,并没有欺瞒自己的意思,确定对方并没有说谎,想了想,取出一个空间戒来,递给少女 Senior this is......” “前辈这是……” Your Blue Feather Sect Sect Master died in the blood prison, this was his Space Ring, I and he only had casual acquaintance, before he at the point of death, made me have the opportunity to the Scarlet Billow Star words, notified to Blue Feather Sect, now sees you, this assignment gave you, you this Space Ring belt/bring to Blue Feather Sect, that side naturally can confirm.” “你们青羽门门主死在血狱里了,这是他的空间戒,我与他只有一面之缘,他临死前让我有机会到赤澜星的话,给青羽门报个信,如今见到你,这差事就交给你了,你把这个空间戒带到青羽门,那边自然会确认的。” „Did Sect Master die?” young female has a big shock. 门主死了?”少女大惊失色。 In her opinion, the Blue Feather Sect Sect Master cultivation level exceedingly high penetrating place, that is she ** strength that do not want for a lifetime, but the this kind of powerful character died unexpectedly. 在她看来,青羽门门主修为通天彻地,那是她**一辈子也别想拥有的力量,可这样的强大人物居然就死了。 young female absent-minded! 少女不禁失神! Yang Kai gave her digestion time, this asked: What did you call?” 杨开给了她一点消化的时间,这才问道:“你叫什么?” Younger generation Wang Ying!” “晚辈王莹!” Em.” Yang Kai nods, „can Wang Ying, what important matter on Scarlet Billow Star have recently? What great person can come this?” “恩。”杨开点点头,“王莹,最近赤澜星上可发生过什么大事?可有什么大人物来此?” Great person?” Wang Ying is vacant, shakes the head saying: This younger generation not clear, but must speak the words of important matter, but also really has one.” “大人物?”王莹茫然,摇了摇头道:“这晚辈不清楚,不过要说大事的话,还真有一件。” Mentioned listens.” “说来听听。” At that moment, Wang Ying is seeking for a person of news to say Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley. 当下,王莹便将火耀宗冰心谷都在寻找一人的消息说了出来。 Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley in person of seeking, Wang Ying, although does not know the appearance, but heard is one about 20-30 -year-old youth. 火耀宗冰心谷在寻找的人,王莹虽然不知道样貌,但听人说是一个20-30岁左右的青年。 Yang Kai one knows as one pleases is not wonderful. 杨开一听便知道不妙了。 Should not be own? Moreover comes up the inference from time, is own arrives at the Scarlet Billow Star later matter. 该不会是自己吧?而且从时间上来推断,正好是自己来到赤澜星之后的事情。 Brilliant Fire Sect seeks for own, Yang Kai can understand, after all when the blood prison, Yang Kai heard to cross accidentally, Brilliant Fire Sect that Supreme Elder and some Luo Hai friendship, Luo Hai, if in Scarlet Billow Star, will still make Brilliant Fire Sect help seek surely. 火耀宗寻找自己,杨开可以理解,毕竟在血狱的时候,杨开偶然听人说过,火耀宗的那位太上长老骆海有些交情,骆海若是还在赤澜星的话,必定会让火耀宗帮忙寻找的。 But why is Ice Heart Valley also looking for own? 可是冰心谷为什么也在找自己 own and Ice Heart Valley person has had happening together, but that was the matter in Emperor Garden, own and Ice Heart Valley did not have the enmity without the injustice, what did they look for own to make? 自己冰心谷的人有过交集,可那是在帝苑里发生的事了,自己冰心谷无冤无仇的,她们找自己做什么? Emperor Treasure and Void Mind Crystal matter will not leak out absolutely, the Luo Hai goal is this two kinds thing, where will make others bribe? 帝宝虚念晶的事绝对不会泄露出去,骆海的目的就是这两样东西,哪会让别人染指? Yang Kai thinks it over, cannot think through whole story. 杨开思来想去,也想不通其中的原委。 Senior......” Wang Ying sees Yang Kai absent-minded, could not bear call one. “前辈……”王莹杨开失神,忍不住唤了一声。 Your reply satisfies me, this gives you.” Yang Kai loses one to wrap conveniently, places on the table, at once sets out, in a flash, then vanishes to disappear from the room slightly. “你的回答让我很满意,这是给你的。”杨开随手丢出一个包裹来,放在桌子上,旋即起身,微微一晃,便从房间里消失不见了。 How Wang Ying simply has not seen clearly him to vanish. 王莹根本没看清他到底是怎么消失的。 stood in place some little time, Wang Ying pants for breath in gulps, a being survivor of disaster feeling fills the heart. 怔怔地站在原地好一会,王莹才大口大口地喘息,一种劫后余生的感觉弥漫心头。 She goes forward slowly, arrives at the table, unties that package, the beautiful pupil is suddenly bright. 她慢慢上前,走到桌子边,打开那个包裹,美眸骤然明亮起来。 In the package the each and everyone fine jade bottle, at least 20 bottle, inside is completely some Spirit Pill wonderful medicine. 包裹内一个个精致的玉瓶,最少有二十个瓶子,里面尽是一些灵丹妙药 ...... …… No one discovered that Yang Kai left from Iron Ship, has Iron Ship, Yang Kai sought a direction casually, went toward the forward flight. 没人发现杨开铁船上离开,出了铁船,杨开随便寻了一个方向,朝前飞去。 Scarlet Billow Star is unsafe, Luo Hai borrows others unexpectedly the hand, has been seeking for the own trail, Yang Kai wants to hurry to leave this place, once otherwise by Luo Hai discovery trail, is terrible business. 赤澜星不安全,骆海居然假借他人之手,一直在寻找自己的踪迹,杨开想赶紧离开这个地方,否则一旦被骆海发现踪迹的话,又是一桩麻烦事。 Now his control to the Space Force even more strives, although was not worried that can die on Luo Hai, may be pursued by such a powerhouse is not the happy matter. 如今他对空间之力的掌控愈发精进,虽然不担心会死在骆海手上,可被这样一个强者追逐也不是什么愉快的事。 How the security leaves is the biggest problem. 如何安全离开才是最大的问题。 Spiritual Mind of Void King Stage powerhouse is astonishing . Moreover, who knows that Luo Hai and Brilliant Fire Sect do have in the attention leave the Scarlet Billow Star martial artist sound, if were discovered, that is turns oneself in simply Luo, might as well mingles among the security on Scarlet Billow Star. 虚王境强者的神念惊人,而且,谁知道骆海火耀宗有没有在关注离开赤澜星武者的动静,万一被人发现了,那简直就是自投罗,还不如混迹在赤澜星上安全。 The complexion is dignified, Yang Kai indulges in flights of fancy. 脸色凝重,杨开一路胡思乱想。 He is first time is chased down by the Void King Stage powerhouse, moreover is a Star Master rank. 他还是头一次被虚王境强者追杀,而且还是一位星主级别的。 Seriously is the pressure like the mountain! 当真是压力如山! Scarlet Billow Star last present Wind and Cloud is treacherous, Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley, although until now does not cope, often has the friction, which time never has such as this time, each other is in sharp opposition. 赤澜星上如今风云诡谲,火耀宗冰心谷虽然一直以来都不太对付,彼此间也时常有摩擦,可从来没有哪一次如这一段时间,彼此针锋相对。 Attached these Sect under two big influence, the family was also all transferred. 附属在两大势力之下的那些宗门,家族也全部被调动了起来。 Entire Scarlet Billow Star, almost fights everywhere obviously, every said that had the martial artist death. 整个赤澜星,几乎处处可见战斗,每一曰都有武者死亡。 Yang Kai flies, the fight of every big and small witnessed innumerable, small-scale two people independent combat, the large-scale several hundred over a thousand people of tangled warfare, the scene was lively. 杨开一路飞去,大大小小的战斗见证了无数,小型的两人单打独斗,大型的几百上千人混战,场面热闹至极。 Some one said, he has flown from the upper air, the sound of below shouting transmits. 某一曰,他从高空中飞过,下方一片叫嚷之声传来。 Yang Kai lowers the head to look, discovered that under gathered more than 600 people at least, belongs to two Formation camps, is in the internecine strife. 杨开低头望去,发现下面最起码聚集了六百多人,分属两大阵营,正在火拼。 Does not need to think, is conflict between Brilliant Fire Sect and Ice Heart Valley, each one has martial artist falls, the fresh blood incarnadine land, Secret Treasure and Secret Technique radiance is dazzling. 不用想,也是火耀宗冰心谷之间的冲突,各自都有武者陨落,鲜血染红大地,秘宝秘术的光华耀眼至极。 Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, passed over gently and swiftly from the above directly. 杨开缓缓摇头,直接从上方掠过。 Also toward the forward flight dozens li (0.5 km), under still had the fluctuation of fight to transmit. 又往前飞了数十里,下方依然有战斗的波动传来。 But the fight of this time is battles between three people, separates evidently from that large-scale battlefield. 只不过这一次的战斗是三人之间的争斗而已,看样子是从那大型战场中分离出来的。 Two men are besieging female, cultivation level is not high, female has the Saint King 2-layer boundary, two men similarly so. 两个男子正在围攻一个女子,修为都不算高,女子有着圣王两层境的境界,两个男子同样如此。 The boundary is the same, the population then had the advantage, female attempted to break through in all directions, is actually not able to get rid of the two people converging attack, but that two men as if also very dreaded that the female method, does not dare to force, only to be roaming fight, is hitting the idea of exhausting female Saint Yuan. 境界相同,人数便占据了优势,女子左冲右突,却根本无法摆脱两人的夹击,而那两个男子似乎也挺忌惮女子的手段,不敢逼迫太甚,只做游斗,打着耗尽女子圣元的主意。 female wears the white clothing, ice cold aura fills the air, but that two men are actually ** Fire Attribute **, the whole body just like roaring flame burning down, easily then scattered the severe coldness of female, to its converging attack while made impertinent remarks, disturbed the female mind. 女子身穿白衣,一身冰寒气息弥漫,而那两个男子却是**了火属姓的**,周身宛如烈焰焚烧,轻易便驱散了女子的严寒,一边对其夹击一边出言不逊,干扰女子的心神。 attribute repels one another, the female situation is quite difficult. 属姓相克,女子的处境极为艰辛。 Yang Kai grazed the past time from the above, knits the brows to sweep below one. 杨开从上方飞掠过去的时候,皱眉扫了下方一眼。 The female side prints the Yang Kai's line of sight, Yang Kai that is flying rapidly lives in the figure suddenly, the view micro, is staring at female stubbornly, seemed like discovered any serious thing. 女子的侧面印入杨开的视线,正在急速飞行的杨开忽然顿住身形,眼帘微缩,死死地盯着女子,似乎是发现了什么不得了的东西。 The female body is lithe, goes through many places organizes, beautiful hair flies upwards, once for a while directly presents in front of Yang Kai. 女子身体轻盈,辗转腾挪,秀发飞扬,时不时地将正面呈现在杨开面前。 Unexpectedly is she!” The Yang Kai's body shivers, in the eye jumps projects the astonishing brilliance. “居然是她!”杨开的身躯颤抖起来,眼中迸射出惊人的光彩。 His didn't expect, own will run into this woman in Scarlet Billow Star radically unexpectedly!( To be continued.) 他根本没想到,自己居然会在赤澜星遇到这个女人!(未完待续。)
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